Forecast for the lunar day. Twenty-fifth lunar day

Features of the twenty-fifth lunar day:

  • the period is quite active and energetic;
  • Astrologers call the number 7 lucky;
  • most strong energy all metal objects are saturated;
  • when choosing a color, give preference to rich green tones;
  • vulnerable knees and knee joints;
  • there is a harmonious combination of Thursday and 25 lunar days;
  • if you are faced with a choice of precious stones, stop at tiger's eye, hawk's eye, cat's eye; Spars also bring happiness;
  • the northwestern direction is energetically saturated;
  • the shape of the twenty-fifth lunar day resembles a circle with spiral elements;
  • symbols of the period are the Turtle, the Urn, the Shell;
  • the ideal time for a good rest after a hard working period, the human psyche is not capable of active actions, so it is best to fully adapt to new sensations and get used to the results achieved, astrologers recommend finding time for solitude;
  • The heavenly servant Alfar, who takes care of the indigo color, preserves the tranquility of the day (possesses female intuition, gives sophistication, nobility, aristocratic features, helps to successfully complete profitable operations).

25th lunar day: main characteristics

The day promotes the achievement of wisdom, unique abilities. Human capabilities are increasing. New information is absorbed well, understanding and comprehension comes.

Astrologers say that in the twenty-fifths lunar day previously inactive supernatural abilities may awaken. Trips will be successful if you start them on this day.

The trials are successful: real criminals are punished according to their deserts, and the innocent are acquitted. In markets of varying sizes, transactions for the purchase and sale of goods or services bring benefits to both cooperating parties.

A good rest will restore the physical and moral strength necessary for further achievements.

If you make a new friend on the 25th lunar day, he will become an important person in your life. You can also arrange a meeting with old friends - you will definitely have something to remember.

The period cannot be called active. Often there is no desire to do anything. If you don't want to see anyone, then just spend time alone. Your intuition will tell you what will be most beneficial for your body and soul.

Take a break from the daily hustle and bustle and let your body fully recover.

The turtle is a symbol of the period. Her movements are known to be slow and deliberate. Just like this wise animal, you should take your time and weigh all your actions.

Let your thoughts remain pure and calm. It is undesirable to take initiative, solve important problems, or strive to put everything in its place.

Follow the advice of knowledgeable astrologers and understand your own inner world. Think about your usual behavior in society: what causes you negative reaction, do you feel embarrassed in society, do other people’s words and thoughts bother you? But do everything calmly, without emotional outbursts.

Advice for the 25th lunar day: “Take initiative, be active”

Do not lead the usual contemplation of your own internal problems into in-depth soul-searching and excessive self-criticism. This way you can start destruction spiritual world, slow down its development. Your attitude towards yourself should be objective. Everyone has both positive qualities and disadvantages. This is absolutely normal.

Do not tell others about your thoughts - on the twenty-fifth lunar day there is no need to public opinion. Let the personal remain personal.

Solitude is necessary for every person, regardless of his way of thinking, character and temperament. Only moments like these help us understand the true causes of problems. You cannot run away from yourself - someday you will have to face your true Self.

On the 25th lunar day, you must love every part of yourself. This applies to both the pros and cons of your personality.

It is not prohibited to conduct funeral ceremonies and commemorate deceased relatives.

Remember the main truth: on the twenty-fifth lunar day best friend your intuition becomes yours. Don't trust cold reason. It is the voice of the heart that is truly important today.

Business and work

Trading on the 25th lunar day will be very successful and profitable. Therefore, do not miss the chance and get involved in this side of development own business. It doesn’t matter what scale the trading operations will be, the main thing is that all actions are correct and honest. If there are no large purchases in your plans, then at least update your office equipment.

The water element is directly related to money, so on the twenty-fifth lunar day, trust your inner voice. He will tell you which path to choose in order to bring the greatest benefit to the company. Recline logical thinking– today it will not give you valuable advice.

If you fail, remain as calm as possible. Only under this condition will everything lost come back to you in large quantities. Just remember: the Universe takes away everything that prevents your inner world from developing.

Marriage and Marriage

Families created on the twenty-fifth lunar day will experience eternal problems of various nature. This applies to the financial issue, the issue of intimate relationships, and the issue of communication. Combining into a single whole, a man and a woman stop developing and gradually come to a joint feeling of discomfort.

But planning the celebration and honeymoon are not prohibited.

It has been noticed that divorce proceedings during this period take place without unnecessary incidents, without scandals, quarrels and fights. It’s like water washes away the past: smoothly and smoothly.

Health and Wellness

Usually, no changes in the state of the body are observed on the 25th lunar day. If you have not suffered from any disease, then do not fear for your health at this time. And if your illness has already manifested itself for a long time, most likely there will be no improvement on the twenty-fifth lunar day.

If possible, take a dip in a natural water source: such a procedure will cleanse you of excess dirt - internal and external. When taking a bath on the twenty-fifth lunar day, be sure to add an infusion of medicinal herbs (seed, chamomile, and celandine are perfect).

There is a group of astrologers who are of the opinion that starting to take new medicines should be postponed for a few days. Otherwise, a successful result cannot be achieved.

Intimate relationships

When having sex with your loved one, do not try to use unusual positions or movements. Smoothness, convenience and regularity - that’s what you really need in given time. Avoid unnecessary tension – muscular and psychological. Give yourself over to love caresses without rushing.

Astrologers recommend thinking about sex in an aquatic environment. If you can't go to the source, choose a regular shower or bath. The main thing is that the water envelops your bodies and saturates you with its extraordinary energy.

It is not forbidden to drink a couple of glasses of dry red wine before going to bed with your significant other. A slight intoxication will only give you confidence and help you achieve real pleasure.

But there is an astrological prohibition: those who have an unhealthy genitourinary system should forget about intimate relationships for this period. If you disobey this advice, you can cause a complex inflammatory process.

Dreams and dreams

In most cases, dreams show specific things, so you can interpret them yourself - without the help of a specialist. The picture you see will most likely be specific, without allegories or comparisons.

If the dream defies your logic and is difficult to understand, give in to your inner instinct. Every person has intuitive abilities - on the twenty-fifth lunar day they will help in in this case. The truth hidden in the night image will reveal itself to you if you trust your intuition.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

On the 25th lunar day, mystical schools treat the water element very carefully.

Many yogis perform cleansing rituals using water. As you know, standing under a waterfall is a very effective technique. The procedure miraculously eliminates mental dirt, various problems, and negative thoughts.

Tibetan astrologers say that the twenty-fifth lunar day is the time when feminine energy awakens. She is the one who should be worshiped, she should be idolized. Thanks to the energy of the feminine principle, all living things on earth find harmony and peace of mind.

Magic rituals: 25 lunar day

Following the advice of great gurus, on the twenty-fifth lunar day you need to engage in special spiritual practice aimed at testing your own personality.

Almost all psychological tests are based on working with images and various pictures. This procedure helps to understand in which direction a person’s subconscious works, what problems are vital for him. Testing makes it possible to make the necessary changes and improve internal personal attitudes.

If you want to change for the better and gain self-awareness, practicing self-testing will be the right option for you.

Also on the 25th lunar day, various spiritual meditations are performed. I'll introduce you to one of them now.

Guardian Angel Meditation

Take a sitting position with your back straight. The hands should be folded in front of the chest with the palms facing inward, as if for prayer. Place in front of you an icon or any image of your Guardian Angel. Place and light a church candle near it.

Read it out loud next prayer about helping your Guardian Angel:

Do a short meditation through the light of a candle on your Guardian Angel. 2-3 minutes will be enough. Imagine and feel how with every breath the light becomes a part of your body. Open up to the light and give it the opportunity to wash and cleanse you from the inside - from excessive stress, from everything unnecessary and heavy that bothers you.

Take 3 deep breaths using the so-called “angel breath” - sobbing as you inhale through your nose and exhaling long and slowly through your mouth.

Now call your Guardian Angel to come to you and listen to the sounds around you - perhaps you will feel some unusual smell or a light breeze. This means that the Angel heard your prayer. You will feel inner peace and tranquility. Record this feeling and stay in it for as long as you want.

Thank the Angel from the bottom of your heart for his support and understanding, ask him to continue not to leave you and to be with you all the time throughout your life’s journey.

25 lunar day (video)

In this short video (05:15 min) practical esotericist Olga Stepanova will tell you about the esoteric characteristics of the twenty-fifth lunar day.

Alena Golovina

The energy of this lunar day is aimed at self-knowledge of inner life; it is a day of reflection and meditation, a time of self-deepening and passivity. Thoroughness, deliberation, slowness - these are the qualities that can make this day as successful as possible. On the 25th day of the moon, there is no need to rush anywhere and start important things. It's better to dedicate this day internal problems yourself that require a solution.

In esotericism on this day, a window into the world of subtle energies opens, and for people with the gift of seers, a channel of telepathy and clairvoyance opens. You can peek and find out your future. Today is the day of predictions and prophecies. All types of fortune telling will predict exact events from the future. People who have been practicing meditation for a long time today may experience the arrival of “Siddhi”; in yoga this is called a side gift of supernatural abilities (clairvoyance, telepathy, perfect intuition, etc.).

Active actions on the 25th Lunar Day will not bring a positive result, but they can easily throw you out of balance and peace of mind. It is better to spend this day calmly and devote it to yourself.

Dreams on the 25th lunar day are very often prophetic and quite symbolic, but you need to be able to interpret them correctly.

Love and relationships

Today is a neutral day for romantic dates and relationships; if you are taciturn, then it is better to reschedule the date for another day, otherwise you will be silent the whole time during the meeting.

Household chores

Today is not a favorable day for serious housework. It is better to reschedule the repair so as not to have to redo it later; today little is possible, and this is more likely to lead to an emotional breakdown than to a positive result.


On the 25th day of the moon it is not recommended physical activity, and also avoid heavy foods. Health is well restored by daytime sleep, of course, if there was a full night's sleep. The ears, head, and sense organs are vulnerable today. The best day to do yoga.

Business and money

This is a neutral day for business and career; people on the 25th day of the moon are usually lazy, apathetic and inattentive. It is better to postpone all financial matters, as there is a high probability of making a mistake.

The main symbol of the 25th lunar day- living and dead water in two different vessels, an “urn with ashes” and a simple urn, a shell and a turtle.

Stones of the 25th lunar day- falcon and tiger eye, feldspar and red jasper.

Colors of the 25th lunar day- orange and red.

Organ- knees and spleen.

The “urn of ashes” and the simple urn convey a dual meaning. It seems that on this day there is a struggle between life and death. Now one hypostasis, now another, gains power, and therefore the day fluctuates in two planes. The positive and negative energy of the day forces a person to show either his good qualities or his bad ones.

In turn, the shell symbol represents good luck. Therefore, even if all the negativity of the day pours out on you, you should not be upset, the “shell” symbol will give you strength to believe in your luck. And even more so on a 25-moon day, you need to believe in luck, since the turtle is considered the most powerful symbol of this day. The turtle carries mother's love, the power of the feminine, the ability of a woman to withstand any hardships of life. The day is not stable, but with strong guardianship coming from the turtle.

Main characteristics of the 25th lunar day

In general, the day can pass passively. The first half of the day is generally unfavorable. To have at least some activity on this day, so that you don’t get bored at all, you can engage in spiritual practices, especially since the Stars contribute to this. You can pay attention to health procedures, getting rid of toxins through fasting.

The 25-moon day can pass alone. Some people like to be alone with themselves, and this gives them additional strength, while others will have to endure lonely moments. If you don’t like being alone, you still try to survive this day in this way so that your spiritual beginning opens. Perhaps, after such practice, you will better understand yourself and your surroundings, primarily your family and friends.

Chronic diseases may worsen. Yesterday is so strong in negative energy that on the 25-lunar day negativity manifests itself in the form of lethargy and passivity towards everything. Try not to be drawn too deeply into these negative qualities.

The second half of the day will show itself on the good side, where your intuition will be in demand. Your personality may appeal to your superiors.

Health on the 25th lunar day

On this day, tune in to cleansing procedures from toxins. Perhaps therapeutic fasting is about the body. The spirit also needs to be able to cleanse itself of toxins, so that you have the strength to overcome not only the negativity of this day, but also on other days, when apathy, lethargy, and passivity fall on you. After all, when the spirit is pure, it is filled with strong energy and energy. This energy is so strong that if you have chronic diseases, they will not manifest themselves.

You can maintain a state of peace through yoga, meditative practices, and mudras. Maintain your composure on this day if you have to defend your opinion. If the situation has become heated to the limit, it is better to talk about the same things another day.

For peace of mind on the 25-moon day, go to the bathhouse or sauna. You will not only make your body clean, but thoughts will also appear that will allow you to be even calmer. An aromatherapy session will allow you to fully absorb the positive forces of this day.

On a 25-moon day, food should be moderate. You shouldn’t indulge in heavy food; it’s better to satisfy your hunger with fruits, vegetables, and light snacks. But the diet must be balanced. Instead of alcohol today, it is better to drink natural juice. Also, smoking should not poison either your body or the bodies of the people around you on this day.

Pay special attention to how your knee joints and spleen are working today. According to medical indicators, these organs should be protected on the 25-moon day, the spleen should be allowed to digest what you ate, and the knees should not be tense, there is no need to take the 100-meter race.

Love and the 25th lunar day

The 25-lunar day is the period when you need to talk as frankly as possible with your significant other. Reveal all your secrets, explain misunderstandings, dot all the i's. So that the relationship is clear. If there were any conflicts, then they need to be resolved and we need to move into the future in complete harmony and mutual understanding.

If you are single, you can go on a date. Meetings can go well, but without loud emotions. Communication with the opposite sex will develop openly, but do not pursue the goal of meeting the love of your life this evening. Just relax, have fun, flirt, communicate.

According to the general components of this day, the 25-moon day will be lived successfully if it is spent away from everyone. This does not mean that you should forget all your friends, family and loved ones, just choose the right moment and retire. Your body will thank you for this unplanned vacation. When you return to the environment that you left for a while, you will feel that something has changed in you and your attitude towards people. You will feel like you have taken a fresh look at your personal life.

A child who will be conceived on a 25-moon day will try to live according to his conscience. Such a person may be considered a loser, but he should not pay attention to these people. It is necessary that it dawns on him, as early as possible, that the most important thing is what opinion he has about himself. His self-esteem should not be low.

Work and creativity on the 25th lunar day

Today is filled with laziness and apathy. Teamwork will be difficult; it is better to postpone teamwork for another day. You will get more emotions if you engage in wellness procedures, physical exercise. Do not doubt that after these actions, a little heaviness of the day will leave you and, perhaps, even your mood will rise to a serene smile.

Those who decide to move, to a new place of residence or to new areas will have a correct and successful day. The day is favorable for this.

The 25-lunar day can be called the day of justice. The process will be successful as to who will file a claim in court.

People who are involved in trading can be involved in transactions that will result in increased financial profits. The day is favorable for trading.

For those born on the 25th lunar day

People born on a 25-lunar day are calm and slow. Ardentness of character is not typical for them. They show emotions only in the most extreme cases.

From a very early age, they understand the hidden meaning of everything they encounter. In addition, a certain degree of wisdom is commonplace for them. The awareness of the feeling of life comes to them early, so they are somehow different from their peers.

They have high intuitive qualities on their own and thanks to the energy of the day. If people born on the 25-lunar day do not say anything, do not interfere anywhere, this does not mean that they are indifferent to everything, they just know how to hide and restrain their emotions well.

They are very talkative among friends and family. In order for them to forget about their restraint, you need to show more trust in them. They will also begin to trust and reveal their potential. Outwardly restrained, thoughts are constantly being born inside them and internal conversations are taking place. The discrepancy between internal reasoning and external detachment gives reason to say that such people are extraordinary eccentrics.

They believe in their principles, beliefs and all the time try to learn as much as possible, to find the very essence of truth. They make good prophets.

Signs of the 25th lunar day

On this day, it is better not to follow signs. You need to put the fuss aside, try to be calm and concentrated. If you do decide to do something important, then it’s better not to rush, but to do it with feeling—sensibly—with planning. Haste will not lead to anything good. Be selective, even picky on the 25-moon day.

Magic rituals of the 25th lunar day

There is no need to call spirits today. If you want to start with something clean slate, then invisible good forces can stop you. It is not necessary to develop rapid activity on innovations on a 25-lunar day. Continue those things that you have not yet finished. You should not disturb the quiet flow of the day with its peace.

Particular caution on the 25th lunar day

Those who have problems with the genitourinary system need to be careful, exacerbations are possible. Be also attentive to yourself and your partner in intimacy. There is no need for unbridledness and strongly expressed passion in close sexual contact. Sex should be gentle and easy.

Dreams and visions on the 25th lunar day

If you saw something bad in a dream today, you need to read prayers in the morning, turn on cold water in the tap, or, if possible, be near a river or stream and tell everything that you dreamed about. Conduct a conversation with running water. Rest assured, water will take away all the bad things, and the dream will turn out to be just a dream. This dream frightened you at night with its negative energy, after this procedure it is better to forget about it and not remember it.

Mantras for the 25th lunar day

I like this habit when I put my body, thoughts and emotions in order.

I am glad that I show love to myself and receive approval from others.

My sexuality is my wealth, and realizing this brings me joy.

I know and am confident that my self is in the central area of ​​life.

I show approval to myself and to everything around me.

On the 25th lunar day it is calm and very passive. The moon is reluctant to share its energy. Life is no longer in full swing, I want to relax and unwind. On this day you should not slip into apathy and depression. You can limit physical activity, but engage in spiritual development and mental activity.

Description of the twenty-fifth lunar day

Characteristics of the 25th lunar day are a rollback of physical activity after achieving the set plans, rest, work to restore the balance of energy and mental strength. This is a day of deep knowledge, gaining wisdom, focusing on your inner “I”. Those who use spiritual practices may experience revelation or the gift of prophecy. Today the psychic capabilities of the body are awakening and strengthening. This day is favorable for trading operations, litigation, travel and travel. good time for leisurely work in the garden at the dacha. Still, it is a day of contemplation, introspection and meditation. This day is suitable for loneliness. Almost all astrological schools advise devoting this day to your internal problems, taking a closer look at your shortcomings, and starting to cleanse your karma.

Features and properties of the 25th lunar day

Vanity is contraindicated at this time of day. Do not be hasty in your decisions, do not rush to express your opinion. It is not for nothing that a turtle is considered one of the symbols of this day. For this day it will be perfect, by the way, folk saying- “Measure seven times, cut once.” Talismans, symbols:

  • symbols of this day are a shell, a turtle, an urn;
  • Talisman stones include red jasper, tiger eye, green cat eye, blue hawk's eye, feldspars;
  • element – ​​metal;
  • the main colors are malachite, emerald, all shades of green.

Twenty-fifth day lunar cycle- a time when you need to listen to your intuition, trust the impulses of your heart. It’s better not to rely on logical thinking and realism today. The mind may suggest the wrong decision, and you will “turn” in the wrong direction. Trust your inner voice.

What should you do today to achieve success?

Today you should not start new things. You will be forced to leave them, because you simply don’t have enough strength and energy. It is better to work on completing previously started tasks. The energy of this day is not conducive to active action. Be careful and cautious. Take the example of a turtle. It works slowly but thoroughly. Pay attention to the world around you; today the Moon can send help in the form of hints. These could be signs, necessary information, or some ongoing events. To understand them, turn to your intuition.

Lunar relationships on the 25th day

The twenty-fifth lunar day is not the best period for communication. Everyone feels apathy and lethargy. I don’t want to have long conversations, I don’t have the strength to get into arguments. Teamwork will not bring tangible success. No one will want to take the initiative or launch vigorous activity. It is better not to approach your superiors with innovative and creative ideas. At best, the boss will brush you off, at worst, he will throw you out the door. This is not the best day to sort out the relationship between lovers or spouses. Don’t waste your energy, they won’t understand you anyway. Everyone is focused on contemplating their inner world and doesn’t care about talking about important topics.

Registration of relationships and sex

The 25th lunar day is not suitable for. It is better to use it for preparatory activities and planning for your future life. Review the list of invited guests, check the menu for a gala lunch or dinner, search for an apartment for family nest. Some mystical schools warn that a marriage entered into today will only bring discord in the family, degradation of relationships and a financial crisis. It should be noted that this day is more suitable for divorce. The whole process will go smoothly, without squabbles, litigation and hatred. The spouses will remain on good terms and will jointly care for their children. Of course, they will no longer live together, but they further fate turn out well. Sex on this day should be leisurely and measured. Rushing will not bring satisfaction and will leave a feeling of emptiness in your soul. A romantic setting, flowers, candles and sparkling glasses of red wine are welcome.

Conceiving a child

Characteristics of people born on the 25th lunar day

Slow and calm. They are with early childhood They amaze with their wisdom and understanding of all the realities of the world around them. If the birthday coincides with the twenty-fifth day lunar calendar, you can be sure that you will get fantastic intuition. Anyone born on these lunar days can easily recognize the signs of fate and understand what they portend. Such a person manages to come into contact with the general information field and draw information from it. Often people born today have the chance to become great healers or prophets.

Turtle Children

Children born on the 25th lunar day are usually closed to themselves. These are little thinkers and contemplators who have no friends. To outsiders they seem not of this world and they are avoided by society. However, very often they are the darlings of fate. "Twenty-fifth Children" in early age may be attracted to spiritual development and the search for the meaning of life. Parents should carefully guide their children to develop creative or other abilities, then the child will live an interesting and interesting life. bright life. Otherwise, you can get an eternal wanderer in search of the secrets of the universe or a lazy person who will constantly lie on the couch, thinking about the laws of the universe.

What do dreams mean on the 25th lunar day

Dreams on the 25th lunar day reveal deep secrets hidden in the subconscious. This explains the fact that almost all astrological schools agree that on this day you can see a prophetic or prophetic dream. In order to understand the dreams of the 25th day, you do not need to take a dream book or seek help from psychics. The whole meaning lies on the surface, everything is shown extremely specifically. If everything you saw today remains incomprehensible and illusory, turn to your intuition. Don’t try to sort today’s dreams into pieces. What is important is not the dream and its real images, but the general atmosphere and emotions. If you felt anxious, tried to run away or hide somewhere, you behave like an ostrich, burying your head in the sand when danger is near. Bravely face the existing problems; they will still have to be solved. If in a dream you feel an unprecedented surge of strength, see yourself in nature, on the sea coast or in a comfortable and happy environment - all practical actions are directed in the right direction and success will soon come.

Rituals of the 25th lunar day

Rituals today are best aimed at increasing sexuality and attractiveness for the opposite sex, at strengthening sensual connections between lovers. Tibetan astrologers believe that on this day female energy (Shakti) reaches its peak point. Today all rituals associated with beauty, love and fertility will also go well.


Symbols of the day: sacred turtle, shell, living and dead water.
Associated with the transition from Capricorn to Aquarius. This is a day of magic and transformation, as well as learning the bitterness of wisdom. Great knowledge means great sorrow. Day of Magicians and Psychotherapists.
On the 25th lunar day, you should stop drinking too much liquid. Better nutrition- food that is soft for the gastrointestinal tract, the use of medications should be kept to a minimum. You need to calm down, reject the vanity. It is unacceptable to carry out hearing treatment on this day.
People who are lucky enough to be born on this day will have great worldly wisdom, calmness, and slowness. They will often see prophetic dreams and will be able to interpret them. On this day, everyone will be able to show wisdom of thoughts, intuition, find a new direction for self-development, and discover the future. The period is excellent for meditative activities, including approximation of desired events through their mental visualization.

Twenty-fifth lunar day

CHARACTERISTICS AND SIGNS OF THE DAY: Symbols - Turtle, shell, vessel for liquid. Day of communication with higher spirits, opening information channels. A day of agreement with oneself, passive, contemplative. A period of solitude and concentration.
HEALTH AND TREATMENT: You can fast, cleanse yourself of various toxins.
WORK AND PLANNING, DAILY LIFE: Active activities are not recommended. It’s better to do self-improvement or things to do at home and family. Good day for construction.
AGRICULTURAL WORK, COLLECTION OF HERBS: Plants: oak, verbena, hawthorn, spiny bell.
CHURCH RITES AND RITUALS: It is recommended to attend church and think alone.
MAGICAL RITES AND RITUALS: A day of self-improvement, meditation, psychotraining, intuitive insight, fortune telling with Tarot cards. Making pentacles for obligations assumed and assigned to you by others. Work on cleansing Sushumna - Vajrina, Chitra - Nadi for healing and opening energy channels. You should listen to your inner voice.
SPECIAL WARNINGS: All violence breeds violence. There's no hurry. Clairaudience on this day is a sign of dependence on someone.

Day of passivity. It is advisable to spend it in peace and solitude. There is no need to start anything new, but one should complete what has already been started. Do everything slowly, without rushing anywhere, if you want to avoid overexertion and nervous breakdowns.
Protect yourself from accidental contacts and surprises. Therefore, do not show any activity. It’s better to sit in silence, be silent, think about your life, maybe reconsider your perception of the world. As a result, you will gain new strength and a good mood.
Dreams. On this day, you may have a bad and even dangerous dream - in a dream, dark forces that want to harm can penetrate into our soul. Therefore, when you wake up, say three times: “Where there is night, there is sleep.”
That same morning (before noon), open the tap with cold water, bend over to the stream of water and in a whisper tell it your dream. It will be washed away with the water. It will be great if you say a prayer after this.

Twenty-fifth lunar day

The symbol is a shell.
Stones - red jasper, jespidig.
A passive day, a time of rest and reflection. Today the Moon is not generous with energy. Life ceases to be in full swing. People become lazy and apathetic. But don't get depressed. Take time for spiritual development, mental activity. Summarize the past month. Develop your concentration. To do this, you can devote a day to meditation or go to nature. In any case, it's better to be alone.
You can't start new things today. And even if you want to, it won’t work out - you just don’t have enough strength. Get busy finishing what you started earlier. The day does not involve active actions at all. Today you need to be careful, attentive and slow. Take a closer look and listen to the world around you, it can give you important signs. To interpret them correctly, listen to your inner voice. Avoid exhausting physical activity, do not take responsibility for important matters, and do not make promises. Dedicate the day to yourself and your inner world. The twenty-fifth lunar day should instill in you self-love (not to be confused with selfishness). It is impossible to improve your life without inner harmony.
Today I have ambiguous dreams. They may be prophetic, or they may not come true. As a rule, no useful information is not included in them. Nightmares can negatively affect your life, so it’s better to say a prayer after waking up.
Health and nutrition. Try to limit yourself to rough foods. You can practice fasting. Carry out cleansing procedures, get rid of toxins in the body. Drinking alcohol and tobacco is contraindicated. The vulnerable part of the body is the ears. Today they cannot be pierced or subjected to other operations. Going to the hairdresser and cutting your hair is also undesirable.
An illness that starts today is usually harmless. It does not spread to other organs and is not contagious, but requires immediate intervention. You can carry out the treatment yourself if you are confident that you can choose the right healing method. By strictly following the rules of the chosen technique, you can quickly recover. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.
Love and relationships. Not the most favorable day for communication. It is better to protect yourself from contacts. Teamwork does not bring the expected results, relationships between spouses or lovers do not work out. Those around you are focused on contemplation, on their inner world. Even if you make an attempt to start communication, you are unlikely to be listened to and understood.
For the same reason of lack of energy, it is better to postpone marriage. But intimate intimacy can give short-term pleasure and even fill you with strength for a moment. The day is suitable for conceiving a child. The native will be awarded special intuition and wisdom.
Work and creativity. Find activities at work that require concentration and perseverance. New projects cannot be started. Start finishing old ones. When solving complex issues, you can be guided by intuition or look for signs around you. Financial activities will be successful, as will trading and any real estate transactions. Today, court proceedings can be scheduled.
Researchers and artists are advised to continue their work at the same pace. Today will not have any noticeable impact on their activities. Students can educate themselves, but taking exams today is not recommended.
Those born on this day are endowed with wisdom from birth. Growing up, he becomes a thinker and contemplator. There is a higher power hidden in his words and gestures. He is endowed with a special psychological gift. As a rule, he does not have many friends, since he leads the passive life of a philosopher and is known as an eccentric. Fortune is always on his side. He does not like active actions, preferring to mentally experience different situations. Luck will turn away from him as soon as he begins to use his gift for evil. People born on the twenty-fifth day and who turn away from the noble path are doomed to a stagnant and unremarkable life.

Twenty-fifth lunar day.

Symbol - shell, turtle, urn, vessels with living and dead water
Stones - red jasper, feldspar, tiger's eye and hawk's eye.
Body - knees.
The twenty-fifth lunar day is a very calm and blissful day, intended for internal solitude and contemplation, excluding any physical activity and initiative. The day is influenced by two signs at once: Capricorn and Aquarius. Both signs endow the current day with wisdom and the ability to self-knowledge.
The sign of Aquarius - two sinuous lines - signify the two serpents of wisdom: intuition and rationalism or waves of consciousness. The nature of this sign lies in the “Man” symbol itself, i.e. the point of beginning of a person’s improvement in spirit and his achievement of stability, allowing him to overcome his animal nature and rise to a higher level of spiritual perfection. Likewise, the sign of Capricorn indicates that a person’s task is to gradually cut off the roots that attract him to the earth, to develop spiritually. And therefore, the basis of this day is spiritual development and self-improvement, to which it is recommended to pay special attention.
On the twenty-fifth lunar day, any spiritual or meditative practices are welcomed, aimed not only at your development, but also capable of increasing concentration and focusing on yourself, making it possible not to succumb to external and internal vanity, provocations from the outside world. It is advisable if your strength and energy are directed to analyzing your own actions and assessing the period you have lived, working on awareness. At this moment, it is recommended to pay attention to the purity of your thoughts and desires, keeping them under control. It is good to develop such qualities as self-control, attention, concentration. Strive to acquire inner harmony, not vanity in thoughts and actions.
On the twenty-fifth day lunar month intuition is significantly sharpened. Intuitions and insights are possible. Understanding and wisdom increase. It is these qualities that can lead to effective solutions to current problems, as well as choose the future direction of your actions and determine the main goals. Therefore, it is advisable during this period to rely not on reason and logic, but on the inner voice and intuition. It’s good to concentrate on your tasks, ideas and dreams, visualizing their implementation.
It is believed that on this lunar day, any coincidence or unexpected incident can be regarded as a sign. In addition, ear piercing is a bad omen.
The twenty-fifth lunar day is passive, so rushing and fussing today is not recommended. It is advisable to keep your thoughts and actions under control so as not to make hasty decisions that will be ineffective that day, turning previously made efforts into a waste of time. Therefore, on this lunar day it is recommended to postpone any rush in business, and especially important decisions and it’s better to postpone tasks to another, more active day.
This does not mean at all that you can allow yourself to become lethargic and apathetic. The key point on the twenty-fifth lunar day is intensive work on yourself, your consciousness. It’s good to spend it alone, doing spiritual practices. This helps develop concentration and attention. Being near a natural water source has a beneficial effect. If it is not possible to travel outside the city, then recordings of natural sounds, for example, the sound of rain or surf, or simply calm music, can help you relax and relieve tension.
On the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month, it is not recommended to start new businesses and projects. It is also advisable to postpone adoption difficult decisions. This day is better suited for solving and completing current tasks. It is good to spend time developing previously set goals and achieving them. It is recommended to listen to yourself throughout the day. On this day of the lunar month, intuitive feelings are heightened. Therefore, it is possible that you can find many solutions to current problems at a more subtle level.
The twenty-fifth lunar day is not favorable for starting major business projects or concluding important contracts. It is also recommended to postpone work with securities until another day. If possible, it is better to postpone large financial projects. Only small money transactions will work out well. Businesses in real estate and trade will be favorable, and litigation will also be successful.
The day is very favorable to creative people. Thanks to the positive energy of the day, their sensitivity is even more heightened. This will allow you to show talent not only in the field of art, but also give fresh ideas and a new perspective to scientific research. In addition, the twenty-fifth lunar day is well suited for travel, business trips and short trips. It is not recommended to change your place of work today; it is also advisable to avoid new acquaintances and large crowds of people, since the day is emotionally unstable.
It is believed that it is undesirable to get married on this day.
The twenty-fifth lunar day is favorable for health-improving and strengthening procedures; traditional medicine is effective. It is recommended to limit physical activity and activity, but not eliminate it, in order to avoid the occurrence of lethargy and apathy. Meditation practices, yoga, and mudras are well suited for maintaining a state of calm.
On the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month, it is recommended to cleanse the body of toxins. For these purposes today it is good to use appropriate decoctions. It is advisable to go to the bathhouse or sauna, or take a herbal bath. You can do massages and use aromatherapy.
On this lunar day, it is good to pay attention to your diet. Moderation in eating is encouraged. Diets and fasting have a beneficial effect, including therapeutic fasting. It is advisable to exclude rough foods from the diet and consume more fruits, vegetables, and natural juices. Eliminate alcohol consumption and limit smoking. It is also advisable to reduce the use of medications, or replace them, if possible, with natural analogues.
From a medical point of view, today the knee joints and hearing organs are vulnerable. It is not recommended to pierce ears, treat the auricle and inner ear. A disease that appears on the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month is often not dangerous and goes away without relapse, but requires careful attention and strict compliance with all instructions. It is not recommended to start introducing new medications today.
The dream images you had on the twenty-fifth lunar day are closely related to your subconscious. That is why it is believed that dreams on this lunar day are prophetic and do not require certain abilities to interpret them. All signs and images lie in the palm of your hand. And if the dream contains an incomprehensible moment, then simply turn to your intuition. She won't let you down today.
Dreams on the twenty-fifth lunar day can reflect your inner state. And with the correct interpretation, you can easily determine the degree of changes on the path of your spiritual development and, as a result, analyze whether you are moving in the right direction.
Those born on the twenty-fifth lunar day, as a rule, have a calm and slow disposition from childhood. From an early age they are characterized by wisdom, a sense of life, and an understanding of hidden meaning. The energy of the day gives them heightened intuitive qualities. People of this day are able to recognize signs and interpret them correctly. They have the ability to come into contact with the field of information and gain knowledge from it.
People on the twenty-fifth lunar day are often silent and withdrawn. Despite their outward restraint, they are constantly working inside. They are smart, purposeful and faithful to their decisions. Due to the discrepancy between the inner world and the external manifestation of character, they are incomprehensible to others and can be branded as eccentrics.
From the outside it may seem that unusual situations happen to those born on the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month, and their actions are quite strange. In fact, people of this day have the ability to analyze what is happening in their minds, and therefore do not take active actions, living the current situation mentally. This allows them to keep their actions and emotions under control, correctly assess what is happening and make the necessary decisions that are adequate for the given moment.
Those born on this lunar day already in childhood show a desire to search for truth, as well as an interest in spiritual development. It is advisable to support the child during this period, show understanding and help him in his research. In addition, it is good to develop creative notes in such children from an early age, teach them to clearly express their thoughts and formulate emerging ideas. In this case, those born on the twenty-fifth lunar day will be able to live an interesting, creative life, and will not turn into a philosopher with the makings of parasitism.
It is believed that on the twenty-fifth lunar day fortune tellers and prophets are born.


Symbols of the day: swamp, toad.
Associated with Aquarius. This is one of the most dangerous days. Modesty should be your motto. If you did not succumb to temptation, then you passed the test. On this day it is better to refrain from vigorous activity; chatting is especially harmful; silence is encouraged.
The 26th lunar day requires us to carefully choose our social circle; it is necessary to break off false contacts and ties with selfish people. Meeting a person with a bucket full of water indicates that you have chosen the right direction in life. Lightning seen in a dream can warn of danger or some dubious event.
This day was called false wisdom. You should not bathe in ponds, swim, or even take a bath rather than taking a shower.
Contacts and communication within the family, as well as with like-minded people, are encouraged. Such contacts will allow you to drown out the voice of your selfishness, will allow you to show philanthropy and the desire to help another person.
Contacts with strangers must be very careful. On your way on this day you will meet people thirsting for fame, scammers, and swindlers. At the same time, evaluating people, trying to condemn them, even mentally, will attract the negative energy of the day to a person.
You should be careful about your diet. The food of this day should be moderately light. Reception prohibited meat dishes. Best menu of the day: fish, citrus fruits, fruits, raw vegetables. In this case, you should avoid eating vegetables that have a pronounced round shape. The sacred dish of this day is fresh or frozen cranberries. On this day, you should avoid smoke by lighting a fire on the leeward side.
The healing energy of the day will be revealed by a bathhouse in combination with a Russian broom in the steam room and a good massage. It is contraindicated to treat hip diseases on this day. To avoid pain, you need to run less and limit physical activity. The energy of the moon gives an excellent effect for manipulating the skin; cauterization, massage, and acupuncture can be performed.
Broken bones can have especially dangerous consequences on this day.

Twenty-sixth lunar day

CHARACTERISTICS AND SIGNS OF THE DAY: Symbols - Toad, swamp. The day of alchemy, rebirth, transmutation, the beginning of work with incarnation diseases. Day of restoration of justice, karmic punishment. The day of wisdom, which is a temptation and does not bring any benefit.
HEALTH AND TREATMENT: Fasting. Dreams will come true. You need to try not to waste energy in vain.
WORK AND PLANNING, DAILY LIFE: Day of meeting a teacher, traditions, getting rid of unfaithful friends, carnal affairs. High level of intelligibility in communication is required. High probability of robbery. It is undesirable to get married and make love dates. Best day to file for divorce. A good day to file an appeal and seek protection.
MAGICAL RITES AND RITUALS: Slanders, conspiracies, rituals for judgment, deliverance from prison. Making talismans, amulets, pentacles, especially for love and against all dangers. Working with metals - iron, silver, lead, tin; meditation on molten metals (lead, tin) to eliminate mutagenic information zones.
SPECIAL WARNINGS: Do not influence Anahata. It is not recommended to go to the astral plane and work in it. On this day you should not quarrel, fuss, or talk a lot. High probability of robbery.
It’s better to rest on this day or at least refrain from excessive activity - do normal everyday things, some routine work where you don’t need to think a lot and make decisions.
On this day, you may have a desire to brag and exaggerate your achievements. Stop and shut up in time if you feel something like this. Otherwise it will be a shame later.
Contacts on this day should be limited as much as possible, communicating only when necessary or with the most reliable people. Avoid fuss, stupid shopping, and gossip. It is better to save money - there is a danger of wasting it or losing it. It is very good to meet some wise person who will help you soberly assess reality and guide you on the right path.
Dreams. On these lunar days, dreams show how great our pride and narcissism are. If we see ourselves in a dream as successful, omnipotent and contented, it means it’s time to come down to earth and soberly evaluate ourselves. If we see ourselves as miserable and unhappy, we urgently need to increase our self-esteem and learn to love and respect ourselves.

Twenty-sixth lunar day

The symbol is a toad.
Stones - aurigment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase.
A negative, unpleasant and dangerous day. People are prone to conflict, tense, and do stupid things. The number of thefts and robberies is increasing. Don't lose sight of your belongings when you are in a crowded place. Those around you are capable of completely stupid and unpredictable actions. Limit your social circle. Do not get involved in quarrels, do not support empty chatter. If people start gossiping in front of you, avoid the conversation or leave altogether. You will be tempted to do all sorts of trifles. Don't give in, it won't bring you anything good. You can’t waste energy on stupid things and adventures, there’s already too little of it, and there’s a new cycle ahead.
Today has a negative impact on a person’s personality and psyche. You may become complacent. There will be a desire to show off, to rise above others, to exaggerate your abilities. Remember that pride and selfish lies deal a blow not only to your karma, but also to your health. Later you will be very ashamed for mistakes made. Do not react to the evil jokes of others directed at you, if any. Treat hypocrites and hypocrites calmly, avoid conflicts. Don’t lose your sense of humor; today the ability to kindly laugh at yourself and the world will become your “lifeline.” Close friends can point out your shortcomings. This is a reason to take a closer look at yourself and think about what you can improve in your character.
Symbol today- toad. Her qualities are blasphemy, self-righteousness, contempt for others. If you have a desire to feel like the center of the world, then you are following the wrong path. You can overcome arrogance only through increased self-control. It is necessary to “shed the frog skin” and learn to see the sincerity and good feelings under the “frog skin” of other people.
The twenty-sixth lunar day is also marked by an extremely unstable emotional background. People go to extremes. They either have uncontrollable fun, or plunge into deep despondency. Therefore, all the threats, oaths, promises, and confessions voiced today are practically worthless. A person pronounces them in a fit of emotion and soon forgets. So don't take everything you hear to heart. Try to control your mood. Also refrain from shopping. Today people don't think twice about spending money on unnecessary things. If you dreamed of flashes of lightning, this is a sign that pride and selfishness are at play in you. They need to be tamed.
Health and nutrition. Refrain from overeating. It's better to go hungry. Eliminate meat and liquid-rich fruits and vegetables from your diet. Do not attend feasts and noisy parties with a richly furnished table. Today you can neither drink nor smoke. Limit yourself from exposure to smoke. Teeth are “under attack”; today they cannot be removed. But you can and even need to get a haircut; a haircut will bring unexpected joy or good news.
The detected disease must be treated immediately so as not to lead to complications. Otherwise, the disease can be dangerous and even fatal. Often today's diseases are relapses of old diseases. It is better to be treated comprehensively, gradually healing the entire body. Operations cannot be carried out. The patient is advised to sweat a lot. Massage, acupuncture, influence on energy channels and points will be useful.
Love and relationships. Contact with people is permissible either if absolutely necessary or if you trust the person. In other cases, communication can lead to misunderstanding, conflict and breakdown of relationships. Despite the negative energy of the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is quite suitable for engagements and marriages. The day is also favorable for conception. The native will become rich in the future, but will be unhappy if he does not conquer vanity and arrogance. Only kind, selfless deeds can help him.
Work and creativity. The day is very dangerous for representatives of almost any field of activity. Important questions You can’t decide today, deal only with small matters. It is not recommended to carry out any transactions with money, goods, or real estate. The slightest mistake can lead to collapse. Teamwork will also not bring success - employees will be nervous, snap, and quarrel.
It’s better to forget about travel and business trips for today. Don’t approach your boss, try to communicate less with colleagues. Today, only lawyers and students are lucky. Lawyers can easily defend their opinions in court, and students will do well in exams. Everyone else is entitled to rest. Businessmen must be especially careful. They need to take a closer look at their partners and their surroundings.
Those born on this day will struggle throughout their lives with their vices - vanity, arrogance and impudence. If he manages to defeat them, then a happy life awaits him. rich life. If not, he will get bogged down in gossip and be obsessed with envy. Such people achieve nothing in life because they do not strive for anything. At the same time, they are endlessly pleased with themselves and mock other people. A person born on this day and who knows the nature of his vices can become an ascetic. But his fate is that of a novice, not a teacher. It is unlikely that he will achieve enlightenment, but he can become a humble student and a sincere person.

Twenty-sixth lunar day.

Symbol - toad, swamp.
Stones - yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase.
Body - hips
The twenty-sixth lunar day is the last of the difficult days of the lunar cycle, associated with excessive energy consumption. Therefore, it is recommended to spend this day passively on the physical level, avoiding active actions. As on the previous lunar day, today it is advisable to devote most of the time to your inner world, working on yourself, your thoughts, desires, and most importantly, paying attention to your ego. This is a period when the opportunity opens up to soberly evaluate oneself from the outside, to see things as they are.
The twenty-sixth lunar day is energetically unstable. The symbols of the day are the Toad and the Swamp, personifying the dark nature of man and spiritual decay. On the other hand, the day passes under the sign of Aquarius, symbolizing the point of transition, man’s overcoming his animal nature and entering a higher level of spiritual perfection. In this regard, the constant instability of the day manifests itself, during which you swing like a pendulum, endlessly overestimating previously set priorities and principles, internal values. Which, as a result, can lead you to conclusions that you may not like.
On the twenty-sixth lunar day, the emotional background, both your own and that of the people around you, is not stable. Together with the diminishing energy of the day, this leads to negative emotions, aggression, and sometimes to devastation and depression. Therefore, today it is recommended to be attentive to your condition and not to succumb to the provocations of daily events and negativity. It is good to direct your efforts on this day of the lunar month to concentration, focus, and creation. It is advisable to avoid fuss and idle talk, which so easily take away your already diminishing energy.
The twenty-sixth lunar day is a kind of test day. It’s good if you can perceive the surrounding reality detachedly, letting it pass by. Spiritual practices and austerities can help you withstand all the trials of the day, bringing a restless mind into a state of peace and concentration. The main thing is that self-criticism does not turn into self-flagellation, and awareness of one’s successes does not lead to vanity and pride. On this day, it is good to cultivate tolerance in yourself, not to judge or condemn others, and not to wish evil. The assessments you give today will not be objective.
The twenty-sixth lunar day has its own signs. It is believed that if you meet a person with a full bucket full of water, then you are on on the right track. And lightning seen in a dream is a warning of danger.
On the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is not advisable to be active in business. The work started will not have a successful completion and, on the contrary, it is possible to get a negative result. The day is more suitable for solving current problems. It is highly discouraged to resolve complex issues and make responsible decisions. If possible, it is better to wait out this period and postpone the issue to another day. In current affairs, it is advisable to listen to your feelings. If you feel even slight doubts when making decisions, then it makes sense to postpone this matter until the moment when you are sure of the outcome.
The twenty-sixth lunar day is not good for doing business in business, finance and trade. It is not recommended to enter into large transactions, sign contracts, or work with securities and documents. This lunar day is not at all suitable for changing jobs. Money requires careful handling. Today there is a big risk of losing them. As a continuation of the previous day, the current lunar day is very favorable for creative people and the scientific community. It will be good for judicial system, in particular, lawyers will experience the favor of the day.
Communication on the twenty-sixth lunar day is dual. On the one hand, the emotional instability of the day leads to the fact that people on this day are especially prone to conflicts and quarrels. There is a high probability of meeting scammers, swindlers, brawlers, and vanity. Also on this day of the lunar month it is quite easy to fall under the influence of others. It is recommended to pay close attention to the contacts of this day and get rid of unnecessary ones. On the other hand, this is a day of spiritual closeness, brotherhood and unity of people. It is possible to find people who are similar in their inner world.
It is better to spend the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month passively, preferring rest to work. It’s good if you can be alone, or in a narrow circle of close people, that is, with those who will not allow your selfishness to manifest itself in full force. If you have the opportunity to spend this day well in nature, this will also have a beneficial effect on your inner comfort. You can do household chores. The day is suitable for marriage and engagement.
The twenty-sixth lunar day is well suited for general health improvement of the body and cleansing procedures. This is a favorable period when the body easily partes with everything unnecessary. At the same time, today it is recommended to reduce physical activity, since there is a high risk of various injuries and fractures. Calm workouts with static loads, for example, yoga, Pilates, are suitable. But it is better to monitor the intensity of the exercises to avoid sprains.
As a cleansing procedure, visiting a sauna or a bath with dry steam has a beneficial effect. The twenty-sixth lunar day is ideal for skin care complexes. Various massages, cosmetic procedures, and acupuncture will have a good effect. It is not recommended to take a bath or swim in natural springs on this day. Instead, it is advisable to take a simple shower.
Moderation and fasting are also recommended in diet. The day is suitable for fasting. It is recommended to exclude meat and heavy foods from the diet and include foods containing large amounts of fiber. It is good to limit your intake of fruits and vegetables with a lot of juice. It is believed that you should eat cranberries on this day.
From a medical point of view, on the twenty-sixth lunar day, the femoral part is vulnerable. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid putting stress on your legs. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases. Diseases that occur on this lunar day are not dangerous, but have a wide range of symptoms. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out treatment carefully, choosing comprehensive healing methods.
The twenty-sixth day of the lunar month is one of the periods when we can see things as they are. And if during the day the influence of various factors prevents us from soberly assessing what is happening, then in a dream the subconscious bypasses the focus of the mind and gives us pure information. By correctly interpreting the dream images of this lunar day, you will be able to understand your dark and light sides.
For example, if in your dreams vanity, pride, omnipotence, power predominate among your qualities, then this is a sign that in real life It is worth reconsidering your actions and actions and giving an adequate assessment of yourself. It is possible that your selfishness has taken over. Conversely, if in a dream you give yourself low self-esteem, then in reality you probably underestimate yourself. In this case, it’s good to take a closer look at yourself and appreciate what you have.
Those born on the twenty-sixth lunar day almost completely reflect the character of this day. Children, by nature, are usually calm and silent, but have an ambivalent disposition. Despite the external slowness, and sometimes seeming detachment, they live a fairly active inner life. Their inner world is constantly subject to re-evaluation and analysis. And the conclusions are sometimes contradictory. This is partly why people of this lunar day are often able to succumb to the influence of others and follow the lead of others.
On the twenty-sixth lunar day people are born strong people who can pass the tests imposed on them by life, after passing which they become spiritually purer and richer. It is believed that this is precisely the meaning of their life - to develop spiritually from childhood, to work on themselves, eradicating ambition, envy and pride. Therefore, throughout their lives, it is advisable for them to perform austerities, make vows and follow them, show modesty and develop generosity. Thus, those born on this day will be able to gain new experiences and move to a qualitatively new level.
People on the twenty-sixth lunar day are very capable. They can achieve results in many areas of activity. From an early age, it is advisable to teach such a child to correctly work with the information he receives and cut off what is unnecessary. In this case, he will be able to achieve good results and be happy. But such people need to keep themselves under control so that the joy of success does not turn into narcissism and vanity. In addition, it is advisable for them to learn to convey only the essence. Idle talk takes a lot of energy from people of this day.


Symbols of the day: rod, trident.
Associated with Aquarius. Day of revelations. Prophetic dreams, in reality you can also receive a sign. The day when ideas are born. Intuition intensifies to the level of telepathy.
The 27th lunar day marks hope for a better future. You can listen to melodic music and spend the day in nature. Close attention should be directed to your family and friends. It is prohibited to visit the cemetery. You can't get married. In order for family relationships to develop, it is better to schedule a wedding on the second, seventh or twenty-first day of the lunar cycle.
Citrus fruits and potatoes in any form should be excluded from food. To maintain health, on this day you should not donate or joke with fire. You should not treat shins, it will not be effective. The energy of the day can cause exacerbation of thrombophlebitis, as well as problems with blood circulation. The moon does not favor people who often admire themselves in the mirror on this day.
People born on this day have a great thirst for travel. Their penchant for mysticism and healing is also great.

Twenty-seventh lunar day

CHARACTERISTICS AND SIGNS OF THE DAY: Symbols - Ship, trident, rod. A day of collective affairs, it cannot be spent alone, caring only about one’s own interests. A day of active attitude towards life, helping other people. It’s good to see water or a ship in a dream.
HEALTH AND TREATMENT: Neptune Day. The day of the start of recovery. Preparation of water decoctions and infusions.
WORK AND PLANNING, DAILY LIFE: The day of the implementation of the craziest ideas, the realization of the first desire, the first thought. The day is good for creativity and intellectual work. The best day for travel, wanderings, romantic adventures. You can't sit at home.
CHURCH RITES AND RITUALS: Appeal to the Guardian Angel, recitation of water.
MAGICAL RITES AND RITUALS: Conspiracies for love and hate, love spells and lapels. Working with the element of Water, its energy, meditation on water, charging water, meditation on water, erasing information about diseases, damage, curses through water, cleansing with the water element. Successful work with a magic wand, wand, wooden objects. Making pentacles for harvest, trade, friendship.
SPECIAL WARNINGS: Working with mirrors and treating drunkenness is not recommended. You can't indulge in grief.
The trident is an attribute of the god of the seas, Neptune, so this day is very closely associated with water. Good luck everyone sea ​​travel, water procedures are very useful.
This day is strongly associated with intuition. You can intuitively receive all kinds of secret knowledge. The day promises many unexpected discoveries. Epiphanies and insights are possible - you may unexpectedly discover a way out of difficult situation, which has been haunting you for a long time. But this is provided that on this day you are not too concerned about solving everyday problems. everyday problems. Think better about something lofty.
On this day it is good to travel, plant flowers, and explore the world from unexpected sides. It is advisable to pay off debts.
Dreams. Dreams you have on this lunar day come true. They can also carry intuitive insights - reveal to us the true essence of things, surrounding people and current events. If, for example, you suspect someone of deceit or treason, and you dream that he is carrying you out of the fire in his arms, your suspicions are unfounded, this true friend, he can be trusted.

Twenty-seventh lunar day

Twenty-seventh lunar day.

Symbol - rod, trident.
Stones - emerald, selenite, charoite, lapis lazuli, malachite, purple transparent amethyst, adularia, rose and crimson quartz.
Body - lymphatic system, legs
The twenty-seventh lunar day is a fairly pleasant and calm day of the lunar cycle. But it requires a rational and effective distribution of forces, since the energy of the day, although stable, is very limited. Like previous lunar days, it is good to devote the current day to your spiritual development. Today, meditative practices are ideal for this, as they help to achieve the most relaxed state necessary to achieve inner harmony.
On the twenty-seventh day of the lunar month, sensitivity and intuitive abilities are heightened. Insights and inspirations are possible on this day. The day is full of information, and if you are attentive to what is happening around you, and also listen to your inner voice, you will have the opportunity to find answers to unresolved questions, or see everything as it is. This will also allow you to take a fresh look at the current circumstances, and in case of difficult situations, find a wise and effective solution.
In addition to working with information, the twenty-seventh day of the lunar month is favorable for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is good not to waste your attention on everyday troubles and problems, but to focus on increasing your personal effectiveness. It is recommended to avoid useless contacts and verbiage. Communication with people who have extensive practical experience or like-minded people will be beneficial. This is a day of understanding the world around us, debunking one’s own illusions, a period of comprehending the unknown.
The twenty-seventh lunar day is a good time to spend with loved ones, to show care and attention. This is a day of inner harmony, work on yourself. Today vanity is not acceptable either in thoughts or in actions. It is recommended to avoid the state of boredom, melancholy, and not to succumb to the blues. It’s good to ask for forgiveness, pay off debts, forgive those who have ever offended you.
It is believed that on this day it is undesirable to look in the mirror.
The twenty-seventh lunar day is a good period for health-improving and restorative complexes. It is recommended to carry out hardening procedures with caution. Fasting and fasting are useful on this lunar day. It's good to give your body physical activity. But their intensity should be moderate.
Your general emotional state requires careful attention on the twenty-seventh lunar day. And it’s not just about the energy of the day. Prevention nervous stress and stress relief help improve blood circulation, which may be impaired today. In this regard, on this day it is encouraged to devote time to various techniques, such as spiritual practices, meditation, qi gong, yoga. It is recommended to limit the use of synthetic drugs and, if possible, replace them with natural analogues.
On the twenty-seventh lunar day, it is advisable to observe moderation in diet. It is believed that potatoes and citrus fruits should be excluded from the diet today. Lenten food will be beneficial. It is highly recommended to avoid alcohol consumption.
From a medical point of view, on the twenty-seventh lunar day, the lymphatic system is vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid drafts, cold water and dampness. In addition, it is not recommended to treat shins and donate blood. Diseases of this lunar day have pronounced symptoms and, as a rule, are quite easy to treat.
On the twenty-seventh lunar day, you are very sensitive and receptive to the world around you. In this regard, intuitive abilities are heightened, and therefore it is good to pay attention to your inner voice on this day. At the same time, the ability to see reality as it actually is becomes stronger compared to previous days. And dreams on the twenty-seventh day of the lunar month help you take the first step towards destroying your own illusions, revealing the essence of what is happening.
It is important to be able not only to see, but also to use the information that our subconscious gives us during sleep. Dream images of this lunar day require accurate interpretation, as they are very symbolic. In general, what you dreamed about on the twenty-seventh lunar day shows how deeply you have gone into your illusions and whether you are ready to perceive the material world. Therefore, to interpret dreams, it is good to use the services of people who have a subtle understanding of psychology.
The twenty-seventh lunar day will bring you a wonderful child. Those born on this day are wise beyond their years from childhood and often surprise others with their actions and thoughts, based on very reasonable conclusions. Such people have access to intimate knowledge, and sometimes it begins to seem that they themselves are the sources of this knowledge. They have the ability to use the information field even on a purely intuitive level.
Typically, those born on the twenty-seventh lunar day are prone to everything mystical and show interest in esoteric schools and various spiritual techniques. As a result, they are in constant search, accompanied by hesitation, doubt and change. And if in this case, they let everything take its course, they will turn into weak-willed people, susceptible to suggestion and addictions.
Therefore, it is recommended from childhood to teach a child to take responsibility for his actions. Learn to weigh a decision, keep promises, keep your word, set a goal and move towards its implementation. These acquired qualities, along with spiritual development, help people of this day to overcome life's obstacles, be stronger and ultimately gain valuable experience and effectively use the acquired knowledge everywhere.
But for this, people on the twenty-seventh day of the lunar month need to work on themselves. This will allow them to make qualitative transitions to new levels of development. Only in this case will they reap the benefits in the form of debunking their own illusions and the ability to control their life, moving it in the direction they want. For this purpose, various meditative practices, yoga, martial arts, methods of working with energy.
Those born on the twenty-seventh lunar day are creatively developed. They have a delicate taste, are very musical, and picky about art. By their nature, they are dreamers from God, masters of invention, dreamers. At the same time, these are very romantic natures.
It is believed that on the twenty-seventh lunar day teachers, healers and magicians are born.