Fractional meal menu for weight loss for a month. Fractional meals for weight loss: less is better, more often

Fractional nutrition was originally developed by doctors and was part of a complex therapy for treating diseases of the digestive system. Soon it was adopted by nutritionists who were developing diets that would help get rid of extra pounds. What is the essence of the method and how to create a menu, we will find out further.

The essence and rules of the methodology

The diet is designed for 2 months and is very simple - you need to eat often and in small portions, due to this the following positive aspects for the body are guaranteed:

  • bile secretion is normalized;
  • gas formation and aggressive effects of gastric juice are reduced;
  • small portions of food are more easily and quickly absorbed by the body;
  • a person does not feel hungry, which means that the body does not experience stress and does not accumulate fat reserves. In addition, stress produces hormones that negatively affect metabolic processes.

The basic rules of nutrition are 12 points:

  • To quickly start losing weight, first reduce your daily caloric intake. In the first two weeks it should be 1500 kcal, if you do not feel discomfort, then it is possible to reduce it to 1200 kcal. In the third week, the minimum calorie content should be 1500 kcal, and the maximum should be 1800 kcal.
  • The optimal number of meals is 5-6 times. Of these, 3 times are the main nutritious meals, and 2-3 times are low-calorie snacks. You can eat 3 times a day, but the diet must be balanced so that the body is not depleted.

The main condition is the presence of an energy deficit, that is, the body must receive fewer calories than it expends.

  • At the beginning of the diet, until the body is accustomed to small portions, it is better to count kilocalories. This will help you avoid overeating. We must strive to ensure that the portion size and calorie content of dishes are the same at each meal.
  • The intervals between meals are 3-4 hours. After waking up, have breakfast 30 minutes later and dinner 3 hours before bedtime.
  • The amount of food depends on its composition: protein foods are eaten at a time 0.5 cups, plant foods (vegetables, fruits) - 1 cup.

You can’t live without sweets, no one forbids you to eat them, but no more than 1 tablespoon, preferably in the first half of the day.

  • The menu should include vegetables twice a day and fruits and berries once a day.
  • Under no circumstances should you overeat. In this case, the whole point of the diet is lost, and not only will you not be able to lose weight, but you will most likely gain it even more.
  • It’s easier to switch to small portions using a technique based on psychology: replace large plates with small containers.
  • Be sure to drink about 2 liters per day clean water. It is recommended to drink up to 8 glasses between meals.
  • Healthy foods are included in the diet: fish, cereals, white meat, vegetables and fruits.
  • Limit foods that contribute to weight gain, for example, flour products - baked goods and pasta, white rice, potato tubers, sugar and sweets.

After 10 days, the body will get used to proper nutrition and the craving for sweets or “snacks” will significantly decrease.

  • The diet will be ineffective without regular physical activity. Gym classes can be replaced by walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc.

When using this method, the appearance side effects is reduced to a minimum, so you don’t have to worry about weakness and dizziness. Moreover, overweight will go away, and the person will not be tormented by the feeling of hunger.

How to create a menu?

The menu will be individual for each person, the main thing is to invest in the daily caloric intake.

In this case, your menu should be compiled according to the following principles:

  • Products, especially at the first stage, when the body gradually gets used to small portions, should be familiar.
  • The diet must contain all the nutrients necessary for normal life.
  • Light snacks - low-fat cottage cheese, cereal, plain yogurt, muesli, cereals. It is allowed to snack on fresh fruits, but remember that some of them increase appetite and do not saturate the body. This is usually the case with sour fruits, including apples.
  • Hot dishes are prepared for lunch and dinner. For an evening meal, it is better to choose stewed vegetables with meat or fish.
  • Protein foods are consumed mainly at lunch and dinner.
  • Fats are used of plant origin. Animal fats (butter, lard) are either completely excluded from the diet or their consumption is significantly reduced.
  • Complex carbohydrates are eaten in the first half of the day. They take a long time to digest and prevent hunger from returning quickly. It is better to avoid easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery products).

Before switching to a fractional diet, it is recommended to keep a diary for some time. It records meal times, dishes and calorie content. Based on your notes, you can make a comfortable diet menu and determine the optimal serving size.

Sample menu for the week


  1. Prepared for breakfast oatmeal or 200 g oatmeal and drink a glass of green tea without sweetener.
  2. For lunch, make 2 sandwiches with vegetable caviar or boil an egg and eat a fresh tomato.
  3. They have lunch with a portion of vegetable soup or vegetables with baked fish.
  4. For an afternoon snack, eat 100 g of dates or fresh fruit with a slice of bread and drink a glass of unsweetened tea.
  5. Dinner is a stew of beans or mushrooms. You are allowed to drink yogurt before bed.


  1. For breakfast, serve portions of buckwheat porridge; you are allowed to add vegetables to it. Drink a glass of juice.
  2. They snack on two gingerbread cookies or a cheese sandwich and drink tea.
  3. During the day, they pour themselves a portion of beetroot soup with fresh herbs or eat pasta with eggplant caviar.
  4. The afternoon snack consists of 100 g of dried fruits, for example dried apricots, as well as a glass of tea.
  5. For dinner, make mashed potatoes and a chop or boil mushroom soup and eat it with a slice of bread.
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of fermented milk drink.


  1. They have breakfast with squid with vegetables or milk semolina porridge with fruit.
  2. Snack on a slice rye bread or prepare a portion of vinaigrette. Drink tea or coffee.
  3. Maybe on the table by lunchtime vegetable stew with beans or mushroom soup with herbs.
  4. Have an afternoon snack with a lean bar with muesli and tea or a sandwich with butter or cheese.
  5. An evening meal will delight you with buckwheat porridge and fresh cabbage salad or cottage cheese casserole.
  6. Before going to bed, a salad of fresh vegetables with olive oil will help satisfy your hunger.


  1. The day begins with scrambled eggs and toast or a portion of wheat porridge boiled in water.
  2. For lunch, drink a cup of coffee or tea with a bagel, or eat tofu with mushrooms or vegetables.
  3. During the day, they have lunch with pasta without adding oil and tomato (cabbage) salad, or boil chicken broth, and dry a piece of bread with it.
  4. For an afternoon snack, dried fruits are washed or cooked zucchini pancakes.
  5. For dinner, boil brown rice and serve it with stewed vegetables, or cook lean borscht.
  6. Before going to bed, cut up a fruit salad and season it with natural, low-fat yogurt.


  1. For breakfast, make a salad from fresh vegetables, eat it with bread or cook oatmeal porridge.
  2. For second breakfast, steam a cutlet.
  3. Have lunch with a portion of buckwheat porridge with asparagus or fish soup.
  4. For an afternoon snack, make a fruit smoothie or drink tea with cookies.
  5. In the evening they have dinner with pea soup with croutons or vegetable salad and boiled chicken breast.
  6. Before going to bed, eat a vegetable salad and a boiled egg.


  1. The morning starts with milk porridge or rice cooked in water, and they also make a salad to go with it.
  2. The second breakfast consists of vegetable salad or tea with pie.
  3. Lunch - a portion of vegetable soup and bread or soup with meatballs and herbs.
  4. The afternoon snack includes fresh fruit and oatmeal cookies.
  5. In the evening, bake a piece of fish or steam it, and stew vegetables.
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of fermented baked milk or yogurt.


  1. In the morning, treat yourself to lean pancakes or a portion of risotto with a cutlet and a glass of juice.
  2. For lunch they drink tea with fresh fruit or cook an omelet.
  3. During the day they have lunch with vegetable soup with a piece of bread and a baked piece of fish.
  4. They have an afternoon snack of either shrimp, a sandwich with caviar, or pancakes with berries.
  5. Have dinner with bean vinaigrette or mushroom stew.
  6. Before going to bed, eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese.

Diet results

Depending on individual characteristics With this method of losing weight you can lose 4-6 kg in 3-4 weeks. You should not expect that the weight will go away instantly - it will “melt” slowly and smoothly, but will not negatively affect a person’s overall well-being and health.

In the next video, the girl will experience a fractional diet and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of such a system:

So if you follow the basic rules fractional diet, then the excess weight does not return for a long time, but if you continue to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise regularly physical exercise, then you can forget about it forever.

Grazing is a newfangled trend in dietetics that advocates eating often, but in small portions. In English there is a concept “to graze”, which means “to have a snack” (although the literal translation is “to graze”). That is, full meals (those when you leave the table with a full belly and a feeling of extreme satiety) are replaced with light snacks.

The trend has roots in the distant past. Even in Soviet medicine, this principle of nutrition was used to compile therapeutic menus. Today, many have already tested and approved a fractional diet for weight loss, which allows you to lose a sufficient amount of extra pounds.

The essence

As practice shows, about 70% of people eat the old fashioned way, i.e. 3 times a day. Not counting, of course, the 4th time, when before going to bed in front of the TV, plates of chips, crackers, nuts are consumed and all this is washed down with liters of soda. Even many nutritional systems designed for weight loss require three meals a day. But from a physiological point of view, this is completely wrong.

Japanese researchers have discovered gremlin, a hormone produced by the gastric mucosa. It actively influences the brain, prompting a person to look for food and arouses the feeling of hunger. The longer the gap between meals, the more gremlin in the body, which causes a brutal appetite. To reduce the amount of this hormone, you need to satisfy those same pleasure centers more often, that is, eat more often.

If you look at the menu of treatment tables developed back in Soviet era, fractional meals are their basic principle. No therapeutic diet consists of 3 meals - there are many more.

Here's how a fractional diet works for weight loss:

  • your appetite does not have time to “work up” for a new meal, which means you will eat less;
  • small portions gradually reduce the volume of the stomach, providing quick saturation;
  • blood glucose is constantly maintained at the desired level, ensuring vigor and energy throughout the day;
  • activity allows you to burn more calories;
  • digestion is normalized;
  • harmful products are excluded;
  • The diet includes only low-calorie foods.

The paradox of fractional nutrition: you eat more often than before, but you lose weight. A low calorie diet does not fully cover daily energy needs - and body fat steadily decreases. This is the ideal diet for slow but proper weight loss. In a month you can easily lose 10 kg - without stretch marks and hungry fainting.

Basic rules

To properly organize fractional meals that promote weight loss, you need to know its basic principles:

  1. Daily calorie content for women is up to 1,300 kcal, for men - up to 1,600.
  2. Breakfast should include slow carbohydrates (cereals, whole grains), fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables.
  3. Lunch is mostly protein, supplemented with vegetables. Broths are also desirable.
  4. Dinner is also protein-rich: meat, fish, dairy products. Vegetables are also allowed, but fruits in the evening are prohibited. Should be 3 hours before bedtime.
  5. For snacks you will need fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, yogurt.
  6. During breaks, drink pure ( daily norm- one and a half liters).
  7. Don't forget to exercise or at least keep up your physical activity.

An example of how to distribute time based on eating every two hours:

  • 7.00 - glass of water;
  • 8.00 - full breakfast (25% kcal of the daily value);
  • 10.00 - first lunch (some fruit);
  • 12.00 - second lunch (nuts or dried fruits);
  • 14.00 - full lunch (30% kcal of the daily value);
  • 16.00 - afternoon tea (it's time for);
  • 18.00 - full dinner (20% kcal of the daily value);
  • 20.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir.

A similar two-hour diet is the best option. You can adjust the schedule to suit yourself, taking into account the working hours.

Product Lists

A fractional diet guarantees weight loss not only by reducing portion sizes and the stomach. One of its main postulates is the low calorie content of foods. Therefore, you need to adhere to the lists below.


  • meat: dietary is better, but pork is also possible in moderation;
  • fish, seafood;
  • dairy products with low fat content;
  • non-starchy vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley;
  • sweets: honey, dark chocolate, marmalade, dried fruits, oatmeal cookies, marshmallows;
  • coffee, tea (with milk, but without sugar), homemade fresh juices, protein shakes.


  • alcohol, industrial juices, carbonated drinks;
  • fried, fatty, spicy, smoked, salted, pickled, canned foods;
  • starchy cereals (rice), pasta;
  • starchy vegetables: potatoes, cauliflower, corn;
  • food additives: salt, sugar, starch;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sweet fruits and berries (persimmons, bananas, grapes);
  • sweets, desserts;
  • fast food;
  • bakery, confectionery, bakery.

A diet compiled taking into account these two lists allows you to reduce the calorie content of your daily diet and increase energy expenditure.

Pros and cons

Every power system, even one as ideal at first glance as a fractional one, has its drawbacks. It is better to get to know them in advance in order to be able to somehow avoid them or reduce undesirable consequences to a minimum.


  • thanks to a constant level of glucose, performance increases;
  • guarantees a light stomach at night good sleep, which leads to the production of a sufficient amount of melanin, which is involved in the breakdown of fats;
  • digestive problems are eliminated;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • lack of hunger;
  • Slow weight loss is the safest for health;
  • no contraindications.


  • you need to strictly follow the meal schedule, and in conditions of intense or traveling work this is not always possible;
  • you need to eat even if you have no appetite;
  • Limit portion sizes to avoid overfilling.

Fractional nutrition is one of those systems that undoubtedly has more pros than cons. It is for this reason that most people who lose weight choose it.


Exists huge amount popular diets. They differ from each other in terms of terms, promised results and menu. So you have a choice. How long does it take to lose weight - a week? two? month? How much - 5, 10, 15 kg? By answering these questions for yourself, you can easily decide on the right option.

  • Brazilian

Developed by Brazilian nutritionists. The basis is protein foods and plant fiber (vegetables, fruits, fresh juices). The period is a week, but it can be extended. Results - 2-3 kg per week.

  • Protein

The most famous, which involves excluding carbohydrates and fats from the diet. The basis of the menu is low-fat foods: fish, meat, milk, eggs. Results - 5-7 kg per week. Terms - no more than a month.

  • 5 by 10

The “Five by Ten” diet is an alternation of a strict hunger strike with a gentle regime. That is, within 5 days it happens intensive weight loss due to fractional nutrition, small portions and a minimum of calories. Then, within 10 days, the achieved result is consolidated: you eat again according to your usual regimen, slightly increase the daily calorie content and portion size. Losses - up to 5 kg.

  • 3 on 1

Also alternation, but here 3 days - on fractional meals in compliance with all the principles of the diet, and the next day - fasting (better - on). Result - 3-5 kg.

  • Semyorochka

Unique, but not very popular diet, which many people bypass due to the long period (7 weeks) and relatively low results (only 7-10 kg in 1.5 months). Assumes alternation:

  • Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

One of the most correct fractional diets. Compiled by experts in accordance with the principles of healthy nutrition. He suggests including the lowest-calorie foods in your diet and having frequent snacks. The recommended period is for 21 days with a result of minus 7-8 kg.

Some of these diets are very, some - more. Evaluate them from the point of view of whether you can withstand and complete the task.


The most difficult thing is to independently create a fractional diet menu for every day. The table below will allow you to purchase the necessary products in advance and not fill the refrigerator with anything unnecessary, so as not to be tempted.

Sample menu for a week:

Do you want to extend for a month? Just repeat this menu every week.


Recipes will help make the task as easy as possible low-calorie dishes, fit perfectly into this system.



  • 300 grams of Chinese cabbage;
  • spinach (bunch);
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • green;
  • sesame;
  • lemon juice.


  1. Shred the cabbage into thin strips. Squeeze it out with your hands, adding a little salt.
  2. Chop spinach and greens.
  3. Pass the carrots through a grater.
  4. Cut the pepper into small cubes.
  5. Mix everything.
  6. Add sesame seeds and lemon juice.


  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
  • 300 g cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • bulb;
  • green;
  • 50 ml tomato paste;
  • bay leaf.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage into strips. Add some salt. Squeeze with your hands until soft and juice is released.
  2. Dip it into the broth.
  3. While it is cooking, simmer the grated beets and carrots (without oil) in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Add them to the cabbage.
  4. Chop the onion and simmer until yellow. Dip into soup.
  5. Thinly slice the pepper and add to the rest of the vegetables.
  6. When the soup is ready, before turning off the stove, add the pasta and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Turn off. Drop the bay leaf.
  8. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.

Beef with pumpkin


  • 300 grams of beef;
  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • green;
  • clove of garlic.


  1. Cut the beef, pumpkin and pepper into approximately equal-sized pieces.
  2. Stir in pumpkin and pepper.
  3. Salt and pepper the meat and vegetables.
  4. Place on a greased baking sheet in layers: vegetables - meat - vegetables - chopped herbs.
  5. Cover with foil.
  6. Bake at 180°C for 40 minutes.

Having lost weight on a fractional diet, many understand that this principle of nutrition can be followed throughout life even with a normal diet. It prevents overeating even with high calorie foods. Those who adhere to it are not familiar with hunger, are always cheerful and feel incredible lightness in their body.

So if the fight is extra pounds was successful, do not stop there so that they do not return back soon. Gradually returning to your previous diet, leave the habit of eating every 2-3 hours. This will help solve the problem of excess weight forever.

The essence of a fractional cleansing diet

Fractional nutrition is special system nutrition, in which the daily ration is divided into small portions. A split-meal diet involves frequent meals of small amounts of food. The interval between meals should be 3-4 hours.

Through fractional nutrition, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated and absorption is improved. nutrients. This effect is due to the fact that with prolonged abstinence from food, the body begins to store fat reserves, and frequent meals allow intensive processing of both incoming food and fat reserves.

Rules of the “fractional meals” diet

  • Choosing the right serving size. You should not eat more food than necessary to feel full.
  • Calorie calculation. Despite the absence of restrictions in the choice of diet products, it is advisable that the calorie content of the daily diet does not exceed the norm necessary for weight loss.
  • Use the “right” food for snacks. It is advisable to use healthy foods as foods that suppress hunger between main meals: fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, etc.
  • You can't go hungry. Even a slight feeling of hunger requires obligatory satisfaction. Fasting for more than 3 hours is strictly prohibited.
  • Food should be varied. Variety in food will help you avoid temptations and eat large number tasty but unhealthy food.
  • Avoid harmful foods. If possible, you should limit or even completely eliminate the consumption of fats, sweets and other not entirely healthy foods.
  • Vegetables and fruits have their place. You can and should eat fruits and vegetables between meals.
  • Chew food thoroughly. Chewing each bite slowly and thoroughly will help you feel full quickly, thereby preventing the possibility of overeating.
  • Reviews of the split-meal diet indicate a loss of 1 to 2 kilograms per week. You can use this diet as much as you like.
  • It can even be used as a permanent power supply system. Moreover, the fractional nutrition diet has practically no contraindications.

Fractional Meal Options

Fractional meals provide two completely different nutrition options:

You need to eat every time you feel hungry, even if the interval between meals does not exceed 15-30 minutes. You can eat whatever you want; the fractional meal menu does not limit your diet in absolutely anything. The main condition is not to eat more food than is necessary to satiate. If you want to eat, you need to eat; if you feel full, stop eating. In this case, you should focus only on the sensations of your own body and the stomach in particular. No established rules regarding meal times and portion sizes are taken into account.

This method is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to eat as they please every time, for example, if work hours do not allow it. In this case, the principle of fractional meals is five to six meals a day. In this case, three meals should be dense, and the rest should be small snacks. The composition of the fractional diet menu does not differ from everyday nutrition, but for greater effect it is advisable to limit the consumption of flour and sweets. During the day you need to drink at least two liters of liquid.

In the second option, weight loss will become more noticeable than in the first. The results of fractional nutrition are almost always positive, weight is lost quite quickly. But when sudden weight loss the skin often sags. Therefore, it is advisable to combine this weight loss technique with physical exercise.

Fractional diet - menu for each of 5 days

7.00 - one cup of tea or coffee.
9.00 - grated carrot salad, seasoned with lemon juice.
11.00 - one apple or any other fruit.
13.00 - 100 grams of boiled meat or freshwater fish, a piece of grain bread with 10 grams of butter.
15.00 - hard-boiled egg, or 100 grams of cheese, or 100 grams of cottage cheese.
17.00 - vegetable salad (cabbage, beetroot, carrot or any other).
19.00 - 10 pieces of dried fruits (prunes or dried apricots) soaked in hot water.
21.00 - one glass of low-fat kefir.

Fractional diet menu

The fractional diet has several options. Here is the most popular option, designed for cycles of 3 days. Don't forget that every 3-5 days it is recommended to have a fasting day. This could be a day on kefir or another fermented milk product, vegetables or fruits. Sometimes it is allowed to mix all these types of products. Everyone can choose what suits them best. Fasting days on kefir and apples are considered the most effective.

During the diet, you need to drink a lot of water - from 1.5 to 2 liters per day. You can also drink freshly squeezed juices, green tea. But you will have to give up alcohol during the diet. As a last resort, you can drink a glass of dry wine. But beer is strictly prohibited.

On the first day, fry one egg for breakfast and eat it with fresh vegetables. After a couple of hours you can eat an orange. For lunch, you can eat a small bowl of soup and a few spoons of vinaigrette. As a snack, you can eat a bread sandwich with red fish. Dinner will consist of a small portion of carrot and cheese salad, seasoned with sour cream, and a few spoons of cottage cheese casserole. You need to have dinner quite early, preferably before 6 p.m. But after this you can have a snack with a fruit salad flavored with honey.

On the second day the menu will be as follows. For breakfast – 100 grams of oatmeal cooked in milk. You can add nuts or dried fruits to it. Second breakfast will consist of 2 fresh cucumbers or tomatoes and a small piece of cheese. The lunch menu includes a fresh vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil, fried fish(100 grams) and 2 tablespoons of boiled rice. A couple of hours after lunch, you can snack on yogurt, banana or apple. For dinner, you need to fry a small piece of meat and eat it with 3 tablespoons of potatoes, rice or other side dish. In the evening you can have a snack with a fruit and vegetable salad made from 1 large apple and 2 grated carrots.

On the third day, you may have to endure hunger. But it can be used as a discharge. At the beginning of the day, you need to eat about 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and drink a glass of kefir. The snack will consist of one apple. Need to cook for lunch vegetable soup, eat a few pieces of hard cheese and some fresh vegetables. Before dinner, you can have a snack with drinking yogurt, and for dinner, prepare a vegetable stew, adding a pear and a few pieces of cheese. Later you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk.

Fractional diet options

There is another option for a fractional diet, which includes carbohydrate meals. It could be porridge or mashed potatoes. The main menu for the week is the same as in the first version. The last meal should be no later than 18:00. Try to eat porridge or potatoes in the first half of the day, this will allow the food to be fully absorbed.

A fractional diet for weight loss is very simple, but it cannot always be followed in an office or production environment. During the working day, lunch is limited to a certain time frame, so if you are not able to eat on a schedule, postpone your weight loss to vacation.

The fractional diet is the basis of the Brazilian weight loss method. It is not much different from those proposed above, but while losing weight you can afford sausages or sausage. These processed meat products should only be consumed in the morning or before lunch. The Brazilian fractional diet suggests eating not every 2 hours, but every 3. That is total number meals will be reduced.

Advantages of a fractional diet

A fractional diet is an absolutely safe nutrition system. Unlike strict diets, it will not harm the body; on the contrary, it will help improve health. Now many nutritionists say that our usual eating style leads to health problems and premature aging. Any organ is designed for a uniform constant load.

Our digestive system works better when we receive food regularly and in small portions. If you starve the body and then suddenly load it with a mixture of all kinds of different nutrients, it simply fails. People often feel sleepy after a heavy meal. This suggests that the body has devoted all its strength to digesting this excessively large amount of food. Thus, a fractional diet helps solve this problem and give the body more energy.

Another advantage of a fractional diet is its ease of use. There are no strict restrictions or exotic products. You can use the recipes given in this article or rely on your own menu, only slightly moderating your consumption of flour, sweet and fatty meats.

Disadvantages of a fractional diet

Not everyone can use a fractional diet. People who are very busy at work may simply not have time to have a snack or forget about it. The same problem arises among people who are not comfortable with strict discipline. The absence of strict boundaries is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. If you are not sure that your diet will help you lose weight, then it is better to stick to the menu that nutritionists have developed specifically for this nutrition system. Otherwise, the result may be minimal.

The benefits of fractional meals

You probably already noticed that almost all modern diets use the fractional nutrition principle. Yes, meals divided into 4-6 snacks allow the body to absorb foods faster and better, release energy from them in portions, without allowing unprocessed excess to be deposited on the sides.

Based on fractional nutrition, several targeted systems have been developed that allow you to change your diet for the better. for many years. At the same time, the fractional method is considered the most gentle and non-fasting, during which weight is reduced gradually, without stress on the body.

The essence of fractional nutrition, important rules and advantages

So, as you already understand, the basis of fractional nutrition is the process of distributing food into several small snacks per day. It is better to do them every day at the same time. Of course, simply breaking up food will not help you lose weight - try to make your diet less caloric and exclude harmful foods and drinks from it.

What’s good about the diet is that fractional nutrition at its core allows you to enjoy the effect and ease in the body for many years, and not a couple of days or weeks, as in other methods. The beauty is that you don’t have to completely remove familiar foods and favorite delicacies from your diet. While losing weight to the size you need, you should limit your menu, and then you can eat as usual, maintaining the desired weight long time.

“Golden” rules of fractional meals:

  1. We never overeat, especially at night. The whole point is to eat in small portions, but often, which will not allow you to remain hungry, but at the same time will not stretch your stomach. Over time, the stomach itself gets used to the volume of food, and you begin to experience hunger less often, and to be full you already need a much smaller portion than before.
  2. Each meal should be taken at regular intervals (2-3 hours).
  3. Every 5 days you need to do one fasting day, which will allow you to maintain your weight at the required level.
  4. Take your last meal 3 hours before bedtime, let it be a light protein snack or a low-calorie drink.
  5. Eat proper and healthy foods, excluding flour, fatty, fried, and carbohydrates from your diet.
  6. We must comply drinking regime- at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day (still water and salt, natural juices, teas, herbal decoctions, compotes).

The biggest difficulty of the diet is switching to a fractional diet that is unusual for us. You need to learn to have a full breakfast, not a cup of coffee, and have lunch not with a huge portion of first and second, but with the same small snack as in the morning or evening. Then the body stops making reserves “just in case,” especially at night, when it realizes that there is “no chance” of food until the morning. Get him used to eating regularly every 2 hours and he will wait for his time as scheduled. It is convenient to switch to fractional meals gradually. To begin with, reduce the size of standard portions first by 1.5 times, then by 2. Introduce 1 snack per day into your diet, gradually increasing the number of such snacks to 3. This could be fruit, a glass of berries, a bottle of yogurt, curd cheese or dry cookies, a glass of juice.

The effectiveness of the diet is expressed in its advantages:

  • Weight decreases slowly, which allows you to avoid stretch marks, cellulite, sagging muscles and skin;
  • By limiting your diet and reducing the calorie content of portions, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in a month;
  • Quitting the diet is simple and easy, but you can continue it for a long time to maintain your weight loss results and good health;
  • Metabolism and digestion are normalized, all products are absorbed efficiently and quickly, giving the maximum useful components to the body;
  • The body gets used to small portions, the stomach narrows, so saturation occurs even with a small snack;
  • You never feel hungry due to 5-6 snacks in your daily diet;
  • The intestines and stomach are unloaded, which is the prevention of various gastrointestinal diseases. This is what makes it possible for even ulcer sufferers to follow a diet.

Fractional meal options, menu and food set

As we found out, a fractional diet involves limiting the volume of portions and increasing the frequency of their intake. But there are no strict restrictions on the menu itself; it all depends on what results you are trying to achieve. If losing weight is not important to you, then you can leave all your favorite foods in your diet. However, we are talking here specifically about losing weight with the help of a healthy fractional diet. Here you should be prepared to limit or temporarily refuse the following products:

  • Fried, fatty, spicy, smoked;
  • Salted, pickled, canned;
  • Food additives (salt and sugar in pure form, starch, preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, gelatin and others);
  • Beverages (Alcohol, caffeinated drinks, industrial juices, soda);
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, cauliflower and others);
  • Starchy cereals (rice) and pasta;
  • Bakery products and pastries (we will leave only whole grain products in the diet);
  • Sweets and desserts, except the following: honey, dark dark chocolate, homemade marmalade, mousses, dried fruits, unsweetened oatmeal cookies, dried Italian cookies, marshmallows;
  • Fast food and semi-finished products;
  • Sweet fruits and berries (persimmon, banana, grapes, figs, pineapple, dates, melon)

Let's move on to fractional meal options.

  1. "Five by Ten". A very convenient, satisfying and popular method of eating fractional meals. He assumes that for 5 days in a row we adhere to a fractional diet, eating every 2 hours. During this time, we can lose up to 2-3 kg of excess weight, cleanse the intestines of waste, toxins, breakdown products, radicals, and also remove excess salt and stagnant fluid from the body. After 5 days there are 10 consolidating days, during which we eat according to a less rigid scheme and not according to the clock.

    So, 5 days of a fractional menu should follow the following scheme with approximately the following set of products:

    8 am. First breakfast. Consists of natural bean coffee without additives, chicory, brewed cocoa or green tea (no sugar or milk added).

    After 2 hours, eat a portion of carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice.

    At noon, add 1 unsweetened or semi-sweet fruit, or ½ cup of dried fruit.

    At 2 o'clock in the afternoon we eat a portion of boiled beef (chicken, lean fish, seafood), 1 slice of whole grain bran or rye bread with a thin layer of butter;

    After 2 hours, eat 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can replace it with 1 boiled egg and a slice hard cheese.

    At 6 pm the last hearty snack. We can prepare ourselves a portion of vegetable salad dressed with olive oil or eat a piece of pumpkin casserole with carrots.

    The last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime is a glass of fermented milk drink with minimal fat content, 1 small fruit.

    After 5 days of fractional meals, we take a 10-day break with the following menu for the day:

    Breakfast (to choose from):

    Porridge with water or milk with butter, tea;

    Omelette of 2 eggs, milk, tomatoes and mushrooms, a glass of fruit juice;

    Muesli, 2 slices of hard cheese, coffee beans

    Snack (optional):

    Any citrus fruit;

    Low fat fermented milk drink

    Lunch (optional):

    Vegetable soup with chicken, a slice of rye bread, herbal infusion;

    Low-fat fish soup, 1 boiled egg, tea;

    Vegetable and veal stew, bran toast, fresh juice

    Lunch (optional):

    Any sweet fruit;

    2 small cheesecakes with sour cream;

    100 g cottage cheese with dried fruits;

    1 serving of store-bought yogurt;

    A piece of fruit or meat casserole;

    A portion of semolina pudding

    Dinner (to choose from):

    100 g puree with milk, 1 meat or fish cutlet steamed, kefir;

    Greek salad, 1 rye toast with ham and cheese, tea;

    Peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables (2 pcs.), 100 g of grated carrot and cabbage salad, fermented baked milk;

    Fruit salad dressed with yogurt, 2 boiled eggs, kefir;

    A serving of steamed sea fish with vegetables, 2 slices of cheese, natural juice

    The 10-day menu is approximate, so you can create your own snacks, adhering to the calorie content and style indicated in our example.

  2. "Three on one." Another example of a fractional ration, which is also built according to a certain scheme. Here we do 3 fractional days in a row, but the fourth day will not be a consolidation day, but a fasting day, which will help you lose weight more intensely and faster than during the previous diet. Also, nutrition should be based on 5-6 snacks and plenty of liquid. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a mug of low-fat fermented milk drink. Fasting days will consist exclusively of fermented milk products with 0% fat content (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, whey). To achieve maximum results During the diet, it is highly recommended to engage in dynamic sports (swimming, running, long walks, dancing, aerobics).

    For breakfast, prepare a light omelet from 1 egg, lean milk, carrots and green peas.

    We snack on any citrus fruit.

    For lunch we prepare a lean vegetable soup, as well as a portion of a light salad of carrots, beets and garlic, dressed with olive oil.

    A snack will be a rye toast sandwich with a piece of salted salmon on top.

    For dinner we prepare a Greek salad or eat 2 pieces. cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream.

    Before going to bed, you can allow yourself unsweetened fruit and a glass of kefir.

    We have breakfast with oatmeal with milk, adding some dried fruits and nuts.

    Snack - rye toast with tomato, hard cheese and cucumber.

    For lunch we cook steamed sea fish with rice and vegetables.

    A snack consists of 1 large apple or medium banana.

    For dinner we eat a portion of boiled chicken fillet with fresh vegetables.

    Before going to bed, eat 1 carrot and a glass of homemade low-fat yogurt.

    Breakfast consists of a portion of low-fat cottage cheese plus dried fruits. Wash it down with a fermented milk drink.

    Snack - any citrus.

    For lunch we prepare a creamy soup of broccoli, soft cheese and celery. A small portion of vinaigrette is also included.

    Snack - 1 apple or pear.

    For dinner we serve vegetable stew with chicken. A piece of cottage cheese casserole or semolina pudding is also included.

    Before going to bed, eat unsweetened fruit and drink it with fermented baked milk.

    At the end of 3 days, we do 1 unloading, as required by the scheme. During such a day, we should eat 1.5 kg of cottage cheese in small portions or drink 2 liters of low-fat fermented milk drink. The next 3 days should again be fractional - build your menu according to the above principle, observing low calorie content and frequent small meals. If you crave something sweet while on a diet, give preference to the permitted sweets listed above. As for alcoholic drinks, you can only have table wine and then no more than 2 glasses a day.

  3. Brazilian fractional diet. Famous and effective option fractional nutrition, developed by Brazilian doctors and nutritionists. According to the diet, the diet is based on 4-5 snacks, while the menu includes a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, greens, fruits and berries, which helps the body receive a complex of necessary vitamins and minerals. The diet is designed for a week, but you can stick to it for as long as you need, adapting the existing menu to suit your tastes, but observing the average calorie and carbohydrate content of the dishes.


    For breakfast, eat 1 sweet fruit, 1 citrus fruit and drink a glass of citrus juice.

    Have a snack with a glass of citrus juice and 1 piece of whole grain toast.

    For lunch we prepare a portion of steamed fish, as well as a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.

    Have a snack with a serving of fermented milk drink.

    Dinner includes a portion of boiled or baked lean fish and stewed vegetables.

    The last snack before bed can duplicate any other.

    This time we have breakfast with 1 boiled egg, washed down with apple juice.

    We make a snack from a glass of apple juice and 1 bran toast with a thin layer of butter.

    For lunch, bake a portion of lean meat on the grill, eat 2 boiled young potatoes with herbs and lettuce.

    For dinner we prepare a sea fish salad, chicken egg, green peas, lettuce and basil.

    A snack before bed duplicates any other.

    We have breakfast with 1 glass of low-fat milk, eat bran toast with butter.

    Snack - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with raisins (100 g).

    For lunch we prepare a portion of rice with seafood. We snack on a light salad of cabbage, herbs, and cucumber, seasoned with lemon juice.

    Snack - any fruit.

    For dinner, boil a portion of meat and eat it with fresh celery and lettuce. 1 pear is also included.

    Before going to bed, we can drink a glass of fruit juice and have 2 snacks. dried Italian biscotti cookies.

    For breakfast we drink a glass of pineapple juice. We eat a few slices of fresh pineapple.

    We make a snack from a glass of pineapple juice and rye toast with butter.

    For lunch we cook grilled veal with cauliflower and bell pepper. Also add 2 slices of hard cheese.

    Snack - 1 citrus of any kind.

    For dinner, boil 2 new potatoes, eat a light salad of carrots, beets, garlic and prunes with olive oil.

    Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of pineapple juice with 1 marshmallow.

    We have breakfast with a glass of mango juice and 2 biscotti cookies.

    The snack consists of 1 citrus and 1 apple.

    For lunch we prepare a portion of boiled fish with carrots and zucchini.

    Snack - fermented milk drink.

    For dinner, prepare vegetable soup with meat or fish broth, and snack on a slice of whole grain bread with cheese.

    Before going to bed, drink a glass of mango juice and eat 2 slices of natural marmalade.

    Breakfast consists of 1 glass carrot juice and bran toast with cheese.

    We have a snack with a light salad of beets, carrots and lemon juice.

    For lunch, prepare vegetable soup in mushroom or meat broth, add 1 boiled egg and eat a slice of whole grain bread.

    Snack - 1 citrus of any kind.

    For dinner we prepare a portion of stewed mushrooms with chicken fillet. A serving of fresh vegetable salad is also included.

    Nighttime snack - 1 carrot and a glass of any juice.


    For breakfast we eat 1 sweet fruit and 1 glass of berries.

    We have a snack with a glass of grape juice and rye toast with butter.

    For lunch, prepare pasta with seafood and vegetables, eat 1 green apple.

    Snack - any fermented milk drink.

    For dinner we prepare a fruit salad dressed with yogurt. Also included is 1 boiled egg and 2 unleavened cookies.

    Before going to bed, drink a glass of grape juice and eat 100 g of berries.

    This diet will help you lose up to 1 kg in a week, but you can continue it for the rest of your life until your weight and metabolism stabilize.

How to get out of a fractional diet

In fact, a fractional diet is not a diet, but a style of eating approved by all doctors and nutritionists. Since it has virtually no disadvantages or contraindications, you can easily keep a fractional diet in your diet for the rest of your life.

If you want to leave the fractional diet and return to the previous 3 meals a day with your favorite foods, then do it gradually, because during the diet the stomach decreases in volume and no longer requires the previously usual portions. First of all, try to remove 1 snack every 3 days, bringing it to required quantity. Don't forget about plenty of water and little physical activity - the accumulated metabolic rate should be maintained, otherwise the lost weight may return over time.

Also observe dietary restrictions for a month, gradually introducing sweets into your diet, bakery products, fatty meats, dressings and sauces.

Disadvantages of fractional meals and contraindications

All doctors in the world recommend and approve of a fractional diet, so the observed shortcomings are conditional and individual. First of all, working people complain about their diet, since organizing systematic snacks at the workplace can be extremely inconvenient and costly. Also, the diet is not suitable for people who want to lose a large number of kilograms in a short time - the fractional method works gradually, but for sure. Some fractional diet options have time restrictions, which complicates life and forces you to eat on an alarm clock.

That, in fact, is all the minor shortcomings of the diet. There are also few contraindications found for her. Fractional meals are not suitable only for people with serious chronic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, children and the elderly.

There are sanatoriums where food is served in tiny portions, but many times a day. Vacationers don’t really like the amount of food, but they don’t go hungry and by the end of the trip they all lose several kilograms. This is the principle of such a diet, with the help of which you can get rid of excess weight, improve your body’s health and improve tone.


A fractional diet with a menu for every day is guaranteed to help in eliminating unnecessary kilograms. It has already been proven that excess weight appears due to excessive absorption of food and physical inactivity, when excess calories are not burned during physical activity, but are safely deposited on the waist, hips and other parts of the body.

In addition, modern rhythms make us forget about proper nutrition. Many people make up for what they “lost” during the day with a hearty dinner, which is also not healthy. In order to establish a diet and restore metabolism, there is a fractional diet with a menu for every day.

Fractional diet for weight loss and menu for every day

Principles of a fractional diet menu for weight loss

There are four basic principles that guide menu planning.

Do not under any circumstances overeat! Food in small portions, but many times will not leave you hungry. As a result, you will learn to correctly distribute the amount of your daily requirement throughout the day and get used to eating small amounts.

Eat often, at least five times a day every 2-3 hours. This is the most main principle fractional diet menu. The regimen must be strictly followed, otherwise the entire diet will be in vain.

It is necessary to do (for example) once every five days. This will help cleanse the body and give the gastrointestinal tract a break. All this will help enhance metabolism, and, therefore, ensure effective weight loss.

The diet cycle consists of five days with a low-calorie diet and ten days of normal food consumption, but with a limit on fast food, fatty, fried and smoked foods.

Principles of the fractional diet menu for weight loss

Diet option and menu for every day

From desired results depends on what products will be used in its application. If you don’t have a goal to lose weight, but just need to improve proper nutrition, then high-calorie foods can also be included in the diet. For example, mayonnaise, full-fat sour cream, etc.

They are replaced with vegetable oil or low-fat yogurt when you need to lose weight.

Fractional diet option and menu for every day

Fractional diet for weight loss and menu

It is forbidden to eat sweets - cakes, pastries, cookies, sweets

When compiling a fractional diet menu, the following rules are followed:

  • It is forbidden to eat sweets - cakes, pastries, cookies, sweets;
  • fatty foods are replaced with low-fat ones, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar is used instead of sauce;
  • All sweet and carbonated drinks are excluded.

Menu for every day

Below is given rough plan fractional diet menu for every day.

Breakfast– a cup of coffee or green tea without sugar, you can add a little honey.

Lunch– grated carrots with honey or lemon juice.

Snack– apple, peach, pear, etc. If you don’t need to lose weight, you can have a banana or grapes.

Dinner– 100 g chicken breast(can be replaced with fish or meat), grain bread with butter.

Pros and cons of the diet

The undoubted advantages of a fractional diet menu for weight loss include:

  • rapid loss of kilograms (up to 5 kg per week);
  • recovery proper operation your digestive system;
  • absence acute feeling hunger;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • developing the habit of eating right.

The downside is that not everyone can organize such a regime for themselves while working hard or constantly traveling. Also, its observance requires strict discipline.