Moon eclipse. How will the eclipse affect you? Lunar and solar eclipses: do's and don'ts

Tatiana Kulinich

IN ancient astrology any eclipses were considered a negative time that you just need to wait out, reducing any important activity to a minimum. Modern astrologers partially agree with this opinion, but insist on the importance of understanding what exactly happens during an eclipse. This knowledge will help you use this difficult time not only to avoid troubles, but also to solve some important questions.

Characteristics of solar eclipses

Speaking from the point of view of astronomy, during a solar eclipse, the shadow of the Moon covers the Sun. In an esoteric sense, the Sun denotes our daytime consciousness, masculinity, activity, and the Moon – the unconscious, intuition, femininity. It is believed that at this time all suppressed fears and feelings can surface to the surface of our consciousness. Sudden changes in mood are characteristic, as the consciousness cannot cope with the surging emotions. Therefore, people become prone to impulsive actions.

However, powerful contact with the subconscious during a solar eclipse also has its own positive sides. Now we can learn much more about ourselves and what our consciousness is programmed for than in common days. Accordingly, this gives us a chance to change deeply.

During solar eclipses you cannot:

  • Start new things, especially if you are prompted to do so by suddenly flaring up emotions
  • When planning major medical procedures, the likelihood of something going wrong is too high.
  • Make important decisions, even if you suddenly realize that now is the time to take a radical action.
  • Drink alcohol and other substances that have a strong psychological effect. Their effect may be unpredictable.
  • Taking what other people say or do today too seriously. Don’t “make a mountain out of a molehill,” try to abstract yourself as much as possible from emerging conflicts and not sort things out.

During solar eclipses you can:

  • Think about and realize what negative character traits you would like to get rid of. Conduct a meditation or small ritual on the topic of cleansing with water. As a simple cleansing practice, you can take a bath with aromatic oils that have cleansing properties.
  • Although emotions are running high these days, intuition can be greatly enhanced. Pay attention to the dreams and premonitions you have on this day. However, postpone their interpretation until after the eclipse.
  • It is good to carry out any, but not too extreme, practices aimed at working with the subconscious in order to get to know yourself better. It can be different psychological tests(but working not with logic, but with emotions), creative practices, etc.

Characteristics of lunar eclipses

During a lunar eclipse, the shadow cast by the Earth obscures the Moon from us. As we already know, on a symbolic level, the Moon represents our subconscious and emotions. As with the solar eclipse, uncontrollable emotional outbursts are now likely. However, if in the case of a solar eclipse these feelings that broke to the surface were real, simply expressed inappropriately and too intensely, then during the period of a lunar eclipse we temporarily lose contact with our true emotions. At such moments, some people can become extremely rational and tough, while others, on the contrary, can become unusually sentimental and touchy for no reason. It is extremely difficult to find an explanation for actions committed at this time.

The Moon damaged by the eclipse especially affects our physical well-being. Diseases that seemed to have been cured for a long time may appear, or strange symptoms that are difficult to diagnose. People suffering from various psychological and nervous disorders should be especially careful.

Moon significantly bigger than the sun affects our relationships with people. Many may feel that their eyes have suddenly been opened to the true motives or character of those around them. But it is important to remember that at this time our intuition is completely turned off, so it is worth holding off with any clear conclusions.

During lunar eclipses you cannot:

  • Schedule surgeries, procedures, any consultations with doctors, etc. on these days. Now you may be misdiagnosed and incorrect treatment will worsen your health.
  • Not best time and for any manipulations with one’s own appearance, be it changing one’s image or buying new cosmetics. Your tastes may now turn sharply into the opposite, and in a few days you will regret what you did.
  • For the same reason (sharp change in taste) you should not plan any major purchases. During a lunar eclipse, people lose contact with their real desires.
  • Avoid any stress and overexertion. Put off exercising. Nowadays it is very easy to miscalculate the load and get injured.
  • Avoid any showdowns. During a lunar eclipse, there is a chance not only to say too much, as during a solar eclipse, but also to unknowingly lie and completely distort the situation.

During lunar eclipses you can:

  • If during a solar eclipse we cleanse our consciousness, but a lunar eclipse, with the right approach, can cleanse the unconscious. Any practice of cleansing the body, space, home is good.
  • In order to find out what incorrect attitudes are hidden in your unconscious, use creative psychological techniques. For example, draw your most strong fear, hatred for a certain person or that emotion that is tormenting you these days. Burn the drawing on the flame of a white candle, imagining how you are freed from this feeling. After the eclipse, analyze where and how it developed in you.
  • Some astrologers recommend using a lunar eclipse to get rid of bad habits. As the eclipse wanes, concentrate on the thought that along with the shadow on the Moon, everything that pushes you to indulge your own weaknesses goes away.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://site

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Today, Ukrainians will be able to observe the Lunar Eclipse 2017. The shadow from the Earth will cover the southern side of the moon. tells why it is better not to leave the house on this day.

When will the 2017 Lunar Eclipse occur?

On August 7, Ukrainians will be able to see the Lunar Eclipse. This will last about two hours. And the maximum visible phenomenon will be at 21.20 Kyiv time.

Why does a Lunar Eclipse occur?

The shadow of our planet will cover the southern side full moon, and the illuminated part of the Earth's satellite will turn red. That’s why this phenomenon is called a “bloody eclipse.” This time the Earth, Moon and Sun will be in one row.

Why is this phenomenon special?

Astrologers believe that a Lunar Eclipse is a very special event. At this time, dreams can come true and fatal events can happen.

So, at this time you can successfully get rid of bad habits. For example, from smoking, alcohol addiction, drug addiction or gambling.

During the Lunar Eclipse, your deepest desires come true. If a person is in a long search, then it is during this period that the cosmos gives answers to the most important questions and helps in his endeavors. But you should remember that during this period, specifics and deadlines for fulfilling desires are important.

What not to do during this period

Experts believe that during the Lunar Eclipse there may be negative influences per person. This astronomical phenomenon negatively affects human health.

All events occurring on this day are fatal. Therefore, you should limit yourself from:

  • driving a car without good reason;
  • signing important documents;
  • expensive purchases;
  • scandals and quarrels in the family;
  • on the night of the eclipse you should not leave the house;
  • look at the eclipse without protective glasses.

What you need to do during the Lunar Eclipse to make your wish come true

In order for your deepest desires to come true this night, you need to focus on them through meditation.

Astrologers advise taking a shower before the procedure and thus washing off all the negative energy.

You can meditate in any position convenient for you. The main thing is to focus on your desires, clearly imagine them in your head, and feel in your heart what you want.

It is very important to free yourself from negative thoughts and experiences.

Ritual for Lunar Eclipse 2017

On the night of the eclipse, you should open the window. Place a small mirror so that the moon is reflected in it. With this you will create a semblance of the moon in your home.

When doing this, you need to say the following words:

  • “Moonlit night, bright night! Give me what I want most in the world!”
  • “Mistress Moon, send me wealth, a handful of gold and a handful of silver. Whatever you give me, I will take.”
  • “Moonlight, come to me, take away all the bad things!” Give me strength and purity, fill my heart with peace and self-confidence. My thoughts are as pure as the ray of the moon. My word is strong. Amen".

The moon does not have its own light, but its surface reflects the sun's rays, so it serves as our night luminary. During eclipses, our satellite turns red, which is why lunar eclipses are sometimes called “blood moons.”

These celestial phenomena occur when the Sun, Earth and Moon line up in a straight line. The Sun is behind the Earth, as a result the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon, and a lunar eclipse occurs.

They always occur on a full moon, but we cannot observe a lunar eclipse on every full moon. This is because the Moon's orbit is inclined at an angle of 5 degrees to the Earth's orbital plane, also known as the ecliptic (Earth's path around the Sun). The points where the two orbits intersect are called the lunar nodes, and eclipses can only occur when the full moon occurs near the lunar node. In other cases, the Earth cannot cast a shadow on the surface of the Moon.

Thus, for a lunar eclipse to occur, two conditions must be met:

Full Moon in the heavens;

The proximity of the Earth to one of the lunar nodes.

There are 3 types: full, partial and penumbra.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the central (dark) part of the Earth's shadow covers the entire visible side Moons. The Earth's shadow is about 1.4 million kilometers wide.

A partial lunar eclipse can be observed when only part of the visible surface of the Moon is covered by the Earth's shadow.

When the Sun, Earth and Moon are not aligned perfectly straight line, only the outer part of the Earth's shadow (penumbra) eclipses the Moon. Such an eclipse is called a penumbral eclipse.

Even if the Earth completely blocks sunlight from hitting the surface of the Moon, our satellite is still visible in the sky. This occurs because the Earth's atmosphere refracts sunlight and indirectly illuminates the lunar surface. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon darkens and turns red because the Earth's atmosphere is most permeable to rays of the red color spectrum. However, the Moon can also turn yellow, orange, or brown colors, since clouds and dust particles are present in the earth’s atmosphere, they allow waves of different lengths to reach the surface of our satellite.

This celestial phenomenon can be seen by everyone who is on the night side of the Earth. It can be observed with the naked eye. The chance of seeing a lunar eclipse is much higher than a solar eclipse (it is visible only in a narrow band in certain areas of the Earth), although both occur at similar intervals. Into one calendar year there may be two lunar eclipses (about six months apart), sometimes three, but in some years none occur.

The ancient Incas believed that lunar eclipses were caused by a jaguar trying to devour the moon. The red or blood-red color that the earth's satellite turns during a total lunar eclipse was explained by the attack of a big cat. The Incas were afraid that after attacking the Moon, a huge jaguar would crash to Earth and start eating people. They tried to drive him away with noise and screams, and teased the dogs to bark loudly.

However, jaguars were not the only predators in mythology that wanted to eat the heavenly body. Residents ancient Mesopotamia also saw eclipses as attacks on the moon, but in their story the attackers were seven demons. Other peoples had similar beliefs, which included bloodthirsty dragons and other mythical creatures.

The Hupa Indians of Northern California believed that Luna had 20 wives and many animals, most of them mountain lions and snakes. If they did not bring enough food, they attacked and inflicted wounds, then the blood turned the Moon red. The eclipse ended when the wives came to protect them, drove away the predators and healed the Moon.

The Indians of Southern California believed that the eclipse signaled that the moon was ill, so they sang chants and prayed for her to return to health.

Not all ancient cultures attributed negative meanings to lunar eclipses. According to a myth from Benin, the Sun and Moon fight each other, and people come to their aid to judge them. The ancient inhabitants of Benin believed that on the days of lunar eclipses it was necessary to get together, resolve old feuds and restore good relations.

Moon eclipse Residents of Russia will be able to watch (except Far Eastern regions) August 7, 2017 at 21.20 (Moscow time) and this astrological phenomenon will last about 2 hours. This will be the second lunar eclipse in 2017. We remind you that the first one was on February 11th.

Astronomically, a lunar eclipse is associated with the passage of the moon in the shadow of the earth. Since the moon is practically in shadow, it should not be visible at all. However, in in this case the maximum shadow phase will reach 0.25.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that the rays of the sun, passing through the earth's atmosphere, are refracted, giving out orange and red colors. The eclipse on this day will be observed not only in Russian regions, but also residents of Australia, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, and Europe.

Lunar eclipses have always been considered mystical phenomena.

In ancient times, people attached more importance to this, since they did not have precise knowledge about the nature of this phenomenon. Of course, this inspired various superstitions and even fears about future events. There were even cults associated with sacrifices or offerings to the gods.

At this time, astrologers advised to be most vigilant in their relationships and connections in society. Particularly important events were postponed to another suitable time. The kings canceled meetings and negotiations on this day, and any confrontations and wars were also cancelled.

It was believed that a lot of unnecessary blood would be shed during a lunar eclipse...

If we take modern astrology, then an eclipse plays the role of a kind of indicator of your internal cycles. It is useful during this period of life to complete important and long-term tasks. Particular attention should be paid to your inner world– . You should not attend noisy parties and feasts, and do not drive a car.

Especially strong negative impact will be felt by representatives of the following zodiac signs:

What should you do during a Lunar Eclipse?

Pay attention to the relationships with your family and friends. It is useful to solve any problems peacefully, and it is also necessary to make peace and find points for rapprochement.

The best moment here will be to realize your negative personality traits and dependence on bad habits, for example: smoking, alcohol addiction, drug addiction. It is during this period that it is best to get rid of all negative habits that affect your health.

Giving up bad habits will natural process at this period of life. Map out a plan to eradicate these enemies of man. Someone may turn to a psychologist during this period, while others will go to church to seek help from a clergyman.

Accordingly, we can do work at the level of mental processes, physical cleansing, and spiritual restructuring of our consciousness. Communication with others can lead to scandals, disputes, misunderstandings and nervous breakdowns. There is a possibility of mental instability, inappropriate actions, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

During the lunar eclipse, the culmination of interaction with and internal processes. Therefore, astrologers recommend engaging in the practices of solitude and. Various types of cleansing are also useful, both on the mental plane and in working with the body.

Find your cleansing method and follow it!

Preparing for a lunar eclipse: The Moon in any person’s horoscope is connected with the subconscious, emotions, and soul. Practices and ways to cleanse the “soul” and everything that is around you will be good.

Therefore, today do the following:

  • Make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel or misunderstanding of each other. But don’t try to sort things out, just ask for forgiveness.
  • Make sure you pay off all your debts, both material and moral. Still have questions? Ask them in the comments at the bottom of this page

Moon eclipse. Why is the hour of eclipse dangerous?

How to prepare for the eclipse and what to do to change the “minus” to “plus” and new life begin?
Eclipses expand the energy-informational space around a person. This allows you to get rid of everything unnecessary, including various ailments, and attract success and good luck into your life!
Solar and lunar eclipses have always been considered special celestial signs that can predetermine certain events, influence everyone living on earth and become for many unique milestones on the path to future successes or defeats.
It has long been believed that eclipses entail only the most terrible and Negative consequences- wars, devastation, hunger, disease and death. Nowadays, astrologers agree that not everything is so simple. And in each specific case, you need to take into account a lot more various factors. In other words, eclipses cannot be considered in isolation. It is also necessary to distinguish between the influence of eclipses on states in general and on each of us in particular.
In addition, a single eclipse does not affect all people equally. For some it can really be fatal. For some it will bring unexpected changes in Destiny, for others it will go unnoticed. When eclipses activate one of the important points of your horoscope, you need to be prepared for something new, and not necessarily something bad.

Flawed Moon

If a century ago each eclipse inspired superstitious fear and served as a kind of reminder of the approaching end of the world, today the “black Sun” or ““ is perceived by many as a kind of astrophenomenon, worthy of attention, but occurring outside of any connection with everyday life, and therefore not requiring special attention in terms of our life plans, both personal and business.
This is probably what it is main mistake those who sometimes unsuccessfully try to find an answer to the question why their efforts in one area or another do not bring desired result. Plans collapse like a house of cards, and the black streak that began for no apparent reason is in no hurry to end.
Of course, it would be an exaggeration to say that almost everything in our lives is determined by eclipses. There are many other factors that cannot be ignored when making certain decisions. important decisions. Astrology can greatly clarify their influence on your life. And yet, for many people, solar and lunar eclipses become turning points in their life. life path. And how well they prepare for these fateful moments in their lives will determine what tomorrow will be like for them, how relationships will develop in the family and at work, how successful their career will be, whether anything will change in their usual way of life or life. you'll have to start over.

Special period - eclipse

It's paradoxical, but true: eclipses allow many to start life with clean slate, escape from the fatal wake of hopeless attempts to change the situation for the better, forget about lack of money, and in some cases even become Fortune’s favorites!
In fact, in the days leading up to eclipses, each of us finds ourselves at a crossroads in the role epic hero, reading the fateful inscriptions on the stone: “You will go to the right... You will go to the left...”
Such a stone only indicates the prospects that may open up before us if we choose one path or another.
But we make the decision where to direct our steps ourselves.
In the same way, on the eve of an eclipse, Fate invites us to make a choice and, as it were, pushes us to the idea that from this moment new horizons may open up before us. But whether the chosen path will lead to success, wealth and prosperity largely depends on you. More precisely, on how you prepare for the next eclipse.
An eclipse clears the energy-informational space around a person so that he can bring something new into his life. Hence some fear of him. After all, for many, such clearing occurs painfully, through conflicts and losses. But everything will not be so scary if you approach it consciously.
The period of eclipses, which is the date of the first and last eclipse plus or minus a week, is a special period in people’s lives. Everything that happens these days is fateful, fatal and threatens with long consequences, ranging from six months to 19 years.

Therefore, it is during an eclipse that it is good to start things that are important to you, in which you are confident and do not doubt their significance.

Removing the evil eye

What, for example, can you do during an eclipse in terms of improving your own health?
During a lunar eclipse, you can free yourself from certain diseases, bad habits, complexes, the evil eye and other negative energy infections - what we recognize within ourselves as superfluous, harmful, unnecessary.
An hour or half an hour before the eclipse, drink a glass of mineral or spring water in small sips, then take a contrast shower (at least 5-7 times). Men start and finish cold water, women are hot.

Light a candle and sit in front of it, reflecting on your life. Look in the mirror and lie with your head facing North. Relax, try to mentally see your reflection, as in a mirror. And imagine that this reflection - your double - is sick, drinks, smokes, worries - it is he who has problems and complexes.

The reflection will begin to change, shrink, darken. Bring the compression of the reflection to the size of a point and, with an exhalation, send it away from you. If after this there is no running dot before your eyes, then your ritual was a success. Lie quietly for a while, then get up, extinguish the candle, but do not blow it out! Take another contrast shower. Drink a second glass of water. After performing the ritual, joy is felt, place it deep in your heart so that it illuminates your path. However, there is no need to tell other people about your joy.

What else can you do during the eclipse to improve your health and well-being?

During a lunar eclipse it is good to give up bad habits. If you quit, for example, smoking, the craving for a bad habit will be minimal, and the body will quickly adapt to the new way of life.
You can stop overeating or try to stop bulimia. It’s easier to do all this on the eve of the eclipse, and it will last for a long time, at least six months. During this time, the body will recover, and you will not want to go back to the old way.
Let us remind you that the nearest lunar eclipse will occur on December 31, 2009. And let us clarify that lunar eclipses occur on those full moons when the Sun, Earth, Moon and Lunar Nodes seem to line up on the same line, with the Earth located between the Sun and the Moon. The Earth's shadow eclipses the Moon.

Meditation time

My friends have long begun to use meditation during eclipses. The results are stunning. The only note: do not be afraid if unexpected events suddenly begin to happen in your life.
The chain of events depends on the characteristics of the individual birth chart. There are eclipses that have a strong, sometimes decisive influence on your life, and those influences that you will only feel slightly. In any case, of course, many people have a question: is it necessary to meditate and try to change the direction of life during an eclipse?

There are such eclipses that bring inevitable changes, whether you like it or not. However, there are things that are less significant for you personally. But, nevertheless, one condition should be observed unconditionally: at the hour of the eclipse, it is better to calm the mind and not try to force events.
If everything in life suits you and you decide not to change anything, spend this time in a calm environment. The most important thing to remember is that some people are overly sensitive to eclipses, get excited and may provoke you into communication.

This is natural, because at the moment of an eclipse various connections are made. Therefore, try not to talk to anyone, if possible, do not answer calls, do not watch TV and do not allow yourself to be “tied” to negative information.

Enter into intimate relationships. According to the laws of astrology, conception, like birth during an eclipse, is an extremely unfavorable sign. As a rule, such people are, as it were, “programmed”; it is very difficult for them to change their Fate best case scenario, at worst - they manifest worst traits character of the entire family, they suffer from bad habits and cannot do anything, they repeat the unfortunate fates of their relatives, they carry some kind of vice within themselves, without being able to eradicate it.
You should not take food or alcohol directly at the time of the eclipse - bad habits develop at this time.

Feel with your heart

In order for the eclipse to have positive influence for your life and everything you planned during this period came true, try to use special equipment fulfillment of desires, which is based on meditation.
Take a shower and complete all preparations for meditation. It will last 20 minutes. 10 minutes before the exact time of the eclipse and 10 minutes after. During this time, you can imagine a vivid picture of what you have planned, or simply ask for help from Higher powers(Remember the spiritual connection effect of this eclipse).
It is important to combine the power of imagination and the power of intention. You don’t have to imagine the path to what you want in concrete detail and in person. The path is not up to you. They will take you there. It is enough to simply feel the state when you already have it, visualize, hear, feel - as you are used to.
Feel with your heart what you want. And let go. It is not your concern how this will be accomplished. Thank the VIS (Ecumenical Executive Forces) for connecting with the necessary and favorable circumstances for you.
At the same time, it is very important not to allow negative thoughts or doubts. It is useful to practice several times before an eclipse, to clearly imagine the subject of meditation and its course.
If you do not know how to meditate or, for some reason, do not have the space or time to meditate, then at this time you can simply repeat to yourself words that would express your desire: “I am rich, handsome.” , loved, happy! I enjoy success and authority among others! Money itself finds its way into my wallet!
You can do this: look at a picture or photograph that depicts your dream. Look at the picture of a prestigious house, at the picture beautiful couple, look at a car magazine and choose a car you like, or a women's magazine and choose your image, figure, clothes from advertising, lifestyle, etc.

Guaranteed success

In short, an eclipse can be used to take action and to initiate what you would like to have.
The main thing is good intention and faith, remember - you are connecting to the World Bank NECESSARY (necessary circumstances).
The day after the eclipse, you will need to give what is asked of you. For the Universe, this is a guarantee that you are also involved in improving life. Complete strangers to you will participate in the implementation of your projects. Therefore, it is better to help those in need in the morning.

Probably not everyone knows that the end of this year will also be marked by a lunar eclipse. It will happen on December 31, 2009. Some believe that such a coincidence is not accidental and will largely determine how the next year will turn out for us.

The New Year's lunar eclipse will have the greatest impact on those born on December 30 and 31, January 1, and also between July 1 and July 3. However, others should not forget that New year's night under the shadow of the faded Moon can become not only a time for making wishes, but also for programming Fate.

O. Mikhailenko, Nostradamus