Why do you dream about piglets? See from the outside

Seeing an animal in a dream is always very interesting, what a pity that this happens so rarely, but as a rule such a dream carries a deep meaning. Representatives of the animal world be it mice, dogs, ducks or lions, etc. always carry important meaning in a dream and portend the dreamer many interesting events waiting for him in the future. And each animal in a dream is unique in its interpretation. Therefore, if you saw some kind of animal in a dream, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s domesticated or wild, herbivorous or predatory, you definitely need to turn to the dream book and find out what fate has destined for you.
A piglet is a baby pig. Pigs are also found in wildlife they are also bred in farming. The domestic pig is the most important and very useful animal. From them they obtain leather, lard, meat, pigs are also useful in pharmaceuticals, pig bristles are used for brushes and brushes. And some people keep dwarf piglets as pets. Piglets evoke affection in people and are in no way associated with negative emotions. But the synonym piglet is used to describe people who are sloppy and dirty. That is why if you dreamed of a pig, you should not try to interpret the dream yourself. A pig in a dream can portend you material well-being and home comfort, or it can talk about the state of your health; sometimes such a dream speaks of your unceremoniousness and rudeness. In any case, to understand what this beast promises you, you need to remember your dream with all the details; they will be the key to the correct interpretation.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • Why do you dream of clean piglets? Well-groomed piglets in a dream mean that your financial situation will improve and you will achieve success.
  • Why do you dream of dirty piglets - you will get into some kind of business that will cause financial losses and poverty.
  • Why do you dream of little piglets - such a dream means that you will need to pay for all the benefits that you have.

Ancient Russian dream book

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of clean little piglets? Clean and well-fed piglets in a dream promise the dreamer success in work and any business he undertakes.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of a roast pig - such a dream means what awaits you happy holiday with a lush table. (cm. )

Children's dream book

And piglets - one of the people you dislike will do a small but extremely unpleasant dirty trick. But a forewarned man is forearmed.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream of piglets in a dream - such a dream indicates that a long-awaited meeting awaits you.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream a lot about piglets - expect a miracle.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream of a black pig - some kind of situation awaits you that will cause a lot of trouble and worry.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream of a big pig - such a dream suggests that they will “put a pig on you”, someone from your environment will treat you very meanly.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Why do you dream of a living pig - such a dream means that you will soon find happiness.
  • Why dream of feeding piglets - you need to be more careful, someone will try to set you up.
  • Why do you dream of a slaughtered pig - in your life you will encounter circumstances that will cause you a lot of heartache.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a lot of little piglets? Seeing a lot of piglets means that you will make a big profit, but it will bring you a lot of anxiety and worry.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

  • “Piglets” - Miller’s dream book says that seeing healthy and clean piglets in a dream portends you good changes in life and there are many transactions that will bring income.
  • Why do you dream of dead piglets - soon you will encounter difficulties in work and business and problems with children.
  • Why dream of a pig with little piglets - it will come in your life white stripe, and all your new projects will be crowned with success.
  • Why do you dream of a small black pig - expect bad news from loved ones who are far from you.
  • Dream Interpretation “feeding a pig” - such a dream suggests that you will be offered some kind of business, participation in which will double your finances.
  • Why dream of buying piglets - you will be able to buy something valuable, something you have long dreamed of, but to get it you will have to try hard.

Dream book of psychologist Sigmund Freud

  • Why do you dream of a dead pig - such a dream suggests that your relationship is not what you want. You encounter a rude and cold attitude from your partner towards you. Actually the problem is that your idea of love relationships does not correspond to what is happening between you.
  • Why dream of giving birth to a pig - such an unusual dream predicts that you will spend your vacation in a completely unusual way for you. But you are guaranteed to have fun, even though it will be difficult for you to decide at first.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Why dream of a pig in your arms - holding a pig in your arms means that happiness will fall on you literally out of nowhere.
  • Why dream of butchering a pig - you will receive a very favorable offer.
  • Why dream of a pig covered in blood - your relationship with your family will deteriorate, there will be discord in the family. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of wild pigs - your ill-wishers want to harm you, be prepared for this and try to protect yourself from them.
  • Why do you dream of a sow with piglets - you will earn a lot of money, try to invest it in a profitable enterprise.
  • Why dream of eating roast pig - you will do something that will help you provide for yourself in the future.

Esoteric dream book

  • Why do you dream of many little piglets - even if all the circumstances in life are stacked against you, you will be able to achieve success and influence.
  • pig - slaughtering a pig in a dream means that you will be able to make good supplies of all sorts of good things.

Modern dream book


  • Why do you dream of a white pig - despite the fact that society generally considers piglets to be unclean animals, in a dream they foretell your well-being and good luck.
  • Why do you dream a lot about dead piglets - such a dream warns you of troubles and sorrows.

Combined modern dream book

  • Why does a woman dream of a pig? For a woman to see such a dream means that she will meet a man, having fallen in love with whom she will find out that this man is jealous and very greedy.
  • Why do you dream of a small pig in your arms - if you make an effort, you will be able to complete a task that seemed to have reached a dead end.
  • Dream interpretation “black pig” - the influence of people whom you consider your friends will negatively affect you, and your actions will be condemned.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why do you dream of a pig biting - such a dream says that you and your loved ones will be harmed.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Why dream of a pink pig - seeing a clean little pig means that you are ready to lie under everyone if this is necessary in order to achieve something.
  • Dream interpretation “dead piglets” - because of your arrogance and stubbornness, you will find yourself in a situation that will cause you harm.
  • Why dream of a pig in the house - you will find a person with whom you will be happy, but be careful, they will envy your happiness and try to destroy it.
  • Dream interpretation “pig with piglets” - a pig feeding its piglets indicates that you need to be more attentive with your colleagues, they will try to deceive or set you up.
  • Dream interpretation “cutting a piglet” - killing a piglet with your own hands means that you will suffer losses.
  • Dream interpretation “roast pig” - you will be happy in family life, you will be loved and respected by others.
  • Dream Interpretation “catching piglets” - running after piglets and catching them means you will find something you like that will bring you prosperity.

Old Russian dream book

Dream interpretation “small pig” - you will experience anxiety and anxiety.

English dream book

Assyrian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation “seeing piglets” - if you are asked to see them in a dream, it means the situation in your life will improve. Harmony will reign and happiness will open its doors to you. Such a dream can also speak of the birth of sons.
  • Dream Interpretation “little piglets are running” - if piglets are running in a dream, but you can’t catch them, then difficulties and health problems await you. It is best for you to undergo a full examination before they occur.

Collection of interpretations


The kingdom of our dreams is so secret and unknown. And even such an animal as a piglet has a whole bunch different meanings. Pay more attention to your dreams, memorize them and find interpretations, by comparing them with what is happening in your life, you will be able to understand what to expect from your intriguing fate. Believe in the best and everything will work out for you. Good dreams to you.

Interpretations of a dream in which piglets appear can be very contradictory. On the one hand, the dream book interprets a dream with little piglets as a harbinger of prosperity in the future, optimism and fun.

But, on the other hand, the image of a pig represents carriers that are far from best qualities, which may soon have to be dealt with.

What does it portend?

Most of us associate piglets with an extreme degree of sloppiness, greed and unceremoniousness. However, some cultures noticed that pigs, despite living in dirt and eating anything, remained clean. It’s not for nothing that many piggy banks today are made in the shape of piglets or small pigs. According to legends, this animal is a symbol of good luck and wealth.

The dream book will tell you why little piglets dream. It is important to take into account the smallest nuances of the dream and the actions you take. So, for example, if the sleeper is riding a pig, then this may indicate a fun pastime that will improve your mood and bring a lot of positive things. The appearance of a dreaming pig can tell a lot about the dream:

  • A well-fed and cheerful pig is a symbol of success and growth in prosperity;
  • A dirty and sad pig is a harbinger of losses and major troubles;
  • Pink pigs are a symbol of good luck and joy, long-standing wishes will come true;
  • There are a lot of little piglets - you need to be prepared for ups and downs in reality, victory will come to you at the cost of hard work;
  • Live pig - all kinds of entertainment, flirting and fun;
  • Dead piglets - a high probability of losses, a call to pay more attention to business;
  • Piglets are lying in the mud or a puddle - gossip, empty chatter awaits you, which will most likely turn out to be harmful;
  • A pig surrounded by little piglets - in reality, someone is using you for their own benefit;
  • Dead piglets are a harbinger of serious illness. The dreamer should take care of his health and pay more attention to it;
  • Pig's snout is a sign great joy and delight. Soon you will experience many bright positive emotions;
  • Piglets in the house are a symbol of improved health and a surge of new strength. Try to use this for creative purposes.

Signs and actions

Little piglets in a dream are a very ambiguous symbol, therefore, in order to correctly decipher a dream with their participation, it is important to take into account a lot of details. IN similar cases should be remembered appearance the animal and the actions you perform on it. If in a dream you dreamed that you were catching piglets, then this is a clear warning - do not rush to share your secrets with people around you. Excessive gullibility and sociability can turn out to be harmful for you: the flow of gossip that arises as a result of this will not be easy to stop.

A pig biting you in a dream will be a reminder that you are underestimating your opponent. A seemingly innocent opponent can harbor enormous aggression and arrogance. If you happened to slaughter a small pig in a dream, perhaps soon you will experience long trip, which will bring not only vivid impressions, but also new acquaintances. However, there is one small detail: such a trip will hit your finances hard. Washing a pig in a dream is a very unfavorable sign. Many dream books interpret this dream as a possible separation from someone from your close circle. But don't be upset: it will bring you somewhere more benefit than communicating with this person.

Little piglets in Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book has its own interpretation of what little piglets dream about. The interpreter suggests interpreting the dream based on the appearance of the animal. Satisfied and cute pig in real life will bring you profit and peace. A skinny and dirty pig is a symbol of great losses. According to Miller's dream book, a pig can represent a person who is not too burdened with moral principles and etiquette. Such a dream signals that you may soon have to face uncleanliness in its various manifestations. If you happen to see a lot of little piglets in a dream, a cycle of events awaits you. White and black stripes in life will change at a rapid speed.

Find out more

It is impossible to unambiguously explain why small piglets are dreamed of. The pig is a symbol of prosperity, prosperity, but at the same time an unpleasant creature. The color of the animal also plays an important role. The behavior of the dreaming pig plus the dreamer’s intuition will help decipher the plot most accurately.

The details will help you determine why you dream of piglets being small and clean. Watching from afar, moved by the behavior of animals, promises many joys and happy moments. The vision promises a grand surprise that the dreamer will definitely like.

Lots of piglets

The plot foretells a decent profit. Most likely, the dreamer will be offered a new source of permanent income. If little pigs are running around the house, in addition to material well-being the dream promises an improvement or simply an excellent state of health.

Other popular stories and their interpretation:

  • a pig and its offspring walking around the yard require caution: there is a person nearby who is using the dreamer for personal gain, it is necessary to get rid of him;
  • dead piglets - you need to visit a doctor, your health will require attention;
  • fiddling around in the mud - an unpleasant dream, the dreamer will find himself in the center of intrigue, there are threats to his reputation;
  • babies suckle the sow - soon you will have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of hard work.

Interpretation of dreams based on the color of piglets

Remembering the color of the skin of a dreamed pig will help interpret the dream. So, the suit portends the following:

  • black - remain careful, there is a risk of an accident;
  • white - the dreamer will fulfill his plans;
  • pink – good luck, lucky streak.

Holding a baby pig in your arms - good sign, promises a fun meeting with friends.

Contact with piglets

Various contacts with these animals are interpreted depending on their affiliation. Let's consider what it means to see small piglets in a dream if they belong to the sleeping person. Clean, well-fed pigs mean stability and well-being. To feed - in reality the dreamer makes useful investments in the future. Also, such a dream confirms the reliability of his personality; his loved ones are safe and feel comfortable.

Actions with piglets

Keeping a pig in a barn in a dream is rather a good sign. Hard work lies ahead, but it will pay off handsomely: the result will be well-being and prosperity.

Let's consider the main interpretations of the most popular stories:

  • slaughtered for meat, killed in a hunt - happiness is close, you just have to wait;
  • eating fried pork means incurring losses in reality, there is a risk of theft;
  • wallow in the mud among them - expect an unexpected offer; unusual activities may turn out to be interesting;
  • cutting, hammering - to financial stability;
  • buy - there will be an opportunity to earn extra money;
  • holding a funny cute pig pink color in your hands - in reality you are doing the right thing, continue in the same spirit;
  • trying to catch is a time of caution, keep your thoughts and plans to yourself, do not disclose them even to your closest ones;
  • a pig in a sack portends a failure of plans.

I dreamed of a pig

The baby pig itself can be interpreted as a sign of danger: an unprincipled person is lurking among loved ones, ignoring morals and ethics. The uncleanliness of this person can negatively affect or harm the dreamer.

Interpretation for women and girls

A casual romance with the first person you meet - that’s what a pig dreams about small woman. There is no point in waiting for a long-term stable relationship.

For an unmarried girl, the dream promises a quick successful marriage.

Talking pig

A talking pig portends great happiness. The joys of the sleeper will be the envy of others. Alas, the light streak will not last indefinitely, but try to recharge positive emotions, they will help you survive the difficult moments of the future.

Why do you dream about a pig bite?

An aggressive pig that bit the dreamer hints at frivolity. In reality, he underestimates his enemies, and there is also a two-faced person nearby, ready to set him up at any convenient moment.

Butchering a pig

Dreaming of slaughtering and butchering symbolizes separation. The loss will affect the inner circle.

Other factors

Riding a pig portends a cheerful friendly meeting, drinking, and a positive attitude. Happy experiences lie ahead.

Important details are the appearance and actions of the animal. It is necessary to build on the following transcripts:

  1. A well-fed, energetic pig promises success.
  2. Dirty sad promises losses and troubles.
  3. The pink skin of the animal symbolizes a positive attitude, portends good luck, the fulfillment of an old dream.
  4. Entertainment, joy, erotic romantic pranks - this is what dreams mean little pig alive. A dead animal, on the contrary, threatens losses.
  5. Pigs are fiddling around in the dirt - to gossip, empty talk that will harm the dreamer.
  6. Sow and small cubs - bad dream, unkind people use the sleeping person to their advantage.
  7. Killed animals predict illness; you need to take care and monitor your health.
  8. A pig's or pig's snout promises a lot of joy and positive emotions.
  9. Seeing houses, in the yard - improved health.

A dream is a hint from the subconscious of a sleeping person. Dream book texts and intuition will tell you the most optimal meaning; fortunately, interpreters often agree on the main points.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller is considered one of the most experienced and detailed interpreters. In his interpretation, a fat, happy pig foreshadows unexpected pleasant surprises. Theft, waste, and losses can result from a dream of a skinny, hungry pig.

IN Western culture It is customary to call greedy, envious individuals pigs. They cannot boast of clear moral principles, so seeing an animal in a dream means meeting a similar person. A critical attitude towards new acquaintances is necessary.

A large brood of pigs, frisky and small animals warn: soon the dreamer will be drawn into a kaleidoscope of events. Success will be replaced by misfortune, misfortune will be replaced by joy, there will be no time to be bored.

A sick and dead or killed animal portends imminent losses. The sleeping person himself, his family - everyone will suffer in one way or another. Sadness and fear at the sight of a corpse imply the loss of a close relative or friend. Boredom, irritation - material losses.

Vanga's Dream Book

A Bulgarian clairvoyant said: if you dream of clean piglets, “you will be given a chance to correct all your mistakes.” Dirty ones portend misfortune.

Feeding livestock - in reality the dreamer is wasting his energy in vain, helping someone he knows. Others need real support.

Explanation by Hasse and Grishina

Many are old and modern dream books They interpret stories with smart, healthy piglets as promising success. Appeal to the nuances will give full picture, the most accurate forecast.

Miss Hasse's dream book reads:

  • clean playful pigs are a good omen;
  • large aggressive - bad sign, they are trying to harm the dreamer.

If a pig tries to bite, it’s definitely a bad dream.

Grishina’s “Noble Dream Book” explains in the following way why small piglets dream a lot: a litter promises profit. The pig's head symbolizes the road ahead.

Freud's Dream Book

The pig directly relates to relationships and childbirth, according to Freud’s dream book. A dirty animal symbolizes depravity; partners lack purity and harmony. The vision may also hint at the rudeness of the partner, which the dreamer mentally does not approve of. Injustice can kill the good that exists in a couple.

A vision from Thursday to Friday can predict an addition to the family. For newlyweds dreaming of a child, such a dream is especially relevant.

Other interpretations

It is necessary to indicate a transcript of the plot from other popular dream books.

Dream Book of the Wanderer warns: profit and anxiety go hand in hand. The dream also promises meeting a good person.

According to Tsvetkov the dreamer will be worried.
The Ukrainian dream book promises a miracle, a meeting with an old friend, and other joyful events.

Piglets will bring profit in business, according to the Online Dream Book. Pigs fiddling in the mud predict human condemnation and disapproval, since the dreamer will do the wrong thing or be deceived. You need to beware of people who pour negativity into the world, they will negatively affect you. In any incomprehensible situation, you should seek solace in your family.

Buy a piglet, small breed pig - expect profit. Eating fried bacon at lunch means a comfortable life have a fun life.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Contemporary issues, 1913
  • Fromm E. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, fairy tales and myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994.
  • Exegesis of Dreams: European Chronicles of Dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

Dream book online Piglets

Seen in night dream animals are a rather rare sight, but it is worth noting that the plot is quite important. In a dream, you may see both wild and domestic animals. Why do you dream of piglets in your night dreams? Such a plot seen can foretell both good things and foreshadow the danger and untidiness of the dreamer. To analyze the scene you saw, it is worth taking into account all the details of the night’s plot.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in his interpretation of night dreams or not. After spending correct interpretation you can find out your future and in some cases even take measures and warn yourself against future troubles.

When carrying out an interpretation, of course, you can rely on your intuition, but for an accurate analysis it is better to use a dream book. With its help it is easier to find the answer to the story you see. It will also help to unravel the most confusing vision.

  • saw a little pig;
  • an animal in the dreamer's house;
  • dead animal;
  • to stab;
  • eat animal meat;
  • dreamed of a sow and her baby;
  • what does it mean to see him swarming in the mud;
  • in the plot the dreamer was lying with a pig in the mud;
  • I had a chance to hear him grunt;
  • feed a piglet in a dream;
  • watch in the story how babies suck mother's milk.

General interpretation of a night dream

If you dreamed of piglets

In real life, pigs are associated with untidiness, greed and other negative character traits. But in some cultures, pigs are considered sacred animals. Let's try to figure out what the dream of a pig in a dream portends.

What did he look like

Seeing a mischievous little pig is a surprise in real life. You will learn some news that will pleasantly shock you.

Living, well-fed people dream of prosperity.

Dirty - to troubles and thoughtless spending.

There were a lot of small animals in the dream - there will be unexpected profits in the near future. You can count on constant and large income from an unexpected source.

Seeing someone well-groomed means prosperity.

The dream book indicates that the pig in the dream was not alone, but there were many of them - this means that many different events, both pleasant and not so pleasant, will soon happen.

How does color affect interpretation?

Negative sign

The black color of a pig is a sign of trouble. A black pig seen in a night dream also warns of danger; be careful when starting new things.

White - to accomplish your plans.

Pink ones portend good luck.

Where was

Seeing a pig in your house in a dream means your health will not let you down. You can count on a surge of strength.

The interpretation of dreams indicates that if you dreamed of a pet lying in the mud, try not to discuss others, and also do not give reason to gossip about you. For a young woman, the interpretation of dreams is foreshadowed by her husband, but she should not count on his generosity.

Dreaming of a pig's snout symbolizes pleasant and vivid emotions in real life.

Dead pig in a dream

Dead animals promise illness. Also, dead baby pigs tell the dreamer that someone wants to harm him, but with the strength of his spirit the person will definitely defeat the offender.

For people involved in business, such night vision portends difficulties and losses.

To the feast

Slaughter him in the plot of dreams

I dreamed that the animal was slaughtered - fortunately.

Cutting it means financial independence. And also for a long trip.

Seeing a baked pig in the plot of dreams means a festive feast with a rich table.

Eating meat means unexpected expenses are possible. Try to control your expenses.

Sow and her piglets

To see little kids running after a sow in a night dream - take a closer look at your surroundings. A person is using you to achieve his own benefit. Try to stop communicating with this person.

If you dream of babies being fed with their mother’s milk, the vision indicates that you will definitely get what you deserve for your work. And also to reap the fruits of your labor.

Hearing grunting means you will definitely win your goal, be it professional or love.

Being close to an animal

Hold in your hands - to family happiness

Being the owner of livestock in a dream means well-being and prosperity. Caring for a playful pig is a sign of fun and flirting.

Feeding baby pigs means you are worried about your future. Feed by hand - you will achieve your goal and at the same time you will not need the help of others.

According to the interpretation of dreams, catching him is a sign that you should not open your soul to everyone.

According to the interpretation of dreams, did he bite you? Don't underestimate your opponent. Wash it in clean water- this is a dream about meeting people.

Holding a baby in your arms - the interpretation of dreams foreshadows family happiness and good luck in all endeavors.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of an outwardly ugly pig means losses. According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a pig with piglets in a dream is a sign of fate’s favor. Hearing the squealing of babies means learning unpleasant news.

Vanga's Dream Book

It's unfortunate to dream of dirty people. Clean - you will be given a chance to correct all your mistakes.

Feeding pigs - in reality, you are helping the wrong person who really needs your support.

Interpretation of what was seen according to Grishina’s dream book

Did you dream about a pig's head? Get ready to hit the road.

Seeing little pig babies means in real life expect to make a profit.

Eating them in a night dream means losses.

Your rating:

Piglets evoke a double feeling: they are well-fed little pigs, which promise the dreamer well-being, profit, comfortable existence, and sloppy animals, embodying quarrels and troubles. Not last role The person’s attitude towards this animal also plays a role.

Why do you dream about a little pig?

Alive pig, active and with a curled tail, promises fun in reality. New connections and exciting leisure time in the company will only bring benefits. There is no point in refusing such an opportunity.

Features of the little pig:

  • A white pig is a sign of a successful outcome; you will be able to come out “clean from the water”, with an untarnished reputation even from a complicated case.
  • Black, according to ancient Slavic dream books, often personifies unpleasant or evil man surrounded, however, we must remember that such an interpretation was explained logically. Black pigs were rarely seen in the villages.
  • Pink little pigs will definitely bring good luck in reality, you must not miss the chance.
  • A well-fed animal speaks of future income, a successful resolution financial issues, skinny - warns of possible poverty, but short-term.

If in a dream you have to wash a pig, in reality you are expected to have troubles, things that require resourcefulness and perseverance. Sometimes your close circle helps you solve a dream - soon your friendship with someone will fade away, but the dreamer will react calmly to the loss and will only breathe a sigh of relief.

Why do you dream about piglets a lot?

Feeding small pigs in a dream means reasonable budget planning, be it monthly expenses or an investment in the future. But we must not forget about the tricks on the part of ill-wishers who can plant a pig.

  • Sometimes piglets come in dreams to people who, during their lifetime, try to save on everything and are quite stingy. Dream books warn that you need to pamper yourself periodically - otherwise greed will develop.
  • Also, these animals are a philosophical symbol of retribution. Love or friendship has already appeared in life, which will play main role in fate, but for this you will have to pay or sacrifice something.
  • I dreamed of many piglets - to small troubles, and sometimes to possible joys, gifts, and meeting distant relatives.
  • A dead pig means waste, a minor loss. If many animals have died, you will have to insure your property or business, calculate possible options conducting business. Financial plans for the future need to be adjusted.

A lot of piglets that the dreamer is trying to catch hints that in reality you need to be more restrained. You cannot trust all people; someone around you is not as sincere as it seems.

Why do you dream about pigs and piglets?

A sow with piglets means that the dreamer will be approached with a request in reality. It is possible to fulfill it, so there is no need to refuse people.

If the kids squeal, gossip will burst into life, which will not bring much harm to the dreamer. Sometimes dream books interpret this as a mandatory victory over rivals - both in personal life and at work.

If a pig feeds piglets, this is a sign that you will not have to starve in the future. Your plans will come true, and the money you earn will last for a long time.

Why do you dream about little piglets?

If there are a lot of kids and one of them is sitting in the dreamer’s arms, and he is hugging or stroking an animal, this means a new relationship that will bring long-missing romance into life. And there, perhaps, the partner will turn out to be a serious person and a wedding is not far off.

If you are feeding little pigs, you are thinking about the future, if one of them bit your finger, you will have to be more careful: one of the competitors is stronger and more cunning than they think.

Why do you dream about clean piglets?

A lot of clean pigs in a dream promise a friendly environment from which you don’t have to expect any tricks. If animals dig peacefully in the ground or eat without getting dirty, it’s time to start long-planned things; their prospects are excellent.

And you can't expect happiness from dirty little pigs. They suggest that someone you know is not completely open to the dreamer and is planning something evil.

Why does a woman dream about a pig?

The interpretation of dreams regarding a woman who dreamed of little pigs is slightly different from the universal meanings. Thus, piglets in the mud hint at friends and comrades from whom it is better to stay away: their impartial behavior negatively affects the dreamer.

  • It is possible to meet a jealous or greedy guy who will save every penny, while having a large fortune - that's what dirty pigs are talking about.
  • Seeing a cooked pig is a sign of an imminent holiday, mutual feelings or a great evening.
  • If an animal speaks and is understood in a dream, soon something extraordinary is expected in reality that will change life for the better.
  • A dirty pig promises rash actions and rash decisions of the dreamer, which will lead to disappointment, gossip or condemnation. You need to behave more carefully so as not to tarnish your reputation.
  • And the pure pink pig makes you reconsider your behavior. Perhaps a woman allows herself too much or is too relaxed with men?

For representatives of the fair sex, the acquisition of a pig in a dream hints that a profitable event is soon expected in reality, but slaughtering an animal means a loss or indiscretion, leading to minor losses or troubles.

The main thing in reality is to look from the outside at the behavior, your own and those of people in your close circle, then it will become clearer what the animal is dreaming of.