“The truth of life in fairy tales was M. Prishvin’s “Pantry of the Sun.” The Great Pantry of the Sun What is the truth about Antipych

What is truth and where to look for it

There is no author who describes Russian nature as masterfully as Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. Through his descriptions, he was able to convey to readers a lot of useful and vital information. important information. In the fairy tale “Pantry of the Sun” we meet little characters who, having gone through dangerous trials, learn to value each other and listen to the advice of their elders. Nastya and Mitrasha were orphaned early and learned to run the household, take care of themselves, live and survive.

At first the neighbors are very

helped, but these smart children quickly became independent. Once, going for cranberries in the direction of Blind Elani, they almost got into trouble, but their father had long warned them about the dangers that lurked in this area. He said that many people drowned in the Bludov swamp, stepping on the wrong path, but they did not listen, and almost lost Mitrasha. Nastya was twelve at that time, and he was ten.

In his soul he felt like a brave man. The neighbors called him “a little man in a bag,” and Nastya was like a “golden hen on high legs.” Describing this day in the life of children, the author

affects vital important issues. He shows how in people, just like in nature, two principles struggle - good and evil. And the level of humanity is only measured by how we go through this path of struggle. In the situation with Nastya and Mitrasha, the children found themselves on different roads, and behaved in accordance with their level of egoism.

Mitrasha did not want to obey his older sister, and Nastya was so carried away by picking berries that she forgot about her brother for a while. Later, she greatly reproached herself for her greed, and gave all the collected cranberries to evacuated children, who were worse off than they were. Mitrasha became more cautious and made a new friend. The late forester's dog now did not take a step away from him. In this little man, whom she saved from imminent death, she saw warmth and care, as if in former owner. Antipych was a wise and kind man. He, like no one else, knew what the truth of life was, because he lived for more than eighty years on this earth.

When he was asked to tell the recipe for a long and happy life, he always said that everyone is destined to go through certain trials that befall them. And if after these trials you manage not to become embittered, maintain love for others, remain open and sincere person, which means the check was successful. If it is still possible to draw the right conclusions, then the tests were not in vain. So it is in the case of Nastya and Mitrasha. These young and inexperienced children were faced with a serious circumstance and were able to overcome it with dignity, which means they won.

Other works on this topic:

  1. How Mitrasha got into trouble In the fairy tale by M. M. Prishvin “The Pantry of the Sun” we meet two charming characters - twelve-year-old Nastya and ten-year-old Mitrasha. Children...
  2. Who is right, Nastya or Mitrasha? The fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” is one of most interesting works Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. It features a writer who was also experienced...
  3. How Grass saved Mitrash In the fairy tale by M. M. Prishvin “The Pantry of the Sun” we learn how small children, left orphans, learned to live and survive independently. Because...
  4. Grass is a man’s friend Dog Grass is one of the characters in M. M. Prishvin’s work “The Pantry of the Sun”. She is smart, loyal and devoted. The owner of the Grass was...
  5. Mitrash's stubbornness The fairy tale by M. M. Prishvin “The Pantry of the Sun” tells about one incident that happened to the main characters during a hike in the forest. Nastya and Mitrasha early...
  6. The participation of nature in the fate of the heroes Probably not a single Russian writer has such a harmonious description of nature as M. M. Prishvin. This fact has happened more than once...
  7. Pine and spruce Natural phenomena play special role in the realistic fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” by Mikhail Prishvin. The author knew the nature of his region very well and was an amateur geographer. To him...

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin wrote: “...And there is nothing so beautiful in nature that would not be in man himself - this is the battlefield of good and evil, and man is only that man who fights and through his struggle becomes winner."

Selfishness and responsiveness, love for others and hatred - between these enormous vital values, the actions of all the heroes of the story - animals, people - are committed. Who will emerge victorious from this struggle? The images of Nastya and Mitrasha are comparable to the images of spruce and pine trees, which grow in an unusual place for these trees - a swamp. The main characters in the story are orphans. Two coniferous trees also look lonely. The author draws a parallel between trees and children. Nastya and Mitrasha quarrel and make up, like trees with branches, hurting each other with words. Just as often as the guys quarrel, so often do they spend time in friendly relations. homework. And the trees, like bridges, threw branches towards each other. And discord between trees happens if a sudden wind suddenly blows. So the wind will blow on Mitrash, blow over him with stubbornness, and he will begin to quarrel with Nastya, “show off.” But Nastya calms down this hurricane simply - she pats her brother on the head, and “her father’s enthusiasm leaves the owner.”

The boys don't have enough yet life experience, that’s why the guys didn’t stop near the Lying Stone and didn’t think about the dangers. But you can overcome them only together and with reason.

Nastya and Mitrash, having gone for cranberries, go their separate ways from the Lying Stone. Nastya walks along the “people’s path” where all the people walk. But she set out on this path with a large basket. And its goal is to pick up as many berries as possible, to take as much as possible from life. Raking the berries into the basket, Nastya forgets about her brother. “Yes, she has forgotten about herself and remembers only cranberries, and she wants more and more.” She is no longer walking along the “human” path: “And now, following the cranberry tree gropingly, - where the cranberry tree leads, there she will go, - Nastya has imperceptibly left the well-worn path.”

Mitrash, having rejected human experience and the help of a compass friend, finds himself in Blind Elani. And no one comes to the boy's aid.

But Nastya, as if on holy land, in a “Palestine”, woke up and remembered her brother. And Mitrash mistook the Blind Elan for a clearing. This is how in life we ​​are lurked by disguised evil, which we are not able to immediately recognize.

The guys went for cranberries. Or maybe the author wanted them to know the truth of life? Life is a storehouse of the sun, but treasures are not revealed easily and not to everyone. Everything is comprehended on own experience. Just getting into difficult situation, on the verge of life and death, having weighed the false and the true, I truly began to appreciate loved one Mitrash. Nastya won a difficult victory over herself: because of greed, she almost lost her brother, so she gave the collected cranberries to the evacuated children.

The heroes of the story go through good and bad. Ahead of them is the Dry River, where both paths unite. The author’s words are not accidental: “... both converged on the Sukhaya River and there, beyond the Sukhaya River, no longer diverging, they eventually led out onto the big Pereslavl road.”

Annotation. This lesson will allow you to talk with children about very complex philosophical problem searching for the meaning of life. The conversation begins with animal heroes: the dog Travka and the wolf Gray landowner have their own truth.

Whose life principles choose where this can lead a person in his difficult life when a person ceases to be a person? Prishvin’s fairy tale makes us think about these and many other questions.

Key words: truth, the meaning of life, goodness, fidelity, life for others, anger, selfishness, hatred, life for oneself, love, fidelity.

I would like to offer you a lesson on Prishvin’s fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”. Unlike my previous articles, this one is dedicated to a programmatic work. There are a great many lessons on it (both in magazines and on the Internet). And yet I risk offering my own version.

IN this work Antipych’s words about the truth became the starting point for a serious conversation. At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to talk with sixth graders about such a complex topic. But this is only at first glance. This lesson turned out to be one of the most interesting and memorable in my practice. And the concepts “truth of the Grass” and “truth of the wolf” entered the vocabulary of my students and began to be used by them in other lessons.

Lesson progress

1. Creating a problematic situation.

— In Prishvin’s fairy tale, as in any work of art, there are a lot of mysteries. For example, there is an episode where the narrator remembers how they asked Antipych how old he was, and he only joked in response. “Antipych, stop your jokes, tell us the truth, how old are you?” - they asked him. “In truth,” answered the old man, “I will tell you if you tell me in advance what the truth is, what it is, where it lives and how to find it.” What kind of truth do you think we are talking about here?
- Let's look at the dictionary.
The meaning of the word “truth” according to Ushakov’s dictionary:
Truth is what corresponds to reality, what actually is, the truth. Tell me the whole truth, don't be afraid of me. Pushkin. 2. Truthfulness, correctness. Nobody thinks about the truth of my words.

The ideal of behavior, which consists in compliance of actions with the requirements of morality, duty, in the correct understanding and implementation of ethical principles. Seek the truth. Stand for the truth. Live the truth. Suffer for the truth.
— The word, as you see, has many meanings. In what meaning, in your opinion, does Antipych use the word “truth”?
- That is, the truth is a kind of guideline to which we must strive, the meaning of life, if you like. How can you rephrase Antipych’s question? (What is the meaning of life and how to find it?)
— What a serious philosophical question is asked in this work! Have you ever wondered what the meaning of life is? In any case, I suggest you think about it now.

2. Text analysis. “The truth of the grass and the truth of the wolf.”

- So, let's try to find the answer to this difficult question in Prishvin's fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”. Continuing the same conversation, Antipych says to his interlocutors: “Here is Travka, a hound dog, he understands everything from one word, and you, stupid ones, ask where the truth lives.” So, Travka knows where the truth lives, knows what the meaning of life is? Maybe she will help us find the answer to the question?
— Tell the story of Travka’s life.
- What is the truth of Travka? How does she understand this? Truth, or the meaning of Travka’s life, is love for a person; in living not only for oneself, but also for others, in caring for a person; in friendship; kindness, loyalty and devotion.
- Why does Travka feel so bad now?Why does she howl when she climbs a hill? She has lost the meaning of life, she has no one to live for.
— Who is opposed to Grass in this part?Of course, Wolf.
- Why does the wolf howl? What is his truth?He is characterized by anger; the desire to live for itself, the wild beast lives for itself.
- So, in the example of Grass and the wolf, we see two different views on life, two different truths. But Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin said: “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.” Therefore, of course, we will turn to Nastya and Mitrasha and talk about how they search for their truth.

H. Text analysis. "The path to the truth of Nastya and Mitrasha."

- Let's remember how Nastya and Mitrash lived.
- What can you say about their attitude towards each other? They lived and worked very
together, helped each other, took care of each other, took care of their household.
- Whose truth is their idea of ​​life similar to: the truth of the Grass or the truth of the wolf?
“But life is structured in such a way that it constantly puts a person in front of some obstacles, difficulties, tests a person’s strength, loyalty to his convictions, his principles. What in this work served as a test for children? Their trip for cranberries, their argument, quarrel and how they got out of a difficult situation.)
— What caused their quarrel?They began to argue about which path to take.
- What do we see here instead of friendship, caring for each other? How do children behave in
this episode? What feelings do you have towards each other? They got angry, angry with each other; did not want to listen to each other, did not want to obey the other; everyone in at the moment thought only of himself; Nastya even spat after her brother.

Tasks for the first group:
1. Read the episode “Mitrash in the Swamp” (with the words: “Little pomapu, as
Mitrasha moved forward according to the direction of the arrow and the path...” to the words: “Tears flowed down his tanned face and down his cheeks in shiny rivulets.”)
2. Follow how Mitrash got into the Blind Elan. To do this, highlight the sentences that describe the path along which Mitrash walks.
1) What definition does the author give to this trail? Why? By what signs can we determine that in front of us is a path along which people walked?
2) With what feelings does Mitrash walk along this path? Why?
3) Does he remember about his sister? What feelings does he have towards his sister now? Try to guess what he thinks about what happened.
4) Why does Mitrasha leave this path?
6) What is the result of his imprudent act?
“The layer under Mitrasha’s feet became thinner and thinner... but he kept walking and walking forward. Mitrash could only believe the man who walked ahead of him and even left the path behind him.” “Migrash... was not a coward at all - why should he be cowardly if there was a human path under his feet: a man like him was walking, which means that he himself, Mitrasha, could boldly follow it

“Here I saw Mitrash: his path turns sharply to the left and goes there far and there
completely disappears. He checked the compass, the arrow was pointing north, the path went to
west... Recognizing in the direction of the white man a path that does not go directly north, Mitrasha
I thought: “Why would I turn left, onto the bumps, if the path is just a stone’s throw away,
visible there, behind the clearing?

Mitrasha chooses the weak path that the compass pointed to. The author defines this path as “human.” You can recognize it by the white grass that grows along the path. This is the path along which a person walked. Mitrash walks along it boldly, because people walked along it, which means he can walk along it too. He doesn't think about his sister. At least the author doesn’t write anything about it. But perhaps he thinks that he is right, he is proud that he did not follow the lead of his elder

Mitrash leaves the path because the compass needle points to the north, and the path goes to the left, and because right in front of him there is a clean, level place, not at all like something terrible and deadly. As a result, he falls into the Blind Elan and almost drowns.
— What is the meaning of the epithet “human path”? After all, having left this human path, Mitrasha ends up in the Blind Elan. Forgetting about his sister, feeling angry and irritated, Mitrasha leaves the human path.
— In the last lesson, we talked about how Mitrash takes a compass with him because his father taught him so. He said: “This arrow is more faithful to you than a friend: sometimes your friend will cheat on you, but the arrow invariably always, no matter how you turn it, always looks north.” Why did the compass fail the boy in this situation?
— Kozma Prutkov said: “The magnet points north and south; It is up to a person to choose a good or bad path of life.” How do you understand these lines? You can’t mindlessly follow the compass needle. It only indicates where north is. But where you go is up to you to decide. The compass needle will help you get out of the forest, but it will not be able to show you the path in life. It depends only on the person, on his choice.

Tasks for the second group

1. Read the episode “Nastya collects cranberries” (with the words: “At first, Nastya picked each berry from the vine, and bent down to the ground separately for each berry”).
2. Analyze Nastya’s behavior.
To do this, answer the questions:
1) How does Nastya collect berries first and then? Why?
2) Does she remember her brother? What feelings does she have?
3) Remember why they separated.
Is Nastya following the path she has chosen or, like her brother, has she lost her way? Why?
4) How does the moose look at Nastya? Why?
5) What is the author’s attitude towards Nastya at this moment? Why does he talk about her “the old golden hen on high legs”?
6) When was Nastya able to tear herself away from the berries? Why does she, looking at the viper, imagine “as if she herself remained there, on the stump, and now has come out of the snake’s skin and is standing, not understanding where she is”?
“Nastya, as we see, does not fall into a quagmire; nothing threatens her life. But the author’s attitude towards her is clearly changing. Why? She, greedily collecting cranberries and forgetting about her brother, loses her human appearance.
- What do we see? What can a path lead to where resentment reigns, unwillingness to listen to others, and giving in?
“Thus, we see that the path chosen by the children does not lead them to anything good: Mitrasha almost dies, Nastya loses her human appearance.
—Who helps the children? How does Grass help Nastya? Mitrash? Grass. She helps Nastya remember her brother:
“- Muravka, Muravka, I’ll give you some bread!
And she reached into the basket for bread. The basket was filled to the top, and there was bread under the cranberries.
How much time passed, how many cranberries lay there from morning to evening, until the huge basket was filled? Where was the hungry brother during this time, and how did she forget about him, how did she forget herself and everything around her?”
Grass pulls Mitrasha out of the swamp.
- Why did Travka end up near Nastya? Why did Grass rush to Mitrasha’s call?
She felt human misfortune.
— Why does Travka help the guys? What does the Grass remind them of? Grass
reminds children about eternal values: love, devotion, partnership, fidelity;
returns them to humanity, to the human path, to their truth.
— Was everything that happened important for Travka herself? The grass has found its owner.
- What is it like? further fate wolf?Mitrasha kills him.
— What meaning does the author put into this episode? Why exactly does Mitrasha kill the wolf? Killing a wolf is a victory. Victory over evil, indifference, selfishness. To some extent, Mitrash kills the wolf in himself.
— What, according to Prishvin, does each of these paths lead to? Prishvin shows that the path of Grass leads to happiness, the path of the wolf leads to death.
— What was the future fate of the children? Where did they put the cranberries collected in the swamp? Is it important? They give cranberries to children evacuated from Leningrad, showing their care and concern for other people.

“The Truth of Life” (Lesson summary based on the work of M.M. Prishvin
"Pantry of the sun"). (6th grade)

Goals: students’ understanding of the truth of life and the relationship between man and nature;
improving basic analysis skills work of art;
instilling a love for nature.
teach how to work with words according to K. Vazina’s “Tree of Concepts” method;
improve and develop the main types speech activity
to introduce students to moral and aesthetic values.

Equipment: portrait of M. M. Prishvin, posters with sayings, exhibition of books, basket of cranberries, children's drawings, CD with birdsong.

Hello children! I am very happy to welcome you on this wonderful day. We all love nature, we love to relax in the forest, pick berries and mushrooms. many writers dedicated their works to nature. Among them is Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. Today we turn to his work “Pantry of the Sun”.
K.G. Paustovsky wrote about Prishvin: “In Prishvin’s stories, stories, and geographical essays, everything is united by a man - a restless, thinking person with an open and courageous soul. Great love Prishvin's love for nature was born from his love for man."
Write down, guys, the date and topic of the lesson. Epigraph of the lesson: “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think about people” (M.M. Prishvin)

The purpose of our lesson: to analyze the text, to reveal the images of Nastya and Mitrasha through their relationship to nature, to clearly be able to express your thoughts and feelings; to comprehend what the truth of life is for the heroes of the work and for you and me.
- Look at the portrait of the writer. What can you say about him?
(Kind, gray-haired, wearing glasses, gaze directed forward, smile on his face)
-Who does he look like from the work?
(On Antipych).
- Now we will work with the words: pantry, treasure, pantry. Let's turn to explanatory dictionary.
- What is the sun? (Gives life, warmth to plants, animals, humans)
- What does the word “truth” mean? (Children discuss in pairs)
Let's work on the "tree of concepts", where words are written out from various dictionaries(see appendix).
(Children make up a derivation word and write down the concept in a notebook and compare it with what is written on the sheet.)
- Who speaks about the truth? (Antipych)
- How does he speak? (Children find from the text)
- Which other heroes help us understand the truth of life? (Mitrash, Nastenka, dog Travka).

Let's start analyzing the work.
Who are Nastya and Mitrasha?
In a notebook we write the epithets we found from the text. We work in pairs.
Little man in a bag Golden Hen
Tight housekeeping
Stubborn hard worker
Loves to command and kind

(Children give an explanation for each word).
You can stage it.
Conclusion: they quarreled, lived like all the guys.
-Where did the children go? What did you take with you?
(For cranberries. Mitrash took with him a gun, a compass (like his father), an ax; Nastya - bread, milk, potatoes, a larger basket.)

Guys, draw in your notebook the path to Bludovo Swamp.

How does nature warn children about danger? (Free speech of children)

Why did the children quarrel?
(Wind of discord).

What kind of wind does Prishvin write about? (About the wind-sower).

What did he bring?
(Two seeds)
- Read how it is written in the work.

How does Prishvin compare spruce and pine with children?
-Where did Nastya go?

(On the beaten path and ended up in Palestine? (Explanation of the word “Palestinian.”)

Where did Mitrasha end up? (Children read the passage)

What dangers await Mitrash? (Gray Landowner).

Tell me about the wolf. What symbol is included in the image of a wolf? (Symbol of loneliness).

Children, how worried were you about the children? (Children's answers).

How does Nastya collect cranberries? (Greedily).

Who made Nastya remember about her brother? (Viper).

And suddenly Grass was nearby. Tell us about her. Why did she come?
(Children must come to the conclusion: you cannot live alone.)

What did Travka bring to the children that Antipych did not tell the children during his lifetime? (About the truth of life).

Read the epigraph of the lesson out loud again.
- How does nature help children? (Everything is interconnected in the world: nature and man.)
- Now let’s write a conclusion in the notebook: what is the pantry of the sun.
(... The entire pantry of the sun, like peat, is inherited by a person).

How should we care for nature? How do you relax with your family in nature?
You can tell me about cranberries and give them a try.

In conclusion, write to the children your opinion about the work.
- Well done. After our lesson, dear guys, I think you will want to read other works by M.M. Prishvina.

"Description of material:

A lesson in Russian literature on the topic “The Truth of Life” (based on M. M. Prishvin’s work “The Pantry of the Sun”)

Summary lesson using an interactive whiteboard. Students’ understanding of the truth of life and the relationship between man and nature. Improving basic analysis skills literary text, development of basic types of speech activity, the ability to perceive speech and create one’s own statement. Introducing students to moral and aesthetic values. Children independently deduce what the truth is in our lives.

"Excerpt from the material:

"Teacher: Nikolaeva Nina Yakovlevna

"Target :

  • Students’ understanding of the truth of life and the relationship between man and nature;
  • Improving basic skills in analyzing literary texts.


  • Learn to work with words according to K. Vazina’s “Tree of Concepts” method;
  • Improve and develop the main types of speech activity, the ability to perceive speech and create your own statement;
  • Introduce students to moral and aesthetic values.
  • Expected result:
  • Students in the lesson:
  • We must come to a conclusion what the truth of life is;
  • Improve skills in analyzing literary texts;
  • They will feel the content of what they read and receive positive influence on the formation of personal qualities.

Equipment: Portrait of M. M. Prishvin, newspapers about nature, posters, audio with birds singing, book exhibition, basket of cranberries, children's drawings.

"Lesson progress

Hello children. I greet you on this wonderful day (good words about any day - Nature has no bad weather). How are you kids in the mood? (Children express their mood). We know a lot of works about nature, we love to read about natural phenomena. We read the wonderful work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin, “The Pantry of the Sun.”

K. G. Paustovsky wrote: In Prishvin’s stories, stories, and geographical essays, everything is united by a man - a restless, thinking person with an open and courageous soul. Prishvin’s great love for nature was born from his love for man.”

The epigraph of our lesson: “After all, my friends, I write about nature and I also think about people.”

The purpose of our lesson: analyze the text; reveal the images of Nastya and Mitrasha through their relationship to nature; be able to clearly express your thoughts and feelings; understand what the truth of life is for the heroes of the work and for you and me.

Take a close look at the portrait of Prishvin. Who do you think the writer from the work is like? (On Antipych)

You can find a description in the work. Let's work with words. Pantry, sun, really what these words mean. The homework was in the first lesson. Concepts for the word “truth” are taken from various dictionaries. Children make up an inferential word, write it down in a notebook and read a hundred.

They can make presentations at home.

Who talks about the truth of life? Antipych. (Reading an excerpt from the work). How to go through this life choosing the right path. Who else helps us understand the truth of life? (Mitrash, Nastya, dog Travka). Nastya and Mitrasha

We write down epithets and words characterizing the characters in a notebook.

Nastya Mitrasha Golden Hen Freckled Sweet economical Hard-working Kind Intelligent Prudent Little guy in a bag Long-browed Dense Short Strong Stubborn Smart Loves to command Children explanation of each word with excerpts from the book. You can stage it.

Conclusion: how did the children live? (They lived like all the guys.) The guys sent the children’s answers)

What did each of them take? Mitrash took a compass, a gun, and an ax in his bosom. Nastya - bread, milk, potatoes, a basket - more. We turn on an audio recording of birds singing. One of the students or the teacher draws the Bludovo swamp on the interactive board. We left the village. Lying stone, Blind Elan-Mitrash. Lying stone, Palestine-Nastya)

What winds are blowing? The wind of discord, the sowing wind. The wind of discord quarreled the children. The wind sower brought pine seed and spruce seed. Compare spruce and pine with Nastya and Mitrasha. (Children's answers) So, let's follow in the footsteps of Nastya and Mitrasha. (Children describe the children’s path based on the text. Draw the missing images on the board: Wild Landowner, viper, grass, cranberry)

What did Antipych not say during his lifetime?

The truth of life.

Where did they find it?

In nature.

Yes, in nature everything is interconnected. (Refer to the epigraph).

This is the pantry of the sun. (Children's answers about nature conservation)

In our area, picking cranberries takes last place in the life of village residents: additional budget in the family. WITH early childhood children know about cranberries.

Homework: a short essay about the work of M. M. Prishvin “Pantry of the Sun”

Prepare for extracurricular reading based on the works of M. M. Prishvin (list given in advance).