The main character of Saltykov Shchedrin's tale is a wild landowner. “The main character of the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner”

The main character of the work, which is written in the genre of a fairy tale, is a landowner, depicted by the writer as a stupid man who considers himself a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev.

The landowner is depicted as a man with a pampered, soft, crumbly and white body that is not accustomed to work. He has a very large fortune with a huge number of peasants and land plots. The landowner is a big fan of playing card games.

Main character fairy tale, he lives magnificently on his rather large estate, but feels incredible hatred for his peasants, who, in his opinion, constantly bother him and consume a lot of food. He dreams of getting rid of annoying men and women, considering them a servile spirit and not realizing that without them he cannot exist, since it is the peasants who serve the master, raise and harvest bread. Gradually, the landowner infringes so much on the peasants, who find it unbearable, that God decides to help the disadvantaged people and all the serfs disappear from the territory of the landowner’s estate.

After the disappearance of the peasants, the overjoyed landowner begins to drag out his life in the form of a meaningless existence, since he had nothing to eat, water procedures, such as shaving and washing, without servants the landowner has no opportunity to spend and even to make a game of cards, he has no one.

The stupidity of the landowner does not allow him to realize the stupidity of his act, but, being a narcissistic person, he cannot show weakness and wants to prove to the whole world the possibility of life without serfs. The landowner invites his friends to stay on his estate. However, the guests are dissatisfied with the lack of servants and, accordingly, treats, so they quickly leave the uncleaned and uncomfortable landowner’s house, finally, openly telling the owner about his immeasurable stupidity. Even the representative local authorities It is not possible to convince the landowner by proving that the absence of peasants affects both the collection of taxes into the state treasury and the situation in trade markets.

As a result, living in all alone, the landowner becomes wild, starting to jump on tree branches, eat raw game he has caught, and walk on all fours. The police decide to catch the feral man, bring him back to normal and send him to the estate under the supervision of the servant Senka.

Describing the image of the landowner, the writer satirically depicts real events occurring in the society of that period of time.

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Saltykov-Shchedrin M., fairy tale "Wild Landowner"

Genre: satirical tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" and their characteristics

  1. Wild landowner. Stupid, stubborn, stubborn, narrow-minded, tyrant
  2. Guys. Simple, unprepossessing, hard-working
  3. Police captain. Faithful servant.
  4. Four generals. They love to play cards and drink.
  5. Actor Sadovsky. Man of sense.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"
  1. Rich landowner.
  2. The landowner's prayer to God
  3. Fines
  4. Men's prayers
  5. Chaff Whirlwind
  6. Clean and fresh
  7. Actor Sadovsky
  8. Four generals
  9. Landowner's dreams
  10. Police Captain
  11. The savagery of the landowner
  12. Friendship with a bear
  13. Management's decision
  14. Swarm of men
  15. General prosperity.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The landowner lived in prosperity and contentment, but did not want to see the men and imposed fines on them
  2. The men prayed to God and were carried away with a chaff whirlwind.
  3. The landowner's guests called him stupid, but the landowner only dreamed and stubbornly stood his ground.
  4. The landowner began to run wild, grew taller and became very strong, and made friends with the bear
  5. The bosses ordered the man to be returned and the landowner to be reprimanded
  6. They caught a swarm of men, caught the landowner and prosperity came.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"
There is no life in the state without a man.

What does the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" teach?
The fairy tale teaches you not to follow the example of stupid newspaper articles, but to think with your own head. Teaches you to respect other people's work. Teaches that work is honorable, and idleness and laziness are harmful. Teaches you not to be stubborn, teaches you to listen to other people's opinions. Teaches you to have your head on your shoulders. Teaches you not to be selfish. Teaches that labor made the monkey a man.

Review of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"
I really like this beautiful fairy tale. Its main character is not just a wild, but a very stupid landowner who believed that everything around him appears by itself. He despised the peasant, but left alone he could not feed himself, he could not take care of himself, he became a savage, turned into an animal. He was too stubborn to admit his mistakes. But strangely enough, wild life the landowner was quite satisfied. But this state of affairs did not suit the state, which also could not exist without men.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"
A person who doesn’t know anyone is completely stupid.
Stupidity is not a vice, but a misfortune.
The man works crying, but collects bread galloping.
Men's calluses and bars live well.
Teach a fool that the dead can be healed.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Wild Landowner"
There lived a landowner in a certain kingdom and he had plenty of everything. And peasants, and land, and bread and livestock. But the landowner was stupid because he read "The News". And so the landowner asked God to deliver him from the peasants, but God did not heed his request, because he knew about the landowner’s stupidity.
And the landowner, seeing that the peasant was still there, read the word “Try” in the newspaper and began to try.
The landowner imposed various fines and taxes on the peasants, so that the peasant could not even breathe without a fine. And the men already prayed that God would deliver them from such a landowner. And God heeded the peasant’s prayer. A chaff wind rose and the men disappeared.
The landowner went out onto the balcony, and the air around was clean, very clean. The fool rejoiced.
I invited the actor Sadovsky and his actors to visit. And when he found out that the landowner had harassed the peasants, he said that he was stupid. After all, now no one will give him a wash. And with these words he left.
Then the landowner invited four generals to play cards.
The generals arrived, happy that the man was gone and that the air was clean. They play cards. Only the time has come to drink vodka, and the landowner brings each a lollipop and a gingerbread.
The generals widened their eyes, what kind of treat is this, they would like beef. They called the landowner stupid and left in anger.
But the landowner decided to be firm to the end. He played solitaire, he got it right, so he had to continue to stick to his line. He began to dream about how he would order cars from England and what kind of gardens he would plant. He wanders around the rooms, shouts to Senka, remembers that this is not the case, and goes to bed.
And in his sleep he dreams of how he was made a minister for his firmness. He will wake up, shout to Senka, and come to his senses.
And then the police captain came to the landowner and arranged an interrogation as to where the temporarily liable people had disappeared and who would now pay taxes. The landowner offered to pay with a glass of vodka and printed gingerbread. But the police officer called him stupid and left.
The landowner began to think, because already the third person had called him stupid. I wondered if it was because of him that there was now no bread or meat in the market. And he chickened out. I began to think what it smelled like and if only Cheboksary was good. The landowner is scared, but a secret thought flashes through his mind that maybe he will meet a man in Cheboksary.
And by this time the mice had already eaten his cards, the paths in the garden were overgrown with thistles, and wild animals were howling in the park.
One day even a bear came to the house, looked out the window and licked its lips. The landowner cried, but did not want to deviate from his principles.
And then autumn came, the frosts hit. And the landowner has become so wild that he doesn’t feel the cold. He is overgrown with hair, his nails have become iron, he walks more and more on all fours. I’ve even forgotten how to pronounce articulate sounds. Only he hasn’t got a tail yet. The landowner will go out into the park, climb a tree, watch for a hare, tear it apart and eat it whole.
And the landowner became very strong, so much so that he even made friends with the bear. Only the bear calls the landowner stupid.
And the police captain sent a report to the province and the provincial authorities became alarmed. He asks who will pay taxes and engage in innocent activities. And the captain reports that innocent occupations have been abolished, and instead of them, robbery and robbery are flourishing. Just the other day, some kind of bear-man almost killed him. And the management decided to return the man, and to make a suggestion to the landowner so that he would stop his fanfare.
As if on purpose, a swarm of men flew past and landed on the city square. This swarm was immediately caught and sent to the district. And immediately flour and meat appeared in the market, a lot of taxes arrived, and the district smelled of peasant trousers.
The landowner was caught, washed and shaved. They took away the newspaper "Vest" and assigned Senka. He is alive to this day, plays solitaire, washes himself under duress, yearns for his life in the forests and sometimes moos.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"

Other grotesque works of the satirist are also associated with history and its laws. The appearance in these works of absolutely incredible images, situations, and events is also motivated both functionally and conceptually. Fictional by the writer unprecedented characters and impossible ones in real life the scenes are based on a deep understanding of the trends in the historical movement of society and are conditioned by these trends. “There are types,” Saltykov emphasized, “that are not useful to explain, especially in the influences that they have on modern times. If it is true that in every state of affairs history is the main architect, then it is no less true that everywhere one can meet individual individuals who serve as the embodiment of the “situation” and represent, as it were, an answer to the need of the moment. To understand and explain these types means to understand and explain the typical features of the situation itself, which is not only not obscured by them, but, on the contrary, with their help is made more visual and prominent”

This theoretical reasoning characterizes an extremely significant feature of Shchedrin’s satire. Moreover, this position applies not only to those socio-political and socio-psychological types that were depicted by the writer in their real, concrete historical form, but also to their grotesque variants.

Generals caught in desert island, wild landowner, the reckless advisers Boa and Dyba, the zealous boss and many, many other grotesque characters created by Shchedrin’s imagination also served as a vivid embodiment of the “state of affairs” and were, as it were, the personification of certain trends in history.

The real social and political conflicts of the time also expressed those fantastic situations that the writer based the plot of his grotesque works. It was these genuine collisions of reality that were responsible for the absolutely incredible actions and events that we encounter here.

Let us turn, for example, once again to the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner”. It would seem that before us is a work that is absolutely “timeless”, “ahistorical”. In fact, this work, full of fantastic events, bears distinct traces of the time of its creation. It is thoroughly historical, although this time historicism does not appear in its concrete form, but in an “indirect” one.

However, there are also specific historical details here. It is mentioned, for example, that peasants are “temporarily obliged.” Thanks to this small detail, it immediately becomes clear that we are talking about the post-reform period. The newspaper Vest is repeatedly mentioned, which stubbornly insisted that landowners must pursue a “firm” policy towards the peasants.

The main character of the fairy tale is inspired by the writings of this newspaper and follows its advice. He believes that the peasants are “eaten up” and strives in every possible way to “reduce” them:

“Whether a peasant’s chicken wanders into the master’s oats, now, as a rule, it ends up in the soup; Whether a peasant gathers to chop wood in secret in the master’s forest - now this same firewood is going to the master’s yard, and the chopper, as a rule, is subject to a fine.”

And when the peasants throughout the entire domain of the hero of the fairy tale disappear (“Where did the man go - no one noticed, but people only saw how suddenly a chaff whirlwind arose and, like a black cloud, the peasant’s long trousers flew through the air”), then this is a fantastic event is a logical consequence of the policy pursued by the landowner in relation to the peasants. The disappearance of the men, all of them, is in no way explainable from the point of view of everyday reality. But it is motivated historically.

Certain historical collisions and circumstances determine the events that we encounter in other tales of Shchedrin, including tales about animals. In some of them we even encounter the word “history” itself.

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A brief analysis of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “The Wild Landowner”: idea, problems, themes, image of the people

The fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” was published by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in 1869. This work is a satire on the Russian landowner and the ordinary Russian people. In order to bypass censorship, the writer chose a specific genre, “fairy tale,” within which a deliberate fable is described. In the work, the author does not give his characters names, as if hinting that the landowner is collective image all landowners in Rus' in the 19th century. And Senka and the rest of the men are typical representatives of the peasant class. The theme of the work is simple: the superiority of the hardworking and patient people over the mediocre and stupid nobles, expressed in an allegorical manner.

Problems, features and meaning of the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner”

Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales are always distinguished by simplicity, irony and artistic details, using which the author can absolutely accurately convey the character of the character “And that stupid landowner was reading the newspaper “Vest” and his body was soft, white and crumbly,” “he lived and looked at the light and rejoiced.”

The main problem in the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” is the problem of the difficult fate of the people. The landowner in the work appears as a cruel and ruthless tyrant who intends to take away the last thing from his peasants. But after hearing the prayers of the peasants for better life and the landowner's desire to get rid of them forever, God grants their prayers. They stop bothering the landowner, and the “men” get rid of oppression. The author shows that in the world of the landowner, the peasants were the creators of all goods. When they disappeared, he himself turned into an animal, grew overgrown, and stopped eating normal food, since all the food disappeared from the market. With the disappearance of the men, a bright, rich life went away, the world became uninteresting, dull, tasteless. Even the entertainment that previously brought pleasure to the landowner - playing pulque or watching a play in the theater - no longer seemed so tempting. The world is empty without the peasantry. Thus, in the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” the meaning is quite real: the upper strata of society oppress and trample the lower ones, but at the same time cannot remain at their illusory heights without them, since it is the “slaves” who provide for the country, but their master is nothing but problems, we are unable to provide.

The image of the people in the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin

The people in the work of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are hardworking people in whose hands any business “argues.” It was thanks to them that the landowner always lived in abundance. The people appear before us not just as a weak-willed and reckless mass, but as smart and insightful people: “The men see: although their landowner is stupid, he has been given a great mind.” Peasants are also endowed with such an important quality as a sense of justice. They refused to live under the yoke of a landowner who imposed unfair and sometimes insane restrictions on them, and asked God for help.

The author himself treats the people with respect. This can be seen in the contrast between how the landowner lived after the disappearance of the peasantry and during his return: “And suddenly again there was a smell of chaff and sheepskins in that district; but at the same time, flour, meat, and all kinds of livestock appeared at the market, and so many taxes arrived in one day that the treasurer, seeing such a pile of money, just clasped his hands in surprise...”, it can be argued that the people are driving force society, the foundation on which the existence of such “landowners” is based, and they, of course, owe their well-being to the simple Russian peasant. This is the meaning of the ending of the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner”.

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In the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner,” the heroes find themselves in a fantastic situation that reveals class relations and emphasizes the dependence of the upper classes on common people. The Lord heard the stupid landowner’s prayers for the extermination of the peasants and fulfilled his desire. Shchedrin emphasizes the description of the sad life of the landowner in Saltykov’s story with the constant shouts of the owner, calling his servant Senka. Each time the landowner remembers that the house is empty, but does not get upset, but continues to “strengthen himself.” Masterfully exaggerating the characterization of the feral landowner, the author describes his dialogue with the bear, who openly declares that the man should be returned.

Characteristics of the characters “Wild Landowner”

Main characters

Stupid landowner

A rich, contented landowner without a name (the author does not indicate a name, hinting at a collective image). He worries and prays to harass the men, fearing that they will take his property. Imposes fines, taxes, “strangles” the common people with all possible ways. Left alone, every day he hears from people who come about his stupidity. He thinks about it, but does not give up, remains firm. At the end of the tale, he, overgrown and wild with huge claws, is caught, sheared and returned to normal life, forcing you to wash your face every day.


Powerless, disadvantaged in everything, simple peasants pray to God for salvation from a stupid landowner. The answer to their request was the complete disappearance of the peasants from the landowner’s possessions; they “fly like a whirlwind” in an unknown direction. Seriously worried, after a while the higher authorities catch the men and return them back to the landowner. Everything returns to its former flourishing state.

Police Captain

He comes to the landowner to ask where the peasants have disappeared and who will pay taxes and duties for them. Having learned the position of the landowner, he threatens him. He is the initiator of the return of the peasants, raises the alarm when he encounters a wild creature that looks like a landowner and a bear at the same time.

Minor characters


The landowner's servant, whom he remembers every day, calls out in a dream or forgetting about the missing men. Apparently, this is the closest servant: irreplaceable, skillful, economical.


The landowner's acquaintances come to visit and are sincerely offended when the landowner offers them candy and gingerbread instead of beef, which is not in the house. They call him stupid and leave.

Mikhailo Ivanovich, bear

When the landowner finally became wild, overgrown and began to hunt like an animal, he considered it possible to make friends with Mikhailo Ivanovich. The bear openly said that the landowner acted stupidly. A man is needed in the village.

The main idea of ​​the work is that order and prosperity are impossible without smart, hard-working common people, on whom the life of the upper class directly depends. The fairy tale genre allowed Saltykov-Shchedrin to bypass censorship and give literature the most original satirical work. The collected material and description of the main characters of “The Wild Landowner” can be useful for a reader’s diary or for preparing for a lesson on the topic.

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