Questions about Gogol's dead souls. Literature test based on the poem "Dead Souls" (9th grade). Which character had a thrush that looked like its owner?

Option No. 31885

Unified State Examination in Literature 06/13/2013. Main wave. Ural. Option 2.

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers. Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters. For tasks 8-9, give a coherent answer in 5-10 sentences. When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Performing tasks 10-14 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers. When completing task 15-16, rely on author's position, if necessary, state your point of view. Justify your answer based on the text of the work. When completing task 16, select two works of different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

For task 17, give a detailed, reasoned answer in the genre of an essay of at least 200 words (an essay of less than 150 words is scored zero points). Analyze a literary work based on the author’s position, using the necessary theoretical and literary concepts. When giving an answer, follow the norms of speech.

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Test on Gogol's poem N.V. "Dead Souls"

1. Who owns the idea for “Dead Souls”?

2) Pushkin A.S.

3) Griboyedov A.S.

4) Lermontov M.Yu.

2. Indicate the genre of N.V.’s work. Gogol "Dead Souls".

1) parable

2) story

3) novel

4) poem

3. How is the lyrical element manifested in the work “Dead Souls”?

1) in a love affair

2) in Chichikov’s thoughts about everything he saw

3) in lyrical digressions

4) in landscape sketches

4. Indicate the main theme of the work.

1) life of peasants

2) the life of all Russia

3) life of landowners

4) life of officials

5. Indicate the correct continuation of the statement.

All parts of the work are connected

1) in the image of landowners

2) the image of Chichikov

4) general plot

6. What motive is the image of the author closely connected with?

1) roads

2) friendship

3) freedom

1) character

2) friend of the main character

3) narrator and lyrical hero

4) outside observer

8. Indicate the correct continuation of the statement.

The meaning of the title of the work is that

1) the work is based on a fantastic plot

2) Gogol calls serf owners and officials “dead souls”

4) the main thing in the work is Chichikov’s scam of buying up papers for dead peasants

9. Who in the work can be called truly living souls?

3) provincial society and Manilov

4) Selifan and Chichikova

10. Indicate the correct sequence of landowners whom Chichikov visited.

1) Korobochka, Manilov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Nozdrev

2) Manilov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Korobochka, Nozdryov

3) Korobochka, Sobakevich, Nozdryov, Manilov, Plyushkin

4) Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin

11. For what purpose does N.V. Did Gogol show the landowners in exactly this order?

1) Landowners are shown arbitrarily.

3) N.V. Gogol thus contrasts the landowners with each other.

12. Why does Gogol dwell in detail on the biography of Chichikov in his work?

2) The reader needs to know all the details of the main character’s life.

3) Gogol wanted to draw a parallel between Chichikov and Plyushkin.

13. For what purpose does Gogol introduce “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” into his work?

1) expand the circle characters

2) show what poverty and hopelessness lead to

3) point out the bureaucracy of officials

4) refute the idea of ​​impunity of the authorities

14. What type literary heroes Can I include Captain Kopeikin?

1) " small man»

2) " extra person»

3) " noble robber»

4) reasoner

15. What problem is not raised in the work of N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"?

1) the problem of barbarism

2) problem false values

3) the problem of moral decline

4) the problem of the destructive influence of money

ANSWERS: 1 – 2, 2 – 4, 3 – 3, 4 – 2, 5 – 3, 6 – 1, 7 – 3, 8 – 2, 9 – 2, 10 – 4, 11 – 2, 12 – 1, 13 – 4, 14 – 3, 15 – 1.

Compiled by:

literature teacher MBOU

"Likino-Dulevskaya secondary school No. 5"

Demidovich E.V.,

Test based on N.V. Gogol's poem " Dead Souls"(9th grade).

1. Who gave it N.V. Gogol plot of the work "Dead Souls"?

a) V.A. Zhukovsky; b) M.Yu. Lermontov; c) no one; d) A.S. Pushkin.

2. How many volumes of “Dead Souls” do you plan to write? N.V. Gogol ?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

3. The type of literature to which the work belongs N.V. Gogol?

a) epic; b) lyric epic; c) drama; d) lyrics.

4. Determine the genre of N.V. Gogol’s work “Dead Souls” »

a) novel; b) story; c) poem; d) story.

5. How much did Chichikov’s financial career begin with?

a) From a penny;b) From half a ruble;c) From the ruble; d) From five rubles.

6. Which of these characters Not from "Dead Souls"?

a) Manilov; b) Box;c) Strawberries; d) Nozdryov.

7..Which of the heroes of the poem did the author depict with biographical details?

a) Plyushkin and Chichikov; b) Korobochka and Manilov;

c) Nozdrev and Sobakevich; d) Korobochka and Nozdryov

8. Recognize the hero by keywords : “A piece of apple, candy, nut, darling, little mouth, beaded case, cigar, name day of the heart, please pass by, honored with a visit, most kind, spirit of pleasure”

a) Manilov; b) Box; c) Nozdrev; d) Sobakevich.

9. Find out the hero by keywords : “Centuries-old standing, strong oak, clumsy order, side of mutton, Christ sellers, a turkey the size of a calf, gnawed, sucked, machine, power, bear”

a) Sobakevich; b) Plyushkin; c) Nozdrev; d) Manilov.

10. Which of N.V. Gogol’s heroes treats guests like this? :
“When I have pork, bring the whole pig to the table, lamb, bring the whole lamb, goose, bring the whole goose!”

a) Plyushkin; b) Sobakevich; c) Nozdrev; d) Box.

11. Whose manor house is this? : “...the room was hung with old striped wallpaper; paintings with some birds;... behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking”?

a) Box; b) Plyushkin; c) Nozdrev; d) Manilov.

12. Whose portrait is this: “He was as fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to be dripping from his face.”

a) Manilov; b) Plyushkin; c) Nozdrev; d) Chichikov.

13. Which of the heroes of the work did this serf belong to: “Maxim Telyatnikov, shoemaker: whatever pricks with an awl, so do the boots, whatever the boots, then thank you, and even if it’s a drunken mouth”?

a) Governor; b) Plyushkin; c) Sobakevich; d) Chichikov

14. Which of these landowners did Chichikov visit first?

a) Sobakevich; b) Plyushkin;c) Manilov; d) Box.

15. Which of the characters in the poem charged Chichikov the highest price for “dead souls"?
a) Sobakevich;b) Plyushkin; c) Nozdryov; d) Box.

16. From whom did Chichikov receive dead souls at the very favorable conditions?

a) from Sobakevich;b) from Manilov; c) from Plyushkin; d) from Korobochka.

17. Which of these Gogol characters in Dead Souls was particularly stingy?

a) Sobakevich;b) Plyushkin; c) Nozdryov; d) Manilov.

18. Which hero of “Dead Souls” always had his book open on page 14?
a) at Nozdryov’s;
b) from Manilov;b) at Sobakevich; c) at Korobochka.

19. Theme “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”:

a) collision true patriot Fatherland with soulless power;

b) the participant’s life story Patriotic War 1812;

c) life in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 19th century;

d) life in St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century.

20. What trope did the author use? : "Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautiful distance I see you: poor, scattered and uncomfortable in you... But what incomprehensible, secret force attracts you to you?

a) Metaphor; b) Hyperbole; c) Epithet; d) Litotes.

21. Which of the heroes of the poem by N.V. Gogol does not refer to “dead souls”?

A) Chichikov B) Plyushkin C) officials D) dead peasants

22. 1. Restore the sequence of Chichikov’s visit to the landowners.

A) Manilov B) Plyushkin C) Sobakevich D) Korobochka D) Nozdryov E) Chichikov

.23Recognize the hero by his description

1 “For a long time he could not discern what gender the figure was. She was wearing a completely indefinite dress, similar to a woman’s hood, and on her head was a cap, the kind worn by village courtyard women...”

2. “A sensitive nose heard him several dozen miles away, where there was a fair with all sorts of conventions and balls; In the blink of an eye he was there, arguing, causing chaos at the green table, for, like all of them, he had a passion for cards.”

3. “There is a kind of people known by the name: so-so people, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.”

4 “...was neither fat nor thin, had Anna around his neck, and they even said that he was presented to a star; however, he was a great good-natured person and sometimes even embroidered on tulle himself.”

5. “He seemed very similar to a medium-sized bear... There are many faces in the world, over the finishing of which nature did not hesitate for long: with an ax, the nose came out, with another, the lips were pulled out...”

6. Not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin, one cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young

24. To which of the landowners do the following descriptions of the premises apply? ?

1. Most of all there was tobacco. He was in different things: in a cap and a tobacco box and, finally, it was simply piled on the table. On both windows there were also piles of ash knocked out of the pipe, arranged with some care. Very beautiful rows.

2. It was impossible to say that a living creature lived in this room if his presence had not been announced by an old worn cap lying on the table.

3. In the corner of the living room stood a pot-bellied walnut bureau on the most absurd four legs: a perfect bear

4. He led them to his office, in which there were no visible traces of what happens in offices, that is, books or paper; Only sabers and two guns hung. Following this

a barrel organ appeared to the guests

5. Not all of the paintings were birds: between them hung a portrait of Kutuzov and a painted oil paints some old man with red cuffs on his uniform, which were sewn on under Pavel Petrovich. The clock hissed again and struck ten.

25. Why did Gogol arrange Chichikov’s visit to the landowners in this order:

A) heroes are arranged according to the principle of “revival”

B) each subsequent landowner is opposed to the previous one

C) heroes are arranged according to the degree of degradation, death of the soul

26. Chichikov bought dead souls in order to

A)Marries profitably B) Put them in the guardianship council and get money C) take a position in society D) Avoid paying taxes

Answers to the test based on N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”

1 –g

2 – in


4 – in

5 B

















22-a, d, d, c, b.

23- 1. Plyushkin, 2. Nozdrev, 3. Manilov, 4. Governor, 5. Sobakevich.

24.1. Manilov, 2. Plyushkin, 3. Sobakevich, 4. Nozdrev, 5. Korobochka.



Test by literature Dead souls (N.V. Gogol) for 9th grade students. The test consists of two options, each option contains 5 short-answer tasks and 3 general tasks with a detailed answer.

- A good deed, really, a good deed!
“Yes, I see for myself that I could not have undertaken a better deed.” Be that as it may, a man's purpose is still undetermined unless he has finally placed his feet firmly on a solid foundation, and not on some free-thinking chimera of youth. - Here he very opportunely scolded all young people for liberalism, and rightly so. But it’s remarkable that there was some kind of unsteadiness in his words, as if he immediately said to himself: “Eh, brother, you’re lying, and a big one at that!” He didn’t even look at Sobakevich and Manilov for fear of seeing something on their faces. But he was afraid in vain: Sobakevich’s face did not move, and Manilov, enchanted by the phrase, only shook his head approvingly with pleasure, plunging into the position in which a music lover finds himself when the singer has outdone the very violin and squeaked such a thin note that even a bird’s throat cannot bear .
“Yes, why don’t you tell Ivan Grigorievich,” Sobakevich responded, “what exactly you purchased?” and you, Ivan Grigorievich, why don’t you ask what acquisition they made? After all, what a people! just gold. After all, I also sold them the coachman Mikheev...
And when the chairman asked why they went, being people necessary for the house and artisans, Sobakevich answered, waving his hand: “Ah!” so simple, I found something stupid: give it to me, I say, I’ll sell it, and I sold it foolishly!
Then he hung his head as if he himself repented of this matter, and added: “Here is a gray-haired man, but he still hasn’t gained his mind...
While the conversations continued, witnesses began to appear little by little: the Morgun prosecutor familiar to the reader, the inspector of the medical board, Trukhachevsky, Begushkin and others, according to Sobakevich, who were burdening the land for nothing. Many of them were completely unfamiliar to Chichikov: the missing and extra ones were recruited right there from the chamber officials. They also brought not only the son of the archpriest Father Kiril, but even the archpriest himself. Each of the witnesses placed himself with all his virtues and ranks, some in reverse font, some in jambs, some simply almost upside down, placing letters that had never even been seen in the Russian alphabet. Famous Ivan Antonovich managed it very quickly, the fortresses were recorded, marked, entered in the book and where it should be, with the acceptance of half a percent and for the seal in the Vedomosti, and Chichikov had to pay very little. Even the chairman gave an order to take only half of the duty money from him, and the other, unknown in some way, was assigned to the account of some other petitioner.
“So,” said the chairman, when it was all over, “all that remains now is to spray the purchase.”
“I’m ready,” said Chichikov. “It’s up to you to set the time. It would be a sin on my part if, for such a pleasant company, I didn’t uncork another or third bottle of sparkling wine.”
“No, you didn’t take things that way: we will supply the fizzybrew ourselves,” said the chairman: “this is our responsibility, our duty. You are our guest: we should be treated. Do you know what, gentlemen! For now, let’s do this: let’s all go, as is, to the police chief; He’s our miracle worker: he only has to blink when passing a fish row or a cellar, and you know, we’ll have a bite to eat! and at this opportunity, and on the whistle.”
No one could refuse such an offer. Witnesses already felt an appetite at the very name of the fish row; They all took up their caps and hats that same hour, and the presence ended. When they passed the office, Ivan Antonovich the jug's snout, bowing politely, quietly said to Chichikov: “They bought the peasants for a hundred thousand, but for their labor they gave only one little white one.”
“But what kind of peasants,” Chichikov answered him, also in a whisper: “they are a very empty and insignificant people, not even worth half of them.” Ivan Antonovich realized that the visitor was of a strong character and would not give any more.
“And how much did you buy the soul from Plyushkin?” Sobakevich whispered in his other ear.
“Why was Sparrow assigned?” Chichikov told him in response to this.
“Which Sparrow?” Sobakevich said.
“Yes, the woman, Elisaveta Vorobya, they also put the letter B at the end.” “No, I didn’t attribute any Sparrow,” said Sobakevich and went off to join the other guests.
The guests finally arrived in a crowd at the police chief's house. The police chief was definitely a miracle worker: as soon as he heard what was happening, at that very moment he called the policeman, a lively fellow in patent leather boots, and, it seems, he whispered only two words in his ear, and only added: “You understand!” and there in another room, while the guests were playing whist, beluga, sturgeon, salmon, pressed caviar, freshly salted caviar, herrings, stellate sturgeon, cheeses, smoked tongues and balyks appeared on the table, it was all from the fishery side row. Then there were additions from the owner's side, kitchen products: a pie with head meat, which included the cartilage and cheeks of a 9-pound sturgeon, another pie with milk mushrooms, yarn, butter, and boiled milk. The police chief was in some way a father and benefactor in the city. He was among the citizens just like in family of origin, and he visited the shops and the living room as if he were visiting his own pantry. In general, he sat, as they say, in his place and understood his position to perfection. It was even difficult to decide whether he was created for the place or the place for him.

1 option

Short answer questions

1. Indicate the genre of this work.

2. Which of the heroes of Dead Souls will mainly contribute to exposing Chichikov's scam?

3. What is the name of the subtle, hidden mockery that ends the fragment?

In general, he sat, as they say, in his place and understood his position to perfection. It was even difficult to decide whether he was created for the place or the place for him.

4. What is artistic exaggeration called?

...the singer outdid the violin itself and squeaked such a thin note that even a bird’s throat could not bear it.

5. What is a conversation between two characters called? literary work, included in the above snippet?

Long answer questions



Option 2

Short answer questions

1. What is the direction called? literature of the 19th century century, characterized by a reflection of the laws of life, the relationship between man and the environment, to which Gogol’s work “Dead Souls” belongs?

2. Which of the landowners, sellers " dead souls", is not mentioned in this episode?

3. What is the name of the product? artistic expression, based on the similarity of related phenomena?

But it’s remarkable that there was some kind of unsteadiness in his words, as if he immediately said to himself:“Oh, brother, you’re lying, and a big one at that!”

4. Indicate the name of the means of allegorical expression used by Gogol in describing what is happening in a public place:

Each of the witnesses placed himself with all his merits and ranks, some in reverse font, some in blunt letters, some simply almost upside down.

5. What is a subtle, hidden mockery called?

Even the chairman gave an order to take only half of the duty money from him, and the other, unknown in some way, was assigned to the account of some other petitioner.

Long answer questions

6. What are the vices? county officials reflected in the above fragment?

8. Compare fragments from the works of I.V. Gogol’s “Dead Souls” and A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". How are the collective images of officials created in these works similar?

Fragment of the work by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

The rumor about this incident reached Kiril Petrovich on the same day... Walking with heavy steps back and forth across the hall, he accidentally looked out the window and saw a trio stopping at the gate - a small man in a leather cap and a frieze overcoat got out of the cart and went into the outbuilding to to the clerk; Troekurov recognized assessor Shabashkin and ordered to call him. A minute later, Shabashkin was already standing in front of Kiril Petrovich, bowing after bow, and reverently awaiting his orders.
“Great, what’s your name,” Troekurov told him, “why did you come?”
“I was going to the city, Your Excellency,” answered Shabashkii, “and I went to Ivan Demyanov to find out if there would be any order from Your Excellency.”
“It’s very opportune that I stopped by, what’s your name?” I need you. Drink some vodka and listen.
Such an affectionate reception pleasantly surprised the assessor. “He gave up vodka and began to listen to Kiril Petrovich with all possible attention.
“I have a neighbor,” said Troekurov, “a small-time rude man; I want to take his estate - what do you think about that?
- Your Excellency, if there are any documents, or...
“I understand, but the problem is that all his papers were burned in a fire.”
- How, Your Excellency, his papers were burned! what's better for you? - in this case, please act according to the laws, and without any doubt you will receive your complete pleasure.
- You think? Well, look. I rely on your diligence, and you can be sure of my gratitude.
Shabashkin bowed almost to the ground, went out, from that very day he began to work on the planned case, and thanks to his agility, exactly two weeks later, Dubrovsky received an invitation from the city to immediately deliver the proper explanations about his ownership of the village of Kistenevka.
Andrei Gavrilovich, amazed by the unexpected request, wrote back on the same day with a rather rude attitude...
This letter had a great impact pleasant impression in the soul of assessor Shabashkin. He saw, 1) that Dubrovsky knew little sense in business, and 2) that it would not be difficult to put a person so ardent and imprudent in the most disadvantageous position...
The matter began to drag on. Confident in his rightness, Andrei Gavrilovich cared little about him, had neither the desire nor the opportunity to sprinkle money around him, and although he was always the first to mock the corrupt conscience of the ink tribe, the thought of becoming a victim of a sneak did not occur to him. For his part, Troekurov cared just as little about winning the case he had started - Shabashkin worked for him, acting on his behalf, intimidating and bribing judges and interpreting all sorts of decrees at odds and ends. Be that as it may, on the 18th ... year, February 9, Dubrovsky received an invitation through the city police to appear before the ** zemstvo judge to hear his decision in the case of a disputed estate between him, Lieutenant Dubrovsky, and Chief General Troekurov ...
Arriving in the city, Andrei Gavrilovich stayed with a merchant he knew, spent the night with him, and the next morning appeared before the district court.
Nobody paid any attention to him. Kirila Petrovich arrived after him. The clerks stood up and put feathers behind their ears. The members greeted him with expressions of deep servility; I would move chairs for him out of respect for his rank, years and corpulence; he sat down with the doors open, - Andrei Gavrilovich stood leaning against the wall - there was deep silence, and the secretary began to read the court ruling in a ringing voice.

Answers to the literature test Dead Souls (N.V. Gogol)
1 option
1. poem
2. Nozdrev
3. irony
4. hyperbole
5. dialogue
Option 2
1. realism
2. Box, Nozdrev
3. comparison
4. metaphor
5. irony

Gogol's "Dead Souls" test.
1. Chichikov’s crew - ...
a) tarantass; +b) chaise; c) wagon.
2.Name and patronymic of Chichikov:
a) Pyotr Ivanovich; b) Ivan Petrovich; +c) Pavel Ivanovich.
3. Who we are talking about: “She was not bad-looking, she was dressed to her liking. A pale silk cloth hood sat well on her; her thin small hand hurriedly threw something on the table and clutched a cambric handkerchief with embroidered corners?
a) Box; +b) Manilov’s wife; c) the lady is pleasant in all respects.
4. Which of the heroes of the poem dreamed of “...under the shadow of some elm tree to philosophize about something, to go deeper”?
+a) Manilov; b) Sobakevich; c) Chichikov.
5. The description of whose home is given here: “The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; paintings with some birds, mirrors with dark frames... behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking”?
a) Sobakevich; b) Plyushkin; +c) Box.
6. Name of Chichikov’s servant:
a) Zakhar; b) Osip; +c) Parsley.
7. Which hero of the poem is said to be “ historical person»?
a) Plyushkin; +b) Nozdryov; c) Captain Kopeikin.
8. What was Plyushkin’s nickname?
a) “barefoot”; +b) “patched”; c) “torn”
9. What price did Sobakevich ask for the dead peasants?
a) 50 rubles; +b) 100 rubles; c) 200 rubles.
10. Which of the landowners treated Chichikov to a turkey “the size of a calf, stuffed with all sorts of good things: eggs, rice, livers and who knows what...”?
a) Nozdryov; +b) Sobakevich; c) Box.

11. The governor’s hobby is...
+a) embroidery on tulle; b) bead weaving; c) drawing.
12. First name and patronymic of Sobakevich:
+a) Mikhail Semenovich; b) Mikhail Ivanovich; c) Ivan Mikhailovich.
13. What rank did Chichikov have?
a) state councilor; +b) collegiate advisor; c) Privy Councilor.
14. Name of coachman Chichikov:
a) Ivan; +b) Selifan; c) Stepan.
15. Who are we talking about: “In a word, he managed to acquire a complete nationality, and the opinion of the merchants was such that... although it will take you, it will certainly not give you away”?
a) governor; +b) police chief; c) prosecutor.
16. Whose dwelling is described: “The master’s house stood alone on the south, open to all the winds; The slope of the mountain was covered with trimmed turf. Two or three flower beds were scattered on it... Was there a gazebo with wooden blue columns and the inscription: “Temple of Solitary Reflection”?
a) Nozdryov; +b) Manilov; c) Sobakevich.
17. Which of the heroes of the poem said about himself that he was “an insignificant worm of this world... who experienced a lot in his life, endured in the service of the truth...”?
+a) Chichikov; b) governor; c) prosecutor.
18. What game did Chichikov and Nozdryov play?
a) dominoes; +b) checkers; c) chess.
19. Which of the heroes tells the story about Captain Kopeikin?
+a) postmaster; b) police chief; c) chairman of the chamber.
20. Parsley’s hobby is...
+a) reading; b) playing cards; c) playing the harmonica.
21. Who is Sofron Mizhuev?
+a) Nozdryov’s son-in-law; b) one of Sobakevich’s peasants; c) Pavlusha Chichikov’s teacher.
22. Where did Chichikov want to “transport” the purchased peasants?
+a) to the Kherson province; b) to the Penza province; c) to the Ryazan province.