Bad character traits of a Taurus. Astrology and sexual compatibility

A fixed earth sign, creator and gourmet, Taurus embodies the principle of love of life and its benefits, and also has qualities of perseverance and practicality. Taurus knows how and loves to work, patiently creates comfortable living conditions for himself. Able to wait long and patiently for suitable conditions to mature. Taurus's patience is amazing; it is difficult for him to learn something new and adapt to unfamiliar conditions. He is very receptive to everything beautiful, has strong intuition, and tends to analyze the situation before taking action. Taurus' gift is to embody beautiful dreams into reality.

Character of the sign

Taurus is a somewhat passive sign who would rather wait for the right opportunity than actively hunt for opportunities. Able to work long and hard, the most hardworking sign of the zodiac, if he finds a suitable way of self-expression. He loves beautiful things, evaluates everything according to high criteria, and may even consider actions ugly. Pronounced practicality and worldly wisdom, slowness makes Taurus a thorough housewife. Taurus is sociable, musically gifted, self-confident and attractive to the opposite sex. He chooses professions in the field of art, finance, real estate, where he can ensure the enjoyment of life. Conservative, does not chase illusory dreams.

Almost always produces pleasant experience, is charming, but at heart a skeptic and a misanthrope, has strong nerves, a good sense of humor, and loves to make fun of himself. They value the feeling of security, love guarantees, and get sick in an uncomfortable environment. He has the gift of empathy, accumulates the power of nature, and can become a medium, psychoanalyst or healer if he develops a sense of empathy. Needs sexual balance, seeks a partner who will satisfy sensual expectations. He does not like changes, and is surprisingly patient in family problems.

Strengths and weaknesses of the sign

Laziness, love of pleasure, stubbornness - weaknesses nature of Taurus. Does not tolerate unpleasant events and bad company well. Maintains external calm, but at the same time restrains internal aggression. He cannot do anything and endlessly complains to loved ones until circumstances change for the better. Angry and jealous. Taurus will not immediately show that his vulnerable spot has been touched; he will spend a long time checking whether it seemed to him that rules or decency were violated. Repressed anger can break out in the form of an ugly scandal, a showdown over a trifle. But Taurus always shows only the tip of the iceberg of true motives. Can save for the sake of hoarding, be greedy, limited by material interests and inert in thinking. Developed Taurus is unusually sensitive and receptive to others, a capable psychologist. Having accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge and information, Taurus can use his intuition to foresee the future. He is a philosopher and mystic at heart.

Taurus Man

Confident, calm, inspires reliability. Sometimes he is too lazy, but he shows miracles of attention if he is in love. A practical romantic, it’s good to be with him both on a trip and at home. Loves and knows how to cook. Does not tolerate criticism, misunderstandings and protracted scandals. If a Taurus man loses his temper, he does not feel any boundaries. Taurus quickly cools down after a quarrel, but remembers all the insults well. In love, he is an owner, jealous, but will prove himself to be a caring husband and father. Appreciates visual appeal, talent and sensuality. For a long-term union, it is important how satisfied Taurus is in a sensual sense.

Taurus Woman

One of the most attractive female types zodiac The Taurus woman is understanding and sociable, relying on common sense in life. She is attracted by a beautiful, comfortable environment, flowers, the beauty of nature, and romance. Caring, with a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor, she gravitates toward wealth and savings, not only material, but also spiritual. The Taurus woman is a good educator, but she herself can get stuck at the level of maternal and everyday care, without going beyond family matters. Needs a constant flow of sensual pleasures, tends to be overweight due to a weakness for sweets. In love, she seeks constancy; if she has found sexual harmony with her partner, she forgives him for many of his shortcomings. Like no one else, he can support you in difficult times.

Taurus Child

Sensitive and gentle, the Taurus child needs affection and touch. Tactile care can improve mood and relieve stress. Massage promotes a feeling of wholeness and affects a sense of security on a subconscious level. Taurus learns with difficulty, but the knowledge acquired remains with him forever. He needs to accumulate a sufficient amount of diverse information, master the learning process itself, and only at the end of the training will Taurus show good results. He is talented and musical, writes well, is sociable, and has a cheerful disposition.

Health sign

Vulnerable place is the throat, neck. They often catch colds and are prone to nervous breakdowns due to overload. Tends to be overweight due to overeating, susceptible to thyroid diseases, hormonal imbalance when in an aggressive environment. It is necessary to chew food slowly.

Interesting countries: Ukraine, Switzerland, Belarus, Ireland, Cyclades Islands, o. Cyprus, o. Madeira, Asia Minor, Sweden, Rhodes, Greek islands in the Aegean Sea

Significant cities: Moscow, Parma, Palermo, Zurich, Dublin, Leipzig

Celebrities born under the sign of Taurus: James McAvoy, Iggy Pop, Jack Nicholson, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Lenin, Immanuel Kant, William Shakespeare, Renee Zellweger, Barbra Streisand, Al Pacino, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Stas Mikhailov, Penelope Cruz, Uma Thurman, Philip Kirkorov, Dwayne Johnson, David Beckham , Mikhail Prokhorov, Audrey Hepburn, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, George Clooney, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Salvador Dali, Victoria Daineko, Alina Kabaeva, Mark Zuckerberg, Megan Fox, Lera Kudryavtseva, Gosha Kutsenko, Cher, Danila Kozlovsky

The characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus are very clear. People born under this sign are very easy to recognize in society - they are silent. They say very little, especially when you first meet. Taurus people love peace. It is almost impossible to get rid of such people. But if someone succeeds, then Taurus’s anger will know no bounds.

Another striking characteristic of the Taurus sun is its stubbornness. These people do not like to change their decisions, even if they understand that they most likely made a mistake. Taurus are not impulsive and take a very long time to sway. But if this happens, then the ground will burn under their feet. They have no intermediate state between calm and anger. Irritation and misunderstanding are not typical for them. Either they act calm or they are furious.

Taurus is always interested in the opposite sex, but in their impulses they do not show aggression or persistence. Rather, it is a kind of mystery and a manifestation of slight sympathy. Solar Taurus are known as hospitable hosts. They don’t really like to visit themselves. Yes, they are avid homebodies. If something changes around them, it makes them sad and despondent. They love nature, trips out of town, where fewer people. The modern rhythm of life tires them too much.

People with this sign in the horoscope have truly good health. But if the disease still takes its toll, the recovery process for them can take a long time. All because of mistrust in doctors. Most often, health problems are associated with the neck, throat, legs, and back. Regarding the financial component, Taurus often have no problems with this. For greater confidence, and to know for sure how to behave in this matter, you can contact an astrologer and draw up a business horoscope for you personally.

Taurus men

The characteristics of a Taurus man begin with his sensuality. They are natural romantics, although they are somewhat slow and cautious. They choose the woman with whom they want to spend their whole life very judiciously. But if he understands for himself that you are the one, be prepared for a sea of ​​flowers, tenderness and the brightest manifestations of love. In pursuit of their goal, they are able to surpass any man. The touches of such men are very pleasant, and you are unlikely to hear such romantic speeches from anyone else.

A man of the zodiac sign Taurus is characterized by not the best side with its slowness. But sometimes this plays into their hands. Taurus are wonderful fathers. They treat their daughters with special care. For their wives, they are ready to fulfill any whims. Often, their generosity in this regard knows no bounds. But don't forget about rest. Overwork has a detrimental effect on them. In this state, a Taurus man can be unbearable.

A positive quality of Taurus is their hospitality. Their doors are always open for friends and acquaintances. The sign of Taurus characterizes a man as an excellent owner. His house is always cozy and calm. If you married a man born under this constellation, then consider that you have pulled out lottery ticket with jackpot. His loyalty and honesty in relationships is unmatched. Show him respect, tenderness, look after him, and you will never know grief. The Taurus man is characterized in love only from positive aspects. However, it does not require significant effort in return.

Taurus people are very specific in all their manifestations. They do not like to make promises, but prefer to get straight to the point. Taurus will not fantasize about what kind of house he will build for his beloved, but rather will immediately come to her with a project and work plan. The Taurus man is characterized by compatibility with almost any sign, but they are especially suitable for women born under the signs of Virgo and Cancer. In any case, if you appreciate traditional values, then you will be very lucky with such a man.

Resilience and the ability to plan well for tomorrow make such people very successful in the field of making money. They are workaholics. But in these manifestations, the support of his woman will be very important. Her understanding and patience. Remember that Taurus cannot tolerate raised voices and masculine behavior in women. Try to express your opinion one-on-one. Taurus loves intelligence and restraint in women. They also have a negative attitude towards emancipation. If you have managed to piss off a man with this sign, then do not try to hastily correct the situation. Let him cool off in private. Leave it alone for a while and it will cool down on its own.

To summarize, we can say that such men have a considerable amount positive qualities. With the right approach on the part of the woman, marriages with them are very successful. Taurus are simply created for strong family ties.

Taurus women

The Taurus woman is characterized primarily by the following qualities:

  • Elevation
  • Calm
  • Restraint
  • Honesty

Such women have a strong-willed character. Sometimes her emotionality can confuse even the most persistent men. If a man does not show his natural qualities, then the Taurus woman can take control into her own hands. Although they want everything to be the other way around. Possessing a sharp mind, they can manipulate men quite well, using the most sophisticated forms of coquetry.

Taurus women feel quite good in society. If she doesn't like a person, she will simply avoid him. Enemies are absolutely indifferent to her, but friends are great value in her life. Such women cannot be called jealous. But if a man allows himself to go beyond the boundaries of accepted courtship in a civilized society, this may offend his Taurus woman. The woman of the zodiac sign Taurus is characterized by the presence of practical thinking; she is not interested in abstractions.

What can be especially noted among such representatives of the fairer sex is harmony in everything. They love nature and art and are great leaders household and often simply superbly prepared. For Taurus, physical interests prevail, rather than intellectual derivatives. Stock up on colognes and lotions - it is very important for them that a man smells pleasant.

When it comes to clothing, they prefer a sports wardrobe. For them, first of all, clothes should be comfortable and practical, and then elegant. The Taurus girl is also characterized as an excellent mother. In this aspect, she shows great demands for discipline. Such mothers will not spoil their children.

Taurus women do not go badly with many signs. But, anyway, in order to better understand who is right for them, it is recommended to order a compatibility horoscope with a particular person from a professional astrologer. The Taurus sign characterizes a woman as a very patient life partner. This is especially true during times of family financial crisis. In such cases, they surround their man with endless support. Her resistance to stress is incredible. She won't complain to you about bad life, but will completely trust and provide the necessary support to get out of the current situation.

Taurus has extraordinary patience, he is balanced, thinks soberly and does not give in to panic. Knowing how to manage his emotions, from the outside he may give the impression of a person who is indifferent to everything that happens, but in reality this is not the case. In a difficult situation, Taurus is focused exclusively on solving the problem and does not want to waste his energy on experiences in which he sees no meaning.

Taurus is one of the most practical and stable signs of the zodiac, which can only be competed with. He has everything planned out in advance down to the smallest detail: he communicates only with those whom he really trusts, acquires things that will last for years, and invests his energy exclusively in promising business. Taurus are very responsible people and executive workers, but they are no less demanding of others than they are of themselves.

Character Weaknesses

Taurus can be overly conservative and reluctant to make changes, even if it is necessary. Anything that has not stood the test of time does not inspire confidence in them. Of course there is large number The advantages are that they avoid dubious adventures and do not take risks, but at the same time they limit themselves in many ways, even when there is no need for this. Excessive caution prevents Taurus from breathing deeply and deprives them of many joys.

No less weak side The character of Taurus is the inability to give in. The essence of the problem is that the representative of this zodiac sign does not see the difference between situations when it is worth being stubborn and when it is better to make certain concessions based on their own interests. Taurus does not know how to show condescension, as a result of which he often quarrels with loved ones and makes enemies for himself.

In my personal life

Taurus approaches the choice of a life partner seriously, listening not to the call of the heart, but to common sense. Even when in love, he clearly realizes that passions will subside over time, so he will never connect his life with a person whose lifestyle is radically different from his own. Taurus loves stability in everything, so such a thing as “heaven in a hut” simply does not exist for him. He will never sacrifice everyday comfort or material wealth for the sake of love, because relationships that initially imply such concessions immediately cease to interest him.

Taurus is very demanding of his partner and sets his own rules in relationships with him. He carefully protects everything that he is used to, plans any of his actions in advance, so an unexpected, albeit pleasant surprise can upset him rather than please him. Taurus is categorically incompatible with emotional people who are accustomed to acting spontaneously, because in an alliance with such a person, even if he acts with the best intentions, the representative of the earth element does not feel comfortable.

Before deciding to legalize a relationship with a loved one, Taurus will look closely at him for a long time, and we are talking about both men and women. There is no point in putting pressure on him, trying to speed up the process - Taurus must make sure that he made the right choice.

See the compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs:

Taurus man

A representative of this zodiac sign has a calm temperament, is reserved in communication and does not like to conflict. You can rely on him, he will never leave loved one alone with his problems and does not make empty promises. Taurus loves clarity in everything, does not understand hints and prefers trusting relationships. His environment is small, but reliable. He enjoys long conversations in a calm atmosphere with old friends, but he has no need for frequent meetings with them. Taurus is not too sociable, does not suffer from loneliness and always finds something to do.

Taurus does not tend to change jobs or areas of activity often. His superiors value him for his diligence and responsibility - Taurus will never take on a task that is beyond his strength, but he tries to fulfill his direct responsibilities flawlessly. The representative of the earth element himself makes no attempt to achieve a promotion, so when he is offered new position, he will first weigh his options, and only then give an answer.

The Taurus man does not like unnecessary spending, he is prone to hoarding, but, as a rule, he is not greedy. For a comfortable family life he needs a woman who shares his views on life. The Taurus man does not respect materialistic representatives of the fairer sex who want to be fully supported by their husbands, but will feel great next to a woman who is calm, hard-working and focused on family life.

Taurus Woman

The representative of the Taurus sign is calm and reasonable, loves home comfort and takes care of her family. She has few friends, she maintains close communication with relatives and values ​​​​close people very much. The Taurus woman does not know how to pretend, does not like to hide the truth, she does not try to seem better and more successful than she really is. Her sincerity is pleasant to others, people tend to trust her.

Taurus woman - good housewife, everyday comfort is very important to her, which she supports with all her might. She doesn't like to spend a lot of money updating her wardrobe, preferring to buy quality items that will last a long time. She is very generous towards close people and does not refuse them financial assistance.

As for work, the situation is approximately the same as for a man born under this zodiac sign. The Taurus woman is not distinguished by ambition, and, as a rule, works for years at the same job without dreaming of a promotion. Even if her husband is ready to provide for her completely, she is unlikely to want to become a housewife. For peace of mind, Taurus needs at least a small amount of their own income and financial independence.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Representatives of this sign have angelic patience, they are friendly and good-natured.

They are able to live with unpleasant factors for a long time, but there comes a time when the cup of patience is overflowing and all the accumulated discontent pours out like lava from a volcano, sweeping away everything in its path. The person is transformed, becomes uncontrollable and merciless, and the uncontrollable temperament of Taurus manifests itself.

Representatives of this sign do not like quarrels, swearing, or bickering. Wise advice will be received with gratitude, but a harsh order will embitter them. What is comfortable for them is a situation of compromise when everyone has come to an agreement. unanimous opinion, best of all to the opinion of Taurus himself, they value the ability to adapt, and do not tolerate encroachments on their freedom.

For those born under this sign, a home should become a quiet haven, a fortress, protection from any adversity or problems. They value coziness, comfort, and a calm environment.

The only noise that Taurus will allow in his home is the laughter and fussing of children. They are very kind to their descendants, approach their upbringing very responsibly, and pass on all their knowledge, skills, and accumulated wisdom.

Hospitality also describes the habits of this sign; in their home they welcome guests on a grand scale and with cordiality.

The character of Taurus is conservative; they do not like change. Stability is key for them peace of mind. Therefore, they usually lead a measured lifestyle, rarely changing their environment, work, or place of residence. Serious changes deprive the representative of this sign of calm and unsettle him.

Anxiety will not leave them until the situation becomes stable and familiar again. Therefore, they experience both troubles and problems as great stress.

An important element of a comfortable life for those born under this sign is material well-being. Heaven in a hut does not exist for them. They understand that having money will give them the much-loved freedom of action and a stable position.

The character of Taurus is such that he is able to achieve what he wants, concentrate on the task and solve it. Persistence, patience, attention to detail and willpower make all goals quite achievable. They excel in tasks that require concentration and time.

These people love to live in peace and harmony, value loyalty and are virtuous themselves. They are aimed at creating a strong, prosperous family.

The strongest union will be with a woman of the same sign; complete mutual understanding, exchange of life experiences, mutual support and deep affection will make such a marriage happy.

Knowing what kind of character Taurus has, he will simply adapt to him and Taurus will appreciate it. Excessive conservatism can prevent these people from perceiving something new and improved; their habits are so strong that they prevent them from meeting new people, breaking off outdated relationships, and moving forward.

Quite calm in usual time Taurus's temperament does not allow people with a different worldview and a different pace of life into their lives.

Therefore, they may not understand certain actions and words and perceive them as a personal insult, although the “offender” had no such goal at all.

Video: Taurus character

2nd Zodiac Sign
1st earth sign
1st permanent sign
Ruling planet - VEN ERA
lucky number: 6 and all numbers divisible by 6
Astrological symbol: bull
Astrological colors: all evening colors - lemon, white, green and lilac
Astrological stones: diamond, opal, moonstone
T E L E C rules the 2nd House of the horoscope

General characteristics personalities

Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, affects him completely differently than Libra. Being the ruling planet of Taurus, it is less complex and pretentious, easily throwing off everything unearthly and intellectual, descending to Earth. The typical Taurus is a warm, friendly, gentle and passionate person, although he may not show it. The bull is a very precise symbol of the sign. To achieve goals, Taurus uses force. Taurus is often called the "salt of the earth" because there is no sweetness in it: they know what they want and work hard for it.

Taurus men are often meek, kind, and susceptible to the soft traits of their character. But do not consider this a lack of temperament and do not wave a red rag in front of the Ox. It is difficult to anger Taurus, and it is even more difficult to reveal their internal antagonism, but if you really anger them, then they become a real “bull in a china store”, ready to destroy everything that catches their eye.

There is a children's fairy tale called "Ferdinand the Bull", which serves good example soft character traits of Taurus. One young bull was taught to fight in the arena. But during his first competition, he accidentally came across a flower and, instead of attacking the matador, he sat on his hind legs and began to smell the flower, enchanted by its scent. He was completely oblivious to the angry matador and the screaming, disappointed crowd. All this is Taurus, who appreciates beauty.

Most Taurus cannot resist art, music, and above all they are attracted by the beauty of the human body. Taurus usually passionate lovers. Astrologers often claim that Scorpio, the sign opposite to Taurus, is an insatiable partner, but I believe that Taurus surpasses Scorpio in its insatiability during sexual intercourse. The main difference between them is that Scorpio's intelligence often makes him forget about sexual desire in order to achieve success in some other areas. But Taurus have such an excess of physical strength that sexual intercourse is a kind of sedative for them.

Taurus rules the 2nd House of the horoscope, which is often called the House of Money. Taurus are overly materialistic, often involved in plans that bring in money, but they are not like the power-hungry Capricorns. They (Taurus) live in the present.

They are slaves to comfort. Their homes are equipped with modern amenities that make their lives and the lives of their loved ones easier. Taurus people know the price of everything, but more importantly, they weigh the enjoyment quotient of each luxury item when purchasing.

Venus, the planet of Taurus, is often called less fortunate, but this is “less” only in comparison with the more fortunate planet, Jupiter. But she is also a good friend of Taurus. She brings happiness and success. She makes Taurus attractive to friends and lovers, she endows him with many charms that attract the whole world to his doorstep.

Since Taurus is not always an extremely intellectual sign, under the influence of Venus he develops a tendency towards complacency - in other words, towards laziness. They often say: “I know I could achieve anything if I really wanted to. Why try!” And this is not bragging, since Taurus can really do whatever he wants, but often this is used only in contentment with his capabilities, and not in the joy of doing any things. This quality also manifests itself in the lack of demonstrativeness of his feelings. Taurus people do not have the habit of giving kind compliments to their lovers or wives (husbands). Most Taurus people replace such poetic speeches (they have poetic feelings, but are embarrassed to talk about them) with expensive gifts. Although their lovers are grateful for this, Taurus should try to show their feelings in a more beneficial way.

Taurus has great vital forces, but he rarely wastes them on practical things. Taurus, the “salt of the earth,” wants to have a monetary reward for the effort expended. In general, every effort they expend aimed at achieving a positive goal must be compensated with some kind of reward, otherwise Taurus will become upset and lose interest in the matter. Nothing can stop Taurus from finishing what he started. In fact, stubbornness is a serious flaw that threatens Taurus's career.

Taurus has a hard time understanding other people. But, in general, Taurus is a positive sign. He is friendly, although sometimes a little boring due to his reserve and silence. Taurus rules the throat. Most Taurus would rather sing or listen to someone sing than talk. Many of the actors, television and radio announcers (Taurus) are lucky because their professions require strong, pleasant voices. Taurus people experience intense sexual arousal when they speak in front of an audience, as the nerve endings in the throat are connected to the organs of the lower body, including the genitals. Therefore, you can often hear people of such professions (Taurus) admit that they should abstain from sex before an important public appearance in order to keep the vocal cords free from sexual tension.

We can say that the Taurus personality functions on a smooth, consistent level. But remember: do not try to push the bull from his path, otherwise you will learn the consequences of this.

Psychosexual characteristics

Taurus is perhaps the most sensual sign of the Zodiac. People ruled by Venus love to caress, but prefer to be caressed, stretch out the time of caresses, which characterizes Taurus with positive side, is that they are usually good spouses. Women of this sign are sincere and faithful wives, and they know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most Taurus people work well when they have a comfortable home and family where they can relax and renew their energy. Taurus wives often complain that their husbands are sexually demonstrative. They take passive role, expecting the wife to be active. If not, then the husband will readily find another woman.

Since Taurus rules the House of MONEY, his financial affairs greatly influence the sexual area of ​​his life. When Taurus is solvent, he does not look at a beautiful female figure, but when his business goes badly, sex becomes his belief.

When Taurus succeeds easily, they can become greedy with money. But he loves to spend and spends.

Taurus women should sweeten their Venus nature with various luxury items: expensive jewelry, clothes, cars - all in order to flatter the goddess of love and beauty and arouse the admiration of Mars. When admired, the daughter of Venus becomes completely indifferent to sex, while the Taurus man is rarely so indifferent: he will not deny it.

Both men and women are quite unrestrained. During sexual intercourse, they often act under the influence of impulse, and being a physically strong sign, they often consider sexual intercourse alone insufficient. Taurus often likes the physical appearance of the two signs ruled by Mercury: Virgo and Gemini, who are also able to offer a varied sexual repertoire. Both Taurus men and women are usually endowed with beauty; more than one movie star was born under this sign.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Venus often acts on her subjects in such a way that they become passive. And when they take this position, they become slick and get what they want through non-sexual maneuvers. Taurus occupy significant place in the list of famous "dear" mistresses. They love to be admired and pampered, and this is how they achieve expensive gifts.

Taurus is an earth sign and is able to practically use its charms. They say that any worthwhile thing in the world is worth working hard for. Because they believe in fair play, they are poor businessmen and therefore must avoid economic fields that require chutzpah and resourcefulness, otherwise they will not be able to compete. In general, Taurus’ non-sexual maneuvers work better not in business and society, but in their personal lives.

How to satisfy a Taurus

Taurus's attitude towards sex can easily become too prosaic, and when he is not connected with his partner on a deep feeling or when he is simply tired of him, Taurus will not hesitate to ask them for the phone number of any other suitable partners.

Positive traits

Taurus is a peace-loving person, and in this day and age when everyone is eager to manifest their desires in a frantic manner, Taurus is an example of virtue. Thanks to strength and the ability to concentrate energy on one thing, success easily comes to Taurus. They do well in things that require time and perseverance. Taurus often come up with some kind of commercial ideas, which at first seem insignificant, and later turn into objects of national scale. Remember: Taurus rules the House of Money, and he already knows how to shake gold out of other people's wallets.

Once married, Taurus rarely gets divorced. They are faithful to the end, if not sexually, then spiritually. Men can safely marry a Taurus woman, as she is a strong, noble wife who supports her husband with practical advice.

If anyone wants a relationship that floats on the smooth waves of Venus, board the Taurus ship - no choppy waves. Venus, the goddess who makes young girls fall in love and young men climb moonlit balconies and sing passionate serenades, makes people born under the sign of Taurus the most suitable for romance and marriage. They are in high demand in this area.

Negative traits

Stubbornness, indifference, selfishness - this is where to start, but the main drawback of Taurus is self-indulgence, self-indulgence. Another drawback is being overly cautious. If Taurus fails at something, it is due to his insecurity and inability to take advantage of the opportunity.

In personal relationships, Taurus is let down by his inability to connect sex and emotions. They should at least invent a spiritual life, pretend; if not for themselves, then for their partner, if they want to keep the peace. Women love to talk, even if it's idle chatter, and men should listen occasionally. Taurus men love flattery, and their partners must force themselves to say something rather than stubbornly act on old habits.

Economics of love

Taurus wants to have everything and happily enters the game of “love economy”. They usually extol the golden calf and are extremely adept at using money to satisfy personal goals, especially sexual ones. Taurus attracts the attention of others, but he himself often wants the unattainable - a person who succumbs to his charms at a high price. Then Taurus is missing one person: he needs not only quality, but also quantity. He needs two houses, two cars, and if not two wives, then at least a mistress. And the Taurus woman does not hesitate to use money to attract the most handsome man. Positive Taurus types can be generous with money. By loving art, they promote art and their sex life. But they rarely take under their protection a person who does not have beauty and talent: Venus has endowed them with a subtle feeling regarding these two qualities.

Taurus always manages to save money for a rainy day. These are the people who survive national financial stagnations and downturns by buying smartly things that will always retain value, such as estates or jewelry. In short, no one masters the art of money manipulation as well as the owners of the House of Money.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, the most suitable partners are people of the sign Virgo and Capricorn. All three are earth signs, and until 29.5 they are all looking for casual, slightly passive sensual connections. But if Taurus chooses Virgo, he must keep in mind that she is beautiful but cold, and if Capricorn - that he is a good business partner and husband, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually.

After 29.5 years, Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among people of the Gemini and Aries sign. Gemini complements it with intellect, and Aries with fire and energy. Gemini and Aries are quite intellectual signs, and since Taurus is so high in the clouds, sometimes it is useful to lift him up a little from the ground so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future.

After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited prosperity, he is ready for deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationships. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio and Sagittarius. But he should not make a decision in a hurry: he must be sure that his partner is the most developed type (of his sign), otherwise everything will perish.

Sagittarius will give Taurus the opportunity to attend a banquet of unknown delights of the soul. And Scorpio could explain to him all the mysterious aspects of the soul, which always confuses Taurus, and also teach him how to connect the physical and spiritual. Scorpios can be good sexual partners for Taurus at any time.

Fidelity Score

In general - always good. A solid sign, Taurus does not like change. In their younger years, Taurus are especially loyal to their friends and relatives. In marriage, their fidelity is constant and dependent.

Taurus, we astrologers ask you:

Why don't you want to achieve spirituality, having 95% of all other virtues, which will make you the most desirable sign of the Zodiac.

When will you learn to take part in a two-way conversation? When will you give other people the opportunity to speak?

When will you stop depending on circumstances?

And finally, why did Venus leave her precious box of poetic, intellectual values ​​to Libra and only then come to you?

Well, cheer up! Pretend that you have the intelligence and tenderness that she took from you, even if you are in the quagmire of practicality (which has its advantages).