Where to put the aquarium. What is the best aquarium shape for feng shui? Where is the best place not to place an aquarium?

We start an aquarium not only out of love for animals and plants, but with their help we strive to create a corner of beauty and tranquility in our home or office. Sometimes this is the main goal. It is known that watching fish and plants is not only interesting, but also helps to relax and unwind.

Of course, all this is in the case when the inhabitants of the aquarium are healthy, the artificial reservoir itself is beautifully designed, and it is convenient for us to observe it. This means that, having decided to start an aquarium, you need to think about not only its appearance and what creatures will inhabit it, but also where and how it will be placed.

You can place the aquarium in any room - in the living room, office, bedroom, hallway, and even the kitchen. The main requirement is that it should not be placed in direct sunlight. Moreover, it is advisable to install it in the darkest place in the room.

Fish need bright light only during spawning and vitamin deficiency, so it is better to install special lighting. The rest of the time, excess light will only cause harm, since with strong lighting, microscopic green algae begin to multiply in the aquarium water. They cover the glass, the plants turn out to be “dressed” with green shoots, and the water begins to bloom.

Bright sunlight It is also not a faithful and reliable “neighbor” for fish that are sensitive to overheating. It can negatively affect their health and lead to their death. Another unpleasant thing is that during the day an aquarium standing in the sun warms up well, but at night, especially in the early morning, the water temperature drops by ten degrees.

Even unpretentious fish will not be able to tolerate such a sharp temperature change. For this reason, aquariums should not be placed on windowsills or near windows.

The advantageous place for a vessel with fish will be the eastern side of the apartment. It should be remembered that the aquarium must be placed at a considerable distance from the window, so that the light falls on its front and side parts - near the wall perpendicular or opposite to the window.

The worst option would be a room with a window facing south; in this case, the aquarium should be placed no closer than 2-2.5 meters from it. If your window faces north, then place the aquarium next to it; if it faces west, place it a little further.

The main assistant in lighting an aquarium is fluorescent lamps. Such lighting is easier to regulate and adapt to aquatic inhabitants. and bright sunlight can lead to changes in fish behavior and even cause physiological changes. Stress can also be caused by heating devices located near the “underwater kingdom”, a smoky room, or drafts.

You should not place an aquarium near a piano, TV or stereo system - fish do not tolerate electric fields and unnatural vibrations well. Aquatic inhabitants will find it much more comfortable to sit in a quiet corner of the room. It is good that the height of the aquarium coincides with the eye level of the person sitting or standing man. After all undersea world must be accessible both for working with it and for observation.

Modern filters and compressors operate relatively silently, but we do not recommend placing an aquarium in the bedroom for people with light sleep. If you still decide to put it there, then take the choice of equipment seriously. Be sure to consult the sellers about how noisy a particular device is and how to minimize the noise it creates.

A traditional aquarium can be placed on a bedside table, table or special stand. It should stand steadily and not sway. It wouldn’t hurt to lay some foamy material under it, for example, styrofoam. Easy access from the aquarium to an electrical outlet is important.

When choosing what your aquarium will stand on, give preference to “original” cabinets - factory-made or custom-made by manufacturers who are well aware of the aquarium specifics.

Such stands, firstly, are precisely designed for the weight of a given vessel with water and decorations, secondly, they are convenient for placing equipment and care products, and thirdly, they have a flat surface and are resistant to high humidity. This is very important and helps avoid leaks. Be sure to check that the surface on which you are going to place the aquarium is level, horizontal and clean!

If we talk about picture aquariums, then they are hung on the wall or secured with the help of special racks. Nearby, for convenience, you can place shelves for the necessary equipment. Built-in aquariums look very nice.

Upon request, they can be mounted in a bookcase, in a bar, or in office furniture. A long aquarium, which can be used to divide a room into two parts, also looks impressive. But we must remember that the algae must be placed in the center so that the fish feel protected.

If you firmly know who will live inside your aquarium, then first of all you should take care of the convenience of its future inhabitants. After all, in the end, from them appearance and well-being depends on how pleasant it will be for us to look at them.

For example, if you intend to place freshwater stingrays or a living coral reef in it, you can immediately abandon the aquarium towers, paintings and tables. It is better to consult with specialists who will tell you what kind of aquarium is needed for a reef shark or good growth freshwater plants, as well as where it is best to place it.

On the other hand, if you start from the specific shape and location of the aquarium, then the inhabitants will have to be selected accordingly. It may very well be that in the niche or opening you have allocated, instead of moray eels and lionfish, you will have to place goldfish or swordtails.

In any case, no matter what kind of aquarium you choose, be sure to choose the right place. The main criterion should not be where it is more convenient for you personally to place it among your furniture, but how comfortable it will be for aquatic inhabitants in the selected area of ​​the apartment.

After all, healthy fish are nice to watch. In addition, they are the ones who are able to bring harmony, tranquility and positive emotions, something that is usually so lacking in everyday life.

An aquarium, as you know, is an artificial environment for home keeping of various creatures that naturally live in water - fish, shellfish, corals, algae. It allows you to observe the life of aquatic inhabitants, adding beauty and energy to your home.

But why is an aquarium of interest from a Feng Shui point of view?

But these are the most simple rules, and relying only on them, it is impossible to say definitely where the aquarium should be located. To do this, you need to take into account many different nuances from the point of view of Feng Shui, and then, after analyzing them, make a final conclusion. In this case, there may not be any suitable places in the apartment. And in such cases, lovers of the “home water world” are better off with a small closed aquarium, because for its placement it is much less demanding in terms of various Feng Shui restrictions.

Is the number of fish in an aquarium important in Feng Shui?

Some Chinese masters recommend keeping nine fish in an aquarium - eight gold and one black. It is believed that gold fish symbolize wealth and prosperity, while black fish symbolize protection. But this is more connected not with Feng Shui, but with internal traditions, national culture, religion.

Water sources, according to ancient Chinese teaching, can both become a source of prosperity and spoil the karma of the owners of the house. You should use an aquarium in an apartment with caution. Let's figure out in which areas of the room it is necessary to install it in order to receive positive energy.

Aquarium size and shape

The aquarium and fish are a source of Qi energy, which is so necessary for our home and body. It is important to choose the right type of tank and inhabitants of the underwater world.

The aquarium must correspond to the dimensions and shape of the room for installation. If it is very large and clutters up a lot of space, then such a talisman will bring family life discord and will block financial flows in the house. Powerful flows of energy from the element of water will wash away all sources of income.

In addition, the aquarium must be of the correct geometric shape: square, rectangle, circle. Regular symmetrical lines will send a positive charge into space.

According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to keep odd number fish. Gold ones bring wealth to the house, you can have 4 of them, the other four are of a regular shade, and choose one black one, which will neutralize negative energy in the house.

Place of installation of the aquarium

Where the water source will be located is determined by the direction of the light:

  1. In the East there is the element of wood, so an aquarium in this place is conducive to maintaining family ties. Ideally, this sector is located in the living room. The southeast also belongs to the tree zone and is the zone of wealth and luck in money matters. A toad with a gold coin in its mouth next to a water source will bring success.
  2. The northern part of the house or apartment is filled with water energy. It is necessary to install an aquarium in it for those who want to succeed in their promotion career ladder. This sign has a beneficial effect when a tank with fish is located in the work area.

Where should you not place an aquarium?

The presence of water opposite the entrance to the house has an unfavorable effect. You cannot place an aquarium in the opening between two doors: this creates a disordered movement of energy due to the frequent opening of doors in different directions. If, nevertheless, it is decided to place a tank in this place, then it is necessary to install it towards the door so that the energy is directed inside the room and not out.

The aquarium should not be placed under overhanging beams or overhangs. Fish in such a place will get sick.

Water does not combine with the element of Fire, especially if this sector is in the kitchen. Even if this room is located in the north, the heat of the stove can be a bad sign according to Feng Shui.

The aquarium stand is selected with special care. If it is installed in the north, then it is impossible for the design to be done in a fiery color - red.

The most important thing is regular care of water and fish. The water must remain clean, otherwise problems will begin in money matters. According to Feng Shui, only such an aquarium in an apartment will bring prosperity to the family.

A clean and well-kept aquarium with goldfish is the most powerful and effective Feng Shui symbol for attracting financial well-being to your home. Experts say that live fish or images with fish in the home are the most effective way awaken the luck of abundance and prosperity. Moreover, when you feed your fish every day, this creates favorable karma, and accordingly, contributes to the growth of your wealth.

However, there are certain rules that it is advisable to follow when placing an aquarium according to Feng Shui at home:

  • secret No. 1 – favorable location and shape of the reservoir;
  • secret No. 2 – the number and breed of fish in the aquarium;
  • Secret No. 3 – small pets must be carefully looked after. The more diligently you take care of your fish, the more often money luck will smile on you.

The water in an aquarium with fish should always be clean and oxygenated. Only in this case, the precious energy “qi” is activated, which maintains the health of the fish. Now let's talk about everything in order.

The choice of an aquarium for each individual home should be approached strictly individually, observing the principles of harmony and proportion. After all, improper placement of water bodies can do more harm than good.


An important rule: the size of the aquarium must correspond to the size of the room where it is installed. It shouldn't be too big or too small. Try to maintain a sense of proportion. Many people believe that the larger the container of water, the better. However, this is a misconception. Excess water turns good feng shui into bad and becomes a source of great trouble. You can symbolically choke on too much water. Balance is very important. Make sure the aquarium size is correct.


When choosing an aquarium, it is important to choose a favorable shape that will enhance the effect of the water body.

According to the five elements, the shape of an aquarium is considered to be rectangular or round. It is advisable to avoid square bodies of water that correspond to the element “earth”.

Where is the best place to place an aquarium with fish according to Feng Shui?

The location of the aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui depends on the goals you are pursuing. In this case, it is best to place the aquarium in one of the common rooms, where everyone can admire the aquarium inhabitants. The location of the reservoir to the left of the entrance to the room is also considered favorable.

  • To activate the energy of money and abundance, it is very favorable to keep an aquarium with fish in the living room, especially in the southeast. According to Feng Shui, the most suitable aquarium fish for these purposes are “golden” ones. It is important that there is always flowing water in the aquarium, because it is moving water that attracts favorable “qi” energy into your home. Therefore, do not forget to install an aerator;
  • an aquarium in the northern part of your home helps to activate career success. A decorative flask with water in which air bubbles are bubbling is also suitable for these purposes;
  • if passions are constantly boiling in your house and there are frequent conversations in raised voices, place an aquarium or bowl with standing, calm water in the northwest;
  • The water talisman can also be placed in the corner of the room. In this case, it symbolizes some secret happiness that is present in the house.

The universal place to place an aquarium according to the principles of Feng Shui is the east of your house or apartment. Here, a traditional aquarium will be useful both for the prolongation and health of the family, and for business development.

Which fish are best suited?

In fact, almost all types of fish that have favorable colors create good feng shui, although the temperament and habits of the fish are also important. Therefore, you can choose any fish that you like. However, from the point of view of attracting money, goldfish are preferable according to the teachings of Feng Shui, and here’s why.

The Chinese word “kum yu” carries a double meaning: “ gold fish" and "gold in abundance." Therefore, goldfish are considered a symbol of wealth and abundance in the science of Feng Shui. By the way, they used to be incredibly expensive, and only very wealthy people could afford them.

To attract money luck choose bright red ones that are always healthy and active. Sick and lethargic fish are not suitable for the role of a money magnet.

Number of fish

The most universal option is to keep in an aquarium 8 fish of golden shades (red, bright orange or silver-red) and 1 absolutely black fish, which will symbolically protect your money from loss.

According to Feng Shui theory, the number “9” means harmony between heaven and earth. Therefore, exactly this number of fish in the aquarium, subject to proper and attentive care, will contribute to your financial prosperity, happiness and comfort.

For maximum happiness and good luck, the number of fish can be more than “9”. However, their number must still be a multiple of nine: maybe 18, 38 fish, etc.

If your aquarium is very small, you can keep fewer fish. In this case, the appropriate number is 1, 4 or 6.

If the fish died.

Don't worry too much if one or more of your fish die. Just replace them with new and healthy fish as quickly as possible. It would be useful to carry out a course of treatment and disinfection of the aquarium, and add fresh water. According to legend, a dead fish will keep you away from trouble. So just thank her for taking your problems with her.

The main taboos when arranging aquariums

A vessel with fish should not be placed in the southern part of the house - this will do more harm than good.

Experts do not recommend placing aquariums in the kitchen. According to Feng Shui, the kitchen is where the family hearth or Big fire, which is incompatible with water. Water and fire are one of the most conflicting combinations. Try to avoid him. In addition, an aquarium in the kitchen can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Never place an aquarium in the bedroom. From a Feng Shui point of view, this is harmful to the health of those sleeping and can lead to large financial losses. For the same reason, you should not place paintings with picturesque water landscapes, waterfalls and lakes in the bedroom.

If the aquarium is in a nursery or classroom, it should be placed in a place where it will least attract children's attention. Otherwise, children will become disobedient and do poorly in school.

It is strongly recommended not to sit with your back to the water - this is always unfavorable. Therefore, if in your office or at home the aquarium is behind you, urgently change the furniture layout. In order for fortune to smile on you, it is better to always sit facing the water.

Another unfavorable sign is to place the aquarium where sharp corners walls or other sharp interior objects.

Additional activation of a water feature

The magical power of an aquarium with fish can be additionally activated by other Feng Shui money talismans:

  • at the bottom you can place a model of a treasure ship or a chest with gold coins, which will symbolize the wealth coming to you;
  • Can be placed on the edge of the aquarium money frog Feng Shui;
  • beautiful and healthy algae is also a sign of good feng shui.

It is advisable that the aquarium be decorated in a natural style. You should not clutter the aquarium with a large number of strange and unnatural objects for ponds.

Probably, each of us has noticed at least once in our lives that, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, placing an aquarium in a residential area has a number of specific effects on the surrounding household members. Psychologists have long proven that observing aquatic inhabitants calms the mind, improves concentration, making us emotionally more balanced and resistant to external influences. negative impacts. However, if you turn to the knowledge of Feng Shui, the aquarium also tends to attract financial well-being and good luck in money matters, promotes personal and career growth, providing a constant flow of material success into your home. And here you won’t be satisfied with beauty alone: ​​it is necessary to understand the forms of the “correct” aquarium, its activation and zones of favorable location, if we want to provide the most “fertile soil” for the movement of dynamic and positive Qi energy.

The first step Transforming our lives with the help of Feng Shui will involve choosing the appropriate shape for the aquarium. Here it is best to choose round or rectangular shapes: they perfectly form positive energy flows, control the correct movement of Qi, and it will take very little time to clean them.

Second step– determination of the optimal size. Before buying an aquarium, visually imagine your room and think about the necessary relationship between the aquarium and the room you have chosen. Do not go to extremes, because an aquarium that is too bulky creates disharmony in space, and one that is too small will not allow your fish to feel comfortable in a cramped environment, which in turn will create obstacles to prosperity and updating the environment for the better.

Third step– determination of the number of our fish, choice of color. You may be surprised, but these are the details that feng shui masters consider to be the key element in realizing our financial desires and opportunities. To attract cash flow in China, it is recommended to have eight goldfish (a symbol of wealth and material well-being) and one black (it plays the role of a protector, protects owners from adverse influences). It may happen that one of the fish dies - don’t get upset ahead of time! This suggests that your efforts were not in vain: the fish protect your fortress and take the blow upon themselves at the first danger that arises. If you are a fan of breeding fish, remember that in this case their number should be a multiple of nine. Thus, the number of your fish can be 9, 18 or 36 pieces.

Aquarium location

Now, having decided on the design of the aquarium itself, you can begin to choose its location. Again, here we draw information, as usual, based on, or as it is otherwise called, the Bagua grid. However, before choosing a zone for placement, which we will talk about below, do not forget to make sure that the selected sector does not contain any unfavorable or annual star, which you can find out about in our forecasts.

So, it is considered the most successful South-Eastern zone – sector of wealth and material wealth at home. Fish, swimming in an aquarium, themselves create an active movement of the energy flow of Qi, and by placing the aquarium in this zone, we increase our opportunities to succeed in the financial matter several times. If on this moment you are concerned about your career, growth and development in professionallyNorthern sector to help you. The element of this sector is water, which already indicates the ideal combination of the aquarium with this zone. Interacting in one element, energy will fully circulate in space, creating all sorts of prerequisites for successful business meetings and profitable negotiations. That is why it is worth thinking about placing an aquarium in the office - if, of course, your environment allows it.

A good choice would be to place your aquatic life in Eastern sector. This is the zone family relations, a place where you can strengthen your family ties, “put your loved ones on their feet”, providing financial assistance and support in any situation with energetic influence.

However, there are also pitfalls here. Do not place an aquarium in the bedroom under any circumstances - this place belongs to Yin energy, here contact between finance and the water element is extremely undesirable, this can lead to financial losses. Focus mostly on rooms with “Yan” energy: this could be a living room or hallway, the possibility of placing an aquarium in the corner is not excluded - thereby, you create your personal happiness and well-being, one might say, secretly from everyone, preserving and increasing it in your fortress.

When installing an aquarium, do not furnish it with sharp or multifaceted objects, so as not to incur losses. Also, be sure to pay attention to the kitchen - this is the worst place for fish: not only is the circulation of energy flows interrupted here, but also the conflict between water and the fire element can lead to the most undesirable consequences in the financial sphere. About the bathroom, it seems to me, even talking about it would be unnecessary - we all know where and how all well-being descends in this place. And do not forget that the movement of positive energy occurs through the entrance doors, so avoid places opposite front door or between the doors - your aquarium will simply lose its purpose and, other than ordinary decor, will not be able to serve you with anything more useful.

Does the aquarium need activation?

Of course, if we want to increase the impact of the talisman on any sector to achieve maximum result. IN in this case, attracting money energy Underwater decorations can help: a treasure chest, shells, coins, a wooden ship or corals. The main thing is that they match the image of the natural habitat of the inhabitants of your aquarium. Take note of the process of water movement in the aquarium: the more actively it moves, the better and more often the Qi energy will be renewed, protecting it from stagnation and “precipitation” negative energy. Here it would be nice to purchase a motor that saturates the water with oxygen. If you wish, you can find a stand for the aquarium, but keep in mind that it must match the color of the sector of the fish house located: green for the north, blue for the southwest, etc.

And in conclusion, do not forget about the main thing: no matter how carefully you monitor the cleanliness and order in the house, it is also necessary to periodically clean the house of your aquatic inhabitants, because the success of our career directly depends on the cozy atmosphere, their well-being and health, good reputation, abundance and material wealth of our home.

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