Yulianna Karaulova is from which star factory. Success in solo career

Yuliana Karaulova has been known to fans of popular music since 2005, when the girl participated in the “Star Factory 5” project. Her appearance in the 5ivesta family team came as a shock to many, but then few could have imagined that the group would break all popularity records.

Juliana's early career

In the photo, Yuliana Karaulova seems to be an experienced performer, but in fact, the girl is only 27 years old. She was born in 1988 in Moscow, but was soon forced to move with her parents to Bulgaria.

It was here, in the capital of the country, Sofia, that the future star spent her childhood, who from an early age began to show a penchant for playing music. When Yuliana was only 10 years old, she took part in a music competition, where she received a certificate and praise from Lilia Ivanova herself. The famous Bulgarian performer admitted that the girl sings with soul and knows how to express her emotions through song.

In 2003, Yuliana took part in a competition organized by Yes magazine. The girl practically became the face of the magazine, but took an honorable second place. The new soloist of Fast Family was nobody then unknown girl, and therefore even such fleeting success made an indelible impression on Juliana.

In 2004, the girl was offered to become a member of the group YES. Of course, Juliana agreed, and soon, as part of the team, she went to the casting of “Star Factory 5”. Despite the huge competition, Yuliana was able to go through all stages of the competition and got into the project.

There, unexpected success awaited the girl. It turned out that Juliana, with her lively character and bright appearance, attracted the attention of the audience. Fans began to actively vote for the girl, and as a result helped her make good progress in the competition. While participating in “Star Factory 5,” Yuliana not only performed several solo compositions, but also began an affair with Ruslan Masyukov.

The young man was considered one of the main stars of that “Star Factory”, but Victoria Daineko was able to win due to her bright appearance and incredible vocal abilities. Juliana became famous throughout Russia, and also became part of the recently formed Netsuke group.

Trying to conquer musical Olympus, Juliana quickly realized that the trail of her factory popularity was disappearing too quickly. That is why Yuliana Karaulova left the Netsuke group in order to disappear from the radars of journalists for several years. All this time, while fans were erecting new idols, Juliana was actively involved in music, recording new compositions and studying.

The girl was waiting for her chance, and soon she got it. It turns out that the group 5sta family was looking for a new soloist, and former member“Star Factory” fits this role perfectly. The group already had several hits, but it was with Juliana that their popularity reached its limit.

Yuliana Karaulova, whose biography is filled with bright events, remains a very modest and friendly girl. She is friends with many celebrities, including the singer Bianca, but Yuliana always puts her family members first.

Further career and solo swimming

After Yuliana joined the group in 2011, she had to go through many trials. The team was known to many, and replacing the soloist turned out to be difficult; fans opposed this.

After the release of the song "Together We" all questions regarding the right choice the soloists dropped out by themselves. The girl looked very organic as part of the group, and besides, her charm helped sell the composition well. As the song conquered more and more heights, the band's touring schedule became more and more busy.

After recording the song “I’ll Be With You,” Yuliana began to think about solo career. If Yulianna Karaulova left the group, she would have to decide controversial issues with producers. That is why the girl decided to continue working together, but did not give up the thought of free swimming.

In 2014, the group released another composition called “My Melody,” but it was no longer as popular as the group’s past hits. Gradually, the group's popularity began to decline, and the producers had to look for a new solution to the problem. Since the soloist had long dreamed of an independent career, the producers decided to allow her to record songs separately, but on the condition that Juliana did not leave the team.

The girl was ready to do anything for the sake of solo creativity, so she agreed to all the conditions. Thus, in 2015, the song “You’re Not Like That” was born, which instantly became a hit. Sincere and gentle Juliana was able to make the song close and understandable to all fans. Now the girl has more work, and so the fast family new soloist had to appear sooner or later.

To attract even more attention to the group, the producers decided to invite Lera Kozlova, who was once the main star of the Ranetki group, to play the role of a new soloist. Lera gladly accepted the invitation, and Juliana continued to be a member of the group.

Now, if Yulia Karaulova left the group, her solo career could be in jeopardy, and that is why the girl retained her place in the 5sta family. On at the moment the group is recording new singles with two soloists at once. An excellent relationship was established between the girls.

Juliana tries not to talk about her plans for the future, but one thing is clear - this girl will not disappear from the scene anywhere else. Karaulova plans to develop a solo career, simultaneously performing with the 5sta family, and conquering new charts.

Almost nothing is known about Yuliana Karaulova’s personal life, because the girl tries not to advertise her relationship. The singer has repeatedly been credited with having affairs with the rest of the 5sta family group, but she herself continues to remain silent on this issue.

Yuliana Karaulova went through a difficult path, but still managed to achieve popularity. Now the girl is completely absorbed in her solo career. There are many dates on her tour schedule, but fans hope that sooner or later the girl will have time for romance.

Yulianna Yurievna Karaulova, whose songs are very popular, was born in the Russian capital on April 24, 1988, but at the age of 4 her parents took her to sunny Bulgaria. There she studied at a Russian school at the embassy, ​​where Russian teachers taught, and became interested in music. The girl first appeared on stage in a preparatory lyceum, and later performed at all festive events at school.

A few years later, the family returned to Russia, and the girl went to 7th grade in Moscow. Adapting to life at home was not easy. Since her parents sent their daughter to a gymnasium, she had to catch up with her classmates in several subjects. A year later, she finally adapted and made friends.

In high school, Karaulova dreamed of becoming a singer, but at the same time she wanted to become a journalist, so as to make a big musical career I didn't count on it. She planned to enter the journalism department and attended courses at Moscow State University for a year. However, Julianna subsequently changed her mind and received two creative education: vocal and production at Gnesinka.


Professional biography attractive blonde's life was going well. The general public learned her name in 2003, when she won the “Person of the Year” competition, organized by Yes magazine for teenagers. Soon Karaulova began singing in a group with the same name and at the same time tried to work as an editor.

At the age of 16, the performer took part in the fifth season of the TV project “Star Factory”. Julianna did not believe in the possibility of passing the casting and did not want to go to it. Her parents persuaded her. As a result, to her surprise, she easily passed all four rounds. In the end, the girl ended up in the Netsuke team, created by Max Fadeev. But combining a musical career and study was too difficult, and Julianna left the group.

Later, Max invited Karaulova to join his other project, but she refused. At 18 future star fell in love and decided to leave the stage completely, because that’s what the young man wanted. The wedding did not take place, and the singer went to London, where she studied for several months. Returning home, she called everyone she knew in search of work in the media space. I managed to get a job at a music channel where one of the former creative producers of “Star Factory” worked.

Instagram – yulianna_karaulova

In 2011, the Muscovite was invited to be a soloist in the group “5sta Family”. She met members of this group when she was interviewed for Yes magazine. The first song performed by Yulianna did not become a hit, but a year and a half later a real hit appeared - “Together We”, which won the Golden Gramophone award. Despite her further successful career as part of the group, Karaulova dreamed of singing solo. Therefore, when problems began in 2015, she went solo.

The very first song, which the blonde performed alone, gained enormous popularity. It was the composition “You’re Not Like That,” written by the well-known Bianca.

Friends helped film a great video in Rome, which the public really liked. Later, videos appeared for the songs “Houston”, “Extraorbital”, “Sea” and “Broken Love”.

Karaulova presented her first collection entitled “Feeling Yu” in 2016 at solo concert in the capital's club RED. In 2017, fans heard several new songs by the performer: “You are mine,” “I don’t believe it,” “Just like that,” and “The sky loves us so much.” She sang the latter together with the KREC and Marseille groups. In the fall, the Muscovite’s mini-album “Phenomena” was released.

By 2018, Julianna’s collection of awards included two Golden Gramophones. She willingly participates in charity events and various television shows. On the show Ice age“The girl broke her ribs, but despite this, she continued to go out on the ice. Karaulova hosts hit parades on Muz-TV (since 2013), a fashion column in the TV program “Summer Fresh” (since 2014) and the show “Russian Ninja” (since 2017). In February 2018, she joined the jury of the “You are Super!” competition.

Personal life

Andrey Chernov and Yulianna Karaulova. Instagram – yulianna_karaulova

The blonde's relationship with her first love did not work out, but the young people remained very good friends and communicate often. The second chosen one, Andrei Chernov, proposed to the singer at the skating rink, right during the television filming of the Blue Light program. The girl was embarrassed and even called the groom a fool, which, fortunately, he was not offended by. They wanted to get married in Georgia in July 2017, but postponed the wedding due to lack of time.

Having taken up a solo career, Yulianna Karaulova plunged into a whirlpool of events: she tours a lot, records new singles and takes part in television projects not only as a participant, but also as a TV presenter.

Karaulova herself considers herself a very ambitious person who does not like to sit idle. Her creative biography full of different events, however, like many young performers, she dreams of giving a concert at the Olimpiysky.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in 1988 in Moscow. In 1992, the whole family moved to live in the capital of Bulgaria, where her father was engaged in diplomatic activities. In her childhood, Julianna was fond of dancing, singing, skating and mastering horse riding. She was an active participant in all school events and even tried her hand at a young talent competition. When the girl turned 11 years old, she and her parents returned to her hometown.

Yulianna Karaulova in childhood. Photo from Instagram of singer yulianna_karaulova.

In high school, Karaulova studied music and developed her vocals, which allowed her to take up prize place in the “Person of the Year” competition. Thanks to this victory, the girl became one of the soloists of the group “YES!” Soon, the 16-year-old girl passed the casting of the Star Factory-5 project, in which she became a finalist. This competition helped her reach big stage and made friends with many project participants. Yulianna did not forget about her education: having entered the Gnessin Academy, she first studied at the pop-jazz vocal department, and then graduated from the production department.

Participation in “5sta Family” and solo career

In 2011, the singer joined the group “5sta Family”, where she stayed for four years. During this time, the team presented several compositions, many of which became hits. After the release of their debut album “Why,” they presented the song “Together We,” which won prestigious nominations and awards. Then the song “I’ll be with you” was recorded, and in 2014 - “My Melody”. In 2015, Karaulova left the group, intending to work closely solo activity. Almost immediately, her debut video for the song “You’re Not Like That” was released, the lyrics and music of which were written by Bianca. This work turned out to be successful, thanks to which the young singer’s career took off. In 2016, she continued to work fruitfully, releasing videos for the songs “Out of Orbit” and “Broken Love.” The debut album “Feeling Yu” was released in the fall of 2016, evoking positive emotions among listeners.

In 2017, Julianna again delighted fans by appearing in a sensual video for the song “You Are Mine.” In the same year, she released a single and a video for the song “I Just Want It,” and also released the mini-album “Phenomena.” Since 2013, the singer has been collaborating with television: she hosted charts on the Muz-TV channel, the “Fashion and Style” section on Domashny, and was also a co-host in the show “Russian Ninja” on Channel One. In February 2018, Karaulova will take the judge's chair in the new children's season vocal competition“You are super!” on NTV.

Romantic relationships

The beauty is in no hurry to change her personal life, despite the fact that given time she has a relationship with sound producer Andrei Cherny. The young people met at a time when the singer was a member of the Star Factory. However, before becoming lovers, they were friends for several years. At the end of 2016, Yulianna received a marriage proposal from Andrey, which he made at the VDNH skating rink during the filming of a New Year's light for the TVC channel. The couple dreamed of having their wedding in April 2017, organizing a festive event in Georgia, however, due to their busy work schedule, they canceled this important event.

In the photo Yulianna Karaulova with Andrey Cherny.

The singer admitted that she currently has no plans to start a family, devoting a lot of time to developing her career. Future husband Karaulova understands her desire, since he himself works in this field. Despite this, the girl is already dreaming of children, planning to raise the future child herself, and not leave him in the care of grandmothers and nannies. The owner of a slender, athletic figure (height - 168 cm, weight - about 48 kg) does not accept an express diet. She practices yoga, runs, dances and snowboards.

People started talking about singer Yulianna Karaulova only in recent years, although behind the performer’s back is participation in “Star Factory-5” and a career in the group “5sta Family”. But only after the start of her solo career and the release of her debut album “Feeling Yu” did the singer’s name go beyond the professional circle.

Bulgarian voyage

Yulianna was born in Moscow into a wealthy, intelligent family. The girl’s father worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and soon moved the family to the capital of Bulgaria, receiving a new diplomatic appointment. Julianna went to school in Sofia.

From an early age, the girl was interested in singing, demonstrating her talent in front of her parents. Mom and dad tried in every possible way to encourage their daughter’s hobby - Yulianna, in addition to secondary school, also attended vocal and music lessons, went dancing, and did figure skating.

The girl will forever remember her first performance in front of an audience - at the age of six she performed on the school stage. Since then, Karaulova has not missed a single opportunity to perform at school concert events.

When Julianna was ten years old, she successfully performed in the Bulgarian competition for young talents “Dobrich”. The young performer was awarded a special certificate “For professionalism and artistry,” and the famous Bulgarian singer Lilya Ivanova said warm words to the Russian.

After an eight-year diplomatic voyage to Bulgaria, the Karaulov family returned to Moscow, where Yulianna Karaulova continued her studies at the capital’s school No. 1106. There, the girl began to study vocals even more seriously, while simultaneously participating in various competitions young talents.

In 2003, she took second place in the “Face of the Year” competition, organized by the editors of “YES!” magazine. Two years later, the same publication organized another competition, a vocal one, promising its winners to become soloists of the group “YES!” Yulianna Karaulova was among the three winning girls. New group recorded four compositions in the recording studio, the most famous of which was the song “Changed My Mind.”

“Star Factory”, “5sta Family” and solo career

When the organizers of the fifth season of “Star Factory” announced the casting of new participants in the show, all the soloists of “YES!” decided to try their luck, but fate turned out to be favorable only to Karaulova. Participation in the project brought Julianna invaluable experience and new acquaintances.

After the “Star Factory” the girl decided to get serious about getting higher education. She was thinking about taking the documents to the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, but last moment changed her mind and became a student at the pop-jazz vocal department in Gnesinka. She also got into journalism and got a job as an editor at YES! magazine.

In 2011, Yulianna met the musicians of the R’n’B group “5sta Family”. They suggested that Karaulova replace lead singer Loya in their group, who did not have a good relationship with the rest of the guys. Julianna found this offer interesting and she joined the group without any problems, diluting the “male” team with her presence.

Interesting notes:

Together, the musicians and the new soloist recorded the album “Why” in 2012. A year later, their song “Together We” won one of the Golden Gramophone nominations. The group's popularity grew rapidly, and fans admired the new compositions.

In 2015, the first information appeared that Yulianna Karaulova was going to leave the 5sta Family. The rumors turned out to be far from groundless - the singer decided to focus on her solo career. Soon, in collaboration with her friend Bianca, Julianna presented her debut video for the n6a song “You’re Not Like That” to the public. The composition quickly burst onto the first lines of various charts, and on YouTube the number of views exceeded 20 million.

Making sure that decision made That’s right, the singer said goodbye to her friends from “5sta Family” and threw herself into a “solo swim.” One after another, she presented her fans with the videos “Houston”, “Extraorbital”, “Broken Love”, and in November 2016 she presented her debut disc “Feeling U” to the general public.

In parallel with her career as a vocalist, Yulianna Karaulova managed to conquer the television space. Together with Maxim Trankov, the singer took part in the successful project “Ice Age”. The couple successfully overcame many challenges and took an honorable third place.

As a presenter on Channel One, singer Yulianna Karaulova hosted the Russian Ninja program and was a member of the jury of one of music competitions on the NTV rope.

Postponed wedding

Having become a popular figure in domestic show business, Yulianna Karaulova aroused increased interest among journalists with the peculiarities of her personal life. It is worth noting that the singer was “married off” several times, but so far all the rumors were just speculation. Karaulova’s first high-profile romance was her relationship with her “factory” colleague Ruslan Masyukov, but the performers broke up after the end of the project.

For a long time the singer was tied romantic relationship with a young man Pavel. Yulianna Karaulova was even going to marry her lover, and for his sake she abandoned her career for several months. But the wedding never took place - Pavel demanded to completely abandon music, jealous of her fans, and Karaulova did not want to devote herself entirely to the family.

The singer’s current lover, sound producer Andrei Cherny, turned out to be less jealous. The young people met at the Star Factory and were simply friends for a long time. But at some point these relationships moved to a more elevated level. Andrei and Yulianna are not against children joining their union, but for now they prefer to move up the career ladder.

Initially the wedding of Yulianna Karaulova and Andrei Cherny was supposed to take place in 2017 in Georgia, but due to a tight work schedule they decided to postpone this event to a later date.

In her spare time (and Yulianna rarely has weekends), Karaulova likes to simply sleep off all the previous days. When he wakes up, he tries to enjoy the peace and not rush anywhere. She also tries to enjoy everything she takes part in and tries not to go over other people’s heads. The singer has her own personal website, which, in addition to her biography, also contains photos and videos.

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Biography, life story of Yulianna Yurievna Karaulova

Karaulova Yulianna Yurievna is a Russian pop singer.


Yulianna Karaulova was born in Moscow on April 24, 1988 in the family of a diplomat. In 1992, the girl had to move with her parents to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, where her father was sent for military service. Julianna was assigned to a school at the Embassy Russian Federation. Then, in early childhood, Karaulova began to sing. Parents, seeing how much the girl liked this activity, enrolled her in music school. In addition, Julianna was involved in dancing and figure skating.

When Yulianna was 11 years old, she returned to Moscow. She became a student of secondary school No. 1106, which she successfully graduated on time.


Karaulova got into show business at a fairly tender age. In 2003, she already became the second prize-winner in the “Face of the Year” competition, which was organized by the teen magazine Yes. After this, Julianna was invited as a soloist in music group with the same name.

In 2004, Karaulova became a participant in the popular musical reality project “Star Factory 5”. The girl was able to reach the finals and get a position as a vocalist in the Netsuke group. However, after the end of the show, Julianna forgot about the stage for several years. She went to London to get an education. Then she got a job as an editor at the same Yes magazine that started it all.

In 2011, Karaulova triumphantly returned to the world modern music. She took the place of lead singer in a pop group. Yulianna worked in this team for four years. During this time, the group recorded several hit hits and received many prestigious awards and prizes. At the same time, Julianna studied at Russian Academy music named after Gnesins. First, she graduated from the department of pop-jazz vocals, and later, in 2014, she became a graduate of the production department.

In 2013, Karaulova got a job as a VJ on the Muz-TV channel. The charming girl began to lead the charts. This activity increased Karulova’s self-confidence and made her more recognizable.


Yulianna Karaulova began her solo career in 2015. First, she presented to the people the song and video for it “You’re not like that.” The composition turned out to be very successful; the singer's fans gave it the highest ratings. After Karaulova, she released several more songs and videos, and on September 30, 2016, she finally presented her debut album “Feeling Yu”. More than a year later, on November 17, 2017, the singer’s mini-album “Phenomena” was released.

On November 26, 2017, Yulianna Karaulova showed herself to the public in a completely new role. She became the host of the sports show “Russian Ninja” on Channel One.

Personal life

At the Star Factory, Yulianna had an affair with show participant Ruslan Masyukov. However, the relationship never went beyond the project - it was just a slight hobby that led nowhere. Then Karaulova had a two-year affair with a young man named Pavel. The lovers even planned to get married, but at the last moment they changed their minds. Jealous Pavel insisted that Yulianna leave music and the stage, and Karaulova realized that she could not give up this part of her life. Julianna and Pavel were never able to come to a peaceful agreement and separated.

Later, Yulianna met Andrei Cherny, a music producer. A spark flashed between them, which soon flared up and turned into a passionate flame. The lovers dated for several years, and then, in 2016, they decided to get married.

Andrey proposed marriage to his beloved in a very original way. On December 23, 2016, Karaulova performed at the VDNKh ice skating rink, singing the song “Out-of-Orbit” as part of the filming of “Blue Light.” Right there, on the set, Cherny asked the artist to become his wife and share with him all the sorrows and joys. Karaulova agreed. It was very romantic and touching.