What girl did Agnia Barto write about? Unknown facts about famous writers. Agnia Barto

Soviet poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto. Her life and work are the personification of the bright and kind for so many generations of children, from the times of the USSR to today. I had my own cousin, “Grandma Aga,” who was very beloved because she allowed everything and knew 1000 funny stories. What else does a child need? Agnia Barto was always guided by high human principles and ideals, not so much of her time, but by fundamental moral principles. She sincerely wanted and could teach the child to be neat and polite, to be able to make friends and take care of her loved ones. Barto truly loved children. She was well versed in child psychology of both very young children and teenagers. Agnia Barto's poems for children are imbued with the understanding that children need to be unobtrusively but confidently accompanied through life until they become independent. “Children have no yesterday, everything is ahead of them, everything is today and tomorrow.” “Isn’t the main thing - children need to be studied. Protect their moral purity... Reveal the world to them, appealing to their imagination... children need the whole gamut of feelings that give rise to humanity". Barto Agnia Lvovna (1906-1981) was born in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She started writing poetry in high school. She studied at a ballet school. During her final exams, Lunacharsky heard Barto's poems and advised her to continue writing. In 1925, books of poems for children were published - “The Chinese Little Wang Li”, “The Thief Bear”. V.V. had a huge influence on Barto’s work. Mayakovsky, finally determining the choice of theme for Barto’s poetry - “the education of the future citizen.” She regularly published collections of poems: “Brothers” (1928), “On the contrary Boy” (1934), “Toys” (1936), “Bullfinch” (1939). The style - “lyrical miniatures”, so understandable and intelligible for a child, brought Barto the fame of a classic of children's poetry. The poetess was active social life. Creative biography Agnia Barto is directly connected not only with what is happening in the USSR, but throughout the world. Barto headed the Association of Literary and Artistic Workers for Children and was a member of the international Andersen jury. Barto's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. In 1937, Barto attended the International Congress for the Defense of Culture, which took place in Spain, in besieged, destroyed Madrid. During Patriotic War Barto often spoke on radio in Moscow and Sverdlovsk, wrote war poems, articles, and essays. In 1942 she worked as a correspondent for " Komsomolskaya Pravda» on Western Front. IN post-war years Barto visited Bulgaria, Iceland, Japan, England and other countries. In 1945, Agnia Borto suffered a personal tragedy - the death of her son. But she went even more actively into work. In 1940-50 her collections were published: “First-grader”, “Zvenigorod”, “Funny Poems”, “Poems for Children”. In 1958, the poetess wrote a large cycle of satirical poems for children “Leshenka, Leshenka”, “Grandfather’s Granddaughter”, etc. During these same years, Agnia Barto worked on scripts for children’s films “Foundling”, “Elephant and String”, “Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character” "
Barto launched a large-scale project to find relatives lost during the war. In 1965, the Mayak radio station began broadcasting the program “Looking for a Man.” This inspired the poetess to write the story “Find a Man,” which was published in 1968. In 1976, the book “Notes children's poet“- a kind of summary and generalization of all her rich experience in matters of raising children of more than one generation. This book is like a biography of Agnia Barto, with her crystalline position in life. Barto turns to the classical heritage of Russian aesthetics and pedagogy - Belinsky, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov. Agnia Borto was an excellent translator - not only with foreign languages- but also from the “language of children” for adults and vice versa. In 1976, the collection “Translations from Children” was published.

"I give you my heart
Draw whatever you want
On a white leaf,
I give you my heart
Do whatever you want with him.
Walk anywhere
Walk with him everywhere
I won't be angry
But it's better on it
Don't learn to draw,
Let my heart
Will remain clean"

Barto’s collection “Translations from Children’s” 1976.

A. Barto died in 1981 in Moscow.
Along with Marshak, Chukovsky, Mikhalkov, the life and work of Agnia Barto is a golden fund, a standard for the development and formation of children of all ages and sociocultural capabilities. Agnia Lvovna’s poems, so melodious, understandable and pleasant to children’s ears, still sound on children’s radio channels and are quoted by kindergarten teachers and teachers.
“I love my horse, I comb its fur smoothly...”
Masseuse Valya whispers gently to make the baby smile.
Possessing an incredible sense of style, Agnia Lvovna Barto enriched inner world children. She masterfully managed to instill a sense of beauty, which is just as difficult as simply accustoming someone to the bad.

Victoria Maltseva

Agnia Lvovna Barto was born on February 4 (17), 1906, in Moscow, into an intelligent family. The future writer received her primary education at home. Then she was sent to study at a gymnasium. At the same time, young Agnia attended a choreographic school. The first poems were “born” around the same time.

In 1924, Barto graduated from college and remained in the ballet troupe. She worked there until 1925.

The beginning of a creative journey

Barto Agnia Lvovna attracted the attention of the People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky in her youth. Having visited a demonstration concert of graduates of the choreographic school in 1924, he was delighted with her professional performance of poetry. Expressing his admiration, the People's Commissar invited the girl to his People's Commissariat. A conversation took place there, during which Lunacharsky convinced Barto that she needed to develop her talent.

The flourishing of literary creativity

The collection “Poems for Children” was published in 1949. The collection “For Flowers in winter forest” – in 1970

In 1976, the book “Notes of a Children's Poet” was published.

Agnia Barto made her contribution to Soviet cinema. Together with R. Zelena in 1939, she wrote the script for the film “Foundling”. The script “The Elephant and the String” was written in 1949, “Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character” in 1953, and “10,000 Boys” in 1961.

Social activities

In 1930 in “ Literary newspaper” a letter signed by A. Barto appeared. In this letter the author spoke against another famous children's writer, K.I. Chukovsky. “Anti-Sovietism” was seen in Chukovsky’s children’s fairy tales.

In 1944, Chukovsky received a reprimand from his colleagues from the Writers' Union. The writers, led by Barto, firmly asked the writer not to write more “absurd charlatan nonsense.”

From the autumn of 1965 to February 1966, Barto took an active part in the process of writers Yu. M. Daniel and A. D. Sinyavsky. They also accused Barto of “anti-Sovietism.”

In 1974, at the insistence of A. Barto, K. Chukovsky’s daughter, L. Chukovskaya, was expelled from the Writers’ Union. Until 1987, its publications were banned in the Soviet Union.


Personal life

From his first marriage, A. Barto had a son, Edgar, born in 1927. On May 5, 1945, he died when he fell under the wheels of a truck.

The second husband of the poet was A.V. Shcheglyaev, corresponding member of the ANSSR. Their daughter, T. A. Shcheglyaeva, is a candidate of technical sciences.

Other biography options

  • There is confusion in the date of birth of Agnia Barto. She was “officially” born in 1906, but researchers believe it happened two years later. The confusion arose due to the fact that Barto, who experienced poverty and hunger early on, wanted to get a job, but she “lacked” a couple of years for this. So she falsified her metrics.
  • In her youth, Barto fell in love first with the poems of V.V. Mayakovsky, and then with him himself. She never dared to confess her feelings to him. They met often, but Mayakovsky never knew about Barto's love. One day he mentioned that he needed to write for children. Agnia did just that.
  • Barto rarely dedicated works to her own children. She preferred to look for her heroes in pioneer camps and schools. But famous poem“Our Tanya is crying loudly” was dedicated to the poet’s daughter, Tatyana.
  • In 1937, A. Barto took part in the international congress, which took place in Spain during Civil War. For some reason, the noise of explosions prompted the poet to purchase castanets. Ignoring the difficult situation in the city, Barto made her way to the store and made a purchase.
  • This act served as the basis for A. Tolstoy's jokes. He periodically asked his colleague if she planned to purchase a fan for fanning herself during the next raids.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, Agnia Barto's family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. There she had to master the profession of a turner. She worked along with those who had been standing at the machine for a long time. She was awarded a prize for her labor exploits during the war. But Barto refused the money, donating it for the construction of the tank.

The famous children's writer Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in 1906, in the family of a veterinarian. Immediately after birth, the parents named the baby Gethel, but after marriage she changed her name. That is why, for adults and children in all sources, we know her as the famous poet and film screenwriter as Agnia Barto.

Briefly about childhood and youth

Since childhood, the girl loved to dance and dreamed of ballet. And although she primary education Her father studied; after entering the gymnasium, the future poetess studied at a ballet school. Agnia loved to be creative since childhood. That is why poems and a biography of Agnia Barto are included in the curriculum for 3rd grade. They are imbued with childhood and include instructive meanings.

It would be possible to briefly talk about Agnia Barto if her biography were not filled with so many interesting facts. Such as, for example, she studied German and French. After graduating from ballet school, Agnia was enrolled in a professional ballet troupe. So in the biography Barto Agni Lvovny has begun new stage, who inspired her to write new poems.

Literary creativity

Among adults and children it is impossible to find anyone who would not love her work. The presence of open human feelings and a child-friendly language is what truly attracts her in her work. And her father taught her to love poetry.

1925 is a significant year in the biography of Agnia Barto, as she published her first two books, the works of which are currently recommended for grade 2.

Agnia read poetry with such an intonation that she inspired confidence. She had an amazing gift of speaking to children in their language. That is why works such as “Chinese Wang Li” by Agnia Barto and her biography are recommended for study for 3rd grade. Many fascinating events took place in the biography of Agnia Lvovna Barto, which prompted her to write poetry for children.

Personal life

Like any person, the poetess experienced black and white stripes in life. There were tragic moments, such as the sudden death of my son. Were highlights associated with the publishing of books by Agnia Barto, which are mentioned so much in all the photo and video sources of her biography. Together with her husband, Agnia Barto wrote a number of works for children primary school. For example, such as “Roarer Girl”. She also worked in the magazine “Murzilka”.

The poetess lived a very active and eventful life. Her favorite activities were traveling and playing sports.

One of the most interesting facts in the biography of Agnia Barto is her date of birth. There is a version that she was born two years later. The fact is that she really wanted to get a job early because she experienced hunger and poverty. So she had to slightly falsify her birth document.

Barto Agnia Lvovna (1906-1981) was born on February 17 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She received a good home education, led by her father. She studied at the gymnasium, where she began writing poetry. At the same time, she studied at the choreographic school, where A. Lunacharsky came for graduation tests and, after listening to Barto’s poems, advised her to continue writing.

In 1925, books of poems for children were published - "Chinese Wang Li", Teddy Bear." A conversation with Mayakovsky about how children need fundamentally new poetry, what role it can play in the education of a future citizen, finally determined the choice of subject matter for Barto's poetry. She regularly published collections of poems: “Brothers” (1928), “On the contrary boy” (1934), “Toys” (1936), “Bullfinch” (1939).

In 1937, Barto was a delegate to the International Congress for the Defense of Culture, which was held in Spain. There she saw with her own eyes what fascism was (congress meetings were held in the besieged, burning Madrid). During World War II, Barto often spoke on the radio in Moscow and Sverdlovsk, wrote war poems, articles, and essays. In 1942 she was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda on the Western Front.

In the post-war years she visited Bulgaria, Iceland, Japan, England and other countries.

In 1940-50, new collections were published: “First-grader”, “Zvenigorod”, “Funny Poems”, “Poems for Children”. During these same years, he worked on scripts for children's films "The Foundling", "The Elephant and the String", and "Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character".

In 1958 she wrote a large cycle of satirical poems for children “Leshenka, Leshenka”, “Grandfather’s Granddaughter”, etc.

In 1969 the book of prose “Find a Person” was published, in 1976 the book “Notes of a Children's Poet” was published. A. Barto died in 1981 in Moscow.


Poems for children.

Two sisters look at their brother:
Small, awkward
Can't smile
He just frowns.

The younger brother sneezed in his sleep,
Sisters rejoice:
- The child is already growing -
He sneezed like an adult!

We are friends - two Yashkas,
They called us "the twins".
- How different! -
Passers-by say.

And I have to explain
That we are not brothers at all,
We are friends - two Jacobs,
Our names are the same.

The older brother cradled his sister:
Let's take the dolls away from here,

Persuaded the girl
(She's only a year old):
- It's time to sleep,
Bury yourself in the pillow
I'll give you a hockey stick
You will stand on the ice.

Don't cry
I'll give it to you
Soccer ball,
Want -
You will be for the judge

The older brother cradled his sister:
- Well, let's not buy a ball,
I'll bring the dolls back
Just don't cry.

Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.
It's time to sleep long ago...
You understand - I am mom and dad
Sent me off to the cinema.

I opened the door with my key.
I'm standing in an empty apartment.
No, I'm not upset at all
That I'm in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!
I can do what I want -
After all, I'm alone in the apartment,
Alone in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!
Now I'll turn on the radio
I'll shout out all the singers!

I can whistle, knock on doors,
Nobody will say: "Don't make noise!"
No one will say: "Don't whistle!"
Everyone is at work until five!

Thanks for this key...
But for some reason I'm silent
And I don't want anything
Alone in an empty apartment.

I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If a brother comes with a three
Three bells ring.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received it today.

If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Indecisive call.

Well, what if one is
He knocks quietly on the door.

If you are still nowhere
Haven't met the queen, -
Look - here she is!
She lives among us.

Everyone, right and left,
The Queen announces:

-Where is my cloak? Hang him!
Why isn't he there?

My briefcase is heavy -
Bring it to school!

I instruct the duty officer
Bring me a mug of tea
And buy it for me at the buffet
Each, each, a piece of candy.

The Queen is in third grade,
And her name is Nastasya.

Nastya's bow
Like a crown
Like a crown
From nylon.

I once accidentally
I dozed off during class.
I feel comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing is not clear to me,
Whether in a dream or in reality.

Suddenly out of nowhere
Sounds in the distance:
— Shura Volkova,
to the board!

And then a miracle happened:
I'm sailing on a boat
And in a dream I tear water lilies,
And I learned the lesson without hesitation
I answer in reality.

Got a C+
But I took a nap in style.

The young speaker spoke,
He talked about work.
He argued from the podium:
— Labor is needed always, everywhere!

The school tells us to work,
The squad teaches this...
- Pick up the papers from the floor!
One of the guys shouted.

But here the speaker winces:
- There is a cleaning lady for that!

Tanyusha has a lot to do,
Tanyusha has a lot to do:
In the morning I helped my brother,—
He ate candy in the morning.

Here's how much Tanya has to do:
Tanya ate, drank tea,
I sat down and sat with my mother,
She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I'll help you tomorrow.

Bought in a store
Rubber Zina,
Rubber Zina
They brought it in a basket.
She was gaping
Rubber Zina,
Fell from the basket
Smeared in mud.
We'll wash it in gasoline
Rubber Zina,
We'll wash it in gasoline
And we shake our fingers:
Don't be so dumb
Rubber Zina,
Otherwise we’ll send Zina
Back to the store.

Yesterday we played flock,
And we needed to growl.
We growled and bellowed
They barked like dogs,
Haven't heard any comments
Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said sternly:
-What kind of noise are you making?
I've seen a lot of children -
This is the first time I've seen something like this.

We told her in response:
- There are no children here!
We are not Petya and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows.

And the dogs always bark
They don’t understand your words.
And the cows always moo,
Keeping the flies away.

And she answered: “What are you talking about?”
Okay, if you are cows,
I was a shepherd then.
Please keep in mind:
I'm taking the cows home.

At our Vasily's
There is a first and last name.

Today first graders
Enrolled in class
Vasenka was not at a loss
And he immediately declared:

- I have a last name!
I'm Vasya Chistyakov. —
They added Vasily in an instant
Among the students.

Yes, first and last name -
Not a piece of cake!

// February 13, 2009 // Views: 64,717

Biography Agnia Lvovna Barto is not for children. When born and died Agnia Barto, memorable places, dates and interesting facts from life. Quotes from the writer, photos and videos.

Years of life of Agnia Lvovna Barto

born February 4, 1906, died April 1, 1981


We know you can't be brought back
Your deeds are an eternal memory,
And only your pure soul is with us,
You illuminate our life path with it.

Biography of Agnia Barto

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina, but became famous children's writer, whose poems every child knows from childhood. She was destined for a brilliant and at the same time complex, tragic fate, like, probably, the fate of any genius. Biography of Agnia Lvovna Barto- the life story of a legendary woman, writer, mother and truly great person.

The parents affectionately called the girl Agnieszka. Watching her father, a veterinarian, treat sick animals, Agnia grew up to be a kind girl who sympathizes with all living things. Images of childhood were later reflected in her poems, although she I dreamed of becoming not a writer at all, but a ballerina- I even studied at a choreographic school. But, apparently, his writing talent took its toll. At final exams ballet school Comrade Lunacharsky himself appeared. Having heard a slightly gloomy poem by one of the graduates called “Funeral March,” he called her over and said that a girl should definitely write poetry, but funny ones. This graduate turned out to be Agnia Barto, and after some time she took her poems to Gosizdat. To her own surprise, it was published - so at the age of 19, Agnia Barto published her first books. Another person who influenced further biography of Barto, became, whom Barto literally idolized. Once, after speaking to a children's audience, the poet went down to the rest of the concert participants and told them enthusiastically: “That's who you should write for!”

But Barto’s path to literature was not so cloudless - she often suffered from literary critics and colleagues in the shop, they say, complex rhymes that will be difficult for children to remember, bad images. But Barto’s shyness and touching personality, apparently, did not cause much hostility among Soviet writers, so she was never subjected to any very strong persecution. Most Soviet officials simply did not perceive woman writer of children's poems seriously. Her books came out one after another, and she never stopped working for a minute - she wrote scripts, prose, and worked on the radio. She was able to survive the war, but shortly before its end Agnia Barto's eldest son died. For her, this became a terrible grief, after which Barto no longer wrote comic poems about bears and bunnies, but created the poem “Zvenigorod” about the residents orphanage, who lost their relatives during the war, and then Barto gave several more years of her life to the program “Find a Person.”

Death and funeral of Agnia Lvovna Barto

Death of Agnia Barto occurred on April 1, 1981. Barto's cause of death was a heart attack. The country has lost not only a great writer, but also a person with a huge heart, sensitive, kind, noble - however, another person could not have written such touching and piercing poems for children and about children. Barto's funeral We took place at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Life line

February 4, 1906 Date of birth of Agnia Lvovna Barto (nee Volova).
1924 Admission to ballet troupe, marriage to Pavel Barto.
1925 The first publications of Barto's poems.
1927 The birth of a son, Edgar, from his marriage to Pavel Barto.
1933 Divorce from Pavel Barto.
1935 Marriage to Andrei Shcheglyaev.
1939 Co-authorship in writing the script for the film “Foundling”.
1945 The death of Edgar's son (Garik) as a result of an accident, the release of the film "The Elephant and the String" based on the script by Agnia Barto.
1949 Release of the collection “Poems for Children”.
1950 Barto was awarded the Stalin Prize for the collection “Poems for Children.”
1953 Release of the film based on Barto’s script “Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character.”
1964-1973 Host of the “Find a Person” program on Mayak radio.
1968 Release of the prose book “Find a Person” based on the radio program of the same name.
August 27, 1970 Death of Agnia Barto's husband, Andrei Shcheglyaev.
April 1, 1981 Date of death of Barto.

Memorable places

1. Radio station “Mayak”, where Agnia Barto worked in 1964-1973.
2. Barto House in Moscow (“House of Writers”).
3. The village of Trekhgorka, where Agniya Barto often rested at her sister’s dacha.
4. Library No. 99 in Moscow named after. A. L. Barto, where the Barto Museum is located today.
5. Novodevichy Cemetery, plot No. 3, where Barto is buried.

Agnia Barto visited Spain in 1938 when the war was already going on there. One of her most vivid and very dark memories was a conversation with Spanish woman, who showed her a photograph of her son who died from a shell. Agnia Barto was greatly shocked by this, she wrote to her friend in a letter: “How can I describe the feelings of a mother who has outlived her child?” But a few years later she herself experienced the same grief - her eldest son died in a bicycle accident. Barto withdrew into herself; only her love for her daughter and work helped her continue to live.

For many years Barto worked as a radio presenter in a program that helped reunite families scattered throughout the country after the war. People came to Barto directly from the train station, and all members of her family had to get involved in this work. In the nine years that Barto devoted to this program, about a thousand families were reunited. The book that Agnia Barto wrote based on the “Find a Person” program turned out to be incredibly touching and heartfelt.

Testament of Agnia Barto

“From the fear of spoiling one’s mood with someone else’s misfortune (even seen not in life, but in a movie), there is only one step to selfishness and heartlessness.”

Film in memory of Agnia Barto

Condolences on the death of Agnia Barto

“Agniya Lvovna Barto is not only a recognized poet, but also an excellent citizen. I deeply respect her both for her wonderful children's poems and for that great job, which she did in search of mothers and children separated from each other “without guilt,” separated by war. For the fact that she was able to answer the cry of the soul, the question of the lives of two people: “Where are you, my son?”, “Where are you, my mother?” With the help of radio, she brought joy to how many people. I know mothers with many children who have fostered and adopted many orphans. But Agnia Lvovna, like a true poetess, adopted thousands and thousands of children. I thank her very much for this.”
Rasul Gamzatov, poet