Regulations of the Russian National Music Award. Regulations of the Russian National Music Award Russian National Music Award participants

The RUSSIAN NATIONAL MUSIC PRIZE is awarded for the highest achievements based on the results of the past year.

The nomination of nominees for this professional music award of the country, the determination of finalists and winners in each nomination (hereinafter referred to as nomination or category) is carried out in several stages:

  1. Nomination of works by the Selection Committee under the Foundation Council, representatives of applicants (producers, production centers, record companies) or the applicants themselves.
  2. Coordination of the fact of nomination of works with nominees
  3. Approval of the list of nominees
  4. Electronic voting of jury members.
  5. Counting of votes by an automated system with observation of the voting procedure by the Prize Auditor.
  6. Formation of five finalists, fixation of the winner in each category by the Award Auditor based on the results in the automated voting system.

The five finalists may be announced on the eve of the Russian National Music Award ceremony. They are also announced from the stage during the Award ceremony. The winners in all categories are announced for the first time at the ceremony.

Information about the Prize nominees, the number and name of nominations, the voting period, voting results and other conditions are posted on the Prize website (hereinafter referred to as the Prize Website).




Annual Russian National Music Award "Victoria"(hereinafter referred to as the Prize) is a voluntary periodic event (competition), established on the initiative of the Foundation for the Support of Russian Music - FPOM (Organizer of the Prize), which is held in accordance with these Regulations. Working name of the Foundation: Academy of Russian Music (ARM). Members of the Foundation are called Academicians of Russian Music.

Participation in the Prize of nominees and guests performing at the request of the organizers of the Prize musical numbers during the ceremony, is voluntary and free of charge. Official names of the Prize:

  • Russian national music award"Victoria"
  • Victoria Prize
  • Russian Music Awards


  • An impartial assessment of the work of performers, composers, songwriters, arrangers, video makers, sound engineers, producers, promoters by the professional community of music and media industry workers.
  • Identification of the best examples of domestic musical art from the point of view of the professional community.
  • Stimulating influx into professional activity young talented authors and performers.
  • Increasing the professional skills of artists, prestige and authority music industry Russia in the country and abroad.
  • Transformation of the Award into one of the main criteria for the quality of work of music industry workers in Russia.


The prizes of the Award are:

  • A figurine made specifically for presentation to the winners of the Prize.
  • Prize Finalist Diploma.
  • Prize winner diploma.



NOMINATIONS of the RNMP in 2019

NOMINATIONS of the RNMP in 2019

  • Best Pop Artist
  • Best Pop Artist
  • Best Pop Group
  • Best Rock Band or rock singer
  • Poet of the Year
  • Best Hip Hop Artist
  • City romance (Russian chanson or bard song)
  • Dance hit of the year
  • The best music video
  • Composer of the Year
  • Concert of the year
  • Song of the Year
  • Discovery of the year



Members of the Academy of Russian Music and the Prize Jury form a list of nominations 3 (three) months before the date of the next Prize presentation ceremony. The collection of works begins 3 (three) months before the Award ceremony.


Persons and organizations entitled to nominate works for the Prize:

  1. Foundation selection committee;
  2. representatives of participants - record companies (labels) and producers, production centers;
  3. the applicants themselves.

Nomination rules:

The selection committee has the right to nominate any work that it considers significant in a particular category for that year.

Representatives of participants (recording companies (labels), producers and production centers) can only nominate works of their clients or works in the creation of which they were directly involved (recording a song, organizing a concert, etc.).

Applicants themselves have the right to be nominated only own works for the Prize.

Only one work per performer in each nomination can be nominated for the award (the rule is “one work per nominee per nomination”). To avoid conflicting applications, the Selection Committee will give priority to applications from copyright holders of a particular work. In the event of two conflicting applications for the nomination of works by one artist from two copyright holders, the right to choose is transferred to the nominee, who has the right to choose from the works nominated by the copyright holders. If the artist is unable to select a work, responsibility for the selection of the work falls on the Selection Committee.

The rule “one work per nominee per nomination” does not apply to collaborations, somehow: music festivals, group concerts, collaboration of performers (for example, duets), etc. in this case the repeated presence of one performer in the nomination is acceptable.

Nomination order:

Recording companies (labels), producers, and applicants send audio and video works to the Academy, independently distributing them into categories, until October 31. Applications are accepted through the Prize Portal (Site).

Submission of applications for participation is carried out through personal account user on the Award website. The login and password for your personal account are provided to individuals and legal entities after verification of their right to act on behalf of the applicant. Application forms for participation in the Award by nomination are available in your personal account. The number of applications from one user is not limited, but other restrictions set out in these regulations apply.

The number of nominees in each category and the number of Award nominations are established by the Organizer of the Award. The number of nominees can be unlimited.

Selection committee within four days from the moment the collection of works is completed, checks the correct distribution of uploaded works into nominations and their compliance with the requirements of the competition.

All candidates who meet the requirements of the competition are included in the list of Award nominees, which is voted on by members of the Jury. The Selection Committee assesses the compliance of works with the requirements of the competition.

In case of discovered non-compliance of works with the requirements of the competition, the Selection Committee immediately informs the applicant, who has the right to submit another work for the competition before the deadline for accepting works. If an applicant refuses, the Selection Committee has the right to take measures in accordance with these regulations, including exclusion from the list of nominees, data correction, transfer to another nomination with the consent of the applicant, etc.

The selection committee also coordinates the nomination with the nominees. If a nominee refuses to participate in the RNMP, the nominee’s work will not be considered for the Prize.

General requirements for work

We will accept for consideration works that were publicly released for the first time (on radio and/or television or published during this period in any legal way) in the period from October 2, 2018 to September 1, 2019 inclusive. Works published outside this period of time will not be accepted for participation in the competition.

The selection committee has the right to allow songs to participate outside the declared competition period if this song received a wide public response or large-scale distribution on radio/television during the competition period.

Nominees must comply with the genre and format stated in the nomination.

Requirements for works in individual categories

The work nominated for the Prize can be simultaneously presented only in one of the following nominations: “Best Pop Performer”, “Best Pop Performer”, “Best Pop Group”, “Best Rock Group, Rock Performer”, “Best Hip-Hop Artist”, “Urban Romance”, “Dance Hit of the Year”. Thus, one work cannot be nominated in several of the above categories at once. The work must be nominated in the category that to the greatest extent matches its genre. Duplication of work in other categories (“Best Music Video”, “Composer of the Year”, “Poet of the Year”, “Song of the Year”) is not prohibited.

The “Discovery of the Year” nomination is closed for applications. The Prize winner in this category is elected by decision of the Council of the Foundation for the Support of Russian Music

Track by any male pop artist

Best Pop Artist

Track by any female pop singer

Best Pop Group

Best rock band, rock performer

Track by any rock band, rock artist or rock singer

Instrumentalist of the Year classical music

Recording of any classical piece of music performed on one instrument (piano, violin, flute, etc.). We accept for consideration both compositions performed on one musical instrument, and solo parts to the accompaniment of other musical instruments.

Vocalist of the Year in Classical Music

Recording of any classical piece of music with a vocal part. Only recordings with one vocal part will be accepted for consideration. Musical accompaniment the vocal part does not participate in the evaluation of the nominee.

Poet of the Year

A recording of any musical work that uses an original poetic text. Both compositions in which the performer is the author of the text and third parties are accepted for consideration. The nominee is the author of the song's lyrics. The music for the song is not included in the evaluation of the nominee. Only texts published publicly for the first time (on radio and/or television, or published during this period in any legal way) between October 2, 2018 and September 1, 2019 will be accepted for consideration.

Best song (melody) for a movie or TV series

Any music track that has been used in a film or television series. The composition and film or television series must be publicly released for the first time (on radio and/or television, and/or in cinemas, or published in any legal way) between October 2, 2018 and ending September 1, 2019.

Best Hip Hop Artist

Any hip-hop or rap music track.

Urban romance

A musical work belonging to the styles "bard song", "Russian chanson". Compositions must be based on folklore traditions and be distinguished by a complex text filled with complete meaning or a story told in musical and poetic form.

Dance hit of the year

Any music track in a modern dance style

Best Music Video

Any music video. To participate in this nomination, the recording of the concert must be uploaded to a publicly accessible video hosting site (recommended video hosting site is YouTube).

Composer of the Year

Any music track. The nominee is the author of the music for the work.

Concert of the year

The following music festivals are eligible for the award in this category: solo concerts performers, group concerts and music shows. Musicals and opera productions are not allowed. To participate in this nomination, the recording of the concert must be uploaded to a publicly accessible video hosting site (recommended video hosting site is YouTube).

Song of the Year

The best, professional, outstanding musical composition, including words, music, arrangement, that appeared during the competition period. At the discretion of the applicant, a work submitted in any suitable nomination may be nominated in the “Song of the Year” category.

Best Pop Artist

Track of any pop group

Technical requirements for applications for participation:

In the nominations “Best Pop Performer”, “Best Pop Performer”, “Best Pop Group”, “Best Rock Group, Rock Performer”, “Poet of the Year”, “Best Song (Melody) for a Movie or TV Series” , “Best Hip-Hop Artist”, “Urban Romance”, “Dance Hit of the Year”, “Composer of the Year”, “Song of the Year”, to participate in the competition, musical works must be uploaded in MP3 format to the Award website through the user’s personal account in the form submitting an application for participation. In addition to the music file, it is necessary to provide output data and other information about the work, which is indicated as mandatory in the application form for participation on the Award website.

In the nominations “Best Music Video” and “Concert of the Year”, in order to participate in the competition, video files with a music video or recording of a concert must be uploaded to a publicly accessible video hosting site (the recommended video hosting site is YouTube), and the video recording must be open for public viewing. The link to the video recording must be indicated in the appropriate field in the application form for participation on the Award website, along with other data that is marked as mandatory in the application form for participation.

In the nominations “Instrumentalist of the Year in Classical Music” and “Vocalist of the Year in Classical Music”, in order to participate in the competition, video files with a recording of the performance can be uploaded to a public video hosting (recommended video hosting is YouTube), or an audio recording of the performance can be uploaded in MP3 format to the Award website through the user’s personal account in the application form for participation. In addition to the audio recording or link to the video recording of the performance, it is necessary to provide output data and other information about the work, which is indicated as mandatory in the application form for participation on the Prize website.


The selection of candidates for each Award nomination is carried out through closed remote voting by members of the Award Jury based on personal opinion.

Each member of the Jury selects 1 (one) position in each nomination from the proposed works.

Members of the Jury are prohibited from transferring their login and password to third parties, disclosing voting results, transferring their votes by proxy or “gentleman’s” agreement, or making a choice in favor of certain nominees in the interests of third parties.

In the nominations “Best Pop Performer”, “Best Pop Performer”, “Best Pop Group”, “Best Rock Group or Rock Performer”, “Best Song (Melody) for a Movie or TV Series”, “Urban Romance” , “Best Hip-Hop Artist”, “Song of the Year” evaluates the quality of a musical work in its entirety: instrumental line, lyrics, melody, vocal performance, etc. Jury members can take into account not only the musical qualities of the song, but also others factors: popularity, frequency of rotation on radio stations, public outcry, etc.

In the nominations “Instrumentalist of the Year in Classical Music” and “Vocalist of the Year in Classical Music” the mastery of instrumental or vocal performance classic work.

The “Poet of the Year” nomination evaluates the best lyrics to a song written in Russian. The musical accompaniment of poetry should not affect the evaluation of the text.

In the “Best Music Video” nomination, only the quality of the video material is assessed. The musical merits of the song should not influence the rating of the video.

In the “Composer of the Year” nomination, the quality of a musical work is assessed from the point of view of composition, excluding vocals.

In the “Concert of the Year” nomination, solo concerts, music festivals, and group concerts are evaluated in terms of visual presentation, quality of artist performance, mastery of using modern technical means, etc.

In the “Discovery of the Year” nomination, the laureate is selected by the Council of the Foundation for the Support of Russian Music.

After determining the finalists of the Award in the “Song of the Year” nomination, taking into account the significance of this nomination, the final decision on awarding the Award can be made during an open, face-to-face discussion and subsequent open voting with the participation of leading members of the Foundation Council, as well as a working group consisting of respected and honored members of the AWP. Current lineup working group is announced annually before the start of voting and is not permanent.

The number of finalists in each nomination is determined by the Competition Organizer and is 5 works in each nomination.

In the event that several nominees receive the largest equal number of votes, all such nominees are considered winners of the Award in this nomination.

Award finalists are nominees who received greatest number votes during voting. The auditing company ensures the safety and secrecy of voting data for any third parties and members of the Jury.

The winner of the Prize in each nomination is 1 (one) of the nominees who received the largest number of votes.


Information about the Prize nominees is posted on the Prize's official website on the Internet after the vote count is completed.

The list of finalists is announced at a specially organized press conference or in another way that ensures maximum public awareness of the preliminary results of the RNMP. Information about the winners is kept secret until it is made public during the Award ceremony. The time for summing up the interim voting results and their publication is set by the Organizer of the Award.

The Auditor of the Prize sums up the voting results of the Jury based on the data automated system voting by total summation of votes and classifies the data. Based on the results of the competition, the Prize Auditor seals names and surnames (names of works or musical groups), winners in each category separately

The sealed envelopes are kept by the Prize Auditor until the day of the award ceremony. During the ceremony, the President of the Academy hands over envelopes to the presenters of the ceremony for the public announcement of the winners of the Award by the presenters of the Award ceremony directly on stage.

Information about the winners and finalists of the Award is posted on the official website of the Award on the Internet after their official publication.



The award ceremony for the winners and laureates of the Prize is held in a solemn atmosphere.

The names of the Prize winners are not disclosed until the moment of presentation of the Prize awards to them.

An indispensable condition for the ceremonial presentation of the Prize is the personal presence of the laureate or his authorized person at the presentation ceremony. The absence of the laureate or his officially authorized person at the Award Ceremony reserves the right of the Foundation Council to cancel the results and declare the winner the nominee who received the most votes after the laureate.



This Regulation comes into force from the date of its approval (signing) by the President of the Prize.

These Regulations may be changed and/or supplemented by decision of the Prize Organizer, if necessary, related to the adjustment of regulations or other provisions, in order to improve the Prize.

Any requirements of citizens and/or legal entities related to the organization and holding of the Prize or participation in it, and/or arising from these Regulations, as well as their consequences, are not subject to judicial protection, except in cases expressly provided for by current legislation Russian Federation.

All disputes and disagreements that may arise in connection with the conduct of the Prize and its results, as well as those related to the conduct of events for the purpose of awarding the Prize and/or arising from these Regulations and/or directly or indirectly related to it, shall be resolved through negotiations.

The headings in these Regulations are given solely for the convenience of working with the text and should not be taken into account. The headings to sections and paragraphs, as well as their numbering, are for reference purposes only and do not define, limit or change the meaning, content or interpretation of this Statement.

The results of the Award are announced on the official website of the Award and in the media.

Buy tickets for the First Russian National Music Award concert on the website. The first Russian national music award - concert in Moscow, at the State Kremlin Palace, December 7, 2016. Book and buy tickets for the First Russian National Music Award concert without extra charge, at official prices on the website and by phone 8 800 550-55-99.

On December 7, the First Russian National Music Award will be held in the Kremlin for the first time. Stars of various musical genres and trends will perform at the most important concert venue in Russia, whose work was highly appreciated by the experts of the professional jury. Authoritative representatives of Russian show business will walk along the red carpet in luxurious outfits this evening, famous athletes, theater and film actors, popular celebrities and businessmen.

The first Russian national music award based on the results of 2016 is a grandiose show with awarding winners in more than 10 categories (best pop artist, best rock artist, dance hit of the year, best music video, discovery of the year in classical music, etc. ). The concert will be attended by: Grigory Leps, Anton Belyaev and “THER MAITS”, Polina Gagarina, Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan, Elka, Sergey Lazarev, Ani Lorak, “IOWA”, “Chaif”, Denis Matsuev, “Casta”, Kristina Orbakaite , Valeria and many, many others. Special guest - CHRISTINA AGUILERA.

The composition of the award jury is already known. It included: Denis Matsuev, Alla Pugacheva, Lev Leshchenko, Valery Meladze, Igor Matvienko, Konstantin Meladze, Igor Butman, Alexander Gradsky, Nikolai Rastorguev, Anna Netrebko, Yuri Antonov, Tatyana Antsiferova, chief producer of entertainment broadcasting of TC "Russia" Gennady Gokhshtein , general producer of Channel One Alexander Fayfman, general manager MUZ-TV Arman Davletyarov, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Fyodor Bondarchuk, company directors: First Music Publishing House, Sony Music, Warner Music, Universal Music, composers and producers: Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Matetsky, Joseph Prigozhin, Victor Drobysh, Yana Rudkovskaya, Dmitry Groysman , legendary authors and performers Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Rosenbaum, Alexander Kutikov and many other celebrities.

The host of the evening is Sergei Svetlakov.

The First Russian National Music Award Ceremony will be broadcast on the Rossiya1 TV channel on December 9.

Don't miss the brightest musical event of this year at the State Kremlin Palace!

Buy tickets without extra charge for the First Russian National Music Award. - official dealer good mood!

Would you like to see something similar with your own eyes?

103132, Moscow, Kremlin, State Kremlin Palace

Organizer: Foundation "Academy of Russian Music"

The Russian National Music Award is one of the most important music awards in Russia. RNMP was founded by the Foundation for Supporting Russian Music “Academy of Russian Music” in the fall of 2016.

December 7, 2016 at Kremlin Palace The ceremony of presenting the “Russian National Music Award” will take place. The best of the best will receive a personalized figurine designed by Alexei Sechenov and Antoine Simani. “Girl in headphones” - this is exactly what the award for the main Music Award of the country looks like, which will be received by the best of the best in 15 categories. Spectators will have a rare opportunity to see a real starfall in the Kremlin Palace on December 7, since in the Kremlin on this holiday Russian music Almost all the stars of domestic show business and media personalities promise to attend the day. Spectators and guests will enjoy a modern show and vibrant performances by such recognized artists as Grigory Leps, the Chaif ​​and Lyube groups, Dima Bilan, Yolka, Sergei Lazarev, the Casta group and others.

This year, jury members will select the best of the best in the following categories:
1. Best Pop Artist
2. Best Pop Artist
3. Best Pop Group
4. Best Rock Band or Artist
5. Instrumentalist of the Year in Classical Music
6. Discovery of the year in classical music
7. Vocalist of the Year in Classical Music
8. Poet of the Year
9. Best song (melody) for a movie or TV series
10. Best hip-hop project
11. Urban romance
12. Dance hit of the year
13. Best Music Video
14. Composer of the Year
15. Song of the year
16. Best concert show

The Russian National Music Award (RNMP) was established by the Foundation for Support of Russian Music “Academy of Russian Music” (ARM) on the initiative of Russian production centers and popular artists, as well as a number of representatives of electronic media mass media in order to form a generally recognized tool for assessing the work of musicians, performers, and authors in the Russian Federation musical works.

The award does not promote any of the current players in the music or media market. RNPM also does not cancel competition and competition between members of the Academy and members of the Jury, does not destroy existing business and creative unions and does not create new ones.

The Prize Jury included: Denis Matsuev, Alla Pugacheva, Lev Leshenko, Valery Meladze, Igor Matvienko, Konstantin Meladze, Igor Butman, Alexander Gradsky, Nikolai Rastorguev, Anna Netrebko, Yuri Antonov, Tatyana Antsiferova, chief producer of entertainment broadcasting of TK Rossiya Gennady Gokhshtein, general producer of Channel One Alexander Faifman, general director of MUZ-TV Arman Davletyarov, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Fyodor Bondarchuk, heads of companies First Music Publishing House, Sony Music, Warner Music, Universal Music, composers and producers Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Matetsky , Joseph Prigozhin, Victor Drobysh, Yana Rudkovskaya, Dmitry Groysman, legendary authors and performers Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Rosenbaum, Alexander Kutikov and many other honored people.

Fans of the popular foreign singer Christina Aguilera is looking forward to the appearance of their idol in Moscow at the final of the Russian National Music Award on December 7 in the Kremlin. One of the most sought-after stars in world show business will perform at Russian stage with your famous hits and will undoubtedly give the audience unforgettable experience not only from beautiful voice, but also from the brilliant numbers that she promises to bring. Winner of four Grammy Awards, most popular singer With a total of more than 70 million albums sold, Christina Aguilera will be a special guest of the Awards.

Russian National Music Award 2016 watch online (broadcast 12/9/2016). The solemn ceremony of the Russian Music Award under the leadership of presenter Sergei Svetlakov (yes, they replaced him!) took place in the Kremlin. The country's best musicians of the outgoing year will be recognized in 16 categories and the first winners of the national award will be determined.

It is gratifying that this musical forum will cover virtually all global trends in music in the most general sense, of course: pop, rock, classical. Without fail, in addition to the vocalists themselves, the authors of musical works (best composer, poet) will also receive their awards. As a result, we will finally decide: What song will officially become the main hit of 2016?

Russian National Music Award 2016 watch online

And the audience was entertained, in addition to the nominees themselves and the host of the show, by the stars of Russian music: Leps, Lazarev, Bilan, Lyube, Elka and so on, as well as a world-class star specially invited to the ceremony, one of the most titled artist-vocalists Christina Aguilera.

Winners of the 2016 Russian National Music Award (16 videos)

Select a video clip from the list:

Best pop vocalist 2016 DIMA BILAN “Indivisible” Best pop vocalist 2016 YELKA I warm happiness Best pop group 2016 A-STUDIO Only with you Best rock group and Best Video 2016 LENINGRAD Exhibit Best Poet 2016 LEONID AGUTIN Father is next to you Best song for the film 2016 PHILIP KIRKOROV About love (Crew) Best Hip-Hop 2016 BASTA Graduation Best romance 2016 SEMYON SLEPAKOV Have a good mood Best dance hit 2016 MONATIK Spinning Best Composer 2016 KONSTANTIN MELADZE My brother Best Song 2016 LENINGRAD - In St. Petersburg - Drink! Best concert show 2016 PHILIP KIRKOROV - Show I Best performer (classical) 2016 ANNA NETREBKO Credo Best instrumentalist 2016 (classical) DENIS MATSUEV Opening 2016 in classical music ROSTISLAV MUDRITSKY Special guest CHRISTINA AGUILERA - Burlesque (Express)

  • Pop vocalist - Dima Bilan"Indivisible"
  • Rock vocalist/band — Leningrad"Exhibit"
  • Pop vocalist - Christmas tree"Warming up happiness"
  • Pop group - A-Studio"Only with you"
  • Movie song - Filip Kirkorov“About Love” (film “Crew”)
  • Romance - Semyon Slepakov"Have a good mood"
  • Dance hit - Monatik"Spins"
  • Hip-Hop Project - Basta"Outlet"
  • Best song of 2016 - Leningrad“In St. Petersburg - drink!”
  • Poet-text writer - Leonid Agutin"Father is next to you"
  • Composer - Konstantin Meladze"My brother"
  • Video clip - Leningrad"Exhibit"
  • Concert Show - Philip Kirkorov"Show "I"
  • Musician (classical) - Denis Matsuev"Cinema Night in Moscow"
  • Vocalist (classical) - Anna Netrebko"Credo"
  • Discovery in classical music - Rostislav Mudritsky