Iowa husband. Katya IOWA: you need to look for your own style, your own face, your own trick. Which of your songs is currently your favorite?

Composition of the IOWA group on at the moment:
Ekaterina Ivanchikova - vocals
Leonid Tereshchenko - guitar
Vasily Bulanov - drums
Andrey Artemyev - keyboards
Vadik Kotletkin - bass guitar

IOWA- This is a bright, original band that combines unique female vocals and melody, sincere feelings and charisma, beauty and femininity. The guys appeared unexpectedly out of nowhere, and also unexpectedly they were recognized by all the leading media structures of the country. Unexpected, but deserved. It is impossible to escape fame if you really deserve it. Their debut video on the Internet was watched by several tens of thousands of people in a couple of days.

Their works were immediately put into rotation on MTV and many other channels and radio stations, reports They are invited to all major city festivals. In just a few months they have already visited many cities in Russia. People loved them.

About the Group

I.O.W.A. (Idiots Out Wandering Around) is an American idiom.

Translated: “You can’t hide the truth.”

Examine every cell of the human body and you will not find the gene responsible for the perception of music... Having gathered together, the group members formed a unique gene I.O.W.A., becoming one, alny whole.

The group was born in 2009 in Belarus. And already in 2010, after a series of successful acoustic concerts in St. Petersburg, the vocalist of the group, together with the guitarist, made an informed decision to move to Russia. To St. Petersburg.

For whom and what is our music about?

We do not fall into the search for what is visible to the touch, we do not try to add mysticism to our songs. We quickly write small, but nevertheless significant stories about positive melancholy, beautiful loneliness, in which a person is able to create; about LOVE, without which he is not able to create. Our music is for everyone who cares about it.

I.O.W.A. - this is more, wider and more diverse than music limited by one genre. This is also evidenced by the fact that our instrumental music is heard in the one-act play “... means I’m alive,” which was presented at the international festival IFMC in Belarus.

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Katya "I.O.W.A." Ivanchikova (vocals, lyrics, set design)
Even in the 8th month of pregnancy, my mother danced in a group, the Russian dance “Round Dance”.
So, I can say that I started performing on stage in the 8th month of my mother’s pregnancy...
1992 - First time on stage. Took 1st place in the regional competition among kindergartens;
1994 - Started keeping a diary. First 1st entry: “I know that I will become a singer!” I started writing my first poems;

2002 - Studied academic singing at a music school;
2003 - Graduated music school in choreography and drawing class! Started writing my own songs;
2005 - Became a finalist in the Belarusian television projects “Stargazer”, “Star Stagecoach”, “Hit-Moment”;
2007 - Became a soloist in the Russian musical “THE PROPHET” / St. Petersburg;
2008 - Performed as an opening act for the group “Animal Jazz”, became a participant in a one-act performance based on the music of the group I.O.W.A. “...that means I live,” which won the international competition “IFMS”;
2009 - Starred in the short film “Meeting”

Leonid "LENNY" Tereshchenko (rhythm and solo guitar, music, arrangement)
Since childhood, I have shown creative abilities and a passion for the stage. As a child, according to his parents, he took a broom in his hands and sang M. Boyarsky’s songs throughout the apartment. Graduated high school with an aesthetic bias. In high school I drew guitars and names on my desk famous rock bands. For which I was an active participant in general cleaning of the classroom... and all creative evenings...
1999 - One day, having seen a guitarist play live at one of the concerts, he fell ill with music. Being extremely interested in the guitar, I decided to take private lessons. He entered the Mogilev Music College named after. Rimsky-Korsakov. During his studies, he became a laureate of prestigious international competitions and festivals. Actively led concert activities. In parallel with classical music was actively interested in the art of arrangement.
2004 - After graduating from college, he was invited to perform in the USA. All efforts and aspirations were directed to this area, however, leaving for several years was impossible, since a visa was refused more than once.
2005 - Received an invitation to work at the Spamash production center in Minsk. He worked as an arranger and session man with “Belarusian pop stars”. I give private guitar lessons. I work in the group I.O.W.A.

Vasily “VASE. M" Bulanov (drums)
The first thing that seriously shocked me in my life was King Michael ( Michael Jackson). I tried to copy him, found shirts, hung all sorts of danglers on them. In front of the mirror I tried to repeat his movements. Made wigs from laces...
Somehow I found out that one institution was recruiting musical ensemble. This was the Palace of Pioneers. There I picked up drumsticks for the first time and realized that I would like to do this in the future. Reporting concerts in the city districts and other performances drew me more and more into creative activity. The first group was moving in the “punk” direction, and that’s when I first felt the drive and power of rock music. This attracted me, and I decided on the style that I would like to perform. Tried myself in different groups and projects. From everything I extracted what I needed for further growth. Over time, playing drums became more than a hobby. Video school classes have yielded results. I give private lessons in playing percussion instruments.
Since 2009 I have been working in the group I.O.W.A.

Official page of the IOWA group on VKontakte:

Ekaterina Ivanchikova – popular singer, songwriter and creator of the group “IOWA”, originally from Belarus, was born on August 18, 1987.


The girl’s childhood was creative, although she was born into a simple family that had nothing to do with art. But, noticing the baby’s artistic abilities that emerged very early, the father and mother made great efforts to develop their daughter’s talents and provide her with good education and a wonderful future, for which Katya is very grateful to them.

In turn, she was a problem-free child who studied diligently and obeyed her parents. The only reason for periodically arising disagreements were homeless animals, which compassionate Katya constantly dragged into the house.

While she grew up, cats, dogs, birds and even small rodents managed to visit the apartment. However, the girl had less and less time for them every year.

In parallel with regular school, Katya enjoyed studying in music school. A little later, dancing was added to the music. As a teenager, she also became interested in drawing. And having fallen in love, while still very young, she suddenly began to write poetry and compose her own songs. Naturally, about love.

That’s when the idea of ​​creating her own musical group first occurred to the young hothead.

First steps

And although Katya saw herself in her dreams famous singer, performing original songs, but seriousness and prudence prevailed when the question of choosing a profession arose. The girl entered the Faculty of Philology and at the same time graduated from the Faculty of Journalism. This is what it means to be able to do everything at once, which she developed at school.

In 2009, Katya moved to Mogilev, where she began working in her specialty. However, the childhood dream of having her own group can’t get out of her head. Being a regular at various musical parties, Katya meets fellow musicians who later formed the backbone of the Iowa group.

The repertoire was based on songs composed by Katya in modern youth arrangements. Later, guitarist Lenya Tereshchenko joined in writing music.

The group tries to perform at every opportunity, and soon enough they begin to be invited to various clubs, including capital ones, and to corporate events. The popularity of guys in Belarus is growing every day. But this is not enough for young artists. Having saved up some money and created a full-fledged and fairly high-quality repertoire, the guys decide to go to Moscow.

Conquest of Moscow

The Russian capital received them coldly, as, indeed, it receives all strangers without serious connections or substantial sums of money. It is clear that the guys had neither one nor the other. The accumulated savings quickly disappeared. And during this time they failed to find not only a music producer, but even a stable job in a decent metropolitan club.

IOWA Group

In order to somehow stay afloat, musicians begin to play on the streets and passages. This brings in a small but constant income that allows you to survive in big city. Who knows how soon even stubborn Katya, who was the ideological inspirer of the team and the initiator of the move, would have given up if not for the chance given to them by fate.

During this period, a new music show “Red Star” was launched on one of the TV channels in Moscow. The talented guys went to test their strength and passed the casting surprisingly easily. This is how they first appeared on one of the central TV channels. The audience liked the group, but literally a month later no one remembered them.

However, how former members television shows they were already being considered more seriously in clubs, so the first stable earnings appeared. Realizing that they won’t last long, Katya persuades the guys to spend their newly accumulated small savings on a video clip. After a short search, we managed to find the artist behind this idea, and within a few weeks the group’s first video for the song “Mama” appeared on YouTube.

In the first week alone, the clip received more than a million views. After that, the guys managed to find a sponsor who helped them go to a youth music festival. New wave» to Jurmala. And although the group did not receive any prize, they managed to make themselves known quite loudly and gain thousands of fans - the festival was broadcast on all central channels.

Today, the Iowa group has become successful and popular. The guys shot and aired six more videos, and their repertoire already includes several dozen high-quality compositions. The group has large creative plans, but nevertheless they continue to work to improve their professional skills, believing that even light music it must be performed efficiently.

Personal life

Katya Ivanchikova carefully protects her personal life from journalists. Many people are surprised how such a smart and beautiful woman manages to remain alone. But in early years Katya was burned in her first relationship and for a long time was not ready to start another. And when the heart wound healed, she completely devoted herself to music - her only love in those years there was “Iowa”.

Until now, no one knows 100% whether Katya even has a permanent boyfriend. Online publications are full of various gossip and photographs of men who are passed off as “Ivanchikova’s husband.” But what we know for sure is that there is no stamp about legal marriage in the singer’s passport. And she herself said in one of her interviews that her heart is free, but the moral requirements for her chosen one are high.

IOWA (pronounced Iowa) - Belarusian-Russian music group, performing in the genres of pop and soul. The group's work is aimed at a youth audience.

The name IOWA is a reference to music album Iowa by American metal band Slipknot: early in their career, the band's vocalist Ekaterina Ivanchikova experimented with heavy music and received the nickname Iowa after the album. Also on the old website of the group the following interpretation of the name was given: I.O.W.A. (Idiots Out Wandering Around) is an American idiom. Translated: “You can’t hide the truth.” But if translated literally, it roughly means “wandering idiots.” It also has a lot to do with Iowa, where many farmers live and everything closes early. And so they have no choice but to hang around and engage in other small-minded entertainment.

The IOWA group was formed in 2009 in Mogilev. In 2010, after a number of concerts in St. Petersburg, the group decided to move to St. Petersburg, where the band members live to this day. Producer - Oleg Baranov.

The vocalist of the group, Ekaterina Ivanchikova, sang in Ilya Oleinikov’s musical “The Prophet” in 2008.

In March, the group became a participant in the TV show “Red Star on First”.

In May, the video for the song “Mama” collected the first million views.

In July, the group represented Russia at the “New Wave” competition, where they received a special prize “Choice of Love Radio Listeners.” The group also received several positive reviews from Valeria and Nelly Furtado.

In December 2012, the song “Mama” was included in reporting concert"Red Star: 20 best songs 2012."

In 2012 at the Belarusian National music award, conducted by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the group received the title “Discovery of the Year”.

In March, they performed the song “Mama” on the TV show “Big Dances” for the Volgograd team.

In 2014, the group released their sixth video, “Spring”. In April 2014, IOWA released a new single, “The Same Thing.” This song also became the soundtrack to the TV series "Kitchen". The group's single "Simple Song" in the same month became one of the soundtracks for the TV series "Fizruk". On May 14, 2014, the group’s single “Smile” again took first place in the Russian iTunes top chart. On May 18, 2014, IOWA performed at shopping center"VEGAS" at the "Party Zone" at the birthday party of the Muz-TV channel. In June 2014, the group’s single “Smile” became one of the soundtracks for the TV series “Sweet Life” and “Kitchen”.

The song “Smile” took second place among the best-selling Russian-language songs on iTunes for the first half of 2014. In the fall, the video for the song “Smile” received 3 million views on YouTube. On October 12, the IOWA group together with the group “Zveri” gave a concert in the Sochi Olympic Park as part of entertainment program at the end of the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix; The group's fee for this performance amounted to 1.3 million rubles.

On January 28, 2015, the video “The Same Thing” was released, directed by Vladimir Besedin. The group also won the prize "For Popularization Belarusian music abroad" at the national Belarusian music award "Lira".

Group composition

IOWA is a group originally from Belarus. She became popular thanks to a new and unique style, a quirky mixture of jazz, pop and R&B, which was soon nicknamed indie pop. At the very beginning of her career, the band's vocalist Ekaterina Ivanchikova, choosing her own style, experimented with heavy music, during which she received the nickname Iowa.

The singer's devoted and attentive fans have put forward their own version of the origin of the group's name, saying that it comes from the American idiom IOWA (to wander around idle). Also the name is directly related to the state in North America Iowa, where most people are farmers, all the stores close early, so people living there have no choice but to hang around and look for entertainment elsewhere.

The group has a simple composition - guitarist, lead singer, drummer.

Guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko studied at Moscow State University music school named after Rimsky-Korsakov. I would be very happy to play a duet with the outstanding guitarist Al Di Meola. He is also proud that his dreams come true every day: “As they say, if you don’t want to work your whole life, do what you love!”

Leonid organized his first “solo” concerts as a child. “When I was sitting on the floor, holding brooms and loudly singing the hit “Apples of Stallions,” my mother immediately realized that she had to do something about it,” Tereshchenko laughs. As a child, he received the nickname The White, but still does not know why.

One of family traditions Leonida - drink tea from very large mugs. He listens to and loves completely different music: “The main thing is professional performance, personal contact with stage image, voice and sincerity.” Leonid believes that simplicity is the mother of health, so he tries to live every day “like his last,” because the main thing is to remain yourself.

He would be happy to attend the concert music XVII century, and listen to the works of Bach performed by the author. “Competitions have always meant great experience! I'm looking forward to unique emotions, meetings and atmosphere! This is the step I want to take! New experience and development. I wish all finalists to remain themselves! »

Vasily Bulatov- drummer of the band. He took part in competitions where the first prizes were performances along with famous artists. Vasily devotes his all free time learning the basics of sound engineering. Enjoys swimming. He admits that he would gladly sing a duet with A. Levin (lead singer of the group “Maroon 5”) or accompany him as a drummer instead of M. Flint.

Bulanov wants to visit the place where Michael Jackson is buried, ride on a really big yacht and go scuba diving. He is proud that his mother is happy with him. At the age of 15, Vasily asked his mother to buy him a guitar, this was the first step into the world of music.

“After a while I changed my guitar and sat down at the drum kit,” the musician laughs. His favorite holiday is Victory Day. As a child, he had the nickname Red. “I imagined that I was singing and playing in front of a million people, it gave me a real thrill.”

Bulanov is interested in the history of the period of Peter the Great.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova studied at Belorussian state university named after M. Tank (its main subject is philology Belarusian language, journalism).

Ekaterina - finalist television project“Star Stagecoach”, “Stairway to Heaven” (Belarus). She loves to draw. Ekaterina is now happy to combine rest and work: “These are our road tours of Russian cities with the IOWA group.

Every far corner of Russia has its own unique cuisine and traditions! You work, relax and fill in the gaps in your geography course.” She prefers Vivienne Westwood's bold clothing style, as well as a combination of retro and modern. “When I was five years old, I announced to everyone that I wanted to become a singer. After a few years, the family got used to this information.”

She loves different music, regardless of genres and trends: “The important thing is that it must be professional, sincere and creative. I love the style of Lady of the Throne, its way of presentation. Or the exact opposite of this music: “Guano Apes.” Her favorite holiday New Year: “New Year is a kind of holiday, only it is for the soul, not for the body. If something goes wrong, there is always a chance to start over.” She doesn't believe in omens, she believes in God.

Back in 2008, vocalist Ekaterina Ivanchikova sang in the musical Prophet Ilya Oleynikov. And in 2009, the IOWA group was formed in Mogilev. IN music world came in 2009, after a series of successful concerts in St. Petersburg.

As a result, they settled there permanently, where the members and producer of the group Oleg Baranov still live today. They continue to gain popularity, huge audiences at concerts and millions of views on music videos. In March 2012, she became a participant in the popular TV show “Red Star” on the first.

In July of the same year, the group represented Russia on a new wave. At the beginning of 2014, she released her sixth video, this time for the song “Spring”. One of IOWA became the soundtrack to the Russian popular TV series “Kitchen”.

The group is a laureate International competition classical guitar players in Belgorod; she is also the first prize-winner of the republican competition “Stairway to Heaven”.

Video clip "Beats the Beat" IOWA groups:

Katya, when did you realize that your calling was to sing? Do you remember your first performance on stage?

Katya Ivanchikova Photo: IOWA Press Service

I have been singing as long as I can remember - from early childhood: and in kindergarten, and at school, and then at competitions and all sorts of events. For me, singing is as natural as breathing, eating, walking, sleeping... And the first time I performed on stage was in... my mother’s belly. She danced Russian folk dance in the 9th month of pregnancy. Now I understand that, in fact, I didn’t know how to sing until I was 20 years old - I just learned, and I’m still learning now. It was this desire to learn, and charisma that were the most important for the young musician. I learned from every project I took part in, from every teacher. Sometimes two weeks of intensive classes can give more than a year of study at the institute, because you understand that you need this knowledge like air. At first there was a children's art house, then I took academic vocal lessons. My teacher Anatoly Mikhailovich Ostafiychuk - a musician, conductor, wrote scores for large orchestras - wanted me to go to university and study further. But I went my own way. He gave me a lot, and I am grateful to him for believing in me so much. I even studied in the queue of the Star Stagecoach project. Imagine, 6 thousand young talents stand in one line for several days in a row. We didn't see each other as rivals: we were friends. They shared their experiences with each other and bawled popular songs in the foyer. And it was very cool!

- And if we talk about celebrities - who did you listen to, who did you learn from? And how did you create your group?

I come from a small Belarusian town near Mogilev. I was looking for like-minded people from the age of 15. In those years I listened to Russian rock: Zemfira, the collections “Brother” and “Brother-2”: this is Butusov, “Agatha Christie”. Among the foreign bands I liked The Cardigans, Nirvana, Guano Apes. In adolescence, the soul protests against everything, and music comes to the rescue. I experimented, “interfered,” mixed, “screamed”... When I decided to create a group, I was 18. By that time, I had a clear idea of ​​what kind of project I wanted to do. My friends called me and said that there were talented guys in Mogilev who would definitely suit me. They turned out to be Lenya and Vasya (Leonid Tereshchenko and Vasily Bulanov. - Ed.) True, it was not easy to get them into your team. Lenya, for example, didn’t come to the first rehearsal at all! I persuaded him over the phone, sent him countless SMS messages. As a result, he could not stand my pressure and came. We, one might say, “played together” the first time. Now I don’t remember what we sang: something in “gibberish” from the category of “what I see, I sing about.” Soon we felt crowded in Mogilev, we decided to move to St. Petersburg. I wanted scope, creativity, development! Of course it wasn't easy. To earn money for food and housing, I got a job in a toy store. Not everyone who came there could afford to buy something, so I started making toys myself and giving them to such people for free. I don’t understand how I wasn’t fired then! (Laughs). We performed at apartment buildings, in bars, and just sang on the street. And it was an incredible thrill: to stand, for example, on Malaya Sadovaya in the middle of all these palaces and fountains - and understand that this is not scenery, everything is real. And people are walking by, and suddenly you catch them - and they stop. Then we performed at the Open Windows festival, participated in the Channel One show Red Star, then received a special prize at the New Wave... A lot has happened in seven years. Step by step they walked towards their goal and won over their listeners. Now there is fame and popularity, but we are only at the beginning of the journey. In our team there are no problems, no quarrels, we are all excited at work, bursting with ideas.

- How do you rest?

I rest when my energy is directed in the right direction. It's important for me to do something useful. I’m not saying that it’s bad to lie around the TV and watch TV series; I myself sometimes sin with this. But I am always burning with some ideas and have not yet fully explored all the corners of my space. Right now I have two desires: to drive a car and learn French. I want to record a hit in French. The first one will be “Minibus”, we are already working on it. I also like to make surprises. Just the other day I returned from Paris, where I went with my mother. She had dreamed of seeing Notre Dame all her life, and I finally made her dream come true. The main thing is to live and enjoy. Work and enjoy, relax and enjoy.

Stars who voiced the characters in the cartoon “Wolves and Sheep” Photo: Julia Dali

- Voicing a character in the cartoon “Wolves and Sheep: Crazy Transformation” - is this another experiment?

Certainly! After all, this is a new experience for me. I’ve already voiced a cartoon before, but it wasn’t such a big role. The director literally told me in 20 minutes what and how to do. And he gave me special exercises in advance that helped me a lot. In general, I am very grateful to the creators of the cartoon for giving me a chance again. In addition, in “Wolves and Sheep,” which is released on April 28, I also sing. The main topic became our track “Stay Yourself”.

Katya IOWA Photo: Instagram

- Katya, it recently became known that you and the band’s guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko got married...

There hasn't been a wedding yet. We have been together for a long time and, of course, we think about this event. What will it be like: solemn and crowded - for all relatives or a modest holiday - for the two of us? Chic outfits - or jeans and sneakers? I can’t say that love between us arose at first sight. You know, sometimes you see a person and either intuition or something else comes into play inner feeling, but you understand: “He will take me away!” This thought has been spinning in my head since our very first meeting. And then everything somehow happened by itself. I never told anyone about this. We started working together and then we just became together. I am incredibly lucky; Lenya is a wonderful person. He has no flaws. I like his thinking. We are united by music, because music is our life. I have no idea how the representatives get along different professions. There is a belief that love lasts three years. Perhaps this is true. But if, besides love, people are connected by something else: interest, friendship, respect, then three years is far from the limit!