Michael Jackson. Secrets of life and death. Michael Jackson - biography, information, personal life

The video for the song Smooth Criminal left viewers scratching their heads over how Michael's dancers managed to defy gravity. The mystery turned out to be simple: during filming, Jackson and other artists in the video used strings in their shoes to support them.

But later, Michael Jackson, in collaboration with designers, actually managed to create anti-gravity boots. A special groove was built into the heel of the shoe, which clung to a pin that was pulled out of the stage at the right moment. Thanks to this invention, the famous movement was created in which the singer and his dancers could lean forward at an angle of almost 45 degrees.

Marriage to Lisa Marie Presley


Only three months have passed since the divorce of Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie and her first husband Danny Keogh, when the woman married Jackson. They say that the couple met at one of Michael's concerts in 1975, but their relationship began only in 1992. When Michael was accused of child molestation, Lisa supported him. The couple modestly got married in the Dominican Republic on May 26, 1994, and Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of the King of Rock and Roll, became the wife of the King of Pop. Michael and Lisa Marie divorced on January 18, 1996, although Lisa Marie said in an interview with Oprah that after the divorce, she and Michael traveled a lot together. The couple had no children. Later, the daughter of the legendary Presley admitted: “Michael really wanted children from me, but I was afraid that if we separated, we would then sue for custody of the kids.”

Accusations of child molestation: fact or fiction?

Michael Jackson was put on trial twice on charges of child molestation.

In 1993, he was accused of sexually assaulting 13-year-old Jordan Chandler. Jordan was a Jackson fan and often visited him at the Neverland Ranch. As a result, the parties entered into a settlement: Jackson paid Chandler’s family $22 million, and Jordan refused to testify against Michael.

In 2003, Michael was again charged with molesting 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo, also a regular guest of the famous amusement ranch. Jackson denied the accusation, saying the Arvizo family was simply trying to engage in extortion. The musician was arrested, but almost immediately released on bail. Michael's trial lasted from February to May 2005. As a result, the jury decided that there was insufficient evidence and Jackson was innocent.

Constant litigation undermined Jackson's health and drained his bank accounts. The services of the best US lawyers cost more than... $100,000,000.

After the singer's death in 2009, Jordan Chandler admitted that he had slandered Michael. His father forced him to do it for the money.

The secret of changing skin color

Michael Jackson suffered from a rare disease - vitiligo (pigmentation disorder), he revealed it in the early 90s. Jackson's dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, also diagnosed the artist with lupus. These autoimmune diseases created white patches on Michael's skin and made him sensitive to sunlight.

Vitiligo changed Michael's face, and the same disease indirectly caused the musician's strange behavior. Michael used tons of makeup to cover up the spots.

Michael's skin color change gave rise to many rumors. Some believed that Michael simply bleached his skin because he didn't like its natural color. Others asked why Michael decided to depigment healthy skin instead of repigmenting diseased skin. Although many accused Jackson of deliberately changing his skin color to white, Michael was always proud of his race and even burst into tears during an interview with Oprah when it came to his illness.

The Mystery of the Jackson Children's White Skin

The mother of two of Jackson's three children is the musician's second wife, Debbie Rowe. Jackson's biological paternity was in doubt. Both Prince and Paris are fair-skinned. This, however, happens sometimes. The properties and qualities of the Negroid race are transmitted through women, and in Jackson’s own family there were light-skinned people. Therefore, Jackson's children may be white, with a hint of negroidity. But they have absolutely no Negroid features and almost no external resemblance to their father.

Rumors that all three of Jackson's children, including youngest son from a surrogate mother, in fact not his biological offspring, were born during the singer’s lifetime. And after his death, candidates for the fathers of these children began to appear one after another.

Actor Mark Lester was the first to say that he was the father of Prince and Paris. Mark tried to declare his rights and become the children's guardian, but met severe rebuff from Michael's relatives.

Another contender was Arnold Klein, a Jackson dermatologist, but he did not insist on his rights.

Michael's youngest son, Prince Jr., was born to an unknown surrogate mother. But there were also rumors about him that his biological father was Jackson’s security guard.

The Mystery of Michael Jackson's Death

According to the first version of the singer’s death, cardiac arrest could have been caused by excessive use of painkillers. The King of Pop took powerful drugs to relieve pain due to spinal problems and became dependent on them. Jackson's family spokesman, lawyer Brian Oxman, said angrily: "This was what I feared and what I warned about. This is a case of drug abuse. There are no other reasons for his death known to me. The people around him allowed him to do this to them!"

According to the second version, the singer was ruined by his numerous plastic surgeries. Plastic surgeries themselves cannot become a direct cause of a person’s death, but their health is greatly undermined by their consequences - frequent stays under general anesthesia, taking medications in the postoperative period. It is reported that after another operation on his nose, Michael became infected with staphylococcus, which was destroying his body. Also, some doctors call one of the consequences of plastic surgery oxygen deficiency caused by a decrease in the nasal passages. This could cause chronic hypoxia, which, in turn, often leads to sudden cardiac arrest - apnea.

The third version of the singer’s death was expressed by his lawyer. In his opinion, the artist’s death could have been a consequence of the pressure placed on the singer by the obligation to perform in July at a multimillion-dollar concert venue in London. If you believe his words, “intermediaries” are to blame for Jackson’s death, forcing the singer to endure excessive physical exercise in preparation for the concert.

Text: Daria Proshina

Michael Joseph Jackson - American singer and a dancer who began his career performing in the family group The Jacksons. Since 1972, he devoted himself to a solo career, quickly achieving unsurpassed success. His sixth studio album, Thriller, remained the best-selling album in history for more than 30 years, and the name Michael Jackson became a pop music legend.

Michael Jackson's childhood. Humiliation and first glory

The boy, later recognized as the King of Pop, was born in Gary, Indiana. The boy's parents, Joseph Jackson and Katherine Wint, got married in November 1949. They were brought together by a love of music: the future father of the family was a bluesman and played the guitar, and his mother, half Indian, half mulatto, a native of the rural outback, was obsessed with country music.

19-year-old Katherine quickly realized that family life was not as rosy as in her fantasies. Joseph showed himself to be his true self, turning out to be an unsociable and even cruel person.

When Michael was born in 1958, the Jackson family already had seven children. A disciplinarian, Joseph's approach to raising children was harsh: he humiliated his children both mentally and physically. The singer's brother Marlon said that his father let his hands go for the slightest offense. In an effort to teach the children order, at night he put on a scary mask, sneaked under the windows of the nursery and roared in different ways (Michael later admitted that he was constantly tormented by nightmares as a child). Mom forced her sons to study the Bible and took them to meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Only in 1993, Michael Jackson told Oprah Winfrey in the studio that in those years he constantly cried and felt lonely, he was literally sick of communicating with his father.

In 1964, the brothers created the group “The Jacksons”. The original lineup consisted of the elders Tito, Jeremy and Jackie, with Michael and Marlon serving as backup musicians, playing tambourine and conga. Later, Michael took the place of backing vocalist and also accompanied each performance with dancing. The strict father watched the band's rehearsals with a belt in his hands and used the leather weapon if he didn't like something.

In 1966, it was decided to rename the group “Jackson 5” (“Jackson Five”), and Michael became the lead singer. The young musicians won a city talent competition with the song “I Got You (I Feel Good)”, after which they went on tour throughout the Midwest, which lasted until 1968. Michael and his brothers performed in black strip clubs, warming up the audience before the start of the show.

In 1970, the group of Jackson brothers reached the national level - their first singles climbed to the leading positions on the American Billboard chart. Even then, Michael attracted the attention of the public with eccentric dances, which he copied from Jackie Wilson and James Brown.

The Jackson 5 on American Bandstand, 1970

The beginning of Michael Jackson's solo career

In 1973, the Jackson 5 became involved in a conflict with their record label, Motown Records. This did not stop Michael from releasing 4 solo albums in collaboration with the label: the debut “Got to Be There” (1972), which sold over five million copies, “Ben” (1972), “Music&Me” (1973), and finally “Forever” , Michael" (1975).

In 1976, the Jacksons signed a contract with CBS Records, after which they had to return the name “The Jacksons” - Motown retained the rights to “The Jackson Five”.

Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow, The Wizard of Oz Musical

In 1978, Michael Jackson took part in the film adaptation of the Broadway musical “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” along with Diana Ross. The film set brought him together with music director Quincy Jones, who took talented singer, who played the role of the Scarecrow, under his wing.

The first fruits of cooperation made themselves felt in 1979, when Michael Jackson presented the fifth solo album“Off the Wall” (translated into Russian as “Alien to Conventions”). Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder b. helped the musician with the recording of the album. Four singles from the record reached number one on the Billboard Hot chart: "Don't Stop "Til You Get Enough", "Rock with You", "She's Out of My Life" and "Off the Wall". The album sold 20 million copies.

The heyday of Michael Jackson's career. King of pop music

By the early 80s, Michael Jackson had already achieved phenomenal success, and ahead of his fans was new album, "Thriller". Work on it took 8 months; The album included 9 tracks, 4 of which Michael wrote himself.

The record was released in November 1982, and in just a year received the status of the best-selling album in history, maintaining it for several decades. In the US alone, fans of the black singer sold out 26 million copies, and in the world this figure exceeded 109 million. The album topped the Billboard 200 chart for 37 weeks and remained on the list for two years.

The album became a breakthrough in music and, in addition, broke the latest racial stereotypes in the pop industry: three Michael Jackson videos (“Thriller”, “Billie Jean”, “Beat It”) were included in MTV rotation, and the musician was invited to the White House to meet with Ronald Reagan.

Michael Jackson demonstrates the moonwalk for the first time

In 1983, at the 25th anniversary of Motown Records, Michael Jackson debuted his famous moonwalk while performing "Billie Jean" and also premiered a 14-minute video for "Thriller" that set new standards for music videos.

Michael Jackson - "Thriller" full video

In 1984, Michael's work was again at the top of the charts. This time the single “Say Say Say”, recorded together with Paul McCartney, was included there. The following year, Jackson bought a controlling stake in ATV Music Publishing, which owns the rights to most of The Beatles' songs, which caused a quarrel with McCartney, who also lay claim to the securities.

In March 1985, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie recorded the song "We Are the World". All sales proceeds, exceeding $61 million, were donated to help starving children in Africa.

Michael Jackson's seventh studio album (Bad, 1987) did not repeat the phenomenal success of the previous record, but still stayed on the first line of the Billboard 200 for 6 weeks, sold 29 million copies and gave the world several hits, including the composition " I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "Dirty Diana", "Smooth Criminal" and "Man in the Mirror".

Immediately after the album's release, Michael Jackson embarked on his first international solo tour, the Bad Tour, visiting 15 countries with 123 concerts over the next three years. Jackson turned every performance into a brilliant show: he demonstrated crazy dance steps and interacted with the audience. During one of the London concerts, he entered the Guinness Book of Records - a record half a million spectators came to the performance.

In 1989, Elizabeth Taylor called Michael Jackson "the true king of pop, rock and soul" during the Soul Train Music Awards. Fans shortened her phrase - “King of Pop”, and this nickname stuck with Michael forever.

In 1991, Michael pleased fans with new material by releasing his eighth solo album, Dangerous. The release was preceded by the premiere of the video for the song “Black or White,” which topped the charts for 5 weeks.

Michael Jackson – “Black or White”, 1991

Michael Jackson in Russia

In September 1993, Jackson visited Russia for the first time. The concert took place at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium in pouring rain. After this, the Dessa company, which spent a million dollars on organizing the event, went bankrupt, and the stadium was closed for renovations.

Michael Jackson in Moscow. 1996 ORT

In 1995, the double album “HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I”, a collection of the musician’s best hits, which included 15 new compositions, went on sale. Among them was the sad ballad “Stranger in Moscow”. When fans asked why the song turned out to be so sad, did he really not like it in Moscow, Michael replied that the audience at the Moscow concert was almost the most welcoming in his memory, but at that moment he was constrained by a feeling of “all-consuming loneliness and cold.”

The second time the king of pop visited Moscow was in September 1996 - he gave a concert at the Dynamo stadium and met with Yuri Luzhkov and Igor Krutoy.

Further career of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson released his next studio album (Invincible) only in 2001. It included 16 tracks, on which Notorious BIG (composition “Unbreakable”), Chris Tucker (“You Rock My World”) and Carlos Santana (“Whatever Happens”) worked on with Michael.

The musician dedicated the album to the tragic events in Oslo - on January 26, 2001, 16-year-old Afro-Norwegian Benjamin Hermansen was killed by neo-Nazis. A close friend of the deceased, Omer Bhatti, was also a good friend of Michael Jackson, so the musician took the death of the teenager especially hard.

After the album's release, Michael Jackson organized a performance at Madison Square Garden to mark the 30th anniversary of his solo career. For the first time since 1984, he appeared on stage with the former Jackson Five, and also sang with Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, N'Sync and Usher.

In 2003, Michael released the hits collection “Number Ones,” which included several previously unreleased compositions, including a brand new track, “One More Chance.”

At this time, Michael was accused of child molestation, and although the musician was acquitted, due to the uproar in the press, many celebrities refused to collaborate with Jackson to record a charity song in memory of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The song “I Have This Dream” was eventually recorded, but never went on sale.

In 2004, a five-disc set “Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection" Box Set” with 13 previously unreleased songs was released, and in August 2008, a collection of hits “King of Pop” was released, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson planned to release his eleventh studio album in 2009.

Personal life of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson has been married twice. The musician’s first wife was the daughter of the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. Jackson first met Lisa Marie Presley in 1975 at an MGM Grand Hotel event in Las Vegas, but at that time she was only 8 years old.

The next meeting took place in 1993. After that, they started chatting and quickly became best friends; Lisa supported him during a period when it seemed that everyone had turned their backs on Jackson. One day he asked a girl on the phone: “If I asked you to marry me, would you do it?” Six months later, they secretly got married in the Dominican Republic. In 1996, their marriage broke up, but the former spouses remained friends.

Michael had a very hard time with the divorce, which caused his illness [vitiligo] to worsen. During a visit to his personal dermatologist Arnold Klein, he met his assistant, Debbie Rowe. They started talking, and Debbie asked Michael what saddened him the most about the current situation. The musician replied that he deeply regretted that he never had children together with Lisa. Then the woman suggested that Jackson carry his child so that he could experience the happiness of fatherhood.

Michael happily agreed. The woman gave birth to two children - a son, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson, and a daughter, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson. In 1999, Debbie considered her mission accomplished and filed for divorce, giving up all parental rights.

In 2002, Michael Jackson gave birth to his second son, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II. The musician kept the name of the surrogate mother who carried the child a secret.

Michael Jackson with his son on a hotel balcony in Berlin

During the artist's tour in Berlin, one journalist managed to shoot a video of Michael Jackson standing on a hotel balcony and holding his youngest son in his hand. The press made a real scandal out of the video, accusing the singer of careless treatment of a child. After this incident, the artist began to be wary of representatives of the press and hide all details from his personal life, and if the Jacksons appeared in public together, the children’s faces were hidden by masks.

Michael Jackson and accusations of pedophilia

In 1988, Michael purchased 112 hectares of land in California, near the town of Santa Barbara. In this place, the musician, secluded from public attention, could finally be himself. He rebuilt the ranch, turning it into the dream of every child: a mansion reminiscent of a fairy-tale palace, a miniature railway, carousels, a zoo, a huge variety of colorful sculptures... He named the created amusement park “Neverland”, in honor of the book about Peter Pan, the boy who never will not become an adult.

In 1993, the singer was accused of molesting thirteen-year-old Jordan Chandler, who was a fan of the artist and frequent guest at Neverland Ranch. The son admitted to his father, Evan Chandler, that during visits Jackson forced the boy to touch his genitals. During the investigation, Michael even had to demonstrate his “dignity” so that the jury could compare the boy’s descriptions with reality.

As a result, a settlement was concluded: the Chandlers withdrew the lawsuit, and Michael paid the family compensation in the amount of $22 million. In 2003, Michael Jackson again appeared in court on charges of a similar crime. The new “victim” turned out to be thirteen-year-old Gavin Arvizo, who told the press that Michael got him drunk and masturbated with him.

Authorities searched Jackson's estate and arrested the singer, but released him on bail a day later. During the investigation, the artist claimed that the Arvizo family decided to repeat the example of the Chandlers and was engaged in vile extortion. The litigation lasted two years, and in the end Michael Jackson was completely acquitted. Unfortunately, the very fact of being accused of pedophilia had a very negative impact on the singer’s reputation and career.

In 2005, Michael Jackson left Neverland Ranch for good, moving to a mansion in Holmby Hills.

After the singer's death in 2009, Jordan Chandler admitted that all the words about molestation were lies from beginning to end, and said that his father forced him to tell the truth. In November of that year, the elder Chandler shot himself.

Plastic surgery and Michael Jackson's illness

In 1987, after the release of the video for the title song of the album “Bad,” fans noticed changes in the idol’s face, and with each subsequent performance the singer became even paler and thinner.

The media paid too much attention to the artist’s emaciated appearance: journalists made the most unexpected hypotheses about why Michael Jackson bleached his skin and changed the contours of his face, even going so far as to accuse him of dysmorphophobia - hatred of his own body.

In the early 90s, Michael put an end to the gossip by admitting that in 1986 he was diagnosed with two rare diseases - vitiligo and lupus. And if vitiligo only affected the pigmentation of the skin, which became covered with light spots due to the disease (hence Michael’s deathly white complexion - this is a thick layer of makeup that hid the difference between healthy and affected areas of the skin), then lupus, a dangerous autoimmune disease that damages the connective tissue tissue, led to the hollowing of the cheekbones and general deformation of the face. In addition, the powerful medications prescribed to Michael by the doctor during a relapse of lupus led to the musician’s addiction to painkillers.

As for the number of plastic surgeries performed by Michael Jackson, experts who closely followed the artist’s gradual transformation came to the conclusion that there were multiple surgical interventions. According to them, he operated on his nose several times, changed the shape of his lips, reshaped his cheeks and eyelids, and also made a dimple on his chin. Michael’s mother confirmed that her son, in her opinion, was addicted to plastic surgery. The artist himself stated that he only had rhinoplasty twice. Doctors failed to revive Michael Jackson

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the way to the University of California Medical Center and at the center itself did not help - Michael Jackson's death was pronounced at 14:26. The news of Michael Jackson's death spread throughout the world within minutes.

The police immediately began investigating the incident. The singer's personal doctor, Conrad Murray, was the first to be interviewed. He said that he found a lifeless Jackson in bed, but managed to discern a pulse and tried to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him, and when he realized that all attempts to revive the singer were unsuccessful, he called an ambulance. The following fact played an important role here: Michael rented a mansion, so Conrad did not know the exact address. While he was figuring out the coordinates, a whole half hour passed, which turned out to be fatal for Jackson.

This was Conrad Murray's version, but coroners continued their investigation. It turned out that one of the producers of the Emmy Award, Ken Ehrlich, saw the singer the day before his death - and he seemed very energetic and perky.

An autopsy showed that the singer was in an extreme stage of exhaustion - with a height of 178 centimeters, his weight was only 51 kilograms. They didn’t find a single hint of food in the stomach, but they did find a fair amount of painkillers. On August 24, the forensic examination established the true cause of Michael’s death - an overdose of the anesthetic propofol administered intravenously. Michael Jackson's death certificate listed the cause of death as "murder."

In November 2011, Murray was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Michael Jackson's funeral

On July 7, 2009, a closed farewell ceremony took place for the idol of millions. IN memorial park Jackson's closest friends came to Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles. Addresses by Diana Ross, Nelson Mandela, Queen Latifah, Stevie Wonder, and the children of Martin Luther King were read. The farewell ended with a speech from Paris Jackson. Without holding back her tears, the girl said: “He was the best father he could have…”.

In December 2010, the world heard Michael Jackson's first posthumous album. The record, called “Michael,” consisted of 10 tracks recorded with the participation of Lenny Kravitz, 50 Cent and Taryll Jackson. The release of the album divided the singer’s fans into two camps: some believed that publishing songs deliberately hidden by the author “in the table” was blasphemy, having a strictly commercial purpose. Others, on the contrary, were glad that even after death the idol continued to delight fans with new creations. Many celebrities, including Michael's brother Randy Jackson, described the album as "raw" and "unfinished."

And so, dear friends, today I learned this news, and it’s absolutely true, on TV all the news was already pushing everything..... Here are a couple of articles that have already been processed in newspapers and websites around the world.

The cause of Michael Jackson's death was not a painkiller, but a chronic illness
It could have been caused by numerous plastic surgeries.
Alexandra KUCHUK - 06.26.2009 13:00
The death of the King of Pop Michael Jackson shocked the whole world. The legendary singer, we recall, died this morning in a hospital in Los Angeles.

The cause of Jackson's death has not yet been officially announced. But it’s no secret that he hasn’t been feeling well for a long time. According to experts, the disease that killed the pop legend could have been caused by numerous plastic surgeries.

It is clear to the naked eye that each subsequent rhinoplasty of the king of pop music led to a reduction in the size of his nose, says maxillofacial surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Tamara Chkadua. - It is likely that the tip of the nose was already formed from nearby facial tissue. And in the postoperative period he had either inflammation or even necrosis of the tip of his nose.

The consequence of this: reduction of the nasal passages. Michael Jackson couldn't breathe properly. This leads to prolonged hypoxia - lack of oxygen. Which, of course, affects both the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The way he died does not appear to be a reaction to any drug. The gradual “fading” of breathing is more likely the result of a chronic disease, for example, the cardiovascular system. Perhaps he didn't have time to in full provide medical assistance.

Lawyer: Michael Jackson's death was not a surprise
Michael Jackson. Photo: corbis.com On June 25, pop music legend Michael Jackson died in Los Angeles at the age of 50. A representative of the clinic to which the singer was taken said that death was presumably due to a heart attack. Meanwhile, the British newspaper Sun writes that Jackson stopped breathing after another injection of the painkiller Demerol.

Doctors tried to restart the patient's heart on the way to the hospital, but were unsuccessful. An autopsy will be performed on June 26.

Meanwhile, Jackson's family lawyer Brian Oxman told AFP that he was constantly taking powerful drugs. Speaking about the singer’s death, he noted that it did not come as a surprise.

The king didn't have time to say goodbye
Tax authorities will destroy the middle class
Alcohol kills every second person
Jackson, 50, felt ill at his home in Holmby Hills, an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood in the Westwood neighborhood adjacent to the millionaire city of Beverly Hills. Two hours after arriving at the hospital, it was officially announced that Jackson had died.

In recent years, the health of the “King of Pop” has rapidly deteriorated. It is known for certain that the singer’s health was undermined by endless plastic surgeries.

You can see photos of farewell to Jackson....:

Named probable cause death of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson stopped breathing after another injection of an anesthetic drug, the British tabloid The Sun reported on Friday, citing a source in the emergency department of the University of California in Los Angeles medical center.

As people around the pop singer said, after the injection of Demerol, Jackson began to have difficulty breathing, he breathed more and more slowly until he stopped breathing altogether. A personal doctor nearby tried to give him artificial respiration and called an ambulance. Paramedics arrived eight minutes later and began resuscitation efforts.

Doctors tried to restart the patient's heart on the way to the hospital, but were unsuccessful. As reported, the call to Michael Jackson was received by the rescue service at 12:22 local time, and death was confirmed by doctors at the medical center at 14:26 (1:26 Friday Moscow time). The preliminary cause is cardiac arrest.

Meanwhile, Jackson's family lawyer Brian Oxman told Agence France-Presse that he was constantly taking powerful drugs to stay in shape ahead of a series of London concerts, which was scheduled to begin in mid-July. Speaking about the singer's death, the lawyer noted that it did not come as a surprise.

"The people around him were always pushing him (to accept potent drugs). If you think that in the case of Anna Nicole Smith we are talking about abuse, this does not compare with what happened in the life of Michael Jackson,” Oxman noted. Recall that the famous fashion model Smith was found dead in a hotel room in Florida in February 2007 It was determined that she died from an overdose of painkillers.

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 at UCLA Medical Center at the age of 50. The coroner, who officially confirmed the media reports, did not disclose the cause of death. The autopsy of the body is scheduled to take place on Friday; it has already been taken to the morgue.

The drug Demerol (pethidine, meperidine), which The Sun sources reported, is a strong analgesic with a moderate sedative effect. In large doses, it reduces myocardial contractility and, with prolonged use, causes dependence

Michael spent his last day with his family [photo + video]

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Ironically, the death of Michael Jackson restored the singer to his former popularity and relieved his heirs of $500 million in debt.

Immediately after the whole world learned about the death of the King of Pop on June 25, his singles and old albums returned to the British charts. Now the late Michael Jackson ranks first in CD sales along with the ageless Madonna and the scandalous Britney Spears.

Did he predict his death?

On March 5, Michael Jackson gave his last press conference. He announced his return to the stage (he had not had a concert for more than 10 years), which will be marked by 10 solo performances in London and a world tour.

Thank you all... That's all. I just wanted to say that these will be my last shows in London. When I say, “That’s it,” I mean that’s really it. I will perform the songs that my fans want to hear. This is all, this is my last appearance on stage... See you in July, and... I love you! True, I love you - you should know this - with all my heart! That’s all,” the King of Pop said in his last speech.

Now fans are calling the pop idol's farewell tour a big scam.

Of the 45 runs of the farewell tour, Michael managed to attend only two. The singer's agent recalls that Michael danced two days before his death, just like 20 years ago, performing all the steps with ease. And he sang without a soundtrack, despite all the slander from the tabloids that he had long ago lost his falsetto. He looked great at the press conference. But the load turned out to be excessive. Jackson needed the concerts to get rid of his debts. Tour organizers worked up an appetite when fans scooped up the first batch of tickets online in minutes. And they persuaded Michael to give 50 concerts. There was no fear of cancellation - the show was insured.

Michael, come to your senses, you won't make it through 50 concerts! The heart can’t stand it,” the singer’s mother dissuaded him from solo albums shortly before his death.

I dream of dying on stage like no other artist has died... - the king of pop then stunned his loved ones.

Death turned out to be faster than his dreams.

How he died

Michael spent his last day with his family.

Now the artist’s relatives are trying to find out who injected the king of pop with a lethal dose of painkillers. They blame Jackson's cardiologist, who immediately after his death hid from the police, but soon showed up and swore that he found Michael still warm in bed, but already unconscious.

According to Jackson's doctor, his 12-year-old son, Prince Michael Jr., was squatting next to Michael. They say the king of pop was dying before his eyes. Jackson's son, seeing his father convulsing in pain, at first thought that he was fooling around, and then Jackson fell silent... Forever... The doctors who arrived at the estate were unable to bring him back to life.

From whom are the children?

Jackson had no children with his first wife, Lisa Marie Presley. As the daughter of the legendary Presley later admitted: “Michael really wanted children from me, but I was afraid that if we separated, we would then sue for custody of the kids.”

The singer's heirs were born to nurse Debbie Rowe, whom he met at a plastic surgeon. Both Debbie and Michael admitted that she simply gave him her womb by carrying his children, Prince Michael Jr. and Paris. The third son of the King of Pop, Prince Michael, was the second born from a surrogate mother whom he had never met.

In 2004, Debbie Rowe, already divorced from the artist, stated that Michael Jackson was the stepfather of the children, saying that she was inseminated with sperm from an unknown donor. After Jackson's death, conversations about paternity flared up with renewed vigor. But now it is unlikely that Debbie Rowe, who wants to fight for custody of the King of Pop’s children with his mother, will deny his paternity.

Rumors began to circulate with renewed vigor about how Michael could have had white children? But they could! As you know, Jackson's great-great-grandmother, the mulatto Mattie Daniels, was conceived by a black slave and a white paralyzed girl. This means Jackson had white people in his family. and, as doctors say, this gene could have manifested itself in contact with Michael’s white-skinned wife.

What have you accumulated?

The most profitable deal the singer made in his entire life was the purchase of a controlling stake in the recording company Sony/ATV. When Jackson got into big debts, he pawned some of the shares. Recall that Sony/ATV owns the publishing rights to many songs, including 251 famous Beatles songs, hits by Bob Dylan, Jonny Mitchell and Stevie Nicks. He received about 33 million annually from copyrights (in 2006, he received income of $9 million from his songs and about 24 million from the Beatles' hits). Michael's share of the rights to the Beatles catalog was said to be $1.15 billion.

The media archives of the King of Pop are estimated at $20 million. Jackson earned 85 million in copyrights for his hits.

The singer has $668,215 in cash in the bank, his parents' estate is valued at $73 million, studio equipment at $1 million, the amount set aside to pay off a loan on his Neverland estate is $10.6 million, antiques, cars and other valuables estimated at 20 million dollars.

Michael Jackson also recorded an album of two hundred new songs, which he bequeathed to be released after his death. The rights to this album will belong only to his children.

To whom did he bequeath

At the time of signing the number, Jackson's relatives had access to only one will of the singer - it was made in 2002. Jackson is said to have had several. According to the British newspaper Daily Telegraph, the artist's property will be transferred to his mother and children. Some portion will also go to charitable foundations. But the singer did not mention his father in his will. Michael had a bad relationship with him; his father beat him as a child.

His mother and sister Janet will have custody of 12-year-old Prince, 11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Prince Michael II.

Where will they be buried?

The date and place of Michael Jackson's funeral are carefully hidden by his relatives. In the first days after the death of the idol, relatives said that they wanted to make the ceremony private. However, they then demanded that Jackson be re-autopsied so that independent experts could determine the exact cause of death. And, allegedly, they are in no hurry to bury Michael, waiting for the results. However, they will not be ready until after 2 - 3 weeks.

On the fifth day after the death of their idol, fans began to doubt: was Jackson buried secretly? But a whole company of paparazzi is hunting for the relatives of the pop legend. Which, by the way, recently managed to photograph a white carriage, white horses and coachmen in tailcoats at the gates of the Encino estate, where Michael’s relatives are conferring about the funeral. On the sixth day, the singer's father Joe Jackson gave a press conference. And he said that the farewell ceremony would turn into almost the most beautiful show Michael. The father denied the version that the singer’s grave would be in the Neverland estate. At the time of signing the number exact time and the place of burial were unknown.

Did you hide your gay orientation?

Many believe that Jackson's marriage to Presley's daughter was just an attempt to calm the public after the scandal with two boys from Australia. Recall that 13-year-old Jordan Chandler and 11-year-old Bret Barnes accused the singer of sexual harassment. The case was settled, but the singer, who denied any wrongdoing, still paid the plaintiffs $15 million. In 2003, the king of pop was accused of harassment by 13-year-old Gavind Arvizo. However, the court found Jackson not guilty. The scandal with the children greatly damaged Jackson's reputation. Of course, scandalous publications about him had appeared in the press before, but the artist was rather suspected of being gay, although no one found evidence of this.

After the trial, Jackson took refuge in Bahrain. There he lived in the house of the King of Bahrain. Later, rumors spread that the artist converted to Islam and now asks to call himself Mikael. However, as KP managed to find out from reliable sources, in Bahrain Jackson met a young and attractive Arab who became his close friend.

The source did not name the pop idol’s friend, but admitted that the king of pop was terribly afraid of publicity.

His favorite women

The artist often said in interviews that he was married to music. But from time to time he cheated on her with completely earthly women. We decided to compile a list of the most important women in Jackson's life who influenced him.

Already at the dawn of his fame, Jackson admitted that he was a virgin until the age of 32, saying that he was unlucky in love. He said that he had an affair with one of the fans, which did not end in anything for him, and then his heart was broken by Dayna Ross, whom, according to his relatives, he considered the ideal woman.

Michael dated actress Brooke Shields from 1983 to 1985, if you can call their relationship that way. Both were at the peak of their popularity. Adding intrigue to their union was Brooke’s mother’s statement that her daughter remained a virgin even after her meetings with Jackson. The relationship gradually faded away somehow by itself.

If Elizabeth Taylor was younger years at 20, things could have been different. Their strong friendship almost grew into marriage - Michael proposed to 67-year-old Liz, claiming that the foundation of his new family there should be spiritual rather than physical intimacy. But the actress did not agree to such a relationship and happily married another man - and on the Jackson estate, which did not prevent them from remaining good friends.

Tatiana Tambtzen. Michael immediately developed a mutual sympathy with the girl who starred in the You Make Me Feel video. The black beauty went on tour with the artist, where she danced with Michael on stage. Once, while performing a number, it seemed to her that Michael wanted Tatiana to kiss him: “I saw him bite his lip, and I thought it was a hint of a kiss...” Which she did to the delight of the crowd and Michael. Immediately after this, the artist’s managers removed the girl from Jackson’s sight, and the romance ended before it began.

Madonna herself invited Michael on a date - in order to invite him to go with her to the MTV ceremony and once again shock America. First of all, the singer tore off Jackson’s glasses and smashed them to pieces on the floor. Then she took his hand and put it on her chest, which completely embarrassed the poor singer. But at the party after the ceremony, the singer left Michael and went to seduce her ex-lover, Warren Beatty. The story would have ended there if Michael himself had not invited Madonna to star with him in the video In the closet. Madonna put forward a condition - she would be in a man's suit, and he would be in a women's suit. Jackson did not approve of the idea, as a result, Naomi Campbell appeared in the video.

Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis's daughter, forced Michael to overcome many of his complexes. Unfortunately, their married life didn't last long - Liz says she didn't get what she wanted. It was rumored that Michael insisted that Lisa Marie get plastic surgery to become like Elizabeth Taylor.

Former secretary Debbie Rowe became the most strange woman in the story of Michael, who entered into an agreement with her to carry a child on January 23, 1996. Nine months later they married - only so that Jackson would have parental rights. In 1999, the singer signed an agreement with his ex-wife, according to which Michael became the sole guardian of the children, Prince and Paris, and Rowe undertook not to disclose their details life together. In total, this agreement cost Jackson about $20 million.

“Michael could not be a Muslim!”

30-year-old Muscovite Masha Barkova is an ordinary English teacher. But! She is probably the only Russian fan of Michael Jackson who received a note from her idol with the inscription “I love you!”

From the age of 17, I followed Michael to different countries where he performed,” says Maria. - In 2002, we had a personal meeting in London. I spent a year embroidering a canvas for Michael - a huge painting two and a half meters long - 27 portraits of children different nationalities. She handed over the embroidery to Michael’s assistants. The next day, my friend and I went to a private concert where Michael was. We wandered backstage and unexpectedly ran into him. I asked: “Michael, I gave you the embroidery. Did you receive it? He replies: “Yes! I remember. It says "World for Children", right? I like it!!" And he moved on. Another day has passed. I walked around the hotel where Jackson was staying. Suddenly, Michael's silhouette appeared in the window on the fourth floor. He threw a piece of paper with the question: “What is your name?” I wrote: “MARY!” Then he threw another piece of paper, where it was written: “I love you!”

Masha placed this note under glass.

Everything that is now written about Michael is impossible to read, says Maria. - He didn't belong to himself. I myself saw how Michael once wanted to approach a crowd of fans. A security guard blocked his way and rudely cut him off: “No! I said, get in the car! Michael obediently walked away. There was also a time when Michael wanted to give an autograph. And the guard ordered him: “Sign not in the right corner, but in the left!” We didn't understand why they treated him like a slave. And they also lie that the children were afraid of him! The children adored Michael. I sat in the same row with them at the theater in London. Several seats separated us. I watched Michael and his family. I saw it with my own eyes: the children were literally hanging on their dad. He was everything to them. By the way, fans say that as soon as it became known that Michael had died, the teenager who slandered him said: “I'm sorry, Michael. I was lying. But my father forced me.”

I also can't believe that Michael converted to Islam. He declared many times that he was a Christian. But the older brother German is a Muslim. Known fact: Above Michael's bed hangs a large icon of Jesus Christ.

What was the singer's illness?

Recently, the first details of the autopsy of the singer’s body became known:

With a height of 178 cm, he weighed only 51 kg. There are signs of anorexia: the singer was starving, eating only once a day. There is not an ounce of food in the stomach, only pills.

There are a huge number of scars on the body after plastic surgery. It turned out that Jackson went under the surgeon’s knife at least 13 times!

Hips, shoulders, arms are covered with marks from numerous injections. He was injected with drugs three times a day, year after year.

There is almost no hair left on Michael Jackson's head. Last years the pop singer was forced to wear a wig. Perhaps these are the consequences of chemotherapy - six months ago, according to English-language newspapers, the singer was confirmed to have skin cancer.

In addition, he had several broken ribs - most likely after attempts at resuscitation. There are bruises on the pop idol’s shins, knees and back.

It feels like he spent his last years in a concentration camp, writes The Sun newspaper.

However, Jackson's health problems began in his youth.

26 years. He was badly burned during the filming of a Pepsi-Cola commercial: a smoke bomb exploded nearby. Scalp surgery and a difficult rehabilitation period followed. According to doctors, it was then that Jackson became seriously addicted to painkillers.

28 years. The singer is diagnosed with an immune disease - lupus. The cells began to destroy themselves! To recover, you need to suppress your immune system with drugs. Doctors managed to “achieve stable remission,” but such systemic diseases, alas, cannot be fully cured.

32 years. Jackson is hospitalized with chest pain and undergoes general restorative treatment.

35 years. Jackson's personal dermatologist does public statement: The singer has a skin disease - vitiligo. Jackson's skin began to show lighter spots many years ago. And it seems that they were the reason for the transformation of a black musician into a white one. The pop singer got the disease from his great-grandmother. And he talks about problems with immunity.

41 years old. During charity concerts in South Korea fell from a great height and injured his spine. Despite the severe pain, no one seriously treated these injuries.

47 years old. Michael is being sued for child molestation. He comes to meetings wearing a gauze bandage. Beneath it lies a crumbling nose and plastic-tight lips.

The singer is seriously hooked on antidepressants and complains to doctors about regular back pain.

49 years old. Jackson biographer Ian Halperin said: “Jackson needs a lung transplant and has almost no vision in his left eye. Plus he has serious stomach bleeding that could kill him!” The cause of these ailments: alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is a severe genetic disease that leads to damage to body tissues.

Michael denies everything.

50 years. In February 2009, newspapers published horrifying photos of Jackson. He is in a wheelchair, his face is hidden under a mask. My hands are covered in sores, my nails are inflamed and festering. Information has leaked from a clinic in Beverly Hills: the singer is being treated here for a dangerous form of staphylococcal infection. Traces of it are visible all over the body. They treat with the latest expensive antibiotics and hope for the best.

At the same time, rumors appeared that Jackson had skin cancer. This is confirmed by sources from the singer’s circle. But Jackson himself vehemently refutes any diagnoses: a series of concerts awaited him, telling the truth about his health was extremely unprofitable! And first of all for producers.

50 years and 10 months. Doctors at the University of California Hospital pronounce Michael Jackson dead. Heart failure. Doctors have not yet decided to name the final cause. But, judging by the first details and the “case history”, one should rather be surprised that Michael lasted so long...

Alexandra KUCHUK.

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Michael Jackson's women

This is how we remember Michael Jackson

The King has left us

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Unknown moments from the life of Michael Jackson. Weddings, children, strange behavior

“If we take the imitation of the singer’s death as the main version, then a lot becomes clear. For the participants in this performance, it is important to insert as many versions and reservations into the agenda as possible, so that any assumptions can be made. The main thing in such a case is not to accidentally make a mistake, not to blurt out something that could lead to a real trace.”

An article with this title was posted on our website on June 30. Two weeks have passed since then, but the circumstances and causes of Michael Jackson’s death were and remain very dark. And the more “irrefutable” evidence of Jackson’s death appears, the more doubt they raise, the more reasons there are to think that “something is unclean here”!

Trying to focus on the most important points, which should have finally dotted all the i’s, we became more and more convinced that we had to deal with many more questions than answers to them.

Judging by publications and discussions on the Internet, print and electronic media, in last days There is a growing number of supporters of the version that Michael Jackson, with the help of interested friends, relatives and business associates, falsified the act of his death (regardless of whether he was going to officially “resurrect” or not). And if we look at the situation from this angle, then a lot begins to fall into place.


Since the publication of the article “”, conspiracy theorists have arrived in the regiment. At the beginning of July, an interview with the producer was published in the magazine “Secrets of the Stars” (No. 28 of 07/08/2009) Russian singer named Dima Bilan - Yana Rudkovskaya. The essence of the interview is that Rudkovskaya is sure: Michael Jackson is alive. Regardless of who and how one may feel about Rudkovskaya, there are reasons for her considerations. In particular, she said the following:

“When Jackson’s death was announced, I remembered how I spoke with a Western music manager. It had just become known that Jackson had announced a 50-date tour. And this manager told me: “There will be no concerts. On the eve of them, Michael will disappear. And the whole world will tremble from the most grandiose scam of the century!” »

When asked who benefits from Jackson’s death, Rudkovskaya also answers quite logically: “First of all, Jackson’s death benefits himself! It's no secret that in recent years the star's life has gone downhill. Debts, harassment in the press, stagnation of creativity... […]. Immediately after the announcement of his death throughout the world, Michael’s songs soared to the top of the charts, and his CDs were sold out of stores in one day […]. He also dreamed of being left alone, of stopping watching every step. Michael also wanted to get rid of debt. And the best way would be to make everyone think that he died. “Death” would solve all of Michael's problems. There is no need to work through a tiring concert tour and think about how to pay off debts.”

Rudkovskaya also logically argues that Jackson’s “death” would be extremely beneficial to his business partners: “The organizers of Jackson’s tour are making a huge jackpot: it’s unlikely that people will return tickets they’ve already purchased. They are more likely to keep them as souvenirs. Plus - the tour was insured. In the world music community [...] everyone knows perfectly well that Jackson is a fantastically creative artist and the most inventive PR man. He didn’t even invent such things! And the version that he simply acted out his death is finding more and more confirmation.”

There is one strange phenomenon that has already been noticed by many attentive observers located, so to speak, on both sides of the ocean. We are talking about rehearsals for Jackson's new show “This Is It”.

Almost on the day of Jackson's death, June 26, his official representative, Brian Oxman, said that the musician had recently been taking powerful painkillers to cope with pain in his back and leg. Moreover, according to Oxman, shortly before his death, Jackson injured his back and broke his leg as a result of a fall during a rehearsal for the concert that was to begin his triumphant return to the stage.

And the president of AEG Live, which organized a series of 50 London concerts for the singer, Randy Phillips, in his own words, attended Jackson’s rehearsals, and last saw the artist on stage the day before the tragedy. Michael then danced for three hours on end and was in great shape. Phillips' words were repeatedly quoted in a number of media: “He danced as well or even better than the twenty-year-old dancers we gave him as backup dancers. He attracted attention. And I thought this show was going to be the greatest ever. He looked amazing."

Yana Rudkovskaya offers her own explanation for this: “People who were present at the last rehearsal of Jackson’s new show assure: on stage Michael did not look like a deeply sick, exhausted person. But just a couple of months ago he did not get out of his wheelchair, and so he celebrated his 50th birthday in it! And suddenly, unexpectedly, such a surge of strength! […] There is an opinion that it was not Jackson himself who was at the rehearsal that day, but his double– Jackson had a lot of them. And he used them when he himself did not want to go out. That's why they say there was a double at the rehearsal! The man on stage didn’t sing a single line live! But he danced well. Because Jackson's dance can be faked, but his vocals cannot! It's too "branded". This rehearsal was arranged specifically to provide the world with “the latest photos of Jackson.” On them he looks not old and healthy. This is how Jackson would like to be remembered. Then to return in a completely different image and shock everyone again.”

Assuming how such a world-famous person as Michael Jackson could disappear without a trace and unnoticed, Yana Rudkovskaya gives quite logical arguments: “How do people know exactly what he looks like now? In recent years, Michael has covered his face with glasses and scarves. It is quite possible that he has long since changed his appearance […]. Doctors could easily mistake any of his doubles for the singer! Jackson could also negotiate with the doctors. But I personally think the strangest thing in this whole story is the behavior of his loved ones […]. On TV[…] showed a brother who didn’t look heartbroken at all! Already in the first hours after Michael’s death, his brother made some statements, gave interviews... This is not how people behave in the first hours of the death of a loved one. [And Jackson will] live somewhere in a godforsaken place for a while, rest, and gain strength. At this time, huge profits will come from the sale of his unreleased songs, and there are more than 200 of them. Plus - books dedicated to him. There will be a huge demand for all this in the world all year. And in a couple of years, Michael may return. And create the biggest sensation in the history of music!” .


Rudkovskaya is not alone in her assumptions. On July 9, The Sun newspaper reported that the “King of Pop” Michael Jackson faked his death to get rid of debts and press pressure. The arguments of the journalists of the British weekly tabloid are practically identical to those given by Yana Rudkovskaya.

Moreover, some newspaper sources suggested that the pop singer had been planning his “escape” for almost a year, and is currently hiding in one of the countries of Eastern Europe, and the man depicted in his latest photographs is a double who has been working for him for a long time.

The website www.michaeljacksonsightings.com is an open discussion of theories regarding the faking of his death. Some even claim that after his death they saw the artist at an airport in another country. Moreover, the website published a photo which, according to the public, depicts the “alive and healthy” king of pop. Let us note on our own that the photo is very small, and therefore it is extremely difficult to say whether Jackson is depicted in his background or not. In addition, it seems that it is generally impossible to accurately date this photo.

In addition, on July 9, the Internet resource Z avtra.com.ua, with a link to www.michaeljacksonsightings.com , spoke about a message from a man who works on the US-Mexico border. This citizen claims to have seen the artist on the day of his death: "I didn't know he was dead, said the border guard. “I would never confuse him with anyone else.” He was a little alarmed as he crossed the border. When an hour later I learned from the news about his death, I just laughed.”

...When, for one reason or another, a famous person dies, this event, you see, is accompanied by quite understandable actions. The doctors' verdict on the cause of death is announced. For those wishing to say goodbye, an opportunity is organized to pay their last debt. The funeral procedure is taking place. The text of the deceased's official will is announced. If there is no will, the property and assets of the deceased are distributed among the heirs in accordance with current law. Everything is sad, but quite understandable, there are no mysteries or conspiracy theories.

In the case of Jackson's death, everything is completely different! But if you try to look at the situation from the point of view that the death of Michael Jackson could be staged, many mysteries receive a completely understandable explanation.


As announced in a number of media outlets, on July 1, the singer’s will was submitted to the court. This document is dated July 7, 2002. According to the text of the will, the singer's entire fortune should go to the Jackson Family Foundation. At that time, Michael Jackson's assets were estimated at about $500 million. According to information disseminated in early July 2009 by the Associated Press, financial documents dated June 2007 indicate that Michael Jackson's assets as of March 31, 2007 were $567.6 million. These included Jackson's then-Neverland estate, a share of the Sony/ATV Music Publishing catalogue, and an assortment of cars, collectibles and works of art. The singer's debts at that time amounted to $331 million.

At the end of June, American and English tabloids reported that, according to the will, not a cent was left to Michael’s father, 79-year-old Joe Jackson, due to the very tense relationship between father and son. With reference to CNN, information Agency Interfax reported on June 30 that the singer’s property would be transferred to his mother, Katherine, and three children, and part of the money would go to charity.

On Tuesday, June 30, the British Daily Mail reported that the 2002 will was drawn up by Michael Jackson's former lawyer, John Branca. However, the singer's current lawyer, Londell McMillan, said he knows nothing about Jackson's 2002 will. Jackson's parents also spoke in the same spirit, believing that their son died without leaving a will.

Apparently, Jackson's direct instructions about who will be left in the care of his three children - 12-year-old Prince Michael, 11-year-old Paris Michael Catherine, and 7-year-old Prince Michael II - have not been found. The singer’s mother, Katherine, expressed before the court her readiness to become the permanent guardian of her son’s children.

What is surprising about the above set of messages? Yes, practically, everything!

It is known that Michael Jackson - no matter what they say about him! - He was quite kind to his children. It is not difficult to imagine that Jackson would not be at all indifferent to the fate of his two sons and daughter. Feeling sick, so to speak, on the edge of the grave, he would probably have left a legally competent and unambiguous order regarding the future of his children. But for some reason Jackson didn't do this.

Of course, this contradiction could be attributed to the machinations of his greedy “friends” who coveted Jackson’s assets. And for whom, in this situation, it would even be beneficial for Jackson’s children to be left with as little money and property as possible. But in this case, the lack of a clear expression of Jackson’s will would precisely create the opportunity for additional litigation to clarify the size of the singer’s fortune, determine the size of the monetary and property assets that would be assigned to his two sons and daughter.

The uncertainty surrounding the text of Jackson's will is in the same category of mysteries. The presence of a legally competent expression of the will of the singer, whatever one may say, would be beneficial to all participants in the “event”. And to his relatives, and friends, and enemies. We see the opposite picture.

If we assume that all of Michael Jackson’s assets have already been transferred to a third party, then everything more or less falls into place. And when Jackson “resurrects”, he will be quite a wealthy man. Who, in fact, he was before his death.


As you know, the funeral ceremony for Michael Jackson took place on July 7 at the Staples Center, where the singer was preparing for a series of “This Is It” concerts. The ceremony was attended by Jackson's family, friends and relatives, as well as thousands of his fans; The broadcast of the farewell ceremony for the singer was watched on television by about 31 million Americans.

After which there were reports in the media that relatives took the remains of the King of Pop to an “unknown direction.” About a week later, on July 13, it turned out that the singer's coffin was where it should be, according to the published death certificate of Michael Jackson. It names the Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery in the Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles as the "temporary" burial site. Now the coffin is in the crypt, which belongs to the head and founder of the famous recording company Motown, Berry Gordy (Michael Jackson began his career with this company). musical career in the early 1970s). Moreover, the coffin with Jackson’s body, as reported by The New York Post, was transported to the crypt secretly, and will remain there until the family of the singer, who died on June 25, decides on the burial place.

Moreover, according to the publication, Gordy himself approached Jackson’s relatives with a proposal to place the body of the “King of Pop” in the tomb. As sources close to the Jackson family told The New York Post, the father and one of the singer's brothers, Jermaine, would like to bury the performer at the Neverland California ranch that he owned. However, Jackson's mother, Katherine, spoke out categorically against this proposal. She said that after the hearing on Jackson's charges of child molestation ended, the "King of Pop" promised himself that he would never return to the Neverland estate again, and she intends to carry out his will.

Further more. “She is very upset that Michael has not yet been buried. It seems that this dispute will never end. This is terribly unfair. Michael’s father and brother want to make money from him even after death,” noted the interlocutor of The New York Post. As it turned out, disputes about the burial place began shortly after the farewell ceremony for Jackson, which, let me remind you, took place in Los Angeles on July 7.

Moreover, already on July 8, the American TV channel “FOX NEWS” and a number of other foreign sources began to say that the coffin, which was supposed to contain the body of the King of Pop Michael Jackson, turned out to be empty. For example, British tabloids claim that the body of Jackson, who died suddenly on June 25, was buried earlier, without unnecessary fuss, in a place inaccessible to fans, and the “wooden vale” that stood on stage during the long funeral ceremony and farewell to the idol was empty initially. And in order not to confuse fans, the coffin was not made of transparent plastic, as was previously mentioned.

Other sources, while supporting the idea of ​​an initially empty sarcophagus on stage, however, believe that Jackson's body is still not interred, but is in secret place. They claim that only after the excitement surrounding the funeral of the “king” subsides will he be buried.

Whatever one may say, we see a lot of riddles, omissions, and attempts to lead on the wrong trail. A man has died - bury him. Perhaps they don’t want to bury Jackson’s body with wide notice of the burial place in case of a very possible exhumation of the body, which could be carried out at the request of the most unexpected applicants (for example, the singer’s creditors who have appeared)? Then it turns out that there is a body in the grave, but it does not belong to Michael Jackson? Otherwise, why all these subterfuges and omissions?


Michael Jackson's 53-year-old sister, La Toya, gave an interview to several British newspapers, which were published on Sunday, July 12. She stated that her brother fell victim to a conspiracy by his shadowy circle. La Toya said she knew who was behind her brother's death and vowed to prove it was not an accident and that several people were involved in the conspiracy.

In particular, in an interview with the Daily Mail tabloid, she claimed that the singer was specifically given various drugs to control him, and was forced to sign a contract to hold 50 concerts in London. (By the way, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton also said a little earlier that investigators do not rule out the possibility that Michael Jackson’s death was a murder, and according to the laws of the state of California, manslaughter also falls under this criminal offense).

A report from the official medical examiner is expected within the next few weeks. According to Jackson's sister, she received the results of the preliminary official examination on Friday, July 10. However, a little earlier, at the insistence of members of Jackson’s family (in particular, La Toya Jackson herself), a second autopsy was performed, after receiving the results of which La Toya stated: “We want to sit down and compare these two results before anything is made public. I suspect what the conclusion will be, but I can't say anything at this stage. Michael has had needle pricks in his neck and arms, most of them in recent weeks. I can't say more because I might hinder the investigation. But I can say that I have not given up my suspicions that Michael was killed."

On July 10, La Toya signed the document on the autopsy of Michael Jackson, which was performed in medical center named after Ronald Reagan in Los Angeles. And the document itself (http://www.taini-zvezd.ru/node/5785) raises additional questions.

In an interview with another British tabloid, News of the World, La Toya Jackson noted that behind the death of her brother there were people who believed that they would earn more money from a dead singer than from a living one.

But that's not all! At the instigation of La Toya Jackson, on July 12, information began to circulate around the world that on the day of the singer’s death, millions of dollars in cash disappeared from his home, and not a single item from his extensive jewelry collection was present: “Michael always kept cash at home, usually about $2 million, which he used to pay for everything. When I arrived at the house a day later, there was no cash or jewelry. Someone has already “worked” there.”

In addition, Jackson's 53-year-old sister stated that Michael's children are doing well. They are with grandmother Catherine and nanny Grace Rwarambo. However, the nanny behaves “very suspiciously.”

“She gives the family mixed feelings,” La Toya said. – Mom thinks that the nanny wants to be with the children, but I asked her to be careful. It's not about whether the children love her or not. They love everyone. Mom is just gullible and feels sorry for her.

This is the same nanny of Jackson’s children (see article), who, upon learning of her son’s death, was immediately called by Jackson’s mother, asking where the black plastic bags of cash that Michael usually kept at home could be. Now, apparently, the Jackson family suspects the nanny of involvement in the disappearance of money and jewelry. In general, what a family!

Almost simultaneously, Michael Jackson’s father, Joe, said in an interview with ABC and a number of other American media that he did not believe in his son’s natural death: “I don’t even know the names of the drugs that he is said to have taken. He was probably trying to sleep with their help. I believe the death was not natural. I think it was murder. I'm sure of it ! » .

Speaking about those who could have had a hand in the murder of her brother, La Toya Jackson, in particular, stated that a couple of years ago Michael himself told her that a certain group of people was trying to get rid of him because of his rights to music publications, after which “The conspirators deliberately put Michael on drugs.” It was these people who manipulated Michael and prevented all the efforts of the singer’s family members to visit him at home.

Judging by the stories of Michael’s sister, the “manipulators” sought to cover their tracks as quickly as possible. Soon after returning from the hospital, Jackson's mother, Katherine, and La Toya received an alarming call from the mansion of the “King of Pop.” The caller was the star's longtime assistant, Michael Amin, a devout Muslim known as Brother Michael. He said that Michael Jackson's self-proclaimed manager is Lebanese Dr. Tohm Tohm (his name has only surfaced in recent days - Consp.) - fired all the employees of the house in Beverly Hills and the house in Las Vegas, which also filmed "The King of Pop."

- I want to know how this is? – La Toya asks rhetorically. – Michael died, and all his employees were fired immediately. This haste increased my suspicions.

And when she and her manager and close friend Jeff Phillips arrived at her brother’s house, new security guards were already there.

It is possible that the new self-proclaimed business manager of Michael Jackson belongs to the Nation of Islam sect (however, the methods of work of this sect must be discussed separately). It is possible that Jackson, having fallen into the bonds of a sect, decided - including with the help of his relatives - to get rid of the influence of the greedy “Nazis”.

But then why not talk about it openly? Why not try to “turn the tables” on the notorious “Nation of Islam”? Finally, why weren’t attempts to get Jackson out of the Nation of Islam’s suffocating embrace (if, of course, these “embraces” actually took place!) made earlier by Jackson’s friends and relatives?

If we take as a basis the version of the singer’s falsified death, then a lot becomes clear. For the participants in this performance, it is important to insert as many versions and reservations into the public agenda as possible, so that any assumptions can be made. The main thing in such a case is not to accidentally make a mistake, not to blurt out something that could lead to a real trace.


A separate direction is represented by the “narcotic” version. There is also a lot of talk about the fact that Michael Jackson died from an overdose of a sedative. For example, it recently became known that the “king of pop” took 10 tablets of the drug “Xanax” at night. Since in the USA it is available only by prescription and in limited quantities, Jackson obtained prescriptions from doctors in different states or asked his guards to buy sleeping pills in their names. Media reports that forensic experts have already asked Jackson's doctors for his medical history.

On the other hand, it is surprising that in addition to Xanax, the singer was also found to have the powerful anesthetic Deprivan, which is used exclusively during operations.

On June 30, the “testimony” of a new eyewitness was thrown into public opinion: nurse Sherlyn Lee. In her interview with CNN, she said that literally four days before his death, Michael Jackson persistently persuaded her over the phone to inject him with a large dose of the sedative Diprivan. She warned him about the irreversible consequences of the injection, but Jackson continued to insist. “I told him the medicine was unsafe. He replied that he just wanted to sleep: “You don’t understand. I just want to switch off and go to sleep."

It is noteworthy that Sherlyn Lee knew Jackson for no more than six months: she first met Michael in January 2009, when she was treating the singer’s children for a cold.

The drug that Jackson asked to be injected into his vein is used, as already mentioned, as a general anesthetic during operations, and is also known as Propofol. One dose puts a person to sleep, and an overdose can cause cardiac and respiratory arrest.

Recently, Michael Jackson took eight different drugs a day, including those that cause drug intoxication. Among the drugs used by the musician were strong painkillers and antidepressants.

Meanwhile, the British tabloid “The Sun” on July 12 published data on the results of a blood test of Michael Jackson. They are, to put it mildly, shocking. Experts have found many drugs that a person cannot tolerate in such quantities and in such combinations. In fact, Michael took a terrible cocktail of drugs before his death, which killed him.

According to The Sun, traces of which drugs were discovered by experts?

  • Demerol is a powerful painkiller whose levels in Jackson's blood were lethal.
  • Methadone is a very dangerous drug that is used as a substitute for heroin.
  • "Xanax" is a sedative sleeping pill; its blood level was assessed as “excessive.”
  • "Propofol" is a sedative sleeping pill.
  • Dilaudid is a narcotic painkiller that is eight times stronger than morphine.
  • Fentanyl is a narcotic analgesic.
  • Vicodin is a pain reliever.
  • Valium is a sedative.
  • Ambien is a remedy for insomnia.

It turns out that the “king of pop”, in fact, towards the end of his life became an avid drug addict and died of an overdose. Interestingly, La Toya Jackson admits that her brother had problems with prescription drugs, which the family believes began after he injured his back in an accident in 1984. But La Toya insists that his brother’s body was “clean”: while preparing for concerts in England, he drank juice, removed all toxins and cleansed the body.

La Toya, in a series of interviews with British media, stated, in particular, the following: “Michael never gave 50 concerts at once. He agreed to do 10, but then the patrons and his entourage kept increasing the number of concerts, as tickets were selling well. Even a healthy person cannot bear so many concerts. And Michael was fragile. Over the past few months he has been isolated. I believe the staff were given strict instructions: if any family members called, not to say anything. And if he comes, don’t let him in. Michael didn't keep a very close eye on his finances. A lot of people made a lot of money off of Michael. Last house, which he rented, is a classic example. The rent was supposed to be £15,000 a month, but he paid £60,000 because he was Michael Jackson. We, the family, wanted to intervene in this, tried to influence. But we were not allowed close to Michael. I knew it was going to end horribly. I believe the brother was disconnected from the real world through drugs. They got him hooked on drugs. He was clean, but then the drugs came back into him. I think it shocked his system so much that it killed him."

Finally, the name of Michael Jackson’s personal cardiologist, Conrad Murray, came up again. La Toya Jackson said the behavior of Jackson's £100,000-a-month doctor at the hospital deeply troubled her. Dr. Murray, who was not a certified cardiologist (?! – Consp . ), didn’t even show up to the family. According to La Toya, she contacted the doctor, saying, “I want to talk to you. I want to know what happened to my brother. But he said something like: “Michael died, I’m sorry.” This was wrong. It looked fantastic. Later the doctor disappeared." This only increased La Toya Jackson's fears. Well, I guess! La Toya also noted that “Everything will come out. You will be shocked!.

What can we say? Noteworthy is the fact that even Michael Jackson’s close relatives admit the singer’s active use of narcotic drugs. This, wittingly or unwittingly, should give interested observers the impression that the singer was a complete drug addict. And the sad ending was completely natural.

However, against this background, the behavior of Jackson’s personal cardiologist, Conrad Murray, who is still « On June 15, he warned all his patients of his intention to soon leave medical practice. He is believed to have decided to focus on working with Jackson, who was constantly in need of painkiller injections. » (Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported this in its publication on June 29).

If the information is correct that Jackson’s “death” was being prepared for about a year, then it is clear that Murray had a very responsible role as a personal cardiologist. He could well have been promised a substantial monetary reward for the trouble. So solid that the 52-year-old doctor would no longer need to worry about earning money in the future. The main thing is that at the critical moment there should be a killer amount of drugs in the “body”, that doctors should be called, and that no one would have the slightest doubt that it was Michael Jackson who died from an overdose.

Agree, all this seems to be true. It is difficult to say whether Michael Jackson will be “resurrected”. Future will tell. But, if this happens, there is no doubt that the public will be treated to a large-scale spectacle! Actually, the show has already begun.


On July 3, the RBC .ru news agency told Runet visitors about sensational statement American media, which was made by the “victim” of Jackson’s pedophilia – 27-year-old Jordan Chandler. It turned out that all the accusations against Michael Jackson regarding the molestation of 11-year-old Jordan Chandler were groundless. The very case of sexual harassment of the singer was fabricated.

A few days after the singer’s death, the first “victim” of sexual harassment, unable to withstand the pangs of conscience, admitted that the accusation was falsified at the insistence of his father in order to obtain monetary compensation, and turned out to be nothing more than slander that influenced the singer’s entire subsequent life.

Some people also say that Chandler was simply friends with the “King of Pop,” and his father didn’t like it. As a result, Chandler Sr. came up with a way to end the boy’s friendship with the singer and at the same time receive multimillion-dollar compensation. In 1993, the family of 11-year-old Jordan Chandler accused Jackson of child molestation. The pop singer himself categorically denied this fact. However, police raided his home while he was on tour in the Middle East. As a result, the matter was settled out of court and, according to some sources, Chandler's family was paid about $20 million.

And in mid-July, British newspapers began to abundantly quote fragments of Ian Halperin's new book, Exposed: The Last Years of Michael Jackson. This is a biography for which the author interviewed many people who confirmed that Jackson loved members of the same sex.

Here you go. Again - drugs, and, in addition, extreme efficiency in publishing a new sensational biography of a world celebrity.

The idea of ​​bringing children on stage at London's Arena O2 during a concert in honor of Michael Jackson is also being discussed. It was in this hall that the singer was supposed to give the first of his 50 farewell concerts on July 13, 2009. It's possible Jackson's children will make their showbiz debut on August 29, which would have been Jackson's 51st birthday. According to British media reports, the organizers want to see 54-year-old Jermaine, 42-year-old Janet and 53-year-old La Toya Jackson at this concert. The concert is, of course, being organized by Jackson's promoter, AEG Live, headed by Randy Philips.

A number of features have already been planned for the memorable concert: Michael will appear on stage in the form of... a hologram! At the same time, with the help of lasers, it will be possible to see video recordings of the latest rehearsals of the King of Pop in the form of a three-dimensional moving picture in full size. Beauty – and that’s all!

Michael's children, at a minimum, should fly to this concert. And at the farewell show in Los Angeles, they even went on stage, and above all, the beautiful, picture-perfect Paris, for whom friends of the Jackson family are already predicting fame as an action movie star.

Needless to say, the singer’s death instantly inflated the price of the “brand.” Michael Jackson's albums now occupy the first places in the world music charts and sales rankings.

And even if all the doubts about the reality of Jackson’s death are fair, even if he only faked his death so as never to be “resurrected” again, there is no doubt that he will be able to be safely lost. The look-alike contests that are so popular in the USA alone are worth it! It is a known fact that once, being at the zenith of his fame, Charlie Chaplin came to one of these competitions, taking one of the last places in the competition.

After all, talk about whether Jackson is alive or not is not new. Take the example of Elvis Presley: talk that he is alive has been going on since the very moment the “King of Rock and Roll” died in 1977 at the age of 42. And also – it seems like from “indulging” in drugs. The “example” of the father of one of his two wives for Jackson could be quite worthy of emulation. Earning almost as much from your “death” as during your life, while at the same time getting rid of all your debts – isn’t that a reason to “give up”?

The publication was prepared by Igor OSOVIN

Photo: T aini-zvezd.ru ; X 17 online . com ; T aini-zvezd.ru ; Michaeljacksonsightings.com

In preparing the article, materials from Internet resources were used: 0-50.ru; Mk.ru;Interfax . ru ; T aini-zvezd.ru ; M uz24.ru; Focus.In.ua; Life.ru; Regions.ru; Utro.ru;R.B.C. .ru; Michaeljacksonsightings.com.