Braid at night - care for long hair. Russian braiding. Hair magic: braiding

The ancient Celts considered it undeniable that hair braided has incredible magical power. Celtic women had equal status with men. They owned lands, chose their own husbands, were warriors and clergy, rulers and queens. But during the wedding, the Celtic woman had to appear before the altar with her hair unbraided. This proved to her chosen one and to everyone present that she was not using the magic of braided hair to bewitch a man.

The disadvantage of braided hair is that due to the numerous intersections, that is, literally intertwining, the effect of magic occurs randomly. This can lead to results that you never expected. An old witchcraft saying says: “When your hair is braided, you don’t control the magic, it controls you.” The creation of enchantments is the same vicious circle as, for example, the change of seasons. Created by us magic spells first of all they are reflected in the invisible worlds, and only then do they appear in real world, and so on in a circle. These scenarios known to people Practitioners of magic are led to believe that when we braid our hair, we risk weaving into it something more than we expected.

Which one according to the horoscope?

If you want to keep a man in love near you while preparing for a magical act, slowly braid your hair into a tight braid. To begin, divide your hair into three equal parts: each strand symbolizes you, your lover and your love.
Bring to mind the image of your lover, and while braiding your hair, imagine all the positive aspects of your relationship. Visualization of the image will be helped by contemplation of one of the sacred Celtic statues, distinctive feature which had tight braids with ribbons woven into them, symbolizing the unification of spirits; their number - three - was a sacred number for the ancient Celts.

When braiding your braid, repeat the magic spell many times:
"(Lover's full name) is in love with me,
He loves now and always will.”
Braid the braid to the end, tie it, but since this is a magical action, try to use something as a sling that reminds you of the purpose of the magic. If it is a simple rubber band, then let its color be related to the magical purpose of your spell. For example, red symbolizes passion, blue - fertility. It would be nice to use floral elements - for example, a hair clip with roses symbolizes love. Let the ribbon or pin that you use to secure the braid become the magical object that you will use only for this spell. Seal the spell with magical words addressed to the Celtic god of love, Agnes Mac-Og, saying them while braiding your hair:
“I weave magical powers into my braid,
I enclose my beloved heart there too.
I ask the Celtic god of love for help:
“Keep our love forever!”
I weave magic into my braids,
Beloved ( full name beloved) I betroth to myself forever,
Our hearts are intertwined with a braid,
We will go through life with him to the end.”

I think this post will be interesting to women, especially those who have long hair and wear braids. The other day I read some amazing information about the power of women.

It turns out that according to the Vedas (a collection of the most ancient sacred scriptures), as well as the knowledge of many specialists in human energy, women should be long and the longer the better.

What is the best hair length?

The minimum hair length should reach the middle of the shoulder blades.

At the same time, it is not necessary that all the hair be the same length - it is important that at least some part of it reaches the shoulder blades.

This could be a ribbon or cloth that you use to tie your hair.

The best women's hairstyle is a braided braid.

In ancient times, it was believed that a braid created an attractive magical ring around a woman.

The magic of parting

Moreover, it is important to know that the effect of a braid on a woman will depend on her parting

  • A straight parting balances the hemispheres of the brain and is classic for a woman. If a woman is under stress, her hair should be tied in a bun.
  • It is better to part the side part on the right, and comb the bulk of the hair to the left - on the female side.
  • Smoothly combed back hair helps you concentrate on the desired goal and helps you achieve what you want.
  • It is necessary to let your hair down when you need to exert a feminine influence on someone or in nature when you can be saturated with the energy of the forest...

But before important event or after a promising acquaintance, hair needs to be collected and accumulated energy.

Since ancient times, combing and decorating hair was considered witchcraft rituals, so they approached it with great respect

While combing they said: “Grow your braid to your waist, don’t lose a single hair, grow your braid to your toes, all the hairs in a row”...

The magic of hair and its magical power

It is believed that by braiding your hair, you create various currents of energy that contribute to the fulfillment of your desires.

Those thoughts that are in your head at the moment of performing these actions have a very high chance of finding their material embodiment. Therefore, when dealing with your hair, be sure to think only about the good and important.

Hair has its own memory and stores information for a very long time.

It is believed that combing your hair before bed can remove negative information about the events of the past day.

How to get rid of problems with hair?

Every year the comb must be changed, and the old one must be burned at the stake.

And if you are completely tormented by a load of problems, just cut your hair, but not shorter than your shoulder blades.

There is a belief that if a person is overcome by a serious illness, it is necessary to cut the ends of the hair on the waxing Moon, repeating the ritual three times, then information about the disease will recede and recovery will come.

Of course, these are not all the signs associated with hair. Whether to believe in their power or not, everyone decides for themselves.

For example, when I feel like I want to turn my life in a new direction, I cut my hair shorter.

And, indeed, everything is changing. Hair magic works!!!

At this point in my life I want to grow my hair long.

Moreover, this comes more from some internal motives)))

Should I wear a braid or short hair, everyone's personal business.

The main thing is that you feel comfortable and like it first of all.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

In Rus', since ancient times, the braid has been considered a symbol of girlish beauty.
The braid was the main way to wear hair - for girls, women, and old women.

Walking around with an untidy head and loose hair was considered shameful. This was only allowed in special days, when the taboo did not apply - for example, on Ivan Kupala. But in general, as soon as a girl reached a certain age, she began to wear a strictly defined hairstyle - a braid, usually woven from three strands.

In general, the first braiding of a girl’s hair meant her transition to a new age category. Until then, her hair could have been cut. But as soon as she began to approach marriageable age (and it was very early - from the age of 13), her hairstyle was changed, and at the same time her clothes. Children's shirts went to younger brothers and sisters, and a girl who acquired the status of a girl was given another braid, not a child's one, but women's clothing.

In Rus' unmarried girls wore one braid. Good ones, Thick hair were highly valued because they spoke of strength and health. We can say that the expression “braid - maiden beauty” had a completely literal meaning - the one with the longest braid was considered the best bride. And so the girls tried their best to make their braids grow thick.

Those who did not succeed resorted to vile deception - they wove hair from ponytails into their braids. Or they tried outlandish ways to strengthen their hair: they rubbed snake fat into it so that the hair was long, like snakes, or hid a rope under the pillow so that the hair was strong, ran in the summer rain, applied a herb to their hair, which is called “braid”, anointed hair with grape juice, so that the braid was elastic, like a grapevine... And, of course, they strengthened it with herbal decoctions and the like. God knows whether it helped them or not, but modern doctors say that the thickness of hair and its length (if you don’t cut it, of course), are determined by genetic characteristics, and it is impossible to change them.

However, there was another way to increase the volume of the braid - to weave a ribbon from the very base of the braid, which, in fact, was done. It was both a decoration and a sign: if a ribbon appeared in a girl’s braid, it meant that the girl was of marriageable age. As soon as she had a fiancé, and had already received a blessing for marriage from her parents, then instead of one ribbon, two appeared, and they were woven not from the base of the braid, but from its middle. This was a signal to the other suitors that their further efforts were in vain, since the girl and her family had already decided on a candidate for husband.

And the girl had only a short time to wear her braid. Before the wedding, friends wept and unraveled the bride's hair, and she said goodbye to her usual hairstyle as a symbol of carefree girlhood. And it was mourned in special ritual songs, the texts of which have survived to this day:

As the hour passes,
Soon the will is short,
I'll part with my volushka,
I confess to the slave.
Isn't the mountain crumbling?
Let the tubular braid unravel,
May this wonderful century pass by.
Divya's swan share,
Divya's nickname is okay
The female lot is inferior,
A woman's title is not good.

Upon marriage, the girl had two braids braided, which were then placed around her head like a crown - a hint of her new, higher family status. But this does not mean that the newlywed’s life became easier - she ended up in someone else’s family and became completely dependent on her husband.

The newly-made wife had no right to wear one braid - there was even a sign that because of this she could become a widow. Probably, they simply intimidated young girls, seeing in their reluctance to change their hairstyle, a reluctance to lose their freedom and fully accept the responsibilities that fell on her shoulders. And following these concerns, either a scarf, or a warrior (a cloth cap), or a kika (this is a hat with two horns), or some other type of headdress was placed on the young wife’s head.

It is not appropriate for a married woman to walk around with her head uncovered. The exception is fortune telling, since women with loose hair told fortunes, as well as mourning the deceased - loose hair symbolized the bitterness of loss. In other cases, the hair was hidden under the fabric.

The scarf on her head seemed to hide the woman and her beauty from prying male gazes, and spoke of her severity and good morals. And to tear off her headdress meant to insult and humiliate both herself and her family. The worst insult was having my hair cut off. If a girl cut her braid on her own, then most likely she was mourning her deceased groom, and cutting her hair was for her an expression of deep grief and reluctance to get married.

But the braid could also be cut off forcibly - say, if a girl lost her virginity before marriage. This was already at the time of the adoption of Christianity, because in pagan times the presence of a premarital child was not an obstacle to a wedding, and even vice versa: the girl’s fertility was confirmed as a living accomplished fact. Then morals became stricter, and the one who took liberties before the wedding could part with her hair as punishment - it could also be cut off by a jealous rival.

In addition, in some places there was a curious custom when a girl’s braid was cut off before marriage, and she gave it to her husband, as if saying that she was giving him her whole life, and then grew a new one under the scarf. In the event of an attack by enemies - the Pechenegs or Polovtsians, for example - the husband could take his wife’s maiden braid with him into battle, as a talisman against misfortune and the evil eye. And if enemies broke into Slavic settlements, then, in addition to logically explainable robbery, violence and murder, they could cut off women’s hair.

Apparently, hair had some mystical significance for people. symbolic meaning. It was not for nothing that the beauty of the bride was determined by the length of her braid, it was not for nothing that wives were forced to cover their hair with a scarf, and it was not for nothing that nomads sought to cut off the braids of girls and women in the lands they attacked. It seems that hair was directly associated with vitality.

By the way, there is a legend about this in the Bible, about a man of exorbitant strength - Samson, whose power lay in his hair, which he wore braided, by the way, in braids. When his enemies managed to cut off his hair by deception, Samson weakened, he was blinded, he remained in slavery, and his enemies took him to their temple to make fun of him there. But as soon as his hair grew back, Samson pulled the chains that chained him to the columns, causing the building to collapse, burying both himself and his jailers.

Beliefs related to hair exist among almost all nations. It was believed that hair could be used in love spells, so people tried to burn cut hair - after all, even if it does not fall into the hands of a witch, birds can find it and make a nest out of it, and then, if you believe the superstition, the person will begin to be twisted in the same way, how his hair is twisted in a nest.

In a number of religious ceremonies, the abandonment of hair indicates the abandonment of the old way of life and the acceptance of religious precepts. In Orthodoxy, at baptism, as well as at initiation into monasticism, there is a rite of tonsure, and in Catholicism, all clergy shaved their tonsure.

Hair has traditionally been considered a container vitality, so young children are usually not cut until a certain age (usually 3-5 years). Among the Slavs, the first haircut was a special ritual, which was called tonsure. In princely families, the boy was also mounted on a horse for the first time on the day of tonsure.

Today, hairstyle, in general, does not particularly reflect anyone's social status- everyone wears what he likes, and hair is not given the mystical significance that was attributed to it before.

Hair magic. Perhaps everyone has heard this expression. But what exactly is magical about our hair and how to treat it correctly?

With our hair we collect energy from the world around us. Often they seem to “feel” that something is wrong, that something bad might happen. The phrases “the hair stood on end”, “the hair moved on the head” did not appear out of nowhere. What should we know about them?

The magic of hair: its energy is our energy and strength

They are our energy antennas. It has long been known that hair accumulates negative energy. Previously, during a serious illness, they were cut off - not only to make the sick person more comfortable from a practical point of view, but also in order to get rid of “bad” information.

If a radical change of hairstyle is unacceptable for some reason (and you won’t get a haircut after every negative situation), after unpleasant experiences it would be good to wash your hair as quickly as possible.

The magic of long hair: why is it undesirable to cut your hair short?

Long hair has such energy that thanks to it we collect information from all over the world, and it is easier for us to make the right decisions for us. Short locks cut us off from environment, and we can make decisions only on the basis of intelligence, without using the full range of information coming from the earth, the elements, as well as from other people.

Dissolve or collect?

Not only the length of hair and its energy are connected: it is important in what form it “functions”. Loose curls, which men like so much, are a hairstyle only for women with large inner strength. Those who are able to do something that only the very strong-willed and strong can do, something that would be beyond the reach of more sensitive people. For example, reflect the envy-filled thoughts of other people.

It is important to know: walking down the street with loose hair, we collect not only dust, but also all types of energy, for example, impatience and irritation of people rushing about their business. That's why sometimes you suddenly feel bad with such a hairstyle. We start to get irritated, something starts to bother us.

In this case, it is worth having something on hand to collect loose locks. Many experts advise growing your hair at least long enough to be pulled into a small ponytail. If a woman does not want to experience everything that is happening in her environment too intensely, then she should use an elastic band, a clip or a headdress. The magic of hair is such that it is best to let it loose only in places where a person feels safe.

Witches, good fairies in fairy tales they were often depicted with long flowing hair. And this is not at all accidental. This hairstyle makes it easier to establish contact with the spiritual world and better understanding problems, other people's thoughts. In turn, witches and evil sorceresses usually wore a hat to concentrate on their own thoughts.

There is another reason to collect strands of hair in a “clear”, decorated hairstyle - this is to create the “right” image and create the right mood. A carefully combed counterpart creates the impression that we are dealing with a well-groomed, settled, balanced person. When it awaits us difficult task(for example, submitting an application when applying for new job, an important business meeting), then, as a rule, we feel more comfortable with well-fixed, fastened, carefully combed hair.

The braid is not only beauty, but also protection

For a very long time, people have felt how a woman’s hair and energy are connected. All primitive peoples had a rule: the longer the strands of a representative of the fair sex, the better. Most often they were braided into braids. Among the Slavs, the three strands that make up the braid symbolized the power of the three worlds - Reveal, Rule and Navi. The magic of a woman's braid protects the spine and connects the Earth with the Sky. A woman who had a small child was braiding two braids. One was designed to protect herself, the second - her baby.

Awareness of the special energy of hair made it possible to undo the braid only at the moment of relaxation in the meadows, by the river, near the lake. Or in the evening, when the Slavic women went to bed. Married women often the husband did this, and it was one of the elements of love foreplay.

How to comb your hair and care for it so that you have strength and energy?

For this procedure, combs made from natural materials- wooden or bone. They do not destroy the structure of the hairs, they allow you to delete the information accumulated during the day, because, as already mentioned, our strands have a memory. Brushing them before bed helps get rid of negative energy to fully relax in silence. Once a year you need to burn your comb and replace it with a new one.

It is not recommended to overuse hair washing, especially today’s “chemicals”. In India, for example, hair is cared for with natural oils. No one there thinks of washing it every day. From their point of view, European women's hair is too dry and looks like hay. You can use lentil flour to wash your hair. To make it smell “delicious”, the strands should be rinsed with water and herbs. From time to time it is useful to lubricate your hair at night with argan, almond or coconut oil.

You can take care of your hair according to lunar calendar. For radical hair changes, including dyeing or perming, it is best suited full moon. Then there is a greater chance that new form or the color will last longer.

With or without bangs?

After the conquest of China, Genghis Khan ordered women to cut their hair and wear bangs that covered their foreheads. He knew that in this way they would feel scared, depressed, and then it would be easier to master and control them. Often we do a hairstyle with bangs when we have some complexes and want to hide them, or when we want to give our face a different shape and look fashionable. However, esoteric experts advise not to obscure your forehead. This is such a symbolic way to show that we are open to the world and to establish excellent - the most complete - contact with it. With an open forehead we can feel much stronger.

Hair magic: someone else's touch

Specialists who work with energies know that the touch of strangers to hair can cause it to grow worse, split in two, and fall out. If someone suddenly touches your head, then in this most unacceptable way they violate intimate distance. “Oh, you have these beautiful hair, I just couldn’t resist,” - even if we hear such flattering and even sincere, sincere explanations, we still feel uneasy and anxious.

This happens because touch has enormous power, and no one can do this without our consent. Hair is a magical gateway to our inner essence, to our past and future. From them we can read what lies ahead. Gypsies, for example, often tell fortunes by strands.

Some people do not allow strangers to cut their hair, so they do not go to hairdressers. And they ask someone to trim the ends about whom they know that this person only wishes the best for them, for example, a mother, grandmother or husband.
Even in ancient times, it was believed that hair was one of the sources of human vitality and energy. Suffice it to recall the biblical story of Samson. He was endowed with inhuman strength, killed a lion with his hands, defeated the enemy army with the strength of his own muscles, and tore out the city gates. And to deprive him of this superhuman power, it turned out that just cutting his hair was enough. Which is what the insidious Delilah, with whom he had the misfortune of falling in love, did.

Brides used to give their hair to the boys when they went to war. It was a reminder of the time spent together, and also magic with the help of hair: they acted in such a way as to ensure fidelity, although, of course, it was important first of all to protect the loved one.

Giving someone your hair is a sign of great trust. After all, they can also be used with bad intentions - for example, they are necessary to make a voodoo doll. So it is better to either bury or burn the hair - fallen or cut, so that it cannot fall into the wrong hands.

On the other hand, in difficult moments, nothing brings us relief as quickly and guaranteed as touch loving person- stroking hair, combing it with fingers. One of the wonderful forms of showing intimacy, tenderness, and love is washing each other’s hair.

Human energy and the “vegetation” on his head and body are closely connected, and they knew about it in ancient times. The magic of hair is available to everyone - in terms of the simplest actions: choosing the length, combing, etc. It is not difficult to follow the rules, and the effect can be the preservation and increase of energy and strength, protection from bad influences.