Biography of Var. Biography of the singer Varvara. The secret of beautiful hair

Childhood period

Lena did not like school; she was attracted to the dance club and physical education classes at the general education institution. Her parents forced her to do her homework and improve her knowledge. And her fate was determined by the old accordion that her grandfather gave her. She was enrolled in music school to develop in a girl musical abilities.


The singer lives in a happy family; she has four children. At a young age she already got married, but the marriage was unsuccessful. The second marriage with businessman Mikhail Susov, on the contrary, is very successful. Mikhail turned out to be the man of her dreams and became her support in life and in her work.


First, Varvara graduated from music school. The next step was to study at the Gnessin School, where she was taught by Matvey Osherovsky, who is the director of the famous production in Odessa - “The Threepenny Opera”. Osherovsky was a rather eccentric person: he threw shoes at her and kicked the artist out more than once. Although Elena did not get into operetta of her own free will - she wanted to create without directors and producers, she wanted freedom. Later, when she worked at the Leshchenko Variety Theater, she graduated from GITIS with a degree in artist musical theater"(in absentia). And when she left the theater, she began a solo career.

From the summer of 1991 to the present day, Varvara has been working in the state theater, she is a soloist and vocalist. In addition, she is the artistic director and general director of her production center, which is called the Varvara Art Center.

After a year of work, in 2001, Elena, together with the company “NOX Music”, released her debut album, which was called “Varvara”.

Although the songs from the album were “in format”, they still did not enjoy success among listeners. Only a few songs from the album were played on the radio: “Varvara”, “On the Edge”, “Butterfly”, “Fly to the Light”.

In 2002, the singer received an unexpected offer. Norm Bjorn, who is the founder of the famous Swedish studio, invited Varvara to record several compositions together with symphony orchestra Sweden. This collaboration ended with the release of the song “It’s Behind”, the style of the composition was then fashionable r’n’b. The singer decides to record the remaining songs for the second album in Russia.

According to Varvara, her main passion is music videos. She says that she always dreamed of singing and filming videos for these songs, because in them she would be able to show herself as a real actress.

In March 2003, Varvara’s second album, entitled “Closer,” was released; this record was released by the Ars-Records company. The recording of the songs was carried out at the Brothers Grimm studio - the arrangements and sound of this studio were most suitable for the singer’s ideas.

If we talk about the last four years, Varvara has released four solo albums. The records contain compositions that audiences know the most different countries. Over the past ten years, various music festivals, tours, and charity concerts many times invited the singer to participate in events. Many times Varvara organized holiday concerts and even represented the Russian musical art abroad.

In 2005, Varvara at the National Selection International competition Eurovision became a finalist. At the same time, she won first place in the voting for the right to represent Russia at the celebration of the anniversary Eurovision in Denmark, which was to be held for the 50th time. Voting was carried out on the Internet by the International Club OGAE.

Varvara Vizbor – Russian singer, granddaughter of the sixties bard Yuri Vizbor. Her favorite genres are jazz and lounge, but she also enjoys reworking her grandfather's songs, adding personality and a new sound. Together with rapper L’One, she recorded the song “Echo of Love” from the soundtrack to the second season of the TV series “Chernobyl. Exclusion zone."

Childhood and adolescence

A native Muscovite, Varvara Sergeevna Vizbor was born on February 18, 1986 into a creative, intelligent family. Varvara’s grandfather is the famous poet-bard Yuri Vizbor, her grandmother is the talented poet and writer Ariadna Yakusheva.

Unfortunately, the girl was born a year after her grandfather’s death, but she became acquainted with his work in early childhood. His parents bought a collection disc containing his song “Night Road,” which sank into Varya’s soul from the first chords. How surprised she was when her mother told her that this was her grandfather’s song!

I was very surprised, because in our family there was no cult of grandfather - for us it was an ordinary person, father and grandfather, family member.

Since childhood, the girl was surrounded by a creative atmosphere, which could not but influence her worldview and future fate. Representatives of the capital's bohemians often gathered in the house, sang, played music, read poetry and staged impromptu performances. Her parents instilled in her a kind attitude towards people and the ability to communicate freely with the most different people, and from her grandmother Varya inherited a sense of humor and an optimistic attitude towards life.

The girl's parents, Tatyana Vizbor and Sergei Lobikov, are also people creative professions, immediately recognized their daughter’s artistic and musical abilities and took her to theater studio. Having become a first-grader, Varvara enrolled in the school choir “Red Carnation”, in which she sang until graduation.

She studied at the secondary level and free time preferred to spend time not studying textbooks, but at choir rehearsals or in children's theater. With his brother Yuri, they often organized home concerts: Yura played, and Varya performed songs from the repertoire of her beloved Alla Pugacheva. The girl also practiced drawing and macrame.

Varvara and Yuri Vizbor - You are my breath

After graduating from school, Varya tried to enter VGIK, but did not pass the competition. Failure did not dampen the ardor of the ambitious girl, and on the advice of Alexei Batalov, a year later she submitted documents to the Shchukin School. This time her efforts were rewarded: Varvara became a student at a prestigious theater university, which she successfully graduated in 2007.


At first she wanted to do teaching activities, entered the master's program, but soon became bored with the stage and the audience and got a job at the Shkola theater modern play».

The atmosphere at the School of Contemporary Play was depressing to me. I had to somehow declare myself, become punchy, resourceful... But they say that I am like my grandfather in character, but he was neither punchy nor resourceful.

After serving there for two years, Vizbor moved to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures (Theatrium on Serpukhovka), where she was finally able to fully realize herself as an actress. But there was still an inner feeling of dissatisfaction, which disappeared when she took the microphone and began to sing. Varvara intuitively felt that being a singer was her true calling, and since 2013 she decided to devote herself entirely to her singing career.

Back in student years she began performing in clubs, where she met talented jazz musicians Sergei Khutas and Evgeniy Borets. Soon the guys organized their own group “Vizbor V.S. Khutas”, which lasted five years. The group's repertoire consisted of original arrangements, intricately combining elements of jazz, blues, traditional Russian motifs and sacred music.

Evening Urgant. Varvara Vizbor - And there will be a great winter

In 2015, their debut album “Strawberry” was released. Varvara recorded the subsequent collections “Magic Fruit”, “Mitten” and “Polyphony” under own name. They included both original works created by modern authors, and songs of her legendary grandparents in new arrangements.

Varvara Vizbor - Lucy

In the summer of 2016, Vizbor performed at the large jazz festival “Usadba Jazz”.

Varvarva Vizbor and The Voice Show

She chose one of Yuri Vizbor’s songs, “Winter,” to perform at the “blind auditions” in the fourth season of the show “The Voice” (2015). Oddly enough, despite the soulful performance and impeccable vocals, none of the four mentors turned to her. Polina Gagarina admitted that she wanted to turn around, but the song “somehow ended quickly.” “Very nice, but there’s only one song, what happens next? What else you can show us is unclear,” said Alexander Gradsky. Basta and Grigory Leps also remained indifferent to Varvara’s performance.

The girl was upset, to put it mildly. But unexpectedly she received support from the viewers of “The Voice” with different corners countries. The situation that developed during the blind auditions caused bewilderment and dissatisfaction, because the audience was completely delighted with Varvara’s performance. The singer took the failure seriously, however, the love and support of fans of her talent, the number of which increased sharply after participating in “The Voice,” gave the artist the strength to believe in herself again.

Personal life of Varvara Vizbor

Varvara carefully protects her personal space and hides information about her private life. It is known that she is happily married to her beloved man, whom she sees as the father of her future children.

L'One feat. Varvara Vizbor – Yakutyanochka

The singer also took part in the “All Colors of Jazz” ceremony, which took place on October 31, 2017 in Moscow.



Professions Genres Nicknames Awards

Varvara(real name Elena Vladimirovna Susova, maiden name - Tutanova); was born July 30 (19730730 ) year in Balashikha) - Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia(2010). Graduated from Balashikha school No. 3, Gnessin School And GITIS. She performed as part of the troupe of the State Theater of Variety Performances. First solo album, which was called “Varvara”, was released by the performer in 2001 (label NOX Music). The performer also released the albums “Closer” (2003) and “Dreams” (2005).

Creative path

Varvara graduated from Gnesinka, where her teacher was Matvey Osherovsky - director sensational production "The Threepenny Opera" V Odessa. The eccentric genius repeatedly kicked out the artist, called her “Verst Kolomenskaya” and even threw shoes at her. However, in operetta Varvara did not go through no fault of his - she just wanted a “free flight”, without directors and producers. Later, working in a variety theater Lev Leshchenko, she graduated in absentia GITIS majoring in musical theater artist. After leaving the theater, Varvara began her solo career.

From July 1991 to the present, Varvara has been working as a soloist-vocalist of the Federal State Cultural Institution " State Theater variety performances "Music Agency". Simultaneously with this position, she performs the functions artistic director And general director own production Art Center “Varvara”. Varvara performs songs and musical compositions that are often heard on the radio, and her musical numbers can be seen in television programs central channels of Russia.

In 2001, the NOX Music company released the artist’s debut album, which was called “Varvara”. Work on this record continued throughout 2000. Most of the songs were written by unknown young authors, and only the name Kim Breitburg- main songwriter Boris Moiseev- said something to the listeners. Young multi-instrumentalists took part in the recording of the album, united in one group named after Varvara.

Then for the first time DJs leading radio stations and thought: what style should this music be classified as? There are echoes of all musical cultures - from Russian to Arab; the sounds of live instruments are combined here with electronic samples, tragic compositions invariably coexist with dance songs, and at the same time poetry comes to the fore! The songs of the debut album, despite all their format, were not popular with listeners, but the title song “Varvara”, “Butterfly”, “On the Edge” and “Fly to the Light” were rotated on the radio. But the fact that in Nicole Claro’s book “Madonna” one of the chapters was called “On the Edge” went unnoticed.

In the summer of 2002, Varvara received an unexpected offer. The founder of the famous Swedish studio Cosmo (it was this company that “made” the last records of the group A-ha and Britney Spears), Norn Bjorn, invited her to record several compositions with the Swedish symphony orchestra. Collaboration with the Swedes resulted in the song “It’s Behind,” designed in the style of fashionable r’n’b. But Varvara decided to continue recording the remaining songs for the future album in Russia. She believes that today Russian sound producers are capable of working at the European level.

The end of 2002 was marked for Varvara by her performance in the final “ Songs of the year 2002"with the song "Od-na", which in the summer-autumn of 2002 was broadcast on almost all the leading radio stations in the country.

Varvara travels in music just as she travels in life. IN United Arab Emirates, where she often comes with her family, she has already been offered to record an album of songs on Arabic. But in addition to the east, Varvara is also attracted northern Europe, with its harsh sagas and Celtic tales, with the cold music of Enya and the salty smell of the ocean. Perhaps that is why the song “Two Sides of the Moon” from her second album, which was released in 2003, has such Norman notes. “I am in love with Europe of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. When I come to France and wander through the castles of the 16th century, I feel the Norman spirit preserved within these walls. I get the feeling that I lived there: I stroke the walls, and I want to shoot videos there.”

Experimenting with song videos is perhaps Varvara’s main passion. “I always wanted to sing songs and shoot videos in which I could finally show myself as a character actress,” says Varvara.

March 2003 became the month of Varvara - the Ars-Records company released her second album, called “Closer”. Most of the compositions for it were recorded at the Brothers Grimm studio - it was in this company that they managed to find arrangements and sound that were adequate to the singer’s ideas.

For recent years four solo albums were released music album singers with songs that audiences from different countries know and love. Over the past 10 years, many tours, music festivals, and a wide variety of charitable and patronage events have not been possible without Varvara’s active creative participation. The singer repeatedly took part in the organization holiday concerts, she took part in many Russian festivals and represented the musical art of Russia abroad.

In December 2004 he received an honorary diploma from the television festival " Song of the Year 2005"for the song "Flying and Singing", for which a video was shot in Morocco a month later.

In 2005, Varvara became a finalist in the National selection of the International Eurovision Song Contest 2005. In the same year, the singer won first place in the Internet voting International Club OGAE received the right to represent Russia at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Eurovision festival in Denmark.

Since 2006, Varvara has been actively touring European countries and introducing Europeans to the ethnic creativity of Russian musical culture. We know well that all the years of our creative activity She actively and purposefully improves her skills, searches for new creative forms, and makes sure that musical material The works she performed always followed the spirit of modernity, were interesting and accessible to the most diverse segments of the public and were in demand on the music market.

In 2009, Varvara takes part in the Festival of Russian Culture in London and introduces the British to her new program"Dreams" This program contains best songs, in the musical arrangements of which you can hear the sound of the Yakut tambourine and the beats of North Caucasian drums and the beautiful sounds of ancient Russian horns. The team under the leadership of Varvara purposefully uses the sounds of many folk instruments, thereby emphasizing the scale of Russian musical culture.

On March 12, People's Artist of Russia Nadezhda Babkina will celebrate her 60th birthday with a big concert. Ethno-pop singer Varvara, who has been friends with Nadezhda Georgievna for many years, will not be able to attend the concert due to her tour, however, she will present the artist with her gift. But later.

Last week, in one of the studios in Moscow, Varvara finished recording a joint composition with Moscow Bagpipe Orchestra. The recorded song is a cover version of a truly popular hit in our country (its name is kept secret until the premiere). Known for her musical experiments, Varvara decided to combine traditional Russian text and folk melodies with the sound of real bagpipes. “Many people are sure that the bagpipe is a purely Scottish instrument,” says Varvara. - In fact, it came to Europe from the East. According to one of the existing versions, the instrument came to Scotland thanks to our neighbors the Vikings and the Varangians, who were very close to Rus'. Therefore such a union musical styles seems historically justified to me. I want to present and dedicate the premiere of this song and a specially prepared number to Nadezhda Babkina during her next project, which will take place immediately after the singer’s anniversary. I am grateful to her for the moral support that she provides to my creative experiments in combining traditional and modern styles. I really hope that she will like the new creation as much as she liked my song “Letala, Yes Sang” at one time.

Varvara met the Moscow and Region Bagpipe Orchestra during a tour in England. The artist immediately caught fire with the idea of ​​cooperation, and the recorded composition is only the first fruit of it. The approach is no longer a cover, but an original song by Varvara in the Scottish style, for which the singer is now looking for suitable lyrics.


  • 2001 - Album “Varvara” - “KNOX MUSIC”
    • « VARVARA
    • « BUTTERFLY" - Music: A. Shkuratov, Words: A. Shkuratov, Arrangements: A. Ivanov, A. Shkuratov, Video clip director: D. Makhamatdinov, Video clip operator: V. Novozhilov
    • « FLY TO THE LIGHT" - Music: K. Breitburg, M. Breitburg, Words: E. Melnik, Arrangements: K. Breitburg, Video clip director: F. Bondarchuk, Video clip operator: V. Opelyants, Video clip stylist: Alisher
    • « ON THE EDGE" - Music: K. Boris, Words: E. Melnik, Arrangements: A. Ivanov, Video clip director: S. Kalvarsky, Video clip operator: V. Opelyants, Video clip stylist: Aslan
    • « TWO HEARTS" - Music: A. Lunev, Lyrics: I. Kokanovsky, Arrangements: V. Mukhin, A. Lunev
    • « ICE AND WATER" - Music: A. Protchenko, Lyrics: A. Protchenko, Arrangements: A. Protchenko
    • « GLASS LOVE" - Music: A. Lunev, Lyrics: E. Melnik, Arrangements: V. Mukhin, A. Lunev
    • « RUN AWAY" - Music: V. Shemtyuk, Words: E. Melnik, V. Shemtyuk, Arrangements: A. Ivanov
    • « REX, PEX, FEX" - Music: K. Breitburg, Lyrics: K. Breitburg, Arrangements: A. Ivanov
    • « HAWAII" - Music: G. Bogdanov, Lyrics: G. Bogdanov, Arrangements: A. Ivanov
    • « ANGEL OF BAD NEWS" - Music: K. Breitburg, Lyrics: E. Melnik, Arrangements: A. Protchenko
    • « DON'T INTERFER" - Music: A. Shkuratov, Lyrics: A. Shkuratov, Arrangements: A. Ivanov, A. Shkuratov
    • « FLY TO THE LIGHT" - (Grimm RMX/

In our regular column about celebrity beauty secrets, the singer talks about a rejuvenating shower, home spa treatments and Cleopatra's magical bath.

- Varvara, looking at you, I simply can’t believe that your eldest son Yaroslav is already 24 years old. You look great!

Thanks a lot! You know, when I crossed the 40-year-old mark last year, compliments literally rained down on me. Especially from men. They often say that now I am even more feminine and sexy. And these words somewhat reconcile me with the fact that over the past three years I have gained as much as five kilograms. Although I am still very worried about this and am dealing with my overweight irreconcilable struggle. So far, I must admit, not very successfully. But I don’t give up working on myself: I play sports and eat right.

- Did you have any complexes about your appearance in your youth?

There were, and some more! I was terribly embarrassed about my figure. In high school, I reached 180 centimeters and felt so awkward - tall and completely flat. The boys teased us with the “Ostankino Tower” and “Verstaya Kolomenskaya”. The stage helped me get rid of stupid complexes. The teachers at Gnesinka, where I entered at the age of 17, were pleased with me, and this greatly raised my self-esteem. At the same time, I even started working as a model at the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion House - it turned out that for the catwalk I had excellent growth and figure. True, after about a year I had to give up my modeling career, because at the age of 18 I became a mother.

“The complexes about being thin and tall went away when it turned out that my figure is perfect for the catwalk” Photo:

- Pregnancy and childbirth usually greatly change a woman’s figure...

Yes, after the birth of Yaroslav I acquired some shape. But she was still very thin for a long time, weighing only 63-64 kilograms. Alas, with age, whatever one may say, the metabolism slows down, hence the five kilos gained. And the TV screen doesn’t stand on ceremony with the artists - it adds just as much. Therefore, weight already has to be strictly controlled.

- Have you tried any diets?

Well, of course. I used to sit on rice alone for several days. It's hard! In my opinion, if you need to lose weight quickly, the best thing is kefir diet. It's simple. On the first day you drink only kefir, and no more than a liter per day. On the second day, you can add an apple to the kefir and alternate them - a glass of kefir, then a quarter of an apple, and so on. On the third day we drink kefir and eat cucumbers. And on the fourth liter of kefir, cottage cheese is added - 200 grams, which must be divided into three meals. In four days of such a diet you can lose up to seven kilograms. But for me diets are a serious challenge. I start to feel bad, my mood deteriorates, I get angry at the whole world. That's why I refused them. But, of course, I still strictly monitor my diet.