Dream interpretation of swimming in a pool with clean water. The magic of numbers

The interpretation of the dream “Swimming pool” is considered based on what kind of water was in the pool (dirty, cloudy or crystal clear, warm or icy) and what you did in it (swimmed, jumped from a tower, poured water, washed or simply passed by). Very great value To decipher a dream about a pool, it also depends on who was in the pool (children, people, fish, dolphins, sharks, worms, etc.). All this is taken into account in the dream book and below are answers to questions that may arise after you have seen the dream “Swimming pool”.

  • Why do you dream about a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: a swimming pool in a dream means that everything will be fine in your relationships, as well as easy and successful affairs. A swimming pool in a dream is generally associated with relationships with the opposite sex and the progress of affairs at work.
  • Why do you dream of a sauna with a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: a sauna with a swimming pool in a dream - in reality an unfavorable meeting with a person on whom you were very much counting.
  • Why do you dream about a house with a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: a house with a swimming pool in a dream promises the dreamer good luck and a successful course of business, as well as love adventure, which can turn your life around.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream about a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: A pregnant woman dreams of a swimming pool for an easy birth and a strong baby.
  • Why does a girl dream about a pool? Dream Interpretation: a girl dreams of a swimming pool for a fateful meeting.

I dreamed about a pool and water(Cm. )

I dreamed of swimming in a pool in a dream

Actions performed with the pool

Various animals in the pool

Maly Velesov dream book

The interpretation of dreams “swimming in the pool” comes down to the following: strengthen your position in society; if people swam nearby, it means you will find loyal and reliable friends.
I dreamed of swimming in a pool with clean water - good, health. Dreams are also interpreted where you dreamed of swimming in clean water, wash in a dream with clean water and dreamed that I was swimming in clean water (in a river, sea, ocean). (Cm. )

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's Dream Book: a swimming pool in a dream means the dignity and decency of the dreamer.
Miller's dream book: swimming in a pool in a dream for a young woman is a good dream - you will find a true friend, strengthen your position.

Freud's Dream Book

Modern dream book

Modern dream book: why does a woman dream of swimming in a pool? Thanks to charm, a woman will achieve success and make reliable friends.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

  • The dream of “a swimming pool with clean water” promises an important meeting for your life. It is possible to meet the person you loved many years ago. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: swimming in a clean pool in a dream means in reality getting ready for an important meeting that can turn your life around. Perhaps you will meet an old friend to whom you were not indifferent in those distant times when you were together.
  • Dream Interpretation: if in a dream you swam in the pool beautifully and gracefully and everyone looked at you with admiration, it means in reality I will make you a very lucrative offer. Accept it with joy and gratitude only after checking the reliability of this offer, since perhaps they want to deceive you.
  • If you dreamed about children in the pool, the dream says that big changes await you, after which you will feel like a different person. The period of change will be as stormy and difficult as the playful and cheerful behavior of the children in the pool in your dream.
  • Why dream of swimming in the pool with joy and pleasure? Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation: swimming in a pool in a dream with pleasure means that in reality you are captured by the bustle of your home. You cannot escape from everyday problems and troubles even for one day. This is not possible: you can exhaust yourself mentally and exhaust yourself physically.
  • Why dream of swimming in a pool without pleasure? Dream Interpretation: if you didn’t like swimming in the pool in your dream ( cold water, dirty pool, Bad mood etc.) - this means you will have to part with your friend for some time. The separation will pass quickly, although you will miss each other greatly.
  • If you dreamed of jumping from a tower into a pool in a dream - in reality you will have to accept a very important decision, on which your entire future life will depend.

Vanga's Dream Book

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a swimming pool? This dream has two meanings:

  • The first positive interpretation: I dreamed that I was swimming in a pool - it means that a person will appear in your life who will change your views and turn your whole life around, becoming an important part of it. If you want such a person to appear, every morning, for 3 days, take a glass of clean water and pour it through the window onto the street.
  • Second negative interpretation: If you dreamed about a dirty pool or an empty one without water - in reality you will be left alone and you will decide for yourself huge amount problems and troubles. To avoid this terrible condition, place any fountain (toy, tiny or homemade) in your room and for a week make sure that water is always flowing in it. You can also collect stones that were lying on the shore of the sea, lake or river and put them on the bottom of the bath. During the week you need to make sure that they are always wet.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

  • I dreamed of a pool with clean water - to good health.
  • Dream " muddy water in the pool" promises illness. After such a dream, go to the shower and rinse with clean water or simply douse yourself outside to prevent illness.
  • The dream “swimming pool with dirty water” says: unpleasant rumors will be spread about you.
  • I dreamed of a swimming pool in a dream - to changes in life.
  • I dreamed of swimming in a pool with clean water - to prosperity and successful business.
  • If you dreamed of “taking part in swimming competitions in the pool” - you will achieve a goal of a romantic nature.
  • I dreamed of walking past the pool - to disappointment.

Eastern women's dream book

I dreamed that I was swimming in a pool - a woman dreams of such a dream that, thanks to her natural charm, she will acquire true friends and achieve success in life.

Russian dream book

A dream about a pool of water promises profit.

New family dream book

A woman dreams of a pool that she is swimming in it, which means in reality she will have a loyal, reliable and decent friend. A woman also dreams of a pool of water to strengthen her position in society.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • The meaning of the dream: a pool full of water to the very brim is a dream of profit and successful financial affairs.
  • I dreamed of a pool with clear water - a symbol of love adventures, strong love connections, love feelings that will captivate the dreamer.
  • Dreaming of swimming in a swimming pool means plunging headlong into love experiences. Strong feelings that will consume you completely.

Women's dream book

  • The dream of “swimming a pool of water” says that you will experience a strong feeling of love that will make you forget about everything else. Unfortunately, sobering up will occur immediately after you enter into an intimate relationship with your loved one. You will be very disappointed in him.
  • If you dreamed of an empty pool without water, you have recently broken off a relationship, this dream symbolizes your spiritual emptiness. You completely dissolved in him, lived with this person, and now the whole world is empty.
  • The dream of “swimming in a pool with fish” promises either the birth of a child or a happy marriage.

Children's dream book

  • If you had a dream about “a swimming pool with clean water,” it means that everything is fine with your health and things will go well.
  • If you had a dream about a “dirty pool”, it means you will soon get sick or a big problem will happen in your business.
  • I had a dream “swimming in a pool under water” - Some bad event will happen soon, but God himself will save you from misfortune.
  • In a dream, swimming in a pool with fish - you will overcome minor troubles, but you will remember them for a long time and be sad. Your soul will be uneasy.
  • I dreamed of a dolphin in a pool - a new acquaintance will become a faithful and reliable friend.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about “water in the pool, swimming in the pool”? Swimming in the pool brings money and profit.
The dream of “filling a pool” says that you will make money out of nothing.

Summer dream book

I dreamed of a pool with blue water - there will be happy days, Love.

Autumn dream book

The dream of “swimming in a pool with clean water after taking a sauna” promises a meeting with a person whom you really hoped would be unfavorable.

Combined dream book

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

I dreamed of a pool of water – a womb.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a pool with clean water in a dream means your wish will come true.
The dream of “drowning in a pool” warns: when achieving your goal, you will encounter unforeseen difficulties.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation: seeing a pool with clean water is good luck. In general, the interpretation of a dream about water in a pool must be considered based on the quality of the water. (Cm. )
The dream “empty pool” symbolizes absence vitality from the dreamer.

Dream book of psychologist Loff

Psychoanalysis of a swimming pool dream should begin with an analysis of the water that appears in our dreams and which is present in the dream about the swimming pool. Water plays an irreplaceable role in all living things in general, and in the history of mankind in particular. Water was both the enemy of humanity and at the same time its friend. You can get drunk with water, but you can also drown; water is a symbol of both death and life.
It turns out that a lot of water creates fear in a person, and controlled water creates life. That is why, if in a dream there is little water (it is in a glass, in a river, in a pool, in a barrel, etc.), then this dream says that you can do anything, you will overcome everything. If there was a lot of water and it was uncontrollable (ocean, flood), then it is a dream of misfortune, misfortune and everything bad.

Dream book of lovers

A girl had a dream about “swimming in a clean pool” - in reality she will meet a friend, he will not only be a faithful comrade, but will also help her become successful. Thanks to his support, the girl will win the affection of the people around her.

English dream book

Seeing a swimming pool in a dream - if you paid attention specifically to the fact of the presence of a swimming pool in your dream, then the dream takes on additional meaning. A swimming pool is a limited space filled with relatively clean and neutralized water. You can swim in it without fear large quantity water (compared to the sea or ocean), but just like any sea expanses and beaches, you can fully demonstrate the beauty of your body and the ability to move in water. A swimming pool is a relatively safe place for swimming; firstly, if you are tired, you can hold on to the side, and secondly, there are always a lot of people in the pool and you are clearly visible. Therefore, drowning in a pool is much more difficult than, say, in the open sea. Although, of course, you can drown in a puddle.
English dream book: why do you dream about a swimming pool? Perhaps your subconscious is telling you that it’s time to relax and do something that won’t require much from you. physical activity? Perhaps it says that it’s time for you to just relax and stop thinking about problems? Possibly in real life Are you too immersed in problems, immersing yourself in them “headlong”?

Generalized dream book


To sum up all of the above, I would like to say that the dream “Swimming pool”, in its overwhelming majority, has a positive interpretation and promises success and some kind of love adventure. Almost all interpreters agree that a pool of water is one of the most good dreams, especially if there was crystal in it clear water or dolphins swam. Of course, everything depends on the details of the dream and there are details that make the dream negative, so we wish you to see the pool in your dream only as clean.

Every night we see a subtle, yet unknown world of dreams. Visions come for a reason. It would seem that a simple pool seen in a dream does not carry any information load, but in reality it is completely different. What does it mean according to dream books to swim in a pool in a dream?

Of course, pay attention to the nuances of sleep, little things. Remember what you saw? What were your actions? Was there anyone nearby or not? What should you remember and this will be useful in deciphering the dream?

  • Just to see the pool.
  • The water was clean, the pool was new, but there was no one around.
  • Dolphins swim in the pool.
  • The pool is filled with crystal clear water.
  • The water smelled bad or was cloudy and dirty.
  • There was no water in the pool at all.
  • Swimmed in the pool? Remember what the water was like: clean or dirty.
  • Perhaps they learned to swim or masterfully swam across it? Drowning?
  • Where was the pool? In a building or on the street? Pay attention to the weather.
  • Was there anyone with you at the pool? Did you swim alone, with people or dolphins?
  • Did you jump from a tower or dive?

Anything can happen in a dream. The main thing is not to forget the dream. Fate is trying to say something or indirectly hint. We are interested in: swimming in the pool.

Let's turn to the dream books

Combined dream book

If you swam in the pool and the water was clean and clear, then expect good luck. Success can be expected in a team and in communication with friends. They will support you and will not betray you. For young girls, the dream promises the acquisition of a true friend. Dirty water in the pool means trouble.

Modern dream book

Nice and clean water while swimming to good sign. Society recognizes you and your qualities, and friends will never betray you. Girls youth must expect the appearance of a true comrade. Dirty waters cause problems.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Did you swim? Ahead, fate is preparing an important decisive meeting or acquaintance. It is worth preparing for such an event. Perhaps this will be an old acquaintance, feelings for whom have not yet cooled.

Swimming great in a dream in a pool, as if in real life, is a lucrative offer. It will bring you joy. Be careful, evaluate your capabilities and strengths, the person making the offer, in order to exclude failure or deception.

Did you see one of your relatives splashing in the pool? Expect changes in life. They will change you radically, and you will feel like a completely different person. Change will permeate everything.

Did you swim with joy? Everyday worries bog you down and your strength is running out. It’s worth leaving everything and resting. If you didn’t like swimming in the pool, then expect to part with dear friend. It is not necessary that the separation will be long or forever, perhaps you will simply go on vacation or out of town, but remember with longing about your friend.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If a young girl sees herself in the pool, then fate says that she will soon meet a man. He can become a support and comrade for her, his qualities will meet her needs. At work, strengthening your position among colleagues.

Swimming naked in the pool is a sign of love, passion. You should not indulge in temptations; perhaps you will soon get sick and lose your beauty precisely because of your promiscuity in sexual relations. Seeing men in the pool who are naked attracts numerous fans.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The dream book says that swimming in a dream predicts strong, addictive love. Be careful, you will forget your responsibilities and important matters. Disappointment from love relationship not far off.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Swimming portends a meeting with new people good friends, A life success it's about to overtake you. If someone swam, then expect help from a successful relative.

Freud's Dream Book

A new strong feeling of love is coming if you swam in the pool. You have never experienced such emotions before. Remember that soon you will become intoxicated love will pass, and disappointment will not keep you waiting as soon as an intimate relationship with your chosen one begins.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

Swimming in a pool filled to the brim with water means meeting a very rich and influential person who can improve your financial situation.

Summer dream book

Clean water in the pool and swimming in it promise a holiday or a joyful event that you have been waiting for a long time.

Spring dream book

The dream promises financial wealth. Catch the money bird of happiness by the tail, don't miss the chance.

Autumn dream book

Swim to the pool for a meeting that will not meet your expectations.

The interpretation of any dream depends on the characters present in the dream, on the accompanying signs, and on the current situation. And dream books offer a lot of meanings for vision.

Many of them are radically different. Nevertheless, the question of why the pool is dreamed of turns out to be relevant for the dreamer.

General interpretations

According to the modern dream book, only the favorites of fate are allowed to swim in a pond. And the vision can be explained as rare success in any endeavor. He will float freely along the river of life, maneuvering in any situation.

Regardless of the environment, the seer will be able to feel confident under any circumstances. He skillfully maneuvers, retreating when necessary, admits defeat, is honest with opponents, restrained, and evokes admiration and respect from those around him.

To a large extent, the interpretation of a pool in dream books depends on the fullness of the tank. If you dream that there is water in it to the brim, it is comfortable to swim in a dream, the dreamer's situation will soon improve. The business will begin to make a profit, things will go uphill, and the long-awaited material wealth will come.

The volume of liquid in a dream gradually increases - unexpected guests are ahead with good news.

According to the dream book, swimming in the pool is interpreted as an improvement in one’s situation. The dream says that a prolonged black streak will remain a thing of the past, happiness will come to the house if the vision is a neat pool in which it is comfortable to swim.

Did you see a swimming pool without water? So what if it’s empty and you can’t swim in it? According to the dream book, this is a good sign: liberation from difficult promises, circumstances, and spiritual cleansing are expected.

An empty reservoir can also be interpreted as an echo of a feeling of loneliness after a breakup with a loved one. And this melancholy turns from reality into dreams. But is it really wise to exhaust yourself with such feelings even in a dream? The dream gently hints that the one who sees it deserves better.

If it is clear that the tank has long been empty and it is impossible to swim in it, then the vision speaks of the need to solve problems only on one’s own. This is what you dream of about a swimming pool.

Options for interpretation

Different dream books interpret visions differently. So, according to Vanga’s dream book, a reservoir filled with transparent moisture is a statement of the dreamer’s good health, presence of fighting spirit and thirst for victory.

Swimming in a dream in a pool filled with clean moisture according to Miller’s dream book is Morpheus’s description of the sleeping person as positive character in any area. The dreamer is ready to come to help at any time, and he will always restore justice.

And Freud’s dream book explains a tank of water as a symbol of a whirlpool of passions. And a jump into it is a desire to plunge headlong into this abyss. And the interpretation is new novel , passionate relationships. This can happen in dreams regardless of gender and status.

Interpretations based on the dreamer's actions

There are also less optimistic explanations of visions in dream books. Falling into water in a dream means avoiding responsibility or being afraid of disappointing others in their hopes.

But it is in vain to try to shut off the water flowing into the pool, and not to swim in it - this is a warning. You should prepare for hard times. Failures are ahead. The black streak will affect both health and the emotional component. The warning may be dreamed against the background of general anxiety, a premonition of impending disaster.

If you had to flush the water yourself, then according to dream books the dream speaks of the loss of the dreamer’s positive reputation with friends, colleagues and even his wife.

According to Longo’s dream book, if the seer is swimming, an important meeting should be expected soon. If you manage to swim professionally in a dream, then getting advantageous offer not far off. But you have to be careful: deception is possible.

If swimming is so good that everything is forgotten, then it’s time to think about relaxation. Behind the routine, there is no time to break away from the hustle and bustle, as well as desire. But why exhaust yourself? The vision is interpreted as a warning. And it can be a dream for people who are exhausted by their work.

Didn't like swimming? Separation from a loved one is ahead. However, this time will quickly fly by.

According to women's dream book swim - experience a strong feeling, making you forget about everything. But it will also bring disappointment quickly, immediately after outgrowing romantic relationships into intimate ones.

Availability of cold dirty water portends minor troubles. This may not happen often, but getting a warning ahead of time is always useful.

The dreamer's actions

Jumping in a dream from a tower is interpreted by dream books as a need for choice. It's time to decide in which direction to move next. The decision will be fateful, but not necessarily happy.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool? Jumping from a tower in a dream - and upcoming global decisions. And loved ones bathing in the water mean more changes to come and a complete rebirth of personality.

Dive into the water, but not swim – to the fullest immerse yourself in feelings, forgetting about reason. And there is such an interpretation of the pool in the dream book.

But after diving, swimming underwater is not bad. Such a vision is interpreted as a search for a non-standard solution to a problem, choosing a workaround.

Learning to swim in a dream means searching for yourself, exploring the depths of your soul, and shaping your personality.

And drowning is a bad sign. This is a direct hint that the seemingly settled matter will begin to stall.

And experiencing fear in a dream before diving is an unpleasant phenomenon even in a dream. The vision warns of psychological unpreparedness problem solving.

But swim in a great mood - for upcoming joyful meetings. With this interpretation everything modern dream books agree.

In the dream book’s interpretation of a swimming pool, in a dream, watching athletes train or compete, even if not swimming? In reality, you will be able to find like-minded people who support the ideas, plans, and views of the dreamer.

But walking past the splashing water, not wanting to swim in it, without even stopping for a second, means a missed opportunity for a successful deal, making money. Why do you dream about a pool in this case? The dream warns: you should not pass by happiness.

Purchasing a swimming pool in a dream in order to swim is a fundamental event. It is interpreted as the approach of dramatic changes in life. A little effort for their positive development - and you can enjoy the fruits of your labors.

Liquid condition

As the water temperature rises during sleep, the risk of illness also increases. Morpheus warns: it's time to take care of your health.

I dream of boiling moisture - a huge domestic quarrel is approaching. The vision of a swimming pool filled with soapy water has the same meaning.

If a crust of ice on the surface of the tank prevents swimming, then the dreamer should open up to the world. The vision clearly says that suffering from loneliness is the fault of the person himself.

A pond in a dream filled with champagne? Swimming in such a tank - pleasure. There is no need to be afraid of risk: victory is guaranteed!

Warm milk instead of water improves the patient’s health and brings healing closer.

Water purity

If you dream of clear, clean water in a tank - good intentions seeing in relation to loved ones.

  • In a dream, did you happen to swim on the surface of a reservoir filled with crystal clear moisture? You should expect good news or a lucrative offer.
  • Immersion, even in a dream, in a body of water in clean, cool water means the arrival of love, good mood and enjoying life's pleasures.

The more dirt you dream about in liquid, the more rumors and gossip are born behind the dreamer’s back. Blooming water is a hint of the dreamer’s greed and greed.

People in the pool

If in her night dreams a lady happened to swim in a pond not alone, but with a man, then the interpretation of such a passage is favorable. The dream interpretation of a swimming pool in a vision explains it this way: a meeting is coming with the man of her dreams, her ideal.

If a man sees a floating lady with a pleasant appearance, then this is interpreted as future success, gaining power thanks to the presence of determination.

Kids swimming and frolicking in the pool is a signal from the unconscious about the need to start new stage life, take control of it into your own hands.

Animals in a dream

Images in night visions may be difficult to understand and unexpected.

  • A fish swimming in the water is interpreted as pregnancy for female dreamers, and for men the vision means concluding a profitable deal.
  • But a fish like a shark is a serious warning. The enemy is nearby. He is ready for a crushing blow that will destroy his happy life.
  • If you dream of a turtle leisurely swimming in a pool, then all your lover’s assurances are false.

A coffin on the surface of the water is a harbinger of wealth. There is no need to be afraid of such a vision. It is dangerous to see dead fish in a pool in a dream: mortal danger is on the heels of the dreamer.

It happens that you dream of a pond in which you have no desire to swim. A dream means that friends or relatives have their own truth, which they are eager to tell the dreamer. But it is unpleasant for him, just as it is unpleasant to swim in a pool in a dream, having a negative attitude.

Pool location features

If there is a sauna next to a pond, then the interpretation of the vision is disappointing. At the decisive moment, a trusted person will let you down, and for young people to see something like this means to be disappointed in lovers.

If you dream of a luxurious mansion next to a pond, then things will definitely be crowned with success. And it doesn’t mean anything that in reality they move very slowly.

Interpretation by status and gender of the dreamer

Why do you dream of swimming in a pool? Swimming in a dream is favorable for young ladies: the vision promises loyal friends, strengthening the position. Just be sure to maintain decency and dignity.

  • For a married lady to swim in the pool in her nightly dreams - confirm her desire to have a child. And falling into a pond means an unexpected pregnancy.
  • If one of married couple dreams that he is drowning, then the interpretation is clear: fear of becoming a parent.

When rescuing someone from water, dream books agree: the object being saved is the source of the seer’s passion. And the dream signals that the relationship with the saved one can become very close. If the dreamer was saved, then he is in danger of becoming an object of harassment.

Almost all dream books agree on one thing: visions associated with a swimming pool are favorable if the dreamer is not drowned in them or he does not drown, but swims or dives. They are so fixed in consciousness that they have moved to the subconscious level. And there are no reasons not to trust the subconscious, ignoring the prophetic nature of sleep.

Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries ordinary people This disease was feared as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

How are external stimuli reflected in our dreams?

The human brain is a unique link in the human subconscious. Scientists still say that the brain is an unsolved mystery. The secret of the relationship between the subconscious and conscious links is revealed in the reflections of dreams, which clearly demonstrate the connection between external stimuli and a person who has entered the sleep stage. This is an amazing mechanism that has attracted, attracts and will always attract the attention of an inquisitive person.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books that has ever existed. As a representative scientific world managed to achieve such precision in the interpretation of the world, which is practically impossible to comprehend scientifically?

Why do you dream about a swimming pool?

Swimming pool in a modern dream book

If you dreamed of yourself swimming in a huge pool, then there is an extremely important date ahead that awaits you in the very near future. Most likely, you will see your old friend, for whom you had tender feelings in the past. Swim, demonstrating the skills of a professional-level swimmer - you will soon receive a profitable deal material point view the offer and accept it with gratitude. Just be as careful as possible, try to find out in advance whether it is trustworthy, because there is a possibility of deception. In the dream, we felt completely happy, swimming in the pool - similar dream prophesies that you are overly carried away by work responsibilities and cannot find at least one day for rest. Slow down, otherwise you will exhaust your body and get sick. If you saw in a dream that a friend is trying to drag you into the Pool against your will, you will have a trip to another city, during which you will really miss your friend. Don't be upset, the separation will pass quickly and you will be together again. If you jump from a tower, you will have to make a fateful decision that will have a positive impact on your worldview. If you watch someone close to you swim, the time is approaching big changes. It will radically change you and you will become a completely different person.

Swimming pool in Miller's dream book

If a young woman dreamed that she was swimming gracefully in a pool, this good sign: she will find a true friend and, thanks to dignity and decency, will strengthen her position.

Swimming pool in Freud's dream book

Swimming in a pool - such a dream predicts a new love feeling for you, and it will be so all-consuming and strong that you will completely lose your head and abandon your responsibilities. You will sincerely think that you have never experienced more vivid emotions. Alas, after sex with this person, you will become sober quite quickly and you will feel deceived. An empty pool symbolizes the emptiness that has settled in your soul after a painful breakup with your partner. Apparently, your whole life was in it and now you suffer greatly from loneliness. It's time to stop grieving the loss, think better about yourself and start a new life.

Reality is the cause of nightmares.

Why dream of swimming in a pool is a question that does not lose its relevance. Dream books will help you interpret such a dream. The interpretations presented in them describe probable future events.

Why do you dream of swimming in a pool - a question that does not lose its relevance

If you yourself swam in a dream, then a strong feeling of love will soon arise. It will make you forget about all your existing affairs and responsibilities. However, you won’t have to keep your head in the clouds for long. The dreamer will very quickly be disappointed in his new chosen one - immediately after he enters into an intimate relationship with him. If your loved ones have been involved in water procedures, then know that there are ill-wishers in your environment. They are waiting for you to give in and do the wrong thing so they can drag you down and tarnish your reputation.

Swimming in the pool with your friends means receiving a promotion unexpectedly for the dreamer. However, work on new position It won't be long. Due to the machinations of your colleagues, you will soon lose your job. Finding a new place won't be easy. Only with the help of close friends can you get the desired position with a good salary.

Swimming with strangers is a sign that the dreamer is fixated on one thing. Perhaps he constantly thinks about some kind of loss. He should be out in public more and find some interesting things to do. Then his life will change, there will be a place in it for happiness, fun and good acquaintances.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool (video)

Vanga's Dream Book

Swimming in a pool with clean water means monetary gains. They will be received from sources that previously could not be hoped for. If the water was dirty, then wait monetary losses. They will be associated with unsuccessful affairs in which the dreamer's friends will involve him.

Swimming in a big pool means making money out of nothing. The dreamer has the gift of creating favorable financial situations for himself. He should be used to the fullest, then he will be able to improve not only his financial situation, but also his close relatives. If the artificial reservoir was small, then you may miss your luck if you are not more enterprising.

Swimming in a pool with a lot of people means trouble. They will arise due to your addiction to alcoholic beverages. But you have the power to avoid unpleasant situations. Be more restrained with alcohol or give it up. If there were several people in the artificial reservoir, then you need to be patient, your dreams will come true. But this requires a lot of effort. Belief in your dreams must be strong, it will serve you well.

If you yourself swam in a dream, then a strong feeling of love will soon arise

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing yourself swimming in a pool in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in the near future you will plunge headlong into a feeling of love. It will seem to you that you have never experienced anything like this before. However, then you will understand that a new romance is just a passing hobby, you need a stronger and more sensual partner.

If you were with another person in an artificial reservoir, then this indicates that the current love partner you are not satisfied. Too many claims and grievances have accumulated towards each other. Perhaps you will soon decide to break ties with him, and this will be the right thing to do. In the future, you will be able to meet a more worthy person who will ultimately propose marriage. The created family will be strong and happy.

Swimming in the pool with three of you is a sign of temptation. On your way you will meet a person to whom you will experience a strong sexual attraction. However, at this moment you will already have a permanent partner. If you don't give in to temptation, you will regret it in the future. However, if you agree to an affair, you will be disappointed. In intimate relationships, the new partner will not be what you expected.

Seeing yourself swimming in a pool in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in the near future you will plunge headlong into a feeling of love

Dream book of the 21st century

Swimming in a pool with mud means your most cherished desire will come true. It will help in its implementation important person. If you drowned in an artificial pond, you will be able to achieve a great goal, which will subsequently give rise to unforeseen difficulties. If someone drowned you in it on purpose, then in real life you have no inner strength to achieve success. You need to become more motivated, otherwise you will fail.

Swimming in clean water is a sign of interesting acquaintances. One of your close relatives will invite you to the holiday. There you can have a good time and meet people whose interests are similar to yours. If there was little water in the artificial reservoir, then you will find a true friend and strengthen your position in society.

Autumn dream book

Enjoying swimming in a pool in a dream means meeting a person whose help you are counting on. However, it will turn out to be unfavorable for you. He will refuse to support you. As a result, you will have to do everything yourself, but you will still succeed. If you didn’t like swimming, then expect an unpleasant meeting with your enemies. They will try to humiliate you, but if you behave with dignity and do not react to their barbs, you will be able to defeat them in the future.

Having fun in the pool with friends means meeting an old acquaintance to whom you were previously partial. You will again have strong feelings for him. But he will not reciprocate, and disappointment will follow. But you shouldn’t be too upset; fate will present you with a gift in the form of a sensual and sensitive person who will adore you.

Trying to get out of the pool in a dream means receiving an offer of cooperation. Someone you know will decide to open a new business where you can manage one of the projects. It will seem to you that such work is beyond your strength, but then the first successes will appear, as a result you will believe in yourself and will work with even greater strength.

Why do you dream of swimming in a dream (video)

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Swimming in a pool with azure water is an important meeting for which you have to seriously prepare. Your results will depend on financial well-being. If you swam in red water, then in reality they will propose to you. At first it will seem very beneficial, but in the future it will turn out to be harmful to your well-being. For this reason, it is advisable to exercise discernment when entering into transactions. Find out exactly whether offers and the people making them are trustworthy.

Swimming with your parents in an artificial pond means the onset of big changes. They will captivate you so much that after a while you will realize that you have become a completely different person. Such changes will affect all areas of your life - from personal relationships to work. Frolicking in the pool with your kids is a sign that you are exhausting yourself too much, both mentally and physically. You should take more care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, take leisurely walks, eat right, and try to remain calm when problems arise.

Swimming in a pool with azure water is an important meeting for which you have to seriously prepare

English dream book

If, while swimming in the pool, you suddenly find yourself among sharks, then you should be careful financial matters. Some people may try to scam you. This is why you should not sign any documents or checks without first checking them, even if they are brought to signature by authorized persons. Competing in swimming with other people in an artificial pond is a sign that in life you are not doing what you dreamed of. Think about how you can change the situation. If you do not have sufficient skills in the direction you like, then sign up for courses or take online training. Then feel free to quit activities that you don’t like and start realizing your dreams.

Swimming in the pool with your childhood friends means a long business trip to another country. There you can make some great deals. If you were in an artificial reservoir with your parents, then you should work on your character. You are too cruel and unrestrained. Behave more softly, try to win over those around you, and not turn them away from you, then you will be able to benefit in the future. If you do not listen to advice, then you will be left completely alone.

Swimming in an artificial pond with your enemies means the beginning of a new stage of life. It is possible that you decide to move to another city. There you can find new job, make useful contacts and find friends. If there were strangers, then expect news from distant relatives. Some of them may become seriously ill.

Swimming and choking in the pool means big expenses. But they will fail. That's why it's better not to make expensive purchases for a while. If someone wanted to drown you in a pond, then in real life you should be more careful on the roads, there is a risk of getting into an accident.

Of course, swimming in a pool in a dream can be both good and bad sign. Having interpreted such a dream correctly, you will be able to understand what awaits you in the future. This means you can prepare for future events.

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