Losing weight with green tea. The benefits and harms of green tea for weight loss and more: expert advice

Slenderness suits a woman who has maintained her health. A green tea diet is a gentle way to get rid of extra pounds without burdening the body with hunger strikes and excessive physical activity.

The tea diet cleanses the body, forcing internal systems to work better, but does not take the process to extremes. Drink green tea if you want to lose weight without stress.

Green tea has long ceased to be a curiosity and is included in the daily diet of many people. When brewing another mug of our favorite drink, we remember that it is healthy, but we don’t forget how healthy it is!

IN ancient China For a long time, the right to drink green tea was given only to members of the imperial family and representatives of the aristocracy. Then the “drink of Emperors” became the property of Chinese medicine due to its healing properties. The green elixir of health can quickly strengthen weakened immunity and restore vitality through cleansing the body.

Beneficial properties of the health elixir

The benefits of good green tea have been proven not only by thousands of years of use in medicine in various Eastern countries, but also by modern scientific research.

  • Longevity. Japanese research has found a strong link between drinking green tea and longevity. Health is preserved by providing proper operation liver (reducing the risk of obesity) and regular cleaning of blood vessels, as well as increasing their elasticity. If you want to live long, you should drink green tea.
  • Grateful heart. has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The beneficial substances of the drink easily penetrate the blood, cleansing blood vessels from dangerous deposits (removing cholesterol, excess fat), while toning the muscle tissue of the heart. As a result, it is possible to more successfully fight tachycardia, heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  • Normalization internal processes. Green tea is extremely useful for normalizing blood pressure, as well as the metabolic and digestive processes, which is why green tea promotes weight loss. In addition, the drink regulates the salt content in the body, promoting the elimination of excess.

Rich composition of green tea

Fifty thousand components are a worthy composition for a drink accessible to everyone. The benefits are provided by a rich vitamin complex (A and C, B1 and B2, PP and K), an abundance of substances needed by the body (iodine and zinc, copper and potassium, fluorine and calcium, magnesium and phosphorus) and many beneficial organic compounds (theine, catechins, various minerals).

Green tea is especially beneficial due to:

  • Theine is a mild analogue of caffeine, and therefore promotes a mild improvement in well-being. The drink should be drunk by people who need an additional source of vigor and Have a good mood, as well as those working with a large amount of information - the alkaloid perfectly activates brain activity.
  • Catechins are powerful antioxidants, helping to cleanse the body at the cellular level (resisting cancer), removing toxins (cleansing blood vessels and tissues) internal organs), saturating the body with polyphenols (increasing immunity).
  • Minerals are the foundation of the body. Do you want your hair to shine, your teeth to remain white, and your nails to be strong and even? Try to drink green tea at least once a week.

Lose weight, but not greener - consider contraindications

Not every green tea sold in stores is equally healthy. The composition greatly depends on the variety, as well as the processing method and storage conditions. Therefore, when purchasing, be guided not only by the sonorous name - carefully study the contents.

Are you unsure whether a particular drink is suitable for weight loss? It is better to consult a competent nutritionist, especially if you decide to order tea from China. Some varieties are used only for rare tea ceremonies, or for medicinal purposes under the supervision of doctors. Without such information, you can cause yourself serious harm.

The green elixir can not only improve your health, but also weaken it.

  • Acute problems in the digestive system. People suffering from a number of diseases of the digestive system should absolutely not drink green tea. The drink will cause great harm to patients suffering from open ulcers, severe forms of gastritis and various diseases of the duodenum. If the temptation is too great, give up green tea, at least before bed, so as not to give your body extra work for the night.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Motherhood is not easy for every woman - all dormant diseases often become aggravated. The body begins to react intensely to any incoming substance. Even simple green tea can harm the development of the fetus and the condition of the woman. It is better to temporarily limit the consumption of your favorite drink to 2-3 weak cups per week. This helps reduce the risk of allergic reactions and excessive excitability.
  • Sleep disorders. Night is a time of rest and recovery, so green tea can be harmful if drunk shortly before bed. Remember that the composition contains many stimulating substances that can accumulate in the body. You shouldn't drink it before bed if you don't want to become irritable and anxious. Even small doses of theophylline or theobromine (found in many varieties) taken before bed can cause nightmares.

It is not for nothing that green tea has long been considered a medicine - excessive consumption can cause significant harm, forcing the body to work for wear. This is especially worth remembering for people who are puzzled by the question: “How to lose weight with green tea.”

How to use green tea for weight loss

Chinese women facing a problem excess weight, rarely resort to medications, strict diets or intense physical training. Regular green tea helps most! The main thing is to drink it correctly, and also choose the variety and brewing method wisely. How to lose weight with green tea? The simplest techniques are very useful.

Gentle technique – smooth weight loss and strengthening of the body

Have you decided to lose weight with green tea? Start with a simple healing method based on the wisdom of Chinese medicine. Overweight it’s better to reduce it gradually, while simultaneously strengthening the muscles (moderate exercise) and skin (oil massages and nourishing creams).

Temporarily start drinking exclusively green tea (necessarily without sugar). The drink should be moderately strong, so use either tea bags or empirically determine your strength level. With this approach, you lose 4-5 kilograms per week, even without dietary restrictions.

A green tea diet does not tolerate hunger strikes, since it forces the kidneys to work harder (stimulating the diuretic process) and metabolism (accelerating the functioning of the digestive system).

It is advisable to control the duration of the tea diet. It is correct to alternate the “tea” month with a long period of normal drinking (water, juices, compotes, milk drinks), then the benefits from the fasting stage will be most noticeable.

Fasting days with green tea

Are there too many extra pounds? Then it will be difficult to do without strict diets and heavy physical activity. From daily use large quantity You will have to give up tea so as not to overwork your body. But you can have a special fasting day once a week!

Does green tea help you lose weight if taken irregularly? And how! Especially in combination. One and a half liters of skim milk should be brought to a boil, and then brew four tablespoons of green tea in it (you can do it without a “slide”). The drink should brew for about 20 minutes, then it would be wise to strain it thoroughly to prevent the formation of excessive strength. You can use tea bags, but the benefits will be greater from brewing.

You need to drink milk tea cocktails in small portions throughout the day. Some people prefer the chilled version, while others prefer to drink it warm. In addition to tea, the body needs to replenish its water balance - try to drink at least 1.5 liters clean water in addition to a diet drink.

A fasting day with milk and tea has a great effect on intestinal function. The benefits are felt after the first experience - your well-being improves and your immune system is strengthened, diets become more effective. You can drink such a cocktail no more than once a month, so that the body has time to fully respond to recovery.

This method can only be used by people who do not have any special problems with the digestive system. To prevent a fasting day from causing harm, it is important to make sure that you do not have gastritis or ulcers. Be sure to visit a therapist before use!

In addition, it is important to choose the right time for a fasting day - a health cocktail triggers a powerful cleansing of the body, so you should stay at home all the time so as not to get into an awkward situation. Some people experience frequent urges to look into the toilet almost immediately after taking the milk-tea mixture for the first time, others react late (closer to the night).

Beauty queens drink green tea

Almost everyone can drink green tea in moderation. But you need to use it correctly for weight loss. To improve your external appearance, there is no need to harm your health - get examined before starting the tea diet.

By taking a general blood test and checking the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, you can promptly identify contraindications or guarantee the absence of side effects from “treatment” with green tea.

Is your health okay? Feel free to start drinking the Emperors' drink to prolong active period your life, improve the functioning of your internal organs, lose excess weight and get the blooming look you want.

photo: depositphotos.com/asimojet, mettus, eAlisa

Green tea for weight loss is effective enough for this topic to become the subject of heated debate in every company of ladies. So is green tea slimming or not? How much should you drink per day? What if you add a couple of cheesecakes to your tea – there won’t be any harm? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

green tea for weight loss combines two seemingly opposite aspirations - the primordial love of “tea drinking” for Russians and the no less primordial desire to become slimmer.

Green tea for weight loss: entertaining botany

Green tea for weight loss was drunk during the reign of the first Chinese emperors. Of course, we are not talking about drinking only a tea drink (as many believe) while completely refusing to eat - such a mono-diet will most likely not help you lose weight, but end up in a hospital bed.

The point is to temporarily replace all other drinks that you are used to drinking with green leaf tea without sugar. This is how weight loss is achieved: on average, about 5 kg in 4-6 weeks. Perhaps not as much as you would like, but note that your diet does not change in any way!

By the way, green tea is useful not only in weight loss diets, but also for health and beauty: this product is extremely rich in antioxidants (catechins), which slow down the aging process of the body.

In addition, green tea normalizes blood pressure, removes toxins and heavy metal salts from the body, and stops inflammatory processes. Green tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, being a natural biostimulant no worse than coffee, but much more delicate.

When consumed regularly, green tea perfectly strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their elasticity and conductivity. But back to the issue of losing weight...

How does green tea work for weight loss?

Green tea promotes weight loss not only due to the fact that... Other beneficial properties of this drink are also known, for example:

  • green tea for weight loss is a mild diuretic, which means it helps eliminate excess liquid from the body. Despite the fact that green tea is usually not drunk with added milk, in order to lose weight this gastronomic etiquette can be violated: if you add a little skim milk (no more than 0.5%) to green tea, the diuretic effect will increase significantly and the liquid will be removed more active. In addition, this is not a bad one;
  • polyphenols, which are found in excess in green tea, help increase heat exchange in the body by processing stored fats. Studies have shown that if you drink 3-6 cups of green tea a day, the amount of fat you burn will increase by about 45%;
  • one of useful properties tea - the ability to lower blood sugar levels, which means it is very conducive to weight loss: it is enough to drink a cup of green tea half an hour before meals so that during lunch you can eat a much smaller amount of food than usual.

One of the most comfortable diets for losing weight is the green tea diet. It is very easy to use, does not require giving up many products and is quite effective. However, like most diets, the green tea diet has several varieties.

The most pleasant one is a diet for a month. Her diet has high nutritional value and consists of a variety of foods. The tea diet for a week is a little stricter - its menu contains a number of restrictions and rules. And in a very extreme way, you can lose weight with the help of green tea in three days - such a diet also exists, although it has not been approved by nutritionists and doctors.

The basis of all varieties of tea diet is aromatic green tea. Meanwhile, reviews of green tea diets indicate that some people do not lose weight on such a diet, but, on the contrary, gain extra pounds.

How many calories are in green tea?

Green tea is a drink that has been praised for thousands of years. different corners Earth. It perfectly quenches thirst, is a powerful antioxidant and helps cleanse and rejuvenate the body. The effect of the green tea diet is based on this ability to remove waste and toxins from the body.

By drinking 5-6 cups of aromatic drink a day, you can easily lose several kilograms. Green tea helps reduce appetite, and for a long time it was believed that it is a fairly filling product - in the east, tea leaves are added to meat and fish dishes, as well as in salads and soups.

So how many calories are in green tea? Quite a bit - only 3-5 kcal per 100 ml. This is just an insignificant amount and is not even worth taking into account. But, attention! The calorie content of an average cup (100 ml) of green tea with one teaspoon of sugar is 35 kcal, with two – 63 kcal. That is, if you drink green tea with sugar, its calorie content increases almost 20 times. And this should be taken into account when going on a green tea diet - when following the diet, tea is drunk without adding sugar, honey or sweeteners.

Green tea diet for a month

With this diet you can lose 5-8 kg in a month. The main prohibited foods of a monthly green tea diet:

  • All types of bread;
  • Dough products;
  • Vermicelli;
  • Canned food, smoked meats, fatty meats;
  • Fried foods;
  • Lemonade;
  • Alcohol;
  • Confectionery;
  • Sugar and salt.

You can eat boiled lean meat and fish, dairy and fermented milk products, porridges from various cereals, fresh and boiled or vegetable stew, fruits.

You should drink at least 5-6 cups of green tea without sugar per day. Portions should not be large. Drink plenty of liquids; in addition to green tea, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

An example of a menu for a monthly green tea diet:

Breakfast: cottage cheese – 100 g, boiled egg;

Lunch: two pears, one apple;

Lunch: boiled meat or fish – 150 g, cabbage and cucumber salad with herbs, seasoned vegetable oil;

Afternoon snack: a glass of fresh juice from any fruit or vegetables;

Dinner: buckwheat or oatmeal– 100 g, tomatoes – 2 pcs., apple;

The most unpleasant moment is that all dishes are prepared without salt, but as reviews indicate, a green tea diet does not lose out at all from this. It’s only hard on the first day, and then the body quickly gets used to it. unusual taste, and the lack of salt is no longer a burden.

Green tea diet for 7 days

The principle of the diet is the same - we drink 5-6 cups of green tea a day, we don’t add salt to our food, and we also add high-calorie fruits (figs, bananas, grapes), eggs, meat, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, potatoes, semolina to the list of prohibited foods. And pearl barley, honey and dried fruits.

It is better not to season salads with vegetable oil, but only sprinkle them with lemon juice for taste. Dishes of low-fat boiled or stewed fish, mushrooms and nuts (except peanuts and cashews) are allowed. The best cereals are buckwheat and oatmeal; you can use flakes from five types of cereals. Porridges are prepared only in water; to enhance the taste, it is allowed to add greens, seeds, and sesame seeds.

Fresh fruits in any quantity are welcome, as well as a variety of freshly squeezed juices and fruit salads.

According to reviews, the green tea diet allows you to lose 4-5 kg ​​in a week. In principle, if well tolerated, the seven-day diet can be extended for another week, and last 14 days, but no more.

Green tea diet for 3 days

This diet is incredibly ascetic - all three days you can drink green tea without restrictions and eat a handful of dried fruits. All. This completes the three-day tea diet.

Weight loss is about 2.5-3 kg in three days. It should not be repeated earlier than 2 weeks later.

Losing weight with green tea with milk

Green tea with milk guarantees weight loss - a method that is nothing more than a variation of the usual tea diet. The duration is only 5-6 days, but during this time you can lose about 5-6 kg of excess weight.

To diet on green tea with milk, you need to prepare this effective drink for weight loss in a special way: first, rinse the walls of the cup with boiling water, add the required amount of dry green tea, pour boiling water halfway and leave for 2-3 minutes. After this, you can add warm milk.

The green tea with milk diet for weight loss consists of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, crumbly porridge and nuts. You can eat only 2 times a day - in the morning and at lunch. The rest of the time - only tea with milk.

Despite the meager diet, reviews of the green tea with milk diet prove that it is not at all difficult to follow, because the duration is short. But the effectiveness of the green tea with milk diet is quite high - almost 70% of people who have tried it note stable weight loss and no rebound (gaining lost kilograms back).

How to lose weight with green tea without dieting?

There are two ways to lose weight with green tea without dieting:

  • Losing weight on tea fasting days once a week;
  • Targeted long-term weight loss by reducing appetite with green tea or green tea with milk.

In the first case, in order to lose weight with green tea, it is enough to give your body a tea day once a week - during the day the only food will be green tea without sugar or unsweetened green tea with milk. With this method you can lose 2-3 kg in a month.

For fasting days When making tea with milk, it is better to brew tea directly with whole milk, without water.

With the second method, you only need to drink a cup of green tea (with milk) half an hour before meals, and also an hour after meals. Green tea helps cleanse the body, which is the basis for weight loss. Drinking green tea daily can help you lose 1-2 kg per month.

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In any part of the world you can hear stories about how people lose the hated excess weight simply by drinking green tea. Is it true? Let's figure it out. To find out how things really are, you need to understand what green tea is and what its power is.

Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and has a slightly bitter taste. It has a pale green color. You have to really love it to drink it.

Weight loss

Drinking green tea is not a magical way to help you lose weight. You can't drink one cup of drink and lose five kilograms overnight. But it may well help if you approach the problem comprehensively, i.e., review your diet, increase physical activity, etc.

Green tea is grown in almost every corner of the world. The element contained in it that influences the acceleration of weight loss is EGCG. This is a polyphenol compound, and without it this tea would have no effect on weight. According to the results of the study, it is green tea that contains the most polyphenols, if we talk about the whole variety of teas. This is what makes it a favorite of women on diets.

One study was conducted in 2015 that will help shed light on whether green tea actually helps with weight loss. Fourteen active men took decaffeinated green tea extract. At the same time, they monitored whether they were losing weight. And there really were results. Green tea extract helped speed up the fat burning process by almost twenty-five percent, and total loss body fat was 1.6 percent. These are really solid numbers.

It is worth noting that the men not only drank tea, but also trained. The researchers said that exercise alone would have produced much less pronounced results.

Why green tea helps in the fight against excess weight

  1. It contains powerful antioxidants.
  2. It contains EGCG.
  3. It contains caffeine, which helps burn fat.

Side effects

Green tea itself promotes weight loss, but its extract, which you can buy at the pharmacy, is much more effective in this regard. However, you should beware of the side effects of its use. They are minor, but unpleasant. These include nausea, problems with digesting food, and vomiting. If you want to avoid such adverse reactions, do not take green tea extracts that contain multiple ingredients.

You should not stop using the extract. After some time, your body will get used to it, and side effects will disappear.

If you are thinking about trying to lose weight by simply drinking green tea, then you should know that it will take a very long time. In fact, it is not worth considering that it is possible to lose a significant amount of extra pounds simply by drinking a few cups of this drink every day. A miracle won't happen. However, it still wouldn’t hurt to supplement your weight loss complex with this tea.

Which green tea to choose

As we've already mentioned, there isn't really quite a wide variety of green tea. Whatever brand you choose, it will still contain ECGC. Let's take a closer look at five brands of green tea.

Organic green tea "Vakhram"

Contains no fillers or extracts. These are just green tea leaves. Grown in the Darjeeling tea region, which is famous for producing one of the the best varieties tea in the world.

The tea has a very strong natural aroma. If you're not the biggest drinker, you might find it a little tart. It will slowly but surely help you lose excess weight. This is a very good organic product.

  1. 100% natural green tea.
  2. Organic product.
  3. Made by Darjeeling Tea.
  4. Affordable price.
  1. Very strong natural aroma.
  2. Bitter taste.
  3. If you haven't drunk green tea before, you may not like it very much.
  4. The taste is not for everyone.

Herbal Energy Tea from Total Tee

They say that this tea has best reviews. It is recommended by many doctors as a product that helps you lose weight. It also helps improve memory. At first glance, this looks like just a publicity stunt that has no basis in fact. There is nothing to confirm the words about improving memory, but, according to consumer reviews, this tea gives them energy for the whole day and reduces appetite, which helps them eat less. This is the key to losing weight faster.


  1. Many doctors recommend this tea.
  2. The tea bag is easy to use.
  3. Really helps to lose weight.
  1. There is a tea aroma. Many people perceive this negatively.
  2. It will take many years to lose significant weight.

“Blueberry Slim Life” from “Yogi”

This tea is another product that can help you lose a few pounds. But remember that it may be part integrated approach to lose weight, but can’t cope with it alone. Many people believe that they can simply drink tea and lose pounds. It will not happen.

This tea has a pleasant aroma. It comes with blueberry and hibiscus extracts to perk up the flavor a bit. If you don't like the aroma of green tea, then this drink will pleasantly please you. It has at least two benefits: a pleasant taste and the ability to promote weight loss.

Many people have noticed that it suppresses their appetite. However, there is one significant drawback. One of the key components of tea is kombucha. However, all its properties are lost when you fill it with hot water. Not many people like to drink iced tea, so this is something else to think about.

Green tea is always included in the diet of people who care about their health. This drink is very beneficial for the body.

It has now been proven that it prolongs life, protects against cancer, and reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. In addition, regular consumption of green tea helps maintain a slim figure. It helps people who are overweight to lose weight.

Beneficial substances contained in green tea

What beneficial substances does the imperial drink contain?

caffeine, which is also found in coffee, but in tea it acts more mildly

zinc- prevents cancer;

fluorine- found in tea grounds, which Japanese residents use to brush their teeth to strengthen them;

vitamins various groups: B 1, B 2, K, C, PP, as well as copper, iodine, potassium, which have a strengthening effect on the vascular wall and have a strong antibacterial effect.

How does green tea work for weight loss?

Green tea promotes weight loss not only due to the fact that it increases the metabolic rate. Other beneficial properties of this drink are also known, for example:

- green tea is a mild diuretic, and, therefore, helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Despite the fact that green tea is usually not drunk with the addition of milk, in order to lose weight this gastronomic etiquette can be violated: if you add a little skim milk (no more than 0.5%) to green tea, the diuretic effect will increase significantly and liquids will be excreted more. In addition, this is a good prevention against swelling of the legs;

- polyphenols which are found in abundance in green tea, promote increased heat transfer in the body due to the processing of stored fats. Studies have shown that if you drink 3-6 cups of green tea a day, the amount of fat you burn will increase by about 45%;

One of the beneficial properties of tea is its ability to lower blood sugar levels, which means suppress hunger, which is very conducive to weight loss: it is enough to drink a cup of green tea half an hour before meals so that during lunch you will eat a significantly smaller amount of food than usual.

A few rules for green tea to help you lose weight:

Tea follows drink WITHOUT sugar, at all. Even without the sweetener, which is based on aspartame, it is known as a very dangerous chemical.

To add flavor to the drink, you can add it to a cup of green tea. piece of lemon, a sprig of lemon balm or mint, or some dried berries.

To enhance the effect, you can add just a little to the tea. cinnamon or dry ginger. This will help reduce your caloric intake.

If drink green tea chilled, your body will spend extra energy to warm up the drink. On average, the body spends about 50 calories to raise the temperature of one cup of tea.

Drink green tea instead of most drinks throughout the day. It tones up better than coffee, quenches thirst well, contains no calories, and, as a rule, there are no allergies to it. Refrain from consuming alcohol, and do not forget to drink at least a liter of water.

Consume per day at least 4 cups of tea, most - during daylight hours.

Don't drink tea at night, because you may wake up in the morning with bags under your eyes. If you feel very thirsty in the evening, it is better to eat a cucumber or an apple.

Don't buy cheap tea, it may be of poor quality, and instead of losing weight, it can only harm your body.

How to brew green tea

  • water temperature
  • water quality

Use only purified water without excess calcium and chlorine to brew green tea. Otherwise, your drink will lose its aroma, taste and benefits for the body. Therefore, it is best to purchase water intended for baby food, or thoroughly purify tap water using filters.

The water temperature when brewing green tea should not exceed 80 degrees. Otherwise, the catechins will dissolve and provide no benefit. Therefore, boil a kettle of water and leave it to cool for 3-5 minutes, depending on the air temperature in the room and the dishes in which the water will cool.

Then fill the green tea leaves in a teapot or cup with water at the rate of 2.5 g/100 ml. Let the tea steep until all the leaves have settled to the bottom. Typically this happens after three minutes. Pour the tea and drink. To lose weight, you need to drink at least 5-6 cups of green tea per day.

Green tea recipes

Green tea with jasmine

This supplement will not help you lose weight faster or more effectively, but it will make the drink more tasty. Most often, jasmine is not added to tea additionally, since a ready-made version of this mixture is available for sale. If you like jasmine tea, there is no obstacle to drinking it while on a diet. Brew it as usual, but don't forget: no sugar!

Just green tea and cinnamon

Green tea with cinnamon for weight loss: pour boiling water over a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and add 2/3 cups of green tea, strain the resulting mixture and drink no more than 2-3 cups a day.

Green tea with milk

Milkweed can replace dinner throughout the week - during this time you will lose 2-3 kg.

It is also quite acceptable to fast with a healthy drink - its duration should not exceed 2 days. In 1 day, about 1-1.5 kg are lost (though, for the most part, liquid is removed, not fatty tissue). You cannot eat anything during unloading - the diet consists of tea with milk (1 l) and water.

Tea diet for 14 days

This diet is designed for 14 days and allows you to lose 5-6 kg.

Throughout the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of green tea (1 glass 1 hour after a meal or 30 minutes before it).

Salt, sugar, alcohol, fatty foods - all this is excluded from the diet. You can use honey, but only a small amount. The diet is based on complex carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits, with the exception of potatoes and bananas). Protein must be present in the diet.

Sample menu:

After waking up

Breakfast: rye toast or biscuits

After 1 hour: tea

Lunch: egg (boiled or scrambled), toast

After 1 hour: tea

Dinner: vegetable soup or stew, boiled meat - 150 g

After 1 hour: tea

Afternoon snack: juice (natural), fruit

After 1 hour: tea

Dinner: 2-3 tbsp. porridge boiled in water, 150 g chicken breast

After 1 hour: tea

Contraindications to drinking green tea

It is believed that green tea is contraindicated and can be harmful to health in the following cases:

☕ for tachycardia, increased excitability, insomnia;

☕ an excessive amount of drink in case of hypotension can further reduce blood pressure and cause fainting;