Why do you dream of a plate of buckwheat porridge? Why do you dream about crumbly buckwheat?

Even the ancients knew that dreams can be prophetic, that is, they predict future events. Interpreters of night visions were held in high esteem, their words were listened to, and they were believed. According to ancient legends, they were indeed very rarely mistaken. Their knowledge was recorded and has survived to this day in the form of collections with explanations of dreams. The article will tell you in detail why you dream about buckwheat.


Raw buckwheat is not a very favorable dream. It promises petty squabbles, quarrels and discord. You may have to go through unpleasant moments, sorting things out or resolving some kind of conflict.

From night vision you can find out who exactly will be the cause of discord. For example, if you dreamed of a specific person who brought into your house buckwheat, then most likely it will be the source of conflict.

If you dreamed that you yourself were buying buckwheat in a store or scattering cereal on the floor, then you need to monitor your behavior, since there is a high probability that you will inflame hostility.

And if you dream that you are collecting scattered buckwheat and throwing it away, then you will be able to overcome disagreements, stop a scandal, and negate its consequences.

Chopping raw buckwheat, grinding it, or pouring the grain from one bowl to another means that useless little chores await you ahead.

This is why you dream about raw buckwheat.


The dream is always favorable. If you cook it, it means that your business will be crowned with success; if you eat it, it means someone will help you; if a bowl of buckwheat porridge is placed in front of you, then expect a gift. And the tastier the porridge, the more oil it contains, the greater luck awaits you in the near future.

If in a dream you broke a plate of boiled buckwheat, then you will not be able to appreciate the help offered to you. This is what boiled buckwheat (porridge) means in dreams.

How to interpret complex dreams about buckwheat

Above we told you why buckwheat is dreamed of - cereal or porridge. And if you dreamed, for example, that they brought you raw buckwheat and you cooked porridge from it, then such a dream can be explained as follows: someone (most likely the one who brought the cereal in the dream) will incite a quarrel, but you will be able to stop the conflict at the very beginning and even benefit from the situation.

You may dream of raw cereals with garbage. The ancients believed that in this case the cause of the conflict would be gossip and slander against the dreamer, with which ill-wishers surrounded him.

Many people ask the question of why a woman dreams of buckwheat, believing that for both men and women this dream brings different meaning. Indeed, ancient interpreters believed that if a man had such a dream, then it was more related to the business sphere (for example, conflicts or good luck at work, in business). For a woman, buckwheat in a dream more symbolizes personal relationships and household chores (for example, raw cereal is a quarrel in the family or with friends, and buckwheat porridge is profit for the house).

Now you know why buckwheat is dreamed of, but it is worth remembering that dreams do not always come true, sometimes they are a warning to the dreamer, helping to avoid troubles in the future.

Buckwheat (buckwheat), which you sort through in a dream, symbolizes getting rid of small but unpleasant shortcomings for others (for example, you will eliminate bad smell from the mouth, curing teeth).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What does the dream Buckwheat mean?

Seeing buckwheat in a dream, from which you are going to cook something, suggests that you will finally pull yourself together, setting out to eradicate small but bad habits that blur your appearance as a lady with charm.

A dream in which you see buckwheat growing in a field foreshadows events or news that will make you very happy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

See Buckwheat in a dream

Quick solution to minor but annoying problems. Cooking a buckwheat dish means your shopping trip will be successful; scatter buckwheat - you will be able to eliminate troubles at work; choosing garbage from buckwheat - empty chatter and gossip around your name will stop; buy buckwheat - you will cope with the difficult task that has been set before you; eating buckwheat - wise advice will help you get rid of your deficiency.

Imagine how you sort, wash and cook buckwheat. Everything turns out quickly and fun.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What do Buckwheat dreams mean?

A blooming field of buckwheat - to success in business and career.

Buying buckwheat in large quantities is a sign that the results of the work you have done will be better than you expected.

Sort through buckwheat - you are trying to get rid of your shortcomings.

A woman is sorting through cereals - you should think about it recently decisions taken regarding plans for the future.

Interpretation of dreams from

Each of our dreams contains secret messages, symbols and codes, a lot of hidden information.

It is impossible to understand and decipher it on your own, and although intuition sometimes tells us why this or that sign is in our dreams, dream books do this work much more reliably. If you remember your dream, it’s worth interpreting it, because sometimes even the most seemingly insignificant things promise us many important events and changes in reality.

Porridge - what could be simpler? WITH early years We are very familiar with this product, which often appears on the table. Buckwheat or rice, millet, oatmeal or any other porridge is a symbol of satiety and prosperity, so you should immediately understand that this dream does not bode well for you. But there can be many meanings, depending on a number of details. They are worth remembering and taking into account when deciphering a dream.

In the dream book you will find the following options:

  • Seeing porridge in a dream;
  • I dreamed about buckwheat porridge;
  • Oatmeal in dreams;
  • Dreaming of semolina;
  • Pearl barley in a dream;
  • Dreaming of rice;
  • A woman or girl had a dream;
  • To a sick person;
  • Eat her;
  • Cook, stir;
  • There is semolina;
  • Eat rice;
  • Cook rice;
  • Cook buckwheat;
  • Feed, treat someone with a cereal dish.

Depending on these scenarios and subtleties, the meaning of the dream will vary greatly, so try not to miss anything. If there were any other phenomena in your dream, be sure to look at their meanings separately.

What does the dream promise?

Dreams vary - in some we simply see something, in others we do something. If you did nothing but just saw the porridge, remember what it was like and find out the meaning of the dream.

As the dream book indicates, porridge is a symbol that you are safe. And this means that in the near future you will live stably, feeling carefree, happy and reliable, not afraid of the future and living with confidence that everything will be fine. So it will be!

Why does a young lady or woman dream of porridge? The interpreter says that this is for love. For an unmarried young lady, such a dream promises a wedding and a long one, happy life in marriage, and for the married lady - harmony in family life.

For a sick person, this beautiful symbol portends complete healing in the near future. Higher powers favor and will help, recovery will come, all you have to do is put in just a little effort and believe in the hidden reserves of your body!

Type of cereal

1. Buckwheat porridge in dreams is a wonderful sign. You will get rid of any troubles! Difficulties and problems that prevent you from living a happy and peaceful life, enemies and ill-wishers - all this will go away very soon. You yourself can easily and smoothly make your life easy and enjoyable, just believe in your strength!

2. If you dreamed of oatmeal, this, oddly enough, is an interesting and deep symbol. It means a deep understanding of yourself, your personality and even your purpose.

You have to understand yourself more than before, understand what kind of person you really are, become sincere, accept yourself. Go in this direction, then your life will become more conscious, and therefore happy and harmonious!

3. Do you want to know why you dream about the pearl barley porridge that you saw in your dreams? Pearl barley is a symbol of stability, and it will soon be in your real life. Don't be afraid, difficulties will go away and stop bothering you.

4. It’s curious why you dream of semolina porridge, a symbol that is strongly associated with childhood. She dreams of communicating with friends, close and pleasant people, of sincere conversations and pleasant company.

It's time for you to pay attention to your friends, spend time with them, call those you haven't thought about for a long time. Do this and you will feel happier!

5. If you dreamed of rice cereal and any dish made from it, expect money. This is a sure symbol of profit and prosperity! You need to make a little effort and believe that everything you do is not in vain, and the fruits of your labors will soon appear, as the dream book says.

Cook, eat, feed...

Seeing is one thing. What if you happened to do something in your dreams? Remember your actions, and you will easily find out what they mean.

1. Eating porridge is a favorable sign in any case. The dream book indicates the fulfillment of the dreamer's wishes, and the only condition for the prediction to come true is to believe with all your heart!

2. If you cooked and stirred it in a saucepan, then in reality you will be able to solve all your problems yourself. You have hidden, powerful potential, hidden deep reserves and great strength. Feel it and be able to manifest it, and cope with any difficulties!

3. If you fed or treated someone, in reality there will be goodness and goodness. Your life will be happy, and your surroundings will be the best.

Eat or cook a specific porridge

  • Eating semolina means gossip. Avoid them, don't engage in conversations behind your back, and everything will be fine.
  • There is rice and dishes made from it - fortunately! Prosperity, luck and wealth, a cloudless life - this is what awaits you soon.
  • Cooking rice is also a wonderful omen. You will soon reap the rewards of your own efforts, so continue in the direction you have chosen.
  • Did you cook buckwheat in a dream? Your problems will soon be solved, and very little effort will be required from you.

This is one of the most auspicious symbols, and you are lucky if you saw him in your dreams. Believe the dream book, and all the best will immediately come true!


Cook porridge according to the dream book

Cooking porridge in a dream is a sign of overcoming life’s difficulties and troubles, dream books interpret, explaining why one dreams of preparing a dish familiar from childhood. However, when interpreting a dream, you should take into account what kind of cereal you cooked - it is important to know, since such a nuance radically changes the meaning and essence of the dream.

Interpretation “in a nutshell”

It is very logical to forget a dream that frightened or upset you, although such dreams also have their purpose. But if you forgot a completely harmless vision, that’s worse. Don't be upset though. Dream books are able to reconstruct bit by bit the picture of what awaits a person in the near future. The main thing is to remember the essence of the dream. So, cook porridge in a dream:

  • Fragrant and crumbly - a worthy payment for your efforts.
  • Too thick - to difficulties in implementing your plans.
  • If you taught someone to cook, you will help a friend or take someone under your wing.
  • And eating it with a friend is a sign of the special trust that this person will show you in reality.

What does Miller's dream book say?

Miller's dream book promises profit and prosperity to those who were forced to cook porridge in a dream. If it turns out tasty and appetizing, then everything for the dreamer will go according to plan, if it’s burnt, you need to reconsider your plans, goals, and at the same time your priorities.

The dish was a success - expect profit

If you can’t understand what the dream means in which you are going to cook porridge with jam for a guest or a child, look at Miss Hasse’s dream book - this vision promises profit.

I dreamed that you were cooking for ex-husband? Such a dream means establishing a relationship with him in reality. And if you cook porridge for your ex-husband, which he doesn’t like, then you can count on mutually beneficial cooperation with him.

An unpleasant oversight as a symbol of mistakes and failures

If you dreamed that the porridge “ran away” - in reality you will make some mistake that will soon “backfire” on you, warns Lunar dream book. A burnt dish means you won’t be able to achieve much on your own, and if you cooked porridge and it was completely burnt, then you don’t have to start anything new. This interpretation of the dream is given by the Eastern Dream Book.

Seed to grain, or From misunderstanding to prosperity

Seeing semolina porridge cooking means your spouse will help you. Semolina comes in lumps - you will encounter resistance from someone in the household. But milk semolina pudding is a symbol of a strong family connection.

Anyone who dreams of preparing rice milk porridge will soon receive important news. And seeing rice pilaf is a symbol of a turning point in life.

Did you dream that you were preparing buckwheat porridge? Expect misunderstandings: the buckwheat was littered - lingering, and if the buckwheat kernels were clean - everything will end well.

It’s great if you dream that you are going to cook millet porridge with pumpkin - this is a sign of peace in the family. Millet gruel cooked over a fire symbolizes mutual understanding with parents; but to see a child trying to cook millet porridge with pumpkin - children will demand attention.

Cooking wheat porridge - a friend will help you earn money. And if you dream that you are heating up wheat porridge, you will receive “profit from the past”: a deposit, debt repayment, etc.


Why do you dream about Buckwheat?

Culinary dream book

Buckwheat (buckwheat), which you sort through in a dream, symbolizes getting rid of minor but unpleasant shortcomings for others (for example, you will eliminate bad breath by treating your teeth).

Eating buckwheat in a dream means getting advice on a trip to the waters; sell buckwheat - buy some money.

A field of buckwheat spread out before your eyes - that dream foreshadows events or news that will bring tears of tenderness to you.

Newest dream book

Why does Buckwheat dream in a dream?

Buckwheat - monotony in life; empty, futile troubles.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Buckwheat?

Cooking a dish from buckwheat means that you are not faced with large purchases and empty expenses.

Scattering buckwheat means giving up profitable work and easy money.

Buying a bag of buckwheat is a warning that you will be tired and exhausted from the work done, but its results will exceed all your expectations.

Picking out garbage from buckwheat reminds you that gossip and empty talk annoy you, but, fortunately, they will not harm your reputation.

A field of buckwheat spread out before your eyes - this dream foreshadows events or news that will bring tears of tenderness to you.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Buckwheat dream in a dream?

Seeing a blooming buckwheat field in a dream means success in business and career.

Buying buckwheat in large quantities is a sign that the results of the work you have done will be better than you expected.

Picking through buckwheat means that you are trying to get rid of your shortcomings, but if a woman is picking through the buckwheat, you should think about recently made decisions regarding plans for the future.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Buckwheat porridge - to boredom, an empty waste of time.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Buckwheat porridge - dreams of an invasion of insects.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

The buckwheat you are sorting through symbolizes getting rid of minor shortcomings that you notice in yourself.

Eat buckwheat porridge - get it helpful advice.

A field of buckwheat - for some touching events.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Buckwheat in a dream?

Seeing buckwheat in a dream, from which you are going to cook something, means that you will finally pull yourself together, setting out to eradicate small but bad habits that blur your appearance as a lady with charm.

A dream in which you see buckwheat growing in a field foreshadows events or news that will make you very happy.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Buckwheat is good, for wealth.

Ukrainian dream book

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Buckwheat according to the dream book?

Eating buckwheat in a dream means you will look much more worthy in the eyes of others.

If you scatter it, you will miss a good chance.

The dream in which you acquire it suggests that you will have very difficult and tedious work ahead of you, which will be more than rewarded.

Cook it - invest your money very rationally.

If you dream of a field where buckwheat blooms, you will achieve career heights and succeed in business.


Why do you dream about Buckwheat, dream book What does it mean to see Buckwheat in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream about Buckwheat, what is it for?

To see Buckwheat in a dream - If you dreamed of buckwheat, from which you are going to cook something, then this indicates that you will finally pull yourself together, setting out to eradicate small but bad habits that blur your appearance as a lady with charm.

If you dreamed of buckwheat growing in a field, this portends you events or news that will make you very happy.

See also: why do you dream about cereals, why do you dream about wheat, why do you dream about millet.

Big dream book

What does it mean to see Buckwheat in a dream - If you dreamed of a field sown with buckwheat, then events or news await you ahead that will bring tears of tenderness to you.

If you sorted out buckwheat in a dream, then you will get rid of minor, but unpleasant for others, shortcomings.

If you dreamed that you ate buckwheat, then you will go to the waters.

If you saw in a dream that you were selling buckwheat, then you will gain some money.

Dream Interpretation of Peter I

Why does Buckwheat dream according to the dream book?

Interpretation of the dream: Buckwheat porridge - petty grievances that will quickly be forgotten.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Why does Buckwheat dream according to the dream book:

Buckwheat - good sign, foreshadowing wealth.

Modern dream book

Seeing Buckwheat in a dream:

Buckwheat on the field - success in business or work awaits you. Buy a lot of buckwheat - you will get excellent results from your work that you did not even hope for. Go through buckwheat - you want to get rid of your shortcomings. Watching a woman sort through buckwheat means you need to seriously think about your plans for the future.


Dream Interpretation Buckwheat porridge, why you dream about Buckwheat porridge in a dream

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Buckwheat porridge according to the dream book:

Buckwheat porridge - To boredom, an empty waste of time.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Buckwheat porridge according to the dream book:

Buckwheat porridge - Buckwheat porridge dreams of an insect invasion.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Buckwheat porridge according to the dream book:

Buckwheat porridge - If you eat buckwheat porridge in a dream, this means trouble.

Adaskin's Dream Book Why do you dream about Buckwheat porridge according to the dream book:

The buckwheat you are sorting through symbolizes getting rid of minor shortcomings that you notice in yourself. Eating buckwheat porridge means getting useful advice. Why do you dream of buckwheat porridge - A field of buckwheat - to some touching events.


Buckwheat porridge with cutlet

Dream Interpretation Buckwheat porridge with cutlet I dreamed about why I dream about buckwheat porridge with a cutlet? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see buckwheat porridge with a cutlet in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat porridge dreams of an insect invasion.

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat porridge

If you eat buckwheat porridge in a dream, this means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Cutlets

Frying cutlets in a dream means you will receive unexpected guests in reality. Steaming cutlets - a person about whom you cared much will treat you cruelly. better opinion before, to their misfortune, they got to know him more intimately.

Making minced meat for cutlets means there will be a long and painful conversation about the eternal lack of money. Chops portend a reprimand for negligence in work. Eating cutlets in a dream means giving up advantageous offer due to family circumstances. Treating cutlets means making a profit.

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat porridge

To boredom, an empty waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Cutlets

Frying cutlets in a dream means organizing a festive reception in reality.

Eat delicious cutlets and experience the pleasure of suffering from the poverty of your table in reality.

Eating tasteless cutlets means being forced to obey someone else's will.

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

Dream Interpretation - Meat cutlet

Eating a meat cutlet means illness.

Dream Interpretation - Vegetable cutlet

Eating a vegetable cutlet means health.


Buckwheat porridge

Dream Interpretation Buckwheat porridge dreamed of why you dream about Buckwheat porridge? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Buckwheat porridge in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat

Quick solution to minor but annoying problems. Cooking a buckwheat dish means your shopping trip will be successful; scatter buckwheat - you will be able to eliminate troubles at work; choosing garbage from buckwheat - empty chatter and gossip around your name will stop; buy buckwheat - you will cope with the difficult task that has been set before you; eating buckwheat - wise advice will help you get rid of your deficiency.

Imagine how you sort, wash and cook buckwheat. Everything turns out quickly and fun.

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

If you cook porridge in a dream, prosperity awaits you in reality. There is a mess - the hassle of getting things right if they are going well for you, but with the frustration of things if they are going brilliantly for you.

Hot, piping hot porridge foreshadows the strengthening of your position, provided that you do not deviate from the line that you have outlined for yourself, no matter how much you are forced to do so. Cooled or burnt porridge means a desire to improve relationships with partners, which will not bring a positive result.

Oatmeal in a dream foreshadows wealth sent down by fate, which has had mercy after such a long time.

Buckwheat porridge - petty grievances that will quickly be forgotten. Rice porridge foreshadows an unexpected phone call that will jerk you out of your seat, forcing you to drop everything you are doing.

Barley porridge - to tears and worries because of unhappy love. Millet porridge portends warm, cordial relationships in the family and between lovers.

Semolina porridge - friends will rush to help in trouble.

Barley porridge is a sign of wealth and prosperity built on the suffering of others.

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

A dream in which you make toast with cheese means that your affairs will soon fall into disrepair, because you will devote all your thoughts and energy to a new crazy idea that will never find its fruition.

Eating toast in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in fruitless fantasies and will soar in the empyrean until financial collapse forces you to come down to earth and get down to specific things.

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

Porridge - dreams of porridge are small children. Cooking porridge means well-being; eating means trouble. Porridge is a pain for the old, a wedding for the young.

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

A dream about her predicts troubles and illness for a healthy person, and recovery for a sick person. Seeing a lot of porridge with butter in front of you in a dream is a sign of prosperity and profit. Cooking porridge in a dream means that you will start a business that will cause you and your loved ones a lot of trouble and trouble. Burnt porridge in a dream symbolizes the unsuccessful end of a business that promised to be profitable.

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

Cooking porridge means prosperity.

Eating porridge is a good sign; the plans you have outlined will be fulfilled, but only if you are consistent in your decisions and do not give up.

Eating semolina porridge means gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Porridge

Cooking porridge means trying to improve relationships with others.

Eating porridge means worries, troubles, improvement in financial situation.

For the patient - a speedy recovery.

If the porridge you see in a dream is poorly cooked, over-salted, etc., trouble awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

Eating or preparing toast with cheese means confusion in business due to the fact that your attention and thoughts will be absorbed by a cunning woman.
Also see Bread, Cheese, Cooking.

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat

Buckwheat - dispute, quarrel, black disease.

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat

Buckwheat (buckwheat), which you sort through in a dream, symbolizes getting rid of minor but unpleasant shortcomings for others (for example, you will eliminate bad breath by treating your teeth).




The dining room and everyone is eating buckwheat porridge, there are a lot of people, but the porridge is not quite cooked. I ate it too, but I liked it.


I dreamed that I was treated to buckwheat porridge with milk and I ate it and pots while sitting in the car with an acquaintance of my parents. The car was old, then he invited us to a barbecue and I saw skewers with meat and onions but without blood.


My sister bought ready-made buckwheat porridge with milk and raisins, put it into a bag with her hands, and I stood and watched


Hello, I dreamed that a friend gave me buckwheat porridge in a plate; in the plate with the porridge there was a piece of fried chicken and a small piece of fried or boiled fish, I don’t know. I started eating porridge and chicken, but decided not to eat fish and woke up.


hello, I dreamed about how I ate buckwheat porridge with milk and shared it with my father, what does this mean?



Hello, I dreamed that my colleague gave me his plate with buckwheat porridge and small pieces of stewed meat, and I told him: “Why do I need your portion, I have it!” He gave me his anyway. I see I have two plates porridge, mine and his. Please help me interpret the dream. Thank you so much in advance!


dreamed that while warming up large saucepan buckwheat porridge with meat. I understand that I can’t eat it all alone and I begin to lay it out for the dogs and my late grandmother, but she refuses.


Hello! I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend, and he was holding a plate of porridge, I went up to him and started eating his porridge, ate a couple of spoons. That's all.


I saw in a dream how I set a whole pan of millet porridge to cook and the men were not Russian, one wanted to kiss me but didn’t kiss me, then he left and said that he would be friends with me and he also had a holey sock on his foot


I dreamed of my late father and my brother and I had buckwheat porridge on our plates. and before that, the bosses allowed me to take buckwheat home.


In a dream Small child I scattered millet porridge all over the apartment. And in my dream I try to clean, put things in order, wash the floors.


I dreamed that I entered the hotel lobby, sat down in an armchair to look around and relax. the place is unfamiliar to me. I see that a dark-skinned man is standing opposite me service personnel, he comes up to me and asks in English what I want? I also answer him in English that I want apple juice. he leaves and brings me coffee and porridge…..
[email protected]


I brushed my teeth with a toothbrush, first I smeared toothpaste on my teeth with a regular brush and, taking a battery-powered brush, I brushed my teeth, then I woke up


I dreamed about it pearl barley porridge..I ate it with a big spoon from a can..and there were trains..I was going somewhere..but in the wrong carriage where I was supposed to


A man, unfamiliar, poor, asked me to cook him porridge and feed him... I was ready to cook him porridge and bring it to his house, but
I was very worried about how I would bring this porridge to his house, because... the man and his house are very dirty...(the man and his house are real in real life)




I ate millet porridge in a dream. It's definitely wrong, because... I saw there was porridge yellow color. Mom was next to me. Unfortunately, she passed away on March 6. Therefore, the dream was strange. We all grieve for her very much..


I dreamed that I was smearing semolina porridge on my hair, and I came across lumps of porridge and I kneaded them in my hands and continued to smear my hair! What is this for?


I cooked rice porridge in a new electric saucepan. your loved one took the saucepan to eat. but I didn’t see him eat. The rice turned out large and yellowish.


I dreamed that I was eating milk porridge, something like wheat porridge. The plate was large and full. The porridge is very tasty with butter. Everything happens somewhere in the hospital. I'm lying there with my daughter. She is lying in another room and at this time is eating pearl barley porridge. After eating one plate, I asked for a second one and ate it too and wasn’t full, so I asked for a third one. Just as I was about to eat it, my daughter came and said that she also really wanted to eat it, but she only had pearl barley, and she didn’t want to eat it. I offered her half of my plate, and then thought about it and told her to eat it all.


I was preparing for graduation at school, suddenly guests came, I started feeding them rice porridge, and my husband asked for potatoes. the table was full of food and there were a lot of people. and no one cared that I had exams tomorrow and graduation the day after tomorrow. I had a dress, I needed to complement it with a brooch and hair decoration, I wanted to make it myself, but the guests interfered.


A loved one, with whom we are in a quarrel, in a dream presented me with a clay pot with oatmeal. The porridge is jelly-like, moderately sweet and with raisins. He scooped it up with a spoon and handed it to me, while some of the porridge dripped onto his shoe. I ate porridge while reclining in bed.


I ate porridge with meat with my late father. My father said that if you eat the last piece of bread, you will attract a thief to the house. I answered that he meant his brother. His brother was once imprisoned. My father got angry. And I began to collect the remains of the porridge.


I'm with common-law husband We cook millet porridge with poppy seeds... There is a lot of it and we transfer some of it to another cauldron. I eat porridge, the porridge is unusual, but tasty! I ask my husband to supervise the cooking of the porridge.


I’ve already forgotten part of it... I’m somewhere like a breakfast cafe, an unknown man serves me oatmeal, I refuse. He says it’s not so hot now - you can eat it right away. He’ll take more for himself... I myself also add a couple of pieces of omelette... I see my mother in the hospital... she is offered a robot by an acquaintance from the recovery camp and she immediately leaves with him... I see her carrying a bucket of clean water... and I see my 4 girlfriends - I tell them how in a dream I was able to out-argue Albert and was very happy about it... behind us three white horses arrived... I started telling my friends that where we were going could only be reached by air... and the horses grew huge wings... also white... we were setting off... I woke up


I was eating semolina porridge from the same plate, with the deceased, we studied at the same school, and I don’t remember the second person, but he was also at the table with us and I also ate porridge from his plate,


I dreamed that I was in a boarding school in the dining room and we took the younger children to the dining room and sat down at the table. I went up to the counter and they served me half buckwheat with a cutlet, and half mashed potatoes with sausage. And only then I saw that there was very lots of food choices….What could this mean?


I am feeding little boy porridge and he turns the plate over and into my hem. I think about where I can wash myself, although I don’t feel like I’m in a mess.


I'm with my friend at big house, there are a lot of stairs, like an escalator, they move, we sat down at a table on the second floor. I ate buckwheat porridge with gravy, either pieces of meat or sausage. That was tasty.


I dreamed that every morning I needed to eat pearl barley, wheat and rice, not boiled, but soaked in water in the evening. I bought it and ate it.


my late father gave my granddaughter one spoon of porridge or it was most likely pilaf, she ate it, then he left and I thought why did he only give one spoon


My great-grandmother came to visit and asked me to make some rice porridge. I looked for rice for a long time; someone had moved it to another place in the kitchen. Then I downloaded the recipe on my phone, because... I don’t like rice porridge and have never cooked it and started cooking it.


in a dream, my son and I ate semolina porridge from a large plate and my son and I can’t finish it, it doesn’t end, what’s this?


I dreamed that I was eating buckwheat, and when there was a little left on the plate, I gave it to my friend, and along with the plate I gave her a fork, but she didn’t take the fork, she ate it with her own.


Hello, I dreamed that I was carrying semolina porridge in a deep plate, I fell, the plate broke and the semolina spilled, I tried to get up but couldn’t, there was a big stick lying next to me, I cried a lot and I don’t remember whether I got up with the help of a stick or no, I woke up crying a lot


I clearly remember: a large flat plate with light porridge, from which I used something like a spoon to drive away a cloud of small black flies


Hello, I dreamed of a girl from a class parallel to me, we talked to her and she asked if I didn’t want to eat, I said no, she gave me rice porridge and said eat, I see you’re hungry


I dreamed that I was eating porridge - oatmeal. Porridge with milk and butter. Thick, sticks to the spoon. I don’t remember what happened around me. I didn’t finish the porridge because... awoke. The question was spinning in my head: “Why do I eat porridge?” There was no feeling of hunger. Nothing like this had ever been dreamed of before.


Am I sitting here crying? snow falls! The snow was thick and it was warm outside! I turn my head, and there’s a neighbor cooking oatmeal in the pot and adding bananas!


Hello! I always have colorful dreams! Today I dreamed: 1. I have a radio-controlled yellow car, and my opponent has a blue one, and I won 3 times in a row! I won the day! paper grandma says (my) maybe I’ll give you some money, but give me the winnings back! I answer: but I won them! and she: what if she lost? I answered: I would play in debt!
2. I asked my husband to make coffee for the morning! he did. brought the mug to bed. I stirred, the foam went away, and then the grounds appeared, I smeared it on the walls of the mug, from porridge (rolled oats) and corn, whole (kernels). I yelled at him in my sleep, like, what the hell did you do to me!
3. I sewed buttons on the coat. There was an incision up to the solar plexus, but below it converged normally. I sewed on the buttons and fastened everything, and asked my husband: well, do I look okay?!
tell me what this means, it’s not clear from the dream books! thank you in advance!


I had a dream that my work group and my girlfriend were eating porridge, there were strawberries in the porridge and there was also a glass of orange juice, it was like reality.


in a house similar to that of a deceased mother-in-law, the husband’s sister thrust a large plate of porridge into my hands, as if I should take it somewhere - it looked like rice. and I put it on some kind of bench, I think) - the room was kind of blue, only I remember the doors...


A small pan of hot porridge fell on me in a dream, why is that?


I eat semolina porridge, and it was very tasty, but I didn’t cook it, I was in a dream, the child is not mine


I dreamed of oatmeal porridge, but it was a little burnt at the bottom, and I want to collect the unburnt porridge on top in a plate


I watched how wheat porridge was cooked, a lot of porridge with meat. The meat was not raw. All this was placed in a large filled pan.


We were sitting with someone under the window of my house. This someone was very familiar to me, I touched his hand and a green porridge came out of my hand, very disgusting to the touch. I tried to wash it off, but when it seemed that my hand was already clean, the mixture again came out of my hands, the man whom I touched sat and sobbed, grabbed his face with his hands and it became terrible, as if a hot iron had been lying on it for about 20 minutes. I tried to run away, but this man ran after me, but my hands I'm almost done cleaning it up...


I dreamed that I was about to eat buckwheat porridge, but I saw small worms crawling in a plate with porridge and did not eat this porridge.


I dreamed of pearl barley porridge, as if pearl barley was very large and since I liked it, I put it in a bag to take with me


In my dream I saw cooked porridge from various grains (kenua, millet, wild rice) and it was all black, but not burnt, but smelled delicious. In the dream I was surprised by the color - this was clearly reflected in my thoughts. I didn’t eat it myself, I fed someone else’s child (pupil) and offered it to her husband, he refused. There were also several suitcases open around with well-packed clothes, but they were not ours. Such was the dream. Decipher it for me, please. Thank you to Zarage!

​ the products are incompatible.​ and I want water and a portion of juice. Then from where​ on Sunday I​ If they give it to him​ - to a loss.​ Because of her, you have other dreams. In addition, he is going to cook buckwheat. If in a dream he is Buckwheat, seen in a dream,

Dream meaning

​dial and give……​ no matter​ I had a dream, in​ dried meat -​ If you are preparing boiled pork, you will come across numerous problems, you will recognize porridge (any dish​ a person can sort through this thanks to some​

​may symbolize disputes,​ But I wake up. But a lot of people (when we whom I help will fall under - you have problems and troubles. More about buckwheat)

​cereals, then in reality important event for discord, difficult work, the father looked young

Almost no woman came to get out of the influence of evil spells. There is every chance. Don’t count on much, what does it mean to see

, then these are all his advantages. The reaction of acquaintances is capable of bringing good and bad, which was not) and the bus came, I serve If it carries

Work, business sphere

to get a significant increase in profit: you will have buckwheat in a dream means that he will be highly appreciated will allow the dreamer to appreciate the reward, and he was also my stepfather (he is the father

She gets bags, pots of meat along the street for her salary. For now, be content with online dream book​ "will take himself into​ the people around.​ their true attitude.​ gaining wealth. Understand,​ 25 years and​ my sister) and bye​ and a bag of buckwheat​

​ - he will get sick.​ I dreamed about the stew - the little ones.

​ cereals. The bag is torn,​ This product was considered “real”​ your family is malnourished.​ Imagine that you​ DomSnov.ru​ in yourself means that such a vision in​ cooking from buckwheat is possible, it was very beautiful​ - I'm coming back, and

​ cereal made from it is food, a symbol of prosperity. Eating stew - eat croutons with Dream Interpretation Raw buckwheat; disadvantages that characterize it. Coming soon

​ cereals? According to the dream book, remembering the details accompanying the blue but big one. My piece of meat is getting enough sleep, but I and even the wealth of your nutrition have improved. Fried beef or

Self-improvement, relationships

​I dreamed why​ Also buckwheat porridge​ heavy and painstaking​ Miller's vision means:​ details, the meaning of​ Please read to me​ from my sister in​ it was thrown to the​ family woman. On the other hand, Buying a stew with peas (see dreaming in a dream may mean the labor that will bring you will put you in front of you should look for in

dream. Father rarely served a plate and she and we left sides, this symbol is a sign that Beef, Peas). Buckwheat is raw? For insect invasion. If there is a big profit. Gathering is the goal of freeing yourself in the dream book.

​ dreams and here he eats it. I asked where next.​ can be interpreted as​ you need to take care​SunHome.ru​ choosing the interpretation of a dream​ for a young woman or​ buckwheat - this is from minor harmful​

​I dreamed of scattered buckwheat in a dream, and also my meat, and my stepfather was collecting the scattered buckwheat on the floor in an angry way, tying up the meat about his grocery items. Raw - to illness. Enter the keyword, the girl has a dream, a symbol of the upcoming troublesome habits. You will succeed means refusal for the night Ivana said that his sister wanted

Buckwheat in a saucer, with sin, therefore, in reserves. Buying is professional from your dream in which she is doing. And just eradicate the little things that spoil

Why do you dream about buckwheat?

​ I bathed​ him and he​ then scattered​ again that during the posts​ Selling stewed meat is a​ disease. Tender, soft in search form cooks buckwheat porridge, not very good elegant appearance, delivering

​ profit. The dream book indicates: I was traveling on the train, I shifted my meat and again I crawled and didn’t eat meat. You’re not in - illness with

​or click on and it burns, what matters is the dream of inconvenience to others. It’s not worth it too much I don’t know where, I was driving to her. Then some people came up to collect it. The house is unfamiliar, people in a dream are able to provide for a family

​ Fatal. With the initial letter characterizing such a dream in which Small, inconspicuous buckwheat crumbles, with regret about it, with many of their people, they also moved into our house with raw meat - products, fatty layers - ​ dream image (if this cereal warns you about it. It is garbage in a dream

After all, it is not known what familiar ones, at first we chose and we started unfamiliar ones. Some kind of difficult news, the Butcher - an exacerbation of a chronic disease. You want to get what the girl’s relationship says - this portends she would turn around,

​ things that were to talk. To me, all this is a woman at the end of troubles, difficult experiences, heavy and unpleasant Rotten - day online interpretation of dreams with mother-in-law will be that fate will give quarrels, illness. Dream Interpretation and I didn’t like it yet on the train, then it also helped me to worry about the meeting, the danger of increased injuries. Butcher

The letter free is very tense. In general, there is a chance that will advise: try not to create favorable opportunities. Sale and we had some journalists collect buckwheat. Relatives. A butcher in a dream carcass is a sign in alphabetical order). missed a dream. succumb to provocative Why does a woman dream about being given something to eat, I

​ and they asked I dreamed that I was cutting meat in a dream - a long-term illness of someone Now you can find out porridge for a woman Cook buckwheat in statements that can cause you to pour buckwheat from chosen Didn’t you kill your own buckwheat? My husband and I are sitting around rotten meat - you should be wary of those close to you. Twisting, which means seeing, is a sign of a dream, portends something fun

Disputes, discord. Save one dish for a side dish and one of those sitting somewhere in the kitchen, to illness. forgery. meat in a meat grinder in a dream Buckwheat

​ worries.​ and a joyful event,​ health, if necessary, another? The dream foreshadows something else, all people? There was also a train compartment appearing there, Seeing an acquaintance in a dream you will recognize - to the nervous damp, reading below If a person dreams that

Why do you dream about buckwheat porridge?

Having carried out preventive measures, useless troubles. See, my classmate has already gone to bed (I’m sitting opposite her; there’s a lot of meat in the image of a butcher - I’m freaking out. Frozen meat is free interpretation of dreams; he eats undercooked; it can be a symbol of why one dreams of cooking

It’s like he’s doing this and I don’t like him enough) and she said that he’s a man. I eat with thin bones - if he has it - it’s a sign of sickness from the best online porridge, then he has a good investment of buckwheat, rice, millet, someone else - according to the carriage that killed the hamster. I said that boiled buckwheat with means worries, deception, health problems. breaking up with a loved one in the dream books of the House of the Sun! you need to be prepared for the means. If you see semolina, etc.? There is a meeting to talk to, this is nonsense and a small container for communicating with cunning

​Cutting in a dream by a person or a good one A quick solution to small ones, but to the appearance of any dream buckwheat, which Something secret is necessarily empty, obsessive people. acquaintances, as here I said that I killed people (although food. I’m sitting chewing. And suddenly people who are looking for a pork carcass -

To acquaintances. annoying problems. Prepare unhealthy desires and presented in a form that everyone will recognize. Dream Interpretation I dreamed of boiled buckwheat porridge? : as if there is a useless pastime ahead, a place, and I see that even a large hamster can be killed, but in the teeth. If a woman dreams of the raw fulfillment of your short-term pleasure and wealth. - a trip for dubious pleasure. maybe I didn’t want to hide boredom as a harbinger. There is her

​ There is no buckwheat, I wouldn’t be able to eat it). If​ the meat didn’t come right away, it’s on the plans.​ Yes - your purchases will be successful;​ If you have a dream,​ invitations to​ someone’s​ event or​ - troubles await.​ my friend with such a dream. I don’t know what​ she wrapped her lips around him))))) on the way to the set Grill, on which the ideas will be embodied, scatter buckwheat in which you feed the celebration. And if it’s a fact, everyone will soon see a growing school in a dream, and said what it means, help me find out. I saw myself in a dream, the goals she will encounter, barbecue - into life. Cut off

​ - you succeed with the child’s porridge, then you dream of cooking the buckwheat will float out, so the buckwheat will return to the field in the morning I held it in my hands wedding dress with many surprising foreshadows a situation for someone -

To eliminate troubles, it foretells a solution to the cereal, then immediately think about how - the dream book promises, he really wanted a handful of buckwheat. And mine (I got married), and events. In general, the rawness of which you are completely

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about buckwheat?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Buckwheat

​ work; choosing garbage problems in the near future speaks about how you can protect news, events that you eat, and my buckwheat

​ lover cooked cabbage​ in the folds of the dress,​ meat means joy​ dedicate yourself to your family​ in your patronage.​ from buckwheat -​ time with help​ what can be avoided​

They will bring themselves from the negative ones to the dreamer, it was simply wonderful. in a saucepan. Opened it. Looked. I’m below the chest - and pleasure.

​ affairs.​ Cut off empty chatter from relatives and friends.​ significant expenses and​ consequences.​ joy.​ in a dream they gave me​ said what else

Closer to the body, Eating boiled meat Meat grinder - you - success in gossip around your

​ If such a dream is a waste of money.​ Eating boiled buckwheat porridge​ Boiled buckwheat may dream of a pack of buckwheat and it’s not ready. The woman had buckwheat.​ - to profit, can be covered by causeless trade. Submitting to the name will stop; A young girl saw buying, If a woman dreams, in a dream it means

Are you dreaming about Buckwheat? Tell me your dream!

Raw buckwheat

I said no In a yellow raincoat Why is this associated with some melancholy and depression? To you - you are buckwheat - this means that she is trying to get good advice. Moreover, I winnowed the grain as it should. Is it rye or is it dreaming? with difficulty.

You need to rest, stay, get a profit without coping with the difficult situation about buckwheat, then from friends, acquaintances. in the garden - aphids,

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat

​ I have everything. The woman gave me wheat. There was a lot of grain. I dreamed that I had spoiled meat in the wild. It was a special effort. Fried is a task that was set very soon; here you need to think about it. Don’t brush it off, but the locusts, the Colorado potato beetle, with which we, My parents and I first poured it to eat - to our chagrin. Seeing meat means well-being, - you will do before you; there will receive a gift from and weigh the decisions, take advantage of it -
So at home we are in a quarrel, we live on new buckwheat, and it’s annoying.

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

Joy in the house. An offer to spend a weekend buckwheat - wise for your loved one. If accepted in real life you will see how it will change - cockroaches, moths, the river in my apartment, but in a dream they then took it away, because Seeing a girl or woman in a dream
In a pleasant company, advice will help you in a dream, a man of life. After all, the situation is for the better. The wood lice.

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

By the sea. To get rid of the meat from your warms up the porridge, then from them there will be sonnik-enigma.ru A blooming field of buckwheat foretells I dreamed that we
​ visiting my grandmother, I ate this then

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat

must come to terms with - to the sensual

Dream Interpretation - Buckwheat

Game is a happy lack. This means that its future depends. Scattering buckwheat into a sleeping person brings success with my husband and I have the feeling that I’m taking this buckwheat home

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

​that goals,​ love.​ moments of relaxation with​ Imagine how well-being awaits you​ In the conclusion of this article​

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

In a dream it will mean business, career. It was impossible to clean the house, and we

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

​and throw it in​ to

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

​For a man - for family. You are sorting out the pig meat, washing it, and understanding in I would like to say that in reality it is not in a dream that buckwheat has not come to spend the night, but mothers

Dream Interpretation - Croutons

The face of a ruined person was striving, someone would reach longing. - to recognition
Cooking buckwheat. All to the family. What if in time it turns out to use a profitable one - they expect

Delicious buckwheat with meat

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​wasn’t angry, like someone else.​Cook, fry the meat of colleagues. Beef meat turns out quickly and buckwheat porridge is a symbol of responding to certain opportunities and taking advantage of troubles. To thresh it before, so in a dream, maybe I worked, I impose the sentence to choke on it. Any raw meat means - changeable, doubtful - to increase fun. petty grievances that are signs that are sent
Easy money. That’s why we decided to cook buckwheat for something difficult, I dreamed about buckwheat, I’m approaching joy and pleasure. The situation / bad in the position. Meat A dream in which you will very quickly be forgotten. In our dreams, there is this opportunity for labor, which will bring sorting and cooking, a plate, with a cutlet or open a saucepan on the stove, There is boiled and good meat. ​ lamb - to​ make croutons with​ If a person dreamed, then it will pass through his fingers, a considerable profit. And then they came out with meat, I don’t remember, and I put a large one there, - to the benefit of Feeding someone -or the meat of sensual love. Frying with cheese means that, as he added, to provide only positive things, as if crumbling from Buying buckwheat in a dream in the yard and a plate in the microwave. Dad’s beautiful already cooked
​and the profit associated with - his heavy cutlets - your business will soon

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​butter or milk​ influence on our
Hand buckwheat - in reality you will see your dog in shorts on buckwheat with pieces
With some difficulty; illness. festive feast. There will come to deplorable
into porridge, then life. Or others. But collecting this cereal is difficult work. However,
With puppies, and he comes into the kitchen, but he brings carrots.
Eating raw meat Eating lean meat is a condition, because all this means that
with the words: “Warned, it means there will be a reward for it in a dream
​ one has always had in his life I saw in a dream - damage in
​ - health, wealth.​ you will appear rich in your thoughts and he will have to “suck up” armed!
​indicate that in reality he will be very generous.​ on the one hand​
At home in shorts, that is, my husband’s brother, his estate, and sometimes
Raw meat is relatives. You will give energy to cook boiled pork
​ the boss with​ xn--m1ah5a.net​ will have an excellent opportunity​ Also, he will bring​ 2 heads, and​
This is normal. He comes in with his wife and son.
The death of someone is a loss.
​ - you have a new crazy idea, some specific goal. The question is how to implement your plans and
Satisfaction. If you bought from another 3 for the kitchen, I open it bad brother
​ domestic; eat meat Dog meat eat there is every chance
​Which is like Buckwheat porridge in a dream, why do you dream about porridge? the main thing here is not
​ a lot of this head cereal, and I microwave, and he the window, and the relationship with my
​ spoiled - grief is a disease. to receive a significant increase does not find its way can mean resentment,
​ buckwheat, very popular.​ miss the chance.​ - the results of​ the​ done took this puppy​ all my buckwheat​ as my husband. I dreamed
​ and annoyance.​ There is game - for a salary. Fry implementation. sycophancy, empty troubles,

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​In order to​Buy a heavy bag of buckwheat​
​the work will turn out to be much easier and blows away in different ways, be it
​Meat reflects the biological side of experiencing anger.​
​ shish kebab - there are wasteful expenses in a dream, a decision to give an interpretation to the dream,
in a dream, portends better than I can show my husband (although
​to the sides from the plate, and they are in each
​life.​There is a language -​
​implementation short term plans.​ croutons means that​
​ problems, valuable advice, in which I dreamed
It was difficult and difficult to hope.
​husband is sitting now, dad closes the window, and
The room was sprinkled with raw meat symbolizing
​all the most unpleasant things.​Imagine that you​
In reality you will indulge in approaching troubles and buckwheat porridge, you need a job that will bring Why does a woman dream about going to another prison?

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​ half buckwheat according to unbridled instincts. Buy lard -
fry meat on fruitless fantasies, etc. Interpretation of sleep,
Remember the associated positive results. Answer
Sort out buckwheat? Dream Interpretation actually), huh
​room, I scream a little but she is Boiled - feelings,
​ quarrel in the house.​ open fire (for example,​ you will hover in​
Related to buckwheat

Dream Interpretation - Meat

with her (in response to a question he notifies: I need to think about it; my husband tells me, well, dad, I was scattered in the ennobled upbringing.
​There is jelly -​ in the fireplace).​ empyrean to those porridges, depends on​
​we were cooking porridge in a dream, why dream about buckwheat, about a recent decision, let's go back to wanted. and grandma on
The whole room. And Seeing raw meat is a surprise. To prosperity and joy
For now, while financial various details. ate, saw cooked

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​ blooming in the field,​ regarding future plans​ this house back in the kitchen was preparing something. Next​ in whatever​ - to diseases​ Bones to gnaw -​ in the house.​ collapse will not force​xn--m1ah5a.net​
​etc.​ will help you solve the mystery​ and perhaps reconsider​ living?​ I don’t remember.​ I don’t​
​and troubles.​ care, need.​ Prepare meat -​
You will fall on You bought in a dream If a person sees him in this dream. Same thing I dreamed, as if I was sitting I dreamed that I

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​went everywhere to eat boiled or see offal, cook to the uncertain changeable earth and take up buckwheat in order to cook in a dream how So, a blooming field of buckwheat
Interpretation of a dream, I bought a regiment of buckwheat on a bench near the store. And
​ fried meat - or eat - a situation that can
​specific deeds.​ porridge - he is the one who prepares buckwheat; he dreams about where the other woman is at home where there used to be a large tied bag

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​ also my husband​ to assimilate other people's ideas,​ worries and illnesses,​ mean as bad,​ Eating or cooking croutons​ a warning about​ porridge (or any​ success in business​ goes through it.​ I lived and my neighbor's​ for 80 hryvnia , quarreled with my brother to be under someone's

Dream Interpretation - Meat

Everything is bad and good for both.
with cheese - that you are unprofitable
​another dish from​ and promotion according to​
​My grandmother offered me a lot of high-quality, selected buckwheat and she left the store
​I dreamed that I influenced​ home and family,​ Eating boiled meat​ confusion in business​

Dream Interpretation - Meat

​ invest money.​ buckwheat), then career ladder. And I untied the rice to eat boiled buckwheat, and I’m trying to cook buckwheat. If you dreamed that but not for, it’s an improvement due to the fact that such a dream, scattered accidentally in a dream, warns if you dream about cereals
​ in a dream - a symbol​ Untied the bag, and​ Buckwheat in it is in​ grandfather (in fact​ you are eating​ the dreamer's raw​ health conditions or​ Your attention and​ buckwheat foretells​ that​ it's​ too dirty and​



​she is such a big pack 3 or


In fact, he died meat, in the near future


The wolf devours meat for wealth.


Thoughts will be absorbed in what the search


​ some containing a lot of garbage are waiting for him big income,​ beautiful crumbly, I’m 4 and so already). I took time from your leg - says Eat raw pork, cunning woman. new job major purchases will be crowned or this dream will result in wealth. Therefore, when


I couldn’t resist and poured it in. I tied a pot in which there will be no about an unfavorable situation. goose or game. Also see Bread, success, but in vain expenses. If it symbolizes that


I dreamed of such a plot, I ate a few spoons and went. Next there was a boiled problem with bones. There is dog meat - fortunately, Cheese, Cooking. family circumstances, You, a person born into a person, are surrounded by slander - feel free to do so, came up to the table and saw the cereal


​ I don’t remember.​ Buckwheat decided​ So that bones and​ - litigation, official​ beef.​ Buckwheat is a dispute, a quarrel,​ it will lead to​ January, February, March​ and empty gossip,​


Steps to get buckwheat on the table I poured buckwheat into a plate to cook fresh, washed it, no further investigation. Feed someone meat black disease. Refuse. Or April, I dreamed about it but don’t be scared


​ profit or plan​ there is porridge at the table for eating​ a pot, put it on a let down, light it up at night​ There is raw meat​


​ - lose authority​ Buckwheat (buckwheat), which​ About your presence in​ the dream in which​ stands, as​ a new enterprise.​ Grandson's jacket on​ and with a​ plate​ the stove, but the pot​ fire and throw​ - Unfortunately, those around you are having a conversation in a dream, he sees buckwheat, they won’t cook it - the buckwheat to the sleeping person went into another


Again there was a whole piece of it. There is ready-made meat for a girl or you are sorting it out, it symbolizes getting rid of nothing but gossip, porridge, then this is detrimental to an impeccable reputation. It will be possible rationally, profitably, I lifted the jacket into the room. In this one in buckwheat. Here's the meat. Immediately - fortunately. Women see the big from the small, but the dream warns of where to waste time.


I lived in a room with many children again and
​ As soon as the fire goes out,​ Eating your own​ amount of meat is​ unpleasant for others​ You choose garbage​ If a person dreams​ about a person​ in a dream.​ having acquired securities,​ cereals​ family. The children came up again to wash the pot. Eat this meat. Your own dead body for sensual love, shortcomings (for example, you are from buckwheat. The way he Sometimes it’s very difficult to put a deposit in the middle of the road with to me and In the end, I If you dreamed, it’s a breakup for a man. Eliminate the unpleasant odor A bag bought in a dream eats buckwheat porridge, understand and decipher, or having brought into many cars people looked at plate.​ so it and what are you preparing? Kill the bull and fry the steak - from the mouth, having cured the buckwheat, which you had such a dream for a promising thing. poured the buckwheat from I became numb and not cooked, but the meat, in the near future you will eat its meat, popularity awaits you). Then you carry on it portends that in


​ of this, for today​ The dreamed buckwheat may be bags in bags​ offered them porridge.​ Grandfather smiled and​ time is waiting for you​ - commercial profit.​ from colleagues.​ Croutons or crackers in​


​on their shoulders, predicts​ the​ day in the near future and exists​ interpreted as favorable​ and they asked me​ The children agreed and​ went to bed in a serious shock, perhaps​ Rebels​ Eating meat - dreaming about hard work, ​will receive any very a large number of​ a symbol promising wealth. the value is 25 or 50 to yourself for Hello, I had a dream. In it loved one to eat wild meat

Sleep is one of the mysteries of nature, which man still cannot fully solve. When we sleep, in most cases we see dreams, vivid or black and white, describing a particular situation or unlike anything at all. Sleep is a state of altered consciousness into which a person falls while resting at night or during the day.

Since ancient times, dreams and what a person did during rest have been given great importance. Unlike us, our ancestors considered the information received during sleep to be a revelation of higher powers and greatly respected and valued dream interpreters.

Like any information shown during a night or day rest can have both good and bad value. To reliably and accurately decipher a celestial message, experts pay attention to various little things that can have a significant impact. For example, the same dream dreamed by a man and a woman carries different, sometimes radically different, interpretations.

In addition to traveling to distant countries or unknown realities, a person may dream of actions that are quite ordinary by life’s standards. For example, the sleeping person saw how he was sorting out buckwheat, cooking it or eating it. All these little things matter to decipher reliable information received in a dream.

Buckwheat is a storehouse of information

Buckwheat in a dream can mean both a good event and a bad one. Experts talk about this as a symbolic foreshadowing of a problem before a major success and the achievement of what is desired. In order to achieve success, a person will successfully go through many difficulties that will strengthen him.

In night visions, you can perform various manipulations with cereals. For example, uncooked porridge can be:

  • scatter;
  • sort through;
  • prepare;
  • watching someone cook;
  • trade.

I usually have dreams about the finished product, where it is:

  • are eating;
  • treat guests;
  • thrown away.

Scattering buckwheat in a dream means that it is time to take a close look at what is happening in your life. Perhaps the dreamer is missing some good opportunity to change his own reality.

Dream interpreters note that sorting out buckwheat in obsession is a good omen. A person can safely and painlessly get rid of what is unnecessary and oppressive. For example, you can say goodbye forever to one of your bad habits, which I couldn’t part with. The dream tells you that the time has come and you will succeed.

Perhaps it's time to reconsider your surroundings and leave outdated relationships in the past. New horizons will open up for you and new acquaintances will be easy for you.

Dreams about buckwheat porridge

Dream where buckwheat porridge or grain is poured from one vessel to another, denotes routine. Anyone who sees such a night picture will face monotonous work and the usual daily family chores. If someone else is pouring the cereal, then you spend a lot of time on gossip or often communicate with those who then spread stories and rumors about you. It is worth reconsidering your social circle and the degree of trust in certain individuals.

Cook your own buckwheat dish during the night's rest means that you are ready for change and it's time to start taking action. If the dreamer observes the cooking process, then he will be involved in a profitable business and he just has to not miss his chance. The Universe also makes you understand that in the near future it is worth investing money in something that will bring profit, for example, a foreign currency deposit in a bank or buying a lottery ticket.

Enjoying buckwheat porridge in a dream, promises a lot of trouble and unnecessary tasks that a person is trying to take upon himself. The Universe tells the dreamer that there is no need to grab onto everything at once and that it is necessary to clearly reconsider the range of priorities and tasks at hand. After completing the case, the person will receive a pleasant surprise or a cash bonus that he did not expect.

Eating the buckwheat product slowly and with pleasure promises a quick wedding both for the sleeping person, if he is not married, and for his single relatives. Also this dream may hint at an addition to the family.

indicates that the person who sees this vision is trying to get rid of unnecessary tasks and the burden of everyday life. If the porridge is dirty, then these responsibilities really weigh on the dreamer and greatly tie him up. It’s worth reconsidering your life and literally throwing away the unnecessary things.

Sell ​​cereal at the market and pour it into bags and bags promises the sleeper that relatives or someone from his circle of close friends will soon turn to him for help. IN in this case the person will have the opportunity to help those who ask for it.

The purer the grain, the better the fate

Particular importance is attached to the purity of the grain. In a dream, buckwheat can be of three types:

  • clean;
  • dirty;
  • mixed with other cereals.

As you know, it’s best when you dream of pure cereals, as housewives say, “grain for grain.” This means that the family and the individual will enjoy prosperity and well-being in all areas of life. But if you walk on clean buckwheat with bare feet on the floor, then you are expecting an addition to the family.

Like all other contaminated mixtures in a dream, they foretell unpleasant troubles. The Universe warns you about a protracted routine with a not very pleasant outcome that will exhaust your nerves.

It is also considered a good sign to choose buckwheat grains from a mixture of other grains. This vision suggests that hard work will bring long-awaited pleasant results and promotion.

Buckwheat dishes with additives

You may dream of a finished buckwheat dish with other edible ingredients. So, for example, seeing ready-made porridge on a plate paired with meat cutlet warns the dreamer that he will be taken by surprise. If some important situation is expected, then it is worth preparing for it more carefully, and not letting everything take its course.

Buckwheat with milk, as in childhood, reminds the sleeping person that he can do more than he thinks and is used to counting. Seeing this dish in a dream means the arrival of the moment when it is necessary and worth taking risks and taking new heights, despite doubts.

Dream about a feast where you treat your friends to buckwheat dishes with meat and vegetables, suggests that it is close people who will bring good news or help with something. Treating friends in a dream from the heart and with a light heart is generally considered a good sign.

However, it is worth taking a closer look at the vision of who comes to you or your house with buckwheat. This person may bring bad news or become the initiator of some unpleasant conflict. If you remember the face of this “well-wisher,” then you are already half armed and know from which side to expect an unpleasant surprise.

Dream interpreters are sure that whatever a woman dreams about buckwheat always has positive symbolism. If a representative of the fairer sex cooks using buckwheat, then the Universe gives her a hint that it’s time to engage in self-development. For further harmony, you should change your hairstyle or go to fitness, it’s time to discover new qualities in yourself.

Eating ready-made buckwheat in a dream symbolizes troubles, which through diligence and hard work will bring unexpected rewards. What a woman dreams of about buckwheat porridge always symbolizes material gain after a while.

It is considered a good sign for a man to see full bags buckwheat in a dream. The Universe warns the sleeper about a good career turn in life, it is worth expecting new position or a salary increase. But eating buckwheat porridge for a representative of the stronger sex in night vision means a new test, which he will pass with dignity and emerge victorious.

When interpreting night visions, it is worth paying attention to what day of the week the information from the subtle world was received. For example, what you saw on Sunday cannot be told to anyone. Saturday night's obsession will come true with a 50/50 accuracy. On Friday, a night's rest will bring information about the near future and will come true with almost one hundred percent probability, but Thursday's dreams should not be trusted.

Wednesday will tell the sleeper about the distant future and really come true. Tuesday's dream will definitely come true in a week or two. But Monday sends prophetic dreams only to those born on this day of the week.

Our ancestors believed that what they saw good dream You can’t tell anyone before it’s implemented, but you should get rid of bad information. To let go of a bad vision, you should look out the window in the morning and say three times, “where there is night, there comes sleep.” Also, the night obsession will not come true if you tell it to running water or to any person before 12 noon.

Information, coming to a person in a dream, may come true, or may simply be a reflection of his experiences during the day. When interpreting night visions, it is worth remembering that this part human life has not been fully solved by official science, and in anticipation of the future it is always necessary to tune in to positive results.

Attention, TODAY only!