Seeing a genital organ in a dream. Why did you dream about the male genital organ - interpretation of the dream

Genital organs - The opposite sex will have problems in relationships on a sexual basis. In the same sex - a sign of sexual dissatisfaction. Touching the genitals means unwanted sexual intercourse is possible. Unusual looking - you have to change your sexual partner. Perhaps, if you are married, you will have an affair on the side.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does the dream Genitals mean?

For a man to see his genitals in a dream means to take care of his reputation.

For another man - to lose something or to be at enmity with someone.

If a woman sees her male genitals in a dream, she will soon have children.

For men - to deception, betrayal.

Seeing female genitals - for men it means receiving protection, protection from someone or something, or interesting business offers.

For women - an intimate relationship with someone.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing genital organs in a dream

Seeing your own genitals is a sign of concern about your attractiveness, your strength.

Seeing the genitals of the opposite sex is a desire for acquaintance, possession.

The penis or vagina is smeared with dirt - gossip, secret anger.

Damaged organs are a disease, an insult.

Seeing a huge penis is dignity, friendly support.

Interpretation of dreams from

To acquaintance, possession.

Penis or vagina smeared with dirt- gossip, secret anger.

Damaged organs- illness, insult.

Seeing a huge penis- dignity, friendly support.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If this dream is not associated with erotic experiences, then the male genital organs in your dream- portend a quarrel and confrontation, and women's- insults and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Seeing your genitals in a dream for a man- take care of your reputation; from another man- to lose something or to be at enmity with someone.

If a woman sees male genitals in her dream- she will soon have children; in men- to deception, treason.

Seeing female genitals for men- means to receive protection, protection from someone or something, or interesting business offers. For women- intimate relationship with someone.

Islamic dream book

One who feels in a dream that his sexual organ is exhausted- he, in all likelihood, caused harm to people, and for this reason they slander him and appeal to the wrath of the Almighty.

If he sees his genitals cut off and thrown far from him- he will die and have no offspring. This dream could also foretell the death of his son.

If he has only one daughter, and he sees his genitals cut off and attached to his ear- His daughter will have an illegitimate child.

For a representative of the authorities to see a cut off genital organ- means the loss of one’s post, and for a warrior- defeat.

If someone sees himself castrated in a dream or castrates himself- he will suffer humiliation.

If a man intends to entrust a secret or give something for safekeeping to someone, and if he sees a castrated man in a dream- he must abandon his plan. However, they say that if anyone sees himself at the moment of castration, he will receive the mercy of Allah.

If a sleeper sees in a dream a castrated man unfamiliar to him in the guise of holy people and speaking words of wisdom- let him know that an angel came to him with a warning or good news.

If a sleeper sees himself in a dream unable to urinate- this portends that he will be unable to ensure his existence.

The dream of someone who sees in a dream that he has difficulty urinating- means that he has a debt that he cannot pay. Swelling of the scrotum portends wealth, and the seer similar dream must beware of the envy of his enemies.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Sex organ- male reputation, creative potency, strength.

Huge- dignity, success.

Long, thin- illness.

See- blunder, deception, not getting what you expected.

Ejaculation- the end of all matters.

Seeing female genitals for a man- good, protection, implementation of plans. For woman - love affair; rival.

Modern universal dream book

Why so much fuss about genitals? Some people don't consider them a very beautiful part of the body, but they are very functional!

If you saw genitals in a dream- First of all, you need to pay attention to the circumstances of the dream. For example, do you defecate? This suggests that you need to get rid of emotional arousal. Is the dream telling you that you need to let go of the past? Should I remove it from my life?

If in a dream you saw the genitals of the opposite sex- what did you feel when you woke up: envy or relief? If there is envy, the dream suggests that you would like to have the advantages that the opposite sex has. If there is relief, then you are glad that you are who you are. In a dream, did you see the genitals of your gender?

If you are a man, have you seen a larger or smaller penis? If you've seen a penis bigger size - it means you want to be more powerful and desirable. If in a dream you saw a smaller penis- this suggests that you are waiting for recognition for your mental abilities and personal qualities, and not for your success in bed.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of a vagina- the dream speaks of the desire to give birth to some idea or new life! Do you want to start a family?

Genital organs are associated with the most pleasant moments in life- Do you dream of sensual relaxation? Or do you experience this when you succeed at something?

Danilova's erotic dream book

Separated from explicit sexual content, female genitalia- can be considered as a symbol of a woman’s reproductive function, and also, if used in even more broad meaning, as a natural creative force. In any meaning this symbol will have such an interpretation that the organs act as producing something new. But this interpretation can hardly satisfy our needs in exploring the essence of the unconscious.

Regardless of the gender of the person who sees this dream- its meaning is that the unconscious requires the introduction of new elements into life. The circle of things and people in which you exist no longer satisfies you; you are simply bored with it. You strive for something that can give you something new, which will give meaning to your entire existence, give you a full sense of the world and a feeling of joy and well-being. The old age and decrepitude of your mental state is compensated by the unconscious in a dream, but you need to understand that this is not enough. After all, the instinctive sphere cannot fully function if consciousness turns away from it: a conflict arises in the psyche, which is easier to prevent than to overcome later, wasting precious energy and time. Thus, your search actually becomes a search for yourself in another, which is exactly what the unconscious requires of you.

According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, hollow and round objects seen in dreams- symbolize the female genital organs, and all elongated and sharp ones symbolize the male genital organs.

Dreams related to intimate parts of the body- as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually charged, the dream makes us understand that everyday hardships, even those that have no connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which a person seems to be losing what is most precious to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear. In life, we always have to lose something, sacrifice something, which we later bitterly regret. Without realizing some losses with our minds, we still feel it with the unconscious part of our soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams.

The stronger negative emotions associated with the disappearance of genital organs in a dream- the more significant the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person remains during sleep. The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his state of mind into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harm to yourself and others.

Esoteric dream book

Genital organs of the opposite sex- there will be problems in relationships on sexual grounds. Of the same sex- a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

Touching genitals- Possible unwanted sexual intercourse.

Unusual looking- you have to change your sexual partner. Perhaps, if you are married, you will have an affair on the side.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Male genitals- reputation (for a man), future children (for a woman);
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

I had a dream about the female genital organs (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

Female Genital Organs - Apart from explicit sexual content, the female genital organs can be seen as a symbol of a woman's reproductive function, and also - if used in an even broader sense - as a natural creative force.

Female genital organs - In any meaning, this symbol will have such an interpretation that the organs act as producing something new. But this interpretation can hardly satisfy our needs in studying the essence of the unconscious. Regardless of the gender of the person who sees this dream, its meaning is that the unconscious requires the introduction of new elements into life. The circle of things and people in which you exist no longer satisfies you; you are simply bored with it.

You dreamed of female genital organs - you are striving for something that can give you something new, which will give meaning to your entire existence, give you a full sense of the world and a feeling of joy and well-being. The old age and decrepitude of your mental state is compensated by the unconscious, but you need to understand that this is not enough.

Female genital organs - After all, the instinctive sphere cannot fully function if consciousness turns away from it: a conflict arises in the psyche, which is easier to prevent than to overcome later, wasting precious energy and time. Thus, your search actually becomes a search for yourself in another, which is exactly what the unconscious requires of you. According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, hollow and round objects seen in a dream symbolize the female genital organs, and all elongated and sharp objects symbolize the male genital organs.

The meaning of the dream about the Genitals (dream book of Spiritual seekers)

Female genital organs (but made as if jewelry from pure gold) – Special favor spiritual path(pure higher egregor) - for a spiritual seeker-neophyte (for a man).

What does it mean to see the female genital organs (according to the Christian dream book)

Female genital organs in a dream - They are represented in dreams as containers capable of holding something: bottles, vases, boxes, suitcases, jars. Some symbols are more closely associated with the reproductive organs: a cave, an oven. Actions that are substitutes for sexual intercourse: dancing, horse riding, endless climbing of stairs. When interpreting a dream, one should take into account the personality of the dreamer, his age, and life realities. Accepting a sexual interpretation for things from the above list is possible only if there are clear details hinting at sex. Similar to the dream given at the beginning of the section..

How to understand why you dreamed about the female genital organs in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

Organs in a dream - you saw internal organs person, then in reality be prepared for an unpleasant conversation. Female genital organs in a dream - calm and peace in reality, the appearance of a child in the family, the presence of a rival or sexual dissatisfaction. Someone will expose your guilt in indecent behavior, you will have to resolve someone else's dispute. After of this dream Various disagreements and showdowns with loved ones are likely. Also see the genitals female organs in a dream. For a man - good, protection, implementation of plans. For a woman - a love affair.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If this dream is not associated with erotic experiences, then the male genital organs in your dream foreshadow a quarrel and confrontation, and the female genitals - insults and humiliation.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Esoteric dream book

Genital organs of the opposite sex - there will be problems in relationships on a sexual basis. In the same sex - a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

Touching the genitals means unwanted sexual intercourse is possible.

Unusual looking - you have to change your sexual partner. Perhaps, if you are married, you will have an affair on the side.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Male genitals - reputation (for a man), future children (for a woman); women's for men - protection, security, business proposals.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a man's penis is a deception.

It is smeared with dirt - evil tales.

For them to play - good friend have.

It is cut or cut off - illness, danger to life.

To cut yourself off is to receive an insult.

Seeing it thin and long in yourself is a friend’s illness.

Huge - dignity, rank.

Losing it is an insult.

Finding someone else is a surprise.

Having a wooden one is a new friend.

Having a straw one means you have to save money.

The eruption of semen from him - do not delay the decision.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Sexual organ - male reputation, creative potency, strength.

Huge - dignity, success.

Long, thin - illness.

Seeing is a mistake, deception, not getting what you expected.

Ejaculation is the end of everything.

Seeing female genital organs for a man is a blessing, protection, and the realization of his plans. For a woman - a love affair; rival.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Spiritual dream book

FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS (but made, as it were, of jewelry from pure gold) - a special favor of the spiritual path (pure higher egregor) - for the neophyte spiritual seeker (for a man).

Why do you dream about genitals?

Islamic dream book

The genital organ - in a dream it is fame among people. Whoever sees that his genitals are cut off, his son will die, or he himself will die and his authority will fall. If he sees his penis short or long, it indicates a decrease or increase in his glory. If he sees that his genital organ has two or more branches, then he will have as many children as there were branches.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Genitals - Seeing your own genitals is a sign of concern about your attractiveness, your strength. Seeing the genitals of the opposite sex is a desire for acquaintance, possession. The penis or vagina is smeared with dirt - gossip, secret anger. Damaged organs are a disease, an insult. Seeing a huge penis is dignity, friendly support.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Female genital organs are a special favor of the spiritual path for the neophyte spiritual seeker.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Online dream book

If you dreamed about your genitals, it means that you are not happy with how attractive you are to the opposite sex.

Genitals of the opposite sex - symbolize attraction to new relationships.

If they are dirty, you may become a victim of gossip.

Injured - there is a chance that you will get sick.

A dream in which male genital organs appear promises you variety in your sex life and a new successful experience.

They are also evidence of troubles in business

Seeing a male penis in a dream foretells the dreamer new achievements on the love front, for mature people

If you dreamed of a woman’s genitals, intimate problems await you and you will feel incapable of anything.

If at the same time you have difficulties at work

Why do you dream about genitals?

Universal dream book

Why so much fuss about genitals? Some people don't consider them a very beautiful part of the body, but they are very functional!

If you saw genitals in a dream, first of all, you need to pay attention to the circumstances of the dream. For example, do you defecate? This suggests that you need to get rid of emotional arousal. Is the dream telling you that you need to let go of the past? Should I remove it from my life?

If in a dream you saw the genitals of the opposite sex, what did you feel when you woke up: envy or relief? If there is envy, the dream suggests that you would like to have the advantages that the opposite sex has. If there is relief, then you are glad that you are who you are. In a dream, did you see the genitals of your gender?

If you are a man, have you seen a larger or smaller penis? If you have seen a larger penis, it means you want to be more powerful and desirable. If in a dream you saw a smaller penis, this indicates that you are waiting for recognition for your mental capacity and personal qualities, and not for success in bed.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of a vagina, the dream speaks of a desire to give birth to some idea or new life! Do you want to start a family?

The genitals are associated with the most pleasant moments in life - do you dream of sensual relaxation? Or do you experience this when you succeed at something?

Why do you dream about genitals?

American dream book

Genital organs - strength; sexuality.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

For a man to see his genitals in a dream means taking care of his reputation; for another man - to lose something or to be at enmity with someone.

If a woman sees male genital organs in her dream, she will soon have children; for men - to deception, betrayal.

Seeing female genitals for men means receiving protection, protection from someone or something, or interesting business offers. For women - an intimate relationship with someone.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Islamic dream book

One who feels in a dream that his sexual organ is exhausted, he has, in all likelihood, caused harm to people, and for this reason they slander him and invoke the wrath of the Almighty.

If he sees his genitals cut off and thrown far from him, he will die and have no offspring. This dream could also foretell the death of his son.

If he has only one daughter, and he sees his genitals cut off and attached to his ear, his daughter will have an illegitimate child.

For a representative of the government to see a genital cut off means the loss of his post, and for a warrior it means defeat.

If someone sees himself castrated in a dream or castrates himself, he will suffer humiliation.

If a man intends to entrust a secret or give something for safekeeping to someone, and if he sees a castrated man in a dream, he must refuse to carry out his plan. However, they say that if anyone sees himself at the moment of castration, he will receive the mercy of Allah.

If a sleeper sees in a dream a castrated man unfamiliar to him in the guise of holy people and speaking wise words, let him know that an angel has come to him with a warning or good news.

If a sleeper sees himself in a dream unable to urinate, this foretells that he will be unable to ensure his existence.

If someone sees in a dream that he has difficulty urinating, it means that he has a debt hanging over him that he cannot pay. Swelling of the scrotum portends wealth, and the one who sees such a dream should beware of the envy of his enemies.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Potency; force; sexuality.

The organ is an important and solemn event.

Hear organ music- faithful and devoted friends, well-being and prosperity in the house.

Seeing an organ located in a church means sadness and sadness.

Playing the organ means luck, glory and honor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

Dream Interpretation - Organ

A dream in which you hear the sounds of an organ on which a church mass is performed in a echoing empty church is a harbinger of a strong and long marriage.

Hear the organ performance of a repertoire you know in concert hall means that events that you could not predict will soon follow.

Performed on an electric organ contemporary music, broken and cheerful, in a restaurant or at a wedding portends an invitation to a family celebration of your friends with a hearty feast and drinks. If at the same time the tipsy organist is mercilessly out of tune, in reality you will experience an unintentional insult to one of your friends, for which he will apologize profusely to you.

Talking to a drunk organist foreshadows a quarrel with your lover or husband, a scandal in the family, or a reprimand at work.

A dream in which you play the organ yourself, earning your living by doing so, is a sign of an unfavorable combination of circumstances that will bring you losses and damages.

Interpretation of dreams from