Can a nursing mother go to the pool? Is it possible to play sports in the pool while breastfeeding?

Mothers with small children under one year old and older often have to breastfeed in the most unexpected places: in the pool, on the beach, in transport, in a clinic, in a cafe and restaurant. In addition, doubts often arise: is it possible for a nursing mother to play sports, take cosmetic and health procedures?

Water sports and water sports

For athletes and other breastfeeding mothers Too active, exhausting sports are undesirable in the first 9 months after childbirth, because physical fatigue reduces lactation or may cause lactostasis. However, the moderate exercise that you allowed yourself during pregnancy can be resumed 4-5 weeks after giving birth.

In principle, professional athletes of any sport can gradually return to exercise from 3 months, but monitor the child’s weight and count diapers. For the rest, it is better to postpone physical activity for up to nine months.

Bath and hot water

If you love a bathhouse, don't deny yourself. You can begin such procedures a little later 3 months after birth, focusing on your own feelings in the bathhouse. An active flow of milk may begin, so keep a towel nearby. It is advisable to go to the bathhouse with your child only after two years; if he doesn’t want to, don’t force him.

Pool and hot water

Start joint visiting the pool with a child possible from about 9 months, and only if you are sure that the establishment complies with hygiene standards. Accordingly, you can also feed there, because... The baby will most likely ask for the breast to calm down after physical activity and cold water.

If you decide to go without a child, it is better to do this after 6 months, as it implies a prolonged absence of the mother. In addition, be prepared for the fact that you may get active in the pool. milk arrives. In this case, you can return to the shower and stand under warm shower, express until you feel relief.

After giving birth, every woman strives to get her body in order as quickly as possible. Today, water aerobics is considered one of the effective types of training, but is it allowed to visit the pool in postpartum period? Expert advice on doing water aerobics when breastfeeding.

Benefits of exercising in water

As you know, all exercises in water are much easier to do than in a regular gym. At the same time, exercises in the pool are much more effective than regular fitness. Water aerobics is useful not only for rapid weight loss, exercises are also useful for strengthening back muscles after childbirth, which is very important for the prevention of many diseases, such as osteochondrosis and scoliosis. In addition, water aerobics improves immunity, improves mood and is an excellent remedy for postpartum depression.

For nursing mothers after childbirth, water activities are considered the most preferred sport. It is low-traumatic and effective.

The effectiveness of the method is explained physical properties water. When exercising in a pool, the body is in a state very similar to weightlessness, while water pressure improves blood circulation in the body. internal organs, and the effectiveness of training increases several times. Despite the ease of performing the exercises, you must approach the start of training after childbirth with extreme caution; you should not do too many exercises, otherwise muscle overstrain will occur.

An additional advantage of the pool is the need for the body to work in constant load mode. Due to the fact that the body temperature is higher than the temperature of the water, the body has to produce more heat and burn additional calories, resulting in rapid burning of excess fat.

The psychological attitude of a woman is also very important when exercising in water. In the gym, many women are embarrassed about their figure after childbirth, and these complexes interfere effective training, and in the water you can’t see what the woman wants to hide and the young mother calms down, trains better, performing all the prescribed exercises.

How long after the baby is born to start training?

Gynecologists say that nursing mothers should start going to the pool no earlier than three months after giving birth. If the birth was difficult and you needed stitches, going to classes should be postponed until you have fully recovered.

On initial stage training, excessive loads are not recommended. You need to start with minimal loads, increasing them with each new trip to class. Failure to follow this rule can result in ligament damage and fatigue. During the first lessons you should not perform complex exercises; you can limit yourself to slow swimming and walking along the bottom of the pool. Such loads at the initial stage after childbirth will effectively prepare your body for further activities and protect you from possible injuries. Increasing loads should occur under the careful supervision of a trainer.

Gymnastics for weight loss: how to reduce belly fat after childbirth

When you are breastfeeding, you should avoid loading your shoulder girdle.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest and shoulder area can cause increased formation of lactic acid in milk, which will lead to oxidation of the milk and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

Nursing mothers need to start exercising by working out the muscles of the legs, lower back and abs. In the future, with the permission of the trainer, it is necessary to increase the load and expand the set of exercises. This approach to starting training will allow you to painlessly prepare all muscle groups for more serious training.

The first workouts after childbirth should not exceed 30 minutes; after a few sessions, the time spent in water can be increased by 15 minutes, then by another 15 minutes. The rate of increase in loads is not prohibited from accelerating, provided that you did water aerobics during pregnancy and your body is ready for the load.

How to enhance the effect of training in water

When practicing water aerobics, it is recommended to use additional devices that increase the effectiveness of exercise after childbirth and allow you to achieve maximum effect in a shorter time. The use of these devices is permitted only with the consent of the instructor.

Support belt. This device helps you perform exercises without resting your feet on the bottom of the pool. The belt is used at a depth of 1.5 meters and provides maximum loads on all muscle groups during exercise. The belt is only allowed to be used by women in good physical shape.

Noodle. Like the belt, the device is designed to keep the body afloat. Noodle is a flexible pole. The exercise machine develops a sense of balance and increases the load on all muscle groups during exercise. Noodle can be used at any depth, but its use requires good physical preparation.

Neoprene gloves. The accessory is designed to increase stress on the arm muscles. The gloves are made in the shape of frog legs, due to which during exercise the water resistance to the surface of the hands significantly increases. The gloves can be used by both beginners and more experienced users.

Reasons for severe weight loss after childbirth

To work out the leg muscles, you can use special cuffs. They can be made of polyethylene foam or filled with sand. Thanks to the filler, you can change the weight of the cuff, gradually increasing the load on your legs. The use of cuffs should be under the supervision of an instructor who will be able to select the correct weight of the accessory for you.

Sneakers for underwater running. Sneakers help increase the load on the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Underwater running is a great exercise for fast weight loss after childbirth. Underwater running can become good option for women who are just starting classes. The duration of the exercise should be calculated for you by your instructor.

Several exercises for effective exercise in water

Underwater running. The exercise is performed at a waist-deep or shoulder-deep depth. Keep your back straight, stomach pulled in. Running in place must be done by raising your knees high, pulling them towards your chest. Pull the toe up. Your arms should be bent at the elbows. Using your hands, you need to lift each leg at least 15 times. When you master the exercise, increase the number of leg raises.

Skier's step. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Arms straight, extended down. It is necessary to walk in the water imitating skiing. The front leg should be slightly bent and the back leg straight. Use your hands to help yourself when walking. The exercise must be performed at least 15 times on each leg. Gradually increase the number of steps.

Swing your legs. When you do this exercise, make sure your back remains straight, otherwise you will not achieve desired result. Legs straight, arms extended to the sides. Raise your legs up one at a time. Make sure your knees are not bent. Legs must be raised as high as possible.

For each leg you need to do 15 exercises, increasing the load with each subsequent session.

These are just basic exercises that every woman can do after giving birth. During training, the trainer will select an individual set of exercises that will be most effective for you. During classes, be sure to listen to the trainer and try to do all the exercises correctly, in this case the effect of the training is guaranteed.

Attending classes together with your child

Today, many breastfeeding women want to go to water classes with their newborn baby. Experts say that such activities have a beneficial effect on the baby’s emotional background, help in development and strengthen the baby’s immune system.

When to start working out your abs after childbirth and is it possible while breastfeeding?

However, attending water aerobics with your baby must be approved by your pediatrician. Please note that when choosing a swimming pool for activities with your child, you must carefully read the sanitary standards and equipment rules similar establishments. Today there are a lot of sports complexes where mineral water is used instead of ordinary chlorinated water. Consult your pediatrician about the benefits of such water and select the optimal conditions for your baby. Whatever pool you choose, remember that the content of chlorine and other disinfectants in the water must meet the standards; exceeding the content of such substances can negatively affect the baby’s health.

At what age can you take your child for water treatments?

Without special contraindications from a pediatric therapist, a child can be taken for water procedures starting from 6 months of age. There are special groups for visiting water procedures for a nursing woman and baby, in which classes are structured taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

Having given birth to a baby, every new mother strives to quickly regain her former shape. She is reviewing her diet and monitoring her nutrition. But in order to restore muscle tone, physical activity is necessary. Water aerobics classes are considered the most optimal in the postpartum period. Many mothers are interested in the question: how long after giving birth can they go to the pool, and will swimming harm their health? In this article we will try to understand the question in detail in order to find a final answer to it.

The benefits of exercising in water after childbirth

If you visited the pool before pregnancy, or perhaps did aqua gymnastics while pregnant, then you probably often noticed that all exercises in water are much easier than, for example, in the gym. While in water, the human body is in a state similar to weightlessness, which explains the ease of movement. In addition, water pressure improves blood circulation in the body, as a result of which the effectiveness of exercise increases significantly. Water aerobics helps to effectively combat overweight, it also strengthens the back muscles that have become stretched and tired during pregnancy. Exercising in water after childbirth is the best prevention of scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Due to its effectiveness and low-injury nature, this sport, even in an amateur style, is the most optimal and favorite among many nursing mothers. Water activities also increase the immune system's resistance to various infections, lift your spirits and prevent the development of postpartum depressive state. Swimming in the pool helps hide figure flaws; they are almost impossible to see underwater. Precisely because extra centimeters Many women are embarrassed to go to the gym. Given the fact that your body temperature is higher than the temperature of the water in the pool, your body will need to produce more energy to warm itself, and, therefore, burn reserve calories, that is, lose weight.

By visiting the pool after childbirth, you recover faster, improve your health and gain new strength and a positive attitude, which you desperately need in caring for and raising your baby.

When is it allowed to go to the pool after giving birth?

The timing of visiting the pool after childbirth is strictly individual for each woman. Definitely, it is worth considering the fact that it is highly not recommended to do water aerobics before complete reduction and closure of the uterus. First of all, postpartum discharge - lochia - must stop. They indicate the presence of a wound surface in the uterine cavity, which is vulnerable to various microorganisms, as well as disinfectants used for water purification. For some women, the discharge stops in one month, for others - in two. In cases where a woman had a caesarean section or there were tears and stitches during the birth process, it is better to wait until all the wounds have completely healed and stop hurting. And of course, it is necessary to take into account all the doctor’s recommendations. Any woman who cares about her health should definitely visit her gynecologist before purchasing a pool subscription. Only a qualified specialist who is familiar with your medical history and knows all the features of the birth process can objectively assess the situation and give full permission to visit the pool. On average, the time frame that needs to be taken into account ranges from three to six months and depends on the postpartum condition of the woman. If you give birth without complications, your doctor may give you permission to visit the pool from the third month after birth. The gynecologist can come to this decision after an examination and test results that confirm that you are completely healthy.

There is no need to worry about the effect of water on your breasts during lactation. Temperature difference environment and water in the pool will stimulate blood circulation, which will help avoid stagnation of milk in the mammary glands, which is extremely undesirable and can lead to various diseases. After swimming, change into dry clothes and dress not only warmly, but also according to the weather. This way you can prevent all risks, and swimming in the pool will only benefit you.

When you come to the pool for the first time after giving birth, you should not immediately start all the exercises. Contact a coach or instructor, he will help you develop a program that includes loads that are acceptable for you. It is necessary to increase the intensity of exercises gradually, since many muscles have become very relaxed during pregnancy. An important caution is that it warns of loads on shoulder girdle. As a result of the body's production of lactic acid during physical activity The quality of milk may deteriorate, to the point where the baby refuses to latch on. Therefore, pay more attention to the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs. Over time, you can increase the load, but only on the recommendations of the instructor, he can assign you new exercises.

Going to the pool with your child is considered no less useful and enjoyable. If your sports complex does not have such a practice, then inquire about the sanitary standards of water in this pool and, after the approval of the instructor and pediatrician, begin joint activities with your baby. The baby will begin to develop faster, and his body will be more resistant to various infections.

If you are still wondering whether to go to the pool after giving birth - definitely yes! Wait until the postpartum discharge stops, visit your gynecologist - and go to water activities! After all, there is nothing better for a child than a healthy and happy mother. You will never get tired of caring for your baby, and the baby, in turn, will reciprocate your feelings, smiling cheerfully. Ask dad or grandma to sit with the child while you work out in the pool and return to the baby rested and with new strength.

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

After giving birth, any mother strives to quickly return her figure to its former beauty. Along with a healthy diet, women resort to physical exercise, including swimming and highly effective water aerobics - a kind of water gymnastics. Meanwhile, many mothers are not sure whether it is even possible to swim in the pool in the first months after childbirth. In this article we will summarize the advice of doctors regarding water exercises during breastfeeding after natural birth And caesarean section.

Benefits of exercising in water

In an aquatic environment, any exercise is easier than “on land”, while surpassing the latter in effectiveness.

The ease of exercise is due to the fact that in water a person is in a state close to weightlessness, and the water pressure simultaneously stimulates blood circulation in the body, which significantly increases the effectiveness of training.

The thermoregulation of the human body also plays into its hands: in relatively cool water, the body is forced to warm up, using up its fat reserves.

Another pleasant and important bonus is the psychological mood. If in the gym many mothers after giving birth are ashamed of their far from ideal figure, then in the pool most of the shortcomings are almost invisible. As a result, the woman trains better.

In addition to successfully burning fat, water aerobics and swimming strengthen the back muscles (the muscles of which are subject to severe stretching during pregnancy), preventing scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, exercise in water restores the immune system and effectively eliminates postpartum depression.

Due to its low-impact nature, water gymnastics is considered the most suitable look sports for mothers during breastfeeding. This, however, does not eliminate the need to take some precautions. So, in pursuit of a quick effect, you cannot get carried away and perform too many exercises, so as not to cause overstrain of unprepared muscles.

When can you start training?

According to gynecologists, mothers can start visiting the pool no earlier than three months after giving birth. If the mother has undergone a cesarean section or episiotomy, she will have to forget about water aerobics until full recovery (at least 6 months and personal permission from the attending physician).

In the first days of training, it is necessary to limit yourself to minimal loads, increasing them over time under the supervision of an instructor. Excessive load in the first classes can result in damage to the ligaments. To begin with, you just need to walk and swim slowly in the pool. These extraordinary exercises are designed to prepare muscles and ligaments for more serious loads and prevent injuries.

An important point: during breastfeeding, loading the shoulder girdle should be avoided. Involvement of the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms can disrupt lactation, leading to excess lactic acid in the milk. This in turn can cause the baby to refuse milk.

At the first stage, women need to work on the muscles of the legs, abs and lower back. Later, with the permission of the instructor, you can increase the load and diversify these exercises with new ones.

The duration of the first workouts after childbirth should not be more than half an hour. After 3-4 visits to the pool, the class time can be increased by 15 minutes, then by another 15 minutes. If mom practiced water exercises during pregnancy, and her muscles are already prepared, the increase in load can be accelerated within reasonable limits.

Improving training efficiency

With the consent of the instructor, it is not only possible, but also advisable to swim with special devices in order to intensify training and achieve the desired figure after childbirth. as soon as possible.

There are five most popular devices for water gymnastics:

  1. Shoes for running on the bottom. Its goal is to increase the load on the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs. Running underwater is one of the best exercises to get rid of excess weight after childbirth, especially considering that you can start practicing it from your first visit to the pool.
  2. Aqua cuffs. Designed to work the leg muscles by increasing the load on them. Typically made from EVA (polyethylene foam) material and may have a sand filling that allows the weight of the cuffs to be adjusted as needed
  3. Neoprene gloves. This accessory is necessary to increase the load on the arm muscles. Thanks to the membranes, the shape of the gloves resembles frog legs, which provides high water resistance.
  4. Support belt. Allows you to perform exercises without your feet touching the bottom of the pool, which creates a load on all muscle groups. Used at a depth of at least one and a half meters and only by women with good physical fitness.
  5. Noodle. A device in the form of a flexible pole made of the same EVA, which has good buoyancy. Like a belt, it is designed to keep a person afloat, thereby developing balance and loading all muscle groups. The advantages of the noodle are the ability to be used at shallow depths.

Highly effective exercises for training in water

  1. Swing your legs. Starting position: arms extended to the sides, legs straight. The exercise consists of alternately raising your legs up as high as possible. For the first time, there are 15 swings on each leg; subsequently, the load should be increased with each session. When performing swings, you need to keep your back straight and your knees not bent. Otherwise, the exercise will not bring the expected result.
  2. Skier's steps. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended down. It is necessary to walk along the bottom, imitating the movements of a skier. The front leg is slightly bent when walking, the back leg remains straight. In movement you need to help yourself with your hands. In the first lesson, it is enough to take 15 steps on each leg; in subsequent lessons you can increase the number of steps.
  3. Underwater running. The depth required to perform the exercise is shoulder-deep or waist-deep. The back should be straight, the stomach should be retracted. The exercise consists of running in place. Your knees should be raised as high as possible, actually touching your chest. In this case, you need to pull your toes up, and with your arms bent at the elbows you can help yourself raise your legs. Starting with 15 lifts of each leg, in future classes their number must be increased.

The above set of exercises is basic and can be performed by any mother after childbirth. A trainer can and should select an individual set of exercises for each woman in accordance with her needs and physical capabilities.

Going to the pool with your child

It is becoming increasingly fashionable to attend water aerobics sessions with infants. Pediatricians are confident that the aquatic environment is more natural for a small child, and water activities:

  • normalize the hormonal levels of the baby;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • promote psychomotor development;
  • form motor skills;
  • increase lung capacity;
  • enrich the blood with oxygen;
  • in lethargic and weakened children, they stimulate the development of reflexes;
  • relieves tension in tense children;
  • train the heart;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • develop flexibility, endurance, agility and strength;
  • provide good posture;
  • accelerate the development of the child;
  • charged with positive emotions.

It has long been noticed: when children regularly attend such procedures, they are ahead of their peers in physical development, begin to walk earlier, become more active and get sick much less often.

However, you can go to water aerobics with your baby only with the approval of your pediatrician. Even the choice of the pool itself matters. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the sanitary standards and rules governing the construction of swimming pools. It is preferable to choose a sports complex where mineral water is used instead of chlorinated water. If you are going to swim in chlorinated water, you should definitely make sure that the mass fraction of chlorine or other disinfectants does not exceed the norm, otherwise there is a possibility of harming the baby’s health.

Before signing up for water aerobics, a mother needs to obtain a certificate from a therapist confirming that she and her child are healthy. Suitable for water aerobics regular set items used in the pool.

After how many months can you take your child with you?

In the absence of serious contraindications from the pediatrician, you can go to water aerobics with your child six months after giving birth. Groups are created especially for joint activities between nursing mothers and children, the exercises in which are selected taking into account the capabilities of the infant body.

How to feed a child in class

Although in sports complexes, the pools of which are designed for joint activities of women and infants, special hygiene measures are observed, it would not be superfluous for the mother to adhere to several simple rules during feeding:

  1. Before feeding, you should wash your breasts in the shower.
  2. You cannot feed your baby directly in the water.
  3. It is not advisable to feed your baby tightly.
  4. You must bring a bottle of baby water with you to class.

Water aerobics - the best choice for mothers who want to quickly regain their previous figure and restore muscle tone. Healthy woman can start swimming and exercising in the pool 3 months after birth. In the sixth month, you can accustom your child to water procedures. Water aerobics will have a beneficial effect on the speed of its development, strengthen the immune system and give a lot of positive impressions. However, it is important to remember that pools designed for activities with children must strictly comply with sanitary standards. It is also not allowed to attend such classes without authorization without the approval of the pediatrician.

Recovery after childbirth is not only the stabilization of the hormonal system and metabolic processes, but also the return of the figure to its usual framework. Of course, drawing up a training schedule requires consulting a doctor and taking into account the progress of labor.

One of effective methods Restoring your figure is considered exercise in the pool. Water gymnastics (aqua aerobics) and banal swimming have a significant impact on more benefit than regular exercise.

Read in this article

Benefits of exercising in water

Exercising in water has a beneficial effect on psychological condition women. After all, many mothers are embarrassed by their plump body, which is clearly visible from all sides in the gym/gym. In water, you don’t have to worry about your appearance– the most problematic parts of the figure are hidden from strangers.

When exercising in water, metabolic (metabolic) processes in the body are accelerated, and fat is used to generate heat and energy. This fact is easy to explain: the water in the pool is always a little cool, the body needs to warm up, which is what fat deposits are used for.

Gymnastics in water and swimming in general are considered a low-traumatic activity. This is optimal for women after childbirth, because there is always a risk of harm to the breasts and mammary glands, which will negatively affect the process of breastfeeding the baby.

Water exerts some pressure on the entire body, which has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, in particular on the condition of the spine. During exercise in the pool, the back muscles are strengthened, which means that the mother will not be bothered by osteochondrosis pain in the spine.

In addition, you can exercise in the pool with your child. There are special groups for such activities, which makes the process of regaining your figure more enjoyable. Of course, there are certain restrictions for carrying out water procedures at such an early age. childhood, but all the necessary information can be obtained from your pediatrician.

Despite the obvious benefits of exercising in water after childbirth, a woman should understand what limitations and features there are.

When can you go to the pool after giving birth?

It all depends on how trouble-free the birth was. If the process went naturally and there were no complications in the early postpartum period, then you can go to the pool 3-4 months after the birth of the baby.

In case of complicated childbirth or caesarean section, you need to decide on the start of water procedures together with your gynecologist. As a rule, permission to practice in the pool is issued 6 months after the birth of the child.

The dangers of a swimming pool for a nursing mother

The breasts of a woman who has given birth are the most important thing to protect. After all, the process of feeding the baby depends on how healthy she is. In breast pools, two things can be at risk:

  • cool water;
  • non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Low water temperature, especially if it sharply contrasts with air temperature, can trigger the development of an inflammatory process in the mammary glands. requires not only long-term treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, but also a refusal to breastfeed the child.

Poor sanitation in swimming pools can lead to infection of both the breasts and the woman’s reproductive system. And any pathological process in the body is a contraindication to breastfeeding, because the disease will be treated with medications, and almost all of them enter the baby’s body with mother’s milk.

Watch the video about visiting the pool after giving birth:

Rules for visiting the pool for a nursing mother

To avoid unpleasant consequences when visiting the pool, a woman after childbirth should follow the following recommendations:

  • The first few days of training, the mother should only do walking around the pool and light, slow swimming. This will help the body prepare for heavy physical activity.
  • A nursing mother should not perform active exercises on the shoulder girdle, using your arms and neck in gymnastics. This can cause lactic acid to pass into breast milk, causing the baby to refuse the breast.
  • First, exercises are performed in water to strengthen the abdominal/abdominal muscles, legs and buttocks.
  • The first few sessions should last no more than 45 minutes, then the training time increases.

Of course, a woman must choose a pool for exercise that fully complies with sanitary and hygienic standards. It is worth paying attention to specially formed groups for young mothers. The trainer pays attention to such clients Special attention and selects an individual lesson schedule for each.

Effective exercises in the pool to restore your figure

There are a number of specific exercises that are most effective after childbirth. Even doing them without supervision from a trainer will bring the desired result:

  • In a standing position with a straight back and straight legs, you need to swing your lower limbs. Each leg must be raised at least 15 times, then this number increases.
  • Imitation of skiing, when the arms are bent at the elbows and “hold” the skier’s imaginary poles. You need to move slowly at first, then the speed and amplitude of movements with your legs/arms increases.
  • Running in place with high knees. The back should be straight, the stomach should be pulled in.

This is the basis for exercises in the pool. Any woman can perform them to restore her figure, and in the future the trainer will show how to complicate the process and achieve better results.

How to visit the pool with a child

A baby can be involved in swimming pool activities from the age of six months. But first, mom needs to find out the following:

  • whether the baby has any contraindications to active water procedures;
  • you will need a certificate from a pediatrician;
  • Are water disinfection standards observed in the selected pool;
  • is chlorine used in water treatment and what is its proportion;
  • are there any swimming pools available for free? mineral water, it is preferable for a small child than disinfected with chlorine.

If breastfeeding is planned while visiting the pool, then the mother should simply wash the nipples in the shower and feed the baby. This cannot be done in water, and the amount of breast milk consumed should be controlled - there is no need to oversaturate the baby.

When visiting the pool with your child, you should take care of a bottle of drinking water.

Contraindications for visiting the pool

  • hyperthermia – ;
  • chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • diagnosed and progressive complications;
  • problems with .

You should not independently determine the advisability of visiting the pool after childbirth; you need to consult a doctor.

The sea after childbirth

Many women ask questions about visiting the sea after giving birth. The problem is that the water in the pool is constantly disinfected and undergoes sanitary control. The sea is a living “organism” in which there are a lot of bacteria, viruses and various microorganisms, the safety of which no one can vouch for.

How soon can you swim in the sea after giving birth?

“Uncomplicated” childbirth implies the absence of incisions and any inflammatory processes, including exacerbation of early diagnosed ones.

How to stay safe near water

Even if the first swim in the sea takes place 6 months after giving birth, a woman must adhere to certain safety rules while on the shore:

  • wipe the body immediately after water procedures (water and sun sea ​​coast are too aggressive on the skin and in most cases cause burns);
  • Be sure to treat your breasts with a cream that has the ability to protect it from ultraviolet rays.
  • While sunbathing, a nursing woman's breasts should be covered with a thin cloth; it is highly undesirable for them to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Swimming in the sea and visiting the pool have a beneficial effect on overall health and speed up the process after childbirth. Such procedures are not prohibited by doctors, you just need to strictly follow their recommendations and not rely on “maybe”. Childbirth and the recovery period are stressful for the body; you should not “shock” it even more.