“Cheerful and resourceful”: the most successful teams in the history of KVN. Founder of KVN. History of creation, leading and best KVN teams

KVN today is not only an abbreviation for a popular TV show. This is a game that connects several generations and great amount representatives of different countries and cultures. After the next birthday of the club, let's remember the history of KVN, the founders and how it all began.

In the beginning there was BBB

Although the official history of KVN dates back to 1961, the foundation of the popular program was laid a little earlier. In 1957, on the eve of the World Festival of Youth and Students, the center of which was Moscow, at the Komsomol meeting it was decided to introduce humorous program"Evening of fun questions." It is worth noting that the prototype of this program was the Czechoslovak television show “Guess, Fortune, Fortune Teller.” The creators of this game were Sergei Muratov, Albert Axelrod and Mikhail Yakovlev, and composer Nikita Bogoslovsky and aspiring actress Margarita Lifanova were chosen as the hosts of the program.

The format of the TV show “An Evening of Fun Questions” was significantly different from the KVN we were used to. First of all, the game was only released in live, and its participants were the spectators directly. Unfortunately, despite its great popularity, the program was broadcast only three times; due to an overlay on the air, the project was canceled.

The birth of a club of cheerful and resourceful people

Only four years after the closure of the “Evening of Fun Questions” program, the idea of ​​​​creating a humorous television game “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” (or simply KVN) was born. The authors of the humor club games were the same people who worked on the BBB games. “An Evening of Fun Questions” was closed due to problems with viewers who wished to participate in the program. In this regard, the founder of KVN, Sergei Muratov, decided to make the game purely television. And the name KVN was just right: in those days that was the name of the TV brand KVN-49. It was at this time that the format of the game, a competition in wit between different teams, familiar to us from childhood, was laid down.

The debut of the new television program took place in November 1961, and Albert Axelrod and Svetlana Zhiltsova became the hosts of KVN some time after the games began broadcasting.

Participants of the first games of the club

Unlike current teams, the first members of the club were students from institutes and universities. In the debut game, the participants were teams from MISS (Moscow Civil Engineering Institute) and the Institute foreign languages. The first programs were broadcast live in the same way as the “Evening of Fun Questions” program once was. And although there was no script as such initially and some of the competitions were invented on the fly, and the rules were improved in the process, the popularity of KVN grew at an amazing speed.

The KVN movement quickly spread throughout the country. Games began to be held not only among students, but also among schoolchildren and vacationers in pioneer camps, at enterprises. To get into the game, which aired on TV, teams had to go through a serious selection process, which only the best of the best managed to overcome.

KVN presenter - Alexander Maslyakov

Until 1964, the main host of the TV show was Albert Axelrod, but he left the TV project along with other founders - Sergei Muratov and Mikhail Yakovlev. Instead of Axelrod, a student from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, Alexander Maslyakov, who to this day is the host of the club’s major league games, was appointed to the position of game manager.

However, the program was not destined to appear on television for a long time. Players often mocked the ideology of the Soviet regime, so recordings of the club's games began to be censored. Over time, censorship became more stringent, and sometimes even reached the point of absurdity. Thus, KVN participants were not allowed to go on stage with a beard - the censors saw this as a mockery of Karl Marx. And in 1971, due to the teams’ excessively sharp jokes, the program was closed by the decision of the head of central television, Sergei Lapin.

We are starting KVN

Thanks to the efforts of one of the participants in the first KVN, the TV show was aired again. The new founder of KVN, Andrei Menshikov, captain of the MISI team, left the format of the program and the host (Alexandra Maslyakova). But there were some innovations: an invited jury appeared (in the first releases these were the founders of the game), new competitions and a point rating system. Among other things, the host of the program had to take on the role of editor.

So, in 1986, the first game of the revived club of cheerful and resourceful people was shown on the country's television screens. It was at this moment that the club anthem “We are starting KVN” appeared, and past games began with a song performed by Oleg Anofriev.

The television show only needed a few episodes to reach the same level of popularity as previous projects. The KVNO movement has also been revived, moreover, it has spread not only in Russia, but also in some countries Western Europe and in the United States of America.

KVN today

Today, KVN is one of the highest rated television programs. KVnov games are held not only in schools and universities, but also in various enterprises. This humorous club unites participants not only from Russia and neighboring countries, but also from many European countries. Since the game's return to television, more than 100 different teams have taken part in the major league alone.

And although the rules of the game can change even during the competition, regardless of the level of the league (including in the KVN major league), there are several basic, mandatory conditions. Firstly, KVN is a team game; one participant will not be allowed on stage. The team must have a captain or front-man representing it at the captain competition, if one is included in the program. Secondly, testing teams for their ability to joke is necessarily carried out in several competitions, for example, this could be a warm-up, homework or biathlon. Moreover, each game has a thematic title that sets the direction.

On television you can now see major league games, premieres, international games and episodes of children's KVN.

The most famous KVN players

In the very first KVN games, which took place from 1961 to 1971, the participants were such celebrities as Boris Burda, Mikhail Zadornov, Gennady Khazanov, Leonid Yakubovich and Yuliy Gusman (who has long been a permanent member of the jury of major league games).

In addition, almost all the founders of the popular humorous television project “Comedy Club” came from KVN. Thus, Garik Martirosyan led the team “New Armenians”, Mikhail Galustyan - “Burnt by the Sun”, in which Alexander Revva performed, Semyon Slepakov - the team of the city of Pyatigorsk, Pavel Volya and Timur Rodriguez were members of the team "Valeon Dasson."

In addition, over the years, Alexey Kortnev, Vadim Samoilov, Alexander Pushnoy, Pelageya, Alexander Gudkov, Vadim Galygin, Ekaterina Varnava and many other KVN players who became famous took part in the club’s games.

KVN team " Ural dumplings" produces a show of the same name, in which, like in KVN, Dmitry Sokolov, Dmitry Brikotkin participate. The first team that continued to joke on television in their own show was the "Odessa Gentlemen", by the way, with their light hand, or rather, a joke uttered in one of the games, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was proclaimed president of the club of cheerful and resourceful people.

The best KVN teams. What are they?

To earn the title of the best KVN team, participants had to win major league games. Over the long history of the TV show, many teams have received the winning cup, each of them can be called the best.

Over the years, the best became the participants of one of the most titled teams "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt", the team of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, the Tomsk team "Maximum", " County town", "Juice", "Triod and Diode", "UNION", "Asia MIX" and many others.

Who was on the jury of the KVN Major League?

Celebrities are invited to join the KVN jury - show business stars, former members KVN, producers, actors or TV presenters. And although the composition of judges changes regularly, there are never less than 5 people. So, let's remember the most famous members of the club's referee team.

Throughout the history of the KVN game, a huge number of celebrities have played the role of judges. Thus, at the first games, the founder of KVN, Andrei Menshikov, was present on the jury. As mentioned earlier, he is a permanent member of the jury of major league games - He has been assessing the participants’ ability to joke for 30 years. - Chairman of the panel of judges for a major league game - is present at almost all games of this level. The permanent members of the jury also include Leonid Yakubovich, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Valdis Pelsh and Mikhail Galustyan.

Besides, in different time Media personalities participated and continue to participate in KVN as members of the jury of the major league: Alexander Abdulov, Igor Vernik, Semyon Slepakov, Ivan Urgant, Andrei Malakhov, Pelageya, Leonid Yarmolnik, Andrei Mironov, Vladislav Listyev, Larisa Guzeeva and many others.

People always strive to escape from everyday worries and hassles. They will be helped with this various events, which allow you to relax both soul and body. To lift your spirits, you can visit the entertainment center, sauna, etc. But there is another option. You can turn on the TV at a certain time and watch a humorous TV show, such as KVN, “Stand-up” and much more.

Favorite show of many generations

The club of cheerful and resourceful people is humorous program, a game of several teams. They perform in front of the audience, competing in wit. Participants are asked various tricky questions, the answers to which should please both the audience and the jury.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of club this is, let's list some KVN teams, a list of their participants and the years when they gained popularity. Among them there are those that hold their own and continue to be interesting to fans for several decades.

Famous KVN teams, list of KVN players

There are several alliances of teams called leagues. The central leagues include: Higher, Premier, First, Slobozhanskaya, Ural, Northern, Ryazan, Volga region and others. Interregional ones include: Dnieper, Pacific, Astana, Caucasus, Polesie and so on.

In 1986, the KVN Major League appeared. Most often on television you can see games of teams that are included in it. The host of the KVN program is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. His son leads the Premier League. His name is Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov. Since 1987, more than 200 teams have participated in the Major League. And the Club of the cheerful and resourceful is not going to stop there.

List of KVN (Major League) teams

In different years the following teams participated in the Major League:

  1. Moscow Engineering Construction Institute. They performed three times.
  2. Engineering and Construction Institute of Voronezh. The team played 3 games and advanced to the semi-finals.
  3. Sevastopol Instrument-Making Institute. They delighted the audience and the jury with two performances.
  4. Chemical-Technological Institute of Moscow. We played 4 games. We made it to the finals).
  5. Team "Ural wipers" of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. This is one of the record holders. The team took part in 7 games and reached the final.
  6. Odessa State University "Odessa Gentlemen". We played 8 games and became champions.

In subsequent years, teams from Dnepropetrovsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Ural universities, MGIMO, Medical Institute in Ivanovo and Aviation Institute in Kharkov participated in the league. As well as other educational institutions.

Winners of Major League games

Novosibirsk (NSU) became champions in 1987-1988. In 1989 - Kharkovites, in 1995 - the "Squadron of Hussars" team.

The champion of 2001 was the team of the Belarusian state university. The year 2002 brought good luck to the famous “District City”. In 2003, “Burnt by the Sun” (Sochi) won. 2006 was a successful year for the team

Behind last decade became champions: “ Ordinary people"(MEU), "MaksimuM" (TSU), team "PriMa" (Kursk), Team of the Krasnodar Territory, "SOK" from Samara, "Triod and Diode" (Smolensk), "City of Pyatigorsk", "Soyuz" ( Tyumen), Team of Kamyzyak region, “Asia MIX” (Bishkek).

Let's list the 2017 KVN teams.

The following reached the finals:

  1. "Radio Liberty" (Yaroslavl).
  2. "Sparta" (Astana).
  3. Team of the Great Moscow State Circus.
  4. Team “Buns named after Yaroslav Hasek” (Tver).

The following reached the semi-finals:

  1. Georgian team.
  2. "Player" (Tambov).
  3. “Benevolent Roman” (St. Petersburg).
  4. Team of the Kaliningrad region.
  5. "Russian Road" (Armavir).
  6. Team of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The list of KVN teams can be divided by country. For example: Russia has 154 teams. Ukraine has 37. Kazakhstan is represented by 6 teams. Belarus - 6, Georgia - 5, Armenia - 3, Azerbaijan - 2. Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan - one team each.

Russia became the champion 21 times, Ukraine - 5, Armenia -3, Belarus - 2.

The audience especially remembered: “Ural Dumplings”, “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, “New Armenians”, “Burnt by the Sun”, “County Town”, “Only Girls in Jazz”, RUDN University, “Makhachkala Tramps”, “Four Tatars” and some other.

Some members of KVN teams (the list with photos can be seen below) have become very popular. They are invited to various TV shows. Everyone's favorite Sergei Svetlakov, the inimitable Mikhail Galustyan, the charming Garik Martirosyan, Dmitry Brekotkin, Ararat Keshchyan and others. Cheeky humor and witty statements have become their calling card.

Jury members

All games are judged by people who are close to television and understand what it means to have a sharp mind, artistry and stage presence. Just saying a “smart” thing is not a victory. Participants must present themselves at their best at its best, get used to this or that role.

The jury evaluates the teams' performances and gives them marks.

You can often see such famous figures as Leonid Yakubovich, Igor Vernik, Valdis Pelsh, Leonid Yarmolnik, Mikhail Efremov and others as judges.

The list of KVN teams is updated annually. I would like to hope that the new participants will delight the audience with interesting jokes and sketches, just like the old ones. The program Club of Cheerful and Resourceful is one of the most favorite programs not only of the adult generation, but also of children.

The presenter and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a national game played in Israel, Japan, and Australia, is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. The president international union KVN and the creative association "AMiK".


Decree of the President of the KVN MS on the ban on plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of MS KVN “On participation in non-KVN events” television projects».

Rules and instructions for the work of official MS KVN leagues

The KVN post office has ceased operations. You can use the temporary KVN Mail Archive to extract valuable information from your mailbox. The KVN Post Archive will cease operations on March 1, 2015.

Thank you for being with KVN Mail all this time.


In KVN, everything happens differently from normal people. Although normal people have their own reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, corrected and supplemented each time.

This book has already gone through three reprints. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes along with our lives, which means the process of improvement is endless!

The most amazing thing is that KVN members continue to read this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, and even claim that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefit.

Our days

Today's KVN is just as different from the KVN of 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are different from modern devices with a flat screen, dolby surround sound and other bells and whistles. But still. Where did it all start?


KVN winners - how many have there been over the past years? It is not so easy to list everyone, and we do not set such a task. We will try to tell you about the brightest KVN winners by year.

The conditions for playing KVN are quite unpretentious. It is enough to have at least two teams; each team has two participants, one of whom is the captain. A number of competitions are offered to game participants; How well the team copes with the task is assessed by the jury, giving marks on a 6-point system. For each competition, the score is averaged. Based on the results of all competitions, the total score of each team is displayed. The highest digital indicator makes the team the winner.

Now let's rewind time a few years ago and remember the legendary winners of the past.

The first winner of the updated KVN

Winner of the first season of KVN new wave In 1986, the team “Odessa Gentlemen” became a group. This was already enough to get into the top ten most popular KVN teams. But easy paths are not for the “Odessa gentlemen”. In 1990, they repeated their success, being the first to twice win the title of champions of the KVN Major League. This team is remembered not only for their tuxedos and white scarves, but also for their highly intelligent, sparkling Odessa humor.

They were also the first to continue their careers as comedians on television, creating The Gentleman Show, setting a precedent. After them, many groups of former KVN players followed the path they had blazed to television. The team consisted of 37 people led by captain Svyatoslav Pelishenko. Their most famous numbers are “Slave Izaura” and “Elections of Ivan Ivanovich”.

Three times champions

KVN NSU team

No less memorable were the guys from Novosibirsk State University, who even surpassed the lucky “gentlemen” and became three-time champions of the major league in 1988, 1991 and 1993. The magnificent team from Siberia won all the games in which they participated. The composition of the team changed several times, but those from the team were remembered by many for a long time. These are Tatyana Lazareva and Alexander Pushnoy, Konstantin Naumochkin and Mikhail Zuev. In addition, it was in this team that 4-year-old Pelageya made her debut on television.

Another bright spot on the multifaceted canvas called KVN is the winners of the 1998 season, the team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”. Making their debut in the major leagues, they collected all possible awards:

  • Summer Cup;
  • Champions Cup;
  • Ukrainian President's Cup in 2000;
  • Super champions of 1999 and 2001.

The team consists of 14 participants, the team captain is Grigory Malygin. Since 2001, this team has taken part in many television projects: performances, series, shows, competitions.

The first champions of the 21st century

It is impossible not to mention no less bright star on the KVN skyline - the team " Burnt by the Sun" They won two silvers in 2000 and 2011 and gold in 2003. The magnificent team from the glorious city of Sochi will be remembered forever by all KVN fans for their unique humor and no less original participants, Mikhail Galustyan, Alexander Revva, three Annas - Doluda, Makarenkova and Kafidova. Almost the entire team found themselves in “ Comedy Club" V post-KVN period.

Winners of recent years

Finally, a few words should be said about the participants and winners of the last 4 years.

Winners of KVN 2013

Of the 20 teams that took part in the games of the season, the winner was “Gorod Pyatigorsk”. In four years, this team made a quantum leap from first place at the regional games in 2009 to gold at the major league games in 2013.

The fourteen participants, led by female captain Olga Kartunkova, will be remembered by fans of this movement for many reasons. They entered the history of the movement not only due to their victories. There are a number of other reasons to remain in the memory of grateful viewers:

  • this is the only team that has taken such a high place with a female captain;
  • they have major league awards in all three categories;
  • they were finalists three seasons in a row.

Winners of KVN 2014

This team consists of seven members and was formed by merging the Mol and Harvard teams. Captain - Aidar Garayev. All participants have their own role, but they are rightfully considered a singing group. Their main feature is political jokes and interestingly played hit songs.

For the first time this group performed in this composition at the Sochi festival in 2011, and already in 2014 they became the gold medalist of the Major League.

Winners of KVN 2015

The team “Team of the Kamyzyak Territory”, or in everyday life simply “Kamyzyaki”, from Astrakhan, consists of eight people. Captain - Azamat Musagaliev. The first game of this squad took place in 2009 in the Caspian Interregional League. This team included several players who took part in Premier League games in 2008. Obviously, they set the vector for victory. In 2010, the team played in the first league and reached the semi-finals.

In subsequent years, in a tense struggle, she strived for a decisive victory. In 2013, having reached the finals thanks to the games for the Moscow Mayor's Cup, where they took 1st place, the team took an honorable second place in the season of the year. For reasons unknown to the general public, she did not take part in the 2014 season, but 2015 was marked by a victory in top level. The team will forever remain in the history of the KVN movement.

Winners of KVN 2016

This season turned out to be successful for the Kyrgyz team from Beshkek “Asia MIX”. This team walked to its victory long and hard. There are 16 people in the team in total. The composition is multinational. The performance of the group captivates with its specific Asian humor and flavor. Captain - Eldiyar Kenensarov, who previously played as part of the Voice of Asia team, author and experienced player took his players from winning the regional games in 2009 to finally winning in 2016. It was a difficult path, we had to overcome lack of money, inertia and misunderstanding, but the team survived and won, forever writing itself into the annals of KVN history.

Who turned out to be the winner in other leagues last year?:

  • The children from “NATE” (the village of Bryukhovetskaya) became the premier champions;
  • International - winner “team of the Kaliningrad region”;
  • KVN game first league 2016 - the winner is the team “So-and-so” from the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • Siberian regional association - the guys from the Tselinograd team (Kazakhstan) won funny and confidently;
  • In the new South-Western section - confident and sparkling champions from PTZ (Petrozavodsk, of course);
  • Bryansk new association - the girls' team "One of a kind";
  • Pacific division - the victory was shared by “Phrase of Strength” from cold Khabarovsk and “PIPL” from Blagoveshchensk;
  • FEFU League - a group of youth from Vladivostok with the comical name “7 B” won;
  • Association Atmosphere - such a sonorous name faded slightly against the background of the winning team “City Python” from industrial Volgograd.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people playing KVN, fans, organizers are people who are “seriously ill” with KVN, and this disease is incurable. However, there are many interesting things in the world that are really worth puzzling over.