Business ideas to start. How to find an idea for a startup. Examples of successful startups

A startup is not only a great opportunity to fulfill the dream of a life without bosses and alarm clocks, but also a way to realize your natural desires, skills, and also help people


Successful startups help their owners live a full life after the first hundred meters are completed: developing an idea, or offline, launching a project. Sometimes it turns out to be difficult, but the brightest startups of 2016 in Russia definitely deserve attention and are worth learning about them and, perhaps, taking an example of successfully implemented business ideas.

Moreover, to implement the most daring ideas, their authors do not always need to have their own “financial parachute” behind them; they are helped by projects to collect sponsorship, which themselves are, in fact, startups successfully implemented in practice.

Sofa? No, the bean is furniture made of thin air!

An alternative to a bedspread, chaise lounge, sun lounger, log in the forest, hammock, air bed, mattress, sofa was invented by startuper from Omsk Nikolai Belousov. The idea and design of the product, which is called a “bivan,” was developed by him in January 2016.

Bevan is an inflatable sofa that does not require any additional devices to fill with air, be it a pump or inflating with your own mouth. Everything is simpler: you can inflate the bean in 15 seconds by simply opening it and waving it, taking a few steps first in one direction, then in the other.

The bean is an inflatable product made of parachute fabric, consisting of two sections sewn together, inside there is a polyethylene insert, folded in half, which is filled with air during the flap. After which the edges of the product are folded and fastened using straps with a plastic carabiner.

The useful area of ​​the inflated sofa is 2 meters long and 90 centimeters wide. When folded, the product fits into a small backpack 35 cm in length and 15 cm in width, included in the kit, and weighs no more than 1.5 kg.

You can lie on the couch, sit, sleep, relax, sunbathe, look at the stars, not only alone, but even together, the product can withstand a load of up to 300 kg, and holds air from one blow for more than 12 hours.

Nikolay Belousov, placing the startup idea on the BoomStarter crowdfunding platform in April 2016, planned to collect 1 million rubles to launch production, but the sponsors liked the idea so much that the project managed to raise 3 million 890 thousand 140 rubles, and the startup itself became a record holder sites.

Production began at the beginning of May, and the first sales began at the end of the month.

Flash safe or endless flash drive

An endless amount of information from the network, as well as photographs, movies, games, and documents need to be stored somewhere. Yes, you can download all this to your home computer, but you won’t carry it with you forever, and ordinary flash drives are limited in the amount of information they can hold.

This problem was solved by startuper Alexey Churkin, head of the Flashsafe company. He came up with endless flash drives. These are flash drives through which information is uploaded to cloud storage on the Internet. You can use them anonymously and completely safely. Data stored in the cloud is encrypted and is not associated with a specific user. The flash safe has a built-in software, which allows you to connect to saved information from any device and is a kind of key, relieving the user of the need to log into mail, enter a login, password.

Sales of the device in Russia began at the end of August 2016, the cost of an endless flash drive is 4,199 rubles per Russian Federation and $79.99 overseas.

Not all Russian startups related to information technology smoothly go through the process of their formation and development. Thus, in August 2016, media reports appeared about a startup from Novosibirsk, NeuroMama, the total value of whose shares on the American Stock Exchange amounted to $35 billion (!) and overtook companies such as Airbnb and Tesla Motors, after which it was withdrawn from trading by the American Securities Commission papers.

NeuroMama is the world's first intelligent search engine based on neurotechnology without the use of ranking algorithms, that is, it is a search engine that is capable of learning itself during operation. The startup was accused of fictitiously inflating the capitalization of shares and not providing financial reports, when in fact the company's value tends to zero. However, a refutation and explanation of the reasons for the fabulous increase in the value of shares immediately appeared on the NeuroMama website, as well as information that an explanatory letter was being prepared for the Securities Commission.

Cube with cartoons

Another successful startup is MULTICUBE - a mini projector with which you can watch cartoons, fairy tales, photographs on any surface, ceiling and even outdoors, for example on the wall of a high-rise building.

The creators position the product as an excellent alternative to tablets, which can cause known harm to a child: posture and vision deteriorate, the child withdraws into himself, and it is difficult to control what he is doing while sitting at the tablet. A completely different matter is a multicube. With its help, you can watch your favorite fairy tales and cartoons just like in a movie theater. The picture is not too bright so as not to harm the child’s vision. A great opportunity to spend time with the whole family watching fairy tales, cartoons, photos and videos from your home collection in the evenings, which can be easily loaded into the multicube.

The founders of the startup conducted a successful crowdfunding campaign through the Indiegogo platform, where they raised $150,000 to launch sales at initial goal$75,000, and also became finalists in the Startup Village innovation project competition in 2016, winning the main prize of 3 million rubles for their development.

Mobile application Prisma

In June 2016, a new application developed by an employee of the Russian technology company Mail.Ru Group, Alexey Moiseenkov, appeared in the App Store. Later, in July, a version for devices running on Android was published; the number of downloads on the Play Market in a week amounted to more than 10 million.

The highlight of the Prisma application is that you can use it to process photos in the style of paintings famous artists: Kandinsky, Munch, Chagall and others. It would seem that there is no surprise here, now there are many programs for processing photos!

The fundamental novelty of the application is as follows: the photo is analyzed by a self-learning neural network, which is located on the server, after which the image is completely redrawn. Other photo processing programs simply apply a set of filters over the image. As of early August, more than 1 billion photos have been processed using Prisma.

The creator of the project quit Mail.Ru Group, and became the startup’s investor, providing its servers around the world for Moisenkov’s project.

FootyBall - football club for preschoolers

People who have small children know firsthand the delight that outdoor games evoke in children. Of course, developmental children's centers, studios and kindergartens are great ideas for business. But here in sport sections Three year olds are not accepted. It is this niche that the startups - the creators of the FootyBall project - occupied. And they were right. FootyBall is a network of football clubs for children from three to seven years old.

Since the beginning of 2016, the founders of the startup have attracted more than 10 million rubles in sponsorship money using the StartTrack crowdinvesting platform.

Children from the age of three enjoy playing football and learn how to serve correctly from a professional coach. Who knows, perhaps the little students of the FootyBall club will grow into real champions, for whom they won’t have to blush at the championships. After all, every month the club selects capable students with a penchant for a professional football career.

Before signing up for the club, you can come to a trial training session completely free of charge.

MoyGrafik - tracking working hours and solving problems with late employees

A startup participant in the 9th Accelerator from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IDF) is the cloud service MoyGrafik - an assistant to businesses in the fight against delays and tracking employee working hours.

The creators of the service calculated that an employee being late by 15 minutes costs a business 300 thousand rubles from every 10 million of wages, and a shift delay of every 15 minutes is a loss of 300 thousand rubles from every 10 million of turnover.

MoyGrafik is a service that helps solve problems of absenteeism and lateness of employees in the retail business. Installation of the program on a personal PC is not required, the service is available 24 hours a day and helps: maintain a work schedule, register arrival, departure, presence of employees at the workplace using mobile phones, create reports to evaluate and motivate staff.

The benefits of the service are obvious for: grocery stores, as well as other retail chains, service industries, chains fast food, restaurants, cafes, night clubs. MoyGrafik allows you to manage the work schedule of shift personnel, simplifies time tracking, and reduces time and labor costs for scheduling.

All that is required to get started is the presence of a Wi-Fi network, to which employees connect when they come to work, their data is entered into a common interface and the service automatically collects information about the time of arrival and departure.

Shoe factory "Tibozh" and the project "Pair for a pair"

Our list of startups in 2016 in Russia is completed by the “Pair for Pair” project of the Tibozh shoe factory, which attracted the attention of 1,254 sponsors and investments of more than 2 million rubles with a goal of collecting 1.7 million rubles to launch the startup.

Why did such a seemingly ordinary business as shoes make it onto our list? The fact is that this is not an ordinary factory:

  • the first feature is that the factory employs people with 2-3 groups of disabilities; they produce shoes using direct casting technology;
  • and the second is the implementation of the “Pair for a Pair” charity campaign, which means that for every pair of shoes sold, the founders of the startup give a pair of shoes to someone who needs it and is unable to purchase it.

The factory produces slippers, bags, and sneakers. The creators of the project actively cooperate with social protection funds: Children's Smile and Good City St. Petersburg. Startup author Stanislav Sorokin believes that the goal of any entrepreneurship is not money. Money is the result and reward for Good work. And the goal is to transform the world in which we live, and it is for this goal that we want to wake up in the morning.

Having seen enough success stories billionaires who invented Internet services from scratch and became rich; newcomers to business also want to follow this path. They are also trying to come up with something completely new that will be useful to people, but not everyone’s expectations are met. To ensure that your startup ideas are in demand, follow these recommendations:

1. Come up with a service, service or product that will improve your life.
2. You yourself have a clear idea of ​​how to bring your plans to life.
3. Your idea is also interesting to others.

How to find startup ideas?

Don't complicate your life, don't reinvent the wheel. Constantly brainstorming ideas can only cause constant stress and nervousness.
1. Examples of successful startup ideas show the need to find a problem and meet people's needs. This is easy to do - you need to observe and identify discontent in your current life.

Mark Zuckerberg, by creating Facebook, solved his problem. He spent a lot of time on the Internet, he wanted to meet and communicate with people also on the Internet. He solved his main problem, and then it turned out to be a solution to the problem of the world community.

Observe what irritates you and what others do, while simultaneously thinking about how you can improve the situation.

That is, change your focus from the category of inventing to the position of noticing.

2. After you have noticed the problem and come up with its solution, evaluate at first glance the prospects for the development of this idea. How many people can you benefit? Will a startup be able to grow into a big company?

3. The next stage is the search for like-minded people, just like you, who believe in the idea, who are turned on by the mere thought of working on a project, and who are not ready to work only for a salary.

Typical startup mistakes!

1. Most likely, there was little faith in this idea or the problem was just invented, but in fact society did not need it.
2. Not all startupers work with like-minded people. They try to organize everything themselves. Having just one founder in a startup makes it difficult to attract investment.

3. This mistake does not apply to Internet startups, it is more for offline businesses. It is important to choose the right location. Perhaps you should choose a more central area in the city for promotion or choose a completely different city.

4. Selecting a startup with low margins. Small sales combined with low margins and, as a result, the enterprise is unprofitable.

5. No customer focus! In this case, when a businessman follows his own policy and does not analyze feedback from the client. By listening to customer wishes, you can improve the product, thereby retaining new satisfied customers.

6.Unqualified team. The ability to recognize a professional in his field and invite him to work in a team is worth a lot. Only a beginner can not always do this. He does not always understand who is a professional, especially in an area in which he understands nothing.

7. Lack of sufficient funding. Try to last as long as possible on your own funds and achieve certain results. To go to investors it is important to show some results from independent work. In this case, they will have more confidence in the project than if the idea is at the zero stage.

8. There is no clear representation of the portrait of the audience who will want to buy the product. Not knowing the client is a failure in marketing promotion.

Successful startups in Russia!

The foreign and Russian entrepreneurship market is noticeably different. What is popular abroad does not always take root here. I will pay attention specifically to Russian startups that have development prospects. The most popular industries are IT technology, medical, nuclear, and space developments. Here are some successful startup ideas:

1. IT, Internet technologies, mobile applications. is a convenient online store module. This is an application that can embed a store on any website and is the best application for selling on Facebook. For convenience, the store is added to all your social accounts. networks, blogs and administered from one place. is a convenient mobile application for iPhone and Android. This mobile guide recommends where to eat. It takes into account a person’s tastes, searches for nearby establishments, and can be used to reserve tables. is a convenient service that allows you to book a hotel anywhere in the world. is an indispensable application for offline shopping. It makes it possible to locate stores in mall, where promotions and discounts take place. is a unique platform that allows people who are not programming literate to create their own applications for iPhone and Android. is a useful service for tourists and vacationers that allows you to book places of entertainment, excursions and other active recreation.

2. Another broad area is scientific and medical developments. is a service through which you can call for help. Designed for older people and people with disabilities. – scientific development of an artificial lens for the eyes, which has high quality and can enter the international market. – unique development of identical components breastfeeding which allows baby food have a beneficial effect on child development.

Ideas for a startup are near us, you just have to look around.

Where to make money: TOP 6 business ideas! Choose yours and earn a million!!! Where to make money: 5 unique ideas for business that will help you get rich!

Interesting startups from world and Russian practice: 4 differences between a startup and an ordinary business idea + 16 examples of successful ideas for inspiration.

Before you present interesting startups, let's find out what it is all about.

Why do the concepts “startup” and “ new business"are they demarcated?

And are there really differences between them, or is it just a matter of popularizing the use of borrowed words in modern speech?

This interesting term “” first appeared in 1939.

It was used by two Stanford University students.

This is how they defined their project, which later grew into a company world-famous as Hewlett-Packard.

Startups can exist in any industry, not just in the IT field.

The distinctive features of startups are:

  • based on the use of innovations, interesting ideas, which have not been implemented before;
  • usually have little start-up capital, because startups are often closely connected with the search for investors or crowdfunding platforms for raising funds;
  • occupy an empty niche in the market, but have “shaky” positions at the start;
  • As a rule, startups are the prerogative of students.

As you now understand, not every business idea can be called a startup, even if it is implemented by a novice entrepreneur.

Theory is theory, but it’s time to move on to a review of the most interesting startup ideas from all over the world.

Interesting startups from different parts of the world

The selection opens, of course, with American startups. This country is the world leader in the regeneration of new interesting ideas for business.

A huge number of people want to study, live and work in the USA, which is why this country has a huge number of experts in various industries and services.

In addition, the state strongly supports representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Fertile ground for the development of startups!

Let's look at the most interesting of them.

— Pocket Anatomy

This startup took the main prize at the international conference of technological innovations in 2014 (TNW Europe 2014).

According to the creators themselves, the company has developed a “Google Earth” of human insides.

This interesting program is a visual aid to human anatomy.

The interactive map is presented as an application for smartphones.

It is designed to help humanity visually understand their own body.

The startup is undoubtedly not just entertaining, but also educational!

Another participant in the mentioned conference is the Iwaku smart lamp.

Equipment in a stylish case will become best friend people who love interesting things.

A whole set of functions is hidden in its modest-sized shell:

  • knows how to perform light therapy;
  • wakes up the owner with the help of a glow, taking into account biorhythms;
  • is able to "find mutual language» with your iPhone.

This interesting lamp is quite expensive - about 10,000 rubles.

But the founders of the startup promised to release a more affordable product in the future.

Startups from Estonia

Are you unfamiliar with examples of thriving businesses that have emerged in Estonia? You are wrong!

It was here that the world-famous startup appeared - the Skype video calling program.

Based on expert opinions, Estonia is one of the leading countries in creating interesting startups.

Some even call it a modern analogue of Silicon Valley.

This development received its prize in 2015 as the most interesting startup created through the joint efforts of American and Estonian developers.

For an uninitiated person, the essence of the service may not be clear.

Rainer Sternfeld and his team created a service that allowed climate data to be collected together.

It is worth understanding that the background of “Planet.OS” is not entertaining. Rather, the resource is aimed at those whose activities are related to meteorology, transport communications (including water), and the creation of various databases.

An example of how Planet OS works to analyze the position of a ship:

Startups from Italy

Italy is also developing interesting startups in various fields.

Moreover, in this country, which does not occupy first places in the rankings of technological and economic development, an interesting law was adopted in 2012. It states that anyone who wants to develop their startup for the benefit of Italy will receive a visa under a simplified procedure and especially profitable terms for business implementation.

As you can imagine, there were a lot of people interested (if you are also interested, look for information about a startup visa on the official website

What interesting startups can the country “boast” of?

This application is developed by Max Ciocciola. Its job is to broadcast text onto the phone screen while the song is playing.

Simple and tasteful!

More than 31 million people are already using this unique program.

The database contains 8 million texts with support for 40 different languages. Thanks to this project, the founder received offers of cooperation from various venture funds.

For detailed information, you can follow the link

If you love to travel, you are definitely familiar with a service such as Tripadvisor.

It contains information about all the main attractions of the world with detailed comments and user reviews.

In 2015, the resource developers introduced the startup “Thefork” to the world.

This development contains data about all restaurants in Italy.

If you have a question about choosing a place for an evening dinner, use the website

It is enough to indicate the city, the number of people, preferences in cuisine, and all the establishments in which you will definitely like it open up for you!

Purpose this project is the coordination and optimization of the company's work process.

This interesting startup received exorbitant investments from American investors ($22 million - a record for the last 15 years).

You can learn more about this development on the website

Startups from France

The French government decided to follow the same path as in Italy. This power plans to get interesting startups thanks to competitions for companies that have brilliant ideas in their arsenal.

The French Tech Ticket program is aimed not only at “locals”, but also at residents of other countries (including Russia).

Anyone who has an idea for an interesting startup can apply to participate in the competition.

More information about this can be found on the official website by following the link

If selected, a person receives the following privileges:

  • invitation to the country;
  • participation in specialized master classes;
  • assistance in solving “urgent” issues (obtaining a residence permit, obtaining insurance, finding housing);
  • a place in an incubator (organizations that support young entrepreneurs);
  • financial assistance – 45,000 euros for the development of a startup.

These actions by the state confirm France’s interest in development and the desire to attract highly qualified workers to its territory in order to continue creating interesting startups.

A well-known Italian company, in partnership with Uber, developed this startup to search for companions during a trip (more precisely, to “bring together” car owners and potential passengers).

Using the service is a convenient and profitable alternative to traveling by taxi, bus, or train.

In 2014, this idea already received $100 million in investment for development.

The project is represented in a number of countries and is developing rapidly.

You can also evaluate the work of “BlaBlaCar” in Russia using this link:

This startup helped solve a not-so-serious, but nonetheless pressing problem.

It allows a circle of users to form a common cash register. Everyone contributes by using this interesting application.

What is it for?

To purchase a gift “from the whole team”!

Anyone who has at least once collected money with colleagues for a present for the boss, or “chips in” with the whole family to buy something for the hero of the day, knows: organizing such a process is quite difficult.

Probably, this problem really found a great response in the hearts of investors. After all, the startup received almost $8 million for development.

Startups originating from Germany

Berlin is one of the developing capitals that generates interesting startups for the whole world.

Thanks to this, according to experts, by 2020 more than 110 thousand new jobs and several dozen more incubators will be opened in the capital.

Among the many projects, we will highlight the most interesting startups.


This project has become a “new breath” in the field of booking hotel rooms while traveling.

Thanks to the service, it has become possible to buy tickets at a budget price and find a hotel in a convenient location.

Here, experienced travelers may have a question: what is this service? better than ten similar? What is the innovation of a startup?

The fact is that after you book a room, the process does not end.

Using internal algorithms, the service calculates the most profitable options for you right up to the day of check-in at the hotel.

The program cancels the reservation on your behalf and changes it to a more optimal one automatically!

The creators assume that their interesting startup will soon become the most hated resource for hotel owners.

This interesting startup has long been noticed by interior designers who actively use the service in their work.

This project allows you to purchase furniture or various decorative elements from all over the world.

If you think there is nothing innovative or interesting about this idea, then you have never designed a room yourself.

Among the places where the most interesting startups have been presented in recent years, London “owns bronze”.

There are several reasons for this: the simplest system for registering entrepreneurs, an abundance of incubators and coworking spaces, many talented workers, affordable taxation.

Let's consider the most interesting ideas that were “born” in such conditions.

This interesting startup aims to identify a song just from a small fragment of it.

This project was launched back in 1999.

The amount of investment that the resource has attracted is simply amazing - $125 million. And the value that Shazam was valued at in 2015 is absolutely staggering - $1 billion!

Today, the service base includes more than 12 million songs, and you can check the work at the link:

— Judo Payments

An interesting startup that resembles a mini-bank.

He is able to resolve payment issues and make card-to-card transfers.

Such ideas help to simplify life for humanity, which is why they are developing and becoming popular. The amount of attracted investments is 14.3 million dollars.

More details can be found on the website

Interesting startups involving several countries

The Belgian-Dutch collaboration has borne fruit in the form of the development of an application that can recognize a signature on a phone screen.

This interesting idea allows you to authorize payments without any problems.

It is believed that such a startup and others like it are capable of displacing the existing PIN code protection system in the near future.

— Winner Takes All

This is the only crowd lottery on the planet.

The principle of operation is very simple: each participant buys a ticket, forming a common “bank”. The program itself determines the winner weekly using random algorithms. The entire amount from the “general cash register” is sent to him.

This idea attracted not only investors, but also users: with its transparency, simplicity and unpretentiousness.

You can try your luck here:

Having studied what interesting startups there are in the world, let’s move on to considering projects in Russia.

Russia also has a lot of interesting ideas that are already serving the benefit of society.

Implementing startups in the current realities of the Russian Federation is not an easy task. However, some interesting projects were able to stand out.

— Doctor Tariff

This interesting development for smartphones can calculate available tariff plans for phone.

A clear analysis of available tariffs is the main pride of the startup developers. But this is not the limit of the application's capabilities.

It is capable of giving out detailed information about calls, SMS and remaining traffic for Internet use.

And for users who are not particularly versed in mathematical calculations, the program displays a color graph showing the same indicators.

The application was created by Alexander Voloshchuk, faced with a problem known to everyone: the account has zero, and it is not clear where the funds went.

Relevance made the idea, which appeared in 2012, popular and profitable.

Investors invested several million rubles in it. At the end of 2014, the service paid for itself.

Now the average monthly revenue can reach 1 million rubles.

You can find out more on the official website:

— Elpas

The creator (Maxim Serebrov) has developed a system of electronic passports, with the help of which all housing and communal services employees can report to the state and clarify controversial issues from the workflow.

Before this project, at the end of the month, housing and communal services were simply “drowning” in mountains of paper reporting.

It took a lot of time to review it. And where there is a need, business is born!

Elpas has greatly facilitated the work of municipalities.

The work of this project can be viewed at

The video contains the 10 best startups that were invented and implemented by students:

The interesting startups, of course, don’t end there.

But it is simply impossible to list all the ideas worthy of attention within one review!

Remember, every person has the ability to make money from their ideas.

The main thing is to analyze the market and determine actual problems audience, and then follow your dreams.

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Contrary to popular belief, a startup is not just any project in its infancy. This special kind business, the main features of which are minimal investments and a non-standard approach to solving the problem. figured out which startups are relevant now and whether it is possible to learn how to generate ideas for startups from scratch.

How to find an idea to start a business

To understand the most current startup ideas, you need to understand what distinguishes a startup from a regular business. Here are the main criteria for a startup:

  • minimum starting investment;
  • quick start of business;
  • prospect of rapid development;
  • innovative creative solutions;
  • lack of an adequate alternative on the market.

If we look at successful ideas for startups from scratch, we can highlight one thing: important condition– the idea must be truly necessary. That is, the main business idea of ​​a startup should help an interested audience clearly and quickly solve a specific problem.

Have you had a startup idea for a long time, but don’t have enough time to implement it? Free up your hands by outsourcing some of the paperwork related to accounting to service specialists

Current startup ideas for business

To find a startup idea, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Just look at what is important this moment potential clients and consumers. Regardless social status and degree of security, for any person there are common important areas of life:

  • health;
  • quality nutrition and maintaining physical fitness;
  • comfortable living conditions;
  • the ability to quickly resolve any issues;
  • education and professional achievements;
  • beauty and appearance;
  • movement, travel;
  • convenient permanent and temporary housing;
  • Fixed salary.

The motto of the startup idea is: if you see a problem, find a simple and quick solution. Considering the basic requirements of people's lives and modern technologies, we can highlight the most relevant types of fast business.

Online consulting

Services with online consultation of specialized specialists are now at the peak of popularity; the help of doctors and lawyers is especially in demand.

When creating a medical consulting service, it is better to initially set certain narrow specifics. For example, online consultation with a doctor on children's health or on issues of cardiovascular diseases. Many people do not have time to visit a doctor, so when health problems arise, most users look for information online.

The same can be said about legal advice. Most citizens sometimes simply do not know where and who to turn to. Fast and high-quality online consultation will save them from wandering through forums and tedious attempts to Google the answer.

Production and delivery of ready meals

Despite the fact that catering companies are quite common in the field of modern services, the demand for quality food never falls. An important factor This idea for a startup from scratch is about quality, assortment and organized delivery.

The advantage of this type of business is minimal investment; cooking equipment and purchasing products do not require large financial costs and quickly pay for themselves. Starting with the delivery of dinners and lunches to nearby offices, you can increase your customer coverage and diversify the types of services - off-site banquets, corporate events in nature, organizing and catering for weddings.

Computer repair and maintenance

Computer repair today - this is either large service centers with a high price list, or private craftsmen whose honesty is sometimes questionable. A startup idea in this area is to create a democratic team of hardware-savvy computer scientists and programmers. You can start working with home services, and further development prospects depend on the degree of ambition and proper organization of work.

Help in solving everyday issues

“Husbands for an hour” and “wives for an hour” appeared in the lives of modern city dwellers for a reason. We increasingly do not have enough time for the simplest household actions: cleaning, cooking, fixing a leaking faucet.

Take a look at the ad feed and study the demand. Many people constantly require services for small matters. household repairs, servicing home appliances, cleaning premises. Companies providing repair services for plumbing fixtures, furniture, and household appliances are never without work or clients. The same applies to cleaning services, assistance with household. This small business startup idea never goes out of style.


Educational reforms are bringing tutoring to a very high degree demand. Help for children and future graduates is most often required in the Russian language, mathematics and specialized subjects, the knowledge of which is necessary for admission to a university. Adults need tutors foreign languages, which is associated with the need to communicate with foreign partners.

Sports apps and online activities

good physical form V modern world– not only a requirement for health, but also an important aspect of success. And here again the problem of time arises - not everyone has the opportunity to visit a gym, so online classes with consulting a professional trainer and personal complexes are beginning to be in increasing demand. An additional bonus when promoting this idea for a startup is the sale of related products, equipment and accessories for sports activities.

Production, sale, delivery of building materials

Construction materials are always in demand, and if there is the possibility of independent production, taking into account the wishes of the client and a oriented pricing system, the demand will only grow.

Mobile application development

Many types of services - counseling, tutoring, sports activities, diets and nutrition systems - can be created in the form mobile application. High-quality applications for smartphones, despite a large number of proposals will always be of interest.

Development and launch of browser games

A browser game is not only an opportunity to escape from everyday affairs and worries, but also a way to find a social circle of interests and gain certain achievements. If it is possible to assemble a team of professional programmers, web developers and graphic designers, then creating computer games can become an effective idea for a startup with subsequent development.


Opening your own company is the dream of many people. Just imagine: you work not for your boss, but for yourself. You organize production activities yourself and are responsible only for your own work. Later, when you begin to achieve some success, you will be able to hire employees and earn more money, expanding your sphere of influence. This is a very interesting prospect, but most people do not even think that it can be brought to life, and not just kept in dreams.


The two biggest obstacles on the path of many people who continue to take a job they don't like, although they dream of starting their own business, are lack of money and lack of ideas. Almost everyone believes that to open your own company you need to have a huge budget, as well as be a creative genius who can charge creative ideas from the void.

Reselling items

Trading in the modern world is very different from what it was 10-20 years ago. The fact is that technological progress has led to the creation of online stores, which have not supplanted real ones, but have taken a much higher place in the industry. Naturally, to open your own online store, you will have to try and spend money: you need to create your own website, purchase a large assortment of products, find suppliers, promote the resource and advertise your activities.

But you can start small: there is now a great amount web pages where things are sold from hand to hand. That is, someone sells their things, and someone looks for what they need and buys what the first person put up for sale. This is where it's easy to start your own business. You can look for cheap items and then resell them for more. If you buy a wholesale supply of some popular product at a low price, then it makes sense to sell it at a substantial markup.

In general, there are many opportunities, and you can start such an activity with a minimal budget. If things go well, you can gradually move to a higher level by opening your own online store.

However, this is far from the only startup with minimal investment. There are many other options for you to explore. Which startup with minimal investment should you choose? Here you should decide what you personally like and what gives you more pleasure.

Organization of holidays

Before considering the next idea, it is necessary to refer to the term “startup” used above. What it is? Many users may not be aware of what this strange word means, but it has long been part of speech modern people. So what is a startup? What it is?

A startup is a new business that you open on your own, in most cases it starts with one person or a group of like-minded people. And your personal startup can specialize in organizing a variety of holiday events.

You will not have to spend a lot of money to provide services, since they will be intangible. Professionalism plays an important role here, so it is worth focusing on this aspect. It is recommended to start with children's audiences, as they are less demanding. When you have completed a certain number of events for enough high level, you will definitely be noticed. You can help this with online promotion.

Advertising agency

How else can you make your startup? The idea of ​​an advertising agency may seem extremely unrealistic to many, but in reality it is much simpler than you might think. All you need is a creative mind, as well as basic equipment such as a computer, printer, scanner, and so on.

Then you just need to look for clients, of which there are plenty on the Internet, if you know how to do this. An advertising agency can consist of one person or a small group of people, and it is not necessary to rent an office - you can engage in advertising activities right from home. So the advertising business is an area in which you can safely start your startup. The idea is very profitable if it can be implemented correctly.

"Husband for an hour"

It is quite possible that you have already seen advertisements for “husband for an hour” services, which do not imply any intimacy, as some might think. In reality, such a “husband” must be a jack of all trades and be able to do a lot, from plumbing work to repairing small and large household appliances.

However, such a startup has one big advantage - you don’t have to spend money at all to implement your idea. All you need to do is take a toolbox, which is in every apartment, and go make money. Considering that Russian startups are becoming increasingly popular, you will have to try hard with advertising to stand out from the rest. However, this will not be a problem if you are remembered by your clients for your versatility and professionalism. As a result, you can gain such popularity that you will leave all Russian startups far behind. They will envy you and look up to you as an example.

Freight transportation

As mentioned above, online shopping has changed modern commerce, and this also affected cargo transportation. Now you can easily open your own business in this area if you have a driver's license and a car. How to launch a startup of this kind? It’s always better to start on your own, delivering goods to online stores, as well as to clients of such outlets.

Even if you don't have a car, you can take out a loan. If the workload is good, it is possible to make a profit of about 35 thousand rubles per month from one vehicle. And when the loan for the car is paid off, the profit will increase to 50 thousand rubles. Naturally, if you decide to expand and buy more cars, you will have to think about salaries for drivers. But you are guaranteed to have at least 20-25 thousand rubles per vehicle per month. As you can see, profitable business startups do not always require incredible investments from you.

Animal breeding

Startups with minimal investments in Moscow are a very real idea, but what can we say about small cities whose population does not exceed 100-200 thousand inhabitants? Here the conditions are much more difficult, but you can always find your niche. For example, you can raise pets. Just study the demand and purchase those animals that are of more interest to the residents of your city.

One of the most convenient and effective options is breeding rabbits. They are undemanding animals that reproduce at a high rate, and a purebred rabbit can fetch up to five thousand rubles. To open similar startup with minimal investment, you will simply need the project. You need to conduct an analysis to ensure that demand does not drop, and also plan how you will house the animals. Remember that they are not things and you will have to care for them and take care of them.

Shoe repair, key making and other manual work

As in the case of the “husband for an hour”, in this option you need to be good at doing what you are going to earn money from. Buying equipment for work is not so difficult. It can also be purchased on credit, which is easy to pay off over time. In times of crisis, Russians are less likely to buy new shoes and are trying to repair the old one, so you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity. This is a low-investment startup that will pay off fairly quickly.

Beauty salon services

As you can see, examples of startups with minimal investment are almost endless. You just need to determine what you can do best, as well as what brings you pleasure. Use your ability to do haircuts, makeup, or any other beauty procedure by trying to charge money for it. Initially, you can dye your hair or do your nails at home, so you don't have to rent a space. Build a customer base, starting with your friends, and then expand and gain popularity.


Another very common and interesting option- this is tutoring. As part of this, you will need to teach the subject that you are best at. This is a service that has always been very popular, but it becomes especially relevant closer to the moment when school graduates begin to prepare for admission to higher education institutions. Use the power of the Internet. Start small and then expand - chances are you'll end up with your own foreign language school.


If you know how and love to cook, then you should use it not only to eat yourself, but also to feed others. Naturally, for money. This does not mean that you need to rent a huge area and set up a restaurant with a hundred seats. Three or four tables will be enough to start with. Some do not do seating at all, selling food to go, while others simply prepare meals at home and then deliver them to customers’ homes (or they come to pick up the order themselves).

Making crafts

Another startup for those who know how to work with their hands, only this time - more creative direction. If you know how to sew, knit, or carve wood, then at any moment you can start making money from it. There are enough resources on the Internet where people sell what they do with their own hands, while earning good money. Later, you can create your own online store and even promote your author’s brand.

Web development

IN modern society, which relies on the Internet, website development is an incredibly popular business, so if you have the desire, then you can start earning money without investing a penny in it. All you need is knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are tens of millions of websites on the Internet, but the demand for their creation not only does not fall, but is constantly growing. So you can discover a new career path, ending it as a director of a large IT company.

Online consultations

This startup may be a little similar to the one about tutoring. Its difference lies in the fact that you do not need to invite clients home and do not need to go to their homes to teach a particular subject. All you need is a program that allows you to make calls over the Internet, such as Skype. As a result, you will be able to give lessons on any topic without leaving your home or leaving your computer. However, the possibilities are not limited to school subjects: you can give legal advice, teach how to run a business, and even make astrological forecasts and predict the future of clients. As you can see, the possibilities for starting your own business with minimal investment are unlimited.