The most powerful security services in the world. Top Ten Secret Agencies in the World

German Federal Intelligence Service, BND

The German Federal Intelligence Service is the German foreign intelligence service, created in 1955 on the basis of the so-called “General Gehlen organization”. It is the largest federal institution in Germany in terms of the number of employees. The BND has a staff of about 7 thousand employees, of which 2 thousand are engaged in collecting intelligence abroad. The main tasks of the department are the collection and analysis of intelligence. information, as well as identifying and countering threats to the sovereignty and interests of the Federal Republic of Germany. The BND also devotes a significant portion of its resources to the fight against terrorism.

Directorate General for External Security, DGSE (France)

The Directorate General of External Security is the main foreign intelligence agency of France, created on April 2, 1982. Its mission is to provide intelligence and national security, in particular by conducting paramilitary and counterintelligence operations abroad. The main office is located in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. The staff as of 2011 totals 4,747 people. As with most other intelligence services, the details of its activities and organization are not made public.

In eighth place in the list of the best intelligence services in the world is the Ministry state security The PRC is an intelligence service whose main functions are counterintelligence, foreign and internal intelligence, as well as political security of the People's Republic of China. It was created on June 6, 1983. The headquarters is located in Beijing.

Australian Secret Intelligence Service, ASIS

The Australian Secret Intelligence Service, headquartered in Canberra, is responsible for intelligence collection, counterintelligence and liaison with intelligence services of other countries. It was created on May 13, 1952. However, the Australian government officially confirmed its existence only in 1977. It is interesting that the training of the first ASIS employees was carried out by employees of the British MI6.

Research and Analysis Department, RAW (India)

One of the best intelligence agencies in the world is the Research and Analysis Department - India's foreign intelligence service. It was created in September 1968. Its main functions are foreign intelligence, counter-terrorism, covert operations, obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and ensuring the security of India's nuclear program.

Intelligence and Special Tasks Agency, Mossad (Israel)

Mossad is Israel's national intelligence service, an analogue of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It is considered one of the most effective and professional intelligence services in the world. Its main tasks are the collection and analysis of intelligence. information, as well as conducting secret special operations outside the country. The organization was formed in March 1951. The main office is located in Tel Aviv on King Shaul Boulevard. Currently, the estimated number of Mossad employees is 1,200. The most famous successful operations of this department are: the search and kidnapping of the Nazi included in the rating of the most cruel rulers in history, Adolf Eichmann, the kidnapping of nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu, eliminating the causes of the Munich massacre on Olympic Games in 1972 and many others.

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, FSB

Federal Security Service Russian Federation- Russian National Security Service, successor to the KGB. Its main functions are counterintelligence, intelligence and border activities, the fight against terrorism, corruption and especially dangerous forms of crime, as well as ensuring information security. It was formed on April 3, 1995. The headquarters is located in the main building of the former KGB on Lubyanka, Moscow.

British Secret Intelligence Service, MI6

The British Secret Intelligence Service is the UK's foreign intelligence service, headquartered in London. It was founded in 1909. However, its existence was officially recognized only in 1994. The main tasks of MI6 are the fight against espionage (counterintelligence), as well as the collection, processing and analysis of political, economic, technical and scientific information threatening British interests.

Central Intelligence Agency, CIA (USA)

Central intelligence agency- an American secret agency whose main functions are to conduct covert operations, as well as collect and analyze information about foreign governments, organizations, companies and individuals. The special service was created in 1947. The headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia, 13 km from Washington.

Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence, ISI

The best intelligence agency in the world is the Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence, created in 1948. Known as the most influential, powerful and well-equipped intelligence agency in the Islamic world. Its headquarters consists of several buildings and is located in Islamabad. According to some experts, the ISI is the largest intelligence agency in the world in terms of number of employees. Although they total number never made public, it is estimated to be around 10,000.

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There are many people who feel like someone is tapping their phones and re-reading their secret emails. And at the same time, a psychiatrist will not always be able to help. After all, there really are secret organizations whose goal is reconnaissance and obtaining the necessary data. And any of us can come under surveillance, because even relatives abroad can become a reason to suspect us of having connections with foreign organizations.

Today, intelligence services have practically unlimited tools and capabilities to know everything about everyone. Thanks to intelligence, terrorist attacks are prevented and revolutions are organized, information changes hands, and political rivals are destroyed. Any powerful and modern state it is simply a must to have advanced intelligence services. We will talk about the most influential intelligence services in the world

PRSI (India). The name of this organization translates as the Intelligence Community of India. This is a powerful tool that serves national interests. RSI includes all departments of foreign and domestic intelligence. It must be said that the mysterious Indian organization has long been under close surveillance by Western intelligence agencies. In addition, the RSI Research and Analysis Department had a strong connection with the intelligence services of Israel and the USSR. The main direction of the RSI's work is collecting various information and working undercover, however, in other states intelligence also worked on other goals. According to some data, up to 1977, Indian society significant influence provided by Soviet intelligence, which generously financed ruling circles in this country. However, the KGB failed to achieve its goal, and the influence of the communists on the leadership of India gradually faded away. But many experts still believe that RSI worked for a long time under the careful control of its older Soviet brother.

PASRA (Australia). The main task The Australian Secret Intelligence Agency was responsible for collecting information and its subsequent analysis in the Western Pacific region. This intelligence was supposed to identify unreliable citizens prone to sabotage, as well as fight terrorism. It is not surprising that the ACRA structure is in many ways reminiscent of that adopted by the British intelligence service MI6. It is also interesting that Australian intelligence officers have rather limited powers. In general, the general public knows little about ASPA. This may indicate that intelligence is working either very well or very poorly. One should also take into account the remoteness of the Australian mainland from Europe and America, which hinders the spread of information. At one time, ASRA was reproached for monitoring the personal lives of its citizens too closely. We can recall one funny incident when, during a training special operation to liberate a Melbourne hotel from imaginary terrorists, representatives of the special services became very interested in their game. As a result, the establishment suffered significant damage, and physical force was also used against the hotel employees.

PMTCT (Pakistan). Few people know that one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world is located in South Asia, in Pakistan. But this should not be surprising. The fact is that Pakistan constantly finds itself involved in border conflicts with its troubled neighbors. So the creation of the PMR and the strength of this organization are completely justified. But even in Pakistan itself there is a very ambiguous attitude towards this intelligence service; it is also called a “state within a state.” The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence is constantly in the field of view of Western intelligence agencies and this interest does not subside at all. American officials constantly accuse Pakistani intelligence services of having ties with terrorist organizations, and they say that the PMO supports the Taliban. But this Islamic movement has been officially declared by the UN as a terrorist organization. Against the backdrop of such confrontation, the recent transfer of two US Navy reconnaissance aircraft to Pakistani maritime intelligence cannot but be surprising. It must be another spy intrigue.

PFRS (Germany). The German Federal Intelligence Service has a number of well-known successful operations that have been carried out over the many years of the existence of this influential organization. Without a doubt, the Fed important factor influencing the policies of many world states. Intelligence has a rather complex structure, which is due to the numerous issues that employees have to solve as part of ensuring national security. Nevertheless, even in the history of such a powerful organization there were some curious incidents. In 1997, Fed foreign intelligence officers were put under attack. The organization's leadership released special badges with the inscription “I love the Fed.” Profits from their sale were to be used to build kindergartens for intelligence officers. The humor of the situation was that almost all of the employees’ children went out for a walk on the playgrounds in Germany with such badges on their chests. But their parents were engaged in secret activities, including on the territory of other states. Finding out exactly who ends up working for intelligence turned out to be easy.

PGDVB (France). Despite the contemptuous nickname of the French “frogs,” the General Directorate of External Security has one of the most widespread spy networks not only in Europe, but even in the United States. French intelligence agents have long enjoyed a high reputation. They have excellent training and are considered very resourceful in obtaining valuable information. But when a large continuous flow of emigrants poured into France, French intelligence services began to pay more attention to the threat of terrorism and possible terrorist attacks. Although the country's leadership is trying to convince its citizens that the flow of visitors is carefully filtered, clashes involving recent emigrants constantly occur in France. Not long ago, an Algerian man shot and killed three French soldiers, claiming to be acting on behalf of Al Qaeda. However, intelligence did not reveal any connections between the killer and a terrorist organization, as the authorities officially stated.

PMGB (China). Thanks to the Ministry of State Security, the work of foreign spies in China is extremely difficult. The fact is that the country has an extremely streamlined system of denunciations, which was carefully built by this intelligence service. Even the almighty West admits that it is powerless in the face of the Chinese MGB. In this country they are used to planning everything decades in advance. The Chinese themselves calmly admitted that they lag behind the Americans in the technical equipment of the army and placed emphasis on information technology and intelligence equipment. It is no coincidence that news constantly appears about how yet another Chinese hacker has hacked yet another security system of a certain American server. And it is not a fact that these specialists are home-grown self-taught, and not intelligence officers. The Chinese leadership states that the MGB is engaged in ensuring the security of the state. This is carried out by taking effective measures against the invasion of spies, enemy agents and counter-revolutionaries who, through their activities, aim to undermine the country's socialist system. This terminology will undoubtedly seem familiar to us, former citizens of the USSR.

PMI6 (UK). Even people far from the film industry know about this intelligence service. British MI6 became famous thanks to its invincible superspy James Bond. The movie said that British intelligence has the most modern and unusual types of weapons, the most fast cars and the most sophisticated spy devices. This is where the most beautiful female agents serve, and where Bond's colleagues receive the most difficult assignments. But until 1949, the British leadership generally denied the existence of the Secret Intelligence Service, which was engaged in foreign intelligence. This is the best indication of the secrecy surrounding the legendary MI6. The activities of the intelligence officers were completely shrouded in secrecy. In fact, things were such that any secret mission, if failed, turned into a one-way trip. The fact is that senior British officials never recognized that the failed agent belonged to their secret service. But its very existence was a secret for a long time. So you shouldn't be surprised that there are a lot of people floating around MI6. mysterious stories, speculation and secrets.

PCR (USA). Is America's all-powerful Central Intelligence Agency worth representing? There are so many scandals surrounding this organization alone that it would be enough for a dozen other, more modest, intelligence services. In our country, for a long time, the image of the CIA was cultivated not just as an enemy, but as an evil and insidious machine that constantly dug under the foundations Soviet Union. The CIA gained special power during the Cold War; this word could scare people. With the collapse of the USSR, the secret service's problems did not diminish; now it is intensively dealing with issues of international terrorism. Perhaps such a struggle turned out to be even too zealous, because the enemy began to be destroyed on its territory. However, the main thing is that America's national interests remained respected. Perhaps this is exactly how an ideal intelligence service should work? It is noteworthy that on his 50th birthday, President Clinton even said about the CIA agents: “...Americans will never know the full story of their courage.” So the exploits of the special agents remain largely unknown to the general public, even the full range of issues that the CIA deals with remains unclear.

PCGB (USSR). There was a time when the whole world was afraid of this special service. Even the citizens themselves were afraid of her. former USSR. Many breathed a sigh of relief when the State Security Committee was officially abolished in 1991. Despite this, echoes of the activities of the secret organization still make many shake with fear. It must be said that this was largely facilitated by myths and anti-Soviet propaganda disseminated by the same CIA. It is believed that the KGB developed an entire system of denunciations, which worked no worse than in China. The KGB archives still keep documents on the most resonant secrets - UFOs, the death of Hitler, conspiracies, assassinations, etc. - behind seven locks. The intelligence service still has many secrets, and its activities on the territory of other countries during the existence of the USSR is an even bigger question than information about the fate of Hitler’s remains. Dissidents disappeared and died on the streets of peaceful cities, revolutions were carried out in third world countries, and information was stolen under the noses of other all-powerful services. Today the KGB seems to be just a tool to combat dissident Soviet intelligentsia. However, one should not underestimate the efforts of the special service in preserving the statehood of the USSR.

PMossad (Israel). It is in this small country that the most powerful intelligence service is considered, whose employees are the most trained professionals. Both America and Russia were left behind. Experts unanimously consider the Israeli Intelligence and Special Tasks Agency, or Mossad, to be the most professional. The principle of operation here differs little from its competitors. The Mossad still collects and analyzes information and conducts covert operations outside Israel. The task of the special service is the security of the country and the preservation of its integrity, which is attempted quite often. Mossad employees are most suitable for the role of knights of cloak and dagger. Indeed, thanks to the efforts of agents in Israel, it is possible to maintain peace and tranquility. But nearby there are hotbeds of tension such as Syria, Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Adding to the complexity is the fact that the country contains many representatives of different ethnic groups, religious teachings and denominations. It is not surprising that many intelligence officers go to Israel to learn effective working techniques.

And precisely because the collection of secret information is a very important activity, in many countries of the world secret agencies play a very important role. Failures in covert missions can lead to dire consequences (the 9/11 attack is one such example), while successful missions help the country avoid many tragedies.

We present to your attention the ten best, in our opinion, secret world agencies of our time. Please note that these are current agencies (sorry KGB fans).

Number 10 – KSRS (Canada)

The Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSRS) was formed in 1984 from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Like the CIA and MI6, the CRS was formed as a civilian agency with no ties to the military or police. Canadian secret agents worked both inside and outside the country.

They tried to monitor and prevent threats to Canada's security. KRSC came under criticism after the 1985 shooting down of Air India Flight 182 carrying 280 Canadian citizens. KSRS officials said several strategic errors resulted in the loss of black box data. To date, no one has been held accountable for this incident.

Something to be proud of: From 1988 to 1994, CRPF agent Grant Bristow was infiltrated into the Canadian white supremacist movement and became the head of security for the Heritage Front, the most prominent white supremacist organization in Canada. Bristow's activities led to several arrests and prevented several "acts of retaliation." His cover was blown in 1994 by a Toronto journalist.

Number 9 – ACPA (Australia)

The Australian Secret Intelligence Agency (ASRA) was formed in 1952. His responsibilities included collecting classified information, counterintelligence, and especially countering other intelligence services in the world.

Most recently, the Australian government published a contested claim that allows ASRA to cooperate with other organizations (like the CIA) in various paramilitary operations, but does not require ASRA agents to personally participate in them.

ACPA has been criticized on several occasions, including one incident in 1994 when it was accused of keeping the personal files of thousands of Australian citizens secret.

What you can be "proud of": In 1983, during a training operation at the Sheraton Hotel (Melbourne), an ordinary low-profile agency attracted unwanted public attention. What started out as a test of the organization's readiness to rescue a foreign agent secret service, turned into “total liberation.”
The agents participating in the training put pressure on hotel employees and guests, and used physical force on the hotel manager, thereby fulfilling “their mission.”

Number 8 – PIA (India)

India's External Intelligence Agency (FIA) was formed in 1968 as a result of the large intelligence gap required during the wars with Pakistan and China.

Unlike most Western agencies, the PIA was formed as one of the divisions of the Indian federal cabinet and does not bear any responsibility to the Indian Parliament. Much of the PIA's attention lately has been focused on India's neighbor Pakistan.

During the Kargil War in Kashmir in 1999, the PIA established links between Pakistani intelligence and terrorist groups and also infiltrated almost all paramilitary forces in the Kashmir valley.

Something to be proud of: PIA played a significant role in the formation of Bangladesh in 1971. The agency helped raise a wave of irritation with the ruling regime among the population of Bangladesh (then this country was part of Pakistan and was called East Pakistan), which led to the formation of the guerrilla army of Bangladesh.
The FIA ​​undercover infiltrated East Pakistan and carried out a number of secret operations, which helped defeat the Pakistani army.

Number 7 – MOSSAD (Israel)

Israel's extremely active intelligence agency (MOSSAD) is involved in intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism and various covert operations.

The director of the agency answers directly to the head of state - the prime minister. MOSSAD is a civilian service and its members do not have any military ranks, although most have served in the Israeli military (this is mandatory).
The most famous unit of MOSSAD is the Special Operations Division or Metsada. Metsada is responsible for several assassinations, military operations, sabotage and psychological warfare.

What to be proud of: In 1960, Mossad agents learned that Adolf Eichmann, a notorious Nazi criminal, lived in Argentina under the name Ricardo Klement. He was kidnapped from the country by a group of Mossad agents and transported to Israel, where he was convicted and executed.

Number 6 – FSRC (Germany)

The predecessor agency of Germany's Federal Intelligence and Counterintelligence Service (FSERK) was formed before World War II and was intended to monitor the Soviet Union.
Currently, the agency is a kind of “early warning system” for the German government about the emergence of potential threats to the country’s security (tapping telephone conversations and electronic surveillance of international communications service).

The annual budget of the FSRC is very large and exceeds 430 million euros. FSRC has been embroiled in several recent internal scandals involving wiretapping and surveillance of journalists, and they have also used reporters as spies.

Something to be proud of: During the Iraq War in 2003, the German government refused to provide US President George W. Bush with military units to participate in the coalition. At the same time, two FSRC agents distinguished themselves by handing over copies of the Baghdad defense plans that were developed by Saddam Hussein a month before the invasion.

Number 5 – MSR (Pakistan)

Poor coordination between the Army, Navy and Air Force during the Indo-Pakistan War in 1947 led to the formation of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) a year later. Since then, the agency's influence has steadily grown, thanks to the influence of Pakistani leaders.

Since 9/11, MSI has worked extensively with the CIA to prevent terrorist attacks by both Al-Qaeda and the Taliban and Pakistan's homegrown terrorists. The MSR is a deceptively active and powerful agency, known for its style of waging "stealth" wars.

Something to be proud of: In 1980, the MSI foiled an attempted plot against the President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, during a national parade.

The conspirators, who included high-ranking military commanders, planned to carry out a bloody coup in the country and replace the existing rule with an extremist Islamic government. The MSI arrested the alleged plotters and their supporters before the planned coup began.

Number 4 – GDVB (France)

The General Directorate of External Security (GDVB) was formed relatively recently, in 1982, to replace the external counterintelligence service SDECE. The Directorate is responsible for collecting classified information and carrying out preventive measures to detect and find the activities of agents from other countries of the world directed against the interests of France.

Although the agency is low-profile, this did not stop them from bombing the GREENPEACE fleet, which was protesting France's nuclear tests. Thanks to the work of New Zealand law enforcement agencies, the conspiracy was exposed. Two GDVB agents were arrested and found guilty of the death of a journalist who drowned in that incident.

What you can be proud of: The GDVB Agency quickly demonstrated what it is worth. In the 80s, a group of Soviet spies was exposed, collecting information about technical developments of Western countries for the USSR. This is still the largest group of secret industrial espionage agents ever uncovered in Europe or the United States.

Number 3 – GRU (Russia)

When we think of Russian intelligence, we usually think of the KGB. However, the KGB was dissolved by Boris Yeltsin in 1995, while the even older Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) continued to operate despite the fall of the USSR. The GRU was founded in 1918 by Vladimir Lenin, and dealt with all matters of military intelligence.

Since that time, the GRU has taken part in many significant anti-national uprisings in Eastern Europe. According to the former agent, the GRU has created a number of secret weapons warehouses in the United States that are accessible to Russian special agents.

What you can be proud of: The activities of the GRU are not very noticeable. But it is believed that it was involved in the assassination attempt on former Chechen President Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, who lived in Qatar until 2004 and was accused of collaborating with al-Qaeda. The assassination attempt took place in the Qatari capital, Doha, with a direct bomb hitting the car in which the president was sitting.

Number 2 – MI6 (UK)

The Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, was formed just before World War I to monitor the activities of the Imperial German government. Over the years, MI6 has been involved in every significant conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Even before the terrorist attacks of September 11, MI6 actively collaborated with its American counterparts and shared classified intelligence, as well as taking an active part in covert operations. MI6, with the assistance of the CIA, took part in the overthrow of several ruling regimes around the world, the most famous of which were the revolutions in the Congo in 1961 and Iran in 1953.

Something to be proud of: 007 stories aside, MI6's most successful recent operation was the hostage rescue in Lebanon in the 1980s. In particular, thanks to MI6 agents, a serious internal conflict within Lebanese parliamentary groups, which made it no longer possible to hold hostages.

Number 1 – CIA (USA)

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was founded in 1947. The agency's activities include the following three main functions:
1) Obtaining and analyzing information about foreigners,
2) Propaganda and public relations,
3) Secret operations related to the security of the president.

During the Cold War, the CIA was given greater freedom of action because the American government believed that such freedom was necessary to successfully confront the KGB.
As a result, the CIA was involved in many successful operations and failed attempts to eliminate unnecessary leaders of countries. The most famous among them were operations in Chile and Congo (successful), as well as in Cuba (unsuccessfully).

What to be proud of: The Bay of Pigs Invasion may be the most significant, but the BLUEBIRD project (the James Bourne films starring Matt Damon) is more shocking. From 1951 to 1953, the CIA conducted experiments related to human mind control, which included research into the process of creating a new human personality(or several) and memory replacement. For this purpose, electrodes were placed in a person's brain, which made it possible to control his behavior using remote transmitters, and electric shock treatment was used to erase his memory.

Shh...quiet. It's a secret

As you already understand, intelligence is not only an exact science. In it, while there are successful operations, there are also failures. Intelligence gathering and covert operations are extremely risky, requiring a lot of luck in addition to good judgment (which is often guesswork).

And failures, it seems unsuccessful attempts the elimination of Fidel Castro in the 60s only confirms the fact that operations do not always go as smoothly as in the James Bond films.

Considering the pace of Russia's revival, this list will soon be modified;).

The appointment by Russian President Vladimir Putin of the Chairman of the State Duma of the sixth convocation Sergei Naryshkin to the post of Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) aroused quite a wide interest in the question of what kind of intelligence services exist in our country, how they differ and what they do. Despite the fact that the essence of the activity is already contained in their names, very often ideas about them are reduced either to the content of films about James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Stirlitz and Fox Mulder, or to the representation of subjects in black raincoats and dark glasses, because watching civilians around the corner. Let us try, however, without revealing the professional secrets of the activities of the special services, to speak clearly about their purpose and work.

Things from days gone by

Let's start with the fact that intelligence services in one form or another existed and exist always and everywhere, in the sense, in all countries of the world, including even among tribes lost in the wilds of the Amazon. This is due to their main purpose - to find out about the future plans of various external forces- from neighbors to the forces of nature, as well as to protect one’s tribe or state from any hostile activity of enemies, especially in terms of protecting secrets and protecting the life of the leader, king, president and other top officials. Accordingly, these issues are dealt with by intelligence, counterintelligence and the leadership security service, which is sometimes also included in counterintelligence. In relation to Russia, these are the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Federal Security Service (FSO), in relation to the USA - the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The history of intelligence services goes back to ancient times: probably, the Neanderthals sent their scouts to observe the neighboring tribe, whether it was preparing to attack them, and also guarded their strategic secret - a fire burning in a cave.

If we talk about history documented at least in myths and legends, then we must start with the Holy Scriptures. If you think about it, according to the Bible, the first intelligence officer was Adam: exploring the world, he had to understand for himself what was created by God and why. But the lack of counterintelligence in paradise led to the penetration there of an enemy agent of influence in the form of the Serpent-Tempter, who represented the interests of the devil. The serpent managed to influence Eve, and through her, Adam, which led to catastrophic consequences for the inhabitants of paradise.

The Bible also describes the first technical reconnaissance campaign: during the Great Flood, Noah launched various birds from the ark, and the dove that brought him an olive branch obtained for him invaluable information about the emergence of land from under the water.

In the ancient myths of Egypt, India, and Greece, one can also find many examples of the activities of those who can be considered prototypes of the special services. For example, from Greek myth it is known that the operation with the Trojan Horse almost failed: the priest Laocoon, who had information about the cunning of the Danaans, and, in fact, performed the functions of a military counterintelligence officer, threw a spear at a suspicious structure to check and warned the military leaders of Troy about possible negative consequences. They did not listen to Laocoon (however, the bad tradition of not trusting the information of one’s intelligence services has survived to this day, of which there are many examples), which led to the death of the city.

From Borodino to Red October

Over time, collection important information about neighboring states was divided into three streams - diplomacy, journalism and intelligence, differing mainly in the degree of secrecy of the information obtained. At the same time, intelligence was divided into military and political, depending on the nature and purpose of the information collected. In relation to Russia, the intelligence service in approximately its modern form was created as a result of the Patriotic War of 1812 by General, later Field Marshal Barclay de Tolly (who, by the way, was unreasonably accused by some, in particular the intensely glorified General Bagration, of belonging to enemy agents).

Somewhat later, during the reign of Nicholas I and Alexander II, a counterintelligence body was created - the Third Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, which was responsible for the supervision of politically unreliable persons and investigation. Executive body The third section was the Separate Corps of Gendarmes. One can get some idea of ​​their activities based on Boris Akunin’s novels about Erast Fandorin. Because the Third Section persecuted would-be revolutionaries, it was only mentioned in negative terms for many years. But its employees have accomplished many glorious deeds, although the organization was unable to prevent revolutionary events in the Russian Empire.

Nevertheless, modern Russian intelligence services trace their ancestry to post-revolutionary Soviet agencies. Thus, on December 20 (new style), 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage under the Council was created people's commissars RSFSR, abbreviated as VChK. It was headed by Felix Dzerzhinsky.

About one of the most bright stories The work of the Cheka was described in the television series “Operation Trust”.

Subsequently, the Cheka was transformed into the State Political Directorate (GPU), the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD), the USSR Ministry of State Security (MGB), the USSR State Security Committee (KGB), and the USSR Inter-Republican Security Service (MSB).

On December 20, 1920, the Foreign Department (INO) of the Cheka was organized within the structure of the NKVD of the RSFSR - it revived intelligence in our country. INO was headed by Yakov Davydov (Davtyan). Subsequently, the Foreign Department became the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (PGU). In parallel, there was also military intelligence - the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU). We can also mention the existence of special services, about which little is still known. So, in the 1940s, in our country there was the most mysterious and top-secret intelligence service, called State Control or People's Control, supposedly subordinate to Joseph Stalin personally. One can only guess what she was doing. The grandfather of one of the authors of these lines was associated with this organization for several years. Being a military cartographer, for some reason in 1941 he flew with a special group to the German rear to blow up our strategic warehouses remaining in the occupied territory. However, my grandfather never talked about working at the State Control Agency, answering all requests even many years later strictly: “No! I gave a subscription!

Heroes of the past

Many books have been written and films made about the work of Soviet intelligence. The exploits of Nikolai Kuznetsov, Richard Sorge, and Rudolf Abel (Heinrich Fischer) are well known. Much has been written about our intelligence officers receiving secrets. atomic weapons, thanks to which we generally exist as a state, some participants in this work are still alive. Publications often appear about the work of the so-called “Cambridge Five”. Much less is known about the activities of Konon Molodoy, who became the prototype of the main character of the film “Dead Season”. It is a virtually unknown fact that the heroine of The Young Guard, Lyubov Shevtsova, was a Soviet intelligence officer specially left behind enemy lines. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya also underwent training at the intelligence school. But Stirlitz, alas, is a character invented by Yulian Semyonov. However, Soviet intelligence had its own agent in the Gestapo - Willy Lehman, with the operational pseudonym "Breitenbach".

It is impossible to talk about the numerous affairs of Soviet intelligence officers in a short article. True information about them can be read in the six-volume publication “Essays on the History of Russian Foreign Intelligence” published in the 1990s.

It remains to add that after the collapse of the USSR, the structural departments that were previously part of the State Security Committee became independent intelligence services. Thus, the First Main Directorate became the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Second Main Directorate became the Federal Security Service (FSB). The Federal Security Service (FSO) and some other special services also stood out.


Our experts talk about the basics of the work of modern Russian intelligence services.

Editor-in-chief of the magazine "National Defense"Igor Korotchenko:

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, in fact, are engaged in a common cause - obtaining secrets of foreign states for our country. Only one service specializes in political and economic information, and the other in military information, which is necessary for assessment external threats and developing methods to neutralize them. Although the SVR and the GRU can sometimes engage in overlapping areas of activity.

The Federal Security Service was created to combat foreign espionage and other threats within the country.

According to the expert, the appointment of Sergei Naryshkin to the post of head of the SVR is a natural personnel rotation.

IN modern world without special services it is impossible to carry out correct foreign policy or fend off threats within the country. Therefore, any country has its own special services, and the level of their professionalism determines the country’s ability to withstand certain forms of pressure.

In the context of an aggravation of the military-political situation in the world, when the efforts of a number of countries are directed at Russia to introduce economic and political sanctions, and attempts to destabilize the socio-political situation within the country. Objectively, the role and place of both intelligence and counterintelligence is increasing.

President of the Center for Geopolitical Analysis Colonel GeneralLeonid Ivashov:

Intelligence services largely determine the domestic and foreign policy of the state. In order to understand how effectively they work, you should look at the results of defending the interests of a particular country in the international arena.

According to the expert, intelligence services provide the country's leadership with information about the intentions and plans of other states: partners, rivals and adversaries. This information is necessary to determine the political course of the state.

Mikhail Fradkov came and headed the Foreign Intelligence Service when Russia’s priority was the need for economic cooperation with the West, promoting the interests of our companies, primarily fuel and energy companies, in the international market. And the intelligence service ensured this priority in solving state problems.

The SVR at that time was focused on economic intelligence. It revealed the intentions of foreign states and companies that competed with our monopolies, especially in the oil and gas field. Security issues were, I would say, in the background, because at that time we had “peace and friendship” with the USA and Europe.

Today the situation has changed dramatically: sanctions have been introduced against us. Perhaps intelligence did not address this threat in time. One way or another, national security issues are now coming to the fore. In fact, war has been declared on us: while we are not being bombed, we are being attacked with information strikes, cyber weapons, military conflicts are being unleashed on our borders and our interests are being squeezed out of other regions. Under these conditions, Mikhail Fradkov, a specialist in the field of foreign economics, who has never worked in the special services before, is no longer suitable for the post of head of the SVR. He has already fulfilled his role, so he must give up his place to a person who will realize the interests of our state in the field of security.

Sergei Naryshkin is familiar with the work of the special services, and now with the general world situation and its trends further development and threats to Russia, which he became familiar with as speaker of the State Duma during numerous international trips and contacts.

In the modern world, given the tense political situation, the role of special intelligence services has greatly increased. The “James Bonds” of the 21st century not only perform tasks familiar to intelligence officers, but also actively work in the information space. Today, most countries in the world have their own intelligence services, but only a few of them are truly distinguished by their high professional level and enormous capabilities.

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)

The SVR is the successor to the former 1st Main Directorate (PGU) of the KGB of the USSR, which was responsible for foreign political intelligence. Very little is known about the activities of the SVR - this is perhaps the most secret Russian intelligence service. But, judging by the reaction of the West, modern Russian intelligence officers are working for high level. Even during the Cold War, Washington did not accuse Moscow of influencing American elections.

Soldiers of the special unit of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service "Zaslon" and Russian journalist Dmitry Kiselev in Syria

The SVR is also active in the Middle East, where it has to decide very important tasks in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen and other countries.

US Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA is the most popular intelligence service in the world. What is not attributed to American agents! Meanwhile, many CIA operations can indeed be called very successful, and this is not only the usual recruitment of agents and theft of classified information, but also such large-scale actions as “color revolutions” in the post-Soviet space, in Arab countries. The Ukrainian Maidan is sometimes also called a CIA special operation. At the very least, there is no doubt that American foreign intelligence played a very important role in organizing the coup in Kyiv and the subsequent anti-Russian turn in Ukraine.


Israeli intelligence is considered one of the most professional and tough intelligence services in the world. Its most famous actions are the liquidation of many leaders of Arab radical organizations, Iranian nuclear scientists, and the identification of Nazi war criminals. It is known that now only about a thousand career employees serve in the Mossad, but Israeli intelligence officers have entangled almost the entire world in a network of agents. And this brings results - for example, intelligence officers eliminated all the terrorists who captured and killed Israeli athletes during the Olympics in Munich in 1972.

The British Foreign Office's secret intelligence service, MI6, is one of the oldest modern intelligence services. It was created back in 1909 and went through the First and Second World Wars, numerous conflicts in the colonies, and the Cold War between the West and the USSR.

British intelligence building MI6 in London

Now the whole world is literally crammed with British agents who work in close contact with their American colleagues - the Anglo-Saxons remain allies in the secret war. Zone special attention MI6 – East Europe, former British colonies in Africa, Middle East.

ISI Pakistan

The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence was created during the Cold War under the direct patronage of the US CIA. However, then the intelligence service turned into a powerful independent structure, which today has the largest number of agents. Areas of interest include Muslim countries of Central Asia and the Middle East, India, European countries. The Pakistani intelligence service acts harshly and aggressively, mercilessly punishing the enemies of the Pakistani state and organizing all kinds of provocations against countries that are potential opponents. During the Soviet participation in the war in Afghanistan, the ISI maintained close ties with the mujahideen.

Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China

The MGB of the People's Republic of China is a large and cumbersome structure similar to the Soviet KGB, responsible for both foreign intelligence and counterintelligence and political security. The Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China includes operational departments that are in charge of foreign political intelligence, scientific, technical and economic intelligence, intelligence in disputed territories (Taiwan), intelligence from the territory of the Middle Kingdom itself, etc.

Considering the large number of Chinese diasporas in the United States, Southeast Asia, and Europe, one can imagine the reach of Chinese foreign intelligence.

Iranian Ministry of Information and National Security

In Iran, as in China, the functions of the intelligence services are concentrated in a single structure, responsible for intelligence, counterintelligence, and the fight against terrorism. Iranian agents are especially active in nearby countries of the Middle East, especially in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan - that is, in those countries where significant Shiite communities live and Tehran has strategic interests.

MIT - National Intelligence Organization of Turkey

The Turkish intelligence agency combines the functions of foreign intelligence and internal secret political police. One of the main tasks of MIT is the fight against the enemies of the Turkish state, which include leftist and Kurdish organizations, and some religious fundamentalist movements. In addition, MIT is actively working in countries with a significant proportion of the Turkic population and in nearby states - Syria and Iraq. However, the intelligence service also had well-known failures - for example, MIT was exposed in supplying weapons to extremists in Syria.

BND - German Federal Intelligence Service

The emergence of its own foreign intelligence service (Bundesnachrichtendienst) in post-war West Germany was a result of the country's inclusion in the Cold War. An echo of Germany's defeat in World War II is the ban on organizing any subversive activities in other states.

However, the BND is considered one of the most knowledgeable intelligence agencies, possessing huge amounts of information.

DGSE - Directorate General for External Security of France

In France, foreign political intelligence is combined with military intelligence and together forms part of General Director external security, subordinate to the French Ministry of Defense. French intelligence officers include civilian personnel (civil servants) and officers and sergeants of the French armed forces. Among the most important areas are reconnaissance of the forces of a potential enemy in Europe, operations in former French colonies, and the fight against terrorism.