In which circles of Russian society does he place it? The natural structure of Russian society. The ruling circles of society - who are they?

Test on literature

10th grade

Option 2

A1.Wrote the article “Dark Kingdom”

A) N. Chernyshevsky

B) V. Belinsky

B) I. Goncharov

D) N. Dobrolyubov

A2. In which circles of Russian society does he place his hopes? E. Bazarov?

A) peasantry

B) intelligentsia

B) Russian patriarchal nobility

D) noble aristocracy

A3. “The Muse cut with a whip” is an image of whose poetry?

A) A.S. Pushkin

B) M.Yu. Lermontova

B) F.I. Tyutcheva

D) N.A. Nekrasova

A4 The first period of N. Ostrovsky’s creativity is associated with his work in a literary magazine

A) "Contemporary"

B) "Mosvityanin"

B) “Domestic Notes”

D) “Son of the Fatherland”

A5. Hometown A.P.Chekhova

a) Taganrog

b) Krasnoyarsk

c) Sochi

d) Ryazan

A6 To which of the heroes of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” the words belong:“For me, love is the same, and life is a duty, therefore love is also a duty”?

A) Oblomov

B) Stoltz

B) Tarantiev

D) Volkov

A7. The result of L. Tolstoy’s participation in Crimean War become:

A) " Sevastopol stories»

B) diaries

B) autobiographical stories

D) "War and Peace"

A8. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” stands up for the peasants, but “when talking to them, he frowns and sniffs cologne”?

A) Bazarov

B) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

B) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

D) Arkady

A9. Among the numerous “military” heroes of the novel “War and Peace,” Pierre Bezukhov stands out sharply for his “civilianism.” In what episode is it revealed that he doesn't know how to use a gun?

A) in the episode of the duel with Dolokhov

B) on the Raevsky battery

B) in captivity

A10. Which famous painting does the Russian artist resemble Nekrasov’s poem “On the Volga”?

A) I.E. Repin “Barge Haulers on the Volga”

B) I.I. Levitan “Evening on the Volga”

B) I.S. Petrov-Vodkin “Girls on the Volga”

B1. Here front entrance. On special days,

Possessed by a servile illness,

The whole city with some fear

Drives up to the treasured doors.

Here is an excerpt from a famous poem by a Russian poet of the 19th century.


b) size

B2. Which Russian writer was sentenced to civil execution by a court?

B3. Paradoxically, the philosophical-utopian novel of a state criminal, a prisoner of the Peter and Paul Fortress, went through two strict censorships and was given the go-ahead for publication. Name this work and its author.

Q4. This classic Russian literature was deprived of the right to bear his father's Russian surname and lost all privileges associated with the title of nobleman. In order to regain his noble title, he enters the service. However, the military rank that gave this right increased in rank each time they were promoted. Only at the end of his days did this poet manage to regain his noble title and his father’s lost surname. Name this author.

B5. By what principle are the images of Oblomov and Stolz introduced into the novel?

B6. N.A. Dobrolyubov called one of the heroes of A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “A ray of light in dark kingdom"? Who is this?

Q7. Match the titles of the works and their genre:

A) “After the ball”

B) "Childhood"

B) "War and Peace"

D) "Anna Karenina"

D) "The Power of Darkness"

E) "Confession"

1) Story

3) Religious treatise

5) Epic novel

6) Story

B8. Distinctive feature portrait “painting” of Tolstoy – assigning some kind of character characteristic feature appearance and then repeated many times. So Pierre is remembered for his massive figure, clumsiness and “friendly eyes.” Try to guess the character in the novel using 1-2 “portrait touches” and correlate these traits with his name.

A) bare, white, full shoulders

B) black eyes, big mouth

B) dry face

G) radiant eyes, heavy gait

D) bald head, flat face

1) Natasha Rostova

2) Prince Vasily Kuragin

3) Helen Kuragina

4) Andrey Bolkonsky

5) Maria Bolkonskaya

Read the poem below and complete the tasks


Sounded over the clear river,

It rang in a darkened meadow,

Rolled over the silent grove,

It lit up on the other side.

Far away, in the twilight, with bows

The river runs to the west.

Having burned with golden borders,

The clouds scattered like smoke.

On the hill it is either damp or hot,

The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night, -

But the lightning is already glowing brightly

Blue and green fire.


Q9. What term refers to a sketch of nature, similar to the one created in Fet’s poem?

B10. What means of allegory, based on the transfer of human traits to inanimate phenomena, is used in the line “The river runs to the west”?

B11. In the second stanza, the fading edges of the clouds are conveyed allegorically, using metaphor. Write down the phrase (in nominative case), metaphorically replacing the image of the luminous outlines of a cloud.

B12. In the line "Run away A no on z A river fall A“All three stresses fall on the vowel “a”. What is this sound recording technique called?

B13. Determine the poetic meter in which “Evening” is written.

Give a detailed answer in 5-10 sentences

C1. From what artistic purpose Are exclusively impersonal sentences used in the first stanza?

C2. What poems by Russian poets are devoted to the description of evening nature? What are their similarities and differences with A. Fet’s poem?

2 Purpose of the lesson: To teach to see the difference in the text author's attitude to your heroes; Develop drafting skills portrait characteristics heroes and their comparisons (portrait details, speech, actions, attitude towards the people...); Highlight the main points of the dispute between Highlight the main points of the dispute between representatives of different social strata, ideological camps (Bazarov and Kirsanov).

3 1. Collection of material on heroes (expanded sheet for each hero) Hero Sequence of material Working material BAZAROV E.E. 1. Appearance A man of “tall stature in a long robe with tassels” N.P. Kirsanov squeezed his naked red hand tightly.” The face is “long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat top, pointed nose downwards, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-colored sideburns... enlivened by a calm smile and expressing self-confidence and intelligence” (chapter 2)

4 2. Origin 3. Upbringing My father has a small estate. He is, first of all, a smart doctor (chapter 5) My father has a small estate. He is, first of all, an intelligent doctor (chapter 5) “My grandfather plowed the land” (chapter 10) “My grandfather plowed the land” (chapter 10) 1) “Every person must educate himself - well, at least like me, for example.” (chapter 7) 2) “Tell me,...were you not oppressed as a child? You see what my parents are like. People are not strict." (chapter 21)

5 4.Education 5.Social Political Views « Main subject his are natural sciences. Yes, he knows everything. He wants to be a doctor next year” (chapter 3). “His main subject is natural sciences. Yes, he knows everything. He wants to be a doctor next year” (chapter 3). “He is bored without work” (chapter 11). “He is bored without work” (chapter 11). “...Bazarov is smart and knowledgeable” (chapter 10). “...Bazarov is smart and knowledgeable” (chapter 10). “Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles... just think, how many foreign and useless words! Russian people don’t need them for nothing” (chapter 10). “Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles... just think, how many foreign and useless words! Russian people don’t need them for nothing” (chapter 10).

6 6. Attitude towards others Bazarov got up early in the morning (not like a bar), talks to the servants without a lordly tone. 7. The attitude of others towards Bazarov Dunyasha could not help but be attracted by the fact that Bazarov addressed her as “you” and asked her about her health. Fenechka also feels free with Bazarov. 8. Speech, vocabulary Bazarov’s speech is characterized by simplicity, accuracy and precision of expressions, abundance folk proverbs, saying (the song is sung; we have heard this song many times... that's where we go). COMPLETE THE TABLE YOURSELF

8 Assignment based on the text Briefly name the main events described in chapters 5-11. Briefly name the main events described in chapters 5-11. What is the main social conflict at the heart of the novel?What is the main social conflict at the heart of the novel? In the clash of which heroes is he revealed most clearly? In the clash of which heroes is he revealed most clearly?

12 Nihilism Nihilism is the denial of generally accepted values: ideals, moral standards, culture, forms public life. Nihilism is the denial of generally accepted values: ideals, moral norms, culture, forms of social life. Big encyclopedic dictionary Large encyclopedic dictionary Nihilism is “an ugly and immoral doctrine that rejects everything that cannot be felt. “V. DAL Nihilism is “an ugly and immoral doctrine that rejects everything that cannot be felt. » V. DAL Nihilism is “the bare denial of everything, logically unjustified skepticism” Nihilism is “the bare denial of everything, logically unjustified skepticism” Dictionary Russian language Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

13 "But not to love nature, music?"

14 THE LIFE HISTORY OF PAVL PETROVICH For what purpose does Arkady tell the biography of his uncle? For what purpose does Arkady tell the biography of his uncle? How does Bazarov perceive her? How does Bazarov perceive her? Is Arkady’s phrase true that Pavel Petrovich is “more worthy of pity than ridicule”? Is Arkady’s phrase true that Pavel Petrovich is “more worthy of pity than ridicule”?

15 Chapter 10. Ideological conflict between Bazarov and Kirsanov. Main lines of dispute: About the attitude towards the nobility, aristocracy and its principles. On the attitude towards the nobility, aristocracy and its principles. On the principle of activity of nihilists; On the principle of activity of nihilists; About attitude towards the people. About attitude towards the people. About views on art. About views on art. About views on nature. About views on nature.

18 Task 2 The basis of the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is: The basis of the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is: 1. The quarrel between P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov. 1. Quarrel between P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov. 2. The conflict that arose between E.V. Bazarov and N.P. Kirsanov 2. The conflict that arose between E.V. Bazarov and N.P. Kirsanov 3. The struggle of bourgeois-noble liberalism and revolutionary democrats. 3.The struggle of bourgeois-noble liberalism and revolutionary democrats. 4. The struggle between liberal monarchists and the people 4. The struggle between liberal monarchists and the people

19 Task 3 The disputes of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” were conducted around various issues that worried the social thought of Russia. Find the odd one out: The disputes between the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” revolved around various issues that worried the social thought of Russia. Find the odd one out: 1.About the attitude towards the nobility cultural heritage. 1.On the attitude towards the noble cultural heritage. 2.About art, science. 2.About art, science. 3.About the system of human behavior, about moral principles. 3.About the system of human behavior, about moral principles. 4.About the situation of the working class. 4.About the situation of the working class. 5.About public duty, about education. 5.About public duty, about education.

20 Task 4 Giving a general assessment of the political content of “Fathers and Sons,” I. S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against ...” Giving a general assessment of the political content of “Fathers and Sons,” I. S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story the story is directed against..." 1. The proletariat as an advanced class 1. The proletariat as an advanced class 2. The nobility as an advanced class 2. The nobility as an advanced class 3. The peasantry as an advanced class. 3.The peasantry as an advanced class. 4.Revolutionary democrats as the advanced class. 4.Revolutionary democrats as the advanced class.

21 Task 5 1. On what circles of Russian society does E. Bazarov place his hopes: 1. On what circles of Russian society does E. Bazarov place his hopes: 1. The peasantry. 1. Peasantry. 2.Noble aristocracy. 2.Noble aristocracy. 3. Russian patriarchal nobility 3. Russian patriarchal nobility 4. Intelligentsia. 4.Intellectuals.

22 Homework Write down quotes from the novel that explain the attitude of the main characters to love and its place in a person’s life. Write down quotes from the novel that explain the attitude of the main characters to love and its place in a person’s life. Tell us about A. Odintsova. Tell us about A. Odintsova.

summary of other presentations

“The Novel Fathers and Sons of Turgenev” - The main conflict of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is: The critical article “Bazarov” was written by: 1. I.S. Turgenev 2. V.G. Belinsky 3. A.I. Herzen 4. D. I. Pisarev. 1. Democratic revolutionaries 2. Commoners 3. Liberals 4. Monarchists. 1. Sixties 2. Pentecostals 3. Decembrists 4. Eighties. In which circles of Russian society does Evgeny Bazarov place his hopes: People close to Evgeny Bazarov in spirit are called:

“The Poet Nekrasov” - At times the author paints an idyllic picture village life. Nekrasov is a complex, not always exemplary, but deeply humane and original personality. I jumped: the sting hurt! Born on December 10, 1821 in Nemirov, Podolsk province. We both bent down and grabbed it at the same time. child's eye I love the expression, Snake! That's why you were given a wonderful childhood. Chu!

“Goncharov Oblomov” - The role of detail in the work of I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”. Presentation by Murzina Ekaterina 10 “A” class. As soon as the dream collided with reality, the feelings immediately began to collapse. The details can be: shape, color, light, sound, smell, etc. Fatigue, soft features, effeminacy, laziness, apathy. The sofa is a symbol of inactivity, laziness and apathy. Work plan: Interior details. Portrait details. Love.

“Turgenev literature” - First works. Completed by: 10th grade student Svetlana Shishenina. "Notes of a Hunter." Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Notes of a Hunter.” IN student years Turgenev began to write. Polina Viardot. An aspiring writer is looking for his path. Brief biography. Born into the family of Sergei Nikolaevich and Varvara Petrovna Turgenev. 2010 Lyubov Turgeneva.

“Ancient Books of Rus'” - Storming the City. 1980 Expeditions are organized to ancient villages and monasteries in search of interesting finds. But the main “funds” remained at home. Therefore, the work of a scribe in Ancient Rus' They liked to compare it with the work of a bee. Additional information. N. Usachev. Ostromir Gospel 1056-1057. Book printing in Rus' began a little over four centuries ago.

“War and peace lesson” - Moral lessons. The happiness of true friendship Pierre's meeting with Natasha Rostova. The Rostov family. Andrey Bolkonsky. Borodino field. N. human code. Word to the journalists. A man of impeccable morality. || adj. moral, oh, oh. Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov Epilogue, part 1, chapter 10. Pierre Bezukhov on the Borodino field. Natasha Rostova's first ball. Natasha Rostova and Prince Andrei. Russian literature lesson in 10th grade.

1. Which of the novel’s characters said “principles” instead of the word “principles”?

2. What was Bazarov’s father’s profession?

3. Who said: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it...”?

4. To which of the heroes do these words belong: “No,” she finally decided, “God knows where this would lead, you can’t joke about this, calmness is still better than anything in the world...”?

5. Which of the novel’s heroes believes that “love is romanticism, rot and nonsense”?

6. First name and patronymic of Bazarov Jr.

7. His father's first and patronymic name.

8. First name and patronymic of Evgeniy’s mother.

9. What hero are we talking about: “You have neither insolence nor anger, but there is youthful courage and youthful enthusiasm... You are a glorious fellow; but you’re still a soft liberal baric...”?

11. Who was E. Bazarov’s political beliefs?

12. Last name, first name, patronymic of E. Bazarov’s beloved.

13. What is the name of Arkady's younger brother?

14 Why did the duel take place between P. P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov?

15. Which of the heroes said: “Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out...”?

16. Did N.P. Kirsanov get married in the novel? If yes, then on whom?

17. What did E. Bazarov die from?

18. Where does P. P. Kirsanov end his life?

19. Did Arkady get married in the novel? If yes, then on whom?

20. What were they like? last words E. Bazarova?

21. Which science does E. Bazarov consider the most useful for society?

22. What was E. Bazarov proud of when he talked about his ancestors?

23. Where did E. Bazarov meet A. S. Odintsova?

25. Did E. Bazarov’s views change at the end of the work?


1. P. P. Kirsanov

2. Doctor

3. E. Bazarov

4. A. S. Odintsova

5. E. Bazarov

6. Evgeniy Vasilievich

7. Vasily Ivanovich

8. Arina Vlasevna

9. About Arcadia

10. N. P. Kirsanov

11. Nihilist

12. Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

13. Mitya

14. P. P. Kirsanov witnessed how E. Bazarov kissed Fenechka

15. E. Bazarov

16. Married Fenechka

17. For typhus

18. Abroad

19. Married Katya

20. "Now... darkness..."

21. Biology, medicine

22. “My grandfather plowed the land”

23. At the ball

24. Yes, although I did not share his views

25. Yes


Based on the works of I. S. Turgenev

Task 1.

I. S. Turgenev wrote:

1. "Doctor's Notes."

2. "Notes on cuffs."

3. "Notes of a Hunter."

4. "Notes from a Dead House."

Task 2.

“To accurately and powerfully reproduce the truth, the reality of life, is the highest happiness for a writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies.” Who does I. S. Turgenev sympathize with?

12. Democratic revolutionaries.

13. Commoners.

14. Liberals.

15. Monarchists.

Task 3.

A novel is:

A genre of epic in which the main problem is the problem of the individual and which strives for the greatest completeness

depict all the diverse connections of a person with the reality around him, all the complexity of the world and man.

7. The epic genre, on the basis of allegory and simple life examples, explains any complex philosophical, social or ethical problem.

8. The epic genre is based artistic method which contains a description of one small completed event and its author's assessment.

Task 4.

To whom is the dedication of the novel “Fathers and Sons” addressed?

5. A. I. Herzen.

6. V. G. Belinsky.

7. N. A. Nekrasov.

8. To another person.

Task 5.

Epilogue is:

16. A relatively independent part of a literary work in which some event occurs, one of the units of artistic division of the text.

17. An additional element of composition, a part of a literary work that is separated from the main narrative and follows after its completion to provide additional information to the reader.

18. A relatively short text placed by the author before the work and intended to briefly express the main content or ideological meaning the text following it.

Task 6.

The disputes between the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” were conducted around various issues that worried the social thought of Russia. Find the odd one out.

12. On the attitude towards the cultural heritage of the nobility.

13. About art, science.

9. About the system of human behavior, about moral principles.

10. On the situation of the working class.

11. About public duty, about education.

Task 7.

Giving a general assessment of the political content of Fathers and Sons, I. S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against...” (choose the correct one).

1. The proletariat as an advanced class.

2. The nobility as an advanced class.

3. The peasantry as an advanced class.

4. Revolutionary democrats as the advanced class.

Task 8.

Which of the characters in the novel “Fathers and Sons” corresponds to the following characteristics:

1. A representative of the young noble generation, quickly turning into an ordinary landowner, spiritual limitations and weakness of will, superficiality of democratic hobbies, a tendency to eloquence, lordly manners and laziness.

2. An opponent of everything truly democratic, an aristocrat admiring himself, whose life has been reduced to love and regret about the passing past, an esthete.

3. Uselessness and inability to adapt to life, to its new conditions, the type of “outgoing nobility”.

4. Independent nature, not bowing to any authority, nihilist.

· Evgeny Bazarov.

· Arkady Kirsanov.

· Pavel Petrovich.

· Nikolai Petrovich.

Task 9.

Which of the novel's characters owns the words:

“We know approximately why physical illnesses occur, and moral illnesses arise from bad upbringing... from the ugly state of society, in a word, correct society, and there will be no illnesses.”

1. Arkady Kirsanov.

2. N. P. Kirsanov.

3. E. V. Bazarov.

4. P. P. Kirsanov.

Task 10.

Typing is:

1. Image of the general through the individual, i.e. the combination of the characteristic and the individual in a single artistic image.

2. A situation that is frequently repeated or widespread.

3. Literary experience creation of an artistic world accumulated by many generations of authors.

Task 11.

“Bazarov” wrote a critical article:

1. I. S. Turgenev.

2. V. G. Belinsky.

3. A. I. Herzen.

4. D. I. Pisarev.

Task 12.

In which circles of Russian society does E. Bazarov place his hopes:

1. Peasantry.

2. Noble aristocracy.

3. Russian patriarchal nobility.

4. Intelligentsia.

Task 13.

1. Misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement.

2. Nihilistic attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia.

3. Exaggeration of the role of the intelligentsia in the liberation movement.

4. Separation from any practical activities. Task 14.

Match the characters in the novel social status:

3 assignment 15.

People close to Evgeny Bazarov in spirit are called:

1. Sixties.

2. Pentecostals.

4. Eighties.

Task 16.

What moment in the biography of Evgeny Bazarov became a turning point in his awareness of his personality:

1. Love for Odintsova.

2. Breakup with Arkady.

3. Dispute with P.P. Kirsanov.

4. Visiting parents.

Task 17.

Find the correspondence between the characters in the novel and their portrait descriptions.

2. “Long and thin (face), with a wide forehead, a flat upward, pointed downward nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-colored sideburns, it was enlivened by an awkward smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.”

3. “He looked about 45 years old, his short hair gray hair shone with a dark shine, like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually regular and clean, as if drawn with a thin and light chisel, showed traces of remarkable beauty.”

12. Vorontsova.

14. Pavel Petrovich.

15. Evgeny Bazarov.

16. Nikolai Petrovich.

17. Arkady Kirsanov.


8. 1 - Arkady, 2 - P. P. Kirsanov, 3 - N. P. Kirsanov, 4 - E. Bazarov.

14. 1 - Kukshina, 2 - P. P. Kirsanov, 3 - V. I. Bazarov, 4-A. N. Kirsanov, 5 - E. Bazarov.

17. 1 - Katya, 2 - E. Bazarov, 3 - P. P. Kirsanov.

Task 6.

The disputes between the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” were conducted around various issues that worried the social thought of Russia. Find the odd one out.

1. On the attitude towards the cultural heritage of the nobility.

2. About art, science.

3. About the system of human behavior, about moral principles.

4. On the situation of the working class.

5. About public duty, about education.
Task 7.

Giving a general assessment of the political content of Fathers and Sons, I. S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against...” (choose the correct one).

1. The proletariat as an advanced class.

2. The nobility as an advanced class.

3. The peasantry as an advanced class.

4. Revolutionary democrats as the advanced class.

Task 8.

Which of the characters in the novel “Fathers and Sons” corresponds to the following characteristics:

1. A representative of the young noble generation, quickly turning into an ordinary landowner, spiritual limitations and weakness of will, superficiality of democratic hobbies, a tendency to eloquence, lordly manners and laziness.

2. An opponent of everything truly democratic, an aristocrat admiring himself, whose life has been reduced to love and regret about the passing past, an esthete.

3. Uselessness and inability to adapt to life, to its new conditions, the type of “outgoing nobility”.

4. Independent nature, not bowing to any authority, nihilist.

Evgeny Bazarov.

Arkady Kirsanov.

Pavel Petrovich.

Nikolai Petrovich.

Task 9.

Which of the novel's characters owns the words:

“We know approximately why physical illnesses occur, and moral illnesses arise from bad education... from the ugly state of society, in a word, correct society, and there will be no illnesses.”

1. Arkady Kirsanov.

2. N. P. Kirsanov.

3. E. V. Bazarov.

4. P. P. Kirsanov.
Task 10.

Typing is:

1. Image of the general through the individual, i.e. the combination of the characteristic and the individual in a single artistic image.

2. A situation that is frequently repeated or widespread.

3. Literary experience in creating an artistic world, accumulated by many generations of authors.
Task 11.

“Bazarov” wrote a critical article:

1. I. S. Turgenev.

2. V. G. Belinsky.

3. A. I. Herzen.

4. D. I. Pisarev.

Task 12.

In which circles of Russian society does E. Bazarov place his hopes:

1. Peasantry.

2. Noble aristocracy.

3. Russian patriarchal nobility.

4. Intelligentsia.

Task 13.

1. Misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement.

2. Nihilistic attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia.

3. Exaggeration of the role of the intelligentsia in the liberation movement.

4. Separation from any practical activity.

Task 14.

Find the correspondence between the characters in the novel and their social status:

1. "Emancipe". E. Bazarov.

2. Russian aristocrat. Kukshina.

3. Regimental doctor V.I. Bazarov.

4. Baric student. A. N. Kirsanov.

5. Democratic student. P. P. Kirsanov.
Task 15.

People close to Evgeny Bazarov in spirit are called:

1. Sixties.

2. Pentecostals.

4. Eighties.

Task 16

What moment in the biography of Evgeny Bazarov became a turning point in his awareness of his personality:

1. Love for Odintsova.

2. Breakup with Arkady.

3. Dispute with P.P. Kirsanov.

4. Visiting parents.

Task 17.

Find the correspondence between the characters in the novel and their portrait descriptions.

2. “Long and thin (face), with a wide forehead, a flat nose at the top, a pointed nose at the bottom, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-colored sideburns, it was enlivened by an awkward smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.”

3. “He looked about 45 years old, his short-cropped gray hair shone with a dark shine, like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually regular and clean, as if drawn with a thin and light chisel, showed traces of remarkable beauty.”


Pavel Petrovich.

Evgeny Bazarov.

Nikolai Petrovich.

Arkady Kirsanov.

2) 3.
4) 2.
8) 1 - Arkady, 2 - P. P. Kirsanov, 3. - N. P. Kirsanov, 4 - E. Bazarov.
10) 1.
14) 1 - Kukshina, 2 - P. P. Kirsanov, 3 - V. I. Bazarov, 4 - A. N. Kirsanov, 5 - E. Bazarov.
16) 1.

17) 1 - Katya, 2 - E. Bazarov, 3 - P. P. Kirsanov.


based on the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”
1. Which of the novel’s characters said “principles” instead of the word “principles”? ( P. P. Kirsanov.)

2. What was Bazarov’s father’s profession? ( Doctor.)

3. Who said: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it...”? ( E. Bazarov.)

4. To which of the heroes do these words belong: “No,” she finally decided, “God knows where this would lead, you can’t joke about this, calmness is still better than anything in the world...”? ( A. S. Odintsova.)

5. Which of the novel’s heroes believes that “love is romanticism, rot and nonsense”? ( E. Bazarov.)

6. First name and patronymic of Bazarov Jr. ( Evgeniy Vasilievich.)

7. His father's first and patronymic name. ( Vasily Ivanovich.)

8. First name and patronymic of Evgeniy’s mother. ( Arina Vlasevna.)

9. What hero are we talking about: “You have neither insolence nor anger, but there is youthful courage and youthful enthusiasm... You are a glorious fellow; but you’re still a soft liberal baric...”? ( About Arcadia.)

11. Who was E. Bazarov’s political beliefs? ( Nihilism.)

12. Last name, first name, patronymic of E. Bazarov’s beloved. ( Anna Sergeevna Odintsova.)

13. What is the name of Arkady’s younger brother? ( Mitya.)

14. Why did the duel take place between P. P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov? ( P. P. Kirsanov witnessed how E. Bazarov kissed Fenechka.)

15. Which of the heroes said: “Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out...”? ( E. Bazarov.)

16. Did N.P. Kirsanov get married in the novel? If yes, then on whom? ( Married Fenechka.)

17. What did E. Bazarov die from? ( For typhus.)

18. Where does P. P. Kirsanov end his life? ( Abroad.)

19. Did Arkady get married in the novel? If yes, then on whom? ( Married Katya.)

20. What were the last words of E. Bazarov? (“Now... darkness...”)

21. Which science does E. Bazarov consider the most useful for society? (Biology, medicine.)

22. What was E. Bazarov proud of when he talked about his ancestors? (“My grandfather plowed the land.”)

23. Where did E. Bazarov meet A. S. Odintsova? ( At the ball.)

25. Did E. Bazarov’s views change at the end of the work? ( Yes.)


1. What is the name of the main character of the novel? ( Ilya Ilyich.)

2. How old is the main character? ( 32-33 .)

3. What class does he belong to? main character? (Nobleman.)

4. Does Oblomov have an estate? If so, what is it called? ( Oblomovka.)

5. The main character’s eyes were: a) blue; b) dark gray; c) brown? ( Dark gray.)

6. Give the name of one of Oblomov’s guests. ( Tarantyev, Alekseev, Volkov, Penkin, Sudbinsky.)

7. Who in the novel is the antithesis of Oblomov? ( Stolz.)

8. What is his nationality? ( German.)

9. What eye disease haunted Oblomov? ( Barley.)

10. What thing became Oblomov’s faithful companion? ( Robe.)

11. Whose portrait: “He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, ... his complexion is even, ... his eyes, although a little greenish, are expressive...?” ( Stolz.)

12. What was the name of Oblomov’s servant? ( Zakhar.)

13. On what street did Oblomov live? ( Gorokhovaya.)

14. About whom it is said: “...his body, judging by its matte finish, is too white color neck, small plump arms, soft shoulders, seemed too effeminate for a man”? ( Oblomov.)

15. Whose portrait: “... old man, in a gray frock coat, with a hole under the arm from which a tuft of shirt was sticking out, in a gray vest with copper buttons, with a skull as bare as a knee and with immensely wide and thick, blond and gray sideburns..."? ( Zakhar.)


with a creative task

based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”
Where are we? To what blessed corner of the earth did Oblomov’s dream take us? What a wonderful land!

No, really, there are seas there, no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy...

The sky there, on the contrary, seems to be pressing closer to the earth, but not in order to throw arrows more powerfully, but perhaps only to hug it tighter, with love: it spreads out so low above your head, like a parent’s reliable roof, to protect, it seems , a chosen corner from all adversity.

The sun shines brightly and hotly there for about six months and then does not suddenly leave there, as if reluctantly, as if it were turning back to look once or twice at its favorite place and give it a clear, warm day in the fall, amidst bad weather.

The mountains there seem to be just models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere that terrify the imagination. This is a series of gentle hills, from which it is pleasant to ride, frolicking, on your back, or, sitting on them, look thoughtfully at the setting sun.

The river runs merrily, frolicking and playing; It either spills into a wide pond, then rushes like a quick thread, or becomes quiet, as if lost in thought, and crawls a little over the pebbles, releasing playful streams on the sides, under the murmur of which it sweetly dozes.

The entire corner of fifteen or twenty miles around was a row picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes. Sandy and sloping banks of a bright river, small bushes creeping up from a hill to the water, a curved ravine with a stream at the bottom and birch grove- everything seemed to be deliberately tidied up one by one and masterfully drawn.

A heart exhausted by unrest or completely unfamiliar with it asks to hide in this corner forgotten by everyone and live in happiness unknown to anyone. Everything there promises a peaceful, long-lasting life until the hair turns yellow, and an imperceptible death, like a dream...

Happy people lived thinking that it shouldn’t and couldn’t be any other way, confident that everyone else lived exactly the same way and that living differently was a sin.

They wouldn’t even believe it if they were told that others plow, sow, reap, and sell differently. What passions and worries could they have?

They, like all people, had worries and weaknesses, contributions of taxes or rent, laziness and sleep; but all this cost them cheap, without worrying about blood.

In the last five years, out of several hundred souls, not one has died, let alone a violent, or even a natural death.

And if someone, due to old age, or from some long-standing illness, fell into eternal sleep, then for a long time after that they could not marvel at such an extraordinary event...

Assignment: why did the author place the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” in the text of the novel?


based on the story by N. S. Leskov

"The Enchanted Wanderer"
1. Name the last name, first name, patronymic of the main character of the work. (Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin.)

2. His nickname. ( Golovan.)

3. What is a “son of prayer”? (His mother had no children and begged him from God, for which she promised to give him to the church.)

4. How did the main character of the story treat the daughter of one master from the “English” disease? (I buried her in hot sand.)

5. What event predetermined the whole future fate hero? (Accident with the monk.)

6. What is “against”? (The men sat opposite each other and took turns whipping each other; the one who did not fall won - a solution controversial issue when other means have been exhausted.)

7. What does the word “repairer” mean? ( Groom.)

8. What were the names of the main character’s Tatar wives? ( Natasha.)

9. What were the names of his children? ( Kolka.)

10. What did the Tatars do to prevent the main character from escaping? ( Bristled or.)

11. What did the main character do while captured by the Tatars? (He treated them.)

12. What did the prince, for whom Flyagin worked as a coneser, call the main character? (Honorable.)

13. The name of the gypsy woman whom the main character fell in love with . (Pear.)

14. What happened to her? (She died; Flyagin pushed her off the cliff.)

15. What is the position of the story? (Ring.)

17. Is the main character a specific image or a collective one? (Collective.)

19. Is this work the embodiment of the Slavophile views of N. S. Leskov or not? (Yes.)

20. Which animal did Golovan especially love? (Horses, pigeons.)


based on the works of N. A. Nekrasov
Task 1.

Who do you think this statement belonged to:

“A comparison is poetry, a picture is poetry, an event can be poetic, nature is poetry, and thought is always prose, as the fruit of analysis, study, cold reflection - but does it follow from this that poetry should do without thought? The fact is that this thought is prose and at the same time strength, life, without which, in fact, there is no true poetry.”

1. N. A. Nekrasov.

2. V. G. Belinsky.

3. A. S. Pushkin.

4. A. S. Griboyedov.
Task 2.

Lyrics are:

1. One of the main types of literature, in which the artistic world of a literary work reflects the inner experiences of the lyrical hero.

2. The narrator’s emotional perception of what is being described.

3. Special property literary works, which consists in the fact that the author reproduces in their art world national ideals.
Task 3.

Determine which motives of the poet’s lyrics the following poems by N. A. Nekrasov belong to:

1. “On the Road”, “Motherland”, “In an unknown wilderness, in a semi-wild village”.

2. “Gardener”, “Peasant Children”, “Uncompressed Strip”.

3. “Yesterday, around six o’clock.”

4. “I don’t like your irony.”

5. “Poet and Citizen,” “Reflections at the Front Entrance.”

A) Peasant theme; b) the theme of the Motherland; c) the image of the Muse; d) civil lyrics; e) love lyrics.

Task 4.

Can N. A. Nekrasov be called a real figure in the revolutionary democratic movement?

2. No.
Task 5.

To which Russian poet did the words belong?

1. “I am not a poet, but a citizen.”

2. “So you may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.”

a) N. A. Nekrasov; b) K. F. Ryleev.

Task 6.

Which poem by N. A. Nekrasov is a passionate revolutionary appeal to a new generation of democratic youth?

1. “Song to Eremushka.”

2. “Reflections at the Main Entrance.”

3. "Silence."
Task 7.

To which of the critics of the revolutionary-democratic trend are these lines dedicated:

You were harsh, you were in your younger years

He knew how to subordinate passion to reason.

You taught me to live for glory, for freedom,

But did you teach us how to die?

1. V. G. Belinsky.

2. N. A. Dobrolyubov.

3. N. G. Chernyshevsky.
Task 8.

Nationality is:

1. A special property of literary works, which lies in the fact that the author reproduces his era, national ideals, and the life of the people in their artistic world; a sign of national recognition of the writer.

2. Manifestation in fiction national literary tradition.

3. The totality of oral works folk art oriented towards a national ideal; inclusion of folk art traditions in literature.
Task 9.

In which of his works does Nekrasov glorify the “type of majestic Slavic woman”?

1. “Frost, Red Nose.”

2. "Peddlers."

3. "Russian women."

4. “Who lives well in Rus'.”

Task 10.

Who does N.A. Nekrasov consider happy in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”?

2. Grisha Dobrosklonova.

3. Men.

4. Butt.

5. Drunk.
Task 11.

A. Ya. Panaeva wrote in her memoirs: “I got up early and, going to the window, became interested in the peasants sitting on the steps of the front entrance stairs in the house where the Minister of State Property lived. It was deep autumn, the morning was cold and rainy... The doorman, sweeping the stairs, chased them away, they took cover behind the ledge of the entrance and shifted from foot to foot, huddled against the wall and getting wet in the rain.” In which poem by N. A. Nekrasov was this life episode reflected?

1. “On the Volga”.

2. “Don’t cry so madly over him.”

3. “Reflections at the Main Entrance.”

4. “In memory of Dobrolyubov.”

Task 12.

N. A. Nekrasov in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” presented a kind of people’s lover of truth, a peasant righteous man. Who is this?

1. Grisha Dobrosklonov.

2. Yakim Nagoy.

3. Ermil Girin.

4. Matrena Timofeevna.

Task 13.

To whom are these lines of N. A. Nekrasov addressed:

Fate had in store for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

People's Defender,

Consumption and Siberia?

1. Ermil Girin.

2. Grisha Dobrosklonov.

3. Yakim Nagoy.

4. Grandfather Savely.

Task 14.

Poetics is:

1. Genre of folklore, artistic embodiment grief for a lost person or connection with an event.

2. A system of artistic means and techniques, the appearance of which is determined by certain ideological and thematic objectives of the work or the writer’s intention and is characteristic of the analyzed genre or manner of the writer.

3. Part of the vocabulary, words and phrases inherent in oral folk speech and used in fiction to create speech characteristics heroes.
Task 15.

N. A. Nekrasov widely uses folklore elements poetics. Find relevant literary terms, definitions for the examples given. Define artistic media which the poet uses.

1. “It is not the wild winds that blow, it is not mother earth that sways - the people make noise, sing, swear, sway, roll, fight and kiss at the holiday.”

2. “I won’t put an apple in my mouth until the Savior.”

3. “Black shadows”, “gray wolves”, “cheese-earth is a nurse”, “black clouds”, “red girl”.

4. “Not in the eyebrow, but straight in the eye.”

A) Constant epithets; b) folk signs; c) parallelisms; d) proverbs and sayings.
Task 16.

Underline the metaphors the poet uses in the poem.

They walk as if they are being chased

Behind them are gray wolves,

What's next is quick.

And like calfs' heads,

Swinging, dangling

Victory heads

Asleep men.
Task 17.

The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” reveals:

1. Social satire.

2. Cheerful and cheerful humor.

3. People's tragedy.

4. Political sarcasm.

Task 18.

Which of the following passages gives the definition of Nekrasov's Muse?

1. “The harmony of our muses and maidens is warmed with sadness, but I like their plaintive melody.”

2. “Muse of revenge and sorrow.”

Task 19.

Each of the poets repeatedly returns to the time of childhood. Determine which of the following poems belongs to the pen of N. A. Nekrasov:

1. So, I saw you again,

Unpleasant places, although dear,

Where I thought and felt for the first time

And where now with foggy eyes

In the snow of the evening

My childhood looks at me.

2. Where am I destined to see God’s light,

Where did I learn to endure and hate,

But hatred is shamefully hidden in my soul,

Where I sometimes visited as a landowner.

Where from my soul, prematurely corrupted,

So early the blessed peace departed,

But not childish desires and worries

A languid fire burned my heart until its end.

Task 20.

The monument to N. A. Nekrasov was erected in the city:

1. Moscow.

2. Kyiv.

3. Nemirov.

4. Abroad (Italy).

2) 1.

3) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - d, 5 - d.

5) 1 - b, 2 - a.

6) 1.
8) 1.
10) 5.
12) 3.
14) 2.

15) 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - d.

18) 2.
20) 3.


based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”
Assignment: use the description of the clothes to identify the hero of the novel.

1. He was dressed so poorly that others... would have been ashamed to go out into the street in such rags during the day... His hat was tall, round, Zimmerman's, but it was already worn out, completely red, all with holes and stains.


2. Around her thin and long neck, similar to a chicken leg, there was some kind of flannel rag wrapped around her, and on her shoulders, despite the heat, all the frayed and yellowed fur was dangling.

(Alena Ivanovna.)

3. She was also in rags; her outfit was a penny one, but decorated in a street style... She was wearing a silk dress bought from fourth hands colored dress, ...ambrela, a funny round straw hat with a bright fiery feather.

(Sonya Marmeladova.)

4. He was dressed in an old, completely tattered black tailcoat, with crumbling buttons. Only one was still holding on somehow, and it was on this that he fastened the buttons, apparently wanting to remain in good graces. A shirt-front was sticking out from under his nankeen vest, all crumpled, dirty and stained... On his dress and even in his hair, sticking blades of hay could be seen here and there.


5. His whole dress was just from the tailor... A brand new, smart round hat... A lovely pair of lilac, real Zhurenev gloves... The predominant colors in his clothes were light and youthful... He was wearing a nice summer jacket of light brown shade, light light trousers, the same vest.


6. He was dressed in a wide, smart, light coat, light summer trousers, and in general everything on him was wide, smart and brand new; The linen is immaculate, the watch chain is massive.


7. ...With rings, with chains, in a smart vest and in a somewhat shabby frock coat and stale linen.


8. ...In her old dress, in a draped shawl and in a broken straw hat, knocked down in an ugly lump on the side, she was truly in a real frenzy.

(Katerina Ivanovna.)