Games for older people. We choose the best. Outdoor games for children with disabilities (Disabled health)

Festival of folk games. Scenario

Author: Smailis Galina Nikolaevna, physical education instructor, State Autonomous Institution KO YUPNI, Department of Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities, Yurga, Kemerovo Region.
Description of material: Folk games contribute to the development of physical and mental abilities, education of conscious discipline, will, teach children to be honest and truthful. This material intended for instructors and physical education teachers.
Target: popularization of folk games among children with disabilities.
1. To form children’s understanding of Russian folk games.
2. B game form develop physical qualities.
3. Foster honesty, perseverance, and mutual assistance.

Celebration progress:

Leading. Hello, dear guests!
Hello, good fellows and beautiful maidens,
That they came to us for a holiday to play and have fun
Yes, show strength and valiant prowess!
Welcome, dear guests! Have a seat! Have fun and joy! We've been waiting for you for a long time, we won't start the holiday without you. We have invited you to a festival of games and fun for every taste. People are gathering! The holiday begins. And you will play Russian, folk, playful and round dance games. Folk games... There are so many of them: with a ball and balls, with sticks and ropes, with forfeits and pebbles, with words and riddles, home and round dances, winter and summer. For a person, a century and a half is a lot, but for a game it’s like a day. They have been preserved intact, probably because people do not invent anything for the sake of simple fun, but always with meaning, for benefit.
What could be easier than running?
Well, what to study here?
A person has legs
They seem to be running away
Yes, of course, you can just
Somehow, a little bit to run
And beautifully, together, quickly, we need to run like a “snake”
Game "Snake"(Russian folk game). All children take each other's hands, forming a human chain. The directing player becomes the leader. While running, the leader must change direction several times (run around the posts, overcome an obstacle) and return to his place. Players should not disengage and repeat all movements after the leader.
Game "At Uncle Tryphon's"
Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant the words:
At Uncle Tryphon's
There were seven children
Seven sons:
They didn't drink, didn't eat,
They looked at each other.
At once they did as I did!
At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best becomes the leader.
Rules of the game. When repeating the game, children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.
Presenter: Since ancient times in Rus'
Towns were held.
Threw the bat, look
The towns scattered.
Game "Towns". Players stand behind the control line. One at a time, the teams go to the line, throw bats, and try to knock down the towns.
Game "Silence"
Chock, chock, fist,
Teeth on a hook
The tongue on the shelf is silent.
Game "Carousel"
At the instructor’s signal, the children say loudly:
“Barely, barely, barely.
The carousels are spinning
And then around, around
Everybody run, run, run.”
In accordance with the text, children walk in a circle, first slowly, and then gradually speed up their movements. After the children have run two circles, they gradually switch to walking, saying:
“Hush, hush, don’t rush!
Stop the carousel!
One-two, one-two!
The game is over!”
The movement of the carousel slows down, the children lower their hands and squat down.
Game "Tsapki" The leader puts his hand palm down, the other participants put their index fingers to his palm: “There were hares on the mountain and shouted: “Hide your fingers!” - the one who does not have time to remove his fingers is eliminated from the games
Game “Where there is work, there is food.”
There are spoons on chairs arranged in a circle. There are more players than chairs. To the music, children run around the chairs; when the music ends, everyone must take a spoon from the chair. Whoever did not have time to take a spoon and take a chair is out of the game.
Game "Stream"
Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers knew and loved this game, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood that is cheerful and cheerful.
The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. The clasped hands create a long corridor. The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream.” And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the “trickle” moves - the more participants, the more fun game, especially fun to do while listening to music. Not a single holiday in the old days was complete among young people without this game.
Host: And you will treasure them in the future!
After all, games like us to be honest,
Be kind and value friendship.
They develop dexterity and ingenuity,
Strength and will are tempered in us.
Life is more interesting, more fun with games,
May your childhood be more joyful.

State educational institution Irkutsk region"Special (correctional) boarding school No. 33 in Bratsk"

Corrective and developmental mobile

games for children with disabilities

physical education teacher

Okoryak E.V.

Corrective and developmental mobile

games for children with disabilities

Game is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of humans. A game can be a means of self-knowledge, entertainment, recreation, a means of physical and general social education, and a means of sports. Games are a treasure trove human culture. Their variety is enormous. They reflect all areas of material and spiritual creativity people. Naturally, many branches of knowledge have been and are engaged in the study of games: history, ethnography, anthropology, pedagogy, theory and methodology physical education etc.

Outdoor games have health, educational and educational significance.

Purposeful emotional play load has a stimulating effect on the body of a mentally retarded child and, more than other means, corresponds to the satisfaction of the natural need for movement. Outdoor play not only counteracts hypokinesia, but also helps restore lost health, strengthen all body functions, and develop physical abilities.

Outdoor games use familiar and accessible types of natural movements: walking, running, climbing, climbing, jumping, exercises with a ball; they do not involve complex techniques and tactics, and the rules can always be changed according to the physical and intellectual capabilities of the child. The desire to play is the main stimulus that encourages a child to play. It is noticed that

During the game, children willingly and with interest do things that seem uninteresting and difficult outside the game, so mental and emotional problems are more easily overcome in the game.

The special value of outdoor games for children with mental retardation lies in the possibility of simultaneous impact on the motor and mental spheres. The rapid change of game situations places increased demands on the mobility of nervous processes, speed of reaction and non-standard actions. Games force you to think more economically, react to the actions of your partners, and adapt to the situation. A playing child has to choose and perform from many operations one that, in his opinion, can bring success. The more diverse information enters the brain, the more intensely mental processes are activated. That is why, with the help of games, a child with mental retardation develops perception, thinking, attention, imagination, memory, motor skills, speech, increasing mental activity, and, consequently, cognitive activity in general.

This effect is achieved due to the semi-functionality of outdoor games, when the correction of motor disorders (spatial orientation, accuracy, rhythm, coordination of movements, balance, etc.) initiates active activity of the brain, intact analyzers, mental functions, and autonomic systems that provide movement. This relationship is especially clearly manifested in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections, when purposeful motor actions, organized in the form of game compositions, relay races, role-playing and simulation games performed to the accompaniment of poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, with the solution of the simplest mathematical problems

dachas, facilitate the assimilation of counting, concepts of quantity, shape, size, direction, amplitude; activate speech activity, correct sound pronunciation; enrich vocabulary, develop memory, attention, motor skills of small muscles of the hands.

It is known that mentally retarded children lag behind in the development of spiritual interests and needs. Therefore, the play activity itself, which arouses interest in children and contains the necessary components of personality development, is a means spiritual development. In the game, relationships between children are formed, habits and rules of behavior are developed. Children get to know each other more, interact with each other, experience simple game situations, show independence, imitate, rejoice, fantasize, i.e. in the game there is active formation personality of great social significance. When selecting outdoor games, it is important to take into account the emotional state, character, and behavior of children. The condition of a mentally retarded child is unstable. Emotional stress and fatigue can cause internal discomfort, which is often expressed in behavioral disturbances, whims, quarrels, and fights. Sometimes they can cause the opposite reaction: passivity, reluctance to make contact. You can overcome emotional stress with the help of outdoor games.

When preparing for outdoor games, the teacher should consider the following points:

Outdoor games offer options for increasing complexity, but the process of saturation with motor actions should be carried out gradually as simple forms of movements are mastered;

During the game, it is necessary to stimulate cognitive activity, activate mental processes, creativity and imagination of the child.

Preparation for an outdoor game begins with its selection. It is important to take into account the composition of the group, age, medical indications, number of participants, conditions, place and form of the game. For example, morning exercises can be performed to music in the form of game simulation exercises, each of which has its own name: “Horse”, “Strong Men”, “Birch”, “Spring”, etc. Outdoor games on the water must be accompanied by good weather conditions and absolute safety. When conducting sports festival its script must be drawn up in advance with a description of the content and sequence of outdoor games, relay races, obstacle courses, sports games included in the program, with the appointment of those responsible for conducting each game.

The choice of games and the methodology for conducting them are dictated primarily by the degree of limitation of the child’s mobility, his physical and mental capabilities. In this case, the true age corresponding to the child’s current level of development is taken into account.

Organization of children in the game is an important condition for its success. Games are interesting if the teams are equal in strength. This difficult task for the leader, since the game, as a rule, involves children with different motor abilities and of different ages. You should focus on the individual capabilities of each child, taking into account his personal desire to join a particular team.

The success of the game largely depends on how well the children understand its content and rules. The presenter gives a brief figurative explanation of the plot, supplemented by a demonstration, when the players are already divided into teams and are in the starting position (in a circle, in columns, etc.). The leader takes a place not in the center of the circle, but among the players or on a raised platform so that everyone can see and hear him.

Any game is preceded by an explanation, which is given in the following sequence:

    game name;

    the roles of the players and their location on the playground;

    rules and course of the game;

    determination of the winner.

Screams, joy, freedom of expression of feelings, encouragement of fans, general noise - a natural accompaniment of an outdoor game. At the end of it, children also emotionally accept their victory or defeat. It is very important for the leader to give fair assessment to all participants. Bias always causes negative emotions and even resentment.

You need to finish the game in a timely manner. Delaying it may lead to loss of interest in children. A sudden stop is also undesirable. After the end of the game, the winners are announced, the best can be appointed to the role of captain, driver or assistant referee in the next game. At the same time, it is necessary to note individual successes and those who lost, which encourages them to further participate in the games.

One of important tasks game manager - dosing the load. Due to the high emotional intensity of the game, children cannot always control their state, which can result in overexcitation or fatigue, the symptoms of which are frequent violation of the rules by the players, their inattention, passivity, imprecise movements, and rapid breathing. In such cases, it is necessary to either reduce the load or remove the child from the game, and if necessary, provide first aid and consult a doctor.

You can adjust the load during the game in various ways: reducing the duration of the game, introducing rest breaks, changing the number of players, reducing the playing field, changing the rules, changing the roles of the players, switching to another game.

Thus, in the organization and methodology of conducting outdoor games, a number of successive stages of preparation can be distinguished.

Game selection. It depends on the correction tasks and age characteristics children, their level of preparedness and the number of participants. When choosing a game, weather conditions, location, availability of assistants and the desires of the children themselves are also taken into account.

Preparing the place for the game. The first step is to take precautions and clean the play area. It is better to choose a clearing or lawn with short grass for the game. If games are held in the forest, on rough terrain or on water, you should familiarize yourself with the territory in advance and outline the boundaries.

Inventory preparation . Inventory needs to be thought through

and prepare in advance. Flags, ribbons, and balls should be colorful and visible. Any devices or tools for giving sound signals must be prepared in a timely manner: bells, whistles, bells, sounded balls (with a bell placed inside), etc. for blind and visually impaired children. Even cones, pebbles, acorns, and shells can be used for games and relay races.

Site marking. Many games are played on sports fields. If marking takes a lot of time, it is better to do it before the start of the game. The boundaries should be clearly defined; you can use them as delimiters. colored paper, garlands, ropes. The boundary line is drawn no closer than three meters from obstacles: walls, trees, stumps, etc.

Arrangement of players . Before starting the game, it is necessary to indicate the starting position to the players so that they can clearly see and hear the leader, who should not be in the center of the circle, since in this case half of the players will be behind him. When explaining, you need to make sure that the children do not stand facing the sun - they will not see the presenter well.

Explanation of the rules and gameplay . The definition of the roles played and their location, as well as the content and rules of the game should be figurative, understandable, logical and consistent. Depending on the plot, it can be presented in a fascinating fairy-tale form. In games with children with visual, hearing, and intellectual impairments, the explanation is accompanied by a demonstration of all movements with a preliminary trial playback, since misunderstanding of the rules can negatively affect the perception of the game.

Appointment of drivers. Fulfilling the duties of a driver has a serious educational impact on the child. Therefore, it is desirable that as many children as possible play this role. You can assign drivers in different ways: choose according to the wishes of the children, by lot, identify those willing, etc. The listed methods should be alternated depending on the task, external conditions, the nature of the game, the number of players and their mood.

Distribution by teams. Organizing a team game or relay race with elements of competition requires dividing into teams of approximately equal strength. It is especially important to do this if children with various motor defects participate in the game. The composition of the teams in each game may change, but the wishes of the children themselves must be taken into account.

Judging . Objective and accurate judging has special meaning in games with division into teams (relay races, transitional to sports and sports), where rivalry is clearly evident and each team is interested in winning. The judge takes convenient place, so as to see all the participants without disturbing them. In case of violations of the rules of the game, he intervenes in a timely manner. The results of the game depend on the objectivity of the refereeing.

Load dosage . Depending on the age, the main defect, the psychophysical state of the children and the objectives of the game, the load in games can be insignificant, moderate, tonic or developmental (training). The individual impact of the game can be easily determined by heart rate, and the load can be adjusted by playing time, decreasing or increasing the general mobility of the participants, including rest intervals, the total number of games in one session, alternating them, etc.

Game over. The game stops as soon as the players show the first signs of fatigue and interest wanes. The presenter must constantly monitor the condition of the players in order to respond to any changes in a timely manner. The duration of the game also depends on its nature, conditions and composition of the players. Since fatigue does not occur simultaneously among players, it is quite possible for tired players to end the game early.

Summing up. Many games and game tasks are not competitive in nature, so summing up is an analysis of both the game as a whole and the success of each child. When announcing the results of the game, it is given brief analysis,error analysis. Children are also involved in such analysis; this contributes to the development of observation, clarification of the rules of the game, and teaches them to comprehend actions and conscious discipline.

Quality of organization and conduct of the game- from choice to its completion - depends on psychological readiness adult to this activity, his pedagogical knowledge, experience and ability to communicate with children.

If the leader (teacher, counselor, volunteer) is just starting his teaching career, then the content and rules of the organization new game he should write it down on a card in advance, which will allow him to better remember the game and feel confident in playing it, especially if the game has recitatives. All poems, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, and riddles must be well learned.

But one of the main tasks of the leader is to be able to enter the children's team, find the key to the heart of each child, and get used to the sphere of play activities. Sometimes he can come into play himself. This is important in cases where it is necessary to establish contact or show an example of playing ability. Such participation instills confidence in the teacher, who can enter into children's world games, remaining a fair and authoritative judge.

Sincerity and goodwill, cheerfulness and openness, empathy and the ability to help, to notice successes - these are the qualities that attract children, arouse their sympathy and respect for adults, and sometimes are the main motive for participating in the game.


"Repeat, don't make a mistake"

Target: development of attention, reaction speed; accumulation of quantity and clarification of the meaning of words denoting action.

Instructions. The children stand half-steep. The presenter performs slowly simple movements hands (forward, up, to the sides, down). Children must perform the same movements as the leader. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated. The last one standing wins.


    Simple movements can be replaced with more complex ones, including movements of the legs and torso, asymmetrical movements (right hand up, left hand forward), etc.

    The presenter, at the same time as showing the movement, calls the name of one of the players, who must repeat this movement, and the rest of the players watch. The presenter pronounces the movement (hands up), and at this moment performs another action (hands down). Children owe We perform the movement as shown by the leader, not paying attention to his knocking commands.

4. For each movement, the presenter calls a word (for example, pen, airplane, ball, sparrow, etc.). Children should perform only those movements that are accompanied by the names of a flying object (sparrow, airplane).

Methodical instructions. During the game, the leader needs to ensure that all children see him equally well.

"What's Missing"

Target: activation of mental processes: perception, attention, memory.

The optimal number of players is 5-10.

Inventory: several items (toys, skittles, hoops, jump rope, etc.).

Instructions. On the playground, the leader lays out 4-5 items. Children look at objects for one minute, trying to remember them. Then, on command, the children stand with their backs to the playground, and the leader at this time removes one of the objects. Children turn and name the missing item. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.


    Increase the number of items

    Reduce the time it takes to memorize items.

    Remove two items.

Methodical instructions. For the game, you should select items that are familiar to children.

"Get to know a friend"

Target: development of tactile sensations, auditory attention, memory, and the ability to navigate in space.

Number of players 8-12.

Inventory: blindfolds.

Instructions. One half of the children are blindfolded and given the opportunity to walk around the playground. Next, they are invited, without removing the bandage, to find and get to know each other. You can recognize it with your hands - by feeling your hair and clothes. Then, when a friend is recognized, the players change roles.

Option: If the player cannot recognize another child by touch, you can suggest trying to recognize him by his voice.

Guidelines. Care should be taken to ensure that the play area is completely level, otherwise blindfolded children will feel insecure.


Target: activation of speech activity, expansion of vocabulary and concepts on the topic “animals”, development of skills in imitation of sounds and movements.

Number of players - 8-15.

Inventory: hoop or chalk.

Instructions. Children choose the role of an animal. For the youngest children, roles are assigned by the teacher. Each “beast” sits in its own “cage” - in a hoop or circle drawn on the floor (ground). There may be several animals in the cage - monkeys, hares, geese, etc.

Unoccupied children stand behind the teacher, put their hands on the belt of the person in front, that is, they get on the “train” and “go for a walk to the zoo.” Approaching the “cage,” the teacher asks: “What animal lives in this cage?” The “animals” sitting there must show with their movements, facial expressions, sounds who they are portraying, and the visiting tourists guess the animals. And so - from cell to cell. Children who depict animals most successfully are encouraged. Then the excursionists and former “animals,” together with the teacher, taking each other by the belt and raising their knees high, pretend to be a train and go home.

Option: On the way home the children sing a song:

Here our train is moving, the locomotive is humming. He took the boys far, far away. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

But then the stop, the children stop, saying “sh-sh-sh”, lower their hands and calmly walk (run) while the train stops, pick flowers in the clearing (bend over, squat). At the signal, everyone runs, so as not to miss the train, and stands in a column, again imitating carriages: they walk, raising their knees high, and sing a verse.

Methodical instructions. This game can be repeated 2-3 times.

"Shaggy Dog"

Target: activation of speech activity, development of memory and reaction speed, formation of the ability to imitate animals (dog).

Instructions. A “dog” is chosen from among the players. He sits on the side. Other children slowly walk towards him, saying:

Here is a shaggy dog ​​sitting with his nose buried in his paws. Quietly, peacefully he sits, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up and see what will happen?

The children quietly come up and clap their hands. The “dog” jumps up, growls, barks and catches the children. The caught player becomes the leading "dog".

Methodical instructions. This game is very intense, so care must be taken to ensure that children do not become overexcited.

“Touch to...”

Target: formation in the child of ideas about color, shape, size and other properties of objects, development of reaction speed.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. All players are dressed differently. The presenter shouts: “Touch... the blue one!” Players must instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the clothes of the participants in the game and touch this color. The colors change every time, and whoever did not have time to react in time becomes the leader.


    You can name not only colors, but also shapes or sizes of objects. For example, “Touch... round”, “Touch... small!”

    It is also possible to complicate the command by combining colors and shapes, etc., for example, “Touch... the red square!”

    Children can “look for answers” ​​not only in clothes, but also among toys and equipment.

Methodical instructions. The leader should give the children only those tasks that are actually feasible, that is, the objects should be in the field of view of the players.

"Building numbers"

Target: development of elementary mathematical concepts, ability to navigate in space, organization.

The number of players can be any.

Instructions. The players move freely around the clearing or playground. The presenter explains: “I will count to 10, and during this time you must line up all together in the number 1 (2, 3, 4, etc.).” Children complete the task.


1. Children are located according to numbers drawn in advance on the floor.

    If children complete the task quickly, you can count faster, thus reducing construction time.

    Leader of the task: “While I count to 10, you will do addition (subtraction) in your mind and all together build a number- answer. For example: 1+1,2- 1". Children must build the numbers 2, 1.

Methodical instructions. The first game should be done as a test, explaining and showing in detail all the actions.

"Find the letter"

Target: learning letters, syllables, words; development of reaction speed and memory in children.

Number of players 8- 10.

Inventory: two stands with hooks, cards with loops depicting letters of the alphabet.

Instructions. Children are divided into two teams. At the leader’s signal, the first players of each team run up to the stand, at the bottom of which there are “letters”. Choose the first letter of the alphabet - A - and hang it on the stand. Then they run back to their team. The second players do the same, but post the second letter of the alphabet - B - etc. The team that finishes the relay first and makes fewer mistakes wins.


    Instead of running, you can perform some other tasks.

    At the beginning of the relay, each team is given a set of letters (for example, d, a, w, I). The children, having consulted, together must form a word from the letters received, distribute the letters among themselves and line up. When both teams are ready, the relay begins. Each team must display their word on the stand.


    Each of the proposed game options should be aimed at the age for which the game is available.

    In the first option, when playing with building the alphabet, help from children and the leader is possible. Everyone pronounces the next letter out loud in chorus, and the player must her find.

"The Cat and the Sparrows"

Target: development of reaction speed, balance, and children’s ability to imitate. Number of players 6-14.

Inventory: movable support (log), hoop.

Number of players 10-15.

Instructions. Two players - “fishermen” - take each other’s hands, forming a “net”. All the rest are “fish”. “Fishermen” catch “fish” with a “net”. The caught children join hands with the “fishermen”, increasing the “net”. The game continues until there are two uncaught fish left. They are the winners.

Instructions. On one side of the playground, children stand on a log. These are “sparrows” on “perches”. The player “cat” sits to the side. He's sleeping. The presenter says: “Sparrows, fly!” The sparrows jump from their perches and, spreading their wings and chirping (chiv-chiv-chiv), scatter in all directions. At the signal “The cat is coming!” The "cat", meowing, catches the "sparrows". You can only escape from the “cat” by jumping onto your perch. The “sparrow” who never fell into the clutches of the “cat” wins.


    Instead of a log, you can use a hoop, standing in it on one leg.

    “Sparrows” can not just fly around the site, but “swim” or “peck crumbs” in pre-marked places located very close to the sleeping “cat”.


    The game should be repeated several times. The most dexterous and fastest “sparrow” becomes the “cat” (driver).

    This game is especially loved by preschoolers and elementary school children.


Target: improving coordination of movements, developing the ability to carry out joint actions with a partner, developing accuracy of movements Option : the same game, but with a recitative that the “fishermen” say before they start catching the “fish”:

The fish swims in the water, the fish has fun playing. Little fish, mischievous little fish, We want to catch you.

During the recitative, the “fish” swim, performing various smooth movements with their hands. After the words “We want to catch you,” the “fish” scatter across the clearing, and the “fishermen” catch them.


    You cannot catch with a “torn net”, that is, unclasp your hands.

    “Fishermen” should not grab the “fish” by the hands or clothes.

Outdoor games for mentally retarded older children.

"Hot Stone"

Target: development in children of attention, ability to navigate in space, differentiation of muscle efforts, interaction of motor and visual analyzers, formation of collective interaction skills.

At least three players take part in the game.

Inventory: referee's whistle, balls of different diameters.

Instructions. All players form a circle at arm's length from each other, facing inside the circle. Each player is given a ball. At the signal from the leader, the players, with an accurate pass with both hands, begin to pass the balls into the hands of the neighbor standing on the right and catch the balls that are passed to them by the players standing on the left, until the leader stops the game. The game stops if:

    the player drops the ball;

    one of the players has more than one ball in his hands;

    the player passes the ball inaccurately to his neighbor, and he cannot catch it.

The participant who makes a mistake takes one ball with him and leaves the playing circle. The one who makes a mistake first is eliminated from the game. If several players make a mistake at the same time, they all leave the game. The game stops when the announcer blows his whistle, and he decides who is eliminated from the game. The last two participants advance to the finals. They stand facing each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. At the signal from the leader, the player passes the ball to his partner with a two-handed pass from the chest along an arcuate path, and with the other, with a two-handed pass from below. The one who makes a mistake first loses. If the game is resumed, the winner of the previous game has the right to make one mistake and remain in the game.


    Players may be in a sitting position.

    Medicine balls may be used.

    You can use combinations of balls of different weights and diameters.


1 . When learning the game:

At the beginning of the game, every second player must have the ball.

2. During the game:

    the presenter should draw the participants’ attention to the need for an accurate pass to a neighbor;

    While waiting for a pass, you should keep your hands in front of your chest.

"Bowling alley"

Target: development of the eye, accuracy, differentiation of muscle efforts, formation of collective interaction skills, fostering a sense of responsibility for the result general activities, persistence in achieving goals.

Number of players 10-12.

Inventory: referee's whistle, skittles, basketballs, chalk.

Instructions. On a site with a hard, flat surface, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 6 meters from one another. All participants are divided into teams, 5-6 people in each. Teams line up in columns one at a time on the first line, facing the second line. The distance between teams is 3-4 meters. The first team member takes the ball. The player occupying this position is called the "thrower". A pin is placed on the second line opposite each team. One team member stands behind the second line opposite the pin, facing their team. The player occupying this position is called the "server". At the referee’s signal, the “thrower” directs the ball towards the pin, trying to knock it down. If the thrower misses, the “server” catches the ball and throws it to the “thrower”. The “server” at the moment of the pass must be behind the line on which the pin is located. The “thrower” repeats attempts to knock down the pin until it is knocked down. Until this moment, he has no right to step beyond the line on which he stands.

If the pin is knocked down, the “server” catches the ball, places it on the pin line, runs to his team and becomes the last one in the column. The “thrower” runs to the knocked down pin, sets it, takes the ball, throws it to the first person standing in the column and becomes the “server”.

The game stops when one of the teams last participant(the first “server”) will knock down the pin, set it in place, pass the ball to the first “thrower” and return to the column. The last “server” must also take his place in the column. As soon as all team members take their place in the column, the player standing first raises the ball up.

Methodical instructions. It is necessary to monitor the observance of formation in teams. It is advisable to recommend that participants not throw, but roll the ball along the court, and perform the throw with both hands.

"Circle Bouncer"

Target: development of precision of movements, dexterity, speed of motor reaction, formation of collective interaction skills.

Inventory: referee's whistle, volleyball.

Instructions. All participants in the game form a circle, facing the center. Two players stand in the center of the circle. One of them is the “target”, the other is the “defender”. The task of the players is to pass the ball to each other to mark the “target”. The task of the “defender” is to protect the “target” by returning all the balls that the participants throw. The task of the “target” is to hide behind the “defender” and avoid being hit. The player who manages to hit the “target” takes the place of the “defender”. The previous “defender” becomes the “target”, and the “shot down target” takes a place among the participants.

Option: at large quantities Participants in the game can use two balls and two “defenders”, three balls and three “defenders”, etc.

Methodical instructions. It should be recommended to pass the ball to the player standing behind the “target”, so that the “defender” cannot hit it. The ball must be passed as quickly as possible so that the “defender” does not have time to take an advantageous position for defense.


Target: development of speed qualities, dexterity, speed of decision-making.

The number of players is not limited.

Inventory: referee's whistle.

Instructions. All participants are evenly distributed across the area, bounded by lines. A driver is selected from among them. At the presenter’s signal, the “driver” tries to tarnish one of the participants in the game. While running away from the “driver”, the player can perform any movements (stands, jumps, rotations, etc.). Before staining a participant, the “driver” is obliged to repeat all his actions. If the runner does not have time to perform a new movement, then he can be stained. This participant becomes the “driver,” but he cannot tarnish the previous “driver.”

Methodical instructions. Throughout the game, players do not have the right to leave the playing area.

Outdoor games with fitball

Fitball - This is a large elastic ball that can withstand weight up to 300 kilograms. Games with a fitball contribute to the formation of a muscle corset, correction of spinal deformities, relaxation (due to vibration) of spastic muscles, development of balance and coordination of movements, formation of motor skills, and a positive effect on the emotional-volitional sphere.

"Hot Ball"

Target: formation of a vertical posture in a sitting position, development of balance, coordination of movements, attention.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. Children sit in a circle and, on command, begin to pass the fitball from hand to hand clockwise. On the command “Stop!” the ball stops on any player who is eliminated from the game. The game continues until one child remains - the winner.


    At the command of the leader, the direction of passing the fitball changes.

    When there are a large number of players in the game, two fitballs are used.

Methodical instructions. The presenter should remind children about posture.

"Two Rams"

Target: development of balance, coordination of movements, formation of a muscle corset.

Inventory: fitball.

Instructions. Two people play. The teacher marks with a line the “bridge” on which the battle of “two rams” takes place. Two children sit on fitballs and try to push their partner off the ball or off the “bridge.” The strongest wins, and the following participants are invited to the “bridge”.

Guidelines. The presenter stands next to the players, protecting them from falling from the fitball.

« Fun ball"

Target: formation of a vertical posture in a sitting position, the skill of correct posture, spatial orientation, and speech.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. 5-6 people play in the starting position, sitting cross-legged in a circle. Children, reciting poems about the ball, roll the fitball from one to another in any direction:

You roll, funny ball, quickly, quickly through your hands, Whoever has the funny ball will sing a song for us.

Methodical instructions. The presenter must monitor the correct posture of the children.

« Long legs, short legs"

Target: strengthening the abdominal muscles, legs, developing attention.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. Sitting on the floor, supporting yourself with your hands behind you (or on a fitball). At the teacher’s command “Long legs!” children straighten their legs and lift them up. On command " Short legs! children raise their legs bent at the knees.


    If the child does not sit stable enough, you can perform the task while lying on his back on the floor.

    You can complete the task on a fitball.

Methodical instructions. The presenter stands next to the players, protecting them from falling from the fitball.

"Prohibited Movement"

Target: development of attention, coordination of movements and spatial orientation.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. The game is played in the starting position lying down. The teacher means “Forbidden movement,” for example, a fitball in the hands, lowered down. Children repeat all the teacher’s movements, except for the “forbidden” ones. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game, leaving only one winning child.

Option: The game can be played in the starting position, sitting or standing, depending on the child’s motor abilities.

Methodical instructions. Children who have dropped out of the game sit on a gymnastic bench with correct posture.

"The Hunter and the Ducks"

Target: strengthening the muscles of the trunk, shoulder and pelvic girdle, developing coordination of movements of the arms and legs.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. Two stripes on the floor indicate “lake” on one side of the hall, and “reeds” on the other. A hunter is sitting in the reeds. Children - “ducks” in a position on all fours push the fitball with their heads from the “lake” to the “reeds”. The teacher says the following words:

Come on, ducks, whoever swims faster to the reeds, The most agile one will be given a sweet for dinner for the victory.

The winner is the “duck” that gets from the “lake” to the “reeds” faster.

Methodical instructions. The presenter awards the winner.


Target: development fine motor skills, balance, coordination of movements, attention.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. Children sit on fitballs in pairs, opposite each other. At the teacher’s command, they either simultaneously or alternately come into contact with the partner’s palms.

Methodical instructions. The presenter should remind children about correct posture.

"The Dragon Bites Its Tail"

Target: formation of a vertical posture in a standing position and when walking, development of spatial orientation and attention.

Number of players 5-6.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. Children stand one after another and hold tightly to the person in front. In the hands of the first child there is a fitball - “dragon head”, last child- "tail". The “head” must catch the “tail” by touching it with the ball.

Methodical indications. The “head” must catch the “tail” by touching it with the ball so that the “dragon’s body” does not break.

"Hop, stop"

Target: development of concentration, coordination of movements, walking skills.

Inventory: fitball

Instructions. Children walk in a circle, bouncing the ball off the floor. At the signal “Stop!” stop at the signal “Hop!” - moving forward. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. The most attentive one becomes the winner.

Option : Moe/set play can be performed both clockwise and counterclockwise.

Methodical instructions. The presenter must monitor the children’s posture.

« Relay race with fitballs"

Target: development of reaction speed, speed of movement, attention, coordination of movements, differentiation of efforts.

Inventory: fitballs, stand.

Instructions. The game is played in the form of a relay race. At the starting line, all players line up in two columns. On command, the first ones begin to move forward, bouncing the fit ball off the floor. They run to the wall (post), catch the ball, come back, pass it to the next person on the team. The team that finishes first wins.


    Football is played right hand, on the way back- left.

    Each team starts with two people and while moving they pass the fitball (ball) to each other.

    Movement is carried out in one direction, facing forward, backwards- back forward.

Methodical instructions. When moving backwards, use belay.

Games that develop the ability to remember the order and number of objects

This group of games not only builds motor skills, but also promotes the development logical thinking and imagination, helps to adapt to life situations. These games are based on the use circuit training, where all exercises are performed in “stations” with a certain number of repetitions. For children with cerebral palsy, the method of circular training is simplified and presented in the form of a set of role-playing games, including exercises involving the manipulation of objects and unobtrusive execution of movements, which under normal conditions are mastered with great difficulty. You can come up with such games yourself, depending on the area of ​​the room and the availability of equipment. An ordinary activity with children can always be turned into a fairy tale.


Target: development of imagination, fantasy, consolidation of motor skills.

Instructions. The hall is prepared in advance, each item in it receives specific name, which is used when traveling.

    Gymnastic wall - "Ship". The child has the right to move around it in any way, but cannot stand on the floor.

    Hoops - "Islands". If the islands are close to each other, the child makes a jump; if the distance is large, the child jumps onto the island from foot to foot.

    Basketball hoop - "The key to opening doors." To continue the journey, you need to hit the ball in the hoop.

    Rope - "Lianas." You need to get up from a sitting position, holding the rope and moving your hands.

    Targets for throwing on the walls - "Beasts of Prey" You need to hit the target with a tennis ball; if you miss, the attempt is repeated.

    An inclined bench placed on a gymnastic wall (third rail from the bottom) - "Bridges to the ship." You need to pull yourself up and climb onto the ship.

    Three benches together - "Crossing the River" The child should crawl on all fours with his back forward.

    Gate between two gymnastic benches - "Carry out reconnaissance." You need to crawl, trying not to hit the gate.

The players begin their journey With any "station". The winner is not the one who finishes the distance first, but the one who copes with obstacles more successfully.


    At the end of the game, the children must exchange their impressions, and the leader determines the best traveler and appoints him as captain for the next lesson. This approach creates in the child a desire to carry out each instruction efficiently, which leads to imperceptible, painless development of motor skills.

    You can use not only stations of motor actions, but also stations of riddles, sayings, drawings, crossword puzzles, guessed together with parents.


Walks in the forest or park are especially useful. During your walk, you can combine walking with outdoor games and entertainment, swimming, air and sunbathing.

To make the walk fun and interesting, you can organize games that do not require special equipment or a special area. With only volleyball or tennis balls, you can play a wide variety of games and relay races.

"Tag with a ball"

Target: development of dexterity, ability to navigate in space, accuracy and speed of movements. The number of players can be any. Inventory: ball.

Instructions. All players are randomly located on a lawn or clearing, in the center is the driver with the ball in his hand. At the signal, the game begins: the driver must hit the ball on any player, who then becomes the driver himself. Play for 6-8 minutes.

Methodical instructions. If children remain interested in this game, it can be repeated after a short break.

"Circular lapta"

Target: development of dexterity, sense of distance, accuracy and speed of movements.

Number of players 6-15.

Inventory: ball.

Instructions. Two drivers are located outside the boundaries of the conditional area at a distance of 10-12 meters, all the rest are in the center of the area. The drivers, throwing the ball to each other, try to tarnish those who are on the court. Those who are hit by the ball are eliminated from the game, but they can be rescued by those players who caught the ball. The one who remains last on the court wins. The two who are the first to leave the game become the drivers.

Methodical instructions. Play 3-4 times, with short breaks for rest.


Target: development of coordination of collective actions, ability to navigate in space.

Number of players 6-7.

Instructions. 5-6 participants, holding each other, line up in a column - a “snake”. The driver stands in front of the “snake” and tries to tarnish the latter. The one standing first in the “neck” - the captain - blocks the driver’s path:

spreads his arms wide, sets screens, executes various movements body. The “snake” follows the captain and helps block the driver’s path. If the driver stains the player at the end of the column, he becomes the captain, and the stained player becomes the driver.

Methodical instructions. The game can be repeated several times, with short rest breaks.

"Kick the ball"

Target: development of balance and accuracy of movements, sense of space in the absence of visual control. The number of players can be any.

Inventory: volleyball.

Instructions. IN A volleyball is placed six steps from the player. The driver is blindfolded with a scarf. Then, after turning 360°, he should approach the ball And kick it. They take turns playing several times. The one who hits the ball the most times wins.

Methodical instructions. The place for the game should be level, without ditches, bushes or stumps.

"Cones, acorns, nuts"

Target: development of attention, reaction speed, accuracy of movements.

The number of players is more than six.

Instructions. The players stand in threes, one after another, facing the center, where the driver stands. The first in threes are “cones”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”. At a signal, the driver pronounces any of three names, for example, “nuts.” All playing “nuts” must change places. The driver strives to stand in any vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver.

You can shout out two names or even three. The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

Methodical instructions. At the request of the children, this game can be played several times.

"Fishes, Birds, Animals"

Target: development of reaction speed, attention, enrichment of vocabulary.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: volleyball or tennis ball.

Instructions. All players stand in a semicircle at a distance of 4-5 meters from the driver, who is holding a volleyball or tennis ball in his hands. The driver, throwing the ball to one of the players, says one of three words: “fish”, “birds”, “animals”. If, for example, the word “fish” is named, the player must catch the ball, take a step forward and immediately return it to the driver, quickly naming any fish, for example, saying: “Pike.” Anyone who does not have time to give the required answer or repeats it is eliminated from the game. The one who doesn't make a single mistake wins. The winner becomes the driver.

Methodical instructions. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Volleyball in a circle"

Target: mastering basic skills of passing the ball, practicing precision movements.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: volleyball.

Instructions. The players stand in a circle and begin to pass the ball to each other in any way, as in volleyball. Anyone who fails to receive or pass the ball receives a penalty point. The one who receives fewer penalty points wins.

Methodical instructions. At the request of the participants, the game can be repeated 2 times.


1.Afopkina E.Yu., Afonkina A.S. Games with string. St. Petersburg, 1997.

    Bedarev G. Games and entertainment. M., 1985.

    Berdykhova Ya. Mom, dad, study with me. M., 1990.

    Besova M.A. At school and on vacation. Educational games for children from 6 to 10. Yaroslavl, 1997.

    Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for younger children preschool age. M., 1991.

    Byleeva L.V., Yakovlev V.G. Outdoor games. M., 1974.

    Vavilova E.N. Learn to run, jump, climb, throw. M., 1983.

    Vasilkov G.A., Vasilkov V.G. From games to sports. M., 1985.

    Vasin Yu.G. Physical exercise is the basis for preventing obesity. Kyiv, 1989.

    Volkova G.A. Game activity in eliminating stuttering in preschool children. M., 1983.

    Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E.L., Uspenskaya L.I. Elimination of stuttering in play in preschoolers. M., 1984.

    Gavripa S.E., Kutyavina N.L. etc. We develop our hands - to learn and write, and draw beautifully. Yaroslavl, 1997.

    Geller E.M., Korotkoe I.M. Fun starts. M., 1978.

    Gibson R., TylerD. Fun Games (translated from English) M., 1994.

    Grabenko T.N., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Corrective, developmental and adaptive games. St. Petersburg, 2002.

    Grishina G.N. Favorite children's games. M., 1997.

    Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR / Comp. A.V. Keneman. M., 1991.

    Karabapova O.A. Play and correction of a child’s mental development. M., 1997.

    Kataeva A. A., Strebleva E. A. Didactic games and exercises in teaching mentally retarded preschoolers. M., 1993.

    Korotkoe I.I. Outdoor games for children. M., 1987.

Games for children with disabilities

Recently, in the general complex of measures for the rehabilitation of disabled children with disorders of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system, more and more attention has been paid to play activities as an element of social adaptation

Games can be aimed at correcting and restoring movement disorders (discoordination of movements in large and small muscle groups, balance, spatial orientation, limiting the range of active movements in joints, muscle weakness), improving the functional state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, developing basic physical qualities: accuracy, dexterity, reaction speed and others.
When conducting outdoor games, for example, with disabled people with cerebral palsy main task helps to verticalize the patient’s body, his mobility, and improve fine motor skills of the hands. An important condition for solving this problem is relaxation of spastically contracted muscles and strengthening of weakened, stretched muscles.
The most important result of the game is joy and emotional uplift. Often, under the influence of an emotional factor - the desire to successfully participate in the game - the child more correctly performs the movement that he fails to perform during individual lessons with a methodologist.
It is advisable to include musical accompaniment during classes.

Relay Games

Stage I. Drag the ball between the pins in a “snake” fashion. The pins are placed at a distance of 1 m from each other. Run back, running around the flag.
Stage II. Carry a tennis ball on a small racket between the pins in a “snake” fashion. Run back, running around the flag.
Stage III. There are five pins at a distance of 10 m from the starting line. The first players from two teams must run to the pins, put them on the floor and return to the back of their team. The second players must run and place the pins vertically. And so are all team members. The team that completes the relay first wins.
Stage IV. You need to collect the balls, which are placed in a circle at a distance of 2 m from each other, and place them in the center of this circle. The first player completes this task. The second player must place the balls from the center in their original place. And so all members of one team. The time it takes the entire team to complete this stage is calculated. The other team does the same. The team that spends less time as a result wins.
V stage.“Go through - don’t make a mistake.” You need to walk in a straight line for 5 m, placing your heel to your toe, and return back in the same way.
Stage VI.“Throw the ball into the basket.” A basket is placed at a distance of 4 m from the starting line. Each participant gets three attempts to throw a small ball into the basket. The number of points for each team is calculated.
VII stage."Throwing Rings" At a distance of 2–3 m, a platform with pegs or 6 “towns” in two rows is installed. Each participant makes three attempts, throwing rings onto the pegs. The number of accurate shots for each team is counted.

"Rope Walker"

To develop balance, coordination and voluntary movement.
On the court, the players draw a straight line (rope). You have to move along it like on a tightrope. It is allowed to keep your arms out to your sides. The losers are those guys who go off the line - “fly off the rope.”

"Wind and Weathervanes"

To develop accuracy and arbitrariness of motor reactions.
Before the game starts, the host asks the players if they know where north, south, west, and east are. Then he becomes the wind, and all the players become weather vanes. When the presenter says: “The wind blows from the north!” – weather vanes should turn in the direction of the wind (i.e. with their backs to the north and facing south); if he says: “The wind blows from the east,” you must turn in accordance with this command; etc. If the leader says: “Storm,” the weather vanes should spin in one place; if he says: “Variable,” the weather vanes begin to sway in place; “Calm” - everyone freezes. The game is played at an ever-accelerating pace. You can name the same wind direction two or three times in a row. Then none of the players should turn.
The winners are those who make the fewest mistakes.


1. Passing the ball with your hands in a column overhead and across the side. The first player passes the ball over his head and moves to the back of his column. The second passes the ball over the side and also moves to the tail of the column. And so on for all participants until the first player is first again.
2. Hoop throwing to range. The relay participant holds the hoop in a vertical position. After the signal, the hoop is thrown up forward. Meters are counted.
3. Hit tennis ball into a circle drawn on the floor from 6, 8, 10 meters.
4. Ride a snake in a stroller between pins 10 m. Back - in a straight line.
5. Hitting a tennis ball into a hanging hoop from 4, 6, 8 meters.

Wheelchair relay

Participants are divided into two teams. In front of each one, 5–6 “towns” or racks are placed on a flat area. At the signal, the first numbers must alternately go around the obstacles and return in a straight line to their team and pass the baton.

Figured stroller driving

This exercise should be included in classes to master an applied, vital skill - driving a wheelchair. Obstacles can be placed on level ground.
Their order is: driving between the pillars, moving in reverse, around the pillar, stopping at the stop line, “snake”, driving “along the rut”. It is also possible to overcome a hill.

Three elements

For the development of attention, speed, differentiation and arbitrariness of movements.
Wheelchair players are placed in a circle. The presenter calls the word:
“Earth” – the players take the “arms to the sides” position.
“Air” – players perform circular movements with their arms backwards.
“Water” – perform movements that imitate waves.
The player who breaks the rules is eliminated from the game. The person who remains last in the circle wins.
The intensity of the game is regulated by the pace of the leader’s pronunciation of task words.

Outdoor games for children with disabilities

A lot has been written about the game, gaming behavior and about those who play, both fair and true, and contradictory and inaccurate. The breadth of interpretation has an endless variety of interpretations - from mystical to scientifically advanced. The game is not the product of a passing fashion, it is a phenomenon characterized by a special constancy that unites time, eras, and generations. The game cannot be defined using an unambiguous definition, but the very concept of the game is inextricably linked with freedom, good will, pleasure, joy. Game is an integral element of life, human culture, connecting generations. This phenomenon is studied by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, and biologists. Pedagogy connects play and play behavior with the processes of upbringing, education and personal development.

The psychological basis of the game is the dominance of feelings in the child’s soul, freedom of expression, sincere laughter, tears, delight, that is, that natural emotional essence of the child that seeks expression in both the physical and psychological spheres.

It is known that children with various health conditions (with pathologies of vision, hearing, consequences of cerebral palsy, with intellectual problems, etc.) have different physical capabilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games.

Outdoor play activates all systems of the body: blood circulation, breathing, vision, hearing, it brings the child positive emotions. All this taken together allows us to talk about the health-improving effect of outdoor games. For a child with a developmental disorder, it is extremely important what motor actions the game consists of, with what intensity (tension) it is carried out, and how the body responds to the resulting load. Therefore, when selecting games, it is necessary to take into account the nature and depth of the defect, the child’s real motor capabilities and his individual reaction to physical activity. It is important that the amount of load is accessible to the child and does not cause overexertion.

The quality of organizing and conducting the game - from choice to its completion - depends on the adult’s psychological readiness for this activity, his pedagogical knowledge, experience and ability to communicate with children.

Sincerity and goodwill, cheerfulness and openness, empathy and the ability to help, to notice successes - these are the qualities that attract children, arouse their sympathy and respect for adults, and sometimes are the main motive for participating in the game.

The psychophysical development of a child is greatly influenced by communication with the adult to whom he is emotionally attached and with whom he likes to communicate. It is in the game that the necessary conditions are created for the emergence and development of such relationships.

  1. "Zoo"

Target: development of imagination, freedom of movement.

Number of players– 4-20 people.

Instructions. All participants take turns showing movements characteristic of the animal they have conceived according to the conditions of the game. The rest are trying to guess. Then the participants are united into subgroups of 2-3 people. The presenter, pointing to any subgroup, gives the name of the animal. Participants, without saying a word, together depict one named animal. Next, the subgroup can also depict any animal, and the other participants guess which one.

Methodical instructions.The game can be repeated several times.

  1. "Try again"

Target: development of auditory memory, speech clarity.

Instructions. The presenter offers to repeat after him the tongue twisters, the number of words in which gradually increases:

  • Daria gives Dina a melon.
  • The thicket is thicker in our Pushcha, the thicket is thicker in our Pushcha.
  • It’s not bricks bursting on the stove in the night. Rolls of bread are bubbling on the stove.
  • The cuckoo bought a hood, the cuckoo in the hood was very funny.
  • Sasha was walking along the highway, carrying dryers in a bag. Drying - Grisha, drying - Misha. There are dryers - Proshe, Vasyusha and Antosha. There are two dryers - Nyusha and Petrusha.
  1. "Recognize by voice"

Target: development of hearing and ability to navigate in space.

Number of players – 5-20 people.

Instructions. The game is played in the gym or on the playground. All players, holding hands, form a circle, the driver stands in the center. Players, at the driver’s signal, begin to move in a circle to the right (left), saying:

We had a little fun

Everyone was settled in their places.

Guess the riddle

Find out who called you.

WITH last words everyone stops, and the player, whom the driver touched with his hand while moving in a circle, calls him by name in a changed voice, so that he does not recognize him. If the driver recognizes the player, they change roles, but if he makes a mistake, he continues to drive.

Methodical instructions.

  • Complete silence must be maintained during the game.
  • The driver with some vision or normal vision should close their eyes or wear a blindfold.

4. “Catch up with the ball”

Target: development of attention, accuracy and coordination of movements.

Number of players – 10-12 children.

Inventory: two sounded balls.

Instructions. The game is played on the playground. All players form a circle. Two players standing in a circle 3-4 players apart are given a ball. At the driver’s signal, the players try to pass the balls to the player on the right as quickly as possible, so that one ball catches up with the other. When this happens, the game starts again.

Methodical instructions.

  • Balls can only be passed, but not thrown.
  • The number of balls can be increased.
  • The ball is passed at waist or chest level.
  1. "Catch up with the bell"

Target: development of speed, dexterity, ability to navigate in space.

Inventory: bell.

Instructions. The playing area should be marked with tactile landmarks. From among the players, two pairs of drivers are chosen. One of the players is given a bell. The player with the bell runs away from the drivers, and they try to surround him with clasped hands. This can be done by one or both pairs of drivers.

The player with the bell, in a moment of danger, has the right to give (but not throw) the bell to any of the participants in the game.

The caught player and the one from whom he previously accepted the bell replace one of the pairs of drivers. The bell is awarded to the most dexterous player, and the game continues.

Option (game for the visually impaired and sighted):

Instead of a bell, a head cap is used. You can only catch the one who has a cap on his head. This game will be called “Beware, Pinocchio!”

Methodical instructions.

  • Pairs should be completed as follows: blind – a child with some vision; sighted - blind.
  • Players are not allowed to leave the court.
  • Everyone playing on the court can wear voiced bracelets (with bells, etc.).
  • If the driving pairs open their hands, the escaping player is considered not to have been caught.
  1. "Best Nose"

Target: development of the sense of smell.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: several identical bags with different odorous substances: orange peels, apple slices, garlic, cheese, pepper, onion (peeled), a slice of lemon, etc.

Instructions. Children should be encouraged to sniff one package after another at a short distance. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.

Methodical instructions.The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

  1. “Where to erase?”

Target: development of visual memory, training of the ability to navigate on a plane.

Number of players – 4-10 people.

Inventory: paper, pencil, erasers.

Instructions. On a piece of paper, the participants in the game draw a “face”. Then, covering his eyes with a bandage, the player must erase in the order and only those fragments of the drawing that the presenter names (for example: first the left eye, then the right ear, chin, nose, hair, etc.). The one who completes the task more accurately wins.

Methodical instructions.This is a game for visually impaired and normally sighted children.

  1. "Forbidden Color"

Target: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, counting and pronunciation skills, ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Number of players – 6-8 people.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Instructions. Scattered around the playground geometric shapes. The presenter names a color (for example, red). At the signal, all players must collect as many pieces of the indicated color as possible. The one with the most wins.


  1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).
  2. Collect red triangles.
  3. Collect as many pieces as possible except green ones.

Other options are also possible.

Methodical instructions.

  • The winner of any version of the game demonstrates his result by out loud counting the collected figures, and then out loud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called out loud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).
  • The playground should be large enough to ensure the safety of those playing and to prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting pieces.
  1. "Rope"

Target: development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, coordination abilities.

Number of players – 10-12 people.

Inventory: a jump rope or rope at least 1.5 meters long.

Instructions. The leader hands out a rope to each player and gives the team the task to “draw” a certain figure, for example: ladder, snake, man, house, boat, Christmas tree, etc. The team that most accurately depicts the given task wins.

Methodical instructions.The load can be increased if the game is played in the form of a relay race with movements from the starting point to the “drawing” place.

10. "Catch the ball"

Target: development of attention, memory, acquisition of skills in throwing and catching the ball.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: one medium sized ball.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle. The driver is in the center. Throwing the ball up, he calls the player's name. The named player must catch the ball. If he catches it, he returns to his place, but if he doesn’t catch it, then he changes place with the driver. The one who drives the ball the least wins.

Methodical instructions.

  • The pace of the game depends on the number of participants standing in the circle.
  • If the players do not know each other, then before the start of the game they need to be introduced to each other: everyone in turn says their name, and the whole group repeats it in chorus.
  • Players can move freely in a circle.

11. "What's Missing"

Target: activation of mental processes: perception, attention, memory.

The optimal number of players is 5-10 people.

Inventory: several items (toys, skittles, hoops, jump rope, etc.).

Instructions. On the playground, the leader lays out 4-5 items. Children look at objects for one minute, trying to remember them. Then, on command, the children stand with their backs to the playground, and the leader at this time removes one of the objects. Children turn and name the missing item. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.


  1. Increase the number of items.
  2. Reduce the time it takes to memorize items.
  3. Remove two items.

Methodical instructions.For the game, you should select items that are familiar to children.

12. "Get to know a friend"

Target: development of tactile sensations, auditory attention, memory, and the ability to navigate in space.

Number of players – 8-12 people.

Inventory. Blindfolds.

Instructions. One half of the children are blindfolded and given the opportunity to walk around the playground. Next, they are invited, without removing the bandage, to find and get to know each other. You can recognize with the help of your hands - by feeling your hair, clothes. Then, when a friend is recognized, the players change roles.

Option: If the player cannot recognize another child by touching, you can offer to try to recognize him by his voice.

Methodical instructions.Care should be taken to ensure that the play area is completely level, otherwise blindfolded children will feel insecure.

13. "Castle"

Target: development in children of small muscles of the hand, oral coherent speech, memory, and imagination.


14. "Pigeons"

Target: developing throwing skills in children, developing coordination of movements of large and small muscle groups, dexterity, and eye control.

Number of players – 2-10 people.

Inventory: For the game, paper “pigeons” (airplanes, etc.) are made.

Instructions. Children compete to see whose pigeon will fly the farthest.

Option: children compete with adults.

Methodical instructions.Game for children 5-8 years old, low intensity.

15. “Sitting football”

Target: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscles of the legs and torso, training of accuracy and reaction speed.

Two teams of 4-6 people each play.

Inventory: soccer ball, skittles.

Instructions. Children sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach. One line is located facing the other at a distance of 2.5-3 meters.

The player, moving his legs forward, throws the ball to the child sitting opposite him, who catches it with his hands, and then sharply rolls the ball back to his partner with his feet. For inaccurate throwing of the ball, the team receives a penalty point. The team with fewer penalty points wins.


  1. Catch a thrown ball with your feet.
  2. Roll and catch the ball with only one foot.
  3. Knock down the pins with the ball, which are placed at an equal distance between the teams; For each pin knocked down, the team receives a bonus point.

Methodical instructions.Game for children from 3 to 14 years old, moderate load.

16. “We wear hats”

Target: formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscular “corset” of the spine, development of balance, dexterity, and coordination of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: “hat” for each player – a bag of sand weighing 200-500 g, a board, a pyramid wheel.

Instructions. The players are standing. Children are placed on their heads with a light weight - a “hat”. After checking the children’s posture (head straight, shoulders at the same level, parallel to the floor, arms lying calmly along the body), the leader gives the signal to walk. Children should walk at a normal pace around the room or playground, keeping correct posture. The winner is the one whose “hat” never falls off and who does not lose his posture.


  1. Children are encouraged not to walk, but to dance.
  2. Walk along the winding line drawn on the floor with chalk.
  3. Walk along a gymnastic bench or step over various objects on the floor or on the playground (skittles, cubes, small toys, pebbles, cones, etc.).

Methodical instructions.

17. “Throwing bags”

Target: development of accuracy, coordination of movements, muscle strength of the limbs and torso.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: sandbags, hoop (rope).

Instructions. Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle lies a hoop (a rope in the shape of a circle). The children have bags in their hands. After the presenter says: “Throw it!”, all the children throw their bags. The presenter notes whose bag fell exactly into the circle. The task is repeated 10 times. The one with the most accurate hits wins.

Option: each of the players (in turn) stands on a line drawn at a distance of 3-4 meters from the chair and throws three bags onto it one after another so that they all remain lying on the chair. Then he passes the bags to the next one, who also throws them, etc. The one with the most accurate hits wins.

Methodical instructions.

  • Bags can be thrown from any position (sitting, standing), with one or two hands.
  • If children of different ages are playing, then the kids can be placed closer to the goal, and the older children further from it.

18. "Sunny"

Target: development of speed and accuracy of movements.

At least 15 people play.

Inventory: batons or tennis balls.

Instructions. A circle is drawn in the center. All players are divided into five teams and line up sideways to the center of the circle. It turns out to be a kind of sun with rays. Each ray is a command. The players, first from the center of the circle, hold relay batons in their hands. At the signal, they run in a circle and pass the baton to the player who is now first on his team. The person who comes running stands in a line in a place closer to the center. When the player who started the game is on the edge and receives the baton, he raises it, indicating that the team has finished the game.

Methodical instructions.

While running, it is prohibited to touch standing players or interfere with those making dashes. Penalty points are awarded for violating the rules.

19. "Homeless Puppy"

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction and accuracy of movements.

Number of players – 7-9 people.

Inventory: 6-8 chairs, one less than the number of players.

Instructions. The chairs are placed in a circle, with the seats facing outwards. The participants of the game, standing in a circle on the outside, run to the right (left) at a signal. When the whistle blows, everyone tries to take a seat, but since there are fewer chairs, one player is left without a seat. He is eliminated, and another chair is removed from the circle. The last one standing wins.

Methodical instructions.The game is of medium intensity and can be repeated several times.

20. “Ball in a Circle”


Number of players – 5-15 people.

Inventory: volleyball.

Instructions. The players form a circle and settle for first or second. The first numbers are one team, the second numbers are another. Two players standing next to each other are captains, each holding a ball in their hands. At the signal, the captains pass the ball in a circle to the players of their team, that is, through one player. The ball must return to the captain as quickly as possible.

Methodical instructions.You can agree and pass the ball three times in a circle. If the balls collide, the game continues from that moment.

21. “Hoop Relay”

Target: development of attention and accuracy of movements.

Number of players – 10 people.

Equipment: hoops.

Instructions. The players form a circle of five people, they line up opposite each other. The distance between players in teams is 1.2-2 steps. The first (captain) in each team is given a hoop. At the whistle, the captains pass the hoop from top to bottom through themselves, lower it, and then pass it to the adjacent player. He does the same, passes it on to the third, etc.

Methodical instructions.

  • The game lasts until the hoop returns to the captain.
  • The team that finishes the game faster and makes no mistakes wins.
  • The game is played 3-4 times.

22. “Knock down the pin”

Target: training in differentiation of efforts, development of the eye, accuracy of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: skittles, cubes, toys.

Instructions. In front of each participant, at a distance of 2-3 meters, there are objects: skittles, cubes, toys. You need to knock down an object by rolling the ball across the floor. The one who knocks down the objects wins larger number once.

Methodical instructions.The game is low intensity and can be repeated several times.

23. “Cones, acorns, nuts”

Target: development of attention, reaction speed, accuracy of movements.

The number of players is more than six.

Instructions. The players stand in threes, one after another, facing the center, where the driver stands. The first in threes are “cones”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”. At a signal, the driver pronounces any of three names, for example, “nuts.” All playing “nuts” must change places. The driver strives to stand in any vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. You can shout out two names or even three. The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

Methodical instructions.At the request of the children, this game can be played several times.

Outdoor games for children with disabilities

A lot has been written about the game, gaming behavior and about those who play, both fair and true, and contradictory and inaccurate. The breadth of interpretation has an endless variety of interpretations - from mystical to scientifically advanced. The game is not a product of a passing fashion, it is a phenomenon characterized by a special constancy that unites time, eras, generations. The game cannot be defined using an unambiguous definition, but the very concept of the game is inextricably linked with freedom, good will, pleasure, and joy. Game is an integral element of life, human culture, connecting generations. This phenomenon is studied by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, and biologists. Pedagogy connects play and play behavior with the processes of upbringing, education and personal development.

The psychological basis of the game is the dominance of feelings in the child’s soul, freedom of expression, sincere laughter, tears, delight, that is, that natural emotional essence of the child that seeks expression in both the physical and psychological spheres.

It is known that children with various health conditions (with pathologies of vision, hearing, consequences of cerebral palsy, with intellectual problems, etc.) have different physical capabilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games.

Outdoor play activates all systems of the body: blood circulation, breathing, vision, hearing, it brings positive emotions to the child. All this taken together allows us to talk about the health-improving effect of outdoor games. For a child with a developmental disorder, it is extremely important what motor actions the game consists of, with what intensity (tension) it is carried out, and how the body responds to the resulting load. Therefore, when selecting games, it is necessary to take into account the nature and depth of the defect, the child’s real motor capabilities and his individual reaction to physical activity. It is important that the amount of load is accessible to the child and does not cause overexertion.

The quality of organizing and conducting the game - from choice to its completion - depends on the adult’s psychological readiness for this activity, his pedagogical knowledge, experience and ability to communicate with children.

Sincerity and goodwill, cheerfulness and openness, empathy and the ability to help, to notice successes - these are the qualities that attract children, arouse their sympathy and respect for adults, and sometimes are the main motive for participating in the game.

The psychophysical development of a child is greatly influenced by communication with the adult to whom he is emotionally attached and with whom he likes to communicate. It is in the game that the necessary conditions are created for the emergence and development of such relationships.

  1. "Zoo"

Target: development of imagination, freedom of movement.

Number of players - 4-20 people.

Instructions. All participants take turns showing movements characteristic of the animal they have planned for the game. The rest are trying to guess. Then the participants are united into subgroups of 2-3 people. The presenter, pointing to any subgroup, gives the name of the animal. Participants, without saying a word, together depict one named animal. Next, the subgroup can also depict any animal, and the other participants guess which one.

Methodical instructions. The game can be repeated several times.

  1. "Try again"

Target: development of auditory memory, speech clarity.

Instructions. The presenter offers to repeat after him the tongue twisters, the number of words in which gradually increases:

  • Daria gives Dina a melon.
  • The thicket is thicker in our Pushcha, the thicket is thicker in our Pushcha.
  • It’s not bricks bursting on the stove in the night. Rolls of bread are bubbling on the stove.
  • The cuckoo bought a hood, the cuckoo in the hood was very funny.
  • Sasha was walking along the highway, carrying dryers in a bag. Drying - Grisha, drying - Misha. There are dryers - Proshe, Vasyusha and Antosha. There are two dryers - Nyusha and Petrusha.
  1. "Recognize by voice"

Target: development of hearing and ability to navigate in space.

Number of players - 5-20 people.

Instructions. The game is played in the gym or on the playground. All players, holding hands, form a circle, the driver stands in the center. Players, at the driver’s signal, begin to move in a circle to the right (left), saying:

We had a little fun

Everyone was settled in their places.

Guess the riddle

Find out who called you.

With the last words, everyone stops, and the player, whom the driver touched with his hand while moving in a circle, calls him by name in a changed voice, so that he does not recognize him. If the driver recognizes the player, they change roles, but if he makes a mistake, he continues to drive.

Methodical instructions.

  • Complete silence must be maintained during the game.
  • The driver with some vision or normal vision should close his eyes or wear a blindfold.
  1. "Catch up with the ball"

Target: development of attention, accuracy and coordination of movements.

Number of players - 10-12 children.

Inventory: two sounded balls.

Instructions. The game is played on the playground. All players form a circle. Two players standing in a circle 3-4 players apart are given a ball. At the driver’s signal, the players try to pass the balls to the player on the right as quickly as possible, so that one ball catches up with the other. When this happens, the game starts again.

Methodical instructions.

  • Balls can only be passed, but not thrown.
  • The number of balls can be increased.
  • The ball is passed at waist or chest level.
  1. "Catch up with the bell"

Target: development of speed, dexterity, ability to navigate in space.

Inventory: bell.

Instructions. The playing area should be marked with tactile landmarks. From among the players, two pairs of drivers are chosen. One of the players is given a bell. The player with the bell runs away from the drivers, and they try to surround him with clasped hands. This can be done by one or both pairs of drivers.

The player with the bell, in a moment of danger, has the right to give (but not throw) the bell to any of the participants in the game.

The caught player and the one from whom he previously accepted the bell replace one of the pairs of drivers. The bell is awarded to the most dexterous player, and the game continues.

Option (game for the visually impaired and sighted):

Instead of a bell, a head cap is used. You can only catch the one who has a cap on his head. This game will be called “Beware, Pinocchio!”

Methodical instructions.

  • Pairs should be completed as follows: blind - a child with some vision; sighted - blind.
  • Players are not allowed to leave the court.
  • Everyone playing on the court can wear voiced bracelets (with bells, etc.).
  • If the driving pairs open their hands, the escaping player is considered not to have been caught.
  1. "Best Nose"

Target: development of the sense of smell.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: several identical bags with different odorous substances: orange peels, apple pieces, garlic, cheese, pepper, onion (peeled), a piece of lemon, etc.

Instructions. Children should be encouraged to sniff one package after another at a short distance. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.

Methodical instructions. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

  1. “Where to erase?”

Target: development of visual memory, training of the ability to navigate on a plane.

Number of players - 4-10 people.

Inventory: paper, pencil, erasers.

Instructions. On a piece of paper, the participants in the game draw a “face”. Then, covering his eyes with a bandage, the player must erase in the order and only those fragments of the drawing that the presenter names (for example: first the left eye, then the right ear, chin, nose, hair, etc.). The one who completes the task more accurately wins.

Methodical instructions. This is a game for visually impaired and normally sighted children.

  1. "Forbidden Color"

Target: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, counting and pronunciation skills, ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Number of players - 6-8 people.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Instructions. Geometric shapes are scattered across the playground. The presenter names a color (for example, red). At the signal, all players must collect as many pieces of the indicated color as possible. The one with the most wins.


  1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).
  2. Collect red triangles.
  3. Collect as many pieces as possible except green ones.

Other options are also possible.

Methodical instructions.

  • The winner of any version of the game demonstrates his result by out loud counting the collected figures, and then out loud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called out loud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).
  • The playground should be large enough to ensure the safety of those playing and to prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting pieces.
  1. "Rope"

Target: development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, coordination abilities.

Number of players - 10-12 people.

Inventory: a jump rope or rope at least 1.5 meters long.

Instructions. The presenter distributes a rope to each player and gives the team a task - to “draw” a certain figure, for example: a ladder, a snake, a man, a house, a boat, a Christmas tree, etc. The team that most accurately depicts the given task wins.

Methodical instructions. The load can be increased if the game is played in the form of a relay race with movements from the starting point to the “drawing” place.

  1. "Catch the Ball"

Target: development of attention, memory, acquisition of skills in throwing and catching the ball.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: one medium sized ball.

Instructions. The players sit in a circle. The driver is in the center. Throwing the ball up, he calls the player's name. The named player must catch the ball. If he catches it, he returns to his place, but if he doesn’t catch it, then he changes place with the driver. The one who drives the ball the least wins.

Methodical instructions.

  • The pace of the game depends on the number of participants standing in the circle.
  • If the players do not know each other, then before the start of the game they need to be introduced to each other: everyone in turn says their name, and the whole group repeats it in chorus.
  • Players can move freely in a circle.
  1. "What's Missing"

Target: activation of mental processes: perception, attention, memory.

The optimal number of players is 5-10 people.

Inventory: several items (toys, skittles, hoops, jump rope, etc.).

Instructions. On the playground, the leader lays out 4-5 items. Children look at objects for one minute, trying to remember them. Then, on command, the children stand with their backs to the playground, and the leader at this time removes one of the objects. Children turn and name the missing item. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.


  1. Increase the number of items.
  2. Reduce the time it takes to memorize items.
  3. Remove two items.

Methodical instructions. For the game, you should select items that are familiar to children.

  1. "Get to know a friend"

Target: development of tactile sensations, auditory attention, memory, and the ability to navigate in space.

Number of players - 8-12 people.

Inventory. Blindfolds.

Instructions. One half of the children are blindfolded and given the opportunity to walk around the playground. Next, they are invited, without removing the bandage, to find and get to know each other. You can recognize it with your hands - by feeling your hair and clothes. Then, when a friend is recognized, the players change roles.

Option: If the player cannot recognize another child by touching, you can offer to try to recognize him by his voice.

Methodical instructions. Care should be taken to ensure that the play area is completely level, otherwise blindfolded children will feel insecure.

  1. "Lock"

Target: development in children of small muscles of the hand, oral coherent speech, memory, and imagination.


  1. "Pigeons"

Target: developing throwing skills in children, developing coordination of movements of large and small muscle groups, dexterity, and eye control.

Number of players - 2-10 people.

Inventory: For the game, paper “pigeons” (airplanes, etc.) are made.

Instructions. Children compete to see whose pigeon will fly the farthest.

Option: children compete with adults.

Methodical instructions. Game for children 5-8 years old, low intensity.

  1. "Sitting football"

Target: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscles of the legs and torso, training of accuracy and reaction speed.

Two teams of 4-6 people each play.

Inventory: soccer ball, skittles.

Instructions. Children sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach. One line is located facing the other at a distance of 2.5-3 meters.

The player, moving his legs forward, throws the ball to the child sitting opposite him, who catches it with his hands, and then sharply rolls the ball back to his partner with his feet. For inaccurate throwing of the ball, the team receives a penalty point. The team with fewer penalty points wins.


  1. Catch a thrown ball with your feet.
  2. Roll and catch the ball with only one foot.
  3. Knock down the pins with the ball, which are placed at an equal distance between the teams; For each pin knocked down, the team receives a bonus point.

Methodical instructions. Game for children from 3 to 14 years old, moderate load.

  1. "We wear hats"

Target: formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscular “corset” of the spine, development of balance, dexterity, and coordination of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: “hat” for each player - a bag of sand weighing 200-500 g, a board, a pyramid wheel.

Instructions. The players are standing. Children are placed on their heads with a light weight - a “hat”. After checking the children’s posture (head straight, shoulders at the same level, parallel to the floor, arms lying calmly along the body), the leader gives the signal to walk. Children should walk at a normal pace around the room or playground, maintaining correct posture. The winner is the one whose “hat” never falls off and who does not lose his posture.


  1. Children are encouraged not to walk, but to dance.
  2. Walk along the winding line drawn on the floor with chalk.
  3. Walk along a gymnastic bench or step over various objects on the floor or on the playground (skittles, cubes, small toys, pebbles, cones, etc.).

Methodical instructions. Game for children 4-14 years old, medium load.

  1. "Throwing bags"

Target: development of accuracy, coordination of movements, muscle strength of the limbs and torso.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: sandbags, hoop (rope).

Instructions. Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle lies a hoop (a rope in the shape of a circle). The children have bags in their hands. After the presenter says: “Throw it!”, all the children throw their bags. The presenter notes whose bag fell exactly into the circle. The task is repeated 10 times. The one with the most accurate hits wins.

Option: each of the players (in turn) stands on a line drawn at a distance of 3-4 meters from the chair and throws three bags onto it one after another so that they all remain lying on the chair. Then he passes the bags to the next one, who also throws them, etc. The one with the most accurate hits wins.

Methodical instructions.

  • Bags can be thrown from any position (sitting, standing), with one or two hands.
  • If children of different ages are playing, then the kids can be placed closer to the goal, and the older children further from it.
  1. "Sun"

Target: development of speed and accuracy of movements.

At least 15 people play.

Inventory: batons or tennis balls.

Instructions. A circle is drawn in the center. All players are divided into five teams and line up sideways to the center of the circle. It turns out to be a kind of sun with rays. Each beam is a command. The players, first from the center of the circle, hold relay batons in their hands. At the signal, they run in a circle and pass the baton to the player who is now standing first on his team. The person who comes running stands in a line in a place closer to the center. When the player who started the game is on the edge and receives the baton, he raises it, indicating that the team has finished the game.

Methodical instructions.

While running, it is prohibited to touch standing players or interfere with those making dashes. Penalty points are awarded for violating the rules.

  1. "Homeless Puppy"

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction and accuracy of movements.

Number of players - 7-9 people.

Inventory: 6-8 chairs, one less than the number of players.

Instructions. The chairs are placed in a circle, with the seats facing outwards. The participants of the game, standing in a circle on the outside, run to the right (left) at a signal. When the whistle blows, everyone tries to take a seat, but since there are fewer chairs, one player is left without a seat. He is eliminated, and another chair is removed from the circle. The last one standing wins.

Methodical instructions. The game is of medium intensity and can be repeated several times.

  1. "Ball in a circle"


Number of players - 5-15 people.

Inventory: volleyball.

Instructions. The players form a circle and settle for first or second. The first numbers are one team, the second numbers are another. Two players standing next to each other are captains, each holding a ball in their hands. At the signal, the captains pass the ball in a circle to the players of their team, that is, through one player. The ball must return to the captain as quickly as possible.

Methodical instructions. You can agree and pass the ball three times in a circle. If the balls collide, the game continues from that moment.

  1. "Hoop Relay"

Target: development of attention and accuracy of movements.

Number of players - 10 people.

Inventory: hoops

Instructions. The players form a circle of five people, they line up opposite each other. The distance between players in teams is 1.2-2 steps. The first (captain) in each team is given a hoop. At the whistle, the captains pass the hoop from top to bottom through themselves, lower it, and then pass it to the adjacent player. He does the same, passes it on to the third, etc.

Methodical instructions.

  • The game lasts until the hoop returns to the captain.
  • The team that finishes the game faster and makes no mistakes wins.
  • The game is played 3-4 times.
  1. "Knock down the pin"

Target: training in differentiation of efforts, development of the eye, accuracy of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: skittles, cubes, toys.

Instructions. In front of each participant, at a distance of 2-3 meters, there are objects: skittles, cubes, toys. You need to knock down an object by rolling the ball across the floor. The one who knocks down the objects the most times wins.

Methodical instructions. The game is low intensity and can be repeated several times.

  1. "Cones, acorns, nuts"

Target: development of attention, reaction speed, accuracy of movements.

The number of players is more than six.

Instructions. The players stand in threes, one after another, facing the center, where the driver stands. The first in threes are “cones”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”. At a signal, the driver pronounces any of three names, for example, “nuts.” All playing “nuts” must change places. The driver strives to stand in any vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. You can shout out two names or even three. The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

Methodical instructions. At the request of the children, this game can be played several times.