Ilya Muromets and the nightingale analysis. Brief description of Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

To the question, analysis of the epic Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber plz asked by the author Dima Emelyanov the best answer is

Oh, what a hillbilly peasant,

But Prince Vladimir’s anger was short-lived, because the captive Nightingale the Robber, tied to a saddle, was waiting for him in the courtyard. The prince was glad that such glorious heroes had not yet disappeared on Russian soil, and “the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets”, having saddled his horse, rode out into the field, where he cut off the head of the violent villain, who had killed many people in his lifetime. human lives. This is how the Nightingale the Robber died ingloriously - for the edification and fear of all enemies of the Russian land.

Reply from Woke up[newbie]
1.Which epic cycle can the epic you read belong to? What topic is it dedicated to?
This epic should be attributed to the Kyiv cycle. Its theme is the defense of Rus' from enemies.
The epic tells how Ilya Muromets, going to mass in Kyiv, chose a shorter, more direct road, which no one took because of the Nightingale the Robber. Having met the Nightingale the Robber, Ilya Muromets defeated him, thereby freeing the “direct road” to Kyiv.
The character of Ilya Muromets is serious, he is a brave, straightforward person. Ilya speaks with dignity, his speech is calm and measured. That's how he behaves. Ilya Muromets is brave, fearless, without hesitation he enters into battle with the Nightingale the Robber; upon arriving at Prince Vladimir, he does not brag, but behaves “scientifically.”
The mood of the epic is solemn, it is expressed in the final lines, which talk about people's gratitude.
2. Why did Ilya Muromets refuse to become the Chernigov governor and what helped the “glorious hero of the Holy Russian” defeat the Nightingale the Robber? How the epic expresses the attitude of the people towards the hero and what brings him closer to the heroes folk tales? How does Ilya Muromets appear before us? Try to draw an oral portrait of the hero using the text of the epic.
Ilya Muromets refused to become a governor in Chernigov, because his goal was different: to get to mass in Kyiv, and the goal of his life was to protect the Russian land.
He defeated the Nightingale the Robber because he did not doubt that he was right, he thirsted for justice, and he believed in his own strength.
The attitude of the people towards Ilya Muromets in the epic is expressed, firstly, using hyperbole (exaggeration). Ilya's strength and abilities are exaggerated. Also, the attitude is expressed using epithets (“remote, portly good fellow"). The attitude of other heroes of the epic towards Ilya Muromets (Nightingale the Robber is afraid of him, the Chernigov men respect him) also suggests that the people treat the hero with respect and love.
What brings Ilya closer to the heroes of fairy tales is that he is endowed with a certain magical gift to overcome space, fights evil and wins.
Ilya Muromets is a tall, large, densely built man. He has a serious face, a beard and mustache. He wears heroic clothes: chain mail, a helmet, he carries with him a shield and a quiver of arrows, he shoots from a bow, and very accurately.
4.The text often contains words with diminutive suffixes. What role do they play?
Words with diminutive suffixes are often used in epics (children, path, skoreshenko, lesushki, obedenka, dorozhenka, river). This is a reflection of the folk poetic perception of life, as well as a way of expressing author's attitude to heroes and events.
What character traits of Ilya Muromets appeared during the battle? What, besides fearlessness, helps him defeat the Nightingale the Robber? How does he talk about it himself?
During the battle, fearlessness and the ability to control oneself were demonstrated. Ilya Muromets firmly believes that it’s time for the Nightingale the Robber to stop robbing, “stop widowing young wives, stop orphaning little children.” The hero accomplishes his feat not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of people.
How do you understand the ending of the epic?
The ending of the epic (the last two lines) suggests that people highly appreciated the feat of Ilya Muromets because he protected them.
6. The main character is Ilya Muromets. The people - the storyteller rewards him with the epithets “remote”, “burly”, “kind”, “glorious hero of the Holy Russian”.
7. Ilya Muromets was traveling to Kyiv, on the way he passed through Chernigov and the Smorodina River. He did not listen to the advice of the Chernigov residents to take a roundabout road, he took the “straight” route, although dangers awaited him there. This speaks of the fearlessness of Ilya Muromets, of faith in the rightness of his cause.
8. The battle of Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber went like this: Nightingale whistled and shouted like an animal, it was very scary, the forests bowed to the ground, Ilya Muromets’s horse became

Reply from just[active]
Ilya Muromets is a great hero, a glorious warrior, main character Russian epics. In the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" many qualities of the "daring good fellow" as a folk hero are clearly revealed.
Endowed with heroic strength, Ilya Muromets knows no fear. The hero draws this strength from his love for native land and to the people who are ready to protect from enemies and offenders. Therefore, the good fellow left without delay, only as soon as he learned that on the way to the capital city of Kyiv-grad, Nightingale the Robber Odikhmantyev’s son was committing a crime:
And is it from him, from the nightingale's whistle,
And is it from him or from the cry of an animal?
All those ant grasses are tangled up,
All Lazarus flowers fall off,
The dark forests all bow to the ground, -
And as far as people are concerned, they are all lying dead.
However, Ilya Muromets is an “old Cossack”, he is brave, smart and experienced. He shot the formidable Nightingale the Robber, “knocked out his right eye with a braid.” When his sons-in-law came running to the villain’s rescue, the Nightingale the Robber immediately realized that even all of them together could not defeat the glorious hero, and they decided to bribe him, promising him “a piece of sugar,” “a honey drink,” and precious gifts. However, Ilya Muromets did not succumb to the enemy’s persuasion and took the captive robber “to the glorious capital city of Kiev and to the glorious prince in the wide courtyard.” Vladimir liked the polite and respectful greeting, but when the hero began to talk about his exploits, the prince became angry, thinking that he was simply bragging and deceiving:
Oh, what a hillbilly peasant,
In your eyes, man, you're playing tricks,
In your eyes, man, you're mocking!
But Prince Vladimir’s anger was short-lived, because the captive Nightingale the Robber, tied to a saddle, was waiting for him in the courtyard. The prince was glad that such glorious heroes had not yet disappeared on Russian soil, and “the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,” mounted a horse, rode out into the field, where he cut off the head of the violent villain, who had destroyed many human lives in his lifetime. This is how the Nightingale the Robber died ingloriously - for the edification and fear of all enemies of the Russian land.

Analysis of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”

1) Who is the main character of the epic? (Ilya Muromets)

2) Give a description of Ilya Muromets. (Coming from a popular background, fearless. Ilya Muromets is the embodiment of the spirit of the Russian people, in particular the peasantry, its community. Real historical prototype The image of Ilya has not yet been found. The name of Ilya the Russian appears in chronicles already in the 12th century. Apparently, in the 17th century in Kyiv, Ilya Muromets was recognized as a saint, and his relics are still displayed in the Kiev Pechersk Monastery.)

3) What are the features of a Russian national character endowed with the epic hero Ilya Muromets? (love for the native land, community, mercy, physical strength and fortitude, fearlessness, power, courage, recklessness, laziness)

4) Expressively read the episode of the epic, which describes the meeting of Ilya Muromets with the Nightingale the Robber. (The Nightingale whistled like a nightingale,

The villain-robber screamed like an animal, So all the grass-ants were entwined, And the azure flowers fell off, The dark forests all bowed to the ground. His good horse and heroic one, And he stumbles on the roots - And like the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets Takes a silk whip in his white hand, And he beat the horse and on the steep ribs, He said, Ilya, these are the words: Ah You, a wolf's fill and a bag of grass! Or don’t you want to go, or can’t carry it? Why are you stumbling on the roots, dog? Have you not heard the whistling of a nightingale, Have you not heard the cry of an animal, Have you not seen the blows of a hero? And here is the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets. Yes, he takes his tight, explosive bow.

He takes it into his own hands. He pulled a silken bowstring, And he put a red-hot arrow, He shot at that Nightingale the Robber, He knocked out his right eye with a pigtail, He let the Nightingale down on the damp ground, He fastened him to the right one to the damask stirrup, He drove him along the glorious road across the open field, carried past the nest and the nightingale.)

How did the hero show himself during the battle with Nightingale the Robber?

5) List artistic features, characteristic of this epic, ( constant epithets- “ant-grass”, “great silushka”; hyperbole - In that nest and the nightingale, / And it happened that there were three daughters, / And there were three daughters of his beloved; repetitions - The Nightingale the Robber is sitting on a damp oak tree, / The Nightingale the Robber is sitting...)

6) What other epics do you know about Ilya Muromets? (“Three trips of Ilya Muromets”)

7) Which Russian artist illustrated epics? (Epic stories have been popular for several centuries. Therefore, many Russian artists wanted to illustrate the heroes and events of epics, thus expressing their attitude towards epic creativity. One of the most famous illustrators was Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926). Among the most popular paintings Vasnetsov on epics and fairy tales: paintings “The Knight at the Crossroads” (1878), “Three Heroes” (1881-1898). Let us dwell on the history of the creation of the painting “Three Heroes”. In 1876, Vasnetsov went to France, where he worked in a colony of Russian artists for about a year. It was here that he decided to “start new genre his activities" and made the first sketch of "Bogatyrs". In 1878, after returning to his homeland, Vasnetsov and his family moved to Moscow. Here he turns to new topics: Russian folk epic(episode), fairy tale, native history. In 1893-1894, Vasnetsov built a fabulous house-workshop according to his own design in

Moscow, where “Bogatyrs”, “Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible” were completed, fairy-tale paintings “The Frog Princess”, “Sleeping Princess”, etc. were completed. The entire painting “Bogatyrs” was ready only in 1898, that is, the artist created it more than 20 years. Decided in a monumental and decorative way, the painting recreates the images of the three most beloved heroes of the epic epic: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Each of them has individual characteristics.

Striving for a monumental solution, Vasnetsov slightly raises the horizon line, and the viewer looks, as if from below, at the horsemen, whose clear silhouettes stand out against the background of light clouds. Bright and sonorous colors are subtly and nobly combined - green, brown, red, white, blue, giving a special decorative effect to the canvas. The landscape, with its vast expanse, gentle hills, meadows overgrown with wild grass, is united by smooth and calm rhythms with the figures of heroes.

According to epic images Vasnetsov developed the characters of his characters. In the center is Ilya Muromets. Ilya Muromets is simple and powerful, you can feel calm, confident strength and wisdom in him life experience. Strong in body, despite his formidable appearance - in one hand, tensely raised to his eyes, he has a club, in the other a spear - he is filled with “goodness, generosity and good nature.” The hero on the right, the youngest, “brave in appearance” is Alyosha Popovich. A young handsome man, full of courage and boldness, he is a “soul-guy”, a great inventor, singer and psaltery player, in his hands he has a bow and a spear, and a harp is attached to the saddle. The third hero, Dobrynya Nikitich, is representative and majestic, in accordance with the epics. Subtle facial features emphasize Dobrynya’s “knowledge,” his knowledge, culture, thoughtfulness and forethought. He can carry out the most complex assignments that require resourcefulness of the mind and diplomatic tact.

Heroes, as was customary in realistic painting and according to creative principle Vasnetsov, the costumes, weapons, chain mail, and stirrups are specific and historically accurate. Bogatyrs are endowed with a memorable appearance and bright character traits. Only these characters are not genre, but heroic. Here Vasnetsov’s ability to create an epic canvas, in tune with folk poetic ideas, was demonstrated. In 1898, “Bogatyrs” took pride of place in Tretyakov Gallery. “I believe that Vasnetsov’s “Bogatyrs” occupy one of the first places in the history of Russian painting,” expressed the general opinion of V.V. Stasov. Comparing Repin’s “Burlakov” with “Bogatyrs”, Stasov wrote: “Both here and there - all the strength and mighty might of the Russian people. Only this force there is oppressed and still trampled... and here it is a triumphant force, calm and important, not afraid of anyone and doing itself, of its own free will, what it likes, what it seems to be necessary for everyone, for the people.”

Another famous Russian artist who turned to the epic epic in his work was Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844-1930). He wrote famous painting"Sadko." Repin himself gave an interpretation to his picturesque legend about Sadko, who found himself in the sea kingdom. Just as a Novgorod merchant chooses a young Russian girl as his bride among the foreign beauties of all other countries, so the artist himself, who finds himself in an alien Europe, is full of thoughts about his native fatherland.)

Lesson topic:“The concept of the epic as a heroic epic. The epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale - the Robber"

Objective of the lesson: update students’ knowledge about the Russian heroic epic; give an idea of ​​the differences between epics and fairy tales; give an idea of ​​the epic hero; improve the skills of expressive reading, text analysis, oral speech.

Species educational activities : expressive reading of the epic, analysis of the features of the heroic epic, answers to reproductive questions on the content of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale - the Robber”, analysis of the image of Ilya Muromets, characterization of the hero of the epic as the embodiment of national character, work with S.I. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary, N.Yu.Shvedova.

Learning outcomes.

Subject: know the content of the epic, be able to answer problematic questions, identify artistic details, revealing the character of the hero, understand the rhythmic and melodic originality of the epic, recognize the signs of a heroic epic; read meaningfully and adequately perceive a work, be able to retell an epic using figurative means, create a monologue statement, compose a dialogue, understand the role of visual and expressive means.

Personal: fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture of one’s people, using it to solve cognitive problems different sources information.

Metasubject: independently formulate conclusions, select evidence.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Examination homework. This part can be carried out in the form of a competition. Divide the class into several groups.

1. Competition for the best storyteller “Telling Tales” (one storyteller from each group.)

2.Competition “Proverbs and Sayings”

3. Riddle competition.

II. Teacher's story about the epic genre.

We will devote several lessons to studying a special genre of oral folk art, with which you are already familiar, is the genre of epics. Epics are one of the oldest types folklore works. They trace their history back to about the 11th century. Scientists have established that the creation of epics ended in the 12th century, and their active existence, gradually fading, continued until the middle of the last century.

Bylinas are Russian heroic epic. The most important, decisive feature of the epic is heroic character its content. The heroic epic shows who the people consider a hero and for what merits. Hero-heroes personified the most important ideals of the people. Majestic images of the defenders of the homeland supported faith in the strength, courage and resilience of the Russian people, served as an example, and sometimes as a reproach. M.Yu. Lermontov “Yes, there were people in our time, / Not like the current tribe: / Bogatyrs - not you!”

The name itself tells us that the epic is perceived by the people as a true story, as a true story about events that once happened in the old days.

III. Conversation-repetition

Remember what features are characteristic of epics? (Heroes-heroes, figurative language, traditional folklore elements: beginning, ending, repetitions, hyperbole, constant epithets.)

What heroes do you remember?

IV. Working with the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale - the Robber”

1. Expressive reading of the epic by a trained student.

2. The teacher's word. The concept of an epic hero.

In V. Vasnetsov’s painting you see two more heroes: Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Many epics were also written about them. All these heroes are called epic heroes.

What do Ilya Muromets and the heroes of other epics have in common? (Everyone is incredibly, heroically strong, performing feats)

An epic hero is a hero of an epic who acts in real historical time, has extraordinary physical strength, military valor and wisdom.

V. Analysis of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale – the Robber”

Find signs of the real historical past of the Russian people. (City of Kyiv, Chernigov, Murom; Prince Vladimir)

How is the heroic strength and military valor of Ilya revealed in the epic?

(Battle of Chernigov, battle with Nightingale the Robber, comparison of the behavior of Prince Vladimir and Ilya in the scene at the prince’s court.)

Can the actions of Ilya Muromets be called heroic? (Acts for the benefit of people.)

(1. Fragments: portrait, equipment, attitude of the rescued Chernigov men, Nightingale the Robber. 2. Linguistic means: epithets to characterize Ilya (remote, portly, kind, glorious), horse and equipment (silk whip), appeals to Ilya of other characters epics.)

VI. Recording of an actor's reading of an epic (fragment)

What “telling” techniques are used in this epic? (Gradual increase in tension, repetitions of actions, words, special rhythm.)

Teacher's word.

One of the main features of the Russian epic, which distinguishes it from other works of heroic content, is that it is composed of songs that are not intended for reading, but for musical performance.

VII. Vocabulary work.

It is necessary that in addition to the text, the students should have before their eyes illustrations of the epic.

We explain the meaning of words (by Explanatory dictionary S.I.Ozhegova, N.Yu.Shvedova.M.: 2001, some students use Internet resources for searching)

Stolny, upright, enclosed, azure, dignified, special.

VIII. Creative task.

Look at the reproduction of V. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”, remember the epics that you know from books and cartoons, try to compose a dialogue between the heroes (scene) using the vocabulary of the epics.

IX. Compiling the table “Epic and Fairy Tale”


1.Both fairy tales and epics existed in oral form.

2.Both genres have existed since ancient times.


1. Fairy tale - a prose artistic fantasy story of a magical or everyday nature.

2. The main feature of a fairy tale is fiction.

3. Fairy tales are created in prose form.

4. Fairy tales were told.

1. Description of the exploits of heroes. Bylina - heroic epic

2. The epic is not characterized by accurate transmission historical facts, it captures historical reality in generalized images.

3. The epic has a song and poetic form.

4.Epics were sung or spoken in recitative, often accompanied by gusli.

Final words from the teacher.

With the help of fairy tales and epics, a connection between times was realized - Ancient Rus' and our era. The art of past centuries has flown into life modern man, A epic heroes not only serve as an example of nobility and courage, but also teach to observe established traditions: respect for elders, for Russian national traditions, for family values.


1. Prepare an expressive reading of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale - the Robber”

3. Prepare the characteristics of the heroes.

4. Prepare your illustration for one of the epics.



(MOU OSH No. 108)

Lesson summary

1. The genre of epics and its features.
2. Fairytale images and motives.
3. The art of performing epics.

Bylinas are Russian folk epic songs and tales that were widespread in Rus' in the 9th-13th centuries. Now they are classified as one of the areas of folklore. In ancient times, such epic songs were very popular. Most often they were performed in a chant to the accompaniment of the gusli.

The main heroes of epics were great heroes, folk heroes. However, some song-legends were dedicated to one or another great incident from the history of Ancient Rus'. In addition, through epics, some experience was passed on from generation to generation. The epics also absorbed events of later times. That is why one and the same legend could become the progenitor of two, or even three works of oral folk art. In Rus' there were several families that were famous for their talented ability to sing epics. The Ryabinin family was also not deprived of this amazing quality. Several generations of Ryabinins were engaged in telling epics. And a representative of the Kryukov family could sing these unique monuments of ancient oral folk art to folklore researchers every day for a month and never repeat herself. There are not so many main characters in epics. All of them are conditionally divided into two groups: the more ancient heroes: Volkh Vseslavyevich, Svyatogor, Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich - and already modern images: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich.

All ancient Russian epic tales obey the same rule of construction: they have a certain scheme: beginning, main content, outcome. Therefore, if the action of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” takes place on the road from the city of Muromlya to Kyiv-grad, then the beginning begins much earlier. It is manifested in the fact that one good fellow “stood at matins in Muromlya, and he wanted to be in time for lunch in the capital city, Kyiv-grad.” The beginning, ending, as well as the epithets found throughout the epic are presented in traditional forms characteristic of this genre. Any fact, as a rule, is stated two or three times. For example, talking about what is happening on the outskirts of the city of Chernigov, who met Ilya Muromets on the way, the author claims that:

The forces are caught up in black and black,
Oh, black and black, like a black crow.
So no one walks around here like infantry
No one passes there on a good horse
The black raven bird does not fly,
Let the gray beast not prowl.

The same information is repeated again when the hero meets with Prince Vladimir, and he exposes the words young man doubt, he doesn’t believe what this is short time you can get from Muroml to Kyiv. The artistic technique of triple repetition is successfully used further. When Ilya, having defeated the Nightingale the Robber, drives past the house where his three daughters live, the author again describes this event three times. The first two daughters could only see that their father was carrying with him some “hillbilly peasant,” but the third realized that it was not the father who was leading someone, but the defeated hero himself was being dragged along by him. This artistic technique significantly enhances the emotional perception of the epic by listeners. In legend songs, only constant epithets are often used, that is, definitions firmly attached to any one phenomenon. Thus, the strength must necessarily be great, a good fellow must certainly be remote and portly, and the Nightingale the Robber, “the son of the Dikhmanty,” is inevitably the most terrible villain.

When creating the image of the main character - the hero Ilya Muromets, folk authors took advantage of this artistic device, like a hyperbole. Describing the courageous young man and his heroic victory over the Nightingale the Robber, the storytellers clearly embellished his real human capabilities. So, for example, it turned out that the hero was quite capable of dealing with the great, black power alone. The whole city with his army and prince he was under siege for many days, but only Ilya was able to trample all the great power with his horse. Moreover, in the battle that took place, this faithful animal acquired considerable importance. A heroic horse, like in a fairy tale:

He began to jump from mountain to mountain,
He began to jump from hill to hill,
There were small rivers and little lakes between my legs.

The fairy-tale approach to the presentation of the plot also significantly enhances the emotional impression of the listener. With deliberate detail and even scrupulousness, the storytellers describe how Ilya Muromets takes his bow and pulls the string. This technique gives a seemingly simple action a special, deeper and more solemn meaning. The listener gets the opportunity to more vividly imagine everything that is happening. And just like in slow motion

Yes, he takes his tight, explosive bow,
He takes it in his own hands,
He pulled the silken string,
And he applied a red-hot arrow.

The hero is filled with pride and self-esteem. From the height of his chosen position, he already without hesitation goes “into the white-stone chambers”, “into the dining room in the little room” to Prince Vladimir himself. Without an announcement: “he was swinging the door on his heel,” he appears before the ruler. His confidence is transferred to other characters in the epic. Feeling that in front of them there is no ordinary person, he is already perceived differently by the people around him. The Chernigov peasants want to keep Ilya Muromets as their governor. Famous traveler Prince Vladimir himself greets him warmly. The hero involuntarily evokes respect even from his own worst enemy whom he enslaved. When Prince Vladimir orders Nightingale the Robber to show his art of whistling, he refuses him, saying that only a hero can show him something. The villain demands a glass of wine. And now it is no longer the prince, the ruler of the city, who gives orders, but the “hillbilly man.” Perhaps in this way the storytellers wanted to once again emphasize that, despite wealth and power, no king, even one as fair as Vladimir, can compare with a simple man - a hero from common people. In the descriptions of the Nightingale the Robber, the authors of the epic also use hyperbole. This character is not just a villain, he is a robber of incredible proportions for that time. No one could single-handedly strike fear not only into the residents of the small town of Chernigov, but even into Kyiv-grad:

How the villain-robber screams like an animal -
Then all the grass-ants are entangled,
And the azure flowers fall away,
The dark forests all bow to the ground,
And what people there are, they’re all lying dead.

This once again confirms the fact that in any epic the personal qualities of the main characters are significantly exaggerated; their actions and exploits are presented in a more significant context, which often greatly exceeds the limit of ordinary human capabilities. The outcome of the epic is determined by the scene of the reprisal of Ilya Muromets over the Nightingale the Robber.

Listening to and performing epics in Rus' was often a favorite pastime among the common people after hard daily work. The special way of performing these folk works: they were told, that is, they were chanted, following the sound of the epic verse, and the performers of the epics were called storytellers.

There were some differences in the sound of epics in the southern and northern regions of Russia. In the North, as a rule, songs are performed by one person, in one voice, and in relatively short narrative tunes. Southerners prefer to recite their tales in chorus, and the music of the epics often resembled modern widely chanted Don songs. At the end of many epics you can hear the author praising his main character. This acquired great importance in Rus' in terms of the pedagogical and patriotic education of the younger generation, since the listeners, along with the narrator, were filled with pride for their people, their country, in which such heroes could be born.

Epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

Genre: epic

The main characters of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" and their characteristics

  1. Ilya Muromets. Russian hero. Powerful, brave, decisive. Defender of the Russian land, protector of widows and orphans, honest and fearless.
  2. Nightingale the Robber. Murderer and murderer, dishonest, evil, insidious, cunning.
  3. Prince Vladimir. Important, swaggering, stupid.
Plan for retelling the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
  1. Ilya is traveling from Karacharovo
  2. Battle of Chernigov
  3. Ilya as voivode
  4. A story about the Nightingale the Robber
  5. Ilya's decision
  6. Battle with the Nightingale the Robber
  7. Nightingale's Daughters
  8. Nightingale's sons-in-law
  9. Ilya Muromets in Kyiv
  10. The prince's mistrust
  11. The nightingale whistles
  12. Death of the Nightingale the Robber
The shortest summary of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Ilya Muromets went to Kyiv and defeated enemies near Chernigov
  2. The people of Chernigov called him to be governor, but Ilya refused, and went straight to Kyiv
  3. Ilya met the Nightingale the Robber and knocked him off an oak tree with an arrow
  4. Nightingale’s daughters wanted to recapture the robber, but Nightingale ordered them to retreat
  5. Ilya brought Solovy to Kyiv, but Prince Vladimir does not believe him
  6. The Nightingale whistles in Kyiv, everyone gets scared, and Ilya blows off the Nightingale’s head with his saber.
The main idea of ​​the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
It is not for the sake of glory that heroes perform feats, but for the sake of ordinary people, for the sake of their homeland.

What does the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" teach?
This epic teaches you to love your homeland, teaches you to defend it from enemies, teaches you to stand up for the weak and offended. Teaches you to be fair, brave, honest.

Review of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
This is a very interesting epic in which we meet Ilya Muromets, the greatest Russian hero. This is a real defender of the Russian land. I really like Ilya Muromets, because he is reliable, he is calm, he is confident and invincible.

Proverbs for the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.
The hero is not famous by birth, but by his feat.
Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

Summary, brief retelling epics "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
The good fellow Ilya Muromets sets off from the village of Karacharova. He meets Matins already in Murom, and plans to be in Kyiv by lunchtime.
But Ilya Muromets drove up to Chernigov and saw the black force. Ilya Muromets defeated all the black forces and entered Chernigov.
Ilya was joyfully greeted in Chernigov and invited to become a governor. But Ilya refused and asked to show the way straight to Kyiv.
The Chernigov residents answer him that the straight road has been overgrown for a long time, no one drives along it, because near the Smorodina River the Nightingale the Robber sits on an oak tree and whistles so that the trees bend to the ground, and people are dead are lying.
Ilya was not afraid, he drove straight along the road. He approaches the Currant River, the Nightingale saw him, and how he whistled. The heroic horse stumbles.
Ilya whipped the horse and took out the bow. He shot a red-hot arrow and knocked out Nightingale’s right eye. He fastened the Nightingale to the stirrup and took him to Kyiv.
Ilya drove past the nest of the Nightingale the Robber, and there his three daughters were sitting, looking at the road. The elders say that Nightingale is coming, carrying a peasant peasant. And the younger one says that on the contrary, a country man is riding, carrying the Nightingale in the stirrup.
Here Nightingale’s daughters called their husbands and told them to take the spears and kill the peasant peasant. The husbands grabbed the spears and ran to Ilya Muromets. Yes, the Nightingale shouts to them from the stirrup so that they throw down the spears and invite the man to visit him for dinner. But Ilya does not listen to the promises, he continues on.
Ilya Muromets arrived in Kyiv, entered the white stone chambers, bowed to all sides, especially to Prince Vladimir.
Vladimir asks who he is and where he is from. Ilya answers that he is from the village of Karacharova, near Murom, that he was traveling through Chernigov on a straight road.
Prince Vladimir does not believe him, he says that there is immeasurable black power near Chernigov, and the Nightingale the Robber sits near the Smorodina River.
Ilya answers that the Nightingale is fastened to his stirrup, and his eye is knocked out. Vladimir runs out into the yard to look at Nightingale and demands that he whistle like a nightingale.
The Nightingale doesn’t want to whistle, he replies that Ilya knocked him down, and he should give orders.
Ilya ordered Nightingale to whistle. The Nightingale asks you to drink wine. I drank a cup of half a bucket and how it whistled. The poppies tilt, the windows shatter, Prince Vladimir wraps himself in a fur coat.
Ilya quickly took Solovy to the field and cut off his head. The Nightingale will no longer whistle and destroy Russian people.

Drawings and illustrations for the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"