Draw a fox in a dress. How to draw a fox with colored pencils step by step

Not every person can boast of having seen a fox close to them. This beast of prey, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get close to it. The fox has very fluffy fur, which has orange shades. A fox is similar to a wolf or a dog, but there are several distinctive features. The main ones are pointed eyes and a narrow muzzle. From this step by step lesson you will find out how to draw a fox on graphics tablet, however, you can also use a simple pencil and paper. The sequence of all steps will remain unchanged.

Tools and materials:

  1. A graphics tablet and pen (I used Wacom Intos Draw, but any will do) connected to a computer or laptop.
  2. Program Adobe Photoshop.

You can also use a simple pencil, an eraser and a piece of paper.

Stages of work:

Step 1. We turn on the Adobe Photoshop program. Create a new file, setting the dimensions to 1,500 px by 1,000 px. Take the brush tool with size 5. Draw one large circle in the middle. Inside below great circle draw a smaller one, which will characterize the size of the animal’s muzzle. Let's draw a portrait of the fox from the front, so the center line will pass through the circles vertically in the center:

Step 2. Let's add the eyes by drawing two small circles parallel to each other. From each circle we will barely noticeably draw rounded lines:

Step 3. The eyes will be pointed and their outer part will be higher than the inner part. From the edge of the outer part of the eyes we draw one line, which will curve and go down. This way we get visual arrows. From the inside of the eyes we will draw more lines that bend and join the nose:

Step 4. Add an oval in the middle of the inner circle. Note that because the fox's snout is slightly lowered, the top of the nose will be wider than the bottom. Therefore, it seems that the oval is double. The lower jaw is almost invisible, only its edge:

Step 5. The fox's face has many curves, to draw them correctly, you need to outline their location with straight lines. The lines have a mirror effect, so we make them as similar as possible to each other:

Step 6. The contour of the ears looks like an elongated oval. Between them we will add a line that curves towards the muzzle:

Step 7 The fox has a lot of fur growing in its ears, but for now we will only outline their edges and tonal transitions with lines. We thicken the outer part of the ears by drawing one more line:

Step 8 Let's add a few more folds on the animal's face (between the eyes, at the level of the eyebrows). We'll also catch the fur on the neck a little. Left side will be greater than the right one:

Step 9 Let's start shading with the eyes. First we will draw the pupils and outlines, because they are the darkest. We leave a small surface for glare, and the rest top part we shade, creating a falling shadow from the eyelids and eyelashes:

Step 10 The nose will be even darker and more defined than the eyes because it is closer to the viewer. Let's add a few touches from it. In the nose, let's make the nostrils even darker by half a tone:

Step 11 Use the Eraser tool to delete everything extra lines, on the nose. Let's add some fine hair on the nose. We apply strokes along the rounded shape of the nose:

Step 12 We smoothly move from the nose to drawing the eyes. Place the shadow both below and above:

Step 13 Remove the previously marked lines under the nose with an eraser. Now let's draw the fur. The fur near the fox's mouth will be dark due to the falling shadow from the nose:

Step 14 Let's draw fur along the entire lower part. The edges and back are darker than the fur near the muzzle:

Step 15 We will draw the nose and eyebrow arches using strokes. In these areas the hair will be long:

Step 16 We work the wool up to the ears. We are in no hurry to distinguish the foreground from the background:

She is often called the red-haired cheat, and her image is used in fairy tales to show cunning, ingenuity and deceit. Do you know who we are talking about? I think without much difficulty, we are talking about a fox whose appearance is unique and liked by many. Some children say that a fox is like a dog and a squirrel. Foxes have a red color with white elements, and on the paws there is a transition to black. Today we let's draw a fox V full height. Our fox will stand sideways so that her entire body and tail are visible, and her head is turned to the left. She is clearly looking for someone in the distance, perhaps her prey. In this lesson for children we will learn, how to draw a fox easy with a simple pencil step by step.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple hard pencil.
  3. A simple soft pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Step 1. The base of the fox's body will consist of a large oval that is attached to a small circle. The circle will serve as the basis for the head. Place the circle to the right of the large oval, and the connection will be below:

Step 2. Next, we’ll draw the animal’s paws, but their lower part is not visible due to the uneven surface on which the fox stands. The tail is carried down, but has enough volumetric form due to thick fur. The predator stands on the rocks, so we make the surface lines sharp and pointed:

Step 3. Let's move on to drawing the head. We shape the fox's face so that the width is slightly greater than the height. In the middle of the muzzle, draw a small oval, outlining the nose. From it we will draw lines on the sides that will connect it to the head. The ears are raised up, but they are slightly turned to the sides:

Step 4. Let's detail the features. Draw a nose in the form of a drop that connects to a closed mouth. Place the two eyes at equal distances. For now we draw them in the form of spots, without drawing them in detail:

Step 5. Let's outline the darkest places on the animal's face. These will be the eyes, nose and mouth line. Let's divide the head horizontally into two parts, because the lower part of the muzzle will be much lighter than the upper. Let's outline the fur along the contour of the head:

Step 6. Add shade to the top of the head. Around the eyes the shade will be darker due to the curve. Let's draw some more fur on the head:

Step 7 The fox's chest will be light, so you shouldn't darken it too much, but apply only light strokes to show the fur. At the level of the paws there is a sharp transition to darker fur:

Step 8 We continue to apply slightly chaotic strokes to the animal’s body to add volume. A shadow will fall from the head, so we darken this area:

Step 9 We will draw the remaining paws similarly to the front ones. By the way, one of the front paws will only be slightly visible due to the position of the body. The fur on the limbs will be quite dark, but short:

Step 10 Let's add some finishing touches to the rest of the body. We apply them in the direction of growth (from right to left). The closer to the back of the body, the lighter the coat will be. Therefore, the pressure on the pencil weakens here:

Most children love to draw. At first, the baby clumsily holds a pencil, drawing “scribbles and scribbles” on paper, but over time, the drawing skill gradually improves, the pictures become more beautiful and neat, and the plots become more complex. Drawing is not only entertainment, but also an excellent educational game, with the help of which a child develops fine motor skills, spatial orientation, learns to determine the shape and size of objects and the relationship of various things in space relative to each other. That is why encouraging drawing is right and useful. Even if your little one does not become a great artist, the ability to draw will definitely be useful to him in life.

In this article we will talk about how to draw a fox with a pencil.

How to draw a fox (step by step)?

First of all, prepare paper, pencil and eraser. Lay out a sheet of paper so that the baby can clearly see all stages of the work.

If a real fox is too difficult for you, you can draw a funny cartoon fox.

If this option seems too complicated to you and you are not confident in your own artistic talents, try to depict a lighter version of the fox - a fox made of triangles. To do this, you will need to draw several triangles (for the body, head and ears), as well as a teardrop tail. The base is ready. All that remains is to add the details - eyes, mustaches, tick legs, etc. This schematic version is very easy to draw, and at the same time, all the main features of the fox are preserved - the animal in the image is recognizable, the little one will immediately guess that it is a fox.

The most important detail in drawing a fox is to highlight the ears and the white tip of the tail. Almond-shaped eyes and a small muzzle make the fox look like a cat, and the structure of its legs and body makes it look like a dog.

If you want to draw a little fox-sister from a fairy tale, the easiest way is to draw the fox’s head in profile - an elongated muzzle with a droplet nose, a vertical body (most often fairy foxes wear sundresses), a bushy tail – that’s all you need to draw. And if you draw a kolobok on the face of a cunning fox, the baby will probably recognize not only the animal, but also the fairy tale in which your fox is a character.

That's it. Now you know how to draw a fox for a child.

While drawing an animal, you have an excellent opportunity to tell your little one about it. Together with your child, remember which fairy tale hero the fox is, what character traits it has, explain to the child where the fox lives and what it eats, what species and genus it belongs to, and what animals it is related to. Rest assured, the baby will listen with pleasure and even tell you what he already knows.

This way you combine two at once most useful activities– drawing and knowledge of the surrounding world, nature and its inhabitants.

Sooner or later, your child will begin to show creative abilities and may want to draw. Perhaps at school they will ask you to draw a picture? Or art lessons? To make sure that your child is prepared for all the difficulties of drawing, you need to teach him yourself.

So, your child is already pulling you by the hand and asking you to help him draw a red furry animal, and you yourself never graduated from art, and skipped art classes. But we will tell you how to draw a fox step by step with a pencil for children.

First of all, the reference lines will help your child draw a fox with a pencil. Our little fox will start with... a banana!

We need the fruit in order to immediately create a reference line for the nose, because the fox has an upturned nose. Now you can complete the round outline of the muzzle, the triangles of the ears and the oval of the body. Try to maintain all proportions. When drawing these outlines, you do not need to put much pressure on the pencil, they are only auxiliary.

We draw the outlines of the paws, making them slightly curved, because animals’ paws are not straight at all. Let's finish drawing the tail. If the fox is interested, then raise it higher, but if it is upset, you can lower it.

Now it's time to revive our red-haired beauty. We draw the outlines of the fur on the face, tail, paws and ears.

The most difficult thing is to round all the lines, finally creating the contours of the fox. Here the child will need your help, since the process is quite difficult.

It's time to erase the auxiliary lines and take up colored pencils.

So we have a red-haired beauty!

How to easily draw a fox with a pencil step by step - for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful fox with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful fox.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw, especially children, they are interested in learning how to draw not only people, houses, flowers, but also various animals.

Today we’ll see how you can quickly and easily learn to draw a fox. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a fox is drawn. Look at the location of the fox, how and where different parts of the fox’s body are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a fox, on the left is the head of a fox, on the right is the tail of a fox, and below are the paws of a fox. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts fox body.

Start drawing the fox from the body, it consists of two circles, there should be a small distance between the circles, draw one circle larger, the second smaller, connect these two circles with lines above and below.

Now to the left of the fox’s body, draw a small circle - this will be the fox’s head and connect the fox’s head and body with a line.

Draw the fox's muzzle, it should be slightly elongated and pointed, draw four paws, the front paws are drawn straight, and the hind paws are slightly curved.

Now draw the fox’s muzzle, first draw the ear, it is drawn in the form of a triangle standing up.

Draw the eye in the form of a small oval, elongated along the edges of the eyes and draw the eyebrows of the fox and the pupil.

See what the fox's nose should be like, correct the fox's muzzle and draw the tip of the nose. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Draw the second ear of the fox, it should be triangular and erect, shade both ears a little.

Connect the fox's head and body, apply a little shading so that the fox's fur is visible, draw the fox's mouth.

Now draw the fox's front paw and toes on the front paw, draw hind paw. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Draw all four paws of the fox, add a small stroke to the paws so that the fox’s fur is visible, and draw toes on the fox’s paws.

At the end of the fox's body, draw a large fluffy tail, put a small stroke on it so that you can see that the tail is fluffy. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Erase the extra lines in the drawing, see what beautiful fox you got it. The fox can be painted or shaded a little.

Now let's see how to draw a little fox

Look carefully at the picture in which a little fox is drawn; the body of the little fox occupies the lower part of the picture, and the head and tail of the little fox occupy the upper part of the picture.

First draw the head of the fox, the head should be drawn in the form of an oval on the left side, extend the oval a little so that you can then draw the little fox’s muzzle.

Draw the little fox's ears, the ears should be drawn in the form of small ovals located towards the top, the bottom of the ovals should be more round, and the top of the ovals should be slightly pointed. The little fox's ears in the picture are drawn in red.

Now draw the body of the little fox, it should be located below, under the head of the little fox, in the picture the body of the little fox slightly intersects with the head of the little fox and is drawn in red.

Draw the little fox's paws, three paws should be drawn in the drawing, the fourth paw is not visible because the little fox is standing sideways. The little fox's paws in the picture are drawn in red.

Now the little fox needs to draw a tail. Draw the little fox's tail with right side, it should be large, fluffy, slightly curved towards the top. In the picture, the little fox's tail is drawn in red.

Look at the outline of the little fox, it needs to be corrected a little, draw inner part ears of the little fox, outline the outline of the little fox brighter.

Draw the fox's eye, the tip of the nose and the mouth. In the picture, everything that needs to be drawn is highlighted in red.

Look carefully at your little fox, erase the extra lines and trace the outline of the little fox again. Look what a beautiful little fox you have made.

The little fox can be painted in any color you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a fox and a little fox step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw. We wish you good luck in your future works.