Or the peculiarities of national health care. Children's stories online

Many Russians have gotten into the habit of drinking chicory in the morning instead of coffee. According to experts, this drink is useful in all respects. There is no caffeine in chicory, so you can drink it at any time, not just in the morning. But how can you find a quality product in a store?

“Chicory allows you to cheer up, but in the evening it will not interfere with falling asleep,” Yulia Chekhonina, a nutritionist at the clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, candidate of medical sciences, confirmed to us the advantages of this product. According to her, chicory is a medicinal plant, therefore it is recommended for certain diseases of the digestive system.

“Chicory contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, carotene, beneficial microelements, organic acids, inulin, which stimulates the development of beneficial intestinal microflora, which means it improves metabolism and generally strengthens the immune system,” she continues.

One of essential components Chicory contains inulin, which lowers blood sugar levels, which is why it is useful for diabetes.

In general, drinking chicory is really beneficial. However, is it possible to call useful habit buy it? Yes, but only if the product is real. After all, there are fakes: not everything that lies under this brand on the shelves of our stores has the right to be called chicory.

In this situation, the state should not leave the buyer alone with the sellers. You can distinguish a real product using the state standard. Few people know that in Russia there is already a draft GOST for chicory, which should come into force on January 1, 2015. It was developed in 2012–2013 by the Research Institute of Food Concentrate Industry and Special Food Technology. According to the management of the institute, the standard includes scientifically based results of fundamental and applied research. “Thus, only a product that meets the requirements of GOST R 55512 can be considered natural soluble chicory,” says the institute’s information letter. If the indicators for at least one of the carbohydrates indicated in the special GOST table do not correspond, the product, in theory, can be considered non-compliant with the Gosstandart project.

However, what is the situation now in practice? We conducted a small experiment out of purely journalistic interest (after all, the issues of tasty and healthy food are close to every person, including journalists): samples of chicory of different brands were purchased from large retail chains in Moscow. Then the product was submitted for examination to determine the composition of the product, the results of which could upset any fan of healthy eating. Unfortunately, not all purchases were of the same quality.

Some purchases made in the Azbuka Vkusa, Karusel, Pyaterochka and Magnit stores turned out to be products whose composition differs from the standards proposed by the GOST draft. Moreover, even a high price cannot guarantee quality. A 110-gram jar of “Zdravnik” (manufacturer: Slavkofe LLC) for 110 rubles and a 200-gram glass jar of “Leroux nature” (manufacturer: “Leroux”, France) for 415 rubles, purchased at the ABC of Taste, turned out to be not in compliance with the planned standard. rubles

Of the six purchases made at Auchan, only two complied with the GOST draft. Of the 10 purchases at Metro, experts approved only two. In our opinion, retail chains It is worth being more strict in the selection of goods, since in some of them it is impossible to find real chicory, in others, the choice of goods is actually a game of Russian roulette. Probably, the controlling government agencies, whose responsibilities include protecting consumer rights, should also have their say.

Young lover of literature, we are firmly convinced that you will enjoy reading the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” and you will be able to learn a lesson and benefit from it. Probably due to the inviolability human qualities in time, all moral teachings, morals and issues remain relevant at all times and eras. How clearly the superiorities are depicted goodies over the negative ones, how alive and bright we see the first and petty - the second. An important role for children’s perception is played by visual images, which, quite successfully, abound this work. A small amount of detail in the surrounding world makes the depicted world more rich and believable. Often in children's works, the central character becomes the hero's personal qualities, his resistance to evil, constantly trying to confuse the good fellow. the right path. All descriptions environment created and presented with a feeling of deepest love and gratitude to the object of presentation and creation. The fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” needs to be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners details and words that are incomprehensible and new to them.

There was an old man and an old woman, they had a daughter Alyonushka and a son Ivanushka.
The old man and the old woman died. Alyonushka and Ivanushka were left alone.
Alyonushka went to work and took her brother with her. They go along a long path, along wide field, and Ivanushka wanted to drink.
- Sister Alyonushka, I’m thirsty!
- Wait, brother, let's get to the well.
They walked and walked, the sun was high, the well was far away, the heat was oppressive, the sweat was protruding. A cow's hoof is full of water.
- Sister Alyonushka, I’ll take some bread from the hoof!
- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little calf!
The brother obeyed, let's move on. The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is oppressive, the sweat is protruding. The horse's hoof is full of water.
- Sister Alyonushka, I’ll drink from the hoof!
- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a foal!
Ivanushka sighed, and we moved on again. They walk and walk, the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is oppressive, sweat appears. A goat's hoof is full of water.
Ivanushka says:
- Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I’ll drink from the hoof!
- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little goat!
Ivanushka did not listen and drank from a goat's hoof. Got drunk and became a little goat...
Alyonushka calls her brother, and instead of Ivanushka, a little white goat runs after her.
Alyonushka burst into tears, sat down on a haystack, crying, and the little goat was jumping around next to her.
At that time a merchant was driving past:
-What are you crying about, red maiden?
Alyonushka told him about her misfortune. The merchant says to her:
- Come marry me. I will dress you in gold and silver, and the little goat will live with us.
Alyonushka thought, thought and married the merchant.
They began to live and get along, and the little goat lives with them, eats and drinks from the same cup with Alyonushka.
One day the merchant was not at home. Out of nowhere, a witch comes: she stood under Alyonushka’s window and so affectionately began to call her to swim in the river.
The witch brought Alyonushka to the river. She rushed at her, tied a stone around Alyonushka’s neck and threw her into the water.
And she herself turned into Alyonushka, dressed up in her dress and came to her mansion. Nobody recognized the witch. The merchant returned - and he did not recognize him.
One little goat knew everything. He hangs his head, doesn't drink, doesn't eat. In the morning and evening he walks along the bank near the water and calls:
- Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore...
The witch found out about this and began to ask her husband to kill and slaughter the kid.
The merchant felt sorry for the little goat, he got used to him. But the witch pesters so much, begs so much - there is nothing to do, the merchant agreed:
- Well, kill him...
The witch ordered to build high fires, heat cast iron cauldrons, and sharpen damask knives.
The little goat found out that he did not have long to live, and said to his named father:
- Before I die, let me go to the river, drink some water, rinse my intestines.
- Well, go.
The little goat ran to the river, stood on the bank and cried out pitifully:

Alyonushka from the river answers him:
- Oh, my brother Ivanushka! The heavy stone pulls to the bottom, the silken grass entangles my legs, the yellow sand lies on my chest.
And the witch is looking for the little goat, cannot find it, and sends a servant:
- Go find the kid, bring him to me.
The servant went to the river and saw a little goat running along the bank and calling pitifully:
- Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore. The fires are burning high, the cast iron cauldrons are boiling, the damask knives are sharpening, they want to stab me to death!
And from the river they answer him:
- Oh, my brother Ivanushka! The stone weighs heavily on the bottom, the silken grass has entangled my legs, the yellow sands lie on my chest.
The servant ran home and told the merchant about what he had heard on the river. They gathered the people, went to the river, threw silk nets and pulled Alyonushka to the shore. They removed the stone from her neck, dipped her in spring water, and dressed her in an elegant dress. Alyonushka came to life and became more beautiful than she was.
And the little goat threw himself over his head three times with joy and turned into the boy Ivanushka.
The witch was tied to a horse's tail and released into an open field.

Russian folk tale

Once upon a time there lived in the same village a sister Alyonushka and a brother Ivanushka. They lived completely alone because their parents died. Alyonushka raised and educated her brother alone.

So one morning Alyonushka went to the field to work, and took brother Ivanushka with her. They walk across the field, and the sun rises higher and higher above the forest. Ivanushka wanted to drink and asked his sister:

Alyonushka, I'm thirsty!

Be patient, brother, we’ll get to the well and you’ll get a drink.

Brother Ivanushka sighed, but there was nothing to do, he endured it. They move on. The sun is rising higher and higher, but there is still a long way to go. The heat bothers Ivanushka and he sweats. Ivanushka looks - there is a cow’s hoof full of water on the road.

Don't drink Ivanushka, you'll become a little calf!

Alyonushka, can I drink from the hoof?

Don't drink Ivanushka, you'll become a foal!

Ivanushka sighed, but again he listened to his sister and moved on.

They walk for a long time, the sun has risen very high, the heat is bothering Ivanushka, and he is sweating. It’s very difficult for Ivanushka. Ivanushka looks - there is a goat’s hoof full of water on the road.

Alyonushka, can I drink from the hoof?

Don't drink Ivanushka, you'll become a little goat!

But Ivanushka could not endure it any longer. He didn’t listen to his sister Alyonushka and drank water from a goat’s hoof. And he turned into a little goat.

Alyonushka looked around, and instead of brother Ivanushka, there was a little white goat standing on the road and bleating: “Beeee.”

Alyonushka cried bitter tears and sat down on a hillock. And the little goat jumps around her and calms her down. At that time a young merchant was driving along the road. He saw Alyonushka crying and asked:

What are you crying about, red maiden?

Sister Alyonushka told him about her misfortune, the merchant took pity on her and said:

- You are a beautiful girl, marry me. You will live with me, not worry about anything, and the little goat will live with us.

Alyonushka thought and thought and agreed. They returned to the village and had a wedding. For several days the whole village was partying at the wedding, and the little goat was the most happy of all. So the three of them began to live and live together, the little goat eats with them at the same table, sleeps in the same house. And everything would be fine, but the witch alone was very angry with Alyonushka, she herself wanted to marry the merchant. And the witch decided to drive sister Alyonushka away from the world.

One morning a merchant left for the market, and the witch turned into a young girl, came to Alyonushka and invited her to the river to swim. The little goat won’t let her in and jumps nearby, but Alyonushka didn’t guess anything and went to the river. And there the witch attacked her, tied a heavy stone around Alyonushka’s neck and threw her into a deep pool of water. And she turned into Alyonushka, dressed in her dress, and came home. In the evening the merchant returned home and did not notice the substitution.

And only the little goat is sad, does not eat or drink. In the morning and evening he goes to the bank, cries and calls to Alyonushka:

Alyonushka, my sister!

Swim out, swim out to the shore...

The witch saw the little goat running ashore, and began to ask the merchant - slaughter the little goat! At first the merchant did not agree, he was used to the little goat, but the witch begged and pestered so much that in the end the merchant said:

Okay, let's kill...

The witch was delighted and ordered the servants to sharpen damask knives, build high fires, and heat cast-iron cauldrons. The little goat heard that they wanted to slaughter him, began to cry, came to the merchant and asked:

Before I die, allow me to go to the river, drink some water, and rinse my intestines.

The merchant let him go. A little goat ran to the river, went out onto the bank and bleated pitifully:

Alyonushka, my sister!

Swim out, swim out to the shore.

High fires are burning.

Cast iron boilers are boiling.

They sharpen damask knives.

They want to kill me!

And Alyonushka answers him from the water:

I can’t Ivanushka,

The river sand presses on my chest.

But the witch cannot find the little goat. She sent all the servants to find the little goat. The servants ran away different angles look for the little goat. One of them ran to the shore, looked: a little goat was running along the shore and called:

Alyonushka, my sister!

Swim out, swim out to the shore.

High fires are burning.

Cast iron boilers are boiling.

They sharpen damask knives.

They want to kill me!

I can’t Ivanushka,

A heavy stone is pulling me to the bottom,

Silk grass has tangled my legs,

The river sand presses on my chest.

The servant came running home and told the merchant about what he had seen on the shore. The merchant caught on, ran to the shore, saw a little goat, and dived into the water in his clothes. I found Alyonushka in a deep pool and pulled her ashore. He took the stone from her neck, and Alyonushka came to life and became more beautiful than before. And the little goat, in joy, threw himself over his head three times, and again turned into brother Ivanushka.

They returned home and began to live happily ever after. And the witch was burned at the stake.

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, they had a daughter Alyonushka and a son Ivanushka.
The old man and the old woman died. Alyonushka and Ivanushka were left alone.
Alyonushka went to work and took her brother with her. They are walking along a long path, across a wide field, and Ivanushka wants to drink.

Sister Alyonushka, I’m thirsty!
- Wait, brother, let's get to the well.
As they walked and walked, the sun was high, the well was far away, the heat was oppressive, the sweat was protruding. A cow's hoof is full of water.
- Sister Alyonushka, I’ll take some bread from the hoof!
- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a calf!

The brother obeyed, let's move on. The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is oppressive, the sweat is protruding. The horse's hoof is full of water.
- Sister Alyonushka, I’ll drink from the hoof!
- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a foal!
Ivanushka sighed, and we moved on again. They walk and walk, the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is oppressive, sweat appears. A goat's hoof is full of water.

Ivanushka says:
- Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I’ll drink from the hoof!
- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little goat!
Ivanushka did not listen and drank from a goat's hoof. Got drunk and became a little goat...

Alyonushka calls her brother, and instead of Ivanushka, a little white goat runs after her.
Alyonushka burst into tears, sat down on a haystack, crying, and the little goat was jumping around next to her.

At that time a merchant was driving past:
- What are you crying about, red maiden?
Alyonushka told him about her misfortune. The merchant says to her:
- Come marry me. I will dress you in gold and silver, and the little goat will live with us.

Alyonushka thought, thought and married the merchant.
They began to live and get along, and the little goat lives with them, eats and drinks from the same cup with Alyonushka.
One day the merchant was not at home. Out of nowhere, a witch comes: she stood under Alyonushka’s window and so affectionately began to call her to swim in the river.

The witch brought Alyonushka to the river. She rushed at her, tied a stone around Alyonushka’s neck and threw her into the water.
And she herself turned into Alyonushka, dressed up in her dress and came to her mansion. Nobody recognized the witch. The merchant returned - and he did not recognize him.

One little goat knew everything. He hangs his head, doesn't drink, doesn't eat. In the morning and evening he walks along the bank near the water and calls:
- Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore...

The witch found out about this and began to ask her husband to kill and slaughter the kid.
The merchant felt sorry for the little goat, he got used to him. But the witch pesters so much, begs so much - there is nothing to do, the merchant agreed:
- Well, kill him...

The witch ordered to build high fires, heat cast iron cauldrons, and sharpen damask knives.
The little goat found out that he did not have long to live, and said to his named father:
- Before I die, let me go to the river, drink some water, rinse my intestines.
- Well, go.

The little goat ran to the river, stood on the bank and cried out pitifully:
- Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore.
The fires are burning high,
Cast iron boilers are boiling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me!

Alyonushka from the river answers him:
- Oh, my brother Ivanushka!
The heavy stone pulls to the bottom,
Silk grass has tangled my legs,
Yellow sands lay on my chest.

And the witch is looking for the little goat, cannot find it, and sends a servant:
- Go find the kid, bring him to me.

The servant went to the river and saw a little goat running along the bank and calling pitifully:
- Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore.
The fires are burning high,
oskazkah.ru - website
Cast iron boilers are boiling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me!

And from the river they answer him:
- Oh, my brother Ivanushka!
The heavy stone pulls to the bottom,
Silk grass has tangled my legs,
Yellow sands lay on my chest.

The servant ran home and told the merchant about what he had heard on the river. They gathered the people, went to the river, threw silk nets and pulled Alyonushka to the shore. They removed the stone from her neck, dipped her in spring water, and dressed her in an elegant dress. Alyonushka came to life and became more beautiful than she was.
And the little goat threw himself over his head three times with joy and turned into the boy Ivanushka.
The witch was tied to a horse's tail and released into an open field.

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Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen, they had a son and a daughter, the son’s name was Ivanushka, and the daughter’s name was Alyonushka. So the king and queen died, the children were left alone and went to wander around the world.
They walked, walked, walked... they walked and saw a pond, and a herd of cows was grazing near the pond.
“I’m thirsty,” says Ivanushka.
“Don’t drink, brother, otherwise you’ll be a little calf,” says Alyonushka.
He obeyed, and they moved on. They walked and walked and saw a river, and a herd of horses walking nearby.
- Oh, sister, if you only knew how thirsty I am.
“Don’t drink, brother, or you’ll turn into a foal.”
Ivanushka obeyed, and they moved on. They walked and walked and saw a lake, and a flock of sheep was walking around it.
- Oh, sister, I’m terribly thirsty.
- Don’t drink, brother, otherwise you’ll become a little lamb.
Ivanushka obeyed, and they moved on. They walked and walked and saw a stream, and pigs were guarding nearby.
- Oh, sister, I’ll get drunk; I'm terribly thirsty.
- Don’t drink, brother, otherwise you’ll be a little pig.
Ivanushka obeyed again, and they moved on. They walked and walked and saw: a herd of goats grazing by the water.
- Oh, sister, I'll get drunk.
- Don’t drink, brother, otherwise you’ll be a little goat.
He could not stand it and did not listen to his sister, got drunk and became a little goat, jumps in front of Alyonushka and shouts:
- Me-ke-ke! Me-ke-ke!
Alyonushka tied him with a silk belt and took him with her, but she herself was crying, crying bitterly...
The little goat ran and ran and once ran into the garden of one king. The people saw it and immediately reported to the king:
- We, Your Royal Majesty, have a little goat in the garden, and a girl is holding it on her belt, and she is such a beauty.
The king ordered to ask who she was. So people ask her: where is she from and whose tribe?
“So and so,” says Alyonushka, “there was a king and a queen, but they died, and we, the children, remained: I am the princess, but here is my brother the prince.” He could not resist, drank some water and became a little goat.
The people reported all this to the king. The king called Alyonushka and asked about everything. He liked her, and the king wanted to marry her.
Soon they had a wedding and began to live for themselves, and the little goat walked with them in the garden, and drank and ate with the king and queen.
So the king went hunting. Meanwhile, a witch came and cast a spell on the queen: Alyonushka became sick, and so thin and pale. Everything in the royal courtyard became sad: the flowers in the garden began to wither, the trees began to dry out, and the grass began to fade.
The king returned and asked the queen:
- Why are you unwell?
“Yes, I’m sick,” says the queen.
The next day the king went hunting again. Alyonushka is lying sick; the witch comes to her and says:
- Do you want me to cure you? Go out to such and such a sea at such and such a dawn and drink the water there.
The queen obeyed and at dusk went to the sea, and the sorceress was already waiting, grabbed her, tied a stone around her neck and threw her into the sea. Alyonushka sank to the bottom, the little goat came running and cried bitterly. And the sorceress turned into a queen and went to the palace.
The king arrived and was glad that the queen was healthy again. They gathered it on the table and sat down to dinner.
-Where is the little goat? - asks the king.
“Don’t let him in,” says the witch, “I didn’t tell you to let him in—he smells like goat meat!”
The next day, as soon as the king left to hunt, the little goat sorceress beat and beat and beat and beat and threatened him:
- When the king comes back, I’ll ask you to kill him.
The king arrived, and the witch kept pestering him:
- Order and order the little goat to be slaughtered, I’m tired of him, completely disgusted!
The king felt sorry for the little goat, but there was nothing to do - she pestered so much, begged so much, that the king finally agreed and allowed him to be slaughtered.
The little goat sees: they have already begun to sharpen damask knives for him, he began to cry, ran to the king and asked:

The king let him in. So the little goat ran to the sea, stood on the shore and cried pitifully:
Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore.
The fires are burning flammable,
The cauldrons are burning boiling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me!
She answers him:
Brother Ivanushka!
The heavy stone pulls to the bottom.
The fierce snake sucked out my heart!
The little goat cried and went back. In the middle of the day he again asks the king:
- Tsar! Let me go to the sea, drink some water, rinse my intestines.
The king let him in. So the little goat ran to the sea and cried pitifully:
Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore.
The fires are burning flammable,
The cauldrons are burning boiling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me!
She answers him:
Brother Ivanushka!
The heavy stone pulls to the bottom.
The fierce snake sucked out my heart!
The little goat cried and returned home. The king thinks: what does it mean, the little goat is still running around the sea? So the little goat asked for the third time:
- Tsar! Let me go to the sea, drink some water, rinse my intestines.
The king let him go and followed him himself; comes to the sea and hears the little goat calling his sister:
Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore.
The fires are burning flammable,
The cauldrons are burning boiling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me!
She answers him:
Brother Ivanushka!
The heavy stone pulls to the bottom.
The fierce snake sucked out my heart!
The little goat again began to call his sister. Alyonushka floated up and appeared above the water. The king grabbed her, tore the stone from her neck and dragged Alyonushka to the shore, and asked: how did this happen? She told him everything. The king was delighted, and so was the little goat, and he was jumping around, everything in the garden was green and blooming.
And the king ordered the execution of the sorceress: they built a fire of wood in the yard and burned her. After that, the king, the queen and the little goat began to live and live well and make good things, and continued to drink and eat together. That's