Abdominal massage with honey is a sweet pleasure and helps those losing weight. Honey massage for belly slimming: reviews

Honey massage of the abdomen helps to get rid of sagging skin in the waist area, tighten muscles and reduce volume by several centimeters. Achieving the desired result is possible thanks to correct technique implementation and regularity of the procedure. From this article you will learn what mistakes girls make when massaging the abdominal area, as well as for what health problems a honey massage is contraindicated.

Honey belly massage

Honey helps you lose weight – is it a myth or reality? Many people expect miracles from a beekeeping product after learning that it promotes weight loss and relief from extra centimeters in body volume. Beneficial properties of honey due to its chemical composition, indeed, to some extent they help to become slimmer, but you should not expect instant results. This delicacy acts slowly by accelerating metabolic processes in stimulation areas. Let's look at how honey massage helps you lose weight. This procedure helps:

  1. Cleansing the treated area from toxins and waste accumulated in the subcutaneous tissue.
  2. Increase blood circulation.
  3. Outflow of lymphatic fluid.
  4. The breakdown of adipose tissue.
  5. Acceleration of local metabolism.
  6. Strengthening connective tissue fibers.
  7. Increasing muscle tone.
  8. Smooth skin.

Regular massage will allow you to gradually achieve the desired result, but you should not expect that you will be able to lose several kilograms in 10-14 days. For this to happen, you need to adjust your diet and exercise, but even in this case, it will take more time to lose weight.

Sports activities

Massaging the abdomen with honey is a great way to tighten the skin in this area, increase muscle tone and get rid of cellulite deposits. By breaking down a small layer of subcutaneous fat and removing lymphatic fluid and toxins from the intercellular space, a reduction in waist size is achieved.

Indications for honey abdominal massage

Indications for taking a course of honey massage in the abdominal area are the following problems:

  • Loose, sagging skin (after sudden weight loss, childbirth).
  • Fat accumulation in this part of the body.
  • Cellulite.
  • Decreased muscle tone.

Women suffering from constipation will get more more benefits from a massage course - they will not only tighten their skin, they will go away extra centimeters from the waist, but intestinal motility will also improve.

Which honey should you choose?

To massage the abdomen, as well as other parts of the body, you can use any honey. There is only one condition - it must be natural. It is best to purchase the product in an apiary from a trusted person who has been selling quality honey for several years. When purchasing a product in a supermarket, no one can be sure of its naturalness. The following types of honey are suitable for massage:

Acacia honey

  1. Acacia.
  2. Buckwheat.
  3. Lime.
  4. Forbs.

Please note - the product must have a liquid consistency. Candied honey is quite difficult to use for massage, but if this is the only one available, it should be melted.

Attention! Honey should not be placed in a microwave oven for heating. Under the influence of radiation and high temperature, it will become unsuitable for the procedure.

How to melt candied honey?

Take no a large number of beekeeping product, sufficient for one abdominal massage session, which is approximately 1-2 tablespoons. Place it in a glass or porcelain container and place it in a water bath. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring. Do not allow the temperature of the bee product to rise above 50 degrees. When it reaches the desired consistency, you can begin the massage.

Preparing the body for the procedure

Honey abdominal massage should be done on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke intestinal spasms. You are allowed to eat either 2 hours before the start of the procedure, or an hour and a half after its completion. Preparation includes several stages:

  1. Taking a bath or shower will allow the pores to open up.
  2. Cleansing the skin with a scrub.

Cleansing the skin with a scrub

Next, you need to dry your body well with a towel. You need to prepare not only the body, but also workplace- a couch or bed. Cover it with an old sheet or other cloth to protect it from sticky honey.

Massage technique for weight loss

Take a small amount of honey - a tablespoon is needed per zone, sometimes a little more. Lie on your back. Apply a thin layer of the product to your stomach. While the honey is liquid and slippery, massage in circular motions with your palms, moving only clockwise. As soon as the product is slightly absorbed into the skin and becomes viscous, start patting. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Cup your palms.
  2. Press them firmly against the skin.
  3. Sharply lift your hands from your stomach one at a time.

Movements should be made sharply, but without pressure. Direction – from the center to the periphery in a spiral. The intensity of pressure should be minimal, because the point is not to massage the internal organs. The purpose of honey massage is to affect the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, increasing blood flow and triggering local metabolic processes.

The duration of the first four sessions should not exceed 5-7 minutes. Painful sensations may occur during abdominal massage. In the future they will become less pronounced, then the time can be increased to 10 minutes.

When the mass becomes too viscous and turns white, it will be much more difficult to tear off your palms. This is a signal to end the massage. Remove honey from your body in the shower or with a towel soaked in warm water. Apply moisturizer to the treated area to soothe red skin.

After the massage you need to take a shower

Frequency of the procedure and duration of the course

Honey abdominal massage for weight loss requires regularity. It is correct to do it daily for 12-15 days. If by this time desired result is not achieved, after a two-week break it is allowed to repeat the course.

Reference. Organizing proper nutrition and playing sports - jogging, abdominal exercises, hula hoop rotation - will help to significantly reduce your waist size.

Common mistakes

Only proper massage can help you lose weight. Let's look at the main mistakes made by women who resort to honey abdominal massage:

  • Unsuitable conditions - the room is very hot or too cold - the honey remains liquid and spreads over the body or thickens quickly.
  • The problem area was not cleansed and heated - unopened, contaminated pores will not allow the honey components to penetrate deep into the skin.
  • Use of low-quality or unnatural beekeeping product during the procedure.
  • The use of candied honey - such a mass will act as a scrub on the superficial parts of the body, but will not penetrate through the pores.
  • Adding a large number of additional ingredients to the massage mixture - essential oils, juices. It is allowed to enrich the honey composition with ethers, but not more than 3 drops per tablespoon of honey.

Despite the beneficial properties of massage using honey, not every woman can undergo a treatment course. If you have certain health problems, you should refrain from such procedures.

Possible contraindications

Abdominal massage with honey is contraindicated in the following cases:

Massage is contraindicated for internal bleeding

  1. For internal bleeding.
  2. During exacerbation of infectious diseases.
  3. At high body temperature.
  4. If tumors are found in the uterus, ovaries, gastrointestinal tract, including malignant ones.
  5. During pregnancy and shortly after childbirth.
  6. After recent abdominal surgery.
  7. If you are allergic to bee products.
  8. If there are skin damage in the abdominal area - abrasions, scratches, irritation, rash of any origin.
  9. For diarrhea.
  10. During menstruation.

Important! After any surgical operations on the abdominal cavity, including after caesarean section Abdominal massage is allowed no earlier than after 6 months.

Side effects

Massage movements in the abdominal area can provoke increased intestinal motility and increased gas formation. Those with thin, sensitive skin often experience small hematomas. There is no need to stop the massage course in these cases; it is allowed to reduce the intensity of the effect on the skin.

Honey massage is an effective way to lose weight, but this is not its only advantage. It promotes better blood circulation, solves the problem of constipation, and increases muscle tone in the affected area. Those who want to speed up the process of getting rid of extra centimeters should consume honey in the morning on an empty stomach, organize a proper diet plan and increase physical activity.

Elastic slim stomach- everyone's passionate dream modern woman. For the sake of narrow waist and hard press, any lady is ready for anything.

And after all, no matter what the sufferers go to: fitness classes, outlandish diet pills, and even a surgeon’s knife are unable to frighten the fighters for perfect beauty. But, as a rule, there is not enough time for sports, pills and creams do not help, and going to surgery is scary and expensive - so beauties suffer, looking at their full tummy. Meanwhile, there is an excellent remedy not only to remove excess fat ok from the stomach, but also to normalize work internal organs! And the name of this miracle remedy is honey abdominal massage.

Honey abdominal massage has a pronounced tightening effect. Vitamins, enzymes and many other active substances that natural bee honey contains have effective properties for acquiring beautiful and elastic skin.

Honey massage very effectively eliminates excess body volume, is guaranteed to tighten the skin, remove cellulite, tones and cleanses.
It is honey massage that helps speed up metabolism and, in combination with physical exercise And proper nutrition can save you from extra centimeters around the waist.

In addition, it is no secret that you can get rid of cellulite only through a comprehensive effect on the body from the inside and outside. Honey massage also helps to significantly speed up the treatment of cellulite. This procedure can hardly be called pleasant, it is slightly painful, but the result is definitely worth it to endure a little discomfort. In addition, the skin quickly gets used to this effect, and over time the massage causes less and less pain and can even become pleasant.
By the way, anti-cellulite massage is always strong impact, because it the main task- “break down” fat deposits, activate local lymph and blood circulation.

How to massage with honey for weight loss

Use at home
Performing this procedure at home is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. Honey massage is not much like banal smoothing and pinching of the neck or feet, which is successfully carried out without outside help and has virtually no contraindications.
However, it is quite possible to perform “sweet” manipulations at home.

Skin preparation
It is most effective to perform this massage on steamed skin treated with a scrub. A coffee scrub for cellulite is perfect for this purpose. Immediately before the massage, the skin must be wiped dry. On wet skin, honey will not be sticky, and honey massage will lose its meaning.

Honey preparation
Candied honey is not suitable for massage. If the honey is candied, it should be melted. Liquid honey just needs to be heated.
It is better to use regular honey without any additives, and, as practice shows, the result does not depend on the type of honey (flower, linden, buckwheat, etc.).
Instead of aromatic oils, you can add it to honey sea ​​salt- this will create a peeling effect for your skin. However, remember: honey massage with salt can be done no more than once a week, since salt has a very strong effect, expelling moisture from the body. Therefore, alternate salt, aromatic oils and just pure honey, the result will be noticeable very quickly. As a rule, the skin becomes smoother after the first session, and after the third there is a noticeable reduction in the volume of the abdomen.

If the honey has crystallized, you need to melt it to a liquid state in a water bath or in the microwave (15-25 seconds). You can add essential oils to honey, which will only enhance the effect: add 5 drops of lemon essential oil to the mixture (you can use orange, rosemary, tangerine, peppermint, lavender).

Applying honey to skin
Spread warm honey in a thin, even layer on the dry skin of the abdomen.

Below are instructions for massaging your skin with honey to achieve a slimming effect:

5.Complete the procedure. The procedure ends with rinsing the body (in particular, the abdomen) first with warm and then cool water and rubbing the massage area with a towel.

6. Applying cream. After the honey massage, you need to apply an anti-cellulite cream or at least a simple moisturizer to the skin. Honey saturates the skin with microelements, but can leave behind a feeling of dryness.

Do not be alarmed if small bruises remain in the treatment area after the procedure. This is normal, soon the skin will get used to the effect and the bruises will disappear.

The skin will remain red for some time - this is a good sign that the honey massage is working and has its healing and figure-correcting effect.

Congratulations, the first step towards major weight loss has been taken!

Possible contraindications
You should refuse anti-cellulite honey massage:

  • those who are expecting a new addition to the family (regardless of the month of pregnancy);
  • for those who are allergic to bee products;
  • those who are undergoing a peeling course or have signed up for weight loss procedures;
  • for those who actively sunbathe and visit the solarium;
  • those with low blood pressure;
  • for those who have elevated body temperature: any inflammatory diseases occurring in the body are another serious obstacle to this procedure.
  • For any diseases or injuries of the skin, massage with honey will also have to be avoided.

The problem of sagging and sagging skin is quite common, especially after pregnancy, childbirth, or losing excess weight.

Honey massage for abdominal weight loss helps to get rid of this problem - one of the most effective ways skin care and in the fight against cellulite.

The moment you become slimmer by shedding excess fat from your body, this natural product works for you to give your skin the best.

Incredibly effective honey massage confirms that honey has countless medicinal properties, which help not only tighten the skin, but also help reduce a sagging belly, reduce subcutaneous fat and help lose weight around the waist. This product is very widely used to eliminate cellulite on the stomach, sides and thighs.

To try out the effects of such a honey miracle, there is no need to run to the salon and sign up for the next procedure. The massage technique is quite simple and suitable for independent use at home.

Let's prepare honey

Before proceeding with the procedure itself, you need to warm the honey a little. A little bit. To do this, just place a glass container with honey in a steam bath for a couple of minutes. Do not overheat the product so as not to spoil its properties!

You can add a couple of drops (no more!) of essential oils to honey, such as eucalyptus, lavender, citrus, juniper.

How to massage the abdomen with honey at home

Let's prepare the tummy and skin

  1. First, let's steam those areas where unevenness from cellulite is observed. The bathroom is perfect for this.
  2. Then you can make it easy salt scrub, cleansing and preparing the skin for further nourishment.
  3. Now apply a thin layer of honey. There is no point in applying too much product, it will not be completely absorbed anyway. If your honey is a little sugared, then it’s okay, it can also be used, since it will also be a scrub at the same time.

How do you know if you can start a massage? You need to put your hand to the skin directly on the honey and try to tear your palm off. If your palm seems to be glued, then it’s time!

Technique for belly massage with honey

You need to do an anti-cellulite honey massage on the surface of the abdomen correctly! To do this, you need to follow a certain tummy massage technique. After all, we want not only an anti-cellulite effect, but also to remove the lower part of the tummy.

The abdominal massage technique consists of stroking movements around the navel in a clockwise direction, movements from the navel to the sides and the complete absence of pressing or pressing movements.


  • Avoid pressing movements; your palms should not press on problem areas.

To remove fat, use a pinching technique, i.e. work only with the skin and fat layer and no pressing movements on the internal organs!

  • Since honey anti-cellulite massage is performed, it should be noted that the technique of massaging the abdomen and thighs to remove subcutaneous fat is significantly different.

Pinching and rolling the skin with your fingers figuratively injure the fat capsules.

The sensation will be a little painful - when the hand is torn off, the skin continues to stick to it. This is called the vacuum effect, it helps to destroy the fat layer and get rid of cellulite.

The procedure should last about 10 minutes. It’s very easy to understand that it’s time to finish – the color of the honey on your palms will turn greyish.

This happens due to the release of waste and fat. The skin opens its pores and becomes cleansed.

If small red dots appear on the skin, the blood capillaries have already begun to react. It's time to finish the abdominal massage.

I would like to note that after the massage, honey should be washed off with warm water without using products (shower gels, soap, scrubs, etc.). The skin is well steamed, the pores are open, so chemicals from soap and other products can very easily penetrate the body.
The first effect will be noticeable after several sessions.

How to do abdominal massage video master class by trainer

Professional fitness trainer Anna Kurkurina perfectly demonstrated the technique and told how she massages her clients. This method is perfect for all of us to take care of ourselves at home.

The video first shows how to massage with cream and then how to massage with honey. Pay attention to how Anna lifts her hands from her body, a pop is formed - this is the honey massage technique that is correct and competent.


  • allergy to bee products
  • thyroid disorder
  • colds and fever
  • exacerbation of any disease
  • skin rashes
  • oncological and other diseases

How often should you massage your belly with honey to lose weight?

Too often - no need. It is enough to do it two to three times a week.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach with a massage

Quite often, women develop stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, chest, thighs, and even on the arms and legs after sudden weight loss. Each of us would like to get rid of these unpleasant things on the skin. How can you remove stretch marks?

Advice from a massage therapist

Castor oil plus vitamins A, E, D, rubbed gently into the skin. This oil is thick and therefore you can gradually rub it in, carefully. But this procedure is done separately from honey massage. You can't expect a quick result, but gradually the stretch marks should decrease.

Honey massage is one of the most ancient and very pleasant ways to relax, improve health, appearance and well-being. Traditional healers of Tibet, India and Ancient Rus', mastering this technique perfectly, they treated for various ailments. But even today this therapeutic method, used to improve health, is extremely popular in cosmetology.

One of its popular varieties is honey massage for weight loss. It is most often used to quickly correct problem areas of the body by reducing their volume, using the ability of massage with honey to quickly relieve swelling, burn fat and reduce the visible appearance of cellulite.

Honey massage for weight loss can be done even at home. Most often it is performed on those areas of the body where excess fat is usually deposited (buttocks, thighs, abdomen).

For this cosmetic procedure, natural high-quality honey is used, which contains substances that actively affect the condition of the skin, making it healthy and elastic, and improving blood circulation.

The special massage technique used in this procedure normalizes the muscles. And honey, instantly absorbed into the pores of the skin, allows the skin to “breathe”. The active components contained in it quickly enter the blood, accelerate metabolic processes, and are removed from tissues excess liquid, which in turn eliminates swelling.

Due to the patting movements of the palms and the stickiness of honey, the skin sticks to the hands and moves a little. At the same time, the blood vessels expand (some of them may burst, forming microhematomas) and the subcutaneous fatty tissue is displaced, which leads to increased blood flow.

In the areas where the massage with honey was performed, after its completion, the formed microhematomas are reabsorbed and blood circulation improves. All these processes, initiated by massage, the effect of which is enhanced by honey, help reduce the volume and external manifestations of cellulite.

Honey belly massage is a procedure that is aimed at removing subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area, as well as normalizing the functioning of internal organs.

Operating principle

The basic principle of this type of massage is based on beneficial properties honey, which, penetrating under the skin, has beneficial influence for the whole body.

The components that make up the honey substance are similar in composition to the components of human blood, therefore, upon penetration into it, they are quickly absorbed and do not cause side effects. The exception is when the patient is allergic to honey and its components.

The components that make up the honey substance are similar in composition to the components of human blood, therefore, upon penetration into it, they are quickly absorbed and do not cause side effects.

Indications and contraindications

Honey abdominal massage has contraindications, so consult with a specialist before scheduling a session.


  • Subcutaneous fat deposits in the abdominal area

  • Desire to correct the contours of the figure

  • Diseases of internal organs, including disorders of the digestive cycle

  • Presence of colds and viral diseases

  • Stressful state of the body


  • Individual intolerance to honey and its components

  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the abdominal area, including the presence of pustular rashes on the skin

  • Oncological diseases (cancer patients)

  • Asthma

  • Thyroid dysfunction

  • Increased body temperature (fever)

  • Blood diseases

  • Tendency to open bleeding on the skin

Main stages of the procedure

Before you start honey belly massage The surface of the skin is cleaned of possible impurities using a tonic or scrub.

Then apply a thin layer of a specially prepared honey solution to the surface of the abdomen and leave for several minutes.

After some of the honey has been absorbed, the massage therapist begins kneading the abdominal area with straight, circular, or zigzag movements. If digestive functions are impaired, massage movements should be directed along the colon.

With the help of massage movements, honey is absorbed under the skin, penetrates into the blood, as a result, metabolic processes in cells are activated, subcutaneous fats are broken down, some of which, along with toxins, reach the surface of the skin of the abdomen.

As a result of this action, a vacuum effect occurs, which, together with the remaining honey, pulls out impurities and toxins from under the skin. Some time after the start of the honey massage of the abdomen, the honey on the surface of the skin turns into a thick viscous gray mass, which is subsequently washed off with warm water and a sponge.

During a honey massage of the abdomen, pain and bruising may occur in these areas of the skin. That is why the first honey massage session should not exceed 5 minutes. Over time, the patient's skin adapts to this procedure and pain disappears.

Once the honey has been thoroughly absorbed into the skin, the process of removing toxins from the body begins. For this purpose, the palm or fingertips are “glued” to the stomach and raised upward with a sharp or smooth movement.

After the procedure

Honey belly massage has the following effects:

  • Has a tonic and restorative effect on the body

  • Intestinal function is normalized

  • Reduces sagging skin in the abdominal area

  • The abdominal skin is tightened and the contours of the figure are corrected

  • Disappear over time

  • Cellular metabolism is activated

  • Strengthens the body's immunity

  • Toxins are removed from the body

Mistakes when performing abdominal massage

  • If you use a large amount of honey, it will spread and will not stick to the master’s palms.
  • If the massage is performed in a hot room, the honey may melt.
  • If you use candied honey, you will not be able to achieve a homogeneous mass.

Combination with other types of procedures

Honey belly massage in combination with conventional modeling, or will retain the effect of the procedure for a longer time.

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