Modern English writers and their works. English writers and their stories

The selection includes the most famous works of English writers. These are British novels, detective stories and stories popular with readers around the world. We didn't stop at one genre or time. There is science fiction, fantasy, humorous stories, dystopias, children's adventures and other masterpieces from the Middle Ages to the present. The books are different, but they have something in common. All of them made a tangible contribution to the development of world literature and art, reflecting the national characteristics of the inhabitants of Great Britain. 

Famous English writers

The phrase “English literature” brings to mind a number of names. William Shakespeare, Somerset Maugham, John Galsworthy, Daniel Defoe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens - the list goes on for a long time. These writers are the luminaries of English classics. They have gone down in history forever, and more than one generation of book lovers will admire the subtlety and relevance of their works.

Let's not forget about Iris Murdoch, John le Carre, JK Rowling, Ian McEwan, Joanne Harris, Julian Barnes and other talented contemporary English writers. Another shining example gifted author - Kazuo Ishiguro. In 2017, this famous British writer of Japanese origin received the Nobel Prize in Literature. The selection includes his novel about touching love and a sense of duty, “The Remains of the Day.” Add and read. And then be sure to watch the excellent film adaptation - starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson - “At the End of the Day” (dir. James Ivory, 1993).

Literary awards and film adaptations

Almost all books from this selection have been awarded world awards. literary prizes: Pulitzer, Booker, Nobel and others. The novels “1984” by George Orwell, “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde, and the comedies and tragedies of Shakespeare cannot be included in any book list from the series “Books Everyone Should Read” or “ Best books of all times."

These works are a treasure trove of inspiration for directors, producers, and screenwriters. It’s hard to imagine that if Bernard Shaw had not written the play “Pygmalion,” we would not have seen the stunning transformation of Audrey Hepburn from an illiterate flower girl into a sophisticated aristocrat. We are talking about the film “My Fair Lady” (dir. George Cukor, 1964).

Among modern books and their successful film adaptations, pay attention to The Long Fall. Nick Hornby wrote an ironic novel about the interconnection of good human communication and the desire to live. The film of the same name with Pierce Brosnan and Toni Collette (dir. Pascal Chomel, 2013) turned out to be soulful and life-affirming.

Geographical information

Geographical confusion often arises when compiling such lists. Let's figure it out. England is an independent country that is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland along with three other countries: Scotland, Ireland and Wales. However, the term "English literature" includes the masterpieces of writers native to the entire United Kingdom. Therefore, you will find here the works of the Irishman Oscar Wilde, the Welshman Iain Banks, and the Scotsman Ken Follett.

The selection of English writers and their works was impressive - more than 70 books. This is a real book challenge! Add the books you like and immerse yourself in a slightly prim, but so elegant world!

English literature in the world is represented by writers who created books in different genres and directions. Many of them are considered classics and are included in the canon of world literature.

English writers and their works

Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 – 1400)

Geoffrey Chaucer- a writer who is called the father of English literature. He was the first English poet to write civic lyrics and was recognized as a national poet. Chaucer wrote exclusively in English, he introduced new themes, ideas and motifs into English poetry, improved many medieval artistic methods of writing and created new poetry.

Geoffrey was the son of an ordinary London wine merchant. He managed to build a career in the royal court - he began as a page in the retinue of the Duchess of Olser. Later, the future English writer served in the army, took part in the war against France and was captured by enemies. The English king ransomed him from captivity.

Little information has been preserved about Chaucer's career. It is still difficult for literary scholars to establish the dates of writing of some poems and establish their authorship.

At the time when Chaucer wrote, English literature was in a difficult state: there was no single literary language, systems of versification, unified poetic theory. Chaucer as a writer significantly influenced the development of the English language, its dominance over Latin and French.

Chaucer's main works written in English are the following:

  • "The Book of the Duchess" Considered the poet's first great poem, it was written in honor of the memory of Duchess Blanche of Lancaster. In this text, the author tries to imitate the French style, but innovative poetic solutions can already be traced in it;
  • "House of Glory"- a poem with realistic motives;
  • "The Legend of Glorious Women" ;
  • "Troilus and Chryseis".

Chaucer modified English poetry, gave it a new direction, which was followed by future poets of England.

Brief biography of Geoffrey Chaucer in English:

The work of the English playwright Shakespeare is called the highest achievement of Renaissance culture. His texts in English had a great influence on subsequent poets, artists and novelists, and the images from his plays became timeless and symbolic.

Little is known about Shakespeare's life. He was born into the family of a craftsman and merchant, and studied at a grammar school, when teaching was carried out using a single textbook - the Bible. At the age of 18, the writer married Anne Hathaway, who was 8 years older than William.

It is believed that his first dramatic texts in English were written in 1594. Some biographers believe that at this time the writer was a member of a traveling troupe, and the experiences of these years influenced his passion for the theater. Since 1599, his life became closely connected with the Globe Theater, where he was both a playwright and an actor.

The writer's literary canon in English includes 37 dramas and 154 sonnets.

His most famous texts in English are:

  • "Romeo and Juliet";
  • "Venus and Adonis";
  • "Julius Caesar";
  • "Othello";
  • "A dream in a summer night".

In literary circles over the past 2-3 centuries, the theory has been actively promoted that William Shakespeare could not have been the author of these texts due to insufficient education and some discrepancies in biographical data. in 2002, a version was put forward that the educated and intelligent Earl of Rutland, an aristocrat and a talented playwright and writer, was actually hiding behind the name of Shakespeare. The date of his death coincides with the date of death of Shakespeare, who stopped writing at this time.

This theory has not been proven and in the classical understanding of literature, William Shakespeare is still considered the one who created these texts in English, which became the property of English culture.

Robert Stevenson / Robert Stevenson (1850-1894)

He was a versatile person - he studied literary criticism, poetry in English, he is considered the founder of neo-romanticism and the one who theorized information about this artistic method.

The writer was born in the capital of Scotland and belonged to the ancient Belfur family. He was raised by numerous nannies due to his mother's illness. One of the nannies, Cammy, was talented and, thanks to her, Robert became familiar with poetry. Later, the writer admitted that it was thanks to the nanny that he became a writer.

Robert Stevenson traveled a lot and during his trips he wrote notes about his impressions and emotions. In 1866 it was published The first book in English is The Pentland Rebellion. But world fame came to him after the novel “Treasure Island”. Stevenson's work is characterized by descriptions of nature, the use of legends, mythology, and some moralizing.

As a child, he was sick a lot and in his memoirs in English, the writer wrote that the “doors of death” were always open to him. This influenced his consciousness and understanding of the world. This led him to found neo-romanticism, which conveys the sharp contradictions between dreams and reality. In his understanding, travel, danger and emotions are needed so that life is filled with colors, so that people can see the beauty of the world.

The writer's main works in English:

  • "Treasure Island";
  • "Heather honey";
  • "Proprietor of Ballantrae";
  • "Children's flower gardener of poems."

Stevenson was called a "legendary man" because of his love of stories and mythology, which he embodied in his works in English.

Charles Dickens / Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

- great prose writer of world literature. Born into the family of an official, his father discovered his artistic talent very early - he forced the boy to take part in theatrical productions, read poetry, and improvise. The writer grew up in love, comfort and confidence in the future.

When he was 12 years old, his family went bankrupt, and the boy went to work in a factory, where he first encountered cruelty and injustice. This period influenced the consciousness of the future writer.

Working at this factory haunted Charles all his life - he always considered it the biggest blow in his life. That is why his English texts contain so much sympathy for the poor and downtrodden. He had to work as a paper clerk, a broker and a stenographer in Parliament.

On last job he had to complete several creative tasks. After this, he comes to the understanding that he must work in English literature.

In 1836 they came out first essays "Sketches of Boz" in English, but they were not popular at the time. A few years later, he created the first chapters of the novel “The Pickwick Papers” and these texts marked the beginning of his writing career.

Two years after this novel, a novel is published in English "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" in which, for the first time in world literature, a child comes to life on the pages of a book. From this time on, fruitful writing work begins.

Dickens's major novels in English:

  • "Dombey and Son";
  • "Big hopes";
  • "David Copperfield";
  • "Little Dorrit"
  • "A Tale of Two Cities."

The writer in his novels in English realistically describes the England of his era, describes in detail all the characters and issues. His texts are very deep, realistic and lively, the message of each novel is the search for justice in a cruel world.

Brontë sisters: Charlotte (1816-1855), Emily (1818-1848), Anne (1820-1849)

Bronte sisters- a unique phenomenon in world literature. Three girls, each talented in their own way, were able to take an honorable place in the canon of classical literature not only in England, but also in the world.

The most popular novels are Charlotte Bronte's Jair Eyre and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Anne Brontë wrote the books Agnes Gray and The Stranger of Wylfedale Hall. In these novels, the romantic is masterfully intertwined with the realistic. The writers were able to convey the spirit of their era, creating sensitive and relevant novels that are still relevant today.

The sisters grew up in a priest's family in the quiet town of Thornton. They became interested in writing early childhood, they published their first timid attempts in English in a local magazine at their own expense. They appeared in literature under male pseudonyms.

At that time, male writers had a better chance of recognition. But their first book did not attract attention - it was a collection of poems. After this, the girls turned away from poetry and took up prose. A year later, each of them wrote a novel in English - "Jane Eyre", "Agnes Gray" and "Wuthering Heights". The first book was considered the most successful. After the death of the sisters, recognition came to the novel Wuthering Heights.

The sisters lived a short life - they died at the age of about 30 years. And the final recognition of their work occurred after their death.

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Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Oscar Wilde- playwright and poet, literary critic and writer who embodied the principles of English aestheticism in his novels. Oscar was born in Dublin, where the writer received a classical education - he studied at Trinity College and St. Magdalene College (Oxford).

Beautiful things were always appreciated in his house - furniture, books, paintings. This influenced aesthetic tastes future writer. His development as a word artist was greatly influenced by university teachers - the writer John Ruskin and Walter Pater.

After receiving his education, the writer moved to London, where he joined the aesthetic movement.

Aestheticism is a movement that combined the ideas of impressionism and neo-romanticism. The main requirement for creativity within this direction is not to imitate nature, but to recreate it according to the laws of beauty, which is inaccessible to ordinary life.

The writer believed that it is not art that reflects reality, but reality that imitates art. In 1881, the first book of his poems was published in English, and in 1888 his first fairy tales saw the world.

The writer's main works in English:

  • "The Picture of Dorian Grey";
  • "Pomegranate House";
  • "The Happy Prince"
  • "The importance of Being Earnest";
  • "The Ideal Man"

In the work of the writer Wilde, reality and fiction are mixed, a mix of the unreal and the real dominates in his fairy tales, he managed to create harmony between aesthetic theory and artistic truth. Most clearly, the principles of his art were embodied in fairy tales through their plot and style.

Jerome K. Jerome / Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927)

English humorist and playwright Jerome Klapka Jerome was the most famous published writer during his lifetime. Distinctive feature his creativity is the ability to see humor in any life situation.

As a child, Jerome dreamed of becoming a writer, writer or politician. But at the age of 12 he had to start working - collecting coal. After some time, the future writer’s sister convinced him to try himself on the theater stage. He joined a group of actors that had a small budget. They even paid for their own props and costumes.

Three years later, the future writer realized that this did not suit him and decided to try his hand at journalism. He began to write a lot in English, but most of the texts were never published. The writer also worked as a paralegal, packer and teacher. In 1885, his essay about his work in the theater was published, which made it possible to publish his other works. From then on, writing became his priority.

In 1888, the writer got married and went on a honeymoon. Literary scholars believe that this influenced his style and manner of writing in English. In 1889, a book was published that immediately became very popular - “Three in the boat, not counting the dog.”

Main texts:

  • “Three in the boat, not counting the dog”;
  • “Why we don’t like strangers”;
  • "Civilization and Unemployment";
  • "Philosophy and the Demon";
  • "The man who wanted to rule."

During his lifetime, Jerome's works in English were translated into many languages ​​of the world and published in many countries. He became an iconic writer in England.

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)

- poet and prose writer, writer, the last representative of the era of Queen Victoria. Thomas's childhood was spent in the patriarchal atmosphere of rural England. He witnessed the existence of many traditions - fairs, folk traditions, holidays, songs.

Once in 1856, the future writer became a student of an architect in Dorchester; in subsequent years he was actively engaged in self-education: he read books on literature and history, studied philosophy, German and French.

In 1867 he wrote his first novel in English, The Pauper and the Lady, which was not published. He destroyed the manuscript. The publishers were alarmed by the novel's radical depiction of all populations and religions. He was advised to write something “more artistic.”

In 1871, the writer anonymously published a novel in English. "Desperate Ways", which has already witnessed Hardy's unique style: detective genre, sensational motives.

Throughout his life, Thomas Hardy wrote 14 novels in English, which the author combined into three cycles:

  • “Inventive and experimental novels”;
  • "Romantic stories and fantasies";
  • “Novels of Characters and Environment.”

In his texts, the writer depicts life in the village, social injustice, studies human behavior and the factors that influence it.

The writer's main novels in English:

  • "Three Strangers";
  • "Barbara of the Greb Family";
  • “A woman with a fantasy”;
  • Alicia's Diary.

The presence of rural motifs in the writer’s work is explained by his childhood experience: the first years of his life he lived in an atmosphere of folk traditions and could observe life in those conditions. Later, these observations were transformed in his work.

Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)

The publicist and writer grew up in the family of an architect and an artist. Arthur's stepmother had a passion for books and passed this passion on to the boy. He later recalled that she greatly influenced Arthur's career.

At the age of ten, the future writer was sent to a boarding school, where children were cruelly treated. During this period, the boy realized that he had a natural gift for inventing stories. He was often surrounded by students who listened to his inventions.

In college, Arthur was actively involved in creativity. In my last year I published a magazine and poetry in English. In 1881, Arthur was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery.

In 1885, he married a girl named Louise Hawkins and became interested in literature. Then he had a dream of becoming a professional writer. The Cornhill magazine published his works from time to time. In 1886 he began work on a worldwide famous novel in English, which will bring him popularity - "A study in Scarlet".

In 1892, Strand magazine made an offer to a young writer write a series of stories about Sherlock Holmes. Later, the author became tired of the hero of the works and the constant inventing of stories about him. But the series was popular, both publishers and readers expected new stories.

Conan Doyle also wrote plays, other novels and essays in English.

The main texts of the writer:

  • “Sketch in Scarlet”;
  • "The Hound of the Baskervilles";
  • "Brigadier Gerard";
  • "Letters from Old Monroe";
  • "Angel of the darkness".

Arthur Conan Doyle is famous primarily as the author and creator of Sherlock Holmes, whose image remains interesting and open to interpretation today.

Agatha Christie / Agatha Christie (1890-1976)

Famous writer, author of popular detective stories in English, was born into a family of immigrants from America. As a child, the girl was educated at home. Agatha's mother raised her children alone and devoted a lot of time to music.

With the outbreak of the First World War, Agatha worked as a nurse in a military hospital. She loved work and considered it the most noble. While working as a nurse, she wrote her first stories in English. At that time, Agatha’s older sister already had several published texts, and she also wanted to achieve success in this field.

In 1920, the society was presented first novel in English, The Mysterious Incident at Styles. Agatha spent a long time looking for a publisher and worked hard on the text. Only the seventh publishing house that the girl approached agreed to publish the book.

Agatha wanted to write under a male pseudonym, but the publisher told her that her name was bright, readers would be able to immediately remember her. Since then, novels have been published under his real name.

She began to write a lot in English. I invented stories while working around the house, knitting, and communicating with my family.

Famous novels:

  • "Three Stories";
  • "Five Little Pigs";
  • "Inspector Poirot and others";
  • "4.50 train from Paddington";
  • "Thirteen Mysterious Cases."

Agatha Christie considered her best text to be her book in English, “Ten Little Indians.” A special feature of her detective stories is the complete absence of violence - she did not describe violent scenes, blood or murder, and there are no sexual crimes in her novels. The writer tried to weave morality into each of her texts.

The best English writers and their works for children

There are many writers in English literature who have created works for children. They remain relevant and interesting even for modern children.

Lewis Carroll

English writer (real name: Charles Lutwidge), who became famous thanks to his works for children. He grew up in a priest's family with seven children. Everyone received home education - the father gave the children knowledge of theology, different languages and natural sciences. Children have always been encouraged to enjoy games and inventions.

As a child, the future writer came up with different stories in English and read them to my family. His early texts reveal his humor, ability to parody, and burlesque motifs. He copied poems by Shakespeare, Milton, and Gray. Already in these parodies he showed his sharp mind and erudition.

As Charles grew up, he discovered his love for children. With adults he felt lonely, always embarrassed and silent. But with children he was open and cheerful. He walked with them, took them to the theater, told them stories, invited them to visit.

His best texts were originally created as improvisation. In his work, he turned to theatricality and fabulousness; in his texts, ancient images that are embodied in folk tales come to life.

List of major works in English:

  • "Alice in Wonderland";
  • “Useful and edifying poetry”;
  • "Bruno's Revenge"
  • "Alice for children."

Lewis's works have been filmed many times and have been translated into other languages ​​in many countries around the world. The work “Alice in Wonderland” is an inexhaustible source of quotes for many people.

Roald Dahl is known to the world for his book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The writer grew up in an English-speaking environment, raised by his father. He graduated from a boarding school for boys and at the age of 12 went to Tanzania. When did the second one begin? World War, he went into the service and took up aviation - he served as a pilot in Kenya.

It was published during the war years the first story in English "Gremlins", and after the war he realized that literary creativity was what he wanted to do. The writer became famous as the creator of paradoxical stories.

His main works:

  • "James and the Giant Peach"
  • "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory";
  • "Matilda";
  • "Gremlins"

His texts in English are characterized by exaggeration of reality, characters, sometimes to the point of absurdity, humor and fabulousness. Children love his stories for their humor, instructiveness and closeness to life. Dahl could create worlds in which children recognize themselves.

Laureate Nobel Prize born in India in the family of a teacher. When Kipling was 6, he was sent to study in England. The living conditions of the relative who was involved in his education were terrible: the child did not receive love and affection, he was beaten and frightened. The boy was almost blind from the resulting stress. When the mother came to visit her son, she saw his condition and took him home.

But over time, the writer returned to England and began studying at college. There he began to write poetry and his first essays in English. Some texts were published in local publishing houses.

Kipling wrote in English about ordinary people and interpreted ordinary stories. He placed a person in circumstances in which his character was best revealed. In the 90s, the writer worked very fruitfully, at which time a large number of his novels were published in English.

The main works of the writer:

  • "The jungle book";
  • "Three Soldiers";
  • "Kim";
  • "The Second Jungle Book."

Kipling became famous for his texts for children, but he also wrote ballads and poems in English that touched on social problems of his era.

The writer who created legendary world Harry Potter, went through many rejections before her book was finally published.

She was born in England. She began writing her first texts in English as a child. At age 9, she wrote Jessica Mitford's autobiography. At school, Joanna read a lot and studied well. She tried to enter Oxford, but failed her exams and received her bachelor's degree from the University of Exeter.

She began working on the first Harry Potter book in 1995. She submitted the manuscript to 12 publishing houses and all of them rejected her. Bloomsbury publishing house agreed. The first book had a circulation of 1000, after 5 months it received its first prize.

Success came to the writer, and publishing houses began to compete for the right to publish her next books. “Harry Potter” became a brand, it was filmed, and after watching the film, millions of children around the world began to dream of being at Hogwarts.

The Harry Potter series of books includes the following:

  • "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone";
  • "Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets";
  • "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire";
  • "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban"
  • "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix";
  • "Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince";
  • "Harry Potter and the Deadly Relics"

Rowling also wrote other books in English that are popular among children and related to the saga:

  • "The Tales of Beedle the Bard";
  • "Fantastic creatures and where to find them."

English classics - popular books

Some works are considered canonical in English literature. Summary and the key ideas of some of them are presented below.

Hound of the Baskervilles

"The Hound of the Baskervilles" is a work by Arthur Conan Doyle in English, which has become one of the most famous in the Sherlock Holmes series. The main characters of the novel are detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant and friend Dr. Watson.

During one of his travels, the writer heard from a fellow traveler a mysterious story about a dog called the “black devil.” This inspired Arthur to create a story that would center on a sinister dog. At the beginning of the novel, the name of Robinson Fletcher is remembered, who gave him the idea for creating this story.

The plot is typical for stories about a detective: Doctor Mortimer turns to him for help, whose friend dies under mysterious conditions. Everyone was frightened by the expression on the dead man's face, which expressed fear. There is a legend in his friend’s family that is passed down from generation to generation. It's about a dog that chases all members of its family at night. Sherlock Holmes begins an investigation into this case.

The trowel's book holds the suspense and only reveals the mystery at the end of the story. This novel has been filmed many times and is considered the best in the writer’s creative biography.

Invisible Man

"Invisible Man" is a novel by English science fiction writer H.G. Wells, written in 1897. He describes the life of an English scientist who invented a device that makes a person invisible. The scientist worked on his creation for a long time and postponed its presentation, but at some point he began to experience financial difficulties and decided to become invisible forever in order to start a new life.

The book describes the difficulties this scientist faces: how the initial euphoria of his condition gives way to complete disappointment. Main image books - Griffin - became one of the first “villains” in literature.

A study in Scarlet

"A study in Scarlet" is a work by Arthur Conan Doyle, which was published in 1887. This book allows the reader to plunge into the world of a detective, think with him and try to understand the logic of his thoughts. In this work, Sherlock Holmes appears for the first time, and readers are introduced to his manner of doing business.

This story was written in just three weeks, but it brought success to the author, and readers became acquainted with the witty detective and began to wait for the next stories.


"Citadel"- one of the best and most profound works of the English writer Archibald Cronin. This is a parable novel that reveals the history of human development in the reality of that time.

The novel tells the story of a doctor who dreams of becoming the best in his field, but he faces various difficulties that await the young doctor in the hospital. Through building a career, he reveals himself as a person and a professional.

This novel is well deserved considered Cronin's strongest: it clearly depicts the psychological formation of personality and its decomposition, its formation under the influence various factors reality.

lost World

"Lost World"- a novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, which is written in an adventure style. It has not become as popular as the stories about Sherlock Holmes, but its style, plot and ideas deserve the attention of readers.

The book tells about an exciting adventure, a journey to an unknown land where different animals live. In this novel, the writer tries to show his familiarity with the latest ideas of science. This novel not only has an exciting fantasy element, it is full of sketches of animals, humor that is difficult to convey in Russian, and scenes from real life.

This part of Arthur Conan Doyle's work is often left aside, but The Lost World is an example of how several original styles can be combined in one writer.


"Othello" is a play by William Shakespeare, the plot of which is based on the text “The Moor of Venice” by Giraldi Cinta. The plot of the play revolves around the depiction of the conflict between the individual and society. She talks about love, hatred, jealousy, and reveals important problems of humanity.

The images of the tragedy are lively, bright, they have both positive and negative traits, each of them is a mix of reason and emotions. “Othello” has become the most popular tragedy due to the fact that it depicts acute conflicts between eternal human feelings - love, jealousy, trust.

Describes greed and the desire to get rich at any cost - problems that societies face during any era.

Essay in English “Favorite writer”

My favorite English writer is Joanne Rowling. I love her books about Harry Potter. When I was 7 I read the first book and I fell in love with this book! It is very good, interesting, greeping and exciting! When you read this book you imagine that entire magic world. When I was I child I used to dream about magic letter from Hogwarts. This writer is very talented because she managed to create interesting characters and an unusual plot. She describes the magic school and you start to believe in all these things. And you can see many problems in those books. For instance, a lot of problems are connected with friendship, royalty, love and relationship between children and parents. I read all her books. And each book is unique. I think I love her books because they are very magic and we don’t have magic in our life. So if you want to travel to that incredible world you just buy this book and start reading. Joanna Rowling is a very talented writer! My favorite English writer is JK Rowling. I love her Harry Potter books. I read the first book when I was 7 and I fell in love with this book. This is very good interesting book and she doesn't let go. When you read this book, you imagine this whole magical world. When I was a child, I dreamed of receiving a letter from Hogwarts. This writer is very talented because she managed to create interesting characters and an original story. She describes a magical school, and you begin to believe in all this. And you can see a lot of problems in these books. For example, many problems are associated with friendship, fidelity, love and relationships between children and parents. I've read all of her books. Each book is unique. I think I love them because they have a lot of magic, and in real life there is no magic at all. And if you want to go to that wonderful world, you just buy a book and start reading. JK Rowling is a very talented writer!


English writers is a popular topic for writing and conversation. Knowledge of the great classics of English literature always speaks of a person’s good taste and education. Most works have film adaptations and can be watched online.

Nick Hornby is known not only as the author of such popular novels as Hi-Fi and My Boy, but also as a screenwriter. The writer’s cinematic style makes him very popular in adapting books by various authors into film adaptations: “Brooklyn”, “An Education of Sentiments”, “Wild”.

Formerly an ardent football fan, he even took his obsession to autobiographical novel"Football fever."

Culture is often a key theme in Hornby's books; in particular, the writer does not like it when pop culture is underestimated, considering it to be limited. Also, the key themes of the works are often the hero’s relationship with himself and others, overcoming and searching for himself.

Nick Hornby now lives in the Highbury area of ​​North London, close to his favorite football team's stadium, Arsenal.

Doris Lessing (1919 - 2013)

After the second divorce in 1949, she moved with her son to London, where at first she rented an apartment with a woman of easy virtue.

The topics that worried Lessing, as often happens, changed during her life, and if in 1949-1956 she was primarily occupied social issues and communist themes, then from 1956 to 1969 the works began to be worn psychological character. In more later works The author was close to the postulates of the esoteric movement in Islam - Sufism. In particular, this was expressed in many of her science fiction works from the Canopus series.

In 2007, the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The novel "Bridget Jones's Diary", which was born from the column that Helen wrote in the Independent newspaper, brought the writer worldwide success and the love of millions of women.

The plot of "The Diary" repeats in detail the plot of Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice", right down to the name of the main male character - Mark Darcy.

They say that the writer was inspired to write the book by the 1995 TV series and especially Colin Firth, since he migrated without any changes to the film adaptation of “The Diary.”

In the UK, Stephen is known as an esthete and a great original, driving around in his own cab. Stephen Fry incomparably combines two abilities: to be the standard of British style and to regularly shock the public. His bold statements about God confuse many, which, however, does not in any way affect his popularity. He is openly gay - last year, 57-year-old Fry married a 27-year-old comedian.

Fry does not hide the fact that he used drugs and suffers from bipolar disorder, about which he even made a documentary.

It’s not easy to define all of Fry’s areas of activity; he jokingly calls himself “a British actor, writer, king of dance, prince of swimsuits and blogger.” All of his books invariably become bestsellers, and interviews are analyzed for quotes.

Stephen is considered a rare owner of a unique classic English accent; an entire book has been written about the art of “speaking like Stephen Fry.”

Julian Barnes has been called the "chameleon" of British literature. He is excellent at creating works that are different from each other without losing his individuality: eleven novels, four of which are detective stories, written under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh, a collection of short stories, a collection of essays, a collection of articles and reviews.

The writer was repeatedly accused of francophony, especially after the publication of the book “Flaubert's Parrot,” a kind of mixture of a biography of the writer and a scientific treatise on the role of the author in general. The writer's attraction to everything French is partly explained by the fact that he grew up in the family of a French teacher.

His novel “The History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters” became a real event in literature. Written in the dystopian genre, the novel seeks answers to a number of philosophical questions about the essence of man, his past, present and future.

A favorite of children and adults around the world, the restless Paddington Bear was “born” in 1958, when Michael Bond last moment Before Christmas I realized that I forgot to buy a gift for my wife. Out of hopelessness, the author, who had already written many plays and stories by that time, bought his wife a toy bear in a blue raincoat.

In 2014, a film was made based on his books, where London became one of characters narration. It appears before us as if through the eyes of a little guest from dense Peru: at first rainy and inhospitable, and then sunny and beautiful. In the picture you can recognize Notting Hill, Portobello Road, streets near Maida Vale station, Paddington station and the Natural History Museum.

Interestingly, the writer now lives in London just near Paddington station.

Rowling went from welfare dole to author of the best-selling book series in history in just five years, which became the basis for films that in turn are recognized as the second highest-grossing franchise.

As Rowling herself said, the idea for the book came to her during a train trip from Manchester to London in 1990. .

Neil Gaiman is called one of the main modern storytellers. Hollywood producers are lining up for the film rights to his books.

He also wrote scripts himself more than once. His famous novel Neverwhere was born from just such a script for a mini-series filmed at the BBC in 1996. Although, of course, the opposite is more often the case.

Scary tales Neil is also loved for the fact that they blur the lines between intellectual and entertaining literature.

The writer is a winner of prestigious awards; many of Ian’s works have been filmed.

The writer's first works were distinguished by cruelty and great attention to the theme of violence, for which the author was awarded the nickname Ian Macabre. He was also called the black wizard of modern British prose and a world-class expert on all types of violence.

IN further creativity all these themes remained, but seemed to fade into the background, running like a red thread through the fate of the heroes, without lingering in the frame themselves.

The writer spent his childhood on the run: he was born in Czechoslovakia into an intelligent Jewish family. Due to her nationality, his mother moved to Singapore and then to India. Almost all of the writer’s relatives died during the Second World War, and his mother, having married a British military man for the second time, raised her children as real Englishmen.

Stoppard became famous for the play “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,” a reimagining of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet,” which, under Tom’s pen, turned into a comedy.

The playwright has a lot in common with Russia. He visited here in 1977, working on a report about dissidents who were kept in psychiatric hospitals. "It was cold. Moscow seemed gloomy to me,” the author shares his memories.

The writer also visited Moscow during the staging of a play based on his play at the RAMT Theater in 2007. The theme of the 8-hour performance is the development of Russian political thoughts XIX century with its main characters: Herzen, Chaadaev, Turgenev, Belinsky, Bakunin.

English literature– this is a centuries-old history, magnificent writers, unique works that reflect the characteristics of national character. We grow up with the books of these great authors, we develop with their help. It is impossible to convey the importance of English writers and the contribution they made to world literature. We offer you 10 internationally recognized masterpieces of English literature.

1. William Shakespeare - “King Lear”

The story of King Lear is the story of a man blinded by his own despotism, who, in his declining years, encounters the bitter truth of life for the first time. Endowed with unlimited power, Lear decides to divide his kingdom between his three daughters Cordelia, Goneril and Regan. On the day of his abdication, he expects flattering speeches and assurances of tender love from them. He knows in advance what his daughters will say, but he longs to once again listen to the praises addressed to him in the presence of the court and foreigners. Lear invites the youngest of them and the most beloved Cordelia to talk about his love in such a way that her words will prompt him to give her a “more extensive share than his sisters.” But proud Cordelia refuses to perform this ritual with dignity. A fog of rage obscures Lear’s eyes and, considering her refusal an attack on his power and dignity, he curses his daughter. Having disinherited her, King Lear abdicates the throne in favor of his eldest daughters Goneril and Regan, without realizing dire consequences of his actions...

2. George Gordon Byron - “Don Juan”

“I am looking for a hero!..” Thus begins the poem “Don Juan”, written by the great English poet George Gordon Byron. And his attention was attracted by a hero well known in world literature. But the image of the young Spanish nobleman Don Juan, who became a symbol of the seducer and womanizer, takes on new depth in Byron. He is unable to resist his passions. But often he himself becomes the object of harassment from women...

3. John Galsworthy - “The Forsyte Saga”

“The Forsyte Saga” is life itself, in all its tragedy, in joys and losses, a life that is not very happy, but accomplished and unique.
The first volume of “The Forsyte Saga” includes a trilogy consisting of novels: “The Owner,” “In the Loop,” “For Rent,” which presents the history of the Forsyte family over many years.

4. David Lawrence - “Women in Love”

David Herbert Lawrence shocked the consciousness of his contemporaries with the freedom with which he wrote about the relationship of the sexes. In the famous novels about the Brenguin family - “The Rainbow” (which was banned immediately after publication) and “Women in Love” (published in a limited edition, and in 1922 a censorship trial of its author took place) Lawrence describes the story of several married couples. Women in Love was filmed by Ken Russell in 1969 and won an Oscar.
“My great religion is the belief in blood and flesh, that they are wiser than the intellect. Our minds may make mistakes, but what our blood feels, believes, and says is always true.”

5. Somerset Maugham - “The Moon and a Penny”

One of best works Maugham. The novel about which literary critics have been arguing for many decades, but still cannot come to a consensus on whether history should be considered tragic life and death English artist Strickland as a kind of “free biography” of Paul Gauguin?
Whether this is true or not, “The Moon and a Penny” still remains the true pinnacle of English literature of the 20th century.

6. Oscar Wilde - “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

Oscar Wilde is a great English writer who gained fame as a brilliant stylist, an inimitable wit, an extraordinary personality of his time, a man whose name, through the efforts of enemies and a gossip-hungry mob, became a symbol of depravity. This edition includes the famous novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” - the most successful and most scandalous of all the books created by Wilde.

7. Charles Dickens - “David Copperfield”

The famous novel “David Copperfield” by the great English writer Charles Dickens has gained the love and recognition of readers all over the world. Largely autobiographical, this novel tells the story of a boy forced to fight alone against a cruel, bleak world inhabited by evil teachers, selfish factory owners and soulless servants of the law. In this unequal war, David can only be saved by moral firmness, purity of heart and extraordinary talent, capable of turning a dirty ragamuffin into the greatest writer in England.

8. Bernard Shaw - “Pygmalimon”

The play begins on a summer evening in Covent Garden in London. A sudden torrential downpour, taking pedestrians by surprise, forced them to take shelter under the portal of St. Paul's Cathedral. Among those gathered were professor of phonetics Henry Higgins and researcher of Indian dialects Colonel Pickering, who specially came from India to see the professor. The unexpected meeting delights both. The men begin a lively conversation, into which an incredibly dirty flower girl intervenes. While begging the gentlemen to buy a bouquet of violets from her, she makes such unimaginable inarticulate sounds that it horrifies Professor Higgins, who is discussing the advantages of his method of teaching phonetics. The disgruntled professor swears to the colonel that thanks to his lessons, this dirty woman can easily become a saleswoman in a flower shop, where now she won’t even be allowed to enter the door. Moreover, he swears that in three months he will be able to pass her off as the duchess at the envoy's reception.
Higgins gets down to business with great enthusiasm. Obsessed with the idea of ​​turning a simple street girl into a real lady at any cost, he is absolutely confident of success, and does not think at all about the consequences of his experiment, which will radically change not only the fate of Eliza (that’s the girl’s name), but also his own life .

9. William Thackeray - “Vanity Fair”

The pinnacle of creativity of the English writer, journalist and graphic artist William Makepeace Thackeray was the novel “Vanity Fair”. All the characters in the novel - positive and negative - are involved, according to the author, in an “eternal circle of grief and suffering.” Rich in events, rich in subtle observations of the life of its time, imbued with irony and sarcasm, the novel “Vanity Fair” took pride of place in the list of masterpieces of world literature.

10. Jane Austen - “Sense and Sensibility”

“Sense and Sensibility” is one of best novels the wonderful English writer Jane Austen, who is rightly called the “first lady” of British literature. Among her most famous works are such masterpieces as “Pride and Prejudice”, “Emma”, “Northanger Abbey” and others. “Sense and Sensibility” is a so-called novel of morals, representing the love stories of two sisters: one of them is restrained and reasonable, the other is passionately devoted to emotional experiences. Heart dramas against the background of the conventions of society and ideas about duty and honor become a real “education of feelings” and are crowned with well-deserved happiness. The life of a large family, the characters and the twists and turns of the plot are described by Jane Austen easily, ironically and heartfeltly, with inimitable humor and purely English restraint.