I caught a wild duck and I'm talking in a dream. Duck: what is the dream about?

He will change and stop treating you the way you don’t like. It’s better to decide everything now: if something doesn’t suit you, stop communicating with this person, especially so closely.

Shoot ducks while hunting- don’t believe your eyes when you see something strange in the behavior of a person close to you. Nothing he does is direct evidence of how he really feels about you.

Seeing ducks swimming in the water or flying somewhere- to a trip, as a result of which you will learn something very interesting about your partner. The most important thing is to skillfully manage the information received.

Duck, like other waterfowl- symbolizes a child.

Duck swimming in water or rescued from water- symbolizes problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

Duck hunting- symbolize your hostility towards children who interfere with your life, and especially interfere with your sex life.

Killed or gutted duck- speaks of your desire to have sexual contact with a minor.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ducks in a dream- portend worries, troubles and empty talk.

If in your dream the ducks look fat and well-groomed- the dream suggests that, despite some fuss, your affairs promise to go well.

Plucking a duck in a dream- to loss of money; cook in the oven, baking with apples- interference in your personal life by parents who ignore your interests; stewed duck- a sign of abundance.

Eating a fat duck leaking juice in a dream- portends excellent prospects for the future; smoked, deliciously smoky duck- to luxury and contentment.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Duck- deception; catch- you will be told something important; deplume- squabbles and disagreement; eat- contentment.

Women's dream book

Ducks in the river with clean water - portend interesting trips, travel on water. A dream in which you see flying ducks is very favorable: fate will smile on you. Possible happy marriage, the birth of wonderful children or the purchase of a new home.

If you see white ducks wandering around a village yard in a dream- prosperity or a big harvest awaits you if you work on the land.

Hunting ducks in a dream- a sign of drastic changes in the implementation of your plans.

If you managed to shoot ducks while hunting- unfriendly people will try to interfere in your affairs.

General dream book

Eating a duck- to a scandal with your mother-in-law (mother-in-law) or the mother-in-law (mother-in-law) of one of your closest friends.

In a dream you saw someone eating a duck- one of your friends will have a scandal in the family and you will have to spend a lot of effort to help him.

If you dreamed that you were catching a duck- you are about to find yourself in the very center of a big family scandal.

You dreamed that you saw a duck flying in the sky- know that all failures will pass you by.

Feed the duck- to troubles through your own fault.

If you dreamed that you were chasing ducks- get ready, failures will befall you in the near future and you will have to spend a lot of effort to get out of a rather difficult situation.

In a dream, you saw someone you know or friend feeding ducks- soon you will start having troubles, the fault of which will be one of your closest relatives.

If you dreamed that you saw one of your friends or relatives chasing ducks- soon one of your closest relatives will have troubles, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to resolve the problem.

You cooked, fried, boiled duck- Be more restrained, soon you yourself will start a big family scandal.

You dreamed that you watched someone roast or boil a duck- you will have big troubles at work.

In a dream you bought a duck- you will bring trouble on your own head.

If you dreamed that you sold or gave someone a duck- you, through your own stupidity, will bring trouble to one of your friends.

In a dream you were given a duck- one of your friends or relatives, without meaning to, will harm you.

English dream book

If you see ducks flying- this is a sign of wealth, and if you see them floating on the mirror-like surface of the waters - this is good sign for traders, artisans and their families. Those who love can confidently count on the fact that the future will bring them happiness, peace and prosperity.

If you see ducks diving and deftly grabbing food- this dream foretells you hard and tedious work and slavish dependence on others.

If in a dream you look at a beautiful duck swimming next to a drake- the dream means that the desired wedding will soon take place.”

Islamic dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

For those who have a large farm, it is not surprising to see poultry in a dream - chickens, ducks and geese. Why do people who are far from farming and life in the world dream about ducks? rural areas? A duck can mean different things: superficiality and talkativeness, sometimes deception, but at the same time - family happiness and comfort.

What interpretation of your “duck story” will be will depend on what exactly you saw in your dreams. I dreamed of a black duck - in the near future circumstances will develop in such a way that you will be able to devote more time to yourself and your hobbies. However, this vision also warns the sleeper that he should not go to great lengths, so as not to damage his own reputation.

Why do you dream about duck as food? The Assyrian dream book believes that if you dreamed of this bird being fried, then in reality there will always be prosperity in your home; you will not have to spend every day worrying about your daily bread. Also, a roast duck in a dream may mean that the dreamer will meet a person with whom he will develop a warm relationship in the future; for a woman, this may mean a meeting with her future spouse.

However, the vision in which you were carving a roast duck warns that you need to be more careful when handling finances. In addition, as doctors say, any dream in which fatty foods appear may indicate still hidden problems with digestion, so it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

I had to see a lot of ducks in a dream - soon there will be guests in your house. The more buzzing birds there were in your dream, the noisier and more fun the crowd of guests will be. For a woman, a buzzing duck “collective farm” in a dream can mean an imminent matchmaking or wedding.

If you suddenly dream of a lot of dead birds, soon some problems will arise in your life that will be extremely problematic to resolve alone. Do not hesitate to ask loved ones for help, dream interpreters advise.

Wild and poultry

Dream interpretations give great value what kind of duck you dream about, what it does and how the dreamer interacts with the bird in his vision. Let's try to “sort out” the most common plots of “duck” dreams.

  • The duck in your vision was wild.
  • You dreamed of domesticated animals.
  • Ducks could swim or walk on land.
  • Or take care of the offspring.
  • The ducks dreamed together with the geese.

Since wild ducks are migratory birds that change their habitat twice a year, the appearance of a wild mallard in a dream symbolizes that in the near future you will have the opportunity to go on a trip. Wild ducks can also portend life changes. If you dreamed of a wild duck together with a drake, this vision promises mutual understanding in the family.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, a domestic duck dreams of household chores. This image means that for some time it will be problematic to be away from your native walls, because there will be no one to shift the burden of worries to. However, these efforts will pay off, and the dreamer will be rewarded with a warm and friendly homely atmosphere.

As he says Women's dream book, if you see in a dream that ducks are swimming in a pond with clean water, the vision may foretell a vacation away from home, including a vacation on the water or near the water. I dreamed of a lot of poultry - ducks and ducklings and goslings, going to the water - such a dream promises reconciliation with the “other half” after a stormy quarrel. However, a dream where the same poultry swam in lake water warns of the danger of disease - interpreters say that if you do not want to miss an event that you have been waiting for a long time, you need to take care of your health.

Why do you dream of a duck waddling around? If the bird is of normal color, then the vision only speaks of upcoming chores around the house. But if the ducks are white, then Miller’s dream book considers this a very favorable sign. According to the interpreter, ducks white they promise abundance in the house, and if you are a farmer, a good harvest.

Feathered troubles

If you dream of a duck with ducklings, such a dream tells the sleeping person that it has come good time to implement his plans. Fate favors new beginnings, and it is very important not to miss your chance. If you have time to use it, you can receive not only moral satisfaction, but also quite tangible monetary rewards.

For girls and young women, a dream of a mallard with ducklings means that family life will be calm and prosperous, and the children will not upset you. If the dreamer dreamed of only small ducklings, unaccompanied by a duck, such a dream may warn of some problems with well-being - it is worth checking the state of your health. Motherless chicks may also mean that you will be adopting a baby in the near future. important decision, relying only on your knowledge and inner instinct.

If you dreamed that a mallard with ducklings were walking on the lawn, it means that your efforts will be rewarded. If a duck swims on or across a lake, followed by little ducklings, your life will be more prosperous and calm, but you will have to work hard. If no one scared away the poultry in your dream, the dream signals: you are moving in the right direction.

If you dreamed that a mallard sits on a nest with ducklings hatching from the shell during your sleep, this means you have to communicate with a large number people. It is possible that at the meeting you will learn a lot of fresh information that will be very useful to you.

We often dream of geese together with domestic ducks, because very often this bird is kept together, and the images of these domestic birds are interconnected in our minds. Geese are a symbol of prosperity, as well as meeting reliable patrons.

If geese are swimming in a pond in your dream, your tense and troublesome period will soon end and you will be able to allow yourself to relax. If geese walk on land, such a vision suggests that the dreamer needs to be more lenient with his surroundings so as not to create problems in communication. Wild geese dream of a very profitable business offer.

It is very important what sensations you experienced when you dreamed of poultry and when you woke up. If the emotions were pleasant or neutral, such a dream simply cannot have a negative meaning.

Anchor points:

Duck in dreams

As a rule, a duck is a good sign, especially if it quacked, in which case expect good news. A bird floating in a pond promises a joyful event, unexpected holiday. Watching her dive means you will need to work hard to achieve success. An important detail is to compare these two visions so that the dream can be deciphered more accurately. Well-being in the family is predicted by a dream about ducks flying; if she just took off, flapping her wings, then the dream foreshadows a pleasant trip, a journey. Ducks walking and swaying to the sides can indicate doubts - you just can’t make a decision, and this affects your mood and well-being. Hunting ducks is a bad sign, in best case scenario you will have to adjust your plans, but most likely they are not feasible, and a complete collapse of hopes is predicted by a dream about a duck you killed. Also expect trouble if you cut up the duck to cook it into a dish. Plucking it means there will be misunderstanding on the part of people living next to you. To see her butchered - do not allow thoughts about illegal gain - you cannot avoid punishment. Roasted duck, the taste of which you enjoyed, promises the appearance of a new fan, fan. If you didn’t eat it, but just saw it beautifully served and appetizing, then a new acquaintance lies ahead. Cooked not whole, in pieces - a symbol of discord between relatives; baked with fruits - apples, oranges - a quarrel will occur with parents. Buying a duck promises an addition to the family, selling it promises minor quarrels.

What kind of duck could it be?

If you dreamed of a drake, then soon expect changes in marital status. Did the drake swim with the duck? This means that these changes will only be positive. Mandarin ducks are a symbol of a happy marriage, therefore bad for married couple a dream when they break up or die. A wild duck in a dream speaks of gossip that can harm you, especially big damage your reputation will be damaged by a duck flying into your home. Duck - urinal - a dream warns of the possibility of genitourinary tract disease. Wounded bird symbolizes a person who wants to influence you with his authority. Hearing quacks but not seeing the duck itself in a dream means beware of slander. A dreaming duckling warns that your children will bring you a lot of trouble associated with lying and theft. A flock of domestic ducks will improve your financial situation, but a lot of wild ducks will lead to losses. Duck feather, down - you will become a source of gossip.

English dream book

Why does a woman dream of ducks:

“I know that this dream is both happy and unhappy at the same time,” said the ancient astrologer. - If you see ducks flying, this is a sign of wealth, and if you see them floating on the mirror-like surface of the waters, this is a good sign for traders, artisans and their families. Those who love can confidently count on the fact that the future will bring them happiness, peace and prosperity. If you see ducks diving and deftly grabbing food, this dream foretells you hard and tedious work and slavish dependence on others. If in a dream you see a beautiful duck swimming next to a drake, the dream means that the desired wedding will soon take place.”

Old Russian dream book

Seeing ducks in a dream means:

false news.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream with ducks in the dream book is interpreted as:

Ducks you dreamed about clean waters rivers - portend happy travels, sea trips.
If white ducks wander around a peasant's yard, the dream promises prosperity for your home and a big harvest.
Hunting ducks is a harbinger of drastic changes in the implementation of your plans. If ducks were shot while hunting, the dream foreshadows the interference of unfriendly people in your affairs.
A dream in which you see ducks flying is very favorable: fate will smile on you. A happy marriage is possible, or the birth of beautiful children, or new house.

Muslim dream book

Dreaming with ducks means:

Hearing the cry of a duck in a dream means complaints from the unfortunate.

Miller's Dream Book

Duck dream meaning:

Ducks in the clear waters of the river - happy travels, sea trips;
white ducks wandering around the peasant yard - prosperity to your home and a big harvest;
hunting ducks - sudden changes in the implementation of your plans;
ducks were shot while hunting - interference of unfriendly people in your affairs;
seeing ducks flying is very favorable, fate will smile on you, a happy marriage, or the birth of beautiful children, or a new home is possible.
Also see Water, River, Hunting.

Persian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of ducks:

Marital consent, love of children.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What ducks can dream about:

see - you will make peace with your enemy
floating - you will take part in an important conference
catch - they will tell you something important
plucking feathers - squabbles and disagreement
eating is contentment.

Assyrian dream book

Ducks in a dream mean:

If a person eats a duck in a dream, in reality there will always be an abundance of various dishes in his house.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

If a girl dreams of ducks, it means:

A wild duck flies into the house - portends a great misfortune; a male and a female travel together - a good mistress will appear; mandarin ducks break up - misfortune associated with the spouse; killing a duck is great happiness.

Ukrainian dream book

Why does a woman dream of ducks:

Seeing a duck is success, on the water - unpleasant news, catching it - luck.

Esoteric dream book

Ducks in a dream from Esoteric dream book

Wild - to a free life without any problems. Wild duck with drake - good family environment. Domestic duck - you will have to sit at home for some time, doing housework. Killing a domestic duck is a serious complication in the family and at home. Shoot a wild duck - your freedom will be limited by material problems, you will have to live by the proverb “if you don’t drown, you don’t dig.”

Small dream book

Ducks in a dream from Small dream book

Seeing ducks swimming on clear water in a dream means that you will soon have interesting trips, perhaps by sea. If you dreamed of white ducks walking around the yard around the house, then this year there will be a rich harvest. A dream in which you hunt ducks foreshadows changes that may occur in your business. Seeing shot ducks means that enemies will try to interfere in your personal affairs. A dream in which you see flying ducks is favorable, as it promises bright prospects in business. You will also be pleased with obedient children and an accommodating wife.

Dream book for women

Ducks in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Women

A duck swimming away from you promises a quick trip. A domestic duck portends well-being in the home and family. A duck flying towards you will bring joy to your family.

To dream of a flock of ducks going to a pond - in reality, make peace with your lover after a long quarrel.

Swimming ducks portend participation in an important event that you will have to miss due to illness.

Duck hunting is a harbinger of unforeseen circumstances and unfulfilled hopes.

Flying ducks portend a happy marriage, harmony in family relationships, prosperity in the house.

Plucking a duck in a dream means losing money; cooking in the oven, baking with apples - interference in your personal life by parents who ignore your interests; stewed duck is a sign of abundance.

Eating a fat duck dripping with juice in a dream foretells excellent prospects for the future; smoked, deliciously smoky-smelling duck - to luxury and contentment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Duck

Ducks in the clear waters of the river - happy travels, sea trips;
white ducks wandering around the peasant yard - prosperity to your home and a big harvest;
hunting ducks - sudden changes in the implementation of your plans;
ducks were shot while hunting - interference of unfriendly people in your affairs;
seeing ducks flying is very favorable, fate will smile on you, a happy marriage, or the birth of beautiful children, or a new home is possible.
Also see Water, River, Hunting.

Interpretation of dreams from