Where to hit in the face to knock him out. Where should you hit to cause the most damage to your opponent?

Today we will look at several vulnerable points on the human body and answer some questions that interest us. Where should you hit a person in order to inflict various injuries on him and where is it better not to hit so as not to kill him!

The following information will be useful to you and you can use it in case of self-defense or in a regular street fight. So, let's begin….


This is where you need to hit to knock a person out. Even a weak blow knocks out a boar. When hit in the jaw, the brain is very strongly concussed and the enemy either begins to swim or is knocked out for several minutes. And now you can try it yourself! Grit your teeth and lightly hit the side of your chin and you will feel everything yourself. By the way, it is very convenient to hit the jaw with your palm. In general, a palm strike is very effective and, when used correctly, is much more powerful than a fist strike. It is in vain that many people underestimate him.


This is probably the most dangerous place, which often leads to death. The temporal bone is very fragile, it breaks and pierces the brain. Therefore, when you hit the temple, you can not only knock out the enemy, but also kill him. Therefore, if you are not going to kill anyone, then try not to purposefully hit the temporal bone, especially with your elbow, but rather hit the jaw :)

Back of the head.

A blow to the back of the head causes loss of orientation in space, the person begins to swim or loses consciousness for a short period of time. At strong impact Possible concussion and fracture of the cervical vertebrae.


Well, in general, the eyes are a good enough target for a strike, they are not protected in any way, and with damaged eyes the enemy will not be able to do anything to you. You won’t be able to hit the eye directly with your fist, so you need to either hit with a poke with closed fingers, or deliver a sharp blow with your hand, with your fingertips. You can also press on the eye with your thumb. If you get into a fight with your opponent and start rolling on the ground, then start pressing your finger straight into eyeball, I'm sure your enemy won't like it very much :) In general, train your hands, it will be very useful to you.

Also a vulnerable part in the human body, a blow to the throat causes severe pain, sometimes vomiting, and with a powerful blow, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.
In principle, you can hit in a very different way, but the most convenient way is with the edge of the palm or the so-called “fork” - this is the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.

It is very good to hit the ears with two palms at once. Hit at the same time and quickly. Such a blow causes a painful shock and loss of orientation. With a strong impact, the membranes sometimes even burst. You can also press your thumb on the parotid cavity. You can look for it behind your ear from below and try to apply pressure. The feeling is not the most pleasant. Of course, such pressure techniques on the ears and eyes are best done when you are on the ground with your opponent.

Well, in the groin, this is not at all masculine... Although, throw all these moral principles aside. Especially if you didn’t have a mutual desire to fight with someone one-on-one. You can hit him in the groin with anything and any way you want. Any blows are very painful and dangerous. After a missed blow to the groin, all you want to do is lie curled up on the floor, the desire to do something else immediately disappears.

Well, perhaps we have looked at the most dangerous and vulnerable points on the human body; there are, of course, many more places where you can and should hit. For example, a blow to the shin, to the solar plexus, to the bridge of the nose, to the liver will also cause a lot of pain and trouble. But I think that the above methods are quite enough. So run out into the street today, insult someone in a drunken campaign and try all these techniques in practice so as not to forget and reinforce them :) Good luck.

During a street fight, you only have a few seconds - then the outcome will be decided. Before the attacker ties you up, you must do everything possible to free yourself, while trying to save energy. Now is not the time for nobility. Either you are him, or he is you. Therefore, hit the most vulnerable places - the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin, knees and legs.

Self-defense instructor Sifu Numrich is all about the technique of hitting pressure points, which will help you defend and escape. Here is the first information you need:

1) Where it is better for you to hit and with what depends on the position of the attacker and the distance between you. For example, you should not deliberately approach the aggressor in order to hit him in the nose with your hand if you can hit his knee with a kick.

2) If you hit the upper half of the body, hit only with your arm. An effective strike can be delivered with the outer edge of a straight palm, the heel of the palm, the knuckles (on soft tissue), or a tightly clenched fist.

And with the main pain points you need to do this:


As you can imagine, poking the eyes with fingers or knuckles can be very effective. In addition to severe pain, they will at least temporarily impair the attacker's vision, which may allow you to escape.

If the attacker is directly in front of you, strike the nose from below with the heel of your hand, putting all your body weight into him to cause maximum pain and force him to retreat. If he's behind you, you can hit him in the nose with your elbow (from the side or directly). Either way, aim for the nasal bones.

The main objective - side neck, where the carotid artery and jugular vein are located. The attacker can be temporarily stunned with the edge of the palm (fingers straight and together, thumb slightly bent) on the side of the neck. To cause maximum damage, you can elbow your opponent in the throat while shifting your body weight forward.


Sifu Numrich believes that knee strikes are ideal for self-defense. You can hit them from any angle without the risk of someone grabbing your leg. A blow to the side of the knee will temporarily incapacitate the attacker. A direct hit to the knee will cause more damage, but is less likely to cause the opponent to lose balance.

How to deal maximum damage

Hit with elbows, knees, head

We have listed the most vulnerable areas above. Now let's move on to those parts of the body with which you can hit as effectively as possible, causing maximum damage - these are the knees, elbows and head (your natural bone weapon). Here is a video in which Sifu Numrich shows how to defend against three common attacks.

Use objects that come to hand

Ordinary surrounding objects and even the contents of your pockets can serve as weapons. When you walk home in the dark, just in case, hold your pen or keys between the middle and index fingers. If the attack occurs under open air, you can throw dirt or sand into the attacker's eyes. Women are often advised to spray perfume or hairspray into their eyes. Use any available items for more effective protection(You can turn to the work of Jackie Chan for inspiration).

Use your weight

No matter how much you weigh, how tall you are, or how strong you are compared to your opponent, you can always protect yourself by positioning your body correctly and using the simple laws of physics. This principle is the basis of martial arts such as jujitsu and other systems that can be used to defeat a larger opponent.

Tim Larkin trains using his own combat system “Focus on Target”, he teaches that a strike is not just a swing with a fist or a leg, the main thing in a strike is the use of body weight. You will not stand like in the ring, exchanging hooks and kicks with your opponent; in a real clash, it is extremely important to quickly incapacitate him with targeted and effective blows. Hit the pressure points listed above, putting your entire body weight into each blow. (The video is quite long, it is, in principle, worth watching in its entirety, but if you are only interested in the technique of hitting pressure points using body weight described above, start watching from the fourth minute. Keep in mind that this technique, which is also used by police, can cause serious injury to the attacker).

There are situations in life when knowledge of the basics of self-defense can save a person’s life. Alas, not all of us are proficient in martial arts and do not know how to behave when attacked, especially when a stronger enemy is threatening. How and where to hit a person correctly in order to put him out of action in the event of a fight will be discussed below.

Where to hit during a fight

When a person who is not experienced in fighting gets into a street brawl, he is unlikely to have time to remember some complex technique, even if he knows it theoretically. It is only in action films that the “arm lever through the forearm” or “finger strike to the hypoglossal nerve” is effectively used. In reality, everything is much more complicated, and if you are not an action hero, then you need to know where to hit a person in order to deprive him of activity for a long time.

Vulnerable points on the human body

It is worth remembering that blows to the most vulnerable points on the human body are unacceptable, and even vile, techniques in most martial arts. However, a fight is a critical situation and here, as they say, all methods are good. Of course, we must understand that the enemy is not a dummy, he will resist, making it difficult for us to hit the pressure points. So, the most vulnerable places on the body:

  • Groin. A blow “below the belt” disarms men for a long time. It is so painful that even in the most brutal fights, men do not hit each other in the groin area. Male solidarity is commendable, but you should forget about it when deciding where it is better to hit the enemy, so that he will lose the desire to “run into” for a long time.
  • Solar plexus. A blow to this point is also called a blow to the gut. If you manage to deliver a sharp and strong blow from below, to the solar plexus area, this will neutralize the attacker for a long time.
  • Knee cap. A blow to the kneecap is very painful. It is not without reason that it is often used by law enforcement officers before subduing a person. True, you must have a well-placed kick, otherwise you will not be able to neutralize the enemy, but it is quite possible to anger him even more.
  • Eyes. It is best to hit the eyes with your fingers spread out like a goat. This blow is not easy to make, because, as a rule, the opponent manages to tilt his head. However, if you hit him, you will be able to temporarily blind him (don’t be afraid to knock out his eye - this requires professional impact force, and the human eyeball is quite elastic).
  • Throat. The throat strike is especially effective if the opponent is much larger than you. You need to hit sharply, aim at the area of ​​the butt, but not with your fist (it’s harder to hit), but with your fingers bent “in half” at the joints.
  • The nose, temple, back of the head, chin are the most vulnerable points on the head. For those who want to know where to hit during a fight, this is important information. A blow to the chin can knock the attacker down, the nose is very painful blows, and blow to the temple and can even knock you out.

How to hit to knock someone out

All those who want to know how to hit in order to “knock out” a person should remember that if you are not a trained fighter, then you are unlikely to be able to “knock out” someone. Without experience, firstly, it is difficult to hit the right point, secondly, you can break your fingers (without having a delivered blow), thirdly, in order to inflict a very serious injury on your opponent, you need to be prepared not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, only a few will be able to carry out such a blow that can reliably “disable” a person. In sports, the following zones are distinguished for knocking out an opponent:

  • Liver (to the right of the navel).
  • Solar plexus.
  • Heart.
  • Temple.

How to beat your opponent psychologically

In order to defeat a stronger opponent in a fight, you need to stand one step above him spiritually (emotionally) and attack his weak traits, driving him into a dead end. For example, treat the demonstration of physical superiority with humor (but do not mock the attacker), do not show your fear, and in response to threats say something that he does not expect. This can confuse the enemy, and will help you gain time, which is important in a fight.

Of course, if you are faced with a question of life and death, everyone must defend accessible ways. But if there is the slightest opportunity to get away from a fight, or to resolve a conflict with as little bloodshed as possible, you need to take advantage of it.

Today we will look at several vulnerable points on the human body and answer some questions that interest us. Where should you hit a person in order to inflict various injuries on him and where is it better not to hit so as not to kill him!

The following information will be useful to you and you can use it in case of self-defense or in a regular street fight. So, let's begin....

Where to hit in a fight?


This is where you need to hit to knock a person out. Even a weak blow knocks out a boar. When hit in the jaw, the brain is very strongly concussed and the enemy either begins to swim or is knocked out for several minutes. And now you can try it yourself! Grit your teeth and lightly hit the side of your chin and you will feel everything yourself. By the way, it is very convenient to hit the jaw with your palm. In general, a palm strike is very effective and, when used correctly, is much more powerful than a fist strike. It is in vain that many people underestimate him.


This is probably the most dangerous place, which often leads to death. The temporal bone is very fragile, it breaks and pierces the brain. Therefore, when you hit the temple, you can not only knock out the enemy, but also kill him. Therefore, if you are not going to kill anyone, then try not to purposefully hit the temporal bone, especially with your elbow, but rather hit the jaw :)

Back of the head

A blow to the back of the head causes loss of orientation in space, the person begins to swim or loses consciousness for a short period of time. A strong blow may cause a concussion and fracture of the cervical vertebrae.


Well, in general, the eyes are a good enough target for a strike, they are not protected in any way, and with damaged eyes the enemy will not be able to do anything to you. You won’t be able to hit the eye directly with your fist, so you need to either hit with a poke with closed fingers, or deliver a sharp blow with your hand, with your fingertips. You can also press on the eye with your thumb. If you get into a fight with your enemy and start rolling on the ground, then start pressing your finger directly into the eyeball, I’m sure your enemy won’t like it very much :) In general, train your hands, it will be very useful for you.


Also a vulnerable part in the human body, a blow to the throat causes severe pain, sometimes vomiting, and with a powerful blow, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.
In principle, you can hit in a very different way, but the most convenient way is with the edge of the palm or the so-called “fork” - this is the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.


It is very good to hit the ears with two palms at once. Hit at the same time and quickly. Such a blow causes a painful shock and loss of orientation. With a strong impact, the membranes sometimes even burst. You can also press your thumb on the parotid cavity. You can look for it behind your ear from below and try to apply pressure. The feeling is not the most pleasant. Of course, such pressure techniques on the ears and eyes are best done when you are on the ground with your opponent.


Well, in the groin, this is not at all masculine... Although, throw all these moral principles aside. Especially if you didn’t have a mutual desire to fight with someone one-on-one. You can hit him in the groin with anything and any way you want. Any blows are very painful and dangerous. After a missed blow to the groin, all you want to do is lie curled up on the floor, the desire to do something else immediately disappears.

Well, perhaps we have looked at the most dangerous and vulnerable points on the human body; there are, of course, many more places where you can and should hit. For example, a blow to the shin, to the solar plexus, to the bridge of the nose, to the liver will also cause a lot of pain and trouble. But I think that the above methods are quite enough. So run out into the street today, insult someone in a drunken campaign and try all these techniques in practice so as not to forget and reinforce them :) Good luck.

If a fight cannot be avoided, it is in your interests to emerge victorious.

It is obvious. Therefore, never drag out a fight, but hit immediately for sure - so that a second blow is not needed. Knowing where the pain points are on the human body, one skillful attack should be quite enough. Having studied and practiced a couple of simple techniques, you will be able to effectively fight back even an opponent who is physically superior to you. Here they are, these techniques.

Punch to the jaw. There are two variations of this attack: from the side (hook) or from below to the chin (uppercut). Both, provided a sufficiently large force is applied, are capable of disorienting or even knocking out the enemy. Consequences: neck injuries, concussion. But only if the blow was really strong and practiced. If yours physical form and fighting skills leave much to be desired, then don’t hit, but push with the heel of your palm into the chin from bottom to top. In this case, you need to sit under the enemy and push him out with your whole weight, your whole body, and not just with your hand. The second version of the same attack is a push into pain point, located in the hollow between the chin and lower lip. The palm will rest on the enemy’s face, so you can press your fingers into his eyes to disorient and demoralize him even more.

Attacking the eyes is also a perfectly acceptable move. But even here a blow with a fist will bring desired result only if you are in good shape and preparation. For beginners, it is better to stab in the eye with the knuckles of bent fingers, then the chance of blinding the enemy and inflicting a very painful and rather dangerous injury on him with one blow increases significantly. Bend and join your fingers right hand, but do not clench your fist, but leave your palm open. Remember this position. This is exactly how you need to hit the eyes, the bridge of the nose or the Adam's apple. But only if there is no other way to protect yourself: such an attack can be fatal. It makes sense to use it when there is a real threat to your life - for example, if the enemy has a knife.

You can also hit the bridge of your nose with your head. Use this technique if you are grabbed and cannot quickly free your hands. The enemy is standing in front of you - hit with your forehead, if he is behind you - hit with the back of your head. The main thing is not to be afraid to hit harder.

Another tricky and very effective technique is a double blow to the ears with open palms. The enemy is guaranteed to go deaf, and there is a chance of even losing his hearing forever. To carry out an attack correctly, fold your palm into a boat, press your fingers together, strike with a swing and lunge. Perhaps this is the easiest way to send an attacker into a deep knockout: women should pay attention to this technique, first of all, since it does not require a developed physique. Self-defense techniques for girls are always selected precisely according to the principle of maximum effectiveness, subject to the application of minimal effort - and a double blow to the ears is just one of them.

Since you can knock out a person with one blow only by attacking him in the head, do not waste time on attacks to the body, stomach, and so on. You still won’t cause serious damage to the enemy this way. But if the attacker is significantly taller than you, and you can’t reach his head, hit him in the solar plexus with your fist or knee in the groin. Or kick him under the kneecap. Not fatal, but very painful. Most likely, this will also be enough to deprive the enemy of the ability to continue the fight.

And finally, one more important note. Don’t expect to remember everything you just read in a critical situation. Knowledge that is not supported by practice does not bring any benefit. Therefore, sew yourself a boxing bag, hang it on the wall in your room and practice punches and pushes on it every day. You need to train your hands so that they become tough and insensitive to pain - this is it. You can easily apply the techniques that you have mastered to the point of automaticity in practice: muscle memory is the most reliable. That's two. And finally, third: regular training with a punching bag or punching bag helps strengthen muscles, ligaments, joints and nerves.

How to hit the bag correctly with your fist so as not to damage your wrists: the thumb lies on top of the rest (in no case under them!), the fist is slightly turned up towards itself, relaxed. It becomes tense and rigid only at the moment of impact. Try to attack with the hardest part of the hand - the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, with a short swing, with a step. Hitting with the heel of the palm is even easier: the blow or push in this case is not traumatic for the attacker. But you need to practice the injection with your knuckles as carefully as possible. Until your hands get used to it, there is a possibility of damaging the ligaments. Here the emphasis should be placed not on the force of the blow, but on its accuracy.