Sample Workplace Internship Program. How is the internship program developed? Help for students

Hello! In this article we will talk about the procedure for internships in the workplace.

Today you will learn:

  • What is staff internship;
  • Who should do the internship;
  • How is the internship organized?

What is a staff internship?

Everyone has come across the concept of an internship at least once in their life. For the first time, we become interns while studying at a secondary specialized or higher educational institution during the internship period. As a rule, such an internship is not paid; all that the future specialist receives is invaluable experience.

The second and subsequent training occurs during the initial period of the applicant’s activity in the organization. Also, an on-the-job internship is possible during promotion. career ladder, if the new specialty involves radically different obligations from previous ones.

This is what happens in life, now we will look at how an internship should take place according to the law and what rights and responsibilities the applicant and the employer have.

Internship – work activity, including obtaining additional professional education in a certain specialty, as well as a way to apply one’s theoretical knowledge to prove competence to the management of the enterprise and future employment.

Let’s immediately highlight the main functions for the trainee:

  • Obtaining new professional skills;
  • Application of theoretical knowledge for the benefit of the organization;
  • The ability to assess one’s own abilities and correlate them with functions and tasks;
  • Possibility of employment based on the results.

The functions for the employer are the following:

  • Allows you to reduce the adaptation period;
  • Tests the abilities of the future employee and allows them to be correlated with his tasks and functions that he will perform;
  • Allows you to evaluate the theoretical knowledge of the trainee.

It is also necessary to emphasize distinctive features internships:

  • Vocational training is limited in time;
  • Retraining as a type of work activity is paid according to the contract;
  • The amount of payment for preliminary training of an employee is less than the monthly salary for this position;
  • Must be documented;
  • An employee's internship is carried out according to a pre-developed on-the-job training program;
  • A potential employee is assigned a mentor who will supervise the execution of tasks by the trainee.

When is an internship needed?

There are four cases in total when an applicant needs to undergo retraining:

  • For the first employment of graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • When an employee moves up the job ladder;
  • In the event of a long absence of an employee from the workplace, subject to fundamental changes in the performance of their job duties (sick leave, maternity leave);
  • In case of temporary transfer to another specialty (for example, due to the temporary absence of a specialist who previously occupied this position).

However, there is an exception. A potential applicant may be exempt from professional training in the event of a joint decision on this by the head of the department and the head of labor protection of the enterprise. Such an answer can only be given if the person hired has more than three years of experience in an identical position.

At the same time, the functions of the specialist and the equipment with which he will work should not differ from the previous ones. In this case, it is necessary to indicate in the personal file of the lucky person that he was accepted without a probationary period.

Educational practice from educational institution or found independently without official registration is not considered an internship.

There are groups of positions that require on-the-job training.

These include:

  • Drivers public transport;
  • Employees in direct contact with production equipment;
  • Positions associated with hazardous working conditions.

After training, candidates for these positions are required to pass an exam.

Duration of on-the-job internship

From March 1, 2017, the duration of testing has changed. Previously, according to Labor legislation, the internship could not last longer than two weeks (14 days), excluding weekends. Its minimum duration was only 3 days.

Now the probationary period for privates is determined by the head of the department in which the employee will work. If the person being hired has the skills, abilities and experience required for the specialty in performing duties in an identical position, the retraining time can range from 3 to 19 days, excluding weekends.

If the employee does not have the necessary qualifications or does not have similar experience in an identical position, then the period of his retraining will be from 1 to 6 months at the discretion of the head of the department.

In the event that an internship is required to obtain a managerial position, its time interval can vary from two weeks to one month, at the discretion of the company management.

Payment for the training period

Let us turn again to the definition: “Internship is a work activity...”. And as you know, any work must be paid.

Even if, after working for several days, your employer refuses further employment, you are required to pay for the days you worked. If you are refused payment, you have the right to go to court.

In this case, the trainee’s salary cannot be less than the established one. minimum size wages. As of January 1, 2018, it amounted to 9,489 rubles per month and from May 1, 2018, its amount will be increased to the level of the subsistence level of the working population - 11,163 rubles. Payment for additional practice must be made officially, taking into account all tax deductions.

However, the salary during the probationary period is always less than the standard one. wages employee in the same position.

But let's get back to the students. As stated earlier, educational activities is not an internship for the purpose of employment on a permanent basis, it is intended for the trainee to gain experience, and therefore is not paid.

Internship procedure

The first thing an applicant for a new position will have to go through is an interview with the manager.

During the interview, the trainee must be familiarized with the pre-drafted regulations on probationary period, which indicates the training period, the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer, the amount of payment, conditions successful completion And further fate applicant. This is where the supervisor officially assigns the internship.

The second step on the path to the desired position is drawing up a trial period program together with the manager. A journal is being developed here, which will be kept by a retraining curator.

The program must meet the following objectives:

  • Practical application of the subject's theoretical knowledge;
  • Obtaining practical professional skills;
  • Familiarization with the activities of the company, its structure;
  • Familiarization with job responsibilities.

A little later we will look at this issue in more detail.

The third stage is very important and will allow you to avoid fraud on the part of the employer -. After this, the applicant is allowed to undergo internship. An internship order is also signed.

At the end of the tests, the manager writes a review of the applicant and determines his professional suitability, on the basis of which a verdict on further employment is made.

Internship application procedure

Practice is always documented. This is beneficial for both the intern and the company.

The employee benefits because he will have a guarantee of payment for his work, as well as the company’s honesty when deciding on his further employment. The enterprise, because otherwise it will break the law, which is fraught with negative consequences.

Moreover, in the case of official registration, the organization will protect itself from possible claims from the trainee if he receives injuries due to his own negligence in the process of work.

In order to officially register an applicant, you need to prepare the following documents:

Internship Regulations. This document regulates the process of personnel retraining and is approved by the head of the company.

Consists of the following structural elements:

  • General provisions indicating the main points in coordinating the preparation process;
  • Goals and objectives of training. General goals are indicated here, such as mastering the theoretical and practical foundations necessary to perform functions and tasks, becoming familiar with the company’s activities and its specifics, and others.
  • The procedure for conducting an internship.
  • Responsibility of the parties; the supervisor of the trainee is also indicated here.
  • Necessary tests and trials at the end of retraining, allowing you to assess the quality of the material learned during the internship.
  • Internship program. We talked about it earlier.
  • Internship order.
  • Order for admission to independent work. Issued after practice and passing the exam (if required). The order allows for independent professional activities.

Internship program: types and structure

The following types of internships are conventionally distinguished:

Occupational safety practice– aimed at the competitor acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills to ensure the safe implementation of his job responsibilities. That is, in the process of demonstrating labor safety rules, a potential employee must be explained how he should work so as not to get injured or injure others.

The duration of retraining depends on the degree of danger and complexity of the work. However, many managers neglect this type of employee training, making do with only brief instructions. This is wrong.

According to the law, an internship in labor protection must be completed by:

  • All new employees;
  • Transferred to more hazardous activities;
  • Workers returning after a three-year break from work;
  • Graduates of colleges and universities.

The occupational safety internship program usually contains the following structural elements:

  • Labor protection;
  • Fire safety;
  • Electrical safety;
  • Sanitary safety rules;
  • Road safety;
  • Safety in industry;
  • Personal safety equipment;
  • Actions of the employee in case of emergency;
  • Providing first aid.

If your enterprise is in no way connected with production and industry, then you can exclude this item from the program.

Internships by specialty– in this case, the program will depend on the work that the future employee will perform. They are appointed if the applicant does not have to deal with special equipment or complex species works

For example, a combine driver must undergo an internship to show his machine driving skills. This internship will be supervised by the internship supervisor or supervisor, who will evaluate the internship at the end of the internship.

An excellent example of an internship in a specialty is the process of graduating public transport drivers. Before a newly minted driver begins to follow his own route, he runs this route with a mentor - an experienced driver.

Structurally, the retraining program for specialties contains the following elements:

  • Theoretical part. It consists of reading to the applicant instructions containing the theoretical foundations of the work;
  • Practical part. Involves a demonstration of the applicant’s skills and abilities directly to the trainee’s supervisor;
  • Preparation of documentation.

Completion of the internship

Most often, upon completion of training, an applicant for a vacancy undergoes certification. For this purpose, a commission consisting of a mentor and immediate superior is assembled.

The decision is made either on the basis of the tasks completed by the trainee, or on the basis test task. Also, the final conclusion of the management is influenced by the internship log, which is kept by the intern’s mentor during the training process.

If the commission makes a positive decision, then the trainee is placed on staff; for this purpose, an order is issued for admission to independent work.

An internship plan is a necessary attribute of this working period. After all, without a clear plan, it is not entirely clear what exactly an intern should do during the internship, what goals and objectives he faces, and how to determine whether he has coped with his responsibilities.

What is an internship?

It happens that a person gets a job at a company immediately after institute or college, knowing a lot in theory, but having never tried anything in practice. Or an employee of an enterprise wants to move to another position in which he has never worked, but hopes to cope with it. For this category of workers, an internship is provided - a kind of trial period, during which, under the guidance of a more experienced employee, interns will not only learn the necessary skills, but will also be able to try the theory in practice.

Internship procedure

In order for an employee to be assigned an internship, he must write an application with a corresponding request. After this, an order is issued for the enterprise, which states:

  • last name, first name, patronymic, personnel number and position of the trainee;
  • duration of internship;
  • supervisor or supervisor of the internship.

As a rule, the same order instructs the manager and the intern to develop an internship plan. Or rough plan internship at the enterprise has already been developed, for example, for each structural unit or for a group of positions, then the order can provide a link to this developed sample.

Based on this plan, the intern will then draw up a report on the internship, and based on the report and feedback from the internship supervisor, the employer can conclude whether this employee is suitable for him.

Position of the employee during the internship

Despite the fact that an internship is considered, and by and large is, training, the employee has the same rights and benefits as other employees of the enterprise. That is, his working day lasts the same amount, he has the right to annual leave - if the internship is successfully completed, its period is included in the total work experience. That is, if an employee entered the enterprise on the first of June and underwent a three-month internship, as a result of which he was hired, he can take part of the annual paid leave in December, and not in March of the next year.

The intern's remuneration is regulated by the employer and must be reflected in the Internship Regulations (or other internal document of the enterprise). Typically, interns are paid less than other employees in similar positions, most often due to non-payment of bonuses. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to cut wages, pay less than the established minimum wage, not pay extra for the coefficient for hazardous work, not recalculate wages in the event of a general increase, and so on. Nor does he have the right to carry out other actions towards the trainee that would worsen his working conditions

Internship plan for a young specialist

It is best if the internship plan is developed separately for each intern - if the internship is carried out according to individual plan, the result will be higher and more effective.

The internship plan may include:

  • goals of the internship;
  • practical tasks that the intern will have to solve during the internship;
  • a list of documents that the trainee must study during the internship in order to obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge;
  • trainee participation in public life enterprises.

- and so on. The internship plan may also include passing tests and exams on safety precautions, familiarizing the intern with the activities of the enterprise and its structural divisions as a whole, studying the internal documents of the enterprise, and the like.

It is better if the internship plan includes a task for every day, but if for some reason this is not possible, then a plan should be developed, for example, for each week. In this way, it will be more convenient for the internship supervisor to supervise the activities of his intern, and it will be more convenient for the intern to prepare reports on the internship.

The plan should also include the frequency with which the trainee will report on his/her performance.

The internship plan must be drawn up taking into account the activities of the entire enterprise.

The internship plan must be endorsed by the internship supervisor and the head of the structural unit in which the internship is taking place.

Internship report


Based on the results of the internship, the employee must write a report. The easiest - and most correct - way to write a report is to follow the internship plan.

The report must include:

  • tasks that the trainee coped with or failed to cope with (with an explanation of the reasons and options for solving this problem in the future);
  • the goals that the trainee achieved;
  • comments and recommendations of the internship supervisor and department head;
  • rationalization and inventive work performed by the intern;
  • community service undertaken by the intern;
  • activities and technologies aimed at improving the production process that the intern introduced.

- and the like - everything that can help the employer make the right decision about whether the employee successfully completed the internship.




internships by profession


Compiled by: first category teacher

Approved by the methodological commission “___”_______2009.

Chairman ____________________ / /

Deputy director for research and development ____________//


Explanatory note

1. Requirements for internship conditions

2. Requirements for internship results

3. Requirements for the structure and content of the internship


Internship Diary Form


Name educational institution TOGOU SPO "Agricultural-Industrial College"

Address: Kirsanovsky district, village. Golynshchina

Before starting the internship, the graduate must be familiar with the content of the internship program and the expected result; labor protection and safety requirements in the organization.

Graduate during internship in organizations:

· Performs tasks provided for by the internship program;

· Complies with the internal labor regulations in force in organizations;

· Strictly complies with labor protection and fire safety requirements ;

· Receives documents confirming the assessment of professional competencies mastered during the internship.

The graduate's internship is carried out both continuously and, if necessary, by alternating with theoretical classes.

The internship is supervised by a mentor appointed by order of the head of the institution from among highly qualified specialists, and the deputy director for educational and professional training.

The final result of mastering new technologies, forms and methods of organizing work directly at the workplace is decided by the certification commission in the form of an interview and based on the mentor’s assessments for the performance practical tasks(Internship diary).

The internship ends with the issuance of an internship certificate.


During an internship, a young specialist performs work in various areas accounting: accounting of fixed assets, sales of products, etc.; carries out reception and control primary documentation on the relevant areas of accounting and prepares them for accounting processing; reflects in accounting transactions related to the movement of cash and inventory; prepares reporting calculations of the cost of products (works, services); identifies sources of losses and unproductive expenses; makes accrual and re-accrual of payments to the budget, social insurance authorities, wages of workers and employees, taxes, etc., payments and obligatory payments; transfer of funds to funds and reserves; participates in inventory taking cash, inventory, receivables and payables; participates in the preparation of data on relevant areas of accounting for reporting; monitors the safety of accounting documents; compliance with the document flow schedule.

When performing accounting work in various areas of accounting, a young specialist must know:

− Government resolutions defining the main directions of development of the national economy and industry;

− Guidance materials characterizing production and economic activity enterprises;

− Resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities;

− Methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials on the organization of accounting and reporting;

− Forms and methods of accounting at enterprises;

− Organization of document flow for accounting areas;

− Order documentation and reflection in the accounting system household assets and their movement;

Accounting for settlements with debtors and creditors, with personnel for other operations, with suppliers and contractors, with buyers and customers

Accounting for bank loans and loans

Accounting for depreciation of fixed assets

Accounting for labor and its payment

Accounting for sales of products, works, services

Accounting for financial results

Accounting for financial investments

Accounting for funds and reserves


Accounting statements

An internship in the Accountant profession includes the following types of accounting work:

1. Organization of accounting at the enterprise

Accounting policies, accounting forms, document flow schedule, working chart of accounts

2. Accounting for cash transactions

The procedure for drawing up cash receipt orders, cash outflow orders; register of depositors; maintaining a cash book; journal for registering incoming and outgoing cash orders; filling out a cash receipt; cash registers; journals of accounting of monetary documents, strict reporting forms.

3. Accounting for transactions on settlement, currency, and special accounts

The procedure for deducting personal income tax from wages; application of tax deductions; transfer of personal income tax to the budget; preparation of personal accounts, tax cards, tax returns.

Accounting by individual employees different years birth, deduction rates, preparation of individual cards, tax returns on contributions to Pension fund; accounting of calculations for social insurance and security.

13. Costs of production of products (works, services) and their accounting.

Types of production at the enterprise, cost accounting objects, cost items and elements, accumulative cost sheets, production reports, analytical accounting sheets (the trainee needs to study this area of ​​accounting work based on data from the lyceum’s educational facilities).

14. Accounting for general production and general business expenses

Cost items, analytical accounting statements, accounting registers of general production and general business expenses.

15. Calculation of product costs.

Costing objects; preparation of calculations; calculation cards; accounting certificates.

16. Accounting finished products.

Primary documentation for accounting for the receipt of finished products and received goods; documentation on the consumption of finished products and goods. Turnover balance sheets, accounting registers for the month (the trainee will study this area of ​​​​work based on data from the lyceum’s educational facilities).

17. Accounting for the sale of products, works and services.

Sales directions, list of buyers and customers; settlements with buyers and customers; invoices; VAT; invoice for sending products, waybill, waybills; accounting registers.

18. Accounting for financial results.

Calculation of financial results from the sale of products, works, services; fixed assets, materials; economic sanctions (according to educational facilities and economic contractual activities of the lyceum).

19. Accounting for investments in non-current assets.

Investments in capital construction, acquisition of equipment, fixed assets; the procedure for carrying out major repairs of buildings and structures; design and estimate documentation; acts of acceptance of objects and works; settlements with contractors; accounting registers.

20. Accounting for financial investments.

Securities, deposits in Authorized capitals other organizations.

21. Accounting for funds and reserves

List of funds and reserves; the order of their formation and expenditure.

22. Inventory.

The procedure for conducting an inventory of inventory items, drawing up inventory lists, inventory acts, reconciliation acts with debtors and creditors; reflection in accounting of inventory results; agreements on full individual liability.

23. Compilation of the General Ledger.

The procedure for maintaining records in the General Ledger, reconciling turnover and balances in the book with accounting registers; turnover sheets according to accounting estimates.

24. Accounting statements.

Composition of periodic and annual reports; the order in which it is presented to users.

Depending on the available level professional competence trainee, the mentor can independently determine the need for his direct participation in completing tasks.

The results of the work performed are assessed by the mentor at the workplace and entered into the “Internship Diary” (form attached)

1. Chart of accounts for financial and economic activities

2. The procedure for maintaining accounting records at the enterprise

3. Accounting Regulations No. 1-20

4. Federal Law “On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996

5. Intelligent terminological dictionary. M.: Information and implementation center “Marketing”, 1994.

6. Accounting. Mn. "Higher School", 1999

7. , Collection of problems on accounting theory. M.: “Finance and Statistics”, 2000

8. Accounting theory. M.: “Tsen-Mart”, 2001

9. Accounting in industry. M.: “Profobrizdat”, 2001

10. Accounting theory: tasks, situations, tests. M.: “Finance and Statistics”, 2002

11. Comments on the new chart of accounts. INf. agency "IPB-Binfa", 2002

12. Accountant's Directory. Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 2003

13. Fundamentals of accounting. Workbook. M.: "Academy", 2003

14. Express course for an accountant. New in accounting. Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 2004

15. Accounting, M.: “Infra-M”, 2005

16. Fundamentals of accounting. M.: "Academy", 2005

17. , Accounting. M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K", 2005

18. Fundamentals of accounting. M.: “Infra-M”, 2005

19. Accounting. M.: Omega-L, 2006

20. Fundamentals of accounting: theory, practice, tests. - M.: “Finance and Statistics”, 2007


during an internship in the profession of "Accountant"

Introductory briefing - familiarize the employee with general rules and labor safety requirements in the workplace, labor protection regulations, internal regulations.

In addition, familiarize the trainee with the possible impact of such harmful and dangerous factors as:

Increased levels electromagnetic, ultraviolet and infrared radiation when working on a PC;

− Moving parts of PC peripheral devices and office equipment;

− Insufficient illumination of the working area;

− Faulty furniture or inconvenient location;

− Neuropsychic and emotional overload;

− Other unfavorable factors.

On-the-job training.

1. Labor protection requirements before starting work:

− remove foreign objects from the workplace (boxes, bags, books, etc.);

− make sure by external inspection that there is no mechanical damage to electrical wiring, cables, electrical sockets, electrical switches, lamps, air conditioners and other equipment;

− check the equipment of the workplace, whether the furniture is in good working order and conveniently located, whether the materials necessary for work are conveniently located on the work table;

- check if there is enough light workplace.

2. Labor protection requirements during work:

− do not clutter the equipment with items that reduce the heat transfer of office equipment;

− monitor the serviceability of office equipment, follow the rules of their operation;

- be attentive, do not get distracted and do not distract others;

− prevent moisture from getting on the surfaces of PCs and other equipment.

3. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work:

− disconnect office equipment from the power supply;

− tidy up the workplace, paying attention to its fire safety condition;

− close the window transoms;

− turn off lamps and air conditioners;

− inform your mentor (supervisor) about all shortcomings discovered during work.







completing an internship in the profession


Residing at:



Name of work







Signature: ___________________________ /_______________________/

The final result of the internship is ______________ /______________/

Chairman of the certification commission ______________ /______________/

Members of the commission ______________ /______________/

______________ /______________/

Workplace Internship Program - SampleThis document is often required by personnel officers. It describes in detail the knowledge and skills that an employee should gain during the internship. Let's figure out what is needed to create such a program.

When are on-the-job internship programs required by profession?

The need for an internship is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, Art. 212 of this code, among other responsibilities assigned to the employer, mentions the need to train employees in safe ways of working, including through briefings, internships and final testing of acquired knowledge and skills. It should immediately be noted that internship is the responsibility of not only the employer, but also the employee: Art. 214 of the code indicates that the employee is required to undergo training in labor protection, including internship.

Internships are divided into 2 types:

The internship can be carried out both during initial employment and during transfer to new job, the implementation of which, according to regulations, requires an internship. For example, when training drivers, the guiding document RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 of the Ministry of Automobile Transport, adopted in the RSFSR, is used. Despite the fact that the document was approved back in 1986, it is still used today, since it has not been canceled or replaced. For example, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, when making a decision on the administrative case dated September 22, 2014 No. 34-AD14-5, among other acts, was guided by the provisions approved by this governing document.

To conduct an internship, it is required that the enterprise has a program in place for employees to undergo internships. Moreover, the program is necessary in all cases, because without it it is impossible to competently and correctly determine the stages of the internship and its content.

Typical internship procedure

Regardless of the reasons for which an internship is required, it is usually carried out as follows:

  1. An employment contract is drawn up with the employee according to the rules established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is also possible to draw up an additional agreement to employment contract, if the employee is not hired for an open vacancy, but is transferred within the organization to a position that requires an internship.
  2. Instructions are provided regarding methods and techniques for the safe performance of work functions. Unlike an internship, instruction should be carried out for all employees of the enterprise, and not just for those engaged in dangerous work.
  3. An order is issued from the manager to send the employee to an internship. The same order appoints a curator (internship director), under whose supervision this event will take place.
  4. The internship itself is carried out. Its duration is determined by the on-the-job internship program approved by the enterprise, and completion is recorded in occupational safety logs.
  5. At the end of the internship, the employee takes a knowledge exam theoretical foundations safe work in the position.
  6. If the exam is passed, an order is issued to allow the employee to work. It is this document that allows him to carry out labor functions independently, without the supervision of a curator.

How is a typical workplace internship program structured?

In order for the program to begin to be applied, it must be developed and approved by the management of the enterprise. However, the specific procedure for its development and approval is not determined by law.

In practice this usually happens as follows:

  1. The division of the enterprise in which the internship is to be conducted develops a draft document.
  2. The project is coordinated with the labor protection department (or with a specific employee responsible for compliance with safety regulations, if there is no such department in the organization’s structure).
  3. The agreed project is approved by order of the enterprise management.

A different procedure is also allowed - in accordance with the rules of office work in force at the enterprise. The main thing is that the program is approved by the director or other person acting on behalf of the organization.

Contents of the internship program, stages of internship by an employee

State regulations do not contain requirements regarding what exactly the internship program should contain and what structural parts it should consist of. In practice, a certain approach has been formed, according to which such a program includes sections describing:

  1. The purpose for which the internship is being conducted. Usually it is indicated here that the purpose is to familiarize yourself with the structure of the unit in which the work activity worker, and the technological and production processes occurring there. Also among the goals are the development of skills to safely perform work duties and the consolidation of theoretical knowledge related to safety.
  2. General requirements. This section of the program specifies a list of what the employee must learn during the internship (safety instructions, hazardous factors when performing work, etc.). It also indicates that the internship is carried out under the guidance of the internship supervisor (supervisor), appointed by order of the organization from among the managers or specialists of the enterprise, and also determines the procedure for admitting an employee to undergo an internship.
  3. The content of the program itself, indicating the number of hours or shifts during which the internship should take place.

In general, the program usually includes the following stages:

  1. Familiarization with the regulatory framework regarding labor protection and safe work rules for a specific profession.
  2. Familiarization with the workplace and job responsibilities. Here you can use job description for a specific profession and professional standard, if it is applied at the enterprise.
  3. Studying the rules for preparing the workplace for work and safe work practices.
  4. Practical activities performed under the supervision of the internship supervisor (supervisor).

How is the internship program developed?

The content of the program depends on what exactly the employee must master in the new workplace. The duration, in accordance with the procedure for training in labor protection, approved. by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 (clause 2.2.3), is established by the employer independently. The only thing you need to rely on here is regulations regarding safety rules when carrying out specific types of work.

In addition, when developing internship programs, you can use sample program training in labor protection, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on May 17, 2004. However, it is necessary to take into account that this is a rather generalized document that applies to almost all employees - both workers of all specialties and specialists. It is pointless to copy it entirely, but it is possible and necessary to use its provisions when preparing an internship program at a specific enterprise.

Finally, it is necessary to take into account that in addition to the program, the enterprise must also have regulations on internships - a local regulatory act that determines exactly how an employee undergoes an internship at the workplace. At the same time, the program should not contradict it. There are also no specific regulatory requirements for the content of this provision, so it is also prepared at the enterprise within the limits established by legal norms.

Where can I download workplace internship programs for free?

Due to the fact that there are no officially approved internship programs, their developers often encounter certain difficulties. Often, employees of enterprises involved in occupational safety and health, or employees of personnel services simply do not know what the corresponding document should look like. This problem is especially acute in newly created enterprises, where documentation for internships is just being developed.

One way to solve this problem is to download samples of ready-made programs from HR and legal websites. This option is quite acceptable, but it must be remembered that any sample requires modification to comply with the conditions prevailing at a particular enterprise.

Internship plan - sample As a rule, it is developed by the enterprise independently, since there is no legally approved form. About the nuances of application sample internship plan and the rules for drawing up the plan itself will be discussed in the article below.

What is an internship plan?

An internship plan is a document that reflects the process of setting and subsequently achieving the goals of an intern’s practical training. Typically, the document includes the following sections:

The plan may also include taking tests and exams after familiarizing yourself with a topic or mastering a practical skill. For example, if we are talking about carpentry, then the trainee will be required to turn a part according to his own sketch.

How to properly plan an internship?

Despite the fact that the legislator does not impose requirements on the form and content of the internship plan, an enterprise has the right to develop own sample document and the requirements for its preparation. The main thing is not to forget to enshrine all these provisions in the appropriate local act. It is also important to remember in this case that both interns and employees who are supervisors must be familiarized with the paper.

An internship plan is usually drawn up in written form (you can find a sample on our website), although an electronic version is also possible. It is signed by the curator and head of the unit in which the citizen is undergoing an internship.

This document is developed individually for each citizen. This is necessary in order to teach the trainee everything he needs in his future work. It is best to develop an internship plan with a detailed schedule of classes for each day, although if the internship is long, then the option of assigning assignments for a week is possible. This allows the supervisor to monitor the trainee's activities. The plan should also indicate the frequency of reports or examinations/tests that the trainee must take.

Note: since the internship plan is a document according to which all the activities of the intern in the organization are determined, before starting the internship, he must be familiar with the document in order to be able to discuss them with the internship supervisor if he has any questions or comments.