How to quit your job the right way. The procedure for dismissal at the employee’s own request - reasons, sample application and calculation procedure

Any employee today may have a lot of reasons for wanting or needing to stop working in a particular organization. However, labor legislation provides for mandatory work after writing. Is it possible not to fulfill this condition without working for 2 weeks?

Employee Rules and Obligations

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that any employee is obliged to notify the employer of his intention to resign. at will at least two weeks (14 days). In this case, calendar days are taken into account, regardless of the number of work shifts in them. The specified period is counted from the next day after submitting the application to the manager and his familiarization with it. For some categories employees question: “How to quit without working the specified period?” absolutely not relevant. We are talking about employees undergoing a probationary period and specialists working under temporary/seasonal contracts, the total duration of which is no more than 2 months. Representatives of these categories of workers have the right to notify their employers of their intention to terminate their employment contract three days before the actual dismissal.

Agree with management by choice or by law?

The employer has the right to dismiss any employee at his request without working off. This real chance for employees small companies having the opportunity to communicate directly with superiors. It is enough to express your request in an informal setting, and if the management meets halfway, leave workplace It is possible even the next day after signing the application. How to quit without working for 2 weeks, if you really need it, but your boss doesn’t want to put you in the position of an employee? This is possible under special circumstances. But remember that the reason will have to be indicated in the application, and also (at the request of management) confirmed with documents. The term of dismissal is indicated by the applicant independently. If the requirement stated in the application is not satisfied, the employee has the right to file a lawsuit.

Special circumstances for quick dismissal

Stop your labor activity students admitted to educational institution. To confirm this fact, you will need a corresponding certificate from the university. Also, pensioners are dismissed without working out when they reach their retirement date. Leave of your own free will as soon as possible It is also possible if the employer exceeds his authority, acts unlawfully or violates labor laws in other ways. When dismissing for this reason, it is necessary to have evidence of violations. These three reasons are listed in Article No. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; the same article allows for the possibility of dismissal within the time frame required by the employee under other valid circumstances. There is no detailed list of other reasons in the labor code; one should focus on the by-laws.

Other reasons for dismissal without work

Is it possible to resign without work if the reasons for this decision are related to the family or other area of ​​the employee’s personal life? The laws of our state allow this possibility, but the employee needs to be prepared for the fact that the need for urgent dismissal will have to be confirmed, as is the case with the main reasons prescribed in the Labor Code. The basis for termination of the work contract is a change in the region of permanent residence, as well as a long-term work trip of the spouse to another country/region with the provision of a place for the whole family to live, a deterioration in health that makes it impossible to stay in this region, or the performance of official duties in the position held. For those who don’t know how to quit without working, their own children can help. A pregnant woman or mother of a child under 14 years of age can terminate a contract with an employer at any time. Also, any of the parents can quit without working if the family has many children (more than three children), and all the children have not reached the age of 16, or 18, but provided that the latter are students or students of general education institutions. The basis for quick dismissal is also the need to care for a sick family member (this requires an appropriate medical prescription) or a disabled person of the first group.

Do you want to quit? It's time to get sick!

In labor law Russian Federation There is no indication that after the warning it must work. This is a great and, most importantly, completely legal loophole. Have you already figured out how to quit without working for 2 weeks? It’s simple - just notify management of your intention on the eve of going on sick leave or after it starts. In this case, the employee writes a statement of his own free will and sends it to his superiors. After which he turns to medical institution and issues a sick leave certificate. Accordingly, the employee has the right not to go to work due to illness within the time limits specified in the sickness certificate. In this case, exactly two weeks after writing the application, you can request a calculation and work book in the HR department.

How to quit without working time by taking a vacation?

Upon dismissal, employees who have vacation leave have the right to demand financial compensation or apply for vacation for the remaining two weeks of work. If possible, you should coordinate your decision with management in advance. But even without a personal agreement, management does not have the right not to release the employee or refuse to dismiss him immediately after the end of his vacation. If it’s not a matter of urgency, but a reluctance to work, then you should choose a period for dismissal with a lot of days off. For example, those who are on probationary period, you can quit without working the required three days. It is enough to write an application on Friday (with a 5/2 schedule). And already on Monday, after the standard weekend, you can demand actual dismissal.

Sample application

An application for resignation at one's own request can be in any form. Its “header” indicates the addressee - CEO company and the full name of the organization itself. Don’t forget to indicate your position and full name on the bottom line of the header. The statement indicates your wish (“to dismiss at your own request”). If there are special reasons, these should also be indicated along with the desired date of dismissal. Documents confirming the importance of the existing circumstances must be attached, and an inventory must be made at the bottom of the application itself. If an employee plans to leave work without working due to health reasons, a certificate from a medical institution is attached. It should be called that in the description. For some documents, copies will be sufficient, for example, if these are internal orders of the organization in which the applicant’s spouse works regarding his transfer to another region. The final part of the application is the date of its submission and a signature with a transcript of the applicant’s passport data.

Sue or settle?

What to do if an employee knows how to quit without working for 2 weeks, and has found a suitable option from the acceptable labor regulations, but the employer insists on working off? This is a violation labor legislation, provided that the first one did everything correctly and completed the documents correctly. The right decision an employee whose rights have been violated will have to go to court. But you can’t count on a quick trial; most likely, hearing and studying the materials will take several months. So maybe it’s really better to try to negotiate peacefully with your superiors and work the allotted time, or recommend a specialist with good resume? There are indeed several ways to quit quickly, but it is much easier to plan such serious changes in own life in advance and resign on general terms.

You have received an attractive job offer and have firmly decided to quit your current job. It would seem that it’s a small matter: inform your boss about this, write a letter of resignation, receive a payment - and hello, new life! But for some reason, your legs keep carrying you past the manager’s office, you put off a difficult conversation, feel awkward in front of your colleagues...

How to quit your job with minimal losses for your career and nervous system? Before you take the plunge, check out the guidelines.

Leave beautifully
This situation is familiar to many: a new employer is already preparing a workplace for you, but the current one is not yet aware that the launch of a new project and a corporate celebration will take place without your participation. When and how to inform your manager about upcoming changes?

The first rule of competent dismissal is not to burn bridges. Try to save a good relationship with colleagues and boss. Often a wide professional circle turns out to be narrow in reality, and it is likely that you will still meet with former colleagues and your manager. This is especially true for small cities.

A difficult conversation with your boss needs to be had face to face. If your office is an open space, then it is better to go to the meeting room: for the time being, colleagues should not know about your plans. How the conversation with the manager goes depends on many things: the work situation, your personal relationships, the situation in the team, etc.

Of course, it is better to talk about the reasons for leaving as sincerely as possible. However, no matter how much you would like to, do not tell your boss that you are not delighted with his team management style, the work seems boring to you, and the salary is small. Diplomacy is a great thing: with its help you can maintain good relations even in a very difficult situation. Explain that you have received an interesting offer - a more serious position, a higher salary. Perhaps your family situation has changed and you can no longer travel to the office on the other side of town. Or maybe you are tired of constant overtime and feel emotionally burnt out. These kinds of reasons need to be told honestly, but at the same time delicately. Don’t forget to add that you are very sorry to leave the team, but you are grateful for the experience gained while working in the company.

An adequate leader will understand your motives, but be mentally prepared for a counterproposal. Salary increase, new position, an unscheduled vacation or an interesting business trip - to retain a valuable employee, . It's up to you to decide whether to leave or stay on new terms. The main thing is that the manager does not think that you are manipulating him for a promotion in position or salary.

Warn in advance
obliges the employee to give notice of his voluntary dismissal 14 days in advance, however, by agreement with the employer, this period can be reduced. But do you need it? On the contrary, for the sake of maintaining relations with superiors and obtaining good recommendations, perhaps it is worth talking earlier, for example, not two, but three weeks before dismissal. This way, you will give the company more time to find a new employee and finish things off calmly. Your new employer will most likely understand your desire to finish what you started in your old place. In addition, you will show yourself as a responsible person.

Regardless of whether you have the opportunity to warn your manager about leaving early or not, try to make the transition period easier for the company - the time when you will no longer be at the workplace, and new employee won't get into the swing of things yet. If possible, complete current projects, deliver on time, and leave key contacts with the new employee. In short, make life easier for your successor.

The last two weeks of work should not be perceived as something similar to a vacation - on the contrary, it is a kind of summing up. Arrive on time, do not try to leave work early, because the last fourteen days are paid by the employer in the same way as all the previous ones.

Keep traditions
On the last working day, you not only need to pick up your work book, but also say goodbye to your team. Send an email to your colleagues, thank them for their cooperation and kind attitude, because working in the company has probably taught you something. Exchange contacts with key employees and with everyone who worked with you in the same department. Colleagues from the department can be presented with a small souvenir in memory of how you prepared reports together, launched projects or fought for clients.

In some teams, on the occasion of dismissal, it is customary to invite colleagues to a nearby cafe after work or treat them during their lunch break in the office. Don't break traditions and let your colleagues congratulate you on a new step in your career.

Know your rights
Unfortunately, the dismissal procedure does not always go smoothly. It happens that an employer, having learned about an employee’s decision to quit, begins to behave like a feudal lord, trying to keep him. They're on the move different methods: from promises of golden mountains and high positions to threats to fire under article or not to sign a letter of resignation.

But even in such situations you shouldn’t get lost. As is known, serfdom in Russia it was abolished 150 years ago, and you can quit without waiting for the manager’s signature. To do this, you need to document the fact of filing a resignation letter, either by handing it over to the manager through the office in compliance with all formalities, or by sending it by registered mail with notification. The date of notification that the letter was delivered is the date of your notice of dismissal. After 14 days, the employer is obliged to issue you a work book and a calculation, which, among other things, should include compensation for unused vacation. Keep in mind that you can refuse it and take a vacation with subsequent dismissal. In this case, the last day of work in the company will be the last day of vacation.

But how to survive two weeks under pressure from a manager who is offended by your “infidelity”? Do not give in to provocations, do your job, strictly follow all paper formalities, do not be late and do not give reasons for making comments to you. In the most extreme case, a sick leave can help you out: while the employee is sick, two weeks of work go on as usual.

Whatever your last days in the company, remember: before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employee has the right to withdraw his application at any time. And although there is an opinion among both employees and employers that there is no way back for those who decide to leave the company, there are still exceptions.

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances at work can change at any moment: relationships in the team will deteriorate greatly, a more profitable prospect will arise in another place, a need will arise, etc.

The question of how to quit voluntarily can arise even for a person who used to really love his job. Therefore, today the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful” addressed this issue to help its readers avoid unnecessary problems and difficulties when the said situation arises.

How to resign of your own free will

Some may think that there can be no problems with dismissal at all. What's so difficult about this? Finding a new job is much more difficult. But in reality, everything is not so simple.

It can be especially problematic to quit if for some reason it is not profitable for management. In such a situation, the employer will not agree to fire the employee, and the employee will have difficulties.

Therefore, everyone should know the procedure for voluntarily leaving work, just in case.

The procedure consists of three stages:

  1. Writing an application. This is a key point, since an order is drawn up on its basis. It is written in free form with the obligatory use of the phrase “I ask you to fire me at your own request” or “I ask you to terminate your employment contract with me.” The application can be given personally to the employer or sent by mail. Lawyers recommend writing this document by hand in two copies and submitting both to the HR department at once. The employer will keep one of them, and make a corresponding note on the second. The site draws your attention to the following: you should notify your employer of your desire to resign no later than 14 days before the expected date of leaving work.
  2. Drawing up an order. Its registration, in accordance with the Labor Code, is carried out by the employer.
  3. Making a record of the employee’s dismissal at his own request in his work book. It is made by the employer after the resigning employee reads the order and signs the notice. Then the work book is handed over to you former employee, and he gains complete freedom.

Quitting your job voluntarily can be problematic if you need to do it urgently, in the coming days.

How to quit your job voluntarily without working off

The law requires an employee who wishes to resign to work for 14 days after submitting the relevant application. It should be taken into account that the countdown will begin from the day on which the application was accepted.

For some time after its writing, the employee remains an employee of the organization, so he needs to properly fulfill his duties and observe labor discipline.

Urgent dismissal may be necessary when the opportunity to change jobs suddenly arises, and the new employer cannot wait long. You can leave the organization without working in the following cases:

  1. By agreement of the parties, if the company does not need the services of the resigning specialist.
  2. In cases where the employer grossly violated the rights of the resigning employee.
  3. If the employee is unable to work the required period due to the need for an urgent move, for health reasons or for some other reason good reason, which he can confirm with the appropriate document.

Working off is guaranteed to be avoided only in the first case. In the other two, the right to urgently quit will have to be challenged in court. In order not to stay in a position for the time required by law, the resignation letter should be formulated accordingly: “I ask you to dismiss me of my own free will without working out...”

One way or another, if your boss doesn’t want to fire you right away, you shouldn’t defiantly ignore his decision and skip the job: it’s better to quit of your own free will after a certain period of time than to be fired under an article for violating labor regulations.

There will be no need for additional work when the period of waiting for dismissal coincides with vacation or sick leave. According to the law, an employee who is on vacation has the right to submit a letter of resignation to the HR department and receive a payment after the allotted time.

By the way, speaking about how to quit your job at your own request, it should be noted that when leaving the organization, each employee has the right to receive a salary, compensation for vacation, as well as other payments provided for in the contract. That is why it is very important to properly formalize the dismissal so that the employer does not have the opportunity to evade everyone due payments or keep an employee in the organization for extra time.

Some subtleties of voluntary dismissal

Any more or less enlightened person knows about the need to write a statement when voluntarily leaving a position. But even such a seemingly simple document is not so easy to draw up. Here you need to remember the following points:

  • It would be correct to indicate the date of the last working day without the preposition “from”.
  • You must sign your name. Without it, the document will not be valid.

When giving advice on how best to resign of your own free will, lawyers focus on the following nuances:

  1. To win in terms of the duration of work, it is recommended to write an application on the eve of the holidays. By law, a resigning employee must work 14 calendar days, not working days. If the last days of work fall on holidays, it will be possible to receive a work book in your hands a little before that one the date on which the application was submitted.
  2. It will be easier to leave your position of your own free will without working time if you write a statement before leaving. Then, upon completion, it will no longer be necessary.
  3. Only those who work under an employment contract for an indefinite period have the opportunity to resign at their own request. In other cases, dismissal is only possible by agreement of the parties.
  4. If an employer requires an employee to resign of his own free will, and he does not want to vacate his position, he has the right not to write a statement. However, entering into disputes or litigation with an organization, as they say, is more expensive. It would be much wiser to try to come to an agreement with your boss and get the maximum benefit from this dismissal. If your boss requires you to write a letter of resignation at the same time as an application for employment, it is better not to start cooperating with him at all.

Quitting correctly is actually not that difficult if the HR department employs competent specialists, and the company itself values ​​its reputation. This usually happens in reputable organizations with large staff. These are the types of companies you should strive to get a job in.

There comes a time in every person’s life when they want to do something new and interesting for themselves, to make the dreams of their youth come true.

At this moment, the individual has a choice to remain a gray worker in his place or to do what he loves, which will bring pleasure and income.

In addition to such situations, others arise that are associated with the preservation of social benefits. Then it is worth considering the laws of the Labor Code.

Before you shout after your boss “I’m leaving,” you should carefully think through the whole situation. Resigning gracefully does not mean that you tell your boss to his face about your painful situation.

This means that you will receive a minimum of time costs and a maximum of payments under the employment contract.

To resign of your own free will, you don’t need to come up with a beautiful reason, you need to choose the most appropriate moment.

How to quit your job voluntarily:

  1. If the reason for dismissal is a conflict with management, then it is worth drawing up the document in two copies. The first one should be submitted to the manager for approval, the second one should be sent by registered mail. This way there will be no claims regarding the loss of the application and dismissal under the article.
  2. It is better to write an application on Friday. This will precisely determine the scope of work, which lasts approximately 2 weeks after submitting the application.
  3. If they are released early, it is worth finding out exactly the reason for such generosity. Such a gesture may be associated with material payments.
  4. It is worth calculating the indexing and severance pay in accordance with the regulations of the enterprise.
  5. At the time of completion of work, it is worth returning all things, tools, equipment that was assigned to you at the time of work.

If you went on sick leave while serving your due date, then communication regarding the breakup employment contract, and return of the work book is carried out remotely.

What's the best way to leave without work?

The Labor Code provides for a working period of 2 weeks, when the employee has already signed a letter of resignation.

Working out is mandatory, so there is no way to avoid it unless the following nuances are present.

When can you leave without work:

  • A pensioner who writes an application but is already retired does not need to work for 2 weeks.
  • You can go on maternity leave without any work. Even when writing a letter of resignation.
  • If a person quits his job due to entering an educational institution or continuing his studies.
  • In case of conscription into the army, service is excluded from the requirements.
  • In case of violation of labor standards by the manager, the employee can avoid 2 weeks of work.

To avoid unnecessary questions, it is better to go on sick leave at the time of work. This is beneficial both financially and documentary.

Attention! If there are problems or conflicts with your superiors, it is better to work for 2 weeks.

This will allow you to control the process of preparing documents and calculating payments.

You can avoid detention by reaching an agreement with your superiors. In this situation, a corresponding document is drawn up.

How to make up your mind and understand that it’s time to quit

Changing jobs for people is not a whim, but a necessity. A change in environment will not lead to professional burnout, will relieve fatigue, and will allow you to develop and grow in your career.

Note! If you do not leave your unloved job on time, problems with physical and psychological health may arise.

Some people find it difficult to make a big change in their life. They need facts, arguments and evidence. There are many programs of psychologists who can argue the issue.

How to understand that it's time to quit:

The main reason Decoding the reasons for dismissal
Problems with management Constant dissatisfaction with superiors and managers will not allow personal development in this area.

It is worth highlighting the conflict early and not wasting time on work. There will be no career growth

Monetary enrichment If the work does not bring pleasure, but only brings money, then you should think about the transition.

Over time, the employee's performance will decline due to dissatisfaction

No growth When all the peaks have been achieved and career growth is not expected, then it is worth changing your field of activity.

Absence career growth affects the quality of work performed

Rotten team Not a single ambitious person can develop normally and work in a bad team. Worth thinking about changing jobs
Monotone When functions are limited to a certain algorithm of actions, it will not be possible to work according to it for a long time. It’s worth replacing monotony with a creative activity

How to start looking for a new job

Find quickly new job It won't work with the old one after I quit. It’s worth being patient and considering all your options. Maternity leave can also slow down your search for a new job.

There are several tips to help you start searching for a new place, simplifying this procedure as much as possible. Order and organization in this issue will simplify the search.

How to organize a search:

  1. There is no need to rush anywhere to find a suitable activity.
  2. If there is financial instability, you need to look for a job without quitting your previous one.
  3. During the search process, take into account your capabilities, skills and experience in certain areas of activity.
  4. You need to assess your potential in order to decide on your desired position and field of activity.
  5. You need to prepare a resume, biography, Required documents. The package of documents must be compiled efficiently and correctly.
  6. You can search online or by contacting the companies where you would like to work directly.
  7. You need to advertise that you are looking for a job with certain conditions.

It’s worth knowing exactly the samp and the crmp of this enterprise or a company where you want to work.

Useful video

According to Labor Code Russian Federation, in some cases the employer can initiate termination of the contract with an employee. Sometimes the termination of such relationships occurs due to mutual desire with the wording “by agreement of the parties.” The most common reason for terminating an activity is the employee’s desire. How to resign on your own, observing all the legal subtleties? And what to do when the employer does not let you go?

Time frames and procedure for dismissal

The employee gives written notice of resigning at his own request at least 14 days in advance. The trainee is required to notify about the planned departure no later than 3 days, the manager or sports coach - a month in advance. If the application is submitted, for example, today, processing begins tomorrow. However, by agreement of the parties statutory The period before separation may be shorter.

With documentary evidence, persons enrolled in the educational institutions or have changed their place of residence. The same right applies to pensioners and people caring for disabled people of the first group. The obligation to remain temporarily in place is also removed in the case where the employer has violated the terms of the collective agreement. Important: the fact of non-compliance with the rights of an employee must be recorded by the court, the commission on labor disputes, trade union or labor inspectorate.

How to resign on your own? The procedure is as follows:

  • Writing a statement before dismissal. The employee retains the right to withdraw the document throughout the warning period.
  • Preparation by the personnel service of a dismissal order in accordance with Form No. T-8 (8a). The document must contain details of the application and a reference to paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code.
  • Familiarization with the employee’s order, confirmation of which will be a signature. If this is not possible, a note is made on the document that the employee refused or was absent.
  • Making an entry about dismissal in the personal account and personal card, work book.
  • Issuance of basic documents on the day of dismissal. At the request of the employee, copies of the order and certificate (2-NDFL, salary, insurance contributions) can also be provided.

On the last day of work, financial calculations are made. If the employee is not on site, the entire amount due must be paid within 24 hours after the request. Estimates include salary and compensation for unused vacation. This also includes additional payments specified in the employment (collective) agreement. When an employee who was previously granted leave “in advance” is dismissed, a recalculation is made. At the end, a note must be drawn up in form T-61.

You can calculate the amount of compensation for unused vacation yourself using.

How to write and submit a letter of resignation?

There is no standard application form, but it is still drawn up according to the rules. The document drawn up to the head of the organization must indicate the full name and position of the employee who wishes to leave. Next they ask to dismiss “at your own request” and write on what date this must be done. The reason for leaving is indicated only in the case when they apply for dismissal without service. At the request of the personnel service, such a statement will need to be supported by relevant documents. For example, this could be a copy of a passport with a discharge note and a discharge sheet, a medical report, and so on. At the end of the document, indicate the date of its preparation and put a signature.

It is better to hand over the application to the boss in person in two copies. One sheet should remain with the manager, and the second (with a mark on acceptance of the document) should remain with the employee. A duplicate of the application is necessary for the resigning person in case of disputes with the employer. An alternative option for submitting a document is by mail. Send the application by letter, having previously filled out a list of attachments (in 2 copies) and a receipt receipt on postal forms. This method is good because the boss will not be able to ignore the document submitted to him, and the employee will have documentary evidence of the fact of delivery of the papers. Important: the period of service should be calculated from the date of delivery of the letter to the boss, indicated in the postal notification.

How to resign during illness or vacation?

A temporarily disabled employee can also leave work at his own request. If the last day of presence in the office indicated in the application falls during illness, the contract is terminated without the dismissal. A note is made on the order that the employee was absent, so it was not possible to familiarize him with the document.

An employee can receive a work book himself when he recovers, or by mail. The settlement must be paid to him immediately after such a demand is presented. This should happen either on the same or the next day. Within 10 days after provision sick leave the organization is obliged to calculate temporary disability benefits. The assigned amount is issued on the next payday.

Dismissal at the initiative of the employee can occur before or during vacation. You can write a corresponding application 14 calendar days before your vacation. This can be done directly during the vacation period. In the first case, the two weeks allotted by law are considered work. In the application, the request for annual paid leave is supplemented with the phrase “with subsequent dismissal.” The issuance of a work book and settlement with the employee must be made on the day before the start of the rest. But the last day of vacation will be listed as the date of dismissal in the papers. Important: if desired, the boss can refuse to provide such rest, since the law does not oblige him to do so.

When submitting an application during vacation, the employer cannot require a subordinate to urgently go to the enterprise. If two weeks of expected work time fall on vacation, the employee will no longer have to appear on site. He must receive both the money and documents related to the dismissal during the vacation period. It also happens that it is only partially possible to complete the warning period. In this case, after vacation they go to work to spend the remaining days of their two-week work there. The dismissal then proceeds according to the standard procedure.

What to do when your resignation letter is not accepted?

If the employer does not accept the application and does not dismiss, the employee can send documents to the organization’s office management and document management department. How to do this by mail has already been discussed previously. Until the time specified in the application, you must comply job responsibilities fully. The right not to go to work appears when the notice period has expired.

Having not received a work book, you can go to court with a demand for all days of delay in issuing documents to recover the average earnings from the organization (paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 234). The employee is also entitled to compensation for moral damage (paragraph 14 of part 1 of Article 21, Article 237). The inaction of the manager is subject to appeal in a court of general jurisdiction. You can protect labor rights through a trade union organization, a territorial division of Rostrud, or the prosecutor's office.

There are also legal issues associated with wrongful termination. It is considered as such when another person wrote the application for the employee or there is no document at all. If a forgery is discovered, the employee should file a lawsuit with a demand to restore it, as well as a petition for a handwriting examination. If a conscientious leader wants to play it safe, he should accept only those statements that are written by hand and in his presence.

Another condition under which dismissal is considered illegal is writing a statement under duress. It is difficult to prove that leaving a job was dictated not by one’s own desire, but by pressure from management, so winning cases of this kind are rare. Procedural violations may be grounds for declaring dismissal illegal. Neglect of the norms is sometimes indicated by a discrepancy between the dates indicated in the application and the order.

Thus, to ensure that neither party challenges the voluntary dismissal in the future, the letter of the law should be strictly adhered to.