Alexandra Balakireva Star Factory 5. Star Factory graduate Alexandra Balakireva: “I don’t have the ambitions that I had before. About friendship with graduates of the “star factory”

At one time, the popular project “Star Factory” produced a lot of talented artists, for whom participation in the competition became a kind of lucky ticket into the world of domestic show business. Dozens of young performers toured the country, performing hits that fans of the project still remember well. Some people managed to build a dizzying career after “Factory”, while others disappeared from view and began to live an ordinary life, in which there was no place for fame, applause and articles in the press. “StarHit” decided to remember those participants of the “Star Factory”, about whom the whole country was talking at one time, but now, speaking about modern pop artists, few people will name their names.

The audience remembered this girl well when she was very young. When Alexandra Chvikova appeared in the fourth season of “Star Factory,” almost every second teenage girl in the country looked up to her. Charming singer performed songs in a very touching manner and overall gave the impression of a girl from a good family who inherited the sea parental love. Plush toys, with which Alexa invariably appeared both on stage and on various shoots for magazines, have become a kind of business card young performer. The girl instantly won the hearts of numerous spectators and became an example to follow. It was during the period of Alexa's participation in vocal competition there was a fashion for velor tracksuits in delicate shades, lip gloss to match the color of the skin and touching image romantic person. Many people remember such hits as “Moonlight Path”, “Where Are You” or “I Live by You”, performed by 16-year-old Alexandra. In a word, back in 2004 Alexa was literally wildly popular, but a couple of years later everything ended in an instant. The singer, who was considered promising and very talented, at some point simply disappeared from view. A few years later, the girl again tried to make herself known in the musical field by signing a contract with Yana Rudkovskaya. With the help of a famous producer, the girl released an album and a video for the song “Vendetta”, however, soon both this composition and the entire album were forgotten by the Russian listener. Many music critics it was assumed that the failure was associated, first of all, with a sharp change in the singer’s image. Alexa appeared before the public as a very relaxed girl in short, provocative outfits. In addition, the 26-year-old singer turned to the help of plastic surgeons to enlarge her lips. The image chosen by Alexandra Chvikova was not to the taste of the public. Now the star of “Star Factory-4” lives an ordinary life, which he reports in detail on Instagram. Sometimes a girl even publishes short videos in which she performs world hits, thereby finding a certain response among subscribers.

In the fourth season of the Star Factory project, the daring Anastasia Kochetkova appeared, who instantly gained popularity among television viewers. The daring style of performing songs and a unique voice with a characteristic hoarseness brought Anastasia fame and public recognition. During the three months that the television project lasted, Kochetkova more than once demonstrated strength of spirit and character. Soon the girl became part of the Banda team, which successfully recorded an album, released video clips and toured the country. In addition, Nastya was the only girl in the team, which also gave her image the features of a kind of hooligan-robber. During one of her performances, an obstinate brunette drew attention to a blue-eyed man who did not take his eyes off her. It turned out to be director Rezo Gigineishvili, who by that time had become famous for his very successful film works. The couple soon formalized their relationship, and in this marriage a girl, Masha, was born. Three years later, Anastasia and Rezo divorced, and since then practically nothing has been heard about the girl. Not so long ago, however, Kochetkova recorded the song “I am not I” and released a video for it, but she still failed to regain her former glory. Now the 26-year-old singer is raising an eight-year-old daughter and practically does not appear in public. In addition, Anastasia stopped communicating with almost all the musicians who previously could safely be called her friends.

The strong voice and piercing performance of Yulia Mikhalchik were remembered by the viewer for the girl’s participation in the third season of “Star Factory”. For the sake of participating in a popular project, the young artist even dropped out of university. The blond performer fell in love with the audience from the very first reporting concerts. The girl showed herself to be a very able-bodied and gifted singer, and instantly gained popularity with hits own composition. Many karaoke club visitors still happily order Mikhalchik’s songs “With Ice,” “Well, Hello, Peter,” or “White Swan.” After participating in the television show, Julia herself continued to actively perform at corporate events and in various concert programs or rock operas. In March 2013, the artist became a mother for the first time, giving birth to her son Alexander, and for some time she completely disappeared from view. True, a little later she nevertheless stated that she did not intend to interrupt her singing career. At the moment, little is known about the life and work of Yulia Mikhalchik. The girl stopped appearing at major events, her songs are heard less and less often on domestic radio stations, and the younger generation does not even know about her. Perhaps in the foreseeable future Mikhalchik will again loudly declare himself, but so far we have practically not heard about her.

Blue-eyed hooligan Anton Zatsepin became famous thanks to his participation in the Star Factory-4 project. The blonde performed songs in a special manner that made him stand out from the rest of the participants, and even won third place. Anton Zatsepin remained popular for several more years, but soon healed ordinary life, in which there is practically no space left for the stage. Perhaps anyone who watched “Star Factory” can sing Anton’s hits “Shorter”, “Books about Love” and “Wide River”, which he presented in a duet with Nadezhda Kadysheva. However, at a certain point the young artist simply disappeared. Only in 2008 Anton again reminded of himself by releasing a video for new song“I’m flying away,” but this did not help him regain his former glory. Zatsepin happily married, became the father of a charming girl, Marta, and disappeared from the charts. True, the song “Shiroka Reka” is still played from time to time on Russian Radio. By the way, in 2004 this composition took first place in the chart of this radio station “Golden Gramophone”. Last year Anton Zatsepin once again reminded himself and released a new song “You Know”. The 32-year-old artist signed a contract with the record label " good people"and began touring with the program "Zatsepin. Return". Anton also records new songs, but music critics claim that at his concerts he gathers only those who were once interested in his work. According to critics, Zatsepin has not yet succeeded in attracting a new audience.

Alexandra Balakireva

Little red-haired Alexandra Balakireva was remembered by the audience for her strong voice and bright appearance. Her appearance at Star Factory-5 played a significant role in the career of the extravagant vocalist. It was there that the young artist won the audience's love and recognition. In addition, on a television project the girl met Victoria Daineko, communication with whom grew into a great and strong friendship. A few years after graduation television show Balakireva was unable to declare herself as an independent creative unit. For some time there was still a group “Kuba”, working in which the girl sang the famous “Cat and Mouse” and “About little boy", but in 2009 the team ceased to exist.

From time to time, Alexandra Balakireva performs at small events, but still does not release new songs. The girl's plans include recording the first solo album, but for many, those hits that Balakireva sang as a member of the “Star Factory” - “I’ll Do Anything” or “Betrothed to the Wind” – still remain famous. Alexandra Balakireva can most often be seen at events that are in one way or another connected with her work best friend Victoria Daineko.

At one time, at the casting of the Channel One project “Star Factory-3”, Alexander Kireev was noted as a bright performer. The young man performed quite touching songs about love, which were written by himself during his participation in the competition. The blue-eyed brunette quickly gained popularity and audience love. Images of Kireev were found on school notebooks, in magazine posters, on various keychains and stickers. Photo of this young performer hung on the wall of almost every third teenage girl who watched “Star Factory.” And to his songs they twirled in slow dancing lovers in children's summer camps. In a word, after the end of the popular television project, Alexander Kireev was still in the public eye for some time, but soon stopped appearing both at social events and on television screens. Only occasionally a name young artist could be heard when it came to the new songs that he wrote for his “factory” comrades. Now Kireev performs extremely rarely. Increasingly, the 34-year-old Star Factory graduate is establishing himself more as a composer than as a singer.

The jury did not immediately notice the groovy blonde with a non-standard figure. Elena Kukarskaya managed to pass the casting, largely due to the fact that Alla Pugacheva drew attention to her. The prima donna personally insisted that the young performer be hired and given a chance to make a name for herself on the show. During her participation in the “Star Factory”, Elena performed a lot of songs that were firmly entrenched in leading positions in various charts of the country. Many people now willingly sing karaoke or dance at events to the fiery hits “Po Little”, “Zhu-Zhu” or “Pianist”. After the end of the project, the young artist came under the wing of Maxim Fadeev. The famous producer signed a long-term contract with her and wrote many songs for her. Over the course of several years, Kukarskaya performed on the same stage with such eminent artists as Soso Pavliashvili, Valery Syutkin, Vitas, Professor Lebedinsky and the Prime Minister group. True, the girl soon began to look for herself in other areas of activity. So, for example, in 2007, Elena announced herself as an aspiring actress by starring in the television series of the MUZ-TV channel “Love is not show business.” And after a couple of years, Elena admitted that she would also like to try her hand at directing. In 2009, Elena Kukarskaya’s contract with Maxim Fadeev’s production center expired, and she went on a free voyage. The girl is always willingly invited to act as a member of the jury various competitions beauty, where, in fact, you can most often see it. Last September, Elena became a mother for the first time, giving birth to her son Fyodor. Since then, the 31-year-old artist has completely disappeared from view. True, it is possible that Kukarskaya will soon decide to re-establish herself and release another hit.

On the radio station “Russian Radio” you can still hear hits performed by Yuri Titov. The graduate of “Star Factory-4” at one time won special love from the audience and popularity thanks to the songs “Pretend” and “Forever”. Many people still remember well this modest and at the same time artistic young guy, who clearly declared himself at a popular music competition. Is it true, creative career Yuri Titova was interrupted at some point. The musician from time to time made some efforts to re-establish himself, but fame did not return to him for long. Most recently, the singer appeared at the casting music project"Main Stage" Yuri relied on a jazz performance of the song that was unusual for him, but still did not make it through the selection. Backstage at the show, the music editor of the project, Andrei Sergeev, jokingly begged: “Yura, why do you need this? How long can you go to castings? “I can’t do it any other way, it’s a way of life,” Titov answered him.

Among former factory owners there are many who decided to try their hand at a different direction. Young singers willingly become composers, actors and models. This happened with Maria Rzhevskaya. The “Star Factory” graduate was once remembered by the viewer for her own style of performance and very strange appearance. The girl appeared before the public with extended fangs, thereby creating the image of a vamp girl. The hits “When I become a cat”, “Why did I wait for you” and “Bye-bye” are still well known and remembered by fans of the music competition, but nothing has been heard about Rzhevskaya’s new material for a long time. While cousin“manufacturer” Ksenia Larina actively performs and tours around the country as an artist in musicals, Rzhevskaya herself acts in films. Maria has been involved more than once in American short films, and a premiere is expected soon full-length film with her participation in leading role. True, the film “Let the Die Be Cast: Initium” can be classified more as an arthouse movie. However, like the films in which Rzhevskaya played earlier.

Group "Tootsie" // Photo: ITAR-TASS / fotoimedia


The decision to gather a group of singing graduates of “Star Factory-3” was made by the famous producer Viktor Drobysh. It was he who initiated the creation of the “Tutsi” group, which initially included five girls: Irina Ortman, Maria Verber, Anastasia Krainova, Olesya Yaroslavskaya and Sofya Kuzmina. True, Vladimir Kuzmin’s daughter left the group even before his debut on stage. Undoubtedly, the main hit of the “Tutsi” group has always been the song “The Most-The Most.” It was she who brought the four girls love and recognition from the audience. A little later, the girls released an album of the same name, which was not as successful as expected. For several years, the voices of charming performers have been heard on various radio stations exclusively with the song “The Best.” With the same hit, singers were invited to corporate events. Already in 2006, the Tutsi group began to lose popularity. The girls performed new compositions, about which music critics spoke impartially. Many felt that the girls began to perform songs whose lyrics contained a number of jokes, as they say, below the belt. The Tutsi group failed to repeat the success of the first hit several years later, and in 2012 the group broke up. True, Irina Ortman and Lesya Yaroslavskaya are still trying to build solo career, releasing songs and videos from time to time.

When you look at this little red-haired girl, it’s hard to believe that she has a clear and strong voice. All fans of “Star Factory” know Sasha Balakireva as one of the most talented performers in the entire history of the project. What was the beginning creative path and what is this one doing now? amazing girl?

Biography of Sasha Balakireva

The fact that the girl would be connected with the world of music was clear almost from birth, because she was born on the same day as the great composer Tchaikovsky. The girl herself thinks it good sign and does not lose heart if clouds appear on the horizon. A native Muscovite, Sasha Balakireva was born on April 25, 1987. The love for music manifested itself in early childhood, the girl attended a French choir, where she developed her vocal abilities. In her second year at the pop-jazz school, she went to conquer the audience under the leadership of the Prima Donna Russian stage.

"Star Factory 5"

Many people wanted to get to the fifth season of the legendary TV show, because Alla Borisovna herself was the leader and mentor. She, together with several eminent producers, selected the participants, and the little red-haired girl immediately attracted the attention of experienced poets and composers. She piercingly sang a cappella song about “Mercedes” and received the coveted pass to the Star House. Pugacheva herself prophesied a great future for her, and Sasha tried not to let her down and justify the trust of such significant people in show business.

At the “Factory” the girl had a chance to show herself in all her glory. She was allowed to perform a song based on her own poetry and music. She even made the arrangement for the song “I will do anything” herself. A catchy melody and quite original lyrics made the song a hit. She had the opportunity to perform on the same stage and sing duets with many stars, and everyone was delighted with her voice and ability to work. Soon she had a second solo song - “Betrothed by the Wind.” The lyrical composition strengthened her position in the top five strongest participants. Unfortunately, she failed to win, but signing a contract with Igor Matvienko was no less a reward than first place.


The idea to combine Anya Kulikova and Sasha Balakireva into a duet came to the producer during the project. He had his finger on the pulse for a long time and was looking for a suitable candidate to create a group with a talented graduate of the first season of “Star Factory”. Two little girls in short dresses created the effect of a bomb exploding. In the short period of the group's existence, they managed to receive several awards and release two albums. The hits “Cat and Mouse” and “About a Little Boy” are still heard on radio stations. The girls were willingly invited to concerts and corporate events, but after 4 years of successful concert activities the group broke up. Alexandra went to study solo career.

Solo sailing

Sasha Balakireva doesn’t like to talk about her personal life, but in professional activity She hasn't had much luck yet. For several years she tried to break into show business on her own and even participated in the “Main Stage” competition. The girl was appreciated, but again it was not possible to get any tangible benefits from the television project. Friendship with Victoria Daineko helps her stay popular, but in at the moment The girl's plans are frozen. Fans are waiting for her triumphant return and hope to hear new songs performed by her.

Singer Date of birth April 25 (Taurus) 1987 (32) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @sasha_balakireva

Singer Alexandra Balakireva has amazing strong voice, although she herself looks fragile and miniature. Listening to her, it is sometimes difficult to believe that she has such vocal abilities. Since childhood, Sasha dreamed of becoming a singer. She didn’t even think about other professions. Even as a child, the girl developed a love for the stage; she loved performing and posing in front of the cameras.

Biography of Alexandra Balakireva

Alexandra was born on April 25, 1987 in Moscow. The singer is very proud of her date of birth because it coincides with the birthdays of Tchaikovsky and Fitzgerald. The girl was already born with vocal abilities. At the age of 8 she won the children's music competition, after this event, the girl’s mother took the future artist to music school. At a young age, she also starred in commercials and performed in musical production « The Canterville Ghost" Alexandra trained in the choir named after the French musician Georges Brassens, and she also took individual music lessons.

After school the girl went to study at pop-jazz school. A year later, fate smiled on Sasha and she ended up at the “Star Factory-5” under the auspices of Alla Borisovna herself. During this period, the singer became famous throughout the country and gained numerous fans among young people. On the “Star Factory” project, Alexandra Balakireva became friends with Victoria Daineko, who became one of her best friends.

In the same year, Igor Matvienko created the group “Cuba”, whose members were Balakireva and Anna Kulikova. The name was invented based on the first letters of the girls' last names. The soloists released several songs that became hits, and one of them received the “Song of the Year” nomination. During the existence of the group, the singer wrote many songs, starred in several videos and participated in competitions. Unfortunately, the group broke up in 2009. Some time later, in an interview, the singer said that she considered the “Cuba” project unsuccessful and regretted the effort spent.

In October 2015, Alexandra decided to take part in the “Main Stage” show and compete for the main prize - a concert tour across the country. But on the project she encountered the show’s dishonest policy. The jury selected participants based on outrageous personality, not talent. In 2016, the singer took part in the First Channel project “Main Stage”, but Sasha was not lucky in this TV show either. I had to leave him in the quarterfinals.

Personal life of Alexandra Balakireva

For a long time, the singer simply did not have enough time for her personal life. She is a bright representative of creative people, so there is not much room in her life for a soulmate. But the girl is in no hurry, she believes that everything has its time. The heart of the red-haired talented beauty is still free.

“Star Factory-5” under the direction of Alla Pugacheva was released in 2004 and presented the stage with many popular artists. One of the brightest participants in the project was the red-haired Alexandra Balakireva, who reached the final thanks to her ringing voice and original presentation. The fiery TV show graduate continued to perform hits as part of the group “Kuba” with Anna Kulikova, but the group broke up a few years later, disturbing fans who appreciated the compositions “Cat and Mouse” and “About a Little Boy.”

Filming on the TV show gave Balakireva a good start for her creative development. Within the walls of the “star house” she also found friends, for example, Victoria Daineko, who supported the singer in difficult living conditions in a confined space. However, after participating in the “Main Stage” program in 2015, the artist disappeared from the radar. Today the vocalist shared with StarHit how her life and plans have changed in recent years.


After a tour with the “Star Factory” and the end of work in the “Kuba” duet, Balakireva’s popularity began to decline. Three years ago, Alexandra already “fell out” of the media space, subsequently declaring that she “deliberately went underground,” leaving big stage for the sake of free creativity and recording soundtracks. The artist told what occupies her thoughts and time at the moment.

“Now I’m studying at GITIS at the Faculty of Musical Theater, that is, I’m getting vocational education How opera singer. At the same time, I give concerts, write songs, but I don’t have the same ambitions here as before,” admitted Sasha Balakireva.


Appearing again on Channel One in 2015, when Alexandra was chosen by mentor Diana Arbenina for the “Russian X-Factor,” Balakireva spoke about her dreams of being heard. Unlike many of her colleagues in the Star Factory, the extravagant singer was poorly attracted by popularity. She noted that although she left early “ Main stage", the project helped her realize a lot.


Studying at GITIS is closely related to work in musical theater. Sasha Balakireva is actively developing in this direction.

“My session is now in the active stage of completion. She played Tatiana from Eugene Onegin and Violetta from La Traviata. I’m not registered in the theater yet, but I think everything will be soon,” the student expects.


There was no information on the Internet about Balakireva’s affairs of the heart. The singer claims that she does not have a boyfriend, but the vocalist does not suffer from loneliness, because her loved ones are always nearby. “My heart is free. My mother and godmother support me in all my endeavors,” the artist shared.


After the project, Sasha Balakireva continued to communicate with other participants of the “Star Factory”. “We haven’t seen Vika Daineko for a long time, which doesn’t stop us from considering each other friends. True friendship is not about the number of meetings. I met Miguel at the finale of “DANCE” on TNT, and we keep in touch with the others from time to time. We follow each other on Instagram with Anya Kulikova from “Kuba”, but we also haven’t seen each other for a long time: she has a family, a small daughter, a little not up to it,” the singer clarified.


After the triumph of “Star Factory,” many want to repeat their past success. Alexandra is not against participating in other programs, but the conditions of the competition are important for the vocalist.

“I don’t know, it all depends on the nuances: what to sing, with whom and how. It’s definitely not interesting to look like “plywood”. In general, I’m a gambler, so I might agree,” Balakireva admitted.


Sasha Balakireva knows exactly what she wants. She dreams of engaging in “high” creativity, without wasting time on pop music, in order to leave behind something significant. The vocalist works hard, gradually achieving what she wants.

“I’m going to sing in theaters in Europe,” the artist briefly outlined her goal.