Types and genres of journalism. Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism What is journalism, what does it mean and how to write it correctly

Journalism is a type of literature characterized by topical socio-political content and intended to influence the consciousness of the widest possible range of readers. Thanks to the combination of methods of scientific and everyday knowledge, placing the facts of reality in a cause-and-effect context, as well as the pathos and eloquence inherent in journalism, the unity of imagery, emotional and logical-rational principles journalism realizes its ability to influence life reality by engaging readers in an effective dialogue about the burning issues of our time, transforming the audience's knowledge into beliefs. Journalism, which has a predictive function, predicting the future, as well as “retrospective” journalism, comprehending the past, first of all reveals connections between the future or the past with topical problems of the present (however, this does not exclude the ability to see the eternal in the topical and does not contradict the tendency to philosophize journalism. The object of journalism there are social, political-ideological, philosophical, literary, moral, religious, historical, economic, environmental and other problems. In accordance with the issues, there is a division of journalism into types (political-ideological, philosophical, literary-critical, moral-ethical). Genre classification journalism includes correspondence, article, essay, report, feuilleton, pamphlet, review, review, open letter. Journalism, unlike fiction, rarely uses fiction, but does not neglect analogies, hypotheses, guesses, forecasts as ways of comprehending reality. Along with the “transparency” of images, in which preference is given to the general rather than the individual, journalism is characterized by a maximum reduction of psychologism and detail, reducing symbolization and arbitrary associations to the necessary minimum. The effectiveness of influencing the consciousness of the readership is achieved in journalism and by mixing traditional rhetorical techniques, when the monologue of the speaker - a social figure, an exponent of public sentiment - is gradually transformed into a dialogue with listeners who feel personal involvement in the discussion. The presence of the author's principle is what distinguishes journalism from the actual information genres. In general, the components of a detailed journalistic text are: fact, opinion, argument, problem, concept, conclusion. IN various genres In journalism, the ratio of these elements varies.

Genetically, journalism goes back to the eloquence of antiquity(speeches of Lysias, Demosthenes, Socrates, Cicero), rhetorical manuals (Plato, Aristotle, Quintilian, Tacitus), biblical sermons and parables, ancient moral and ethical manuals, historiographies, chronicles, partly to pedagogical literature, political-legal and administrative and business documents (codes of laws, diplomatic correspondence, texts of treaties and decrees), memoirs and personal correspondence; influenced the formation of journalism and folklore motifs - satirical, historical, didactic, as well as Menippean satire.

European journalism comes from medieval parody anti-clerical literature and anti-government pamphlets, ironic-satirical writings of Erasmus of Rotterdam, Ulrich von Hutten, John Reuchlin, the works of the Reformation ideologists T. Münzer and M. Luther, whose political appeals, declarations and leaflets received mass distribution and caused a public outcry to the writings of theorists and organizers of bourgeois revolutions of the 16th-18th centuries. J. Lilburne, J. Milton (his “Areopagitica”, 1644, became a manifesto in defense of freedom of speech and publicity), T. Paine, B. Franklin, M. Robespierre and J.P. Marat. The journalism of the French enlightenment encyclopedists D. Diderot, C. Montesquieu, Voltaire, J. J. Rousseau, J. Swift, and the English socialists T. Spence and W. Godwin (18th century) had a great influence on public opinion. Along with it there was also conservative journalism, which affirmed the inviolability of authorities, the holiness of traditions, the inviolability of the foundations of the state (“Reflections on the French Revolution”, 1790, E. Burke). Journalism of the 19th and 20th centuries illuminated the problems of self-awareness of art and its interaction with life (V. Hugo, G. Heine, C. Sainte-Beuve, E. Zola, J. Ruskin, R. Rolland, A. Barbusse, G. Mann, T .Mann, P. Valery, H. Ortegai-Gasset, G. Hesse, J. Fucik, J. P. Sartre, A. Camus, A. Moravia). In the USA, the philosophical and literary-critical journalism of the transcendentalists, R. Emerson, and G. D. Thoreau developed.

At the origins of Russian journalism - “The Word on Law and Grace” (1037-50) by Metropolitan Hilarion, “Words” and epistles of Cyril of Turov (12th century), “Teaching” (1117) by Vladimir Monomakh, “Prayer” by Daniil Zatochnik (13th century), works by Maxim the Greek, Ivan Peresvetov, correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Andrei Kurbsky, “Life” (1672-75) of Archpriest Avvakum, journalistic texts by I.A. Krylov, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev (“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, 1790) - edifying works of a moral, religious and socio-political nature. Intense search for truth, analysis of the most important points public life characteristic of domestic journalism of the 19th and 20th centuries. Researchers are currently interested in the “returned” literary-critical and philosophical journalism Russian diaspora, dedicated to the study of the “Russian idea”, national identity as a factor in historical development - works by V.F. Khodasevich, Z.N. Gippius, G.V. Adamovich, I.A. Bunin, A.A. Kuprin, D.S. Merezhkovsky, M.I. Tsvetaeva, N. A. Berdyaeva, V. V. Veidle, F. A. Stepun, G. I. Fedotov, I. A. Ilyin, A. D. Sinyavsky, V. E. Maksimov and others.

The word journalism comes from Latin publicus, which means public.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


journalism, many no, w. (from Latin publicus - public) (book).

    Literature on socio-political issues. Russian journalism of the 60s.

    Genre, style, characteristics such literature. A novel full of journalism.

    Writing activities on socio-political issues. He has 20 years of journalism behind him.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, well. Literature on current socio-political issues of our time, the current life of society. Artistic item

adj. journalistic, oh, oh.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. A type of literature devoted to current socio-political issues and the current life of society.

      A collection of works of this type.

  1. Presence in smb. creativity, in smb. a work reflecting the pressing problems of our time.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


PUBLICISTICS (from Latin publicus - public) a type of work dedicated to current problems and phenomena of the current life of society. Plays an important political and ideological role as a means of expressing the pluralism of public opinion, incl. emerging around acute problems life. Journalism exists in verbal (written and oral), graphic (poster, caricature), photographic and cinematic (documentary films, television), theatrical-dramatic, verbal-musical forms. Journalism is often used in artistic and scientific works.


(from Latin publicus ≈ public), a type of work devoted to topical issues and phenomena of the current life of society and containing factual data about its various aspects, assessments from the point of view of the author’s social ideal, as well as ideas about the ways and means of achieving the stated goals. Contributing to the formation of public opinion, views, interests and aspirations of people, influencing the activities social institutions, P. plays an important political and ideological role in the life of society, serves as a sharp weapon of ideological struggle, a means of public education, agitation and propaganda, a method of organization and transmission social information. P. addresses the phenomena of modernity in all the richness of the specific social situations that arise in it (in the socio-political, economic, cultural-ideological, and other spheres). Characterizing the tasks of the journalistic activity of the Bolsheviks, V.I. Lenin wrote: “We must do the constant work of publicists - write the history of our time and try to write it in such a way that our everyday life brings all possible help to the direct participants in the movement and the proletarian heroes there, on the scene of action, ≈ write in such a way as to contribute to the expansion of the movement, the conscious choice of means, techniques and methods of struggle that are capable of producing the greatest and most lasting results with the least expenditure of effort” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 9, p. 208). By its nature, obligated to “keep up with events” and assess the phenomena of current reality, relying on fundamental socio-political ideas, P., Lenin emphasized, has the ability “... to sum up, draw conclusions, draw lessons from the experience of today’s history that will be useful tomorrow, in another place...” (ibid.) and thus actively influences the formation of a worldview.

The reflection and assessment of modern situations in P.'s works proceeds in the light of the socio-class ideological positions of the publicist as a representative of certain social forces and is accompanied by preaching (open or disguised depending on the political situation and censorship conditions) of the ideals of the social structure and ways of their implementation. Progressive P. has always strived to create a truthful picture of life, correctly assess the phenomena of our time, make fair judgments, and show real prospects.

P. contains enormous documentary material about the most diverse phenomena of social life, therefore, for subsequent generations, P.’s works act as a chronicle of socio-political history. struggle, a historical source containing extensive factual data, characteristics of the positions of various social forces, as well as figurative sketches of events, characters, life, information on science, culture, etc.

P.'s method assumes a holistic, ideologically oriented reflection of current phenomena of our time. To collect specific information, empirical methods are used (observation, survey, conversation, interview, analysis of documentary materials, etc.), to obtain generalized conclusions and characteristics, methods of socio-historical research and artistic creativity. This leads to the creation of works, the originality of the style lies in the combination of characteristics and assessments of events, phenomena and processes of current history expressed in a rational-conceptual form, promoted ideals with artistic and imaginative recreation of pictures of life, portraits of contemporaries, characters and destinies of participants in events. The publicist thus combines the qualities of a socio-political figure with the traits of a researcher and artist. Methods of scientific popularization are also often used in the creation of P.'s works.

Within the framework of narrative, special ideological and thematic varieties, narrative forms, and genres were formed. Among the ideological and thematic varieties, political discourse itself occupies the most important place; economic, moral-ethical, and philosophical discourse have become widespread. The forms of discourse are diverse: event-informational, positive-analytical, critical-analytical, satirical, polemical, and discursive. A system of genres of newspaper and magazine journalism has emerged: interview, correspondence, commentary, review, editorial and issue articles, appeal, review, travel notes, letter, essay, pamphlet, feuilleton, etc. Genres of oratorical journalism (speech, speech, report, conversation, etc.) are actively used in modern broadcasting on television and radio, where the genres of newspaper and magazine broadcasting are also used in modified forms (see Television, Radio Broadcasting). The above-mentioned “general” properties of poetry are inherent in its various genres to varying degrees.

In P. the role of the subjective author’s (civil-lyrical) principle, conveying social temperament a publicist, his ability to persuade, citing not only logical evidence in defense of his position, but also appealing to the social experience and moral sense of readers. The means of persuasive speech and poetic syntax play a significant compositional role, and verbal imagery is widely used.

P.'s properties often penetrate into the fabric of artistic and scientific works, giving them a journalistic quality, open tendentiousness (see Trend in art) in cases where the author of the work seeks to directly respond to the socio-political events of the era.

P. achieved its greatest rise at turning points social development, in revolutionary eras, during periods of liberation wars, movements for national independence.

The origins of P. go back to the oratory art of antiquity (the speeches of Demosthenes, the dialogues of Cicero); essential elements of P. are contained in the satires of Aristophanes, Juvenal, Lucian, the works of historians (Herodotus), biographers (Plutarch), and others. Oratorical forms of P. were developed in religious and ecclesiastical and political eloquence (see Sermon), especially during the periods of patristics and the Reformation (Luther, Münzer). During the Renaissance, when the invention of printing (mid-15th century) made it possible to communicate with the printed word to the mass reader, printing became a powerful weapon in the ideological and political struggle. During the Peasants' War of 1524–26, the first revolutionary leaflets appeared in Germany. The movement of advanced thinkers and writers of the 16th century was directed against the unlimited domination of the church, obscurantism, and scholasticism. (“Praise of Folly” by Erasmus of Rotterdam, “Letters of Dark People” by W. von Hutten, etc.). English bourgeois revolution of the 17th century. gave birth to brilliant literature, including the genre of pamphlet (J. Lilburne, J. Milton). During the Enlightenment, the militant journalism of J. Swift, D. Defoe, G. Fielding in England, Voltaire, D. Diderot, J. J. Rousseau, C. Helvetius, P. Holbach in France contributed to the spread of freedom-loving ideas in defense human personality. During the War of Independence in North America 1775≈83 the journalistic activities of B. Franklin and T. Paine had a great influence on the self-awareness of the American people. The fiery P. of the leaders of the Great French Revolution (speeches by J. J. Danton, M. Robespierre, L. Saint-Just, articles by J. P. Marat, J. Hébert, etc.) inspired the people to fight and served their political education. In Germany in the 30s. 19th century The journalistic works of L. Berne and G. Heine played a significant role in the development of the progressive social movement “Young Germany”. In France in the 2nd half. 19th century The journalistic speeches of V. Hugo (pamphlets and civic lyrics) and E. Zola (open letter “I Accuse” in connection with the Dreyfus affair) had a great public impact. The high pathos of the first proletarian revolution - the Paris Commune of 1871 - is imbued with the working anthem "The International" by E. Pothier and P. Degeyter, and the articles of the communards O. Vermorel and G. Tridon. Speeches and articles by J. Jaurès angrily denounced the main warmongers - the militarists and the imperialist bourgeoisie. During the First World War (1914–18), passionate anti-war journalistic articles by R. Rolland and A. Barbusse exposed the true meaning of the imperialist massacre.

The pinnacle of historically objective and ideologically advanced politics is Marxist politics, guided by the principles of partisanship, nationalism, and scientificism. The journalism of K. Marx, F. Engels and their followers in the West (P. Lafargue, F. Mehring, K. Liebknecht, R. Luxemburg and many others) defeated the enemies of the working class, served to develop the self-awareness of the working people, to organize the masses for the purpose of revolutionary transformation society. P. was one of the important areas of activity of ideologists and political leaders of communist and workers' parties, the international communist movement (A. Gramsci, G. Dimitrov, M. Torez, P. Togliatti, W. Foster, D. Ibarruri, V. Pic, etc. .). Outstanding publicists were communist journalists J. Reed, A. Rhys Williams, G. Peri, Y. Fucik and others, scientists and public figures F. Joliot-Curie, J. Bernal, P. Langevin, W. Dubois and others. , writers G. Mann and T. Mann, T. Dreiser, B. Brecht, J. Aldridge and others.

Russian literature dates back to Hilarion’s “Sermon on Law and Grace” (11th century), the sermons of Cyril of Turov (12th century), and the accusatory works of Maxim the Greek (16th century). Ivan Peresvetov (16th century) in his vivid journalistic works advocated the centralization of the Russian state. The correspondence between Ivan IV and Andrei Kurbsky had an acutely journalistic character. In the 18th century high civic voice scientific works and the poetry of M.V. Lomonosov determined their educational and patriotic significance; An anti-serfdom orientation distinguished the journalistic works of N. I. Novikov and A. N. Radishchev. Russian social thought and culture of the 19th century. developed under the influence of politics, which expressed the struggle of various social movements. Progressive P., expressing the interests of the masses, was itself influenced by their aspirations and aspirations. Using the example of V. G. Belinsky, V. I. Lenin showed that the creativity of Russian democratic publicists depended on the mood of the serfs.

The journalistic activity of A. I. Herzen, which laid the foundation for the Russian uncensored general democratic press (see “Bell”, Free Russian Printing House), contributed to the revolutionary upsurge in Russia. In the middle of the 19th century. P. revolutionary democrats V. G. Belinsky (“Letter to Gogol”), N. G. Chernyshevsky (“To the Master’s Peasants”, “Letters without an Address”, etc.), N. A. Dobrolyubova, M. E. Saltykova Shchedrin (“Abroad”, etc.), D.I. Pisarev was important for the ideological and political education of wide democratic circles. The journalistic speeches of F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, V. G. Korolenko, P. L. Lavrov, N. K. Mikhailovsky had a strong influence on the spiritual life of Russian society.

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The spread of Marxism in Russia and the unification of revolutionary forces was greatly facilitated by the work of Russian Marxists (G.V. Plekhanov and others). At the new proletarian stage of the revolutionary liberation movement in Russia, a huge role is played in the propaganda of Marxism, the political education of the working masses, rallying them around the Bolshevik Party and mobilizing for the preparation and implementation of socialist revolution The journalistic activities of V.I. Lenin played a role. The works of Lenin the publicist, marked by communist partisanship, scientific content, acute polemics, and irreconcilability towards opponents, combined with clarity, simplicity and vividness of language, and vivid imagery, are a perfect example of offensive Bolshevik publishing. The Bolshevik press created by Lenin and the party became the school of party publishing. whose outstanding representatives were V.V. Borovsky, A.V. Lunacharsky, I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, I.V. Stalin, M.S. Olminsky, S.G. Shaumyan, E.M. Yaroslavsky and others. The traditions of advanced Russian propaganda and Bolshevik propaganda are continued and developed by Soviet propaganda. At all stages of the construction of a communist society, Soviet propaganda actively participates in the ideological education of the people, in the fight against propaganda hostile to socialism, and directly intervenes in socio-economic processes. Vivid journalistic works that reflect major events era, created by M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, M. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev, A. N. Tolstoy, L. Leonov, I. Erenburg, V. Vishnevsky, B. Gorbatov, M. Shaginyan, K. Simonov, N . Gribachev and other writers. Among Soviet journalists, M. Koltsov, L. Reisner, D. Zaslavsky, Yu. Zhukov, V. Ovechkin, E. Dorosh, V. Peskov and others became famous as publicists.

Publicistic speeches of Soviet state, party and public figures, scientists, and cultural figures make a great contribution to the common cause of the struggle to build a communist society, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between peoples.

P. exists not only in verbal (written and oral) form, but also in graphic form (see Poster, Lubok, Cartoon), photographic and cinematic (see Documentary cinema), theatrical and dramatic (see Agitation Brigade, “Blue blouse", "Living Newspaper") and verbal and musical forms. Development of all forms of P. in the mid-20th century. answers characteristic feature time ≈ the growth of social consciousness, civic activity, the responsibility of each person for the fate of the world and social progress.

Lit.: Marx K. and Engels F., About printing, M., 1972; Lenin V.I., On printing, 2nd ed., M., 1974; V.I. Lenin, CPSU on press, 2nd ed., M., 1974; Yakovlev B.V., Lenin ≈ publicist, M., 1960; Zorina N. G., Savenkov A. A., V. I. Lenin and party publicists, L., 1972; Berezina V.G., On the history of the words “publicist” and “journalism”, “Bulletin of Leningrad State University”, 1971. ╧ 20; Genres of the Soviet newspaper, M., 1972; Zhurbina E.I., Theory and practice of artistic and journalistic genres. Feature article. Feuilleton. M., 1969; Zdorovega V.I., At the publicist's master, Lviv, 1969; About journalism and publicists, Sat. Art., V. 1≈2, L., 1964≈66; Journalism is the leading edge of literature, “Voprosy literatury”, 1970, ╧ 1, p. 44≈94; Prokhorov E.P., Publicist and Reality, M., 1973; Uchenova V.V., Journalism and Politics, M., 1973; Cherepakhov M.S., Problems of the theory of journalism, 2nd ed., M., 1973; Haacke W., Publizistik. Elemente und Probleme, Essen, 1962; Szulczewski M., Publicystyka i współczesność, Warsz., 1969.

E. P. Prokhorov.



Journalism(from - public) - a type of work devoted to current problems and phenomena of the current life of society; plays an important political and ideological role as a means of expressing the pluralism of public opinion, including that formed around pressing problems of life.

Examples of the use of the word journalism in literature.

Ivan Aksakov became famous in Russian journalism the sixties and eighties with its bold and bright defense of the idea of ​​internal public self-government, freedom of conscience, thought and speech, with its principled protest against the death penalty.

If the carnival ambivalence faded away in the images of debunking, then they degenerated into a purely negative exposure of a moral or socio-political nature, became one-dimensional, lost their artistic character, turning into naked journalism.

If Simms's fiction was published mainly in the North and was read there more than in the South, then political journalism addressed to fellow countrymen.

All the leftist leanings of the school were reflected in this dubious journalism or fiction for children.

She seems to be quite religious, sentimental, loves flowers and trees, prefers fiction to criticism in literature and journalism.

Strange gravestone journalism was later erased, now on the Lipnitsa stone book there are only dates and two names - Hasek and Švejk.

Nor could he be particularly depressed by the accepted, incessantly repeated journalism, words about Hottentot morality.

He felt his poetry not rhymed hidden journalism, but art.

Not only exile, not only the common struggle brought them closer, but also the understanding that came to both of them of what each of them did in literature, journalism, philosophy.

Behind journalism Stalin seized on mortally frightened capitulators when preparing a new trial.

This way the driveshaft can turn around artistic symbol, in order to simultaneously serve the domestic journalism, which is the transmission belt of ideology.

More curious than prose - journalism, fortunately, this is half the volume of the magazine: Averintsev, Kublanovsky - I appreciate it, many more.

Mike immediately filled any brain vacuum with information on ballistics, sophistry, statistics, step studies, sphragistics, atomism, journalism, casuistry, humor, as well as from the field of histology, pomology and lake science.

And now she, without delving into the essence of this heritage, selects quotes from these great books for cheap journalism.

Vasily Alexandrovich created his works in the genre of pedagogical journalism, bringing into the work the rich pedagogical experience of himself and his colleagues, truthful life situations, individualized images, elements of folklore.

It is necessary to distinguish between literary works as historical sources and sources on the history of literature (which can be both material monuments and different kinds written sources). In addition, one should take into account the use of the concept “literature” in the sense of designating all monuments of a written narrative nature ( memoir literature, epistolary literature). In the future, by this concept we will mean fiction.

Works of literature, where the artistic form is no less significant than the content itself, as well as monuments of journalism (which are characterized by the predominance of the polemical function) occupy a special place among historical sources. They do not so much document events as reflect the emotions, sensations, thoughts of the authors about certain events and phenomena. Literary and journalistic works are of paramount importance for the study of cultural history and ideology. They can also serve and do serve as an interesting source for reconstructing the socio-political picture of the era to which they belong.

Until now, historians, if they have turned to literary works, have done so only predominantly from the period of the 12th – 18th centuries. This approach (according to the fair remark of I.N. Danilevsky) was distinguished, with a few exceptions, by “naive historicism and a consumer attitude towards source information” (RSUH Textbook. 1998. P.280).

Meanwhile, to replace ancient literature came completely different. In the Middle Ages, they were not looking for aesthetic pleasure in a book, but primarily for wisdom. In the tradition of Rus', reading was already Wisdom (Yaroslav the Wise) and the scientist of that time was precisely a scribe. Literature acquired an informative and laconic character (except for certain genres that require eloquence). Another important feature of medieval literature is its predominantly religious content and character.

If we touch on literary works Rus' XII- XIV centuries, then, along with monuments of a secular nature (really isolated), one can notice the predominance of both translations of spiritual literature (scriptural and liturgical, doctrinal, preaching, hagiographic), and the presence huge amount works of original canonical works. Literature was intended to ensure the transfer and transformation of knowledge, this predetermined the presence of many teachings and messages. Hagiographic literature (which was the subject of V.O. Klyuchevsky’s master’s thesis) served the same purpose. The informational nature of the works was also revealed in travel literature (“Walking”).

Despite all the differences, however, the literature of the Middle Ages was based on the solid foundation of the literature of antiquity. The same hagiographic literature seemed to continue the traditions of the Hellenistic novel (which took shape by the middle of the second century AD in separate genre), having the initial goal not only of instructive and entertaining reading (the first stories about the torment of Christians - “passions” (“passions”), “mortars” (“testimonies”)). Only over time, the elements of fiction and entertainment in hagiography disappeared, giving way to pragmatism and schematism of the narrative; characters are increasingly acquiring a generalized character, formed from “typical” positive qualities.

The singularity of medieval sources and their extreme scarcity forced researchers to turn to literary works. We observe a different situation in relation to new and modern times. The individualization of characters, the psychological and emotional nature of the narrative and the diversity of literary works, along with the growth in the number of other types of sources, have become a serious obstacle to historians and social history researchers turning to them.

At the same time, fiction, like no other source, can show the way of thinking of people of different generations, different social strata, their ideas about ideals, about happiness, about material and moral values. IN Lately The so-called “history of everyday life” has become widespread, including in Eastern European countries. At the same time, our archives contain detailed information about various institutions and - minimally - about specific people, about family, about personal things. In this regard, it is fiction that represents the most valuable source about how they lived, what they dreamed of, how they dressed, how they loved, looked after ladies, etc. in certain times. After all, there is a well-known expression that “knowing what a particular society fed on, one can determine its culture, philosophy, politics and everything, everything else” (Quoted from: Kabanov V.V. Source study of the history of Soviet society. Russian State University for the Humanities. 1997. P. 340).

For a long time, Soviet (and in many ways Western European) historical literature tried to study either the average “popular masses” or typical images of leaders. The value of fiction is that it helps to establish the motivations for certain individual actions and creates the image of a person of a certain era, a “hero of our time.”

At the same time, all genres of literature are equally valuable: from documentary stories to fiction. After all, the latter also reflects the degree of technical development of society and ideas about the future, various social ideals (it is no coincidence that the phenomenon of “Soviet science fiction” existed).

More than works of art, social science researchers were really interested in journalistic works. They were and are inextricably linked not only with literary, but also with other types of narrative sources. Characteristic was, already noted above, the desire of publicists to use the epistolary form. The only known work of Metropolitan Clement Smolyatich (XII century) is the “Epistle to Thomas the Presbyter.”

More greater development this direction received in the era of the Reformation and Renaissance (“Letters of dark people”, etc.). Around this time, it emerges special genre - essay. The essayist expresses an opinion on an arbitrarily chosen or publicly significant issue, but does not speak on behalf of any social group(which is typical for journalism in general), but on one’s own behalf.

Journalism is a type of historical sources that arises mainly in public sphere. It is intended to express the opinion of a social group about a socially significant problem. At the same time, journalistic works can have both an individual and a collective author. It should also be noted that the author’s speech on behalf of a group may not always be openly expressed.

If during the Middle Ages journalistic literature was associated primarily with religious disputes, then in the new and modern times projects of state reforms and constitutions act as works of journalism, a merger of journalism and periodicals takes place (a striking example is “The Peasant Truth” by K. Kalinovsky), new forms arise, literary, artistic, scientific and socio-political journalism are clearly outlined. Official, government and opposition journalism are distinguished. The second bright page of Belarusian journalism half of the 19th century V. is the journalism of Belarusian populists.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century. journalism becomes one of the forms of party propaganda. Program documents of various parties acquire a journalistic orientation. Such forms of journalistic literature as proclamations and leaflets are becoming widely developed. The latter, however, were used where free expression of opinions was impossible or unreasonable with the aim of discrediting the authorities and expressing public opposition back in ancient times. In the 20th century they become a mass source, accompanied by drawings, graphic images, which brought them closer to posters.

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1. pl. No. A literary genre devoted to the consideration of current topics in socio-political life. Work in the genre of journalism.

2. collected Works of this genre. Read journalism. Journalistic - related to journalism. Journalistic - imbued with features, saturated with elements of journalism.

What's happened PUBLISHING, PUBLISHING this is the meaning of the word PUBLISHING, origin (etymology) PUBLISHING, synonyms for PUBLISHING, paradigm (word forms) PUBLISHING in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms PUBLISHING- Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

paradigm, forms of the word PUBLISHING















+ PUBLISHING- T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



public And stick


a) Type of literature devoted to current socio-political issues and the current life of society.

b) A set of works of this type.

2) Presence in smb. creativity, in smb. a work reflecting the pressing problems of our time.

+ PUBLISHING- Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Big Soviet Encyclopedia»



(from Latin publicus - public), a type of work devoted to current problems and phenomena of the current life of society. Plays an important political and ideological role as a means of expressing the pluralism of public opinion, including those formed around pressing problems of life. Journalism exists in verbal (written and oral), graphic (poster, caricature), photographic and cinematic (documentary films, television), theatrical-dramatic, verbal-musical forms. Journalism is often used in artistic and scientific works.

+ PUBLISHING- S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language



PUBLISHING, -i, f. Literature on current socio-political issues of our time, the current life of society. Artistic item

| adj. journalistic, oh, oh.

+ PUBLISHING- Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language

The essence of journalism

We can say that journalism belongs to the science of society and the state, just as technology relates to natural science: it draws generalizations from science and turns them into instructions. Whether a publicist popularizes the conclusions of science or reports the results of his research, he does this not for teaching, but for teaching, not for communicating knowledge, but for influencing that political force called public opinion. Therefore, the field of journalism includes only pressing issues that are of decisive importance in the direction of current life; this may appear in this moment and a purely theoretical question, which, under a different combination of circumstances, has exclusively scientific significance. The accelerated pulse of public life, which always requires a definite and ready opinion from its leaders, does not give room for doubt and hesitation in journalism. In the struggle for one or another direction of socio-political development, which is only a complicated form of the struggle for existence, there is no way to cope with whether an accurate study of a known subject in science has been completed. With often forced self-confidence, journalism anticipates the conclusions of cautious science and resolves issues that, one way or another, must be resolved immediately; always subjective, it comes not so much from the study of the past as from the ideal of the future. Polemicizing with the enemy, she, of necessity, sees in him not so much a misguided theorist, but rather a bearer and defender of harmful views, the spread and establishment of which is detrimental to society; on this basis, the transition from the views of the enemy to his personality is easy; therefore, throughout the existence of journalism, we find its most striking examples in the form of a pamphlet. According to Igor Dedkov, literary critic,


There are attempts to see the beginning of journalism in the distant past of literature; Ernest Renan even called the biblical prophets the publicists of antiquity. Igor Dedkov supports this idea, adding that “Russian journalistic literature goes back to Hilarion’s “Sermon on Law and Grace” and the accusatory works of Maxim the Greek.” There is no doubt, however, that journalism in its modern form is the creation of a new history, the entire course of which - starting with the harbingers of the Reformation - is marked by the powerful development of journalism, which played a prominent role in the initiation and organization of the most important social movements. This importance of journalism increased even more with the advent of the periodical press. The role of journalism in modern life huge. Even in those cases when she follows public opinion, she influences it, giving it a certain expression and modifying it in one direction or another. Most prominent political figures Western Europe began and begins its activities with journalism, resorting to its help subsequently. Special meaning has journalism in Russia, where it is almost the only and in any case the main manifestation of private socio-political initiative, and where the leading role of literature is so important; the authoritative position of the Russian literary criticism is explained by the fact that it - in the person of its most popular representatives - was primarily engaged in journalism. The absence of other organs for the expression of social thought also explains the dominance in our literature social novel with a certain, sometimes party overtones, as well as the phenomenon that in our country such bright artistic talents as Saltykov-Shchedrin and Gleb Uspensky, representatives of a special literary genre- connections artistic images with journalism.

Recently, we have seen the phenomenon of writing a number of works at the intersection of science and journalism (scientific-journalistic style of literature), the impetus for which was the books of the scientist and writer-publicist Vitaly Tepikin “Culture and the Intelligentsia”, “Intelligentsia: cultural context", "Crystallization of the intelligentsia."


see also

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