I wonder what it means to be a cultured and civilized person? Raising a Civilized Man

Civilization(from Latin civilis - civil, state).

Civilization – is a social form of movement of matter that ensures its stability and ability for self-development through self-regulation of exchange with the environment (dictionary). Civilization theory was popular in world science half a century ago, but today it is in a state of crisis. As an external reflection of the World Civilization Crisis on the planet.

Concept of Civilization – can be interpreted from the position of Philosophical, scientific, cultural-historical, economic definition, which affects any moments of our lives, but from the point of view of the Wise structure of the House (IDIVO). In general, this is any form of movement of matter, which is aimed at realizing the goals of the Father by this Civilization, in the movement of matter (biological) as the development of humanity as a whole. As well as the movement of the environment in which civilization and all of humanity live, which supports human development.
Civilization is constantly in development.Civilization as a form of human development together with the environment.
Environment – this is nature, social, economic, political (ideology).
Civilization and Civilization assumes a constant evolutionarily oriented vector of development.
The Civilization Challenge – this is the cultivation, development of humanity, to educate humanity like the Father, by the standards of the Metagalaxy for this moment eight manifested. To reveal the Truth of the Father as a whole and the Truth of the Father to each person and all humanity. Each person, from the point of view of the Father, has a long-term destiny to become with the Creator and the Father,

What does it mean to be a civilized person?

It means to be a man developed from the Father's point of view, built into environment developing this environment with oneself and together with others.
Before becoming a civilized person, the Father first forms us as a person built according to new 256-digit standards. Those people who understand that they will incarnate next time, and with this life they provide the conditions for their next birth, and such a person can be called responsible for their life.

Synthetic definition of what IDIVO Civilization is.

This is a variant of the movement of human matter in synthesis with self-regulating Metagalactic matter. Aimed at the implementation of epoch-making tasks Originally Supreme Father(IVO).
Civilization embraces all of humanity and the problem is that not a large group of people in the Service can organize a civilization, but each person can be that small sprout of that future civilization.
Civilization presupposes development of a new human ideology.
Civilization demands professional approach to human life and not only in the profession. It should cover different directions human activity.
Metagalactic Civilization – this is a completely new appearance of the Father.
At the heart of the new Civilizations IDIVO The father laid down a new doctrine called . Civilization on the planet is developing by the Metagalaxy of the eighth manifestation and is called Civilization of Truth , Civilizations of the Creators. Truth reads back as Thread of Synthesis. The Father has the Truth, and we humans, as cells of the Father, carry a small part of the Truth, we carry it, we realize it with ourselves and our lives.
The most the best option conveying the teachings of Synthesis as new Fundamentals of life, standards, laws, rules, new goals of civilization will be party activity in the direction

What is “civilization”? For the Greek, the word “civilized” means tamed, processed, grafted. A civilized person is a “grafted” person who vaccinates himself in order to bear more nutritious and juicy fruits. Civilization represents a set of inventions and discoveries aimed at protecting human life, to make it less dependent on the forces of nature, to strengthen it in the world physically by learning its laws - destructive for an ignorant person at the lower stages of development, but as they are studied, they become a weapon of his attack on this world. However, in addition to protecting life, civilization is also called upon to beautify it, increase general well-being, and increase the joy of life in a society where more equitable relations are slowly being established between people. It must lead to the flowering of this life in the arts, which all people enjoy together, must develop the humanistic service of man in that real and at the same time imaginary world, which is the world of culture, remade and differently interpreted by the sciences and arts and which in turn has become an inexhaustible source further new creativity.

Here is a chain of many inventions - discoveries - conquests. Let's take some of them at random and use them as milestones for a table of contents that is not yet firmly outlined.

The Hellenic tribes that populated the Balkans in successive waves led a nomadic lifestyle. Tents, weapons - first wooden, then bronze - game and goats. The horse, the fastest of all animals domesticated by man, was already domesticated. These wild tribes lived mainly by hunting. Having settled on a peninsula called Hellas, they began to cultivate the stubborn land. This people remained to the end a predominantly rural people, not an urban one: the Greeks are peasants. Even Athens, in the days of its greatness, remains primarily a market for the villages of Attica. The Greeks grow cereals, plant olive trees, fig trees and cultivate vineyards. They very soon learned to exchange their oil and wine for fabrics made by their neighbors in Asia. Then they dare to set sail on the sea and take their beautiful painted pots of oil and wine to the natives of the northern coast of the Black Sea in order to exchange them for barley and wheat, the demand for which is increasing as the population increases in the newly emerging cities. Specialized agriculture, gradually developing, replaced primitive hunting; meat food began to be replaced by vegetarian food, more appropriate to the climate of the new settlement zone; commercial ties developed, very soon reaching significant proportions - all this increased the well-being of the Greek people and led to communication with peoples of more ancient culture, while the Greeks themselves were still very uncouth.

But for this, the Greeks had to undertake another conquest - to conquer the sea, which they began to do at the same time timidly, boldly, and ineptly. They entered their country from the north by land. The Greek tribes roamed the steppes of Asia and Russia for so long, hunting and driving their skinny herds, that they even forgot the name of that vast expanse of water, which is designated by the same word among almost all related peoples of the Indo-European group. For the water space, called in Latin and its derivative languages ​​mare, mer, etc., in the Germanic languages ​​Merr, See, sea and sea, morje in the Slavic languages, the Greeks did not have a word - they did not know what to call it. They had to borrow the name from the tribes that inhabited the territory in which they settled: the newcomers designated the sea with the word thalassa (“thalassa”). It was from these natives, much more civilized than themselves, that the Greeks learned to build ships. Filled at first with a deep fear of the insidious elements, incited by “severe poverty... bitter need and the torment of an empty belly,” as the ancient poets put it, they ventured into the kingdom of waves and winds and led their ships loaded with goods over the depths of the sea. Gradually, at the cost of great effort and losses, they become the most skilled people of antiquity in navigation, surpassing even the Phoenicians themselves.

A people of farmers, a people of seafarers - this is the original appearance and the first steps in the development of civilization of the Greek people.

The conquest of the sea was quickly followed by other conquests. The Greek people master the art of poetically expressing their thoughts and creating images; he explores unexplored areas and opens up vast new things - all this will later be called literary genres. Originally in Greek there is not even a name for them: but even nameless, they bloom in abundance and with unprecedented splendor with incomparable beauty. This language is as living as grass or a spring; it is flexible and capable of expressing the subtlest shades of thought; it can be used to explain the most intimate movements of the heart. It sometimes sounds like bravura music, sometimes like music that delights the ear, sometimes like a mighty organ, sometimes it cries like a thin flute or rings like a village pipe.

All primitive peoples have long worked to the sound of songs or rhythmic phrases, as this makes work easier. Greek poets developed these rhythms extensively, most of which were inherited from ancient folk tunes. At first they created high epic verse, using its noble and varied cadence to glorify the exploits of heroes of the past. Poems of immense size were passed down from generation to generation, the text of which was initially half improvised. These poems were performed in recitative to the simplest accompaniment of the lyre - the delight shared by the listeners contributed to the development of collective feelings of respect for courageous deeds and enterprise. Over time, these vague poems take shape; the completion of this process were those two magnificent works which we still read today are the Iliad and the Odyssey - the bible of the Greek people.

Other poets, more closely linking poetry with music, singing or dancing, drawing inspiration from the everyday life of people and cities, praising or ridiculing, captivating or teaching, create satirical, love and civic lyrics. Still others invent theater; in tragedy and comedy they imitate life, but at the same time create it again. Dramatic poets become educators of the Greek people.

While some, with the help of the enchanting sounds of their language, memories of the past, worries and hopes of their present, dreams and seductions of their imagination, created the three main poetic genres of all times - epic, lyricism and drama - others armed themselves with a chisel and carved in wood, and then carved in solid limestone and marble - the best plastic materials on earth - or they cast in bronze images of the human body, that body of incomparable beauty that belonged to both people and gods. These gods, who inhabit the entire world and are hidden in a harsh secret, had to be won over at all costs, made tame. To humanize and civilize them, there was no the best way, how to endow them with the perfect and tangible body of a man or woman. Magnificent temples are erected to the gods, their images are installed in them, but they are given honor under open air. The greatness of the buildings erected for the gods was intended to simultaneously testify to the glory of the cities that built them. Although in all centuries, including those of its heyday, the Greeks dedicated all the works of their sculpture and architecture to the celestials, these arts, which they adopted from neighboring peoples, nevertheless asserted the ability of man to create beauty from stone and metal.

Simultaneously with the great upsurge that prompted the Greeks in the 7th and 6th centuries BC. e. rush to conquer all the blessings of life, a desire arose to understand the simplest laws of nature. The Greeks want to understand the world around them, find out what it is made of and how it is made, and, having unraveled its laws, learn to control them. They invent mathematics and astronomy, lay the foundations of physics and medicine.

For whom are all these discoveries and inventions being made? For other people, for their benefit and pleasure, but not yet for all of humanity. First of all, for residents of the policy, which should be understood as a community of citizens living in one district (several villages with an administrative center) of Greek territory. Within these frameworks, which are still very limited, the Greeks want to create a society that gravitates towards freedom and equalizes its members in political rights. In the most developed Greek city-states, this society is based on the principle of democracy. Thus, the Greeks created the first, still very imperfect, form of democracy.

We have mentioned all the most important conquests, the totality of which determines Greek civilization. They are all aimed at one goal: to increase man’s power over nature, to affirm and strengthen his human essence. That is why very often - and with good reason - Greek civilization is called humanism. The Greek people sought to improve human nature and improve his life.

Since we continue to strive for this even now, the example of the Greeks who did not complete their work, and even their collapse, is worth thinking about for the people of our era.

In the tragedy of Prometheus, the poet Aeschylus divided into several stages the long path of the Greek people from a state of savagery to civilization. He, of course, does not know why or how these helpless and ignorant ancestors could rise to the first stage of knowledge that brought them deliverance. Aeschylus shares with them some of their superstitions: he believes in oracles, like a savage believes in a sorcerer. Aeschylus attributes to Prometheus, the god whom he calls the Lover of Mankind, all the inventions wrested from nature by human efforts.

However, the Benefactor of Humanity and people along with him are not spared from the hatred of Zeus - the “tyrant” of earth and sky, who planned to destroy the proud human race and who did not succeed in this only because Prometheus interfered with him; by this, Aeschylus transforms the thinking and acting Friend of People into a daring bearer of that energy with which the human mind constantly struggles, striving to overcome our eternal poverty and helplessness.

What is civilization, “civilization,” “civilized man”?

The word "civilization" comes from the Latin. civitas, which means "state centered in a city." The adjective "civilized" originally had the meaning of "urban", "educated", "educated" as opposed to "uneducated", "barbaric".

The concept of "civilization", which entered the scientific use of European scientists in the 18th century. simultaneously with the concept of “culture”, it also has several definitions (depending on the content of the concepts in which it is used). One of them views civilization as synonymous with culture. Not everyone agrees with this understanding of civilization. Opponents, in particular, object: civilization is a set of primarily material conditions, and culture is primarily spiritual. Another meaning of the concept “civilization” is the stage of social development following barbarism (according to the classification of the American ethnographer XIX century L. Morgan (1818-1881). The German philosopher O. Spengler (1880-1936) had a completely different idea of ​​civilization. The researcher believed civilization is the final stage of the evolution of any culture, which is characterized by the development of technology, the rationalization of life, the degradation of art and literature, and the transformation of peoples into faceless masses.

When using the word "civilization", we mean such aspects as high level material life, arrangement, technical equipment of everyday life, etc.

In modern everyday usage, civilization is understood by scientists in two meanings:

  • - in the first case, civilization means historical era which replaced barbarism, in other words, marks the highest stage of human development;
  • - in the second case, civilization is associated with a geographical place, meaning local, regional and global civilizations, for example, Eastern and Western civilizations. They differ in economic structure and culture (a set of norms, customs, traditions, symbols), which includes a specific understanding of the meaning of life, justice, fate, the role of work and leisure. This is how specific differences between people are formed in behavior, manner of dressing, types of housing, etc.

The civilizational characteristics of communities, their constituent peoples, and ethnic groups determine various directions development historical process. The study of the nature of civilization and its diversity helps to identify the fundamental foundations of human existence. Civilization reflects the quality of social progress, ensuring the reproduction of basic social parameters - from state, civil to everyday.

Civilization is the ability and habit of a person to follow the advanced norms of human society, to live consciously and kindly, like a human being.

What kind of person can be called civilized?

A civilized person is necessarily a hard worker and a creator. A civilized person strives to master the latest means, achievements of labor, its organization, the most effective work skills and knowledge, thus adopting the experience of other people. He thinks, designs, forecasts, critically reflects and constantly improves his activities. Even if he does not have his own scientific and higher technical knowledge, he has interest and respect for them.

A civilized person is an owner, endowed with freedom, common sense, and the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them. The civilized individual, especially in modern conditions, gravitates towards being a democratic individual and a member of a democratic, civil society, because his civic activity is an organic continuation, as well as a prerequisite for free and initiative labor activity.

A civilized person is characterized by natural pride in his nation, people, country, and the desire to serve them with work and talent. A civilized person carefully and responsibly chooses the groups, associations, and associations he joins; he categorically and resolutely opposes bloodshed, violence, and destructive conflicts.

He is distinguished by his desire and ability to organize his daily life: cleanliness, convenience, and the comfort of everyday life are needed by him like air. Of course, a civilized individual is a human being and nothing human is alien to him, including emotions.

The needs of a civilized person are developed, rich, subtle, and varied. But he strives to moderate them, to make them reasonably sufficient.

History of world civilizations Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

§ 18. Civilized man in a civilized society

Are there criteria according to which it is possible to determine the degree of civilization, the level of civilizational development of a particular country? Is it possible to determine in which country people life is better, and which one is worse? The fact is that in Russia (USSR) the comparative method of studying history was not held in high esteem and was little used. Or it was not used at all if it was assumed that the comparison would not be in favor of Russia (USSR). During the Soviet period, official propaganda, its conscientious or hypocritical servants tried to create an attractive image of their country, which would evoke in the Soviet people a “sense of legitimate pride” (the sixth, special feeling, inherent only to the Soviet people). The general concept looked something like this: in material terms, of course, we still have many unresolved problems, but we are spiritually rich, we are the most reading country in the world, etc.

Meanwhile, over a long period of time, the international community has gradually developed objective criteria for international comparisons. Some of the developed methods and matrices are criticized. Many approaches are beyond doubt and have become generally accepted.

Thus, one of the most important indicators is the production of certain products, volume of services, etc. per capita. According to these indicators, until 1917 Russia chronically lagged behind the most developed countries. Even during periods when the pace of economic development (60-90s of the 19th century, 1908–1914) was the highest, Russia’s position did not improve, since other countries also did not stand still. After 1917, especially in the 30s, then in the 50s-60s. XX century there has been some progress in the indicator “production per capita”. But other countries, oddly enough, also continued to develop. There have been crises in the West from which the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan and other developed countries ultimately emerged. The USSR, having entered a period of “stagnation”, then “perestroika”, turned into Russia. But embarking on the path of “modernization” after the “reforms” has not yet allowed the country to take any worthy place among developed countries in terms of “production per capita” indicator.

On the decline Soviet era the population of the USSR learned that under the conditions of Soviet power it was never possible to achieve scientifically based standards of food consumption, which in the USSR at the beginning of the 80s. XX century The “food problem” persists. After twenty years of regular experiments (“perestroika”, “reforms”), store shelves were filled with food products, but mainly due to imports and to the detriment of the development of our own Agriculture. And the “average temperature in the hospital” leaves much to be desired.

Unfortunately, in Russian funds There is very little information in the media about the annual measurements of the civilization of most countries of the world, which are carried out according to the methods of the UN and other international organizations.

So, human development index, published by the UN, consists of three parameters:

· life expectancy (by which the level of health care is judged);

level of education (percentage of people with primary, secondary and higher education);

· GDP per capita (by which experts suggest assessing the standard of living).

Innovation. International indices

Indices are relative indicators that allow direct comparison of disproportionate values. For example, price indices, indices of economic development of various countries, indices summarizing information from sociological research.

The level of economic development of a country is a system of indicators that allows international comparisons of the economic development of countries around the world. Modern economic science identifies the following groups of indicators of a country’s levels of economic development: a) GDP/GNP and income per capita; b) industry structure national economy; c) production of main types of products per capita (level of development of individual industries); d) level and quality of life of the population; e) indicator of economic efficiency.

The UN has been calculating the HDI since 1990. Norway, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Belgium, the USA, Iceland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Japan and others have been in first place for a long time. The UN draws a poverty line at half the average per capita income (GDP - gross domestic product per capita). For the USA in 2001, the average per capita income was 1300, in Russia - 300 dollars per month.

Life expectancy in Europe is 15–20 years higher than in Russia. The pension is 40–60% of earnings (in Russia – 26%). Compared to the United States, Russian prices for clothing and household appliances 2 times higher, for food – 70%. The average American pays 12% in taxes, the rich pay 23.5%, and the rich European pays 40% and higher. And in Russia, since 2000, the tax rate of 13% has become the same for everyone. In the US and Europe, mortgage rates have been 3-4% for a long period. IN new Russia these rates are formally determined at 10–11%, but in fact are significantly higher. In Europe, nurseries, kindergartens, and schools are free, but in Russia they are paid. In Sweden and Finland, higher education is free. In the USSR, higher education was free, in modern Russia The share of students studying on a commercial basis is constantly growing. In the USA and France, food self-sufficiency is more than 100%, in Italy - 78%, in Japan - 50%. In Russia, food imports account for over 50%.

In Russia, housing construction has decreased by 3 times compared to the USSR. True, 1/3 of the constructed apartments are distributed free of charge (in rotation from the Soviet period). In 1994, a standard two-room apartment in Russia cost 12.1 times the average annual income, or 26.1 times the annual salary. In the 1970s - 3.4 average annual salaries. The average housing supply in Russia is 19.7 m2 per person. In EU countries - 40 m2; 61% of Russians want to improve their living conditions. 7% rely only on free social housing. There are 4.5 million families in need on the waiting list. To get free housing you have to wait in line for 15–20 years. The need for housing in Russia is 1.6 billion m2. In 2003, 36.3 million m 2 were put into operation, 160 banks issued loans for the purchase of apartments. Interest rates on mortgage loans (including budget subsidies) ranged from 5% in Khabarovsk to 28% in the Kemerovo region. Housing availability in Russian Federation 2–4 times lower than in the USA and developed countries European countries. Russia also lags behind developed countries in terms of thermal efficiency of buildings under construction and in operation. Every year in the Russian Federation, about 20% of all consumed energy resources are spent on heating needs. Modern Russian houses being put into operation require 500 kW for heating 1 m2 of housing. h. In Germany, 250 is enough, and in Sweden and Finland, with a climate similar to Russia, 125 kWh per 1 m 2 is enough. 40 million Russians live in poorly equipped houses, and 2.5 million live in dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

In international indices, Russia rarely ranks good places. Thus, in 2005, the international organization Freedom House in its annual report for the first time included Russia among the unfree countries. In 2005, according to the rating of the international organization Reporters Without Borders, Russia was ranked 138th out of 167 in terms of press freedom.

But in terms of the level of corruption, Russia is in last decades consistently took “prize” places.

“The reason for the disappointment of Russians is not in bourgeois values ​​or in the European political system, but in the fact that in Russia they have acquired perverted, often anti-people forms. We have not a European, but an oligarchic-bureaucratic quality of capitalism. The tools of European democracy that have been honed over centuries (free elections, independent courts, competition, socially responsible distribution of income, free trade unions) have been distorted and discredited in our country.

Television plays a negative role in the perception of Europe. What are they showing us? European bandits, corrupt politicians, prostitutes, drug addicts, homosexuals, rebellious Trotskyists, outcasts. But we don’t know how a Renault factory worker or a Hamburg dock worker lives. We have no idea about life a simple teacher or professor. How does a British recruit feel in the army? In which apartment does the driver, the doctor, or the saleswoman from the supermarket live? This is what needs to be compared! And not the one who has a higher “banner” or a purer moral tear.

We need not to spit in the direction of Europe, not to be afraid of it, but to bring our political system and everyday life in accordance with real European standards,” stated one of the country’s leading newspapers.

A civilized person in a civilized country lives by the rules, constantly works on himself, expands his horizons, sharpens his intellect, leads healthy image life.

In Russia, a huge number of people simply do not know and do not fulfill their constitutional duties, which can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Many people do not pay taxes, preferring to receive wages"black cash". Many unceremoniously, like real vandals, treat native nature. There are many manifestations of barbaric behavior in relation to cultural monuments. Sometimes the relationship between parents and children is very far from constitutional norms. Hundreds of thousands of people die every year as a result of widespread violations of the rules traffic, requirements of instructions on compliance with safety precautions, as a result of abuse of alcohol, tobacco, drug use, due to poor nutrition, etc.

The difference in levels of civilizational development is especially felt by observant Russians when crossing the border of their native fatherland. At the same time, it turns out that the vast majority of Russians are quite capable, once in a truly civilized country, of behaving in a completely civilized manner.

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