What does clearing mean? NCC Clearing Rules. Main types of clearing

Clearing companies - English Clearing Firms sometimes referred to as clearing houses or clearing corporations, are a type of business that provides settlement and clearing services for various types of financial transactions. Clearing companies operate within the framework of the laws and regulations of the government and other regulatory authorities of the jurisdiction in which they are registered. In some countries, clearing companies offer a wide range of services; in others, their activities may be significantly limited by law.

Typically, clearing companies can handle all types of financial transactions, including investment activity. They act as an intermediary in financial derivatives transactions such as futures or options trading. In addition, they provide a mechanism that allows for a wide range of translations cash between local and foreign market participants.

Clearing companies also service financial transactions that allow individuals and businesses to arrange automatic payments to merchants or creditors on a revolving basis. For example, an individual may sign an agreement with a utility company that gives them the right to automatically withhold monthly payment directly from the current account. In this case, settlements between them will be carried out through an intermediary - a clearing company, which will process invoices issued by the utility company and transfer the required funds. Automated mortgage payments, donations to charities and other non-profit organizations, and membership dues are also processed through clearing companies.

When carrying out investment transactions, clearing companies are involved at every stage of their implementation. They process not only the purchase order, but also ensure delivery of the purchased investment. By verifying that payment and delivery have been completed in in full in accordance with the terms of the agreement, the clearing company guarantees the flawless execution of transactions. For example, on the stock exchange, these functions are completed within seconds, allowing sellers to receive funds immediately and investors to immediately gain control of their shares.

Clearing companies also provide excellent documentation of every phase of any transaction. This makes it possible to use accumulated data to review and analyze the execution of each step of any operation, including exact date and the time, as well as the moment of the beginning and end of the operation. This can be extremely valuable information when parties disagree over the details of a particular transaction.

Clearing– this is an activity that is aimed at relaxing the payment system between partners who have entered into a cooperation agreement.

This term comes from English word"clearing", which means "to clean". In the field of commerce, clearing plays an important role in the manipulation of securities and shares.

Clearing in simple words

If we talk in simple words, then this is a certain exemption from payment by cash payments, which was accepted by a special agreement between the two interacting parties. It is based on mutual partnerships between entities and has certain requirements when working with internal and external payments.

Clearing happens:

  • interbank type;
  • interstate type;
  • clearing between organizations.

When working with international companies, clearing acts as a compensatory transaction, where the clearing entity takes over the contractually defined tasks of the acquirer and the seller for the subsequent execution of orders for both parties.

The continuous operation of banking organizations requires the “cleaning” of the obligations that they have. Clearing firms are intermediaries in concluding this type of arrangement. Such firms can carry out work on behalf of the state or on their own behalf, having received a license and permission to operate.

History of development

The history of clearing development begins in the middle XVIII century in England, when there was a shortage of gold. A little later, against this background, it began to develop credit system and implement various ways to cover them. With each subsequent year, the number of loans increased, so the state began to look for ways to control this developing trend.

At the end of the 18th century, the first clearinghouse opened in the capital of England. Over time the company of this type began to open in the United States of America, France, Germany and others developed countries. IN Russian Empire The role of the settlement house was played by the State Bank.

Clearing is also a kind of financial procedure where the clearing entity is an intermediary, taking on the responsibilities of both the seller and the buyer at the same time so that the procedure for ordering goods between organizations is more efficient.

Also, the clearing procedure can be performed when concluding trade agreements for settlement pricing policy when determining the number and type of goods, payment agreements. These agreements are needed to describe the rights and obligations between the parties, as well as for balance balance sheet for various types of operations.

In Russia, clearing organizations are opened thanks to any public or private property that is sold through a commercial form of activity. But there are some institutions that do not operate on commercial grounds.

An example can be given in this case: an enterprise under a contract is engaged in the supply of cotton products to another enterprise at a cost of 250 euros per ton, another enterprise must provide a machine for 2500 euros. It turns out that during the delivery process, one partner must provide 400 tons of cotton products, and the other must provide 20 cars. With such relationships, it is clear that equality of payment transactions is observed and there is no need to pay in money.

Types of clearing

There are several types of clearing:

Clearing always has a license to carry out work in the financial sector. All work of clearing organizations is carried out under the supervision of the Central Bank or the clearinghouse. The clearing company is a legally registered entity.

An integral element of clearing is netting. This is an activity where the client's monetary demands are calculated against his monetary responsibility. After determining the netting amount, the money remaining after paying all expenses (if any) is calculated for any client. These funds are paid to the enterprise whose profitability is higher.

Bank Vir in Switzerland and European Standard Bank in Panama - financial organizations, which provide the opportunity, using their own clearing organizations, to carry out clearing settlements for any company that is involved in the production process. In addition, you can get a clearing loan from them - money that is used only within clearing bank accounts. It is capable of replacing almost 100% of the funds that are subject to new issue.

Such loans are approved for small interest rate(1-7% per annum). At times, repurchased clearing assets are used as collateral during the loan period. The organization must complete training with these banks for further successful work in the field of clearing operations.


Participants in the clearing process are:

To effectively establish and promote positions of valuable excise taxes in market conditions, the place of the main founder of sales can fall on a company that is created from professional participants, knowledgeable in this market area. Similar unions are based solely on a voluntary basis.

Clearing of securities works gradually, without sudden upward surges.

  1. First of all, the stock exchange signs an agreement with the help of an intermediary.
  2. Next, all stages and terms of the agreement are clarified in detail, all the main indicators, cost, time intervals, etc. are described in detail.
  3. Afterwards, the agreement goes through a registration process, where mutually beneficial terms are officially accepted.
  4. The next stage is the mutual settlement of the obligations of the parties, where it is determined who is responsible for the services of the intermediary, the commission for the exchange and other representatives of the market environment.
  5. On last stage All services provided are paid in full.

In the field of banking organizations, clearing intermediaries are chambers and settlement centers. Clearing houses are the main effective levers of the economic sector, which are independent organizations. She independently accepts the rights and obligations specified in the contract, which allows her to reduce risk situations and provide certain guarantees for a successful outcome.

If the settlement chamber is a branch of the exchange, then it is the controlling body of all related work. It turns out that in in this case it is the exchange that will provide a guarantee for the concluded agreements. The chamber also has the full right to act as an independent body by registering itself as a legal entity. In such a combination of circumstances, the chamber and the exchange will cooperate only on the terms of the agreement. A clearing organization of this type has the ability to enter into contractual relations simultaneously with an indefinite number of exchanges.

Clearing Process

At the moment when the intermediaries have registered the contractual relationship, clearing begins to operate. All clearing work has a specific meaning, where step-by-step implementation takes place new registration from one owner of value to another. This process looks like this:

  • registration on the stock exchange;
  • confirmation;
  • valuables and funds are transferred to the exchange with the help of intermediaries;
  • re-registration is carried out under the new owner;
  • re-registered values ​​are returned to the exchange;
  • newly registered values ​​are transferred through intermediaries to new owners.

Clearing work is one of the main levers of influence on the fund and currency market. With its help, the amount of money between all participants in the process is brought to a minimum. The guarantee of a successful outcome when using clearing provides efficiency and mobility in the market.

During a crisis, clearing may go beyond its usual use and begin work in the form of compensatory transfers, additional ways payments, etc. These actions help cover the cash deficit when issuing new money, which is a positive factor during times of crisis.

These manipulations were first used in Switzerland at the Vir bank at the beginning of the twentieth century. This allowed a large number of law firms to cope with critical consequences in the financial sector, as well as increase their own turnover and profitability at a time when other companies were forced to reduce own indicators, and were a few steps away from ruin.

The concept of clearing activity has existed in the world not so long ago, but has already contributed effective development and promoting a large number of organizations and companies. How certain type barter, clearing helps in conditions of market instability and stock exchanges to stay afloat and increase production efficiency, profitability and profitability indicators. Such agreements are always concluded on a voluntary basis and have state registration, where all points of current legislation are observed within the country or between several states.

1. The clearing organization can only be business society created in accordance with the law Russian Federation. The clearing organization has no right to delegate the powers of the sole executive body to another person (manager, management organization).

2. The requirements established by this Federal Law for a clearing organization apply to the central counterparty.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. A clearing organization does not have the right to engage in production, trading and insurance activities, activities related to maintaining a register of securities owners, activities related to the management of joint-stock investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds, activities of specialized depositories of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds, the activities of joint-stock investment funds, the activities of non-state pension funds for pension provision and pension insurance.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. When combining clearing activities with the activities of a trade organizer, the clearing organization does not have the right to perform the functions of a central counterparty, as well as combine its activities with brokerage, dealer and depository activities in the securities market, or securities management activities.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. When combining clearing activities with brokerage and dealer activities in the securities market, and securities management activities, the clearing organization does not have the right to perform the functions of a central counterparty.

(see text in the previous edition)

6. A clearing organization that combines clearing activities with other types of activities is obliged to create one or more separate structural divisions to carry out clearing.

7. The central counterparty does not have the right to make settlements on bank accounts for obligations to which it is a party, based on the results of clearing, and in the case of combining its activities with depository activities, it also does not have the right to make settlements on securities accounts for obligations to which it is a party, based on the results clearing, unless otherwise established by regulations of the Bank of Russia.

(see text in the previous edition)

8. A clearing organization that combines clearing activities with other types of activities is obliged to take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest that arise for the clearing organization in connection with such combination. If a conflict of interests of a clearing organization combining clearing activities with other types of activities, about which clearing participants were not notified in advance, led to actions of the clearing organization that caused damage to the interests of the clearing participant, the clearing organization is obliged to compensate losses at its own expense in the manner established by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

10. The clearing organization and the person performing the functions of the central counterparty are required to prepare annual consolidated financial statements in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 208-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On Consolidated Financial Statements.”

11. The annual report of a clearing organization or a person performing the functions of a central counterparty must contain annual accounting (financial) statements, as well as consolidated financial statements.

13. The use of the word “clearing”, words derived from it and combinations with it in your company name by other legal entities other than clearing organizations is not permitted, except in cases established by federal laws.

13.1. The use of the phrase “central counterparty”, words derived from it and combinations with it in their corporate name by other legal entities other than central counterparties is not permitted, except in cases established by federal laws.

14. The clearing organization is obliged to store information and documents related to clearing and daily backup such information in accordance with the requirements established by regulations of the Bank of Russia.

(see text in the previous edition)

15. A person performing the functions of a central counterparty does not have the right to attract other persons to exercise its functions, rights and fulfill its obligations.

16. The clearing organization and the person performing the functions of the central counterparty are obliged to ensure the possibility of providing the Bank of Russia electronic documents, as well as the possibility of receiving electronic documents from the Bank of Russia in the manner and within the time limits established by the Bank of Russia.

(see text in the previous edition)

16.1. Requirements for the format, procedure and channels for the central counterparty to transmit information to the Bank of Russia and the composition of such information are established by a regulatory act of the Bank of Russia.

17. The clearing organization has the right to dispose of its own property without restrictions, including making transactions with securities and concluding agreements that are derivative financial instruments.

18. The clearing organization has the right to insure the risk of its liability to clearing participants for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations.

19. A person performing the functions of a central counterparty has the right to insure the risk of its liability to clearing participants for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations admitted to clearing.

20. A person performing the functions of a central counterparty has the right to be a participant in organized trading without a license, which, in accordance with federal law, is the basis for participation in such trading.

Hello, dear guests of the blog site, today I decided to tell you about what clearing is. All trading operations in the markets are carried out automatically. As soon as the order is closed, money is credited to the trader’s account or debited if the transaction was unsuccessful.

Clearing is a procedure for performing counter non-cash payments for various assets, that is, it is counter trading, during which assets are exchanged between the parties to the transaction.

Clearing involves increasing the account if a profit was made during the transactions, or decreasing it if the transaction was unsuccessful. Clearing is based on the financial requirements of the two parties, taking into account all obligations and debts. Typically, there is an attempt to reduce cash flows between market participants to zero, especially in the international market. The main advantage of clearing is that it allows you to increase trading volumes and asset liquidity, as well as reduce the level of risks.

Clearing is carried out by special clearing companies, whose main task is to find buyers for the goods provided and conclude transactions between the parties.

What is a clearing company

A clearing company is an organization that has a special license and provides clearing services on the market. The main task of such organizations is to ensure the security of transactions and establish cooperation between several individuals.

Let's look at clearing using the banking sector as an example. In this case, the role of intermediary can be performed by a clearing house or center.

Clearing companies are required to do the following:

  1. Outline the responsibilities of each party involved in the transaction.
  2. Provide guarantees that all parties to the transaction will fulfill their obligations.
  3. Carry out settlements between the parties to the transaction.
  4. Conduct analytics on completed transactions.

Clearing is often used where transactions occur every day. large number transactions.

This method of calculation has a number of advantages:

  • Prompt execution of payments.
  • Reducing the use of cash.
  • Elimination of risks of non-fulfillment of obligations by partners.

Types of clearing

It is customary to distinguish the following types of clearing:

  1. Banking is a settlement between banks without cash, which is carried out using clearing houses or reliable commercial banks.
  2. Foreign exchange method. These methods are used by the leadership of various states to carry out international payments. Settlements are carried out in a special clearing currency selected by agreement of the parties.
  3. Commodity – sale of real goods on the market.
  4. Simple - precise definition of the obligations of all parties to the transaction.
  5. Multilateral – determination of obligations for market participants for all active transactions.

The defining component of clearing is netting. This operation involves comparing the parties' claims with their actual financial obligations. During netting, a balance is calculated for each client. Netting is used in interest rate swaps; the balance is the difference between the profit, which is determined in percentage to the initial monetary amount, and profit, which is calculated as a “floating” percentage of the base. The balance will be credited to the party whose income was greater.

Clearing in the futures market

During the trading process, a variable margin is calculated for each seller. After the amounts of loss/winning are transferred, the active positions of each participant in the transaction are recalculated. The data obtained as a result of the operations described above is used to determine the amount of funds that should be at the disposal of the clearing firm. The result is reported to all trading participants.

If one of the participants has not completed the crediting of the required amount of funds, then he is obliged to close his active positions. If the funds received after the closure of active trades are not enough to compensate for expenses, then they are covered by the clearing house. For these purposes, clearing companies form a specialized reserve fund, the size of which must comply with the requirements of the Central Bank.

Now I suggest you use an example to calculate clearing. For example, there is a buyer and a seller who each have 100,000 in their account. One buys a futures contract for 110,000 points. Before the first clearing, the price changed by 111,000 points. Thus, the calculation will be carried out as follows: (111,000 – 110,000)/10(price step)*6(average price step, which depends on) =600. Thus, the buyer will be in the plus by 600 monetary units, and the seller will be in the minus.

The second clearing will be decisive. Let's assume the price decreased before the second clearing and became 109 thousand. Then we will get the following result: 600+(109,000-111,000)/10*6=-600

Thus, 600 monetary units will be debited from the buyer and will go to the seller. As you may have noticed, you should not rely on accumulative income.

Clearing is a system of non-cash settlements carried out on counter obligations between business entities and countries. Counter obligations are made by mutual agreement, based on the conditions of the balance of payments.

We can also say that clearing is an activity aimed at “clearing” payment obligations of counterparties. It refers to a variety of barter, when the means of exchange in a purchase and sale transaction are not money, but goods and services. Moreover, clearing is a form of countertrading that occurs in the securities, goods and services markets.

It is worth noting that clearing is used to minimize cash flows between participants in transactions, especially international ones. Its benefit lies in the possibility of increasing the liquidity of money, as well as reducing the risks of insolvency. To become more familiar with clearing, it is worth considering the concepts that are often encountered in this type of activity.


It will be useful for aspiring entrepreneurs and future economists to learn the following definitions:

  • Netting represents the termination of obligations that are admitted to clearing, regardless of the method used.
  • A clearing service is a service that involves clearing.
  • Clearing is an activity that includes the provision of relevant services in accordance with established rules that are registered with the company by the federal executive body.
  • The clearing company is legal entity, endowed with the right to carry out relevant activities. To do this, you need to obtain a license to provide clearing services.

According to the law clearing activities includes information collection, reconciliation and adjustment. It relates to securities transactions and preparation accounting documentation. Settlement for the delivery of securities and corresponding calculations are also carried out.

Interbank clearing

Clearing of this type is present in most countries of the world that have a developed banking infrastructure. It is a system of non-cash payments between different banks, which are carried out through unified settlement centers.

Interbank clearing involves the provision of services by financial institutions that perform similar functions. However, this is available without using the system in question. To do this, you need to open correspondent accounts with each other. However, in some cases this method is inconvenient for one of the parties.

Currency type clearing

Currency clearing is used in the process of performing interstate settlements on the basis of an agreement between the governments of states. The agreement of the parties is drawn up by mutually offsetting loans and claims that are formed as a result of the equal value of the services provided and the supply of goods.

The activity in question includes a set of the following tools:

  • clearing account system;
  • the established volume of services, according to which payments for trade turnover or part thereof are subject to accounting;
  • permissible loan balance, calculated as an absolute value or percentage of turnover;
  • a scheme for balancing the balance after the expiration of the accepted agreement;
  • clearing currency;
  • payment equalization system.

The terms of the agreement are established by the governments of the participating states.

Commodity type clearing

Commodity clearing is a system of settlements that are carried out between stock market participants. It includes a company for offsetting the claims and loans of the parties against each other. Commodity clearing also includes firms that perform settlements between stock market participants.

The system in question also has a third party that takes part in each transaction. It is the clearing house, responsible for ensuring the life of the company.

Clearing of futures transactions

When performing settlements on futures contracts, the services in question are also required. In this case, clearing is an activity that ensures that loan requirements are met. When concluding transactions of this type, the parties to the contract must pay a security deposit to the clearing house. Its value depends on the time it takes to deliver products and price instability.

For the securities market, professional clearing is an indispensable service that has many advantages. It will also be useful to companies and institutions that offer their services or sell goods. By contacting a clearing firm, you can avoid problems when carrying out business activities.