Balance sheet of the enterprise. Preparing a balance sheet - an example for dummies

In what form should a balance sheet be drawn up?

The balance sheet is drawn up in the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 N 66n (clause 1 of Order 66n). You cannot remove any lines from the approved form, but you can enter additional ones if you wish. For example, if you want to show deferred expenses separately in the balance sheet , then you can independently add a special line to the “Current assets” section.

The codes of indicators that are indicated in the balance sheet are given in Appendix No. 4 to Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n.

Rules for filling out the balance

The balance sheet is always drawn up for a specific date (clause 18 of PBU 4/99). The annual balance sheet is drawn up as of December 31 of the reporting year (clause 1 , 6 tbsp. 15 of Law 402-FZ).

In addition, the balance sheet provides similar data as of December 31 of last year and the year before (clause 10 of PBU 4/99). This data must be taken from the balance sheet for the previous year.

To fill out the balance, create a balance sheet for all accounts for the year. Based on the balances of accounting accounts (subaccounts) from the balance sheet, we create balance sheet lines.

If in the balance sheet you do not have data to fill out any lines of the balance sheet (for example, line 1130 “Intangible exploration assets”, line 1140 “Tangible exploration assets”), then put a dash (Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 01/09/2013 N 07- 02-18/01).

The procedure for filling out individual balance lines

Calculate the indicator for line 1110 “Intangible assets” using the formula:

Calculate the indicator for line 1150 “Fixed assets” using the formula:

Line 1170 “Financial investments” reflects long-term financial investments. These include:

Shares and contributions to the management capital of other organizations;

Bonds, bills of exchange of third parties, loans provided, debt acquired by assignment, i.e. all debt obligations that will be repaid more than 12 months after the date on which you prepared the balance.

To make it more convenient to fill out this line, in analytical accounting reflect long-term bonds, bills and loans separately from short-term ones. To do this, for example, you can open a second-order subaccount 58-3-1 “Long-term loans” to subaccount 58-3 “Loans provided”. You also need to organize analytical accounting for account 59 " Reserves for impairment of financial investments" and account 63 "Provisions for doubtful debts" - in terms of loans and debts acquired under assignment.

If you did not keep analytical accounting during the year, then from the total balance of account 58 (59, 63) you will have to manually select the amounts of long-term financial investments.

Having determined the amount of long-term financial investments, calculate the line indicator using the formula:

Calculate the indicator for line 1210 “Inventories” as follows.

1. First add up the debit account balances:

10 "Materials";

15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets";

20 "Main production";

21 "Semi-finished products of own production";

23 "Auxiliary production";

29 "Service industries and farms";

41 "Products";

43 "Finished products";

44 "Sales expenses";

97 "Deferred expenses".

2. Then subtract the credit balances of the accounts:

14 "Reserves for reduction in the value of material assets";

42 "Trade margin".

Calculate the indicator for line 1230 “Accounts receivable” as follows.

1. First add up the debit balances:

Account 46 “Completed stages of work in progress”;

All subaccounts to account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”;

All subaccounts to account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”;

All subaccounts to account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”;

All subaccounts to account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”;

Account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”;

Account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”;

Account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other transactions”;

All subaccounts to account 75 “Settlements with founders”;

All subaccounts to account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”.

2. Then subtract the credit balance of account 63 “Provisions for doubtful debts” in the part that does not relate to the impairment of financial investments.

Line 1240 “Financial investments (except for cash equivalents)” reflects short-term financial investments. These include bonds, bills of exchange of third parties, loans provided, debt acquired by assignment, i.e. all debt obligations that will be repaid within 12 months after the date on which you prepared the balance sheet.

To make it more convenient to fill out this line, in analytical accounting reflect short-term bonds, bills and loans separately from long-term ones. To do this, for example, you can open a second-order subaccount 58-3-2 “Short-term loans” to subaccount 58-3 “Loans provided”.

If you did not keep analytical accounting during the year, then from the total balance of account 58 you will have to manually select the amounts of short-term financial investments.

Having determined the amount of short-term financial investments, calculate the line indicator using the formula:

Calculate the indicator for line 1250 “Cash and cash equivalents” using the formula:

The indicator in line 1340 “Revaluation of non-current assets” is equal to the credit balance in account 83 “Additional capital” in terms of revaluation of fixed assets.

The indicator for line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” in the annual balance sheet is equal to the balance of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” after the reformation. If the balance is a credit, indicate it without parentheses; if the balance is debit, indicate it in parentheses.

The indicator in line 1410 “Borrowed funds” is equal to the credit balance in account 67 “Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings.”

In line 1430 “Estimated liabilities”, put a dash.

The indicator in line 1510 “Borrowed funds” is equal to the credit balance in account 66 “Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings.”

Calculate the indicator for line 1520 “Accounts payable” as follows. Add up the credit balance:

All subaccounts to the account are 60;

All subaccounts to the account are 62;

All subaccounts to the account are 76;

All subaccounts to the account are 68;

All subaccounts to account 69;

Accounts 70;

Accounts 71;

Accounts 73;

Subaccounts 75-2 “Calculations for payment of income” to account 75.

The indicator for line 1540 “Estimated liabilities” is equal to the credit balance of account 96 “Reserves for future expenses”. As a rule, the balance of the reserve for vacation pay is reflected here.

After you have filled out the balance sheet, check whether the balance sheet's total assets and liabilities are equal (line 1600 should be equal to line 1700). If equality is not observed, it means that you made a mistake when filling out the balance.

Example. Filling out the balance sheet

The balance sheet of Alpha LLC was formed in accordance with the working chart of accounts. As of December 31, the account balances are as follows.

Report No. 1 in all organizations is considered to be the balance sheet, since it is the one that provides information about the company’s assets and the size of the sources of these assets as of the reporting date, although entrepreneurs are allowed not to keep accounts and not submit a balance sheet. The form of the document is periodically reviewed and changed at the legislative level. Let's learn more about this document and the features of its preparation.

Balance sheet for 2017

The balance sheet form for 2017, the form of which we will consider in this publication, is not so new. It was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 66n dated July 2, 2010 and has been used since 2011.

An important change this year is the introduction of a new classifier OK 029-2014, and, as a result, a change in OKVED codes. Therefore, when drawing up a balance sheet and submitting reports, companies will have to pay attention to the reflection of OKVED in the balance sheet for 2017 in accordance with the newly adopted collection. Although the codes are replaced automatically, it is better to first check the information about OKVED with the tax authorities. It can be noted that only in this regard has the form of the balance sheet for 2017 undergone changes. The document form can be downloaded below.

Balance sheet 2017: features

By filling out the form, the company itself details the indicators by item, taking into account the level of materiality of each. To the regulatory authorities (IFTS and statistical office) financial statements must be presented in a form that includes line codes. We will present a sample of filling out the balance sheet for 2017 in exactly this form.

The basis for drawing up a balance sheet are accounting registers, for example, a chess sheet, memorial orders, order journals, a balance sheet or a general ledger.

Balance sheet form for 2017: how the document is structured

The balance sheet of the organization is a table, on the left side of which all the assets of the company are reflected, and on the right side - the sources of these funds. Both of them must be equal, since the value of the property cannot be more or less than the sources of its formation.

The left side is divided into 2 sections, the first contains non-current assets, the second - current assets.

The right side of the balance sheet is a liability, divided into 3 parts, in which information about reserves, capital and liabilities is consistently recorded.

Procedure for filling out the balance sheet 2017: asset

Fill out the balance form starting with the active part. For greater clarity, we offer a tabular version, which indicates in which line of the balance sheet which indicators should be reflected, as well as the rules for summing the values:

Line code

Account balances included

Section I

08 s/account for expenses for search work

08 MC expense account for prospecting work

01, 08 s/account for fixed assets, the commissioning of which has not yet been carried out

02 s/account “Depreciation of assets classified as income. investments"

59 s/account “Accounting for reserves for long-term liabilities”

amounts not included in previous lines of the section

1200: Total for Section I

sum of partition rows

Section II

41,15,16, 97, 10, 11, 43, 45, 20, 21, 23, 29, 44

62, 60, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73 (excluding interest-rate loans), 75, 76

58, 55 s/account “Deposits”, 73 s/account “Loan settlements”

50, 51, 52, 55, 57, 55 s/account “Deposit accounts”

the value of assets not included in the listed lines of section II

1200:Total for section II

sum of partition rows

1600: Total assets

sum of results of sections I and II

Filling out the 2017 balance sheet according to the lines of the passive part

Line code

Account balances included

Section III

83 s/account “Additional assessment of fixed assets and intangible assets”

83 (except for additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets)

1300: Total for Section III

sum of section III row values

Section IV

amounts not included in the lines of section IV

1400: Total for section IV

sum of rows of section IV

Section V

60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76

amounts not included in the previous lines of section V

1500: Section V total

sum of rows of section V

1700: Total liabilities

sum of row values ​​of sections III, IV and V

At correct filling For all balance lines, the final results for lines 1600 and 1700 will be the same.

Balance sheet of an enterprise: completed example 2017

A sample of drawing up a balance sheet based on accounting data grouped in the balance sheet of Crocus LLC. To simplify the problem, let’s assume that the company was organized in 2017 and is preparing a balance sheet for 2017 for the first time. The 2017 balance sheet form, a sample of which is presented, involves considering the results of the company’s work for the reporting, last and previous years. In our example, information for 2017:

Account number


In accordance with the instructions for filling out the form indicated above, based on the accounting data, we will fill out the balance sheet for 2017.

An important point in the preparation of this document is compliance mandatory rule any balance - the equivalence of both parts. In our example, the balance lines were filled line by line like this:

Account balance

D/t 04 – K/t 05

8700 – 3000 = 5700

D/t 01 – K/t 02

825000 – 443000 = 382000

D/t (10 + 41/2 + 41/3 + 44) – K/t 42

(50000 + 575000 + 33000 + 12500) – 120000 = 550500

D/t (62 + 71 +76)

15000 + 1900 + 40000 = 56900

D/t (50 + 51 + 52 +58)

10000 + 92000 + 7800 +5000 = 114800

K/t (60 + 68 + 69+ 70)

265000 + 57000 + 12000 + 30000 = 364000

The presented example demonstrates the decoding of the items of the 2017 balance sheet. A sample of filling out the lines shows the simplicity of this work, but it requires care. Drawing up a balance sheet is unique in that errors are detected during operation by a discrepancy between the values ​​of the active and passive parts, which allows you to quickly correct the situation.

The 2017 balance sheet form (form with line numbers for ease of preparation) can be downloaded below.

Each organization must report on the work done to the tax office, Pension Fund and other organizations. For this purpose, a number of mandatory reports are compiled. The main document that reflects the activities of the enterprise for the year is the balance sheet. Next, we will give its definition, when it is compiled, what it should include, and what the size of each article indicates.

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet representsa document that is the main form of the enterprise’s report on the work done over the past year. It reflects financial condition subject to specific date. The data it contains is informative for accounting employees, managers, shareholders, credit institutions and investors.

The definition of “balance sheet” in accounting means several options: debit equals credit, totals of assets and liabilities, accounting document.

Historical footnote

People did not immediately come to the formation of a balance. The need for it arose when buying and selling goods, selling in installments, processing loans and other financial transactions.

Drawing up a report gives an idea of ​​the company's performance over the past period. You can track how much working capital today, how much the organization owes to creditors and how much debtors owe you, the amount of assets and loan obligations.

The balance sheet is compiled to manage the assets and debts (liabilities) of the organization.

For this purpose, a card index was created where all transactions were recorded. Subsequently, they were ungrouped according to economic meaning, and accounting accounts were created (in the modern sense).

A separate notebook was kept for each group from the card index. Operations were recorded in it, and the results were summed up at the beginning and end of the day, month, and year. To calculate profits, it was enough to open a notebook with notes.

Each accounting document is compiled according to a unified form.

Here are the main points.

Mandatory balance sheet details:

  • the name of the organization is indicated in full form;
  • date of document preparation;
  • organization details;
  • the asset must be equal to the liability;
  • balance currency – final result for the reporting period. It should increase, i.e. the final amount should not be less than the initial amount. If equality is not met, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the deterioration in financial condition.

Types of balance

According to the classifier, balances are divided into compilation according to time and completeness of information General and specific

Group 1 includes:

  • introductory – compiled when creating an enterprise;
  • initial – compiled annually. The goal is to summarize the work done over the past year. It is final for the past year and initial for the coming year.
  • Test or intermediate - compiled every quarter and can be changed at the end of the year;
  • liquidation or final – drawn up by a special commission when closing an enterprise.

Group 2 includes:

  • general – information about the organization as a whole is entered;
  • private – enter information on the structural unit.

Assets, liabilities, capital

Let us consider in detail what each subsection of the balance sheet includes.

Assets are the property of an enterprise and include fixed capital and working capital.

Fixed capital - consists of means and instruments of production. Having placed the means of production on the balance sheet, over time they transfer part of their value to the finished product. For example, buildings, structures, transport.

Working capital is the means of production that in one production cycle are completely spent on the finished product.

Liabilities are the obligations of the enterprise, i.e. dependence on legal entities and individuals who provided finance and capital. The latter is divided into statutory, additional and reserve. Capital determines dependence on investors who have invested their money in the enterprise.

Balance currency

The balance sheet shows the overall condition of the enterprise.

The balance sheet currency is the addition of assets or liabilities. The result is the amount of money that was invested in the enterprise. It is an indicator characterizing the financial condition of the company as of the current date of compilation.

The balance sheet currency must be equal in terms of assets and liabilities. If the check results in the desired equality, then the balance sheet is drawn up correctly.

An asset consists of current and non-current assets. The result obtained indicates the amount of funds invested in the enterprise (goods, equipment). Liabilities consist of equity and liabilities. IN in this case the result indicates the money spent on the acquisition of assets. So the 2 groups should be equal.

Double entry principle

Double entry principle: each transaction carried out corresponds to a payment; the balance of payments must be equal to the balance of receipts. Those. operation (each) must be reflected in balance of payments twice with the signs “+” and “-”. When added they should give zero.

For example, when making a payment for 1000 rubles, and a shipment for 1100 rubles, the purchasing organization must pay an additional 100 rubles. Otherwise the operation will not close. In two organizations there will be 100 rubles.

Balance sheet rules

The main rule in accounting is that all information must be supported by documents. Data is entered into the balance sheet on the basis of relevant reports.

The financial result is recorded including full months as of the date of compilation. This is due to the closure of accounts on a monthly basis.

When entering information into the balance sheet, it should be taken into account that it is compiled in “thousands”. RUB", with too high figures in "millions. rub."

Assets are divided by time into long-term and short-term. Accordingly, non-current and current assets. Passive is divided into equity and borrowed. The latter, in turn, is divided into long-term and short-term liabilities.

Features of data entry:

  • The cost of fixed assets, intangible assets and search (if any) is indicated after deduction of depreciation;
  • When applying PBU 18/02, deferred tax assets and liabilities are filled in, other organizations do not fill them out;
  • Data on R&D and exploration assets are filled in if they are available at the enterprise;
  • The size of inventories should be reduced by the created reserves and the size of the trade margin;
  • Loan obligations and financial investments should be divided by duration (up to or over 1 year);
  • Accounts receivable and payable are reflected in the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet in detail.

Thus, the article discusses what a balance sheet is, what it consists of, how to draw it up correctly, and the principle of double entry.

Here is an example of filling out a balance sheet in a general and simplified form

Magazine "Simplified"

Nasturtsia LLC, registered in 2013, applies the simplified tax system with the object of taxation being income minus expenses and maintains accounting records in in full. Register indicators accounting as of December 31, 2013 are shown in the table. Based on the available data, we will draw up a balance sheet for 2013 in a general form, and also, for comparison, in a simplified form.

For a sample of the completed balance sheet of Nasturtia LLC in the usual form and in a simplified form, see below.

In the header part of the form in the line “for___20__. » we indicate in each form: as of December 31, 2013. After this, we will enter the full name of the company, type of activity, organizational and legal form and form of ownership.

Let's not forget about the location of the company. We will write the address on this line. On the right, special fields reflect the codes.

Since the company was registered in 2013, in the last two columns of each balance sheet form there will be dashes instead of indicators.

General balance sheet

First, let's cross out the lines in column 1. This is possible, since the organization does not draw up explanations for the financial statements, the numbers of which are indicated in this column.

We find the indicator for line 1110 as follows: from the debit balance of account 04, subtract the credit balance 05. We get 96,660 rubles. (RUB 100,000 - RUB 3,340). We indicate all values ​​in the balance sheet in whole thousands, so in line 1110 we write 97.

The indicator of line 1150 is equal to: debit balance of account 01 - credit balance of account 02 = 600,000 rubles. - 20,040 rub. = 579,960 rub. We write 580 in the balance.

In line 1170 we record the debit balance of the account 58 - 150 thousand rubles. (we believe that investments are long-term).

Total for line 1100: 97 (line 1110) + 580 (line 1150) + 150 (line 1170) = 827 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the value of line 1210: debit balance of account 10 + debit balance of account 43 = 17 thousand rubles. + 90 thousand rub. = 107 thousand rubles.

The indicator of line 1220 is equal to the debit balance of account 19, that is, we add 6 thousand rubles to the balance sheet.

Let's find the line indicator 1250 by adding the debit balance of account 50 and the debit balance of account 51 = 15 thousand rubles. + 250 thousand rub. = 265 thousand rubles. Write 265 in the line.

We calculate the total for line 1200: 107 thousand rubles. (line 1210) + 6 thousand rubles. (line 1220) + 265 thousand rubles. (line 1250) = 378 thousand rubles.

Line 1600, we summarize the indicators of lines 1100 and 1200: 827 thousand rubles. + 378 thousand rubles. = 1205 thousand rubles.

In the remaining lines of column 4 we put dashes.

Let's move on to the balance sheet liability. The indicator on line 1310 is equal to the credit balance of account 80, that is, the balance will be 50 thousand rubles.

Line 1360 - credit balance of account 82. In our case, this is 10 thousand rubles.

In line 1370 we show account balance 84. We have it in credit. This means that the organization has a profit at the end of the year. Its value is 150 thousand rubles. There is no need to put the indicator in brackets.

We find the line indicator 1300: 50 thousand rubles. (line 1310) + 10 thousand rubles. (line 1360) + 150 thousand rubles. (line 1370) = 210 thousand rubles.

Let's determine the indicator for line 1520 (we assume that all debt is short-term): credit balance of account 60 + credit balance of account 62 + credit balance of account 69 + credit balance of account 70 = 150 thousand rubles. + 506 thousand rub. + 89 thousand rub. + 250 thousand rub. = 995 thousand rubles.

We transfer the value of line 1520 to line 1500, since the other lines of section V of the balance sheet were not filled out.

Line indicator 1700 equal to the sum lines 1300 and 1500: 210 thousand rubles. + 995 thousand rub. = 1205 thousand rubles.

We cross out the remaining lines of the passive.

Let's compare the indicators of lines 1600 and 1700. In both lines the value is 1205 thousand rubles. The balance is correct, which means the form can be considered complete.

Balance sheet in a simplified form

Here columns 2 and 3 of the form must be filled out. Let us remind you that column 2 must be added independently to reflect the line code. Column 3 will reflect the values ​​of the indicators.

The cost of fixed assets is 580 thousand rubles. will be reflected under the item “Tangible non-current assets”. Let's indicate the line code - 1150.

We will show intangible assets (97 thousand rubles) in the line “Intangible, financial and other non-current assets”. This also includes financial investments (we believe that they are all long-term) in the amount of 150 thousand rubles.

The final line indicator is 247 thousand rubles. (97 thousand rubles + 150 thousand rubles). Since the share of financial investments in the indicator is greater than the share of intangible assets, we set the line code to 1170 (for the indicator “financial investments”).

In the “Inventories” line we write down the same indicator that was calculated for general form balance, since the rules for calculating and filling out this line are the same. That is, we reflect 107 thousand rubles. On the line we put the code 1210.

The line “Cash and cash equivalents” in our case includes only cash in the amount of 265 thousand rubles. The line code is 1250.

Of the current assets that were not reflected in the above balance sheet lines, the value added tax remains, so we will enter its amount (6 thousand rubles) in the line “Financial and other current assets” (line code - 1260).

The final indicator of the asset division (line 1600) is equal to the sum of completed lines 1150, 1170, 1210, 1250 and 1260.

And now the balance sheet liability. The authorized and reserve capital, as well as retained earnings, are reflected in one line “Capital and reserves”. The line amount is 210 thousand rubles. (50 thousand rubles + 10 thousand rubles + 150 thousand rubles). The line code is assigned to the indicator that has the largest share in the aggregated indicator. This is retained earnings. Therefore, the line code is 1370.

In the remaining lines of column 3 of the liability, we will put dashes, since there are no indicators to fill out. In column 2 it is permissible to do the same. Or you can specify the code corresponding to the indicator.

The total indicator of the liability section (line 1700) is equal to the sum of lines 1370 and 1520.

Let's compare the indicators of lines 1600 and 1700. In both lines the value is 1205 thousand rubles. The balance is correct, which means the form can be considered completed.

The balance sheet is the type of reporting that legislative bodies are required to submit to almost all enterprises. This document serves to display in the most complete format all the processes that occur within the company. An example of preparing a balance sheet for “dummies” is a theoretical consideration of this process, which is what we will do in this article.

Simplified Balance Form available at .

A little theory about the balance sheet. The structure of the report is determined by two tables, one of which is called Asset, and the second - Liability.


Assets include all the assets of the enterprise that can be converted into cash equivalent. This could be premises, equipment, or vehicles owned by the company. An asset also includes those amounts that other enterprises owe to this one. All elements of the asset must be shown in monetary terms.

In simple words, this is everything that belongs to this enterprise.

An asset has its own structure. A fragment of it are non-current assets. This is the property of the enterprise, which it uses for a long period of time in order to successfully carry out its business. entrepreneurial activity. This category includes buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc.

The second fragment of the Asset structure is the current Asset. Its final indicator is the amount of funds that are used by a given enterprise for a relatively short time and require constant replenishment. This category includes materials, goods, raw materials, receivables that will be returned soon, etc.


The Passive is provided in order to display the sources from which the funds placed in the Asset come from. It also has its own classification and can consist of the following groups:

  • raised funds (credits and borrowings);
  • company's own capital;
  • authorized capital;
  • external obligations (debts to suppliers, taxes, etc.)

The passive has three main structural sections:

  • All funds belonging to the founders of the company or the company itself are organized in the column “Capital and reserve funds”.
  • The entire amount of debts that do not need to be paid in the near future, which will be paid within a period exceeding a year, form the section of “long-term liabilities”.
  • Wages, debts to suppliers for goods, as well as those that must be paid in the near future, form the section of “short-term liabilities”.

Achieving equality between is the main goal of preparing a balance sheet. It is compiled according to Form 1 for the balance sheet, adopted by law for approval back in 2010. This reporting form is issued rather as an advisory document and may undergo changes related to the characteristics of the organization’s activities.

The essence of filling out the balance and instructions

The formation of a balance sheet is carried out in the process of the entrepreneur filling out all the lines of the form intended for this, taking into account the subtleties and nuances of the activities carried out by the company.

Both halves of the document are formed by lines in which those indicators that characterize the financial position of the enterprise are entered separately.

Each line has its own serial number, and also shows the name of the indicator that is displayed in this line.

The total amount of the asset, taking into account the order of filling out the balance sheet, is found by summing up all indicators in accordance with their sequence throughout the first two balance sheet sections.

An example of filling out an Asset in the balance sheet:

Example of filling out the Liability Balance:

Sometimes an amount equal to zero may be entered in some lines, then this fact should be explained in the documents accompanying the balance sheet.

Amounts are reflected in the balance sheet taking into account the reduction of amounts by three or six zeros (in thousands or millions). So, if the value of real estate owned by a given company is 10,000,000 rubles, then this amount can be reflected in the balance sheet as 10,000 thousand. Some companies whose scale of activity is very large may use their own abbreviation that is convenient for them.

You can choose how to express the indicators when filling out the header of the balance sheet form:

Complete instructions on how to create a balance sheet for dummies can be seen in this video:

So, when answering how to draw up a balance sheet, you should consider its two main components - these are Asset and Liability, which are presented in two tables and are designed to display all the financial processes occurring within the company and in its interaction with other organizations, from the point of view view of the financial transaction itself, as well as its source.