How to draw a nose. Basics of drawing a portrait. Proportions and angles. How to draw a nose with a pencil step by step: determining the general shape

First of all, I want to say that I usually draw noses differently. For me this is a normal process and I don’t even think about how it’s done. I usually draw, change, redraw several noses until I choose one I like. Besides, I never draw lines, I just imagine them. I'm just trying to explain how it can be done differently.

Step 1 – Placement and Angle

One way or another, let's start by drawing the main features of the face - the most important thing is to decide such nuances as the light source, and what kind of nose you want to draw. Don't try too hard, leave the drawing raw. Usually when I draw the nose, I draw out the rest of the facial features at the same time, but for now I'll leave them as they are.

Step 2 – decide on the shape

On a separate layer draw an oval dot exactly between the eyes. . Then follow the slightly curved line down and draw a triangle like in the picture. Adjust the triangle to the shape and angle of your face. If it is not shown in profile, or in full face, it will be slightly smaller on the side of the face, and as if turned away from us. As shown in the picture below.

Let's draw two a little curved lines from the top point. The end of one line should touch the point directly opposite the vertex of the triangle, the end of the other should touch its left corner. . When you did this, you sort of separated the top of the nose. The most common mistake here is to draw this part very flat, as if the nose is made of pieces of plastic glued together. The borders should be smooth and there won't be any rough dark lines left when we're done. Never leave dark lines unless you are drawing some kind of drawing.

Step 3 – developing the form

The next thing you need to do is understand that the tip of the nose should not be sharp and flat as in the sketch. It should be rounded. Moreover, the shadow under the nose will by and large not look like a triangle. Therefore, you need to soften its shape, outline it as a wave on top, as in the picture. (You don’t need to draw a red line, you just need to give the upper border of the triangle the shape of such a wave). When you have done this, flip the image horizontally to check that everything is done correctly.

Now fill in the point you drew before. It's better to make this area brighter than the entire nose. Also, soften the dark lines a little with more light color, and draw a semicircle from the right corner of your former triangle to the middle right line, as in the picture. .

Now you have already drawn the bridge of your nose and top part nostrils (usually this part is not so noticeable, but we will work on it later).

Now you need to draw side nose To prevent this area from looking flat, draw a line from the top of the dark line at a slightly downward angle, and then straight down to the triangle, as shown in the example. Do not draw red lines!! Only black ones.

Step 4 – create a nose from lines.

Now we need to sketch the area that we outlined in the previous step. Don't be afraid to sketch in the outline of the nostril or other lines - paint this area with a lightly shaded shade. In this picture the shadow is not too obvious - I advise you to make the shadow soft. As you can see in the picture, I did not completely paint over the outline of the nostril; they are visible, but only slightly.

Enlarge the image and paint over the dark lines. You also need to work on the triangle. The right nostril should follow the shape of the top line of the triangle. Also make a smooth transition from dark to light. . Don't change anything except the area of ​​the triangle and the area you painted.

Continue doing the same until you have completely filled in the dark lines. And instead of a sketch, you will get a completely realistic nose. Instead of defining the boundaries of our nose by lines, we define them by changes in color and shadow. You will also see the second nostril, it will look like a shadow on the side of the nose farthest from us.

Step 5 – Light and Shadow

In the previous step, our nose still looks a little flat. To fix this, carefully distribute light and shadows throughout light nose tones. Define the highlight on the tip of the nose - but don't make it too noticeable, then define the line of the nostril and the angle of the tip of the nose, not with lines, but with colors. I chose the color for the light areas from the area on the bridge of the nose - since it is surrounded by shaded areas , it should be brighter.

At this stage, the appearance of the tip of the nose is determined - depending on where you marked the highlight on it, the shape of the nose will change. It's very interesting to watch. Try changing its position until you find a place where the shape of the nose is exactly what you want.

An enlarged picture of our changes shows a nose with a fairly clear shape and outline. The difference between the color and brightness of the cheeks and nose allows you to see where the nose “rises” from the face.

Hi all! Today I will show how to draw a nose for beginners in 3/4 perspective from three positions.

This lesson is a little different from the previous ones. In each step you will be given a choice: each of the three proposed noses from the same angle, but the first is at eye level, the second is below eye level, and the third is above it.

In this tutorial I used the following materials:

— sketchbook (Canson);
— pencils НВ/ТМ and 2В/2М (Derwent);
- kneaded eraser.

Step 1

Decide from what angle you want to draw the nose. Tilt level volumetric shape refers to the height of the nose (how far away it is from the face), while width determines the width of the nose.

Draw the outlines with a hard-soft pencil as discreetly as possible. I purposely draw with bright lines so you can see them.

Step 2

Draw two circles, placing them at the extreme points of the volumetric shape (in the third example, draw another one). The circles should extend halfway out of the lines.

Step 3

Using a soft (2B) pencil, draw a curve from the top of the 3D shape to show the beginning of the bridge of the nose leading into the eyebrow. To enhance the definition of the eyebrow, lengthen this arch.

Step 4

Draw the tip of the nose supported by the main circle.

Draw a line around the nasal septum and give the tip a unique shape.

Connect this line to the top arc. No nose is perfect, so add some bumps to make it look more interesting.

Step 5

Draw curves along the remaining circles to create the wings of the nose.

Step 6

Don't know what size your nostrils should be? Take the circles we drew earlier as a basis.

In the second example I did not draw the nostrils - they are usually not visible from this angle.

Step 7

Before you start shading, draw a curve parallel to the bridge of your nose that will mirror its shape from step 4.

Erase all unnecessary lines.

If your shadows are barely visible, or if you're concerned about contour lines showing through your design, use the linear shading method.

After you get the hang of drawing similar noses, try experimenting with drawing noses with different sizes circles, as in the examples below:

The article was translated from the site

Many people believe that draw nose difficult, especially in profile. If you use basic shapes as a framework, the drawing process will become much easier.

List of materials I used in this tutorial:

— mechanical pencil (4B leads, thickness 0.5 mm);
- kneaded eraser;
- shading;
- smooth bristol paper.

How to draw a nose in profile

Step 1:

To draw a nose in profile, you need to start by drawing two circles at some distance from each other (at a distance of the same circle's width). For the next step I also drew a triangle to give an idea of ​​how and where to draw the bridge of the nose.

Step 2:

Draw a curved arc going up and around the left circle, forming the tip of the nose and bridge of the nose, and another curve forming the philtrum. The groove should not move excessively to the left or right. Draw it approximately in the middle, between the circles.

Step 3:

The nostrils are drawn like a loop. It shouldn't be too long or short. Again, try to draw between the two circles.

Step 4:

At this point you can erase the circles and begin darkening. As you can see, I'm using the circular shading technique in this tutorial. This helps achieve a more realistic looking skin. In my tutorial on shadow distribution, I also talk about several ways to darken things that apply evenly. You can watch it.

Step 5:

Make sure you leave areas that are lit.

Last step:

Here I also darkened some areas and used an eraser to follow the highlighted lines. I also erased some of the reference lines. I used a blender to evenly distribute the shadows around the highlights so the skin didn't look harsh.

Hope you liked this one lesson on drawing a nose in profile! If you have any questions, leave them below in the comments!

The article was translated from the site

Studying the human face, we got to the nose, the structure of which contains a lot interesting moments. By changing its size and shape, you can create portraits of surprisingly nice or completely unpleasant people. Today's topic: how to draw a person's nose, it's very interesting.


Correctly depicting this part of the face is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The nose protrudes strongly in relation to the rest of the face, and significantly changes its shape depending on the angle. In order not to miss important details and not make an annoying mistake, let's take a closer look at how this part of the face works.

The nose is made up of bone, cartilage and soft tissue.

Angle and shape

It is not always necessary to go into great detail. Most often, when drawing a portrait, it is more profitable and correct to consider it as general shape, similar to trapezoid or pyramid. This will help you correctly and accurately convey shadow and light on this simple three-dimensional figure. If necessary, you can always add some features and details.

It is convenient to fit the nose into such shapes from different angles.

How to draw the nose as the main object, or if it acts as a very important characteristic part of the face? In this case, you will have to draw it properly. You should start with general shapes, large spots of shadow and light.

We mark the shadow and light on a simple form, and then we can begin to draw in more detail.

Different types and shapes

See the picture below for features and details various forms, different skin texture, highlights and shadows.

The main, most noticeable differences are in shape and size: the tip, wings and the presence of a hump.

The tip may fall significantly below its base or be raised upward. The illustration below shows different types in profile: straight, upturned and long.

You can fantasize and practice on this topic for a very long time, because there are a lot of variations.

Drawing step by step

Now let's create some sketches step by step in profile. For the first experience, it is best to find a high-quality photograph with good light (where the shadow, light and highlight are clearly visible) and use it as a nature.

  1. In accordance with the angle, we enter into the appropriate geometric figure. In profile, it is enough to show the boundaries and general shape with a few lines.
  2. Showing the nostrils, tip and back simple figures(ovals, circles or angular shapes).
  3. We clarify all these shapes with more confident and precise strokes. We add the necessary details (nostrils, hump, relief) and lightly outline the shaded parts.
  4. We refine the shadows and light, draw the details.

Video tutorial

For detailed instructions on how to draw a nose, watch the detailed video tutorial:

I hope this material was useful and interesting for you.
See my works, in which I will definitely use everything I just told you about:

I wish you good luck and creative success!

Suggested supplies: 2H, HB, and 2B pencils; erasers; high quality drawing paper.
Adult noses come in different sizes and shapes. When you draw a face, you should look closely at the nose to determine the shapes individual parts. Look at the examples:

Before drawing, familiarize yourself with the structure of the nose:
1. The bridge of the nose (nasal bone) is the part of the nose where the bone connects to the cartilage. In children it is barely visible, but in adults it protrudes forward. The outline of the shape of the bridge of the nose is obvious when we draw the nose in profile.
2. The tip of the nose is the largest round area at the bottom of the nose. It is not necessarily spherical, but can also have an oval, triangular or rectangular (with rounded corners) shape.
3. The wings of the nose are the two soft, rounded (usually triangular) parts of the nose that are located on either side of the tip.
4. Nostrils – openings at the bottom of the nose.
5. Nasal septum - the area between the nostrils, connects to the lower part of the face above the upper lip.

There are 3 main nose shapes:
Snub nose - turned up and the tip of the nose is located above the wings.
Straight nose - both the tip and the nostrils are at the same level
Downward curved nose - the tip of the nose is below the wings.

Establishing proportions

When you draw the front view of a nose, 3 main circles are visible, the tip of the nose and two wings. To accurately establish the proportions of the nose, first sketch out the placement and size of the nose in relation to the face. Then visually measure the linear relationship of each part to the nose, and draw a sketch accordingly. Draw the proportions of a typical profile view of the three main types of nose.

1) Draw big circle like the tip of the nose.
Leave enough space on the sides for the wings. Use a 2H pencil, do not press too hard to avoid damaging the paper. The lines have been darkened in the image so you can see them. In fact, they are barely visible.

2) Draw two curved lines above each circle to indicate the width of the bridge of the nose.

3) Add two smaller circles on each side (these are the wings of the nose), which partially overlap the larger circle.

The ideal nose is a subjective concept that differs depending on culture or race. One person's ideal may be completely different from another's.
When drawing an adult's nose, remember that men's noses are usually proportionally longer and larger than women's.

4) Using an eraser, lighten the lines until they are barely visible. The proportions are established, the next step is to correctly outline the shape of the nose.

Outline of forms

At this stage you draw the shape of the nose more accurately. Don't draw directly along the sketch lines; It’s better to carefully study the outlines and draw the shapes more accurately different parts nose according to the anatomical structure.

5) Paying attention to the contours of the circles, draw the shapes of the tip of the nose and wings.

6) If the outline is too dark, lighten it a little with a kneaded eraser.


The shading of the lower part of the nose corresponds to the shading of three separate circles. When shading the circles, remember that the light source is to the left. The shading of the top is similar to the shading of a round or oval shape.

7) Using a 2H or HB pencil, add strokes of light shades to indicate the shape of the nose. Since the light comes from the left, the right side is more shadowed. The curved strokes used for shading follow the shape of a circle.

When drawing a nose, try to forget that you are drawing it. Instead, try to concentrate on the notation different forms according to light and shadow.

8) Use cross hatching to finish shading different parts. Use 2H or HB pencils for light shades and 4B for dark shades, you just need to decide where to place the light and shadow. If you use few contrasting shades, the design may appear flat. Therefore, unless the person has a flat nose, always use a wide range of shades.