What is creatine? If a person stops taking creatine, will this cause a reduction in muscle mass? Creatine supplement - purpose and why athletes use it

Creatine is a biomolecule of the human body’s energy system (creatine phosphate), capable of quickly producing energy (ATP), which is necessary to maintain cell life. This is what all of it is based on beneficial effects, both in terms of increasing performance during training and in terms of neuroprotective functions. This is an absolutely safe and well-studied supplement for athletes.

Creatine is one of the most common sports supplements which is used primarily to increase height muscle mass and muscle endurance. Speaking in simple words, it allows you to lift more weight. In addition to the above properties that made the product popular, creatine supplements have a neuroprotective effect and can be used as cognitive stimulants (for vegetarians) or antidepressants (so far proven only in women). It is not clearly established, but it is believed that creatine supplements can have a positive effect on cellular integrity (slowing down apoptosis) and promote increased average duration life of body cells. In general, it has many positive side effects.

In a sense, creatine supplementation gives cells extra energy and allows them to function better.

How does Creatine work?

Creatine is one of the elements of the creatine phosphate system, in which creatine and creatine phosphate interchangeably participate in the reaction of addition and detachment of phosphate groups. Creatine is able to supplement molecules with phosphate groups, in particular, convert ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) into ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP is the main " source of energy» cells. Creatine allows you to transfer the phosphate group of ATP directly, without lengthy processes of breakdown of other molecules.

Creatine supplements increase the amount of creatine in the cell and promote increased release of phosphate, which allows you to replenish ATP stores.

Is Creatine safe?

On this moment There are no clinical data showing negative effects of taking creatine supplements. "Clinical" in in this case means related to negative influence on the human body (for example, harm to the kidneys or liver, which has already been refuted), while several common side effects have been associated with taking creatine supplements. Taking too much creatine at once can lead to diarrhea. This is due to a combination of the limited absorption capacity of the intestines and the intense absorption of water in the intestines when a large dose is taken. However, the absorption of water can also contribute to stomach upset and nausea.

This can be avoided by taking creatine with plenty of water or by not taking too large a dose at once.

How much creatine should I take?

For amateur athletes or ordinary people The daily dose of creatine intake is 2-3 grams. For those who exercise constantly and whose level of creatine consumption in muscle tissue (creatine is found here the most) is higher, the minimum dose is 5 grams(in fairness, it is worth noting that 2-3 grams will also have an effect).

Loading periods may be beneficial, especially if your body is receptive to creatine (muscle gain will be more noticeable), but it is by no means necessary.

Should I take creatine in cycles?

There is no point in using cycles when taking creatine. Traditional creatine cycles (1 week loading, 3 weeks maintenance, 1-2 weeks off) do not have much effect because it takes much longer for the body to clear the creatine. And since creatine does not affect any receptors, and because of this there is no “creatine sensitivity”, there is no point in taking breaks from taking it.

Products are taken in cycles, mainly because the body gets used to them, but this does not apply to creatine supplements.

What happens if I stop taking creatine?

When creatine supplementation is stopped, it takes the body several weeks to a month to return creatine levels to their original levels. The time it takes to cleanse the body depends on the intensity of the training (more training promotes faster normalization) and on how much creatine was initially stored in the muscle tissue. And, although the consumption of creatine supplements suppresses one's own creatine production (suppresses the level of the limiting enzyme), natural production resumes within a day or two after stopping supplementation. There is no evidence that there are slump periods after you stop taking creatine, and suppressing natural creatine synthesis may not be harmful at all (meaning some positive effects on the body, such as preserving the SAMe enzyme for other vital processes).

In this case, the body will inevitably lose fluid. The muscle won't go away - any amount of muscle you gain will remain with you if you stop taking creatine supplements.

Does creatine cause baldness?

Not long ago, there were rumors that creatine helps increase levels of dihydrotestosterone, a more powerful androgen that is involved in energy production (good), and also contributes to hair loss in certain categories of men and the development of prostate cancer (bad). Those with plenty of hair on their scalp shouldn't have to worry about an increase in DHT levels, but people who are prone to it may actually feel their rate of baldness increase when taking creatine supplements. At the same time, speaking about baldness and its connection with creatine supplements, it is worth noting that no clinical studies have been conducted on this topic. And even though dihydrotestosterone itself is the enemy of hair follicles, creatine accumulated in them in this situation performs a protective cellular function. The specific effect of creatine supplements on men prone to hair loss has not been studied.

It is logical to assume that creatine negatively affects the rate of baldness, but how and how negatively is unclear.

When should you take creatine?

Creatine can be taken at any time, it will be deposited in the muscles and will be stored there until it is needed (unlike pre-workout supplements like caffeine or citrulline). Certain observations (not proven) suggest that taking creatine along with high-calorie and nutritious foods will benefit more benefits body than taking creatine alone. Therefore, it may make sense to take creatine with meals.

Taking creatine with food may also protect sensitive stomachs from upset.

Should you load with creatine?

There is no need to load with creatine (the word “load” means the first 5-7 days of actively taking creatine at 15-20 grams per day, after which a period of “maintenance” begins with taking 2-5 grams per day), although there is nothing wrong with loading either No. Loading will allow you to reach maximum muscle creatine levels faster, while taking 5 grams per day will give the same effect, just over a longer period of time.

In the long term, it makes no sense to load, but if your stomach tolerates the load, then during the first days of taking it, the positive effects will still appear.

Will creatine make me fat?

Creatine is not able to make you huge in the bad sense of the word, but there will be more water in the body. This "water" weight is mainly concentrated in skeletal muscles, in the same place where creatine itself is stored, taking away moisture. Therefore, visually the muscles will most likely appear bloated, fatty and saggy for weeks.

There is a possibility of bloating and stomach cramps when taken large quantity creatine This can be avoided by taking moderate doses or drinking large doses with plenty of water.

What is the best form to take creatine?

Currently, creatine does not have " perfect shape release" - for any training purposes, creatine monohydrate is as effective as any other creatine-containing product. Newer products like HCl or creatine nitrate may be more soluble in water, but there is no evidence to suggest that they are more effective.

Micronized creatine monohydrate (which is more soluble in this form) is widely recommended because it is cheap and effective, while other forms are equally effective but more expensive.

Can creatine help you lose weight?

Creatine has no effect significant influence on weight loss, so it would be correct to assume that there is no connection at all between creatine and weight loss. Studies have shown that taking creatine without regular exercise has no effect on a person's weight change.

Creatine only helps you train more efficiently, and this can lead to weight loss.

How does creatine affect mental abilities?

With a healthy diet and adequate sleep, creatine has a neuroprotective function and is beneficial for the brain. At the same time, one should not hope for any positive effects in terms of development mental abilities. Creatine supplements can mitigate the negative effect of lack of sleep on workout performance. For vegetarians, creatine can serve as a mental stimulant.

Can vegetarians take creatine?

Although creatine was first discovered in meat and was initially produced from meat, it is now synthesized from cheaper materials in industrial conditions.

Buying vegetarian creatine is not a problem now, but you can always call the manufacturing company and make sure.

When should it be taken?

Take creatine when it's convenient for you. Creatine is not a stimulant (but stimulants should be taken at a certain time), it is a product for saturating the body, so if the body is saturated, everything is fine.

It doesn't matter whether you take creatine at night before bed, in the morning after sleep, or before training - just take it and that's it.

Does it have other effects?

There are regular studies showing various beneficial effects of taking creatine. It helps fight depression and neurological diseases, enhances the protective properties of cell membranes, is useful for diabetes and can stimulate mental processes.

For example, the lack of creatine production systems in the body is a serious genetic disease that often leads to mental disability.


Creatine works. It won't make you a super athlete overnight, but it will definitely make you bench more. Take it regularly and creatine will make you stronger. And at the same time it will be able to help with many other things, including cell membranes, neuroprotection, and more.

You can find a lot of information and articles on the Internet with a detailed description of what creatine does and how important it is to take it. However, the reality is that barely 10% of gym goers use this supplement, even though it is considered one of the most important (on par with protein) and cheapest. Why is this happening? In fact, the answer is simple - not all consumers and amateur athletes want to delve into the technical component and study what processes occur in the muscles, how creatine affects them, what additional intake of the substance from supplements gives, etc. The result is quite deplorable, since many athletes continue to train zealously, receiving very little return from the process. This article will help you understand why creatine is needed and why it can impact your progress more than any other supplement.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a substance that is produced in the body with the help of glycine, methionine and arginine. All these amino acids are components of protein. Creatine itself can be synthesized in the kidneys, liver and adrenal glands, and it is located directly where it is needed, that is, in the muscles (about 95% of all creatine is found in muscle tissue). Creatine is often compared in terms of benefits to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is not far from the truth. The situation in the sports industry is identical - creatine in supplement form is as necessary as a protein or gainer.

Although it is produced in the body, the amount produced is too small. As a rule, it is enough for normal physical activity (movements, a short jog, etc.), but during sports, the requirements for this substance increase significantly. Therefore, it is very important to replenish its amount in the muscles. This can be done in two ways: from food (mainly meat), and also using additives. In the first case, you will have to eat about 500-600 grams sea ​​fish, or 1 kg of red meat per day to provide daily norm creatine Since such an amount of food is unlikely to cause gastrointestinal consequences, the best way to obtain creatine is through sports supplements.

Why do you need creatine?

Theory is good, but practice is much more important. Creatine – what does it do for the body and why is it so necessary in any sport? The answer is quite simple - for any movement that is performed by contracting muscle tissue, energy is needed, the source of which is ATP molecules.

When the supply of ATP in the muscles is depleted, a person can no longer make a movement without using backup mechanisms. Therefore, we can say that creatine plays a vital role in the body, even if a person does not exercise.

What benefits does creatine provide in strength sports?

It's time to consider why creatine is needed in sports and why this supplement is considered so indispensable. In almost any type of strength activity, muscle effort plays the most important role. Do you want to lift the barbell overhead or press it from your chest? Performing a powerful weighted squat? Everywhere you need muscles that will allow you to make this movement. Moreover, the stronger your muscles, the heavier weights you can handle, which will improve both strength and muscle mass.

Why take creatine if you can perform all the movements without using a supplement? As we have already found out, the more creatine is concentrated in the muscles, the greater the amount of ATP will be. In practice, this allows you to:

  • Improve endurance and train much longer (more fuel in the muscles = fatigue will set in later;
  • Increase strength performance (more ATP = more effort can be applied when performing strength work);
  • Increase muscle growth.

The last point should be considered separately to avoid misconceptions. Unlike protein, which is directly building material for muscles, creatine promotes cellular hydration. Simply put, this is the ability to retain fluid in the body, which visually increases your volume. Although this is a fairly beneficial process for strength sports, in some cases it can act as a side effect (for example, for runners, for whom maintaining a certain weight is extremely important).

Therefore, creatine increases muscle mass mainly due to a huge increase in strength indicators (you can often add +5-10 kg to the weight of the barbell after just a couple of weeks of taking the supplement). That is, the old principle of strength sports is used, which states that the volume of a muscle is directly proportional to its strength. Simply put, the stronger your muscles, the more they will increase in size. Although creatine does not directly increase muscle growth, it indirectly affects progression in the gym much more than any other supplement.

Another important property of creatine, which can significantly improve the quality of training, is the buffering of lactic acid, which is produced during weight training. Creatine can slow down its production, making muscle failure occur much later. It also improves endurance and leads to increased strength and muscle mass.

How to take creatine correctly?

Now that we've figured out why you should take creatine, we just need to figure out how best to use it. There are no special secrets or wisdom in this matter. There are two standard schemes: with and without a loading phase.

In the first case, the intake implies a forced start, when the dosage of creatine is increased by approximately 2 times (20 grams). Typically this stage lasts about 5-7 days, after which the maintenance phase begins. Dosages are reduced to 10 grams per day, which allows you to maintain peak concentrations of the substance in the muscles.

The second scheme excludes loading. The daily dose is 10 grams, which is most often divided into two doses (before and after training). Previously, it was believed that the loading phase provided an advantage, although recent studies completely refute this fact, so it is better to use the second scheme.

Creatine intake should be combined with proteins and carbohydrates, so it is best to drink the supplement along with a protein shake or gainer after training. When using a load, the dose is divided into 4 servings and distributed evenly throughout the day.

If we consider taking it without loading, then you can consume half the portion before training, mixing it with fast carbohydrates (they are needed for better transport of the substance into muscle tissue), and half after. Taking creatine with plain water, that is, without carbohydrates and proteins, is much less effective.

Which Creatine is better?

Among the many supplements in this category, we advise you to try the following (the list is constantly updated and expanded).

Creatine is an organic acid that plays a key role in providing energy to muscle cells during intense activity. In this article, we will explain in clear language in more detail why creatine is needed.

From Wikipedia: Creatine is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid that is found in vertebrates. Participates in energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells., was isolated in 1832 by Chevreul from skeletal muscles.

Creatine is naturally produced by the body and is found in small amounts in animal products. Creatine stored in muscles helps produce ATP, which is the body's main source of energy.

Although creatine is not an essential ingredient because the body can synthesize it itself, it is one of the most widely used supplements because there is strong evidence that it can improve strength performance in athletes and is safe to use. In addition, creatine may have other health benefits beyond just its ability to make you stronger or faster.

From my personal experience, I can say for sure that creatine is one of the few sports supplements that has proven its effectiveness. With its help, I was able to increase muscle mass and strength in training.

The average human body contains 3.5 - 4 grams of creatine for every kilogram of muscle. However, it is possible to store up to 5 grams per kilogram. The idea of ​​supplementation is to increase its benefits by saturating the body with creatine. Fortified food sources include beef and fish, which contain 5-7 grams per kilogram.

Since most studies regarding the benefits of creatine are done with a 5 gram dose, this is largely impractical for most people trying to get the benefits seen in the studies without supplementation. Of course, the potential risks and benefits must be weighed before using any supplements. And if you decide to use creatine to increase muscle mass, you need more information to get the benefits of taking the supplement.

Benefits of Creatine

IN to a greater extent Both its safety and benefits have been studied, some of the supposed benefits of creatine are supported by scientists, some are not. Creatine also shows promise outside of athletic and performance parameters, but these areas require more research.

  1. Increased muscle size– Creatine supplementation causes an increase in water content in the muscles, making them “bigger.” This does not help increase muscle fiber size. However, creatine helps increase “real” fat-free mass, and its strength and power-maintenance properties allow for better training and therefore greater results.
  2. Improving athletic performance– Numerous studies have shown that ingested creatine supplements can make athletes faster and stronger during high-intensity movements.
  3. Increased muscle protein synthesis– There are several studies that refute this statement. – However, if someone using creatine can lift more weight, muscle protein synthesis should increase; although, creatine itself simply increases the available energy reserve (ATP) for muscle contractions. That is, simply consuming creatine does not stimulate muscle protein synthesis. It should be used in conjunction with strength training, lifting more weight and stimulating protein synthesis.

Remember, it has never been done scientific research, showing that jumping from an airplane with a parachute is somehow better than jumping without it.

Side effects and risks of creatine

Creatine supplementation should be safe for use by healthy individuals. Most of the health risks attributed to creatine (kidney and liver damage, increased risk of injury) did not appear in clinical studies. And while there are no long-term studies looking at creatine use, there are no known reports of physical harm due to the supplement in people with healthy kidneys. However, it has been proven that creatine has a destructive effect on diseased kidneys.

Dehydration is also a problem with supplements, as creatine draws water into muscle cells. If you use creatine, make sure you drink enough water anyway. And as with all supplements, due to lack of regulation, toxins and contaminants in products are always a problem. Buying a well-known brand will solve this issue.

Gastrointestinal disorders are the main side effect of creatine. Taking with food, without loading (see below), or possibly using non-monohydrate forms may reduce or eliminate this reaction.

Again, creatine is very safe for most people. However, often early stages of kidney and liver disease may have no symptoms, so it's a good idea to have your kidney and liver function checked by your doctor, especially if you plan to take supplements.

How to take creatine monohydrate powder?

There are many different types of creatine available. If you look at the supplement shelf, you will see creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, creatine hydrochloride, creatine AKG and others. The oldest form is creatine monohydrate, and it has been used in most well-designed studies. For this reason, this form is superior to newer, unexplored forms. That's why I always use Optimum Nutrition Powder creatine, it definitely works for me and I get the expected effect every time.

People using creatine often do a “loading phase,” taking 20 grams per day, for 5-7 days before moving into a maintenance phase of 5 grams per day. Research has shown that this increases the level at which muscles become saturated. However, creatine does not require loading to exhibit positive effects.

Some people believe that coffee interferes with the absorption of creatine because it acts as a diuretic and removes a lot of water. In fact, coffee is not such a strong diuretic, which means you shouldn’t be afraid of it.

What should I take creatine with?

In order for it to be better absorbed, you need to take it with grape juice or honey. These foods contain glucose, which creatine binds to and passes through the stomach wall. You can also use Diet Coke. It was experimentally noticed that creatine is also well absorbed with it.

It is better to take creatine on an empty stomach. Take 200-250 grams of water with honey or juice, chop a teaspoon of creatine there and drink before meals.

My method of reception

A long time ago, my friend advised me this regimen of creatine monohydrate -3 by 3 by 5. That is, for 3 days I take 5 grams of creatine 3 times a day. Then I take a break for three days and again take three days and then take a break again. The duration of the entire treatment cycle is 4-7 weeks, then you need to rest for several months.


Take 3-5 grams of creatine monohydrate with your pre- or post-workout shake. If you are loading, take 5 grams 4 times a day for 6 days, then 3 grams a day after your doctor says your kidneys are healthy.

Creatine is an amino acid, the derivative of which is formed in the liver, pancreas and kidneys from arginine, glycine and methionine. The body also obtains creatine from food. In particular, from animal products. Largest quantity Creatine is found in red meat.

Creatine is a source of energy for muscles during physical activity. When the creatine content of the muscles is too low, the effectiveness of the training decreases because the muscles are quickly depleted, and you feel first a burning sensation, and then an all-encompassing fatigue. In addition, creatine promotes protein synthesis, speeds up metabolism and increases the overall endurance of the body.

It is believed that a training person weighing 55 kilograms per day is needed for effective training 1.3 grams of creatine. To get this norm, you must eat 600 grams of red meat per day. The task is difficult, you will agree.

Interesting: Creatine was discovered back in 1832 in France. In 1926, scientists were able to prove that taking creatine orally helps build muscle mass. The supplement is considered absolutely safe and is approved for use even by the International Olympic Committee.

Creatine safety

Cretin is considered one of the safest supplements. This is a natural substance that the body produces on its own every day. Studies have shown that even when taking large doses of creatine, no negative consequences it will not be for the body.

The only possible side effect of taking creatine may be stomach pain and indigestion. This effect indicates poor liver function. For this reason, creatine should not be taken if you drink alcohol, which puts stress on the liver.

Which creatine to choose

Creatine is available in powder and capsule form. Most often, athletes prefer the powder version of the drug because it is cheap and effective. The only negative is that before taking it you need to dissolve it in liquid, which is not convenient for everyone. You can choose the form of creatine depending on your budget. As practice shows, there is no difference in the effectiveness of the powder and capsule versions of the supplement.

How to take creatine

The task of creatine is to get into the muscles as quickly as possible in order to perform its functions. Remember, the body takes creatine best when insulin levels in the body are at their highest. And this happens immediately after waking up, after eating something sweet and an hour after training.

As for the dosage regimen, for the first 5 days take 25 grams of creatine per day (5 grams at a time), this will dramatically increase the amount of creatine in the muscles. As a guide: 5 grams of creatine are contained in 1 teaspoon. Drink it immediately after waking up, stirring it in water if you have chosen powdered creatine for yourself. Take the remaining 4 doses 20 minutes before meals along with any sweet juice.

After the first 5 days, for another 40 days, take creatine 3-5 grams per day (1 teaspoon) 60 minutes after training or immediately after waking up.

Important: Creatine, like all other amino acids, must be taken in courses. Drink creatine for 45 days, then take a break for 4 weeks. Remember, if you do not take breaks, the muscles will get used to the fact that an increased dose of amino acid is constantly entering the body and will stop responding to it.

Creatine is a type of sports supplement that is particularly popular among people who want to gain muscle mass. Natural origin, absolute safety and high degree assimilation is distinctive features substance such as creatine. You will learn from this material why it is needed, the required dosages and the duration of the course of treatment.

What is creatine, what is it for and how to take it correctly? Everyone interested should know the answer to this question sports nutrition Human.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a substance that our body produces from incoming food of animal origin. But due to poor diet, stress and increased physical activity, the amount of creatine you receive is often not enough. Therefore, athletes and people who observe low calorie diets, it is necessary to use it additionally.

So you're thinking about taking creatine. Why is it needed and what consequences will its long-term lack lead to?

At the moment of muscular effort, energy is required to perform a movement. Since it is required from the very first moment of loading, the body will take it from the muscles. Before the body can use energy from its usual sources (), it must process it into a special form. In fact, it is nothing more than creatine.

It is believed that with a weight of 70 kilograms and a moderate load, the body requires about 2 g of creatine daily. To do this, you need to eat about a kilogram of red meat. It is much easier to get this important substance from supplements.

Beneficial properties of creatine

Creatine serves as an additional source of energy for your muscles.

Supplementing with creatine will help you achieve the following goals.

  1. Acceleration of metabolism. Due to the fact that creatine takes an active part in metabolism, its increased consumption can cause weight loss by reducing body fat. However, in the first days of use, on the contrary, weight gain may be observed due to fluid retention in the muscles. Then it all depends on your goals and training regimen. Creatine gives you extra energy, but where you spend it is up to you. You can focus on muscle growth or increase the intensity. The effect of creatine will be especially noticeable in the first weeks of use.
  2. Increase in strength indicators. Already in the first classes you will notice that you can easily add 2-5 repetitions to each approach. strength exercises. This effect will accumulate and gradually lead to an increase in muscle mass.
  3. Increased endurance. For this reason, creatine is relevant not only for gym enthusiasts, but also for those who prefer cardio and different kinds martial arts

Selecting and purchasing a supplement

Having understood all the advantages of this supplement, you will probably think about purchasing and which one is better. Creatine is available in the form of monohydrate powder and capsules.

Most athletes prefer the powdered version of creatine. This is due to its high efficiency and relatively low price. Often, all sports dietary supplements in the form of capsules are much more expensive, and their effectiveness is often lower. But the main advantage of capsules is their convenience. The drug is easy to take with you and there is no need to dissolve it before taking it.

Side effects

Creatine is one of the most researched sports supplements. Its absolute safety for health has been confirmed by a number of studies and tests.

But it has also been noted that in rare cases, the supplement may cause indigestion and stomach pain. This side effect is associated with poor liver function. In addition, it is not recommended to take creatine with alcohol.

Creatine dosage regimen

Knowing the features of a supplement such as creatine, what it is needed for and its varieties, you can begin to develop a dosage regimen.

Which creatine is best? The powder form is absorbed faster, but capsules are more convenient to take with you - choose depending on your goals.

There are 2 ways to take this sports supplement:

  1. Reception with loading phase. This regimen consists of increased creatine intake for the first 5-7 days. At this time, it is necessary to consume it in the amount of 2-5 g (1 tsp) 4-5 times a day. This method gives amazing results that you will feel already in the first training session. In addition, this particular scheme is approved by famous fitness instructors and has a large research base.
  2. Standard scheme. By skipping the loading phase, you immediately take the supplement at the recommended dosage: 2-5 g per day. In this case, the results of creatine will be noticeable no earlier than in a month.

During the loading phase, the first dose of the drug should take place in the morning. If you choose powdered creatine, mix it in water. The second time, use it before training. The third appointment should be taken immediately after exercise, and the fourth – 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Like all other amino acids, creatine should be taken in a course. After 2 months you need to take a 3-week break. During this time, the body will be able to “rest” from its constant excess. Although the supplement is safe and some people take it year-round, taking a break from it is advisable to maintain its effectiveness.

The fact is that muscles are able to get used to the regular supply of an additional portion of the amino acid and stop reacting to it. Short intervals between courses will increase the effectiveness of your training and will not affect your physical fitness in any way.

Now you know everything about the benefits of creatine, its types and which one is better. Creatine is a safe way to boost your performance and quickly improve your athletic performance.