Ketogenic diet menu for a week - what you need to know about ketone bodies. The Ketogenic Diet: The Complete Guide

Ketogenic diet – effective method lose weight and reduce the risks of developing many diseases. As many studies show, the keto diet is far superior to a low-fat diet and people following it can lose almost 2-3 times more weight. Moreover, this diet allows you to lose weight without counting every gram you eat and without particularly watching the foods you eat and without feeling hungry. This improves some health indicators, including cholesterol and sugar levels.

What foods can you eat?

Planning your diet is always helpful. Once you decide to follow the keto diet, you should always make a menu plan. What you eat will determine how quickly you will enter ketosis and how beneficial this diet will be.

The most important thing when creating a menu plan is to limit your carbohydrate intake to no more than 15-25 grams per day. To do this, you need to limit certain foods rich in carbohydrates: wheat bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, legumes and more.

Don't eat a lot of refined foods. The main diet should consist of fish, meat, eggs, butter, nuts and other products. So, what can you eat on a ketogenic diet? This:

Meat: bacon, chicken, red meat, ham, meat or fish steaks, turkey;

Fatty fish: trout, salmon, mackerel, tuna;

Eggs: chicken, quail;

Cheese: hard cheese, creamy, cheddar, goat, mozzarella and others

Nuts and seeds: flaxseed, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds And so on;

Vegetable oils: olive, coconut, avocado oil, butter;

Avocado or freshly prepared guacamole;

Berries: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and other berries with a low glycemic index;

Vegetables: tomatoes, onions, peppers, broccoli and others;

Leafy vegetables: spinach, arugula, Chinese cabbage and others;

Seasonings: salt, pepper, various herbs and spices;

Sweeteners: stevia, erythritol and others low in carbohydrates.

Foods you shouldn't eat

These foods include anything that contains a lot of carbohydrates, sugar and starch. They need to be limited. This:

Carbonated drinks;

Fruit juices;


Candies and any sweets, including honey, sugar syrups;

Ice cream;

Cakes, pastries;

Cereals and grains;

Berries and fruits, except for small portions. You can’t eat bananas, apples, oranges, etc.;

Legumes: beans, lentils, peas, etc.;

Root vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, etc.;

Low fat foods or dietary products: skim milk, cottage cheese, etc.;

Condiments and sauces containing sugar;

Refined oils;


Non-alcoholic diet drinks.

Sample food menu for a week on a ketogenic diet

Over time, you yourself will learn and remember what foods you can eat and what you need to exclude. But so far there is no such food experience, here sample menu for a week.


  • Breakfast: ham, 1-2 eggs, tomato salad.
  • Lunch: Salad with chicken and feta cheese, dressed with olive oil.
  • Dinner: Salmon (trout) with asparagus, cooked in oil.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: beef salad with onions, spices and vegetables fried in butter or olive oil, herbal tea with stevia or coffee with cream;
  • Lunch: baked fish with butter sauce, cauliflower, fried in butter or olive oil, green salad with cheese and butter, water or unsweetened drink;
  • Dinner: Pork chop with cabbage salad fried in cumin oil, green salad with butter, herbal tea or water;
  • Breakfast: egg, omelet with tomatoes, basil and goat cheese.
  • Lunch: almond or other nut milk, peanut butter, cocoa or milkshake with stevia.
  • Dinner: Meatballs, hard cheese and vegetables.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: A rich milkshake, such as a peanut butter milkshake or one with strawberries or other berries.
  • Lunch: Shrimp salad with avocado, dressed with olive oil.
  • Dinner: Pork chops with hard cheese, broccoli and green salad.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: pork sausage, egg, 2 tablespoons cream cheese, herbal tea or coffee with cream;
  • Lunch: smoked turkey with zucchini fried in butter or olive oil, green salad with butter, water or other drink;
  • Dinner: salmon with cream sauce, 2 cups spinach sautéed with onion and garlic, Romaine lettuce, water, tea or coffee.
  • Breakfast: Omelette with avocado, bell peppers, salsa, onions and spices.
  • Lunch: a handful of nuts and a stalk of celery with guacamole and salsa.
  • Dinner: Chicken stuffed with pesto and cream cheese, vegetables.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with 3 slices of bacon, green salad, coffee or herbal tea;
  • Lunch: salad with ham, chicken, eggs, fried bacon and cheese, low-calorie dessert with olives, water, sugar-free drink;
  • Dinner: cheeseburger with meat, vegetables and herbs, guacamole from half an avocado, tea or water.
  • Breakfast: Full-fat, sugar-free yogurt with peanut butter, cocoa powder and stevia.
  • Lunch: Grilled beef cooked in olive or coconut oil, fried vegetables.
  • Dinner: sandwich with ham or bacon, egg and any cheese.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: omelet with ham and cheese with half an avocado, toast, tea;
  • Lunch: chicken wings, 2 eggs, 10-20 olives, green salad, tea or coffee with cream;
  • Lunch: Baked Chicken's leg or thigh, boiled broccoli with butter, water or sugar-free drink;
  • Dinner: fish or meat steak, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and salad greens, sprinkled with fried bacon and cheese, warm beef broth, tea without sugar.
  • Breakfast: omelet with ham, cheese and vegetables.
  • Lunch: slices of ham with cheese and nuts.
  • Dinner: fatty fish with white meat, egg and spinach, cooked in coconut oil.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: Chocolate protein shake, 2 eggs;
  • Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwich, homemade mayonnaise or mustard, tomato salad, water or other drink;
  • Dinner: fish baked in foil bags with butter, herbs and spices, salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, dressed with sauce or butter, boiled broccoli or cauliflower, tea with lemon.


  • Breakfast: Fried eggs with ham or bacon and mushrooms.
  • Lunch: Sandwich with salsa, guacamole and cheese.
  • Dinner: Meat steak and eggs with salad.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: chicken or vegetable soup, tea or coffee;
  • Lunch: Chicken or tuna salad with bacon crumbles, green onions, chopped celery and spices, water or tea;
  • Dinner: roast pork, salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions and radishes, dressed with butter or sauce, tea with lemon

What to eat

If you get hungry between meals, you can have a snack:

Supplements for the keto diet

In principle, you do not need to take any supplements while on a ketogenic diet. But some will be useful. These include:

Oils with medium chain triglycerides. They provide energy and help increase ketone levels, which is especially important initially. These oils include:

  • Coconut oil;
  • Palm kernel oil (not just palm oil);
  • Fatty dairy products;

Mineral supplements: salt and dietary supplements with minerals that are important initially for mineral balance;

Special Supplements for Keto;

Whey, rich in milk protein.

The best choices on this diet are dark green leafy vegetables and salads. Most meals should contain protein and fat. Therefore, it is always recommended to supplement meat with a salad of permitted vegetables and cheese.

Remember that the keto diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. Consumption nutrients should be approximately:

Fat – 70%;

Protein – 25%;

Carbohydrates – 5%.

As a rule, in Everyday life Nutritionists recommend consuming about 20-30 grams of net carbohydrates. But the lower their value and glucose level are, the better the results will be. If you are following a keto diet for weight loss, it is recommended to monitor how many net carbohydrates you consume. Net carbs are the carbohydrates in foods minus the total fiber.

The ketogenic diet can be great for people who are overweight, diabetic, and for improving the body's metabolic processes. It is considered less suitable for athletes or for those who want to increase muscle mass.

In general, consumption large quantity fat, a moderate amount of protein and a small amount of carbohydrates can have a huge impact on your health:

  • Reduce cholesterol levels;
  • Lose excess weight;
  • Lower blood sugar levels;
  • Increase energy potential;
  • Improve mood.


The fashionable ketogenic diet is followed by such “rich and famous” as LeBron James and Kim Kardashian. A fairly strict diet involves reducing your daily carbohydrate intake to 35 grams or less, depending on your weight loss plan.

This amount is contained, for example, in one large apple.

The essence of the ketogenic diet

As Jim White, a spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and owner of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios in Virginia, explains, the theory behind the ketogenic diet is that if a person's body doesn't get carbohydrates for energy, their liver will convert fat. into fatty acids and ketones. Ketones are then used as the body's primary source of energy. This means that a person is actively using up fat reserves, burning more fat every day. This process is called ketosis.

While in a pinch ketones can replace carbohydrates as the human body's primary source of energy, this often comes at a steep price. Ketosis can have severe side effects such as:

  • constipation;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased cognitive abilities;
  • deficiency of certain nutrients, etc.

Products that help you lose weight

We do not advise you to radically limit carbohydrates in your diet and adhere to a ketogenic diet without the advice and supervision of a doctor. An unbalanced diet with a reduction in the main element of the diet can be dangerous to health.

However, including some ketogenic diet foods rich in protein and healthy fats in a properly balanced diet will help you shed those extra pounds faster and speed up your weight loss.

Food enriched with these products:

  • will contribute to the construction muscle mass;
  • prevents spikes and drops in blood sugar levels;
  • improves psycho-emotional state.

Sea fish

Salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel and others sea ​​fish rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which a person can only get from food. Increasing your intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids helps reduce inflammation and optimizes the body's ability to lose weight.

Sea fish is rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that also helps prevent chronic inflammation and accelerate weight loss.


Almonds, walnuts and other nuts have long gained fame as one of the healthiest foods. They are excellent sources of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and fiber, which together help maintain optimal blood sugar levels. Nuts are also rich in B vitamins, including thiamine.

Remember that a handful of nuts contains about 200 calories, and one tablespoon of macadamia nut oil contains 120 calories. Therefore, any nuts are best used instead of other high-fat foods, and not in addition to them. Try using them not together, but instead of meat, cheese and butter.

The human body absorbs, digests and uses protein from eggs better than any other source of this nutrient. Therefore, eggs help build muscle mass and optimize metabolic processes.

In addition, a pleasant bonus for those who are on a weight loss diet is the fact that egg white lingers in the stomach for quite a long time before ending up in the intestines. Therefore, a person feels full longer.

Don't give up the yolks either! Just like whites, yolks are rich in nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. And contrary to a myth that still persists, more than half of the fatty acids contained in the yolk are actually unsaturated. According to the results of one study published by the American journal Heart in 2015, even patients with heart failure can eat three whole eggs a day without any problems. negative consequences for their blood cholesterol levels.

Unrefined coconut oil

This product is an excellent dietary fat that can be included in your diet when losing weight. The saturated fats found in coconut oil are in the form of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which may be more beneficial for weight loss than the long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) found in other vegetable oils.

  • According to the results of one study by scientists from McGill University (Canada), volunteers who included oils rich in MCTs in their diet lost more excess weight compared to those using high LCT olive oil.
  • According to a study in the European Journal of Nutrition, MCTs optimize metabolism.

Coconut oil also has a high smoke point, making it great for cooking dishes that require cooking.

Green tea

This drink boasts a high concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a substance with greater antioxidant activity than vitamins C and E. EGCG also promotes weight loss.

This fruit is a fruit, but contains much less carbohydrates. The average avocado hides just 17 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of dietary fiber.

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, adding half a fresh avocado to lunch can help increase satiety and prolong satiety, and reduce binge eating cravings over the next three hours in overweight adults.


  • Parmesan;
  • Gruyere;
  • Manchego, etc.

This weight loss technique is based on the almost complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet.

The effect of the ketogenic diet is explained by the fact that in the absence of carbohydrates, the body begins to use fats as the main source of energy.

As a result of the breakdown of fats, ketone bodies are formed, which are subsequently used by the body to extract energy. This state is called ketosis.

Carbohydrates, in turn, are stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen, after the body has completely exhausted their reserves and a state of ketosis occurs.

The main goal of this diet is to accelerate the process of glycogen consumption, since the next stage will be fat burning. To do this, you need to eat food rich in proteins and fats.

For many people, low-carb diets are associated with weakness and a feeling of lethargy. In fact, you just need to wait until the body adapts.

In a state of ketosis, a person feels energetic and does not experience weakness. This is because ketones are able to maintain stable insulin levels in the blood.

Quite often, the ketogenic diet is compared to various fat diets, which are also aimed at weight loss.

The duration of this weight loss method is 6 days, and for each of them there are certain rules, compliance with which will allow you to achieve maximum results.

Days 1-3 of the ketogenic diet are fasting. These days you are allowed to drink only water, it can be either regular drinking water or mineral (still). The amount of liquid allowed for consumption is not limited. It is strictly prohibited to consume various sweet, carbonated drinks and juices. Bed rest is best for this stage.

On days 4-6 of the diet, it is allowed to gradually introduce food into the diet; portions should be ¼ of those that you ate before. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to a certain ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, namely 4 to 1, that is, 4 parts should be fats, and 1 part proteins and carbohydrates.

When creating a ketogenic diet menu for weight loss, you should completely avoid cereals, flour and pasta, potatoes, carrots, beets and fruits.

We present to your attention one of the ketogenic diet menu options for the days following fasting.

Breakfast – two boiled chicken eggs, 55 grams of butter and a glass of coffee with 15 grams of heavy cream.

Second breakfast – vegetable salad of fresh cucumbers and onions, seasoned vegetable oil and 150 grams of any lean meat.

Lunch – two sausages, a quarter of a tomato and 1.5 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Afternoon snack - a small piece of protein bread, greased with butter and a glass of coffee with 15 grams of heavy cream.

Dinner – boiled chicken breast, half a serving of green beans seasoned with vegetable oil and 10 grams of butter.

This is just one option for the ketogenic diet menu for weight loss; in fact, other food combinations are possible. The diet may include salads made from lean meat, cabbage soup with rich sour cream, pork fried with tomatoes in butter, or scrambled eggs with chicken breast.

Pros and cons of dieting

According to reviews of the ketogenic diet, its main advantage is, of course, the result achieved. At the same time, many note that caloric restriction in the diet is tolerated quite easily.

In addition, ketones are an excellent source of energy for brain function.

In their reviews of the ketogenic diet, experts point out that following it reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

The disadvantage of this diet is its short duration and a decrease in the level of free testosterone in the blood plasma.

In the early days of following a ketogenic diet, there may be a decrease in mental and physical activity levels as the body takes time to abandon glucose and begin using ketone bodies instead. Typically, a complete restructuring of the body occurs on days 3-5 of the diet.

Since the main principle of the ketogenic diet is a complete abstinence from carbohydrates, intestinal function may slow down due to a lack of fiber, which is a complex carbohydrate. In order to avoid this, nutritionists recommend including green vegetables and lettuce in your diet, which contain a sufficient amount of coarse dietary fiber.

The keto diet is well known as a low-carb diet in which the body produces ketones in the liver and uses them as energy. She is called by many different names: ketogenic or ketogenic diet, low carb diet, low sugar diet (LCHF), etc.

When you eat something high in carbohydrates, your body will produce glucose and insulin.

  • Glucose is the simplest molecule in your body to be converted and used as energy, so it will take precedence over any other source of energy.
  • Insulin produced to process glucose in the blood.

Since glucose is used as primary energy, fats are not used in any way and therefore accumulate. Typically, on a normal diet that is higher in carbohydrates, the body will use glucose as its main form of energy. By reducing carbohydrate intake, the body is induced into a state known as ketosis.

Typically, somewhere between 20-30g of net carbs is recommended for everyday nutrition - but the lower you keep your carb intake and glucose levels, the better your overall results will be. If you're using the ketone diet for weight loss, it's a good idea to watch your total carbs and net carbs.

Protein should always be consumed as needed in the remainder of the daily calories.

You may ask, “What is a net carbohydrate?” It's simple! Net carbs are your total dietary carbohydrates minus your total fiber. It is recommended to keep total carbohydrates below 35g and net carbohydrates below 25g (ideally below 20g).

If you feel hungry during the day, you can snack on nuts, seeds, cheese or peanut butter to curb your appetite (though snacking may slow down weight loss in the long run).

Vegetables on a ketogenic diet

Are you following the keto diet?

Yes, great)Not yet

How to Know If You Have Ketosis

You can measure whether you've entered ketosis with special urine or blood test strips, but it's not worth it. Urine strips are considered to be quite inaccurate (they answer the question “Am I in ketosis?” more). And the strips are quite expensive.

Instead you can use this short list physical symptoms that usually let you know if you are on the right track:

  • Increased urination. Keto is a natural diuretic, which means you need to go to the bathroom more. Urination removes acetoacetate, a ketone body, from the body, which can increase the number of trips to the toilet.
  • Dry mouth. Increased urination leads to dry mouth and increased thirst. Make sure you drink plenty of water and replenish your electrolytes (salt, potassium, magnesium).
  • Bad breath. Acetone is a ketone body that is partially released in your breath. It may smell like overripe fruit or like nail polish remover. Usually, this is a temporary phenomenon that will pass soon. You can find out more about how to remove bad breath while on keto. .
  • Reduce hunger and increase energy. Typically, once you get through the “keto flu” (the adjustment period), you will experience much lower levels of hunger and a “clear” or stressed mental state.

Physical efficiency

People often claim that the keto diet affects physical performance, but this is not true. Well, not ultimately. In the short term you may notice a slight decrease physical characteristics, but this effect will lessen as you continue to replenish fluids, electrolytes, and adapt to your fat intake.

There has been a lot of research done on exercise. The study was conducted on trained cyclists who were on a ketogenic diet for four weeks. The results show that aerobic endurance was in in great shape, and their remained the same as at the beginning.

Their bodies adapted through ketosis, limiting both glucose and glycogen stores, and using fat as the predominant source of energy.

There was another study done with eight professional gymnasts that had the same results. Both groups ate strict diet from green vegetables, proteins and high quality fats. So, even if you do long-term cardio workouts, the keto diet has been proven to be effective time and time again.

The only real situation where ketosis can lead to loss of performance is during explosive exercises. If you need to boost your performance a little during an intense workout, you can eat 25-50 grams of carbohydrates 30 minutes before you start.

Dangers of the Keto Diet

Can ketone production in the body become too high? Yes, it's called . Perhaps this is under normal circumstances? Never. For most people, the goal is to get into the optimal ranges for ketosis. It is unlikely that you will end up in an area where you need medical intervention.

Note: The main exception to ketoacidosis is - This can happen when insulin levels are too low, which is rare in people with a normally functioning pancreas. Dangerously high levels of ketones lead to insulin secretion.

There are many misconceptions about the low-carb diet. Over the past 30 years, many studies have been published showing how healthy large amounts of fat and some carbohydrates can be.

Sometimes when people think of a ketogenic diet, they confuse high fat with high carbs, which are terrible for the body. Naturally, when you eat a lot of fatty foods that are high in sugar, you will get into trouble.

Have you been thinking about going on a low fat diet? The ketogenic diet has been shown to be healthier and more effective than a low-fat diet.

When you eat foods high in carbohydrates and fat, your body naturally produces glucose. Carbohydrates are the easiest thing for the body to process, so it will use them first, resulting in excess fat being stored. In turn, this leads to weight gain and health problems that are associated with diets with high level carbohydrates (not keto).

As a precaution, you should always consult your doctor if you have any concerns about starting a ketogenic diet. You should be especially careful if you are currently taking medications, as additional monitoring may be required. Be careful when breastfeeding, as you may need to increase your carbohydrate intake.

What's happening to my body?

Your body is used for a simple procedure of breaking down carbohydrates and using them as energy. Over time, the body has built up an arsenal of enzymes ready for this process, leaving only a few enzymes to deal with fat—mostly for fat storage.

Suddenly your body has to deal with a lack of glucose and an increase in fat, which means creating a new supply of enzymes. As your body transitions into a ketogenic state, your body will naturally use what's left of your glucose.

This means your body will be depleted of muscle glycogen, which can cause a lack of energy and general lethargy.

In the first week, many people report headaches, brain fog, dizziness and aggravation. Most of the time, this is a result of the loss of electrolytes, since ketosis has a diuretic effect. Make sure you drink plenty of water and maintain your sodium intake.

Sodium will help with water retention and replenish electrolytes. For most, temporary anxiety is the biggest danger you will face. This is called the “keto flu” or adjustment period.

is a very common feeling for new ketors, but most often it goes away after just a few days - and there are ways to minimize or even eliminate it. When going keto, you may experience some minor discomfort including fatigue, headache, nausea, cramps, etc.

There are several reasons for the keto flu, but two of them are the main ones:

1. Keto is a diuretic. You will urinate more, which means you will lose both electrolytes and water in your body. You can usually help combat this by using and increased water consumption. Basically, you need to replenish your depleted electrolytes.

There is no denying that the ketogenic diet is quite popular now. It causes conflicting reactions among doctors and nutritionists, however, there are studies that confirm its effectiveness. There is evidence to suggest that the ketogenic diet helps control hunger levels and improves metabolism. If you want to get this effect, try sticking to the key principles that a ketogenic diet involves. First of all, the essence of the diet is in the ratio: carbohydrates should make up no more than ten percent of all calories consumed, up to twenty-five percent should be obtained from protein, and the rest from fats. If you make food choices this way, your body will go into ketosis, a metabolic process in which it uses fat as an energy source. It begins only when glucose reserves are depleted. Simply put, you need to completely eliminate sugar and most carbohydrates by eating foods high in fat. If you're not sure what to eat, this list will help you. It contains the most useful products that make it easy to stick to the keto diet.


Avocado is an ideal food for the keto diet because it is high in fat and has no carbohydrates or sugar. Just don't pair it with chips or bread. To stay on track with your diet, eat avocado with a salad, bake it with an egg, or simply add it to your morning bacon and eggs. This product will help you improve your health and make it easier to create a ketogenic diet.


Walnuts are an excellent source of fat and protein, making them good choice with any diet. High content fat and the complete absence of sugar allows supporters of the keto diet to use them on an ongoing basis. Use them as a snack, add to salads and other dishes.


Almonds are another great source of protein that is great for the keto diet. The combination of fat, protein and fiber is the perfect trio to help curb hunger and cravings. junk food. Use nuts as the best option for a snack during the day; it’s convenient and satisfying.


You can make cauliflower puree instead of potatoes or use it like rice - this is an optimal replacement for any starchy foods. With only two grams of sugar per serving, you can eat kale without worry. This versatile product can be part of your diet every day.


Omelette, hard-boiled, poached, scrambled eggs - exists great amount varieties of eggs, all of which are suitable for a ketogenic diet. One egg contains only one gram of carbohydrates and a decent amount of fat and protein, so include this product in your diet more often, it is a suitable option even for a snack.


The mouth-watering texture of mushrooms makes them one of the most popular foods. They are also low in sugar and carbohydrates, which is ideal for people following the keto diet. Mushrooms are versatile enough that you can use them in many different recipes.

Coconut oil

This tropical product has received a controversial reputation in last years, but coconut oil is definitely suitable for the keto diet. You can use it as a salad dressing or bake steak with it. Anyway, this is optimal choice- but eat in moderation, because this product contains saturated fats.

Cheddar cheese

Hard cheeses are a better choice for a keto diet than soft cheeses like goat cheese or feta. Don't be afraid to add a few slices of cheddar to your bunless burger. You can choose other types of hard cheese.


A diet that allows bacon may seem like a fantasy, but it's reality. Bacon has zero carbs and no sugar, so you can enjoy this product at any time of the day.

Almond oil

Try eating this butter instead of peanut butter if you want to minimize your carb intake. The same amount of peanut butter contains two additional grams of carbohydrates and fewer healthy monounsaturated fats. Use almond butter as a snack, add it to dishes - this delicious product suits many options.


Fish is a popular staple in many diets, and the keto diet is no exception. Buy quality wild salmon Pink colour, rather than the white variety, is a farmed fish that is less healthy due to its reduced nutrient content.


Leafy greens are lower in carbohydrates than other foods. This can be called a serious plus for those who follow a ketogenic diet. In addition, spinach is rich in iron, potassium and fiber, which provides great health benefits. Make salads with spinach, add it to soups, use it as a side dish in stews.

Macadamia nuts

Try these tropical nuts if you're tired of eating almonds. Macadamia nuts are similarly low in carbohydrates and are high in vitamin A and magnesium. This delicious product will perfectly diversify your diet.


Beef has no carbohydrates and contains more fat than white meat. Ground beef is an optimal source of protein for a keto diet. Choose organic beef because it has a higher concentration of nutrients - vitamin A, vitamin E and healthy omega-3 fats. This will allow you to improve your health.

Olive oil

Healthy fats should be part of balanced diet, they occupy a central place in keto nutrition. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat, which is important for the heart, as well as vitamin E, which makes it one of the best products. Use it for roasting vegetables or for dressing salads.


Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene. This substance has amazing benefits for the heart. According to a recent study, increased consumption of lycopene helps reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Once cooked, tomatoes become even healthier, so use them in your dishes.

Ghee butter

Not familiar with this fatty product? Ghee is a refined oil that is widely used in Indian cuisine. This product is not only high in fat - ghee also contains fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D.

Brussels sprouts

These miniature cabbage heads are the perfect fall and winter staple. You can diversify your diet with them on a keto diet. Brussels sprouts are full of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and phosphorus. Don't be afraid to eat it more often.


Asparagus is a low-carb food that you should definitely try to include in your diet, ketogenic or not. These stems are rich in glutathione, a substance that helps fight cancer. Research has shown that consuming glutathione helps protect cells and stabilize health.


If you love coffee, you can rejoice: this product is allowed on the keto diet. Bad news? Both sugar and milk are excluded. If you can't imagine drinking coffee without any additives, try adding coconut oil and butter to it. It's popular in Lately drink and it will benefit your body.