What does it mean to fall in love in a dream. Women's dream book Why dream about falling in love according to the dream book. Dream book for lovers

Hello Yaroslav!
Today I had a strange dream.
Preamble: I have an uncle, my mother’s brother. He is only 11 years older than me (he is 34), and I never called him uncle, but only Shurik, Sanek, etc. He lives far from me, I haven’t seen him for five years.
So, I dream that Shurik and I are in love with each other. Moreover, at first I feel my family connection with him through the reproaches of my grandmother (his mother). In the dream, she continually makes comments to him that he looks at me too long and openly, although his wife is present nearby. I also can’t take my eyes off him - I fell head over heels in love. Stealthily, when no one sees, we kiss, but no more. I'm starting to think that he needs a wife like me, then he would be happy (in real life he is going to divorce his wife). In a dream, we are simply happy to be with each other. This moment is etched in my memory - our faces are close, I look into his eyes and cannot enjoy their beauty - heavenly color, deep as the sea,
and his nose is a little sprinkled with freckles (in real life it is completely different). “My freckled one,” I hear my gentle voice. We coo like doves. I notice a very beautiful thing on his neck - a very interesting pendant suspended on a gold chain - an interweaving of several hearts (made of ruby) in a gold frame, several diamonds also flashed.
Then I dream that we are in some company, sitting at tables, celebrating something. I'm naked and I'm not embarrassed about it. Let everyone see how beautiful Shurik’s girlfriend is. No one seems to pay obvious attention to my nakedness either. But then some guy joined the company, as I understood from the conversation - a criminal authority. As soon as he noticed my nakedness, and by the evil light that appeared in his eyes, I realized that I needed to disappear and get dressed. I run into the next room, but before I have time to throw anything on myself, he bursts in. The fight to preserve my honor begins. I turn out to be strong enough and we fight on equal terms. I’m calling, not even like that, I’m screaming at the top of my lungs, “Shurik! Sanya!!!" Sanya came running and pulled this idiot off me. But he immediately turned into a Siamese cat and began to scratch Sasha. I scream at him to throw him off the balcony. He threw it away. But it was only the 2nd floor...
Sasha starts giving me clothes, more like underwear. I put on a bra and some short shorts (I covered myself up, as they say). We go out again to the guests. I meet the gaze of the same guy who wanted to rape me. I note to myself that he is very cute, but this time he was with some girl.
Then the dream went in a different direction, where I was not naked, but I could not find my clothes.


An amazing dream that describes in universal symbols the dynamics of some of your motives and their transformation.
You actually have some feelings for your uncle (unless, of course, he is a symbol in the dream), but you encounter resistance from your inner parent/critic/censor [the scolding of my grandmother (his mother) - she makes comments to him every now and then that he looks at me too long and openly]. Most likely, these are echoes of the ban on incest.
His image for you bears the stamp of a metaphysical connection with someone else [on his neck there is a very beautiful thing - an interesting pendant is suspended on a gold chain - an interweaving of several hearts made of ruby ​​​​in a gold frame, a few diamonds also flashed by), i.e., for your unconscious it is not free (read the article and dreams about the ring in more detail).
There is a revival of your impulsive (interestingly, criminal) passions [some guy joined the company - a crime boss, he noticed my nakedness and a bad twinkle appeared in his eyes]. There is no doubt that this guy is a symbol of your impulses, since he is trying to rape you, i.e. to master the ego-image he turns into an animal [he immediately turned into a Siamese cat and began to scratch Sasha]
Are you trying to separate your life meaning from this passion [I scream for him to throw him off the balcony, he threw him out], but the most you can do is make her human again, i.e. rational, moral [we go out to the guests again, I meet the eyes of the same guy who wanted to rape me, I note to myself that he is very handsome, but this time he was with some girl].
Throughout the entire dream, you manage to feel unconstrained by rules, free [I’m naked, and I’m not ashamed of it, let everyone see how beautiful it is], which is a good prognostic sign: people who willingly expose themselves are less constrained and more spontaneous.


I’m very, very pleased with your decoding, Yaroslav! To begin with, my uncle is just an uncle for me and I don’t feel any loving feelings for him, most likely it’s a symbol. As for releasing my impulsive passions to freedom, I’m trying my best contain it. Although a plan has already been outlined in my head. He is not that criminal, but with elements of a detective story. This is all my love for one person, giving me no peace. I think that I will eventually be able to carry out this plan by adjusting it into a more rational, morally acceptable one. Thanks again.

Dream interpretation of falling in love

AnySome of us can fall in love, and this usually happens at least once in our lives. Dream interpreters can present to your attention a whole range of interpretations, from a banal craving for love to real life, to quite interesting interpretations.

In a dream you fell in love

Interpreters say that in order to correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to identify the dreamer himself. Before you start making a prediction, it’s worth finding out what they think about this symbol dream interpreters.

Opinions of predictors

In real life, when we fall in love, we feel empowered. Why dream of falling in love in a dream? Dream interpreters are provided to help a sleeping person.

Autumn dream book

This dream book believes that falling in love in a dream is similar to the same action in reality. When your dream shows you how passionately you love someone in a dream, but they do not reciprocate your love, then in reality you suffer from a feeling of loneliness. Such a dreamer lacks banal communication.

Summer dream book

Falling in love in a dream means being separated from your loved one. In reality you yearn for him, long for a meeting.

Spring dream book

Experience falling in love in a dream

If you had a dream at night in which you fell in love, then in reality a new meeting awaits you. The interpreter says that the meeting will be very pleasant for the sleeping person.

Modern interpreter

A person in love in a dream will meet someone in reality. Dating will be pleasant and useful.

Women's dream book

When in a dream you fell in love with another person, the interpreter advises you to restrain yourself a little in your selfish thoughts. If you continue to behave this way, you may become the center of a huge scandal.

For a young woman, such a vision promises many fans. The dreamer will take a long time to choose a mate and will choose a highly moral guy.

For married women, such a dream has a different meaning. The lady is not entirely satisfied with her husband’s feelings and is thinking about finding pleasure outside her home.

Dreaming of a man in love

To see a dream in which another person fell in love means that you will be called upon to abandon your moral principles.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z”

Falling in love in a dream, feeling the whole gamut of emotions that is inherent in a person in such a state - you are entering a favorable period of life. Soon joyful events will begin to happen, you will be happy.

True, the interpreter says that if the dreamer continues to behave selfishly, he may frighten away good luck.

In a dream you were reciprocated - you will have many fans. When a married lady has such a dream, she expects entertainment outside the home.

When in a dream you are pursued by a fan who has fallen deeply in love with you, then in reality you will face envy and slander.

Why might a couple in love dream of showing their feelings without being embarrassed by others? You will communicate with people who will try to force you to renounce your principles.

I dreamed of an annoying admirer

In night vision you will help two lovers reunite - commit noble deed in real life.

The dreamer's position

Interpreters for the most part consider similar visions for the fair half of humanity. It is believed that women are more likely to see similar dreams, and they are more susceptible to romantic feelings.

When the dreamer is lonely in real life, the dream may be evidence that you take life too easily. It seems to you like some kind of game, you don’t want to be responsible, you don’t take on obligations.

It is worth taking seriously a dream in which the object of your adoration constantly leaves you, and at the same time you experience melancholy and doom. Surely in reality you are busy with completely unnecessary things, cherishing unrealistic plans.

Also, such a vision may indicate that you trust vile people too much. You endow them with qualities that they completely lack.

Love in a dream is a sign that you only look at a person's appearance, when in fact it can be deceiving.

Interpretation for a married lady

According to the dream book, a married lady's love is a sign that family life A woman lacks romance and mutual understanding. She expects warmth and affection from her husband, but, unfortunately, does not receive it.

The dreamer may be too fixated on household chores. She is so mired in everyday life that she simply does not find the time and energy for sublime feelings.

It happens that such a dream occurs to a woman who is generally happy in her family life. Then the dream may be talking about something completely different. The dreamer has stopped taking care of herself, developing, and no longer loves herself. This vision should be a call to action. Love yourself, otherwise you will not be able to be happy.

What does the guy in your dream symbolize?

According to the dream book, falling in love in a dream is quite natural. You are simply looking for a life partner, your subconscious is preparing you for new feelings.

It is important to remember how the dreamer felt towards her dream partner. If you felt the state of flight, then in reality you will soon meet young man, which will awaken your sensuality.

It’s a completely different matter if the object of your adoration causes you anxiety, fear, or other unpleasant feelings.

You should be especially wary if the dreamer has only recently met a young man. In such cases, the dream book has several interpretations of sleep:

  • a woman is afraid of intimacy with a man and does not want to let anyone close;
  • the girl is worried about real person who entered her life is afraid of him;
  • the dreamer is a rather dreamy person, dreams of a prince, does not notice real people.

Of course, love is a wonderful feeling. We can fall in love with a person at first sight, the main thing is not to make a mistake in our choice, not to make a fatal mistake.

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Such a dream predicts pleasant events, happy moments in life and elation for you. Sometimes a dream about falling in love means unexpectedly receiving a gift, meeting a pleasant person, or you will really fall in love very soon.

Exact value the dream depends on what exactly was seen and felt in the dream, but the plot about falling in love is one of the most informative. This is how the dream book interprets the appearance of tender feelings and sympathies most often.

An old acquaintance or a stranger

Why dream of falling in love with a person you know, but in life you have no interest in him? Think about what connects you with him and what can really awaken your feelings. Often falling in love in a dream symbolizes a new interest, pleasant events and joyful impressions and emotions.

It happens that deep down in your soul you feel interest, including erotic interest, in a person you know, but this only becomes real in a dream. But more often, in dreams of falling in love, there is no erotic subtext and there is only sympathy.

The exact meaning of the dream depends on your mutual interests and desires. Often a plot about falling in love is dreamed of as a sign of disappointments and experiences in the dreamer’s life. But sometimes a vision indicates the development of feelings and the awakening of interest in someone you know.

Freud interprets the appearance of falling in love as changeable feelings and moods. Sometimes a vision means that you will fall in love, but in similar person or feel a new interest in an old acquaintance.

If a girl dreamed that she was in love with her own dad, then in life she will compare men with him and try to marry about the same person.

If you dreamed of falling in love with a dead person, then expect an unrequited feeling or that your efforts will be completely in vain. The exact meaning of the dream depends on what exactly you felt in the dream.

Looking at photographs of a deceased person, remembering a non-existent romance, is a sign of a new acquaintance. Sometimes a dream indicates that you will meet a similar person.

If married woman I dreamed that she fell in love with her husband again, in reality he would surprise her with some action or surprise.

The return of romance or jealousy is possible. After all, the exact meaning of the dream also depends on who you fall in love with and how your feelings manifest themselves.

Teenage dreams

At this time, both boys and girls begin to show interest in opposite sex, hormones are playing and they want to feel like adults and independent individuals.

Thoughts related to future feelings may flash through your head, so a teenager may well fall in love in a dream, but falling in love does not carry the meaning that slips into adulthood.

More often this is a search not for physical, but for spiritual contact and new, interesting life, impressions. Although some teenagers may also have prophetic dreams that come true within several years or immediately after sleep.

The character and nature of falling in love will help you determine what is missing in the dream and what you are actually striving for subconsciously.

For a girl to fall in love with a handsome stranger in a dream - to loneliness and misunderstanding. Remember the appearance and profession, the character of the person you dreamed of: this indicates to whom exactly you will soon reveal your own heart and feelings.

Some girls dream of such a vision to signify a new acquaintance and love. But if the character disappears, does not respond to your affection and tenderness, and turns away, then the feelings are unlikely to be mutual.

A dream in which you felt in love with your own father indicates admiration for him as a man, a person and a person. The exact meaning of the dream depends on how you felt about it.

Falling in love with a brother or relative or friend predicts pleasant impressions, a reciprocal feeling or the fact that you lack friendly support and a friend in your life. Sometimes a dream may indicate meeting a person similar to him.

To feel love for a young and handsome teacher in a dream means that in your life you lack a strong and courageous man, a bright person who would help you find support in life and support you in difficult times.

Falling in love with a person for whom you do not feel sympathy in life is a sign of curiosity and a desire to solve many problems. It is possible that this man will behave in an unusual way and begin to treat you completely differently.

For a girl to fall in love with a military man or an athlete in a dream - to a lack of strength and a sense of security. Such a dream often predicts a lack of support and internal protection in your life.

If a man does not reciprocate, then you will soon lose contact and understanding with others.

Falling in love with a guy of ordinary appearance, ugly and pathetic - means the need to take care of someone and take care of a weak person.

If you dreamed that he reciprocated your feelings, then you will soon fall in love with just such a person. Sometimes the dream is about self-pity and lack of love and understanding with others.

If you fall in love with a fictional character, then in reality you will not soon meet love, but you will have a bright passion in life and a change in interests.

Falling in love with a celebrity means new career heights and a desire for achievement. Especially if you dream of achieving success in the area of ​​life that a celebrity personifies.

For example, for a girl who dreams of becoming a singer, falling in love with a show business star will be quite natural in a dream, unless she secretly dreams of marrying a bright, interesting and wonderful person who can work in this area.

By the way, a girl can be in love with a woman and this is not a sign of a violation of sexual orientation. After all, in a dream, falling in love is a spiritual feeling, not a physical one. Most likely, you will imitate this character, copy him and try to understand the world of his feelings and desires.

Men's crushes

If a girl falls in love in a dream, then subconsciously she tries to compensate for the feelings that she lacks in real life, although in some cases such dreams come true literally.

Guys who fall in love dream of finding a like-minded woman and subconsciously showing erotic interest, and testing their own attractiveness. Sometimes feelings suggest what a young man is really striving for and what emotions he begins to experience in a dream.

If to a young guy If he dreamed that he fell in love with a woman much older than himself, then he has not yet moved away enough from his mother’s skirt or is embarrassed by his inexperience and wants to hide behind someone else’s back. Sometimes a dream predicts your popularity with adult women, whom you will use for your own purposes.

Fall in love with beautiful girl and trying to look after her is a favorable sign. You'll feel the rush vitality or you will soon meet this person. But if a girl rejects you, starts laughing or being rude, expect misunderstanding from others.

Falling in love with a married person is a forbidden pleasure. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that you will strive to communicate with mature girls.

If you have feelings for an ugly person, expect an unpleasant event or scandal. When you dreamed that girls fell in love with you and began to run, chase and admire you, then this is a favorable sign.

Vanga writes that you will soon become popular, but do not forget about objectivity. For some people, such a dream predicts falling in love and happy moments in life, while others dream of ridicule and bullying.

If during a night's rest you get into love triangle, then beware of intrigue. Such visions are often literally fulfilled.

Making a stranger fall in love with you means a new acquaintance and romantic feelings.

If she was very beautiful, your wishes will soon come true. Feeling that falling in love is leaving is a reasonable decision.

Kissing in the back seat of a car with someone else's girlfriend is an unexpected turn of events. Such a dream often predicts affairs and short-term pleasures.

To experience a strong attraction to a teacher, someone else’s wife, a rich girl or another unapproachable person means a serious lack of something important in your life and bright love.

The Islamic dream book writes that you will be happy if you can achieve reciprocity of feelings.

Other meanings of sleep

For a girl to see that her boss has fallen in love with her is a sign of sympathy on his part. Sometimes such a dream predicts success and receiving a reward, but for some people the dream foretells harassment and unpleasant moments in life.

But if the feeling is mutual, then soon you will either work on a joint project, or your relationship will become more than friendly.

For a girl in love to fall in love with her boyfriend again in a dream - to a cooling of feelings or a surprise.

If you liked another person and left your lover, expect a change in your own life plans.

A new guy dreams of joy or acquaintance. Sometimes a vision indicates reciprocity of feelings and a change in your interests. Falling in love with a man who is married and much older than himself is a sign of searching strong man in your life.

If you dreamed of a real demon, expect forbidden pleasure or that you will break the usual rules or become interested in a person who may turn out to be dangerous.

A vampire dreams of communicating with an aggressive and cruel, not entirely adequate person. Falling in love with him means a dangerous relationship or aggression. If you fall in love with a ghost in a dream, expect trouble or meeting a criminal. When evil spirits begins to haunt you in a dream or fall in love - this is an unfavorable sign.

For a girl to feel in love simply as a state, but not to see any person nearby is a favorable sign. The dream foretells success and pleasant experiences in your life, which you will be very happy about.

Sleeping with a friend, although you do not experience mutual attraction, means pleasant communication. The dream predicts joy and a pleasant discovery for you. If an acquaintance of a good-looking man fell in love with the dreamer, then soon they will communicate together.

Accept advances unknown guy- a sign of success. But if you don't feel attracted and feel irritated by advances, this is an unfavorable symbol. The dream foretells you an obsessive interest in other people.

If a guy dreamed that a completely uninteresting person fell in love with him, this is an unfavorable sign. The dream predicts troubles, scandals and constant quarrels. Sometimes a vision turns out to be prophetic.

If after a frank conversation the girl does not change her attitude towards you, then expect trouble. But it’s even worse if a woman older than you is running after you.

The vision indicates that you are unlikely to be happy and may come under pressure from others, especially a relative or mother. If you dreamed that your girlfriend fell in love with someone else, expect resentment or insult.

A dream in which you fall in love with a business partner, friend or boss symbolizes success or mutual interest in a common cause.

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling that inspires us, makes us happy and makes us smile. But what does a dream in which we experience such emotions portend?

In this article we will figure out why you dream of falling in love with someone. Most dream books interpret such visions from a positive point of view. But in order to understand in more detail what exactly our subconscious is trying to tell us with a dream filled with romantic feelings, we need to remember its details in detail.

This magical feeling is love

According to the dream book, falling in love in a night vision while experiencing happiness means joyful changes in a person’s life. Pleasant events are possible at work, at school, or in relationships with others.

If a young girl whose heart is free dreamed that she fell in love with someone, she will soon meet her soulmate. The same interpretation of the dream is true for a lonely young guy.

A dream where a sleeping person falls in love unrequitedly means that he should be less superficial in real life. The dream book advises not to get carried away with empty ideas that will not bring much benefit. The dreamer also needs to be more careful when trusting other people.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another person, do not be afraid - this dream does not have a negative meaning. Perhaps in real life the spouse is not completely satisfied with the relationship with her husband. However, the dream book advises to talk calmly with your loved one. Such a conversation will benefit the couple, and the relationship will improve.

If a woman, completely satisfied with her marriage, falls in love with another in a dream, then she should pay more attention to herself. Perhaps it's time to pamper yourself by buying clothes, going to a beauty salon, or taking a vacation and having a good rest.

A dream in which a person experiences mutual feelings for someone he likes in reality portends fast execution cherished desire. The dream book promises the imminent beginning of a strong relationship with the object of adoration.

In order to find out in more detail why a person falls in love in a dream, let’s turn to various dream books:

  • According to Miller's dream book, falling in love in a dream warns the sleeper that in reality he should be less selfish. This will help avoid conflicts with others. If a young girl sees such a dream, then secret dates with her gentleman await her. However, in the end she will choose a more reliable and devoted partner.
  • Solomon interprets such a vision as the imminent start of a profitable activity that will not only bring benefits, but also bring pleasure.
  • The dream book of Simon Kananita claims that experiencing this magical feeling in a dream is a sign of a pleasant acquaintance that will turn out to be beneficial.
  • Falling in love, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, means the onset of a carefree and happy time in a person’s life.

Mysterious stranger

Often in her dream a girl falls in love with a stranger. What could such a dream mean? Here it is worth understanding the emotions that the sleeping person experienced.

If a girl dreamed that she fell in love with unknown man, which awakened a feeling of happiness in her, then in reality she will have pleasant communication with a young man. Perhaps this connection will lead to serious feelings in reality.

Sad emotions from falling in love in a dream have the opposite meaning. This vision portends joy and fun in reality.

Stranger, evoking feeling anxiety may mean that in reality the girl is afraid to trust her boyfriend. The dream book advises to check his sincerity in one way or another.

If the dreamer's love object is above her in a dream, then in real life the girl will soon receive support and help from good people. But if the girl herself laughed at her beloved, such a dream predicts the creation of a strong family with this person in the near future.

If a girl very often sees in her dreams how she falls in love with a stranger, then in reality she should take a closer look at one of the guys she knows. Perhaps the dreamer is trying to run away from her attachment and hide it from others. But there is no point in renouncing real feelings. Most likely, this hobby will be mutual.

If married man If you dreamed that he fell in love with a stranger, then the dream book recommends paying more attention to your family. Little joyful surprises for your wife will help your husband avoid an unpleasant showdown and maintain warm feelings.

Also, such a dream advises a man to be more careful at work. You should stop blindly trusting your colleagues. In addition, you should be more careful when making transactions with partners.

So, in order to find out why you dream of falling in love with someone, you need to try to recreate in your memory a clear picture of the dream. Almost always, such a dream promises a person a happy time and joyful events in real life. It turns out that this feeling is wonderful not only in reality, but also in a dream.

Do you want to find out why you dream about falling in love? Seers offer various options deciphering the dream depending on whether it was a light hobby or a bright flash of passion with intimacy. It is important to consider how events occurring in a dream and in reality are combined. After all, very often in dreams there is something that is missing in real life.

Miller's Predictions

The psychologist is sure: falling in love symbolizes the excessive selfishness of the individual. You indulge all your desires indiscriminately. But the dream book warns: the result will not be as tempting as you expect.

If in a dream you saw your lover with someone else, then Miller predicts a quarrel with a close friend.

Mysterious stranger

Why dream of falling in love with a girl you know nothing about? If her appearance strikes the imagination, you crave romance and adventure in life, says the Eastern Dream Book.

But if you find yourself in love with a girl who doesn’t stand out among those around you, then you should strive for serious relationship and creating a family.

Woman in love

Why dream if tender feelings blossomed in a dream among representatives of the weaker half of humanity?

Often falling in love with a guy in a dream occurs before meeting in reality, which will bring a lot of happiness and joy.

A girl in a dream fell in love with a guy - she will be absorbed in a new activity that will not only be interesting, but also bring profit.

For a woman to fall in love with a man, it means that life will delight her with pleasant surprises.

Why dream of falling in love with an unkempt man? In reality, some annoying person will throw you out of balance.

Dreams about love are notable for the fact that the emotions experienced have a strong influence on the interpretation. The dream book, if you felt happiness in the vision, predicts positive changes in life.


Why dream of falling in love with a stranger? When the image of a character is unclear, then in reality someone will fulfill all the girl’s wishes and save her from making responsible decisions.

But if in a dream you found a naked man in your bed and made love to him, this indicates strong dissatisfaction with what is happening. The dream book in this case speaks of the need to urgently change the lifestyle and the situation as a whole.


The guy you fell in love with in your dream is unknown, but has a very bright character. Seers recommend remembering what exactly attracted you. Often the dream book warns of a “reversal”, when what is happening has the opposite interpretation.

For example, falling in love with a stranger, who from the first minutes puts you at ease and in a dream you want to trust him completely, means that in reality, on the contrary, there is a lack of risk and adventure. And sympathy for a carefree ladies' man indicates a search for a deep, reliable relationship. The dream book, if you like a millionaire, says that wealth is not of primary importance to you.

Caring for others

The modern dream book recommends that people who fall in love with a friend in a dream show interest in loved ones. Perhaps they need your help.

Why dream of falling in love with a friend? Seers predict that it will be friends who will help make your dream come true.

If you fell in love with two or more guys at the same time, in reality you need to confirm your status and maintain high self-esteem, says the dream book.

Became an object of sympathy

Did you manage to make a very attractive man fall in love with you? A dream indicates internal experiences, doubts about relationships with the opposite sex. Often this plot in a dream foreshadows a promising meeting.

You managed to fall in love with another person - the English dream book predicts a radical change in your life, as a result of which you will have to seek help and give up your beliefs.

Otherworldly forces

Tsvetkov’s Dream Interpretation is sure that if you fell in love with a Demon, this is good sign. Finally, there will be an opportunity to buy a long-desired item. Are you sick? Recovery is expected.

If the dreamer is feeling excellent and already has everything, the plot in the dream indicates a strong manifestation of ambition and worries over trifles.

Falling in love with a ghost in a dream indicates the need to choose your friends more scrupulously. You need to be especially careful with the opposite sex, otherwise severe disappointments await you.

Don't waste your energy

If the dream is repeated many times, it is necessary to analyze the events occurring in reality and seek help from a medium.

Authoritative personality

Did you imagine that you fell in love with a teacher or boss? Loff's dream book predicts: in case of problems, rely only on yourself.

Falling in love with a military man means that in reality you are overly nervous and worried; the desire for constancy and stability is quite natural.