How to open your own recruitment agency: where to start. How to open a recruitment agency

In almost every company, sales and customer service managers earn the most, since they directly bring profit to the company. However, given that now in any organization the most important asset is personnel, the HR department is a key link.

Wanting to work for yourself and have a significant more income, many people strive to open their own recruitment agency. This comes with certain risks and challenges that must be taken into account in order to achieve the desired result.

The first and rather global difficulty in Russia for an entrepreneur who wants to open such an enterprise is the fact that not all employers are ready to invest extra money in paying for the services of this kind of company. Instead, they prefer to work through their own HR department.

The second problem is that those companies that do understand the advantages of working with a staffing company, for the most part, are quite large and already have a partner in this area. Finally, the third problem is high level competition in this market.

The following advantages can be highlighted:

  • Low payback period.
  • High profit level.
  • No need for a large amount of initial investment.
  • The market does not depend much on seasonality.
  • The opportunity to build partnerships with your clients through the search for highly qualified personnel.
  • There is interest in this form of business on the part of employers and employees, since the search is carried out confidentially.
  • The simplicity of organizing such a business.
  • Low operating costs.
  • The almost complete absence of barriers to entry into the market (this is both an advantage for a new company and a disadvantage, since due to their absence, sharp rise competition in a short period of time).
  • Possibility to choose different formats for carrying out activities.

Registration of the form of activity

In order to start officially working, the agency must be registered. So, preferably, a society with limited liability. Also acceptable if there are no expansion plans. In this case, the company can have only one founder.

Registration must be carried out as per tax office, and in extra-budgetary forms. Accordingly, the owner will have to pay a state fee. Recently, obtaining a license is no longer required.

In addition, at legal entity must open a bank account. When registering, it is advisable to choose so that tax is paid on net profit. This is beneficial because such an enterprise has minimal operating costs.

Types of agencies and typical services

There are 2 large categories of companies:

  • who are searching for personnel for a specific position;
  • who help staff find employment (that is, they search for a vacancy for a person, and not a person for a vacancy).

The second type makes money thanks to contributions from people who are looking for work: this can be either a fixed amount for information about companies that are looking for a specialist of the relevant profile, or a fee for access to the database for a certain amount of time. Finally, the third option is to receive money from a person after his employment in the amount of the average monthly salary.

Many agencies combine these two forms above.

Among those companies that select personnel for any position, there are the following varieties:

  • Headhunting agency. Speaking literally, similar companies engage in headhunting. A special feature of this type is working with large companies. In this case, there is not just a search for a free specialist, but actions are taken to transfer him from one company to another.
  • Specialized recruiting agencies. These are those companies that focus on one specific area. This can be either hiring employees for only one organization, or selecting personnel only for certain positions (for example, warehouse personnel), or searching for workers for a certain area, be it pharmaceuticals or the food industry.
  • Regular recruiting companies. In their scheme, they are similar to those enterprises that search for vacancies for people. The level of payment for their services varies from 1-2 to 4 salaries of the found employee.

Services include:

  • Recruiting regular staff.
  • Exclusive recruiting of the company's top management.
  • Recruitment of personnel according to specific requirements.
  • Market surveys (eg salary-related data).
  • Assessment Center (monitoring the competence and motivation of personnel).

You can learn how to open such an organization without investments from the following video:

Selecting premises and purchasing the necessary equipment

Opening an agency is quite simple: you can choose the location based on the rental price. It is also important to understand that the office should be located in a place with good transport accessibility. There should be convenient access to it. It is also desirable that it be located closer to the city center in areas with high traffic.

There are no requirements for office space as such. However, zoning must be done in it: first of all, you will need an office in which individual interviews will be conducted.

The agency does not require specialized equipment. It will be enough to equip each workplace a standard set of equipment - a computer, telephone, copier, scanner, printer (the last 3 items may not be available to every employee, but in single quantities for the entire office). In addition, you will need to organize Internet access.

Company personnel

To begin with, it will be enough to hire 2 employees who will search for personnel and make calls. In addition, the company will need managers who have good education and experience in human resource management. These two factors will guarantee their ability to short term identify strengths and weaknesses potential employee, and also understand whether he is suitable for the vacancy.

If an entrepreneur wants to provide services for analyzing the market situation, it is necessary to hire 1 or 2 competent analysts.

The quality of reports will determine the demand for such services. Only these employees will receive a fixed salary. The rest of the frames, as a rule, receive a certain percentage of the transaction performed searching and hiring an employee.

For small company the presence of specialists such as an accountant, lawyer or system administrator is not critical. It will be enough to hire a lawyer and administrator only when they are needed. An accountant can work part-time 1-2 days a week or at the end of the reporting period. This will significantly reduce costs.

Searching for client-employers, creating a database of potential personnel

In our country on initial stage Finding clients is quite difficult. This happens because many Russian companies (especially small and medium-sized ones) underestimate the level of payment for such services and do not take the agency’s work seriously. As a result, they do not get the result they wanted, and most likely stop using such services.

To overcome this situation, at the first stage you will have to call large companies and offer them the services of a new agency at a fairly low cost. Despite the fact that most of them have regular partners, many agree to such offers.

In addition, you can search for clients using various recruitment and job search sites: medium-sized companies that search through such services usually do not have a permanent partner among recruitment organizations.

Finally, an agency may be needed by companies that are just entering the market or are seriously expanding their scope of activity or region of presence. In this case, employers understand that conducting a personnel search on their own will require a large amount of time and money, and therefore turn to recruiting organizations.

Costs, approximate profit and payback period

A recruiting agency is a type of business that does not require a large amount of investment. The most expensive part is paying office rent several months in advance. Depending on its size, the entrepreneur will have to pay 25-50 thousand per month.

Another equally significant cost item is advertising (20-30 thousand per month). It should be posted on specialized portals, as well as in large circulation publications supplied free of charge. Only in this case will it be possible to quickly attract customers.

Other costs include:

  • Preparation of necessary documents and registration – 10-20 thousand rubles.
  • Office renovation costs about 150 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen interior and the size of the room.
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment - about 35-40 thousand rubles based on one workplace (in the case of purchasing 1-2 printers, scanners and copiers for the entire office).
  • Internet connection - 2-4 thousand rubles.

The payback period is from 2 to 4 months with an order value of 25-30 thousand rubles. In this case, the monthly net profit will be approximately 100-250 thousand rubles depending on the number of orders and employees. Business profitability is about 10-15%.

The services of a personnel or recruiting agency, as it is also called, are today in great demand among various companies and organizations, and the demand for them is constantly growing. It is known that the success of a company depends 80% on its personnel, the qualifications of employees and their professional skills. This is why managers turn to a recruitment agency, since they sometimes simply do not have the time or opportunity to find competent workers on their own. Having decided to open your own employment agency, you should be prepared for great competition in this area. However, if you show your best entrepreneurial qualities and follow the rules of running this business, you will be able to achieve the desired heights.

Before opening a recruitment agency, you should realize that at first your business will not be profitable; its breakeven period may take from one to three years. Think about whether you are willing to wait that long.

Often, employment agencies cease their activities in the first year.

But if you are not looking for easy ways and quick sources of profit, have a reserve of patience and are ready to work for the future, consider that half the success is already in your pocket.

Initial stage of business organization

First of all, you should decide on the specialization of the future agency. Some of them focus on finding ordinary performers, others - line managers, and still others - top managers. There are different directions in the field of activity. Some agencies recruit personnel only for one specific area, such as IT or industrial production. It is necessary to choose one direction or another based on geographical location, taking into account the most and least developed areas of production, the demand for certain professions.

Based on the manager’s desire to earn money as quickly as possible, employment agencies are often opened that charge a fee from applicants. This approach in itself is erroneous, since you cannot give a person any guarantee of employment. Therefore, this model of work has long received a negative reputation and is considered a real deception. If you position yourself as a serious businessman and strive to earn greater degree trust in the labor market, payment must be taken from companies looking for employees after the vacancy is filled and after 10-15 days from the date the applicant starts work.

The standard and main service provided by a recruitment agency is the selection of applicants for a vacant position. Its cost may vary depending on the position the candidate seeks to fill. If this is a skilled worker, we will talk about 7-9% of the annual salary. The asking price for a middle manager is 10-15%, for a director - 25% of annual income.

Another service provided by the employment agency is the preparation of a screening resume. Candidates are selected mechanically from the general database, according to specified criteria (gender, age, work experience, etc.). Personal qualities and additional skills are not taken into account in this case. At later stages of the existence of a recruitment agency, the organization of advanced training courses and trainings is added to the list of services.

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Organizational issues and financial investments

To open a recruitment agency, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, pay a state fee for registering a legal entity, and open your own bank account. After solving all the paperwork, you can proceed directly to organizing the business. You will need good office space, preferably in the city center or a prestigious area. Its area should be 15-40 square meters. m. It is important that there is a convenient transport interchange nearby, and that the premises itself have been renovated and installed necessary equipment, furniture. Just as a person is greeted by his clothes, the impression of your business will initially be formed based on appearance the office where you work.

To fully develop your agency, you will need a staff of reliable employees. Usually these are two managers (at the initial stage), a psychologist (preferably, but agencies do not always resort to his help), a recruiter who performs the duties of a consultant, marketer, analyst, sociologist. After the agency reaches self-sufficiency and has developed a client base, you can invite a system administrator and accountant to work.

Interested in how to open a recruitment agency, entrepreneurs initially want to know the calculations of the amounts that will be needed for this. We provide average data, but it is worth understanding that they will differ in different cities. So, the main expense item is renting the premises. While the business is not yet profitable, it will be enough to limit it to 15-20 square meters. m. In this case, the rent will not exceed $1000.

The costs of repairs and designer services, if resorted to, vary significantly and can amount to $5,000-20,000 (based on a room of 20 sq. m.). Everything here is individual, depending on the prices in a particular locality, the materials used, and the style of the interior. Purchasing equipment will require you to spend $2000-7000. At least another $500 will be spent on advertising for the agency, because you will have to loudly announce yourself. And the sum of $500 is only the lower limit mark in in this case. Don’t forget also about setting up a phone number, internet connection, monthly payment telephone conversations, electricity, internet. Managers' salaries are usually not fixed and amount to 15-40% of each transaction. At first, you can set the salary.

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Attracting clients and customers to the agency

Opening an employment agency is only a small part of the story. It is much more important to organize his constant work. And for this you will need customers and clients. To attract them, you will have to use all available media, especially advertising. Don’t underestimate it; correctly presented information about your agency’s activities and targeting a specific target audience will do the trick. Also not last role your personal acquaintances with other entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers play a role big companies. It doesn't hurt to create your own website. Today, not a single successful company can do without it.

Searching for personnel is not such a difficult task, but it also requires a serious approach. Place an advertisement about the vacancy on job search sites, in specialized media, tell your acquaintances and friends, perhaps, if not themselves, then someone from their environment is just looking for a new job. Pay attention to university graduates. Many companies recruit young interns, provide training and give them the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

Just finding applicants is not enough; you also need to select among them. Employers turn to recruitment agencies for the reason that they do not want to waste their time on endless interviews and reviewing resumes; often they want to find an experienced employee with a lot of professional skills, a good track record, and recommendations. And you must give it to him. Of course, finding a worthy candidate for the position of an accountant or manager is easier than for the position of department head or director. This is the complexity of the work of a recruitment agency. Often good specialists already have a permanent job, and you will have to work hard to interest and persuade them to move from one company to another.

The HR business, experts say, is quite specific. Therefore, the proverb applies to him: if you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water. You should open a recruiting agency with experience in this field. It is important to understand internal business processes and the specifics of service provision, because here everything can go according to an individual scenario, and changes need to be responded to in a timely manner. Depending on the specifics of the vacancy, sources, tools and methods of search and selection are selected.

Where to start?

Experts advise: You need to work in this area in a hired position. Because if you enter the market from the outside, you will definitely make a lot of mistakes. A sufficiently deep understanding of the personnel market, the quantity and quality of candidates for vacancies, salary monitoring and other indicators is necessary, because personnel business- this is a complex and long-paying business. This is not a simple resale of goods, this is project work: every employer, every vacancy is a project. Therefore, you should first work as an HR manager or development manager in a serious recruiting company. You can participate both at the sales stage and at the stage of filling a vacancy.

So, you have gained experience in the field of recruiting. Now we need to understand for which segment do you want to recruit personnel?. Medium and small businesses are one potential base. You can choose a narrow area like IT, and this is a different employer base. And other specifics of the work. After all, for example, if you are conducting mass recruitment, the main thing here is speed. Searching for IT specialists is difficult, searching not only in the region, but throughout the country, it involves luring people from other companies, long terms closing, high price for closing an application, this knowledge technical nuances, terms, aspects. There are agencies that select everything for everyone. There are agencies that select only mass personnel. There are agencies that select only sales specialists. And the client base of recruiting companies is formed depending on the specifics.

Elvira Nurmieva

In our business we need to react to the situation. You need to approach the client outside the box, not according to a template. Therefore, in business you need to master yourself, have big set selection tools. Let me give you an example of non-standard treatment. A commercial real estate agency is looking for an employee. It deals with both sales of large real estate properties and rentals, and has a ready-made base and reputation. However, this is a very narrow segment. There are about 20 experienced candidates on the market per month. That is, the probability of filling a vacancy is low. You can search among inexperienced ones - take any sales manager and refocus on commercial real estate. But there is a large percentage of inconsistencies, failures, and refusals. At the same time, the employer wants to hold something like a competition, to pass through large number applicants, recruit a team of 3-5 people and leave one or two from it. We help develop an adaptation plan and give recommendations on how to properly introduce a newcomer to the position. We also provide screening services - that is, we call candidates and invite them to the employer, creating a constant flow of candidates. In this case, we approached the search sources in an unconventional way: we sent out a newsletter on social networks to candidates from the real estate industry.

As a rule, most companies turn to a recruiting agency when they need an employee yesterday or tomorrow.

Work strategy should be built by immediately checking with the client: does he have someone to replace the employee, is a new representative office opening in the region or have they been working here for a long time, is there already established functionality or is it new position, an employee is urgently needed or something else you can think about, etc. This preparatory work often carried out free of charge by the agency before concluding a contract to ensure a complete understanding of the request. Sometimes the employer himself does not know what kind of employee he needs. Let’s say he’s hiring a head of sales for the first time and doesn’t know what the pay is, what the functionality is and what the requirements for the vacancy are. Based on this, the profile of the candidate and the cost of his selection are formed. As a rule, clients need time to make a final decision about cooperation with an agency - on average from one to ten working days.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

There are a great variety of personnel assessment methods. And you can spend hours assessing a candidate. But there is no time for that. We have developed our own unique four-factor personnel assessment system: motivation is assessed, personal qualities and behavior patterns, professional knowledge, reliability of information and recommendations. It allows us, in 40 minutes to an hour, to obtain the necessary information about the candidate in order to understand whether he needs to be referred to the employer. We use the testing system only if these are professional tests, when we need to understand the competence of a specialist. We also sometimes involve external experts who are already working successfully to evaluate the candidate.

Enterprises are ready to outsource personnel selection to recruiting agencies in three cases.

If the company does not have a full-time HR staff or if the company does not have a monthly turnover of two or three positions, it is cheaper for them to contact an agency. Or if the manager has no time to deal with this issue himself, because personnel selection is, first of all, a waste of time on searching, calling, inviting, interviewing, and assessing. Workplace downtime costs an enterprise much more than the services of a recruiting agency. Employers who first try to recruit staff on their own very soon realize how difficult it is, and after a couple of unsuccessful attempts contact a recruitment agency.

Investment volume

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

To find funds to start, You can apply for a grant, contact specialists who will help you prepare the documents correctly. You can look for investors, for example, among businessmen you know. You can contact business associations - there may be people interested in your project. By the way, you can also find contacts of future potential clients there. You can take out a consumer loan - the amount is suitable for two or more founders. The most important thing is to have an adequate business plan. It is sobering and helps to talk with an investor in the language of numbers. It is necessary to predict profitability, profitability for six months or a year.

Step by step instructions

Let's talk about the price for services. It is important to consider how much an employer is willing to pay to find one specialist. It depends on the complexity of the vacancy and the level of the specialist. For example, people with working specialties are constantly needed - masons, welders, craftsmen, but the rate for searching for such specialists will be several times less than the rate for finding mid-level and senior management. Therefore, it is more economically profitable to engage in selection starting from middle management. Recruiting and the personnel services market are highly responsive to economic changes. If business in your city is stagnating, the number of applications and vacancies will not grow, you need to either focus on other cities or other vacancies.

There are agencies that start with low costs in order to be competitive. This technique should only be used at the start.

Experienced players It is not recommended to delay this even for six months, because there is a healthy payback and cost that have formed the market, and a strong violation in the price towards a discount is fraught with detrimental consequences for the startup. You will still have to select quality personnel (otherwise the client will not be satisfied), you will still have to pay salaries and motivate employees. Project work assumes that you can close a position in one to two weeks, or in two to four. And some positions - such as a manager, top manager, regional director - can last for six to eight weeks, depending on the narrowness of the personnel market and the employer’s requirements. Understanding this, you need to set an adequate price for your services.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

The size of the agency's remuneration depends on whether it is classic recruiting or headhunting, regional or federal search, whether a specialized specialist is required or a simple one. On average, recruiting one specialist costs from 10 to 12% of his average annual income. This is from local agencies. U federal agencies- from 15 to 20%. Our flat rate- 10-11% of average annual income. The service includes a guarantee of free employee replacement for three months. If an employer wants to get a big discount, then you can offer him to select personnel without a guarantee with a 25% discount. You can also come up with various additional services for the client, the price of which varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

How can you optimize your current expenses?? Outsource accountants, lawyers, cleaners, and marketers. Distribute the functionality of the courier and office manager among the main employees. However, experts do not advise cutting employees' salaries, because people need motivation. The office is the face of your company, and it should look decent. Normal communications and working equipment, databases from work sites are also needed. You can move to a home office, but this is no longer a business, but freelance work. The only way to save money is by purchasing the property and reducing rental costs.

Now about how to recruit employees for an agency. A graduate of psychology, pedagogy or personnel management can become a good HR specialist. If the education is different, then you need to see whether the person has long-term personal motivation to work with staff. Therefore, we need people who are interested in interacting with people, selecting, evaluating, organizing them. Any novice employee can engage in search, but only intellectuals with analytical skills and a critical eye can engage in personnel assessment. A person must be psychologically balanced and be able to abstract himself. He must be able to listen, but at the same time isolate the necessary information from the point of view of its correspondence to the employer’s card, that is, the portrait of the desired employee.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

There are agencies that hire only experienced HR. We most often hire people with no or minimal experience. It’s easier for me with young people and beginners; I myself create qualified specialists out of them. It happens that people with experience also come, and if our assessment systems coincide, we work together. How do we attract people to our agency? Training and the fact that we provide the opportunity to gain serious experience in one or two years. After all, no one needs an HR manager without experience in enterprises. In our company, managers become professionals in a short period of time - from six to 12 months of work.

Where is the best place to locate an office? recruiting agency? It is important to have parking and a separate entrance. As a rule, this is an office center or a separate building. The room must be from 20 sq.m. depending on the number of employees. It is advisable to have a separate room for interviews.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

Daylight is important to me, connection with outside world, fresh air and air conditioning because it is an intellectual activity. The lighting should be normal so that your eyes don’t get tired. Our ceilings are high - more than two and a half meters, they don’t put pressure on us. The minimum area for 2-3 managers is 18-20 sq.m.

The attractiveness of the business associated with the selection of workers is due to several reasons. Firstly, they will always look for work, ignoring even disasters in the financial markets or geopolitical situation. Secondly, in the labor market there is always a certain shortage of workers competent in their field.

Finally, opening a recruitment agency does not require too high a capital investment. And competition in this area is not as high as in many other areas of commercial activity.

A recruitment agency is best suited for single tax for imputed income, which means you will have to fill out either the UTII-1 form (for an LLC) or the UTII-2 application (for an individual entrepreneur). This completes the registration process.

Types and Types of Recruitment Agencies

A recruiting company can be of several types:

  • An agency that selects personnel for a specific employer. In this case, the services are paid for by the organization interested in finding workers.
  • An organization providing employment services. In this case, the applicant pays for all the hassles.
  • A company providing information services. Such companies have a rather low reputation due to the fact that they often provide unverified or even false information.
  • A recruitment agency can combine two or three points in your activities listed above.

There are also highly specialized types of recruitment agencies - so-called “headhunters” (“headhunters”).

Their task is a targeted search for leading specialists, professionals in their field, and highly qualified employees. The goal is to find or lure the best talent in your field.

Sample business plan for a recruitment agency

Setting up a recruitment agency does not require too much expense.

Costs of opening a recruitment agency

The main expenses that this type of activity involves include the following items: V:

  • Office rental;
  • Purchase of furniture;
  • Purchase of office equipment;

An office space does not have to amaze the imagination with its scale. At first, you can get by with a 20-meter room with a table and a couple of chairs. The most necessary office equipment – ​​a computer and an MFP – can even be brought from home. But you shouldn’t save on advertising.

We must not forget about the necessity and responsibility of the agency’s personnel. Typically, the recruiting manager receives from 10 to 30% of the amount received by the company for closing the deal.

Costs are largely determined by the location of the business. In large cities they are much higher than in the outback.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other megacities, the cost of renting even a small office in the city center can reach 50-80 thousand rubles. Whereas in Kostroma or Abidjan you can rent a quite decent office for an amount that is 5 or even 10 times less.

Approximate costs of opening a recruitment agency for an average city in Russia

  • Enterprise registration: from 1,500 to 6,000 Russian rubles(depending on the form of ownership and region of registration);
  • Office space rental: from 5,000 to 80,000 units of national currency;
  • Purchase of furniture, office equipment and equipment will require spending in the range of 15 – 40 thousand;
  • Advertising costs: here the range of values ​​can be very different;
  • Remuneration for staff: from 10 to 30% of enterprise income. But at first, the heads of the recruitment agency have to establish some kind for their employees, since in the absence of orders, none of them will work for free;
  • entertainment expenses, overhead costs. Depending on the activity of the agency, this expense item can be limited to 5 thousand rubles, and much more a larger amount(about 20,000) at the initial stage.

Providing free services

The best place to start is by providing free services to employers. To do this you will have to try:

  • Required weekly call large enterprises, offer your services free of charge, inquire about available vacancies, record contact details of the HR department or personnel service.
  • Need to actively advertise the agency in the media, on the Internet, in other places, offering popular vacancies. Even if they are fictitious, it is initially necessary to “invite” applicants by any means!
  • After applicants reach out to you (and they will if the advertisement was placed correctly), you need to enter their personal data into the database so that when vacancies appear, you can immediately respond by sending this data to a potential employer.
  • How additional service, Can encourage applicants to create a professional resume. This is also money! Small, but at first they can greatly help a recruitment agency stay afloat.
  • If sufficient attention was paid to the work and it was of high quality, after a certain time the enterprises themselves will begin to contact the recruitment agency with willingness to pay for his services. Depending on the region, the type of activity of the enterprise and the quality of the personnel sought, organizations pay the agency 20-50% of the salary of an employee of the corresponding specialty.

Profitability of a recruitment agency

The issue of profitability of personnel Here, regional characteristics, dense population, and the presence or absence of large or city-forming enterprises are also important. But on average, the profitability of a recruitment agency is approximately 10-15%.

In other words, in big city recruiting agencies earn 300,000 rubles, and even more per month. The profitability of this business is not as high as in the field of trade or production, but opening a recruitment agency requires minimal investment.

You just have to be prepared for the fact that this business will not start generating income right away. The practice and experience of successful recruitment agencies shows that it takes from one and a half to three years to develop a client base. In any case, the business will be unprofitable for the first 2-3 months.

Orders will not immediately pour in, but you will need to pay rent, communications, and taxes. And only then orders will begin to appear, the payment for which will range from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

“Pitfalls” when opening a recruitment agency

In the business of recruiting, it decides almost everything. If an agency several times offers a company interested in finding an employee a candidate who does not meet the requirements, the organization easily refuses further cooperation.

On the other hand, very often applicants themselves provide false information about themselves.

For example, about bad habits, about work experience in the specialty and even about education. This leads to the company dismissing an employee before completion. probationary period. This means that the recruitment agency does not receive its honestly earned money.

How to open a recruitment agency? Watch the following video instructions: