Sample preliminary purchase and sale agreement for a business. What does a well-drafted preliminary business purchase and sale agreement contain? Actual transfer of the enterprise

The institution of buying and selling a business, as a property complex, is relatively new in Russian legislation. The reasons for its occurrence were such factors as the privatization of state and municipal property, as well as global changes in the general economic structure of Russia.

The concept of business can include all types of property - both movable and immovable.

The subject of the agreement is the business as a whole - as a property complex, with the exception of the rights and obligations that the seller of the business does not have the right to transfer to other persons.

Usually, unless otherwise provided by agreement, by standard sample purchase and sale agreement ready-made business the buyer receives rights to the means of individualization of the seller (his goods, services and works) and to the rights belonging to the seller on the basis of licenses for the right to use means of individualization. By means of individualization we mean a trademark, commercial designation, service mark and other means.

The rights of the seller obtained by him on the basis of a license allowing him to engage in a certain type of activity cannot be transferred to the buyer.

Essential terms business purchase and sale agreements are the cost and composition of the business.

The contract must be accompanied by balance sheet, a list of all obligations (if any) indicating creditors, size and timing requirements and other attachments, depending on the composition of the business, as a property complex (list of equipment, list of buildings, etc.).

Agreement for the purchase and sale of a ready-made business is drawn up in simple written form and is considered concluded from the moment of state registration of the agreement. Failure to comply with the simple written form of the agreement entails its invalidity.

Before the state registration of the contract, the buyer receives the right to dispose of the business to the extent required to achieve the necessary economic goals.

By general rule, unless otherwise provided by the contract, ownership of the business passes to the new owner and is subject to state registration after the business is transferred to him. The moment of business transfer is considered to be the day the buyer and seller sign the transfer deed.

Business purchase and sale agreement is remunerative, consensual and reciprocal.

Structure and content of a standard sample business purchase and sale agreement

  • Place and date of conclusion of the contract.
  • Name of buyer and seller.
  • The subject of the agreement is business as a property complex, including:
    • real estate;
    • movable things (equipment, inventory, etc.);
    • rights of claim;
    • debts;
    • rights to designations that individualize a business (commercial designation, trademarks, service marks);
    • other exclusive rights, unless otherwise provided by law or agreement.
    In addition to describing the characteristics of the business, this clause defines the seller’s obligation to transfer the business and the buyer’s obligations to accept and pay for it. Several annexes can be drawn up to describe the business, which, after approval by the parties, become an integral part of the agreement. For example, a List of land plots, a List of buildings, a List of equipment, a List of exclusive rights and other documents, depending on the composition of the business. In addition, in this paragraph it should be clarified whether the business’s property is not encumbered with easements, and whether the rights of third parties apply to it.
  • Duration of the contract. The dates (or events) of the beginning and end of the agreement are indicated.
  • Rights and obligations of the parties. The content of the clause depends on the conditions on which the agreement is concluded. purchase and sale agreement for a ready-made business.
  • The procedure for transferring a business. The content of the clause also depends on the conditions under which the agreement is concluded.
  • Price and payment procedure. The value of the business, the method and procedure for making payments are indicated. In accordance with Article 561 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the value of the business being sold, as well as its composition, are determined by inventory.
  • Responsibility of the parties. The extent of responsibility of the parties for improper fulfillment of the terms of the agreement or refusal to fulfill it is described.
  • Grounds and procedure for termination of the contract.
  • Resolution of disputes arising from the contract. The procedure for pre-trial and judicial settlement of disputes is described. To resolve such issues, you can use the procedures and documents contained in the FreshDoc.Claims section.
  • Force majeure.
  • Other conditions on which the parties reached an agreement.
  • List of applications.
  • Addresses and details of the parties.
  • Signatures of the parties.

For more information about Purchase and Sale Agreements, see the following pages.

Preliminary agreement
purchase and sale of shares (ready-made business)

[F. I. O. seller], hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, on the one hand and

[Buyer's full name], hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, on the other hand, and together referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the Buyer in the future, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the shares [ complete brand name issuing joint stock company].

1.2. Information about the shares being sold:

Issuer: [ full company name, state registration information];

Number of shares: [value] pieces, which is 100% authorized capital issuer;

Par value of each share of the issue: [ amount in numbers and words] rubles/kopecks;

Total par value of the block of shares: [ amount in numbers and words] rubles/kopecks;

State registration number release: [number];

Date of state registration of the securities issue: [ date, month, year].

2. Essential terms of the main agreement

2.1. The value of the block of shares that is the subject of this agreement is [ amount in numbers and words] rubles.

2.2. The specified price is established by agreement of the Parties to this agreement, is final and cannot be changed.

2.3. Payment for shares is made in cash on the day the main agreement is signed by the Parties.

2.4. The transfer of ownership to the Buyer of the securities that are the subject of the main agreement occurs at the time of making the appropriate entry in the system for maintaining the register of owners of registered securities of the Issuer, carried out after signing this agreement.

3. Duration of concluding the main agreement

3.1. The parties undertake to conclude the main agreement no later than [period] from the moment of signing this agreement.

4. Responsibility of the Parties

4.1. If one of the Parties evades concluding the main agreement, the other Party has the right to apply to the court with a demand to compel the conclusion of the agreement.

4.2. A Party that unreasonably evades concluding the main agreement shall compensate the other Party for the losses caused by this.

5. Final provisions

5.1. The obligations provided for by this agreement are terminated if, before the end of the period within which the Parties must conclude the main agreement, it is not concluded or one of the Parties does not send the other party an offer to conclude the main agreement.

5.2. In everything that is not provided for in this agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. The agreement is drawn up in 2 copies, each having the same legal force, - one for each of the Parties.

6. Details and signatures of the Parties


[fill in as required]

The subject of the transaction is a specific company that has all the elements and characteristics of a legal entity:

  • Registration with the Federal Tax Service and entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • There is a certificate of OGRN and TIN;
  • Constituent documents have been registered and governing bodies have been formed;
  • Has a registered legal address;
  • There is an authorized capital or the primary issue of securities (shares) has been registered;
  • The main and additional types economic activity.

Pay attention! The list of additional elements of a ready-made company is practically unlimited. It may have current accounts in several banks, licenses for the right to carry out certain types activities, etc.

standard business purchase and sale agreements

Business purchase and sale agreement between individuals download Installment sale Since the content of this type of agreement is determined by its parties, they can provide for a condition for stage-by-stage payment of the transaction amount. This situation is especially typical for the following cases:

  • An operating enterprise with a large volume of assets is acquired;
  • A company that is just starting to operate is acquired.

To reduce the seller’s risks, the execution of an installment plan may be conditioned by the phased implementation of the contract, when the next payment is made after the completion of a legally significant action (approval of changes to the constituent documents, etc.). Important! In practice, the sale of a business in installments can be formalized by several changes in the constituent documents, when, after the next payment, a proportional transfer of shares occurs to the new owners.

Purchase and sale agreement for a ready-made business

According to Federal law dated 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ “On companies with limited liability", a company participant has the right to sell or otherwise alienate his share or part of the share in authorized capital company to one or more participants of this company. The consent of other participants of the company or company to carry out such a transaction is not required, unless otherwise provided by the charter of the company (Article 21). A transaction aimed at alienating a share, as a general rule, is subject to notarization.

Exceptions are cases of transfer of a share to a company in the manner provided for in Art. 23 and 26 of the specified Federal Law, distribution of shares between the participants of the Company and sale of shares to all or some participants of the Company or third parties in accordance with Art. 24 Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”.

Business share purchase and sale agreement

In this case, the share owned by the buyer increases by the size of the purchased part. An application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will be submitted by the notary himself when certifying the transaction. There is no need to change anything in the Charter if the founders are not listed by name.

Sale to a third party is permissible only if the Articles do not object to such a clause. The seller's actions will differ dramatically depending on whether he is the sole founder. Part of the share is being sold If the LLC, along with the seller, has other participants, and the Charter allows the sale of shares to outside buyers, the algorithm of actions will be as follows.


Step 1. Written warning about the future transaction to all founders of the LLC. This is done in order to exercise the pre-emptive right to purchase a share. The Charter states whether it belongs only to the participants or whether the share can be purchased by the Company.

Agreement for the sale and purchase of a share in an LLC: sample

If before expiration last day term (the first working day after the expiration of the term, if the payment deadline falls on a weekend or holiday) the Buyer will draw up all the necessary cash documents for payment in cash, however, for reasons beyond the control of the Buyer, the Seller will cash will not be received. In this case, the funds due to the Seller must be deposited by the Buyer. 3.5. In the event of the Seller’s refusal to transfer the share to the Buyer after signing this Agreement, or in the event of the Seller’s refusal to withdraw from the membership of the LLC (including the Seller’s refusal to submit an application to withdraw from the membership of the LLC), the Seller shall pay the Buyer a fine in the amount of % of the value of the share determined in paragraph. 1.2 of this Agreement. Payment of the fine does not relieve the Seller from fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement in kind.3.6.

Agreement for the sale and purchase of shares in LLC

Documents required for the transaction To complete the purchase and sale of an LLC, you need to have the following package of documents on hand:

  • minutes of the meeting of founders or an application from the sole owner to create an LLC;
  • registration documents;
  • TIN of a legal entity;
  • fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • order on the appointment of the general director of the LLC;
  • letter from statistical authorities;
  • information from extra-budgetary funds;
  • bank account documents;
  • LLC seal.

NOTE! Full list It’s better to check with a notary. Recommendations for LLC sellers Practice shows that an LLC can be sold more successfully and for a higher price if you apply some practical recommendations.

  1. It is better to sell LLCs of certain types of activities in parts, dividing them into separate companies.

How is a business sale and purchase agreement concluded?

One of the most effective and quick ways to create a new enterprise is a contract of sale for the purchase and sale of a business. Purchasing a ready-made company allows you to avoid difficulties at the preparation stage constituent documents and registering them with the tax authorities. Within the framework of such an agreement, it is possible to choose the form of a legal entity, a list of types of economic activities, convenient place finding and even a ready-made network of counterparties.
Contents of the article

  • 1 Contents of the agreement
  • 2 Required documents
  • 3 How to correctly compose a sample
  • 4 Installment sales
  • 5 If a share is sold

Agreement on the sale of a share in a business stages


An LLC was opened, two participants, shares 50/50. I am leaving the founders, I signed a purchase and sale agreement for my share to my partner. I wrote a notice letter about leaving (about 50 days ago). I didn’t go to the notary or the Federal Tax Service, because... my partner has not yet paid me off his debts.

Question: Am I still a co-owner of the LLC or no longer? purchase and sale agreement for a share of an apartment Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Try looking here:
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The application is certified by a notary (after all, this is an operation for the redistribution of shares) and submitted to the Federal Tax Service. IMPORTANT! The notary must have the presence of not only both parties to the transaction, but also their spouses signing the consent. Step 2. Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. After the 5 working days prescribed by law, the tax office will issue documents indicating changes have been made to the constituent records.

Step 3. The seller's exit from the LLC. Solely executive body the original owner of the company remains, therefore he has the right to decide to transfer his share to the second participant and his own exit from the Company. Step 4. Certification of new changes by a notary and the tax office. New changes that have occurred in the composition of the LLC participants and their ownership of shares must be certified by a notary, who will notify the tax authorities about this.

How to sell LLC correctly

The Federal Law “On LLC” in paragraph 2 of Article 21 explains that the sale of an LLC should be understood as a change in the owner of 100% of the authorized capital or its share by payment, that is, a transfer of ownership of the authorized capital or part thereof. PLEASE NOTE! If there is only one founder, they talk about transferring ownership of a 100% paid share of the authorized capital. How much is the company worth? Before making any transaction, you must first determine the value of the alienated property. In the case of an LLC, this cannot be done simply by contractual means, since not only rights will be transferred, but also a certain share of the authorized capital. To determine the market value of the LLC being sold, the owner must appraise it.

Agreement for the sale and purchase of a share in a business

To ensure the entry into force of the purchase and sale agreement, it must be certified by the signatures of each participant. TAX RISKS WHEN REDISTRIBUTION OF BORROWED FUNDS BETWEEN COMPANIES If the purchase and sale agreement requires certification by a notary, the following documents must be collected and attached to the agreement:

  • Consent of the seller's spouse;
  • Document confirming payment for the management company;
  • List of participants;
  • Application in form P14001;
  • Confirmation of payment by the buyer of the cost of the share;
  • Refusal of the pre-emptive right of all participants and the company itself (if the buyer is a third party).

Notary, in in this case, himself directs to tax office application P14001, certified by his electronic signature.

Agreement on the sale of a share in a business

Before taking the next step, you need to wait for one of the possible consequences to occur:

  • consent from the founder to buy out the share;
  • written refusal of all founders;
  • expiration of the pre-emptive right.

Step 4. Transaction with a notary. A purchase and sale agreement is concluded, which is certified by a notary. He himself initiates amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Selling a share of an LLC with one founder If the owner sells his business, which he owned solely, to a third party, the process is a little different, because the law prohibits the exit of a single founder from the LLC.
Step 1. Entering a new participant into the LLC. The seller fills out an application in form No. P14001 about his decision to introduce another founder into the LLC. It should be noted in the text that a new member of the Society has the right to acquire a share in it.

The sale of an individual entrepreneur is provoked by the following factors - a change in type of activity, place of residence, a sharp deterioration in the health of the owner or his loved ones, financial problems, etc. Sometimes entrepreneurs are forced to say goodbye to business for the sake of more advantageous offer which concerns work. Before selling an individual entrepreneur, each owner should carefully read all legal nuances transactions - how to properly prepare documents in order to get benefits and not become a victim of scammers. If financial condition allows, it is better to use the services of specialists for this.

The question arises - how to sell an individual entrepreneur’s business correctly. The main thing is to act within the law. Legally, it is impossible to sell an individual entrepreneur, since he is an individual. The transaction is realized by transferring documents from one person to another. In fact, a business operation scheme is being sold. For the buyer, this is a risk, especially if he does not know the intricacies of the matter.

Sales of a ready-made business begin with careful preparation:

  • establishing an adequate cost. To determine the final price, you must first marketing research. Thus, the competitiveness of the business is more clearly visible;
  • creating a profitable offer. Proper presentation of the item for sale will help increase demand. Initially, it is worth highlighting all the advantages of the business for the buyer, so that he will want to immediately conclude a deal. You need to think carefully about this and put all the advantages on paper;
  • announcement. The purchase of an individual entrepreneur will not take place if no one knows about the sale. First of all, your intentions should be communicated to your close circle of people. Some of them will be interested in the offer, based on long-standing acquaintance and trust. For strangers and potential buyers an advertising campaign is created;
  • collection of papers. The list of documents for registration is provided by the tax service or lawyers. Both sides collect papers. The purchase agreement for individual entrepreneurs is drawn up in writing, based on the sample. It is also provided by lawyers.

To find out for an entrepreneur whether it is possible to sell an individual entrepreneur, you need to consult with several lawyers. Properly executed documents are the key to the success of the transaction for both parties. The agreement is drawn up between two individuals. On the one hand, there is an entrepreneur who decided to sell the business, on the other, there is a buyer. In fact, the individual entrepreneur company is being liquidated and a new one is being created.

Careful preparation of documents makes it possible to complete a transaction within minimum quantity time – 2 days.

The situation becomes more complicated if the party selling the business has debts to creditors. This delays the paperwork process and also affects the price of the business itself. You can buy an individual entrepreneur with debts by taking them on yourself.

To sell a ready-made business as an individual entrepreneur, you do not need to involve a notary. This is legal and simplifies the paperwork process. Ownership rights are transferred to the buyer after signing the contract (or within the time period established therein) and the act of acceptance and transfer of property entrepreneurial activity or IP. There are several options here.

The paperwork depends on whether there is property on the individual entrepreneur’s balance sheet, and what type:

If an individual entrepreneur sold property while still in his status, he paid tax according to the simplified tax system. This means that it is more profitable for an entrepreneur to sell everything that is on the balance sheet of the business before declaring bankruptcy. Individuals will have to pay income tax for the sale of property at a different rate, which is several times higher.

In accordance with the law, the buyer must draw up documents again. That is, he needs to register with the tax service, obtain a license and permits to conduct business activities.

Bonuses that a business seller can provide - a client base (for a fee), a trademark (promoted brand), a list of suppliers, registration as a gift (give a discount on paperwork).

The first misconception that comes to an entrepreneur’s mind when selling a business is “I can handle it myself.” This is the main and common mistake. It is better to seek help from an experienced broker. Yes, it will take time, but the benefits will be much greater. Every broker is different, so choose one who specializes in a specific industry that suits the seller.

Hiring a broker to buy and sell a business has the following benefits:

It is better to obtain a form or agreement for the purchase and sale of a business, in this case an individual entrepreneur, as well as a sample for filling it out from a lawyer. It is legally impossible to transfer bank accounts to the buyer. This also applies to loans. The seller's accounts are closed and others are opened for the buyer. You should not make any financial manipulations without first consulting a lawyer.

Some buyers take over the sellers' loans without re-issuing any documents. The basis for this is an oral agreement. That is, the money goes to the seller’s account, and in fact it is paid by the buyer. This should not be done, even if the agreement was drawn up between relatives. All financial manipulations are documented. Then the risks will be minimized.

The greatest value in buying and selling a business is intangible assets. The entrepreneur, for an agreed fee, explains all the nuances of doing business, methods of selling a particular product, technology of work processes, relationships between suppliers and clients, etc.

Careful preparation for the transaction must be on both sides, then it will be successful and beneficial for everyone.

This eliminates double registration of transactions and transfer of ownership. A property complex may consist of individual real estate objects, the rights to which are subject to registration (Article 46 of the Law “On State Registration...” dated July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ). Registration of the transfer of rights to each such object when registering the transfer of ownership under the DCT is not required. Nuances of a business purchase and sale agreement: download a sample document for free. One of the options for selling a ready-made business is concluding a contractual agreement. This requires documents, the presence of which is prerequisite to recognize the DCPP as concluded (clause 2 of Article 560 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). These documents are:

  • Inventory act.
  • Auditor's report on the facility.
  • List of obligations included in the complex.

Under this agreement, the Seller undertakes to transfer the ownership of the goods to the Buyer within the period stipulated by the contract, and the Buyer undertakes to accept these goods and pay the established price for them. 1.2. The goods under this contract are [insert name of the goods].

1.3. [ Enter what you need]. 2. Obligations of the Parties 2.1. The seller is obliged: 2.1.1. Transfer to the Buyer the goods provided for in this agreement, of proper quality, in quantity and assortment agreed upon by the Parties.


Simultaneously with the transfer of the goods, transfer to the Buyer its accessories, as well as documents related to it. 2.1.3. Hand over the goods to the Buyer in containers and (or) packaging that ensures the safety of goods of this kind under normal conditions of storage and transportation.

2.2. The Buyer is obliged: 2.2.1.

How is a business sale and purchase agreement concluded?

As a rule, either unprofitable companies or companies that do not have any particular development potential are sold, and the seller tries to get rid of the encumbering asset. Remember this;

  • A registered company is sold as a ready-made business - this is the basic rule.

    This may well be just a package of documents;

  • Another particularly important circumstance is that the seller, when selling a business, can only sell what belongs to him by right of ownership.

Sample documents for individual entrepreneurs

It records all creditors, as well as detailed information about their requirements.

  • Balance sheet. Before signing the contract of agreement, a separate balance sheet of the object must be prepared.

The composition and value of the alienation object is determined by conducting a complete inventory of the latter (clause 1 of Article 561 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The procedure for carrying out this procedure is established by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval methodological instructions..." dated 06/13/1995 No. 49 (as amended on 11/08/2010). Features of business sale transactions are:

  • on the one hand, the assignment of the rights of claim of the selling party to the acquirer;
  • on the other hand, the transfer of debts to it, which requires the consent of the creditors.

In this regard, the legislation defines a special procedure for informing creditors, as well as the consequences of non-compliance with this procedure (Article 562 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Form of business purchase and sale agreement between individual entrepreneur and

Sales and purchase agreement (between individual entrepreneur and an individual) city [place of conclusion of the agreement] [date, month, year] Individual entrepreneur [enter as necessary], hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, acting on the basis of a Certificate of State Registration individual as an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity N [enter as necessary], issued on [date, month, year], and citizen(s) Russian Federation[F. I. O.] [day, month, year of birth], [place of birth], passport series [value] N [value], issued by [who, when], living at the address: [full address], called( May) hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, and together referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into an Agreement as follows: 1.

Subject of the agreement 1.1.

Purchase and sale agreement for a ready-made business sample form

That is why it is much more difficult for scammers to deceive them. But the injured party may be not only the seller of the company, but also the buyer.

For example, the former owner may hide numerous debts of the company. To avoid this, business consultants diligently analyze the company’s credit history and check clients and suppliers.

Business brokers do not try to deceive any of the parties, since they already receive quick and good money. In addition, their success and relevance directly depends on their reputation. Peculiarities of buying and selling a business in Russia First of all, it should be noted that there is no clear definition for the concept of “business” in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Just like the concept of “business purchase and sale agreement”.

How to draw up a purchase and sale agreement for a business?

  • Ensure legal purity and transparency of the transaction.
  • Key points of legal support:
  1. Thorough examination of the company’s documentation: constituent, registration, etc.
  2. The entire history of the emergence and existence of the business is traced to check for possible violations of the law, the rights of company participants and other unseemly issues.
  3. Checking all key agreements of the company (loans, leasing, rent, etc.).
  4. Analysis regulatory documents, on the basis of which the company operates (licenses, permits, certificates, etc.).
  5. Analysis of personnel document flow.
  6. Concluding a business purchase and sale agreement, if necessary state registration transactions.

How to avoid fraud? The first and basic rule when selling (buying) a business is to find a competent broker.

Sales and purchase agreement (between an individual entrepreneur and an individual)

The subject of the contract is the transfer of ownership of the object of the contract - the enterprise. An enterprise as an independent object of civil legal relations has a number of specific signs(Art.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This is a single property complex that is recognized as real estate. It is used for business activities and consists of:

  • from movable and real estate necessary for the functioning of the enterprise;
  • rights of claim, debts;
  • rights to designations that specifically identify the enterprise, its products, works and services, as well as other exclusive rights.

As part of the rights of claim and debts within the framework of this agreement, the following rights and obligations cannot be transferred:

  • the right to engage in a licensed type of activity (clause 3 of Article 559 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • debt to the budget for taxes (subclause 1, 4 clauses.

Free purchase and sale agreement: online agreement designer, samples

The institution of buying and selling a business, as a property complex, is relatively new in Russian legislation. The reasons for its occurrence were factors such as the privatization of state and municipal property, as well as global changes in the general economic structure of Russia.

The concept of business can include all types of property - both movable and immovable. The subject of the agreement is the business as a whole - as a property complex, with the exception of the rights and obligations that the seller of the business does not have the right to transfer to other persons.

These issues are resolved by the buyer at the selection stage possible option acquisition of the company. The conclusion of an agreement does not automatically transfer rights to the new owners, since all changes must be made through mandatory procedural decisions:

  • Approve the change in the composition of the founders through general meeting or the decision of a single participant;
  • Approve changes to the constituent documents;
  • Send your application to tax authority to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Only after completing all of the above actions and receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with registered changes in the composition of participants, the purchase and sale agreement for a ready-made business is considered implemented.

Download a sample contract for the sale and purchase of a business between individual entrepreneurs. Required documents To complete this transaction, both parties are required to provide a number of documents.

Business purchase and sale agreement

And it is better if he specializes in a specific industry.

A professional business broker under any circumstances adheres to the side of his client, and this is a guarantee that all agreements of the transaction will be observed. The main target of fraudulent buyers is company documents. And they strive to gain access to the maximum package before committing to a transaction. A salesperson whose ambition is speedy sale business may give in to requests to provide documents before signing an agreement, and this can lead to extremely disastrous consequences. Despite the fact that brokers treat such a requirement with great caution and try to prevent this from happening until the advance payment is made or the purchase and sale agreement is signed. Business brokers follow a clear sequence when concluding a deal, developed over years of work and many successful and unsuccessful transactions.


On the website you can find samples and forms that are current for 2018 standard contracts, starting with the car purchase and sale agreement, which is familiar to many, and ending with the work time sheet, which is necessary in personnel records management.

Here you will find all the basic contract forms that anyone might need in everyday life:

You can download all sample contracts in an easy-to-edit doc format - it can be opened for editing in the popular office program MS Word.

If it is more convenient for you to fill out the document by hand, we recommend a pdf version of one or another contract form. A modern browser will offer you an alternative - download or print the document.

You can contact us at [email protected] or leave your questions in the comments!

You may also find other sample documents useful. You can find them here:

Sample contracts

    Sample contracts posted on the website

    What else do you need to know to properly conclude a contract?

IN modern world The contract is the most common basis for the emergence of obligations, through which the sale and purchase of goods occurs by both consumers and organizations, the purchase of raw materials by producers and manufacturers, the performance of work, the provision of services, etc. and is a guarantor of the fulfillment of obligations by each party.

Agreement is an agreement between two or more parties to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations (Article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

We present to your attention frequently used sample contracts.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the process of drawing up a contract is a complex and responsible process, so a lot depends on the competent drafting of the contract.

Since no contract is universal (that is, one that can be applied to any situation), the sample contracts presented below are just sample forms, which need to be modified for a specific situation.

However, we have tried to create universal forms of contracts that can be used in a wide variety of situations.

Standard forms (samples) of contracts:

What you need to know to draw up a good contract

In order to draw up a good contract, you also need to know:

    What is a contract

    How to draw up a contract

    Conclusion of an agreement

  1. Subject of the agreement

    Essential terms of the agreement

    Change and termination of the contract

    How to draw up an acceptance certificate for completed work

    How to correctly draw up an acceptance certificate for services provided

    How to correctly draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of goods, equipment and other property

    What are the risks? various types contracts.

    What to do if the counterparty does not fulfill its obligations under the contract

    Where and how to apply in order to oblige the counterparty to fulfill its obligations under the contract

    Mandatory pre-trial (claims) procedure for resolving economic disputes

Useful links on the topic "Sample contracts"

Tags: contract, sample contracts, download, free

Sample contracts. Agreement forms.

Our website contains a database of standard contracts, examples of contracts for specific companies, as well as contract forms. In addition to contracts, the website contains a database of forms for various regulatory documents and other forms.
The contract is the main document civil law, it legally establishes the relationship between subjects.
Contracts can be divided into the following groups:

  • Banking agreements
  • Civil contracts
  • Gift agreements
  • Treaties in dispute
  • Lease agreements.

    Lease agreements

  • Marriage agreements
  • Loan agreements
  • Sales and purchase agreements
  • Insurance contracts
  • Employment contracts
  • Founding agreements.
  • and other contracts.

Drawing up a contract is a rather difficult task that only a lawyer can do.

But what to do small company or individuals who cannot afford the services of a lawyer? It is for such people that our site was created. We provide you with forms and samples of various standard contracts and documents. In addition to contract samples, the website presents images and forms of modern office work:

  • Samples of trusted networks
  • Sample orders
  • Samples and forms of invoices
  • Samples and forms of reports
  • Samples and forms of invoices
  • Various forms of claims, claims, complaints
  • Samples of accounting and financial documentation
  • Standard documents for registration and liquidation of enterprises.

And other documents.

The materials presented on the site are only samples and must be adjusted in each specific case.

We hope that our site will help you and your business.

Popular articles

Our website contains not only samples of standard contracts and forms, but also articles on this topic. You can familiarize yourself with useful materials. The presented articles will teach you to look for pitfalls in existing contracts and avoid mistakes in drawing up new contracts.

Introduction 3

1. The concept of a contract. 5

3. Types of contracts. 10

4. Procedure for conclusion, amendment and termination

agreement. 14

Conclusion. 17

List of used literature 18


The commodity-money nature of economic turnover relations presupposes that the sale of goods should be carried out taking into account social necessary expenses for its production. Such costs, in turn, are determined taking into account the existing at the moment in society the relationship between supply and demand. Correct accounting of supply and demand and identification on their basis of socially necessary costs for the production of goods can only be carried out as a result of an agreement reached between the producer and the consumer. The form of such an agreement is the contract as an expression of the common will of the producer and consumer.

A contract is one of the most unique legal means in which the interests of each party, in principle, can be satisfied only by satisfying the interests of the other party. This gives rise to the common interest of the parties in concluding an agreement and its proper execution. Therefore, it is an agreement based on the mutual interest of the parties that is capable of ensuring such organization, order and stability in economic turnover, which cannot be achieved using the most stringent administrative and legal means.

A contract is also the most efficient and flexible means of communication between production and consumption, studying needs and immediate response to them from production. Because of this, it is the contractual legal form that is able to provide the necessary balance between supply and demand and saturate the market with the goods that the consumer needs. The agreement allows participants in economic turnover to alienate excess or unnecessary material assets, receiving in return their corresponding cash equivalent or the material benefits they need in kind. With the help of the agreement, citizens, at their own discretion, spend what they receive in the form of wages, income from business activities and other income, using them to acquire those values ​​that can satisfy their individual material and cultural needs.

With the help of an agreement among citizens and legal entities confidence is formed that their entrepreneurial activity will be provided with all the necessary material prerequisites, and the results of entrepreneurial activity will find recognition among consumers and will be realized. This confidence, in turn, contributes to the development production sector. With the help of the contract, the process of distribution of material goods produced in society is also improved, since the contract allows the produced product to be delivered to those who need it.

The agreement provides efficient exchange produced and distributed material goods in case of changes in the needs of participants in economic turnover. Finally, the contract provides the opportunity to consume material assets existing in society not only by their owners (holders of other property rights), but also by other participants in economic turnover who have a need for these material assets.

These and many other qualities of the treaty inevitably determine the strengthening of its role and expansion of the scope of application as it transitions to market economy. At the same time, the truly invaluable properties of a contract are preserved only as long as the freedom of discretion of the parties, necessary for any contract, is ensured when concluding it. Compulsion to enter into contracts, widespread in economic activity legal entities in a planned economy, erased the very “soul” of the contract, deprived it of such properties without which it cannot exist, and made it a decorative appendage of planning and administrative acts.

1. Concept of contract

A contract is an agreement between two or more persons to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations (Clause 1, Article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

An agreement is a type of transaction - a legal fact. Like any transaction, a contract is a legal action aimed at certain consequences.

The legality and direction of the contract determine its organizational function, during the implementation of which connections between subjects of civil law are formed.

The significance of the contract is not limited to its organizational function. It also performs a regulatory function and has an active impact on the property ties of the subjects. Such influence is carried out not directly, but through a system of subjective rights and obligations.

As legal models (measures) of possible and proper behavior, subjective rights and obligations “realize” the impact of the contract on property relations, determining their content.

The organizational and regulatory functions of the treaty determine its effectiveness and wide application. The contract is the necessary means by which the wide circle public relations in the sphere of commodity and money circulation.

These relationships develop between subjects of civil law and are very diverse.

Therefore, contracts that mediate various groups social relations are also characterized by corresponding features. For example, contracts in the field of entrepreneurship and in relations with the participation of citizen-consumers have significant specificity.

A contract is a legal fact, and property relations (legal relations), the organization and regulation of which it is aimed at, are independent phenomena, each of which has its own content.

It must be taken into account that the term “agreement” is used to designate not only a legal fact (bilateral and multilateral transactions), but also an obligatory legal relationship arising from the agreement.

The distinction between these concepts is practical significance. Deciding the question of whether the arbitration court has the right to collect a penalty established by law or contract for late payment after the expiration of the contract, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation came to the conclusion that the expiration of the contract, as a rule, does not terminate the obligatory legal relationship arising on its basis

A contract is also a document that fixes a legal fact - an agreement.

In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the second subsection of the general part of the law of obligations, consisting of three chapters, is devoted to the provisions on the contract: Chapter 27 “Concept and terms of the contract”, Chapter 28 “Conclusion of the contract”, Chapter 29 “Change and termination of the contract”.

These provisions apply to all contracts. Exceptions are multilateral treaties, to which general provisions apply if this does not contradict the multilateral nature of such agreements (clause 4 of article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, 1994).