Tablets that speed up metabolism. Effective ways to speed up metabolism

A large number of people suffer from slow metabolism, which can be accelerated by drugs to speed up metabolism.

Metabolism, or metabolism in other words, is various processes, in which the energy absorbed by a person is transformed (it enters the body with food) into other energy processes. These processes include breathing, digestion, mental activity, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and many other processes occurring in the body and supporting its vital functions.

In a healthy body, metabolism is at a fairly high level and the calories that come from food are almost completely spent on maintaining all vital functions.

According to a number of external and internal reasons Metabolism can slow down significantly, causing the body to begin converting incoming calories into fat tissue.

It's no secret that as a person ages, in the absence of a sufficient amount of physical activity, his metabolism slows down. That is why there are so many now fat people middle and old age.

Also, an important reason for the inhibition of metabolic processes is poor nutrition, when a person consumes few low-fat protein foods and a significant amount of foods containing simple carbohydrates (baked goods, pasta, sweet foods). Also, low physical activity and bad habits(drinking alcohol and smoking), and huge amount other factors.

Today, the following methods are used to speed up metabolic processes:

  1. normalization of nutrition;
  2. physical activity;
  3. (vitamin and mineral preparations);
  4. other methods (for example, contrast showers).

Today there are synthetic drugsdrugs to speed up metabolism, which include:

However, these drugs have a huge number of contraindications and side effects. Thus, stimulants cause drug addiction, and anabolic steroids disrupt hormonal levels (especially if such steroid drugs are taken by female bodybuilders). The use of L-thyroxine often leads to hyperthyroidism, which is accompanied by tachycardia, increased sweating, insomnia, and high irritability. That is why today it is recommended to use natural drugs that speed up metabolism.

Herbal preparations that accelerate metabolism

Today, herbal stimulants of metabolic processes are considered popular and quite effective. What kind of plant drugs speed up metabolism? To such natural remedies can be attributed:

Preparations for accelerated metabolism: vitamin and mineral complexes

Scientists and nutritionists around the world have come to the conclusion that the use of vitamin complexes and minerals leads to a “boost” of metabolism. Particularly good in recent years have proven themselves drugs for obtaining accelerated exchange substances Alfa Vita companies, which help restore the body from the inside.

Thus, the Vita Zeolite complex allows the body to get rid of waste and toxins, and also helps remove free radicals of heavy metals. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the performance of all organs at the cellular and even molecular level.

The Vita Min complex contains a significant amount of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. It has been proven that the use of these substances helps to increase the activity of all metabolic processes. It is especially useful to consume vitamin-mineral complexes during diets and fasting.

Vita Minerals, containing a large amount of vitamin C and many microelements necessary for humans, allows you to compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiency, which leads to inhibition of metabolic processes. The use of this complex during active physical exercise is especially useful, as it very effectively increases the overall level of endurance of all human systems and organs.

Vita O2 is also useful for accelerating metabolism, as it contains a large number of substances that enhance oxygen production at the molecular level.

The natural preparation Mono Oxi is a valuable antioxidant that will become indispensable for restoring strength after illness and heavy physical and psychological stress.

Children, pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before use.

Changes in metabolism are due to a number of reasons. Manifestations of violations can be both external and internal.

To accelerate it, a number of drugs, supplements and vitamin complexes are used.

What are pills and medications to improve metabolism?

What is metabolism?

Metabolism, otherwise known as metabolism, is a set of certain metabolic reactions in the body that release energy to support life.

A large amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients come from food. They are absorbed only after careful processing - the breakdown of complex elements and the formation of simple elements.

There's a complicated thing going on chemical process, which is conventionally divided into two parts:

  1. Anabolism– the process of destruction of complex elements and their transformation into simpler ones. Energy is released.
  2. Catabolism– the process of creating new elements. Energy consumption occurs. Cell regeneration and hair growth are catabolic.

These two processes are absolutely equal to each other. They take place cyclically and alternately. Metabolism stages: breakdown into enzymes and absorption, smooth distribution of elements, energy formation and absorption, excretion of residues. They arrive first nutrients and split, then new ones are formed.

Transformations occur continuously, whether in a state of rest, sleep or full physical activity.

This allows the body to recover on its own in case of disturbances. To maintain the functioning of all organs, there are basic metabolic indicators. It must be taken into account when planning a diet.

There is accelerated and slow metabolism. The speed of the process depends on gender, age, nutrition, heredity, and the ratio of fat and muscle in the body. There are situations in which metabolic disorders occur. The causes of the failure are disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland.

External symptoms that indicate violations include:

  • underweight or overweight;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling;
  • deterioration of hair, skin, nails;
  • somatic fatigue.

Depending on the causes of metabolic disorders, different drugs are prescribed.

Indications for use of drugs

Drugs to improve metabolism accelerate protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, improve oxygen utilization and the functioning of the endocrine system.

The list of indications for the use of tablets that accelerate metabolism includes:

  • dehydration;
  • hypovinosis;
  • eating disorder;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • weakening of muscle activity;
  • anemia;
  • overweight.

Medicines that improve metabolism

To increase metabolism, stimulants, hormonal agents, and steroid drugs are used.

The list of such drugs includes:

In studies, the antidiabetic drug Metformin demonstrated a positive effect on lipid metabolism. To speed up metabolism, you should pay attention to drugs or supplements containing calcium, chromium, folic and succinic acid.

The role of vitamins in metabolism

Vitamins and minerals play a huge role in normalizing metabolism. They saturate the body with energy, increase tissue tone, prevent vitamin deficiency, and have a general strengthening effect.

Enzymes that enhance metabolism interact with coenzymes. Many fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, such as C, group B, A, K, are converted into coenzymes. This is how triggering and accelerating reactions occur.

B vitamins have a powerful effect on metabolism. They participate in redox reactions and the synthesis of amino acids. Affect the concentration of cholesterol and fatty acids. Affects protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

The problem of reduced metabolism may lie not only in nutrition, but also in the lack of physical activity. Therefore, along with vitamin complexes and medications, lifestyle is also adjusted. Running or walking (more than 1 hour a day) can increase metabolism.

To speed up metabolic processes, it is necessary to consume the following vitamins, minerals, and substances:

  • vitamin C – protects, improves metabolism, processes glucose;
  • group B – accelerates metabolic functions, prevents an increase in cholesterol;
  • vitamins A and D – are responsible for the beauty of the skin and speed up metabolism;
  • vitamin E – regulates hormone secretion and metabolic function;
  • lipoic acid – plays an important role in oxygen metabolism;
  • calcium – prevents fat accumulation, strengthens bone tissue;
  • omega-3 – balances fats and pectin levels, regulates enzyme reactions;
  • chromium is a natural fat burner, participates in the processing of carbohydrates, normalizes sugar levels;
  • fiber can speed up metabolism by 15%.

In pharmacies you can find vitamin and mineral complexes already selected for these purposes. These include Mono Oxy, Vita O2, Vita Zeolite.

Five simple tips to normalize metabolic functions:

  • a properly selected diet combined with physical activity accelerates metabolic processes;
  • include foods rich in vitamins and nutrients into your diet;
  • avoid overeating;
  • 20 minutes before meals, drink a glass of water;
  • take a contrast shower.

Important! Long diets and fasting slow down the body's functioning. Therefore, they should not be abused.

Video material about ways to accelerate metabolism:

Traditional methods for accelerating metabolic functions include the use of infusions, herbal decoctions and mixtures. There are many alternative medicine recipes to improve metabolism.

After consulting with your doctor, you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Forest collection. A collection of birch leaves, elderberry flowers, licorice root, black currant leaves, and elderberry flowers is prepared in equal proportions. Next, add 2 tablespoons to boiling water (500 ml) and keep the infusion on the fire for about 3 minutes. The decoction is infused for half an hour, filtered and taken in 100 ml doses.
  2. Chicory drink. A recipe based on chicory has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas. Chopped chicory (2 tablespoons) is dissolved in 500 ml of water. The resulting mixture is placed on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Then filter and cool. Drink 150 ml several times a day.
  3. Cedar tincture. Pine nuts (500 g) are poured with vodka (500 ml). Used for infusion glassware. The resulting composition is kept for a week, shaking the container from time to time. Take a spoonful three times a day. The recommended course is a month.
  4. Decoction "Field". Effective for accelerating metabolic functions and removing toxins. To prepare, horsetail (a tablespoon) is poured with boiling water. The mixture is infused in a steam bath for 20 minutes. After straining, the decoction is ready for use.
  5. Flax seeds. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Take ½ spoon in the morning with plain water. You can replace the seeds with flaxseed oil. It is taken as a dressing for dishes, 1-2 spoons.
  6. Tonic collection. It contains equal proportions of mint, walnut leaves, valerian root (or hawthorn flowers). Add 2 tablespoons of tonic collection to boiling water (500 ml). After 2 minutes, remove from heat, leave for about half an hour, then filter. Dosage: 100 ml three times a day.

Note! Some herbs can cause allergies and are not suitable for the body. Therefore, before taking traditional recipes, you need to consult a specialist.

Means for accelerating metabolism are represented by drugs, vitamin complexes, and supplements. Proper fortified nutrition, folk recipes, physical activity also helps solve the problem.

Exhausting the body with constant dietary restrictions, taking various drugs to improve their figure, women do not know that accelerating metabolism for weight loss contributes to slimness much more strongly, and the effect of the result will last for a long time if certain rules of behavior are observed. How to start your metabolism to lose weight - this is the question everyone who is tired of fat folds on their sides asks themselves. What is this mysterious metabolism, and what factors contribute to its increase?

What is metabolism

A person could not exist for a day without constant metabolism in his body. The word "Metabolism" comes from the Greek "metabole", which means change, change. The process of food absorption ends with the release of energy necessary for the normal functioning of all human organs. In the body, complex processes occur in cells to break down and absorb complex sugars and lipids - these building blocks that make up a person’s daily energy supply.

Metabolic rate

Any organism is a separate, special system with its own individual settings, so each person has their own metabolic rate. The problem of accumulating extra pounds can be associated with a low level of metabolic processes. Constant diets can further slow down metabolism, because the body will store lipids “for the future in times of famine”, and the effect of losing weight will become short-lived.

Nutritionists identify several reasons that can reduce or increase the rate of lipid burning in the human body:

  • genetic determination of metabolism;
  • the ratio of calories burned to calories consumed;
  • gender differences play a significant role significant role– in men, metabolic metabolism occurs with higher speed than women;
  • connection between the number of years lived and lifestyle.

Increased metabolism

There are people who envy women who don’t know how to speed up their metabolism to lose weight - they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight! How do they do this? The answer is simple: they have a high metabolism, all incoming calories are burned in the body's furnace, without turning into lipid reserves in problem areas - the stomach, sides or hips. High level metabolic processes are typical for young people who pump up muscles on exercise machines - after all, to obtain muscle tissue you need to spend much more kilojoules than to obtain fat.

Slow Metabolism

Over the years, the metabolic rate in the body decreases; it does not burn calories as actively as before. On average, the rate of metabolic reactions decreases by 3% per year, and by the age of 40, women who had never previously noticed that they were overweight suddenly discover with sadness that a slow metabolism has led to extra pounds. Attempts to accelerate metabolic processes to the maximum using various drugs and diets do not lead to weight loss, and the scales show increasingly disappointing numbers.

What speeds up metabolism

To understand how to increase metabolism for weight loss, you need to know the basic principles of how the body works when carrying out metabolic processes. If a person eats with restrictions, which is typical for all diets, then the rate of metabolic reactions decreases in order to save energy needed for the normal functioning of the brain and internal organs. Improving metabolism for weight loss can be adjusted by following certain rules of behavior:

  • be sure to have breakfast with food rich in complex carbohydrates;
  • avoid fasting;
  • supply the body with a sufficient amount of water, because it is an accelerator of metabolic processes and helps to boost metabolism;
  • paradoxically, to lose weight you sometimes need to arrange days of eating high-calorie foods;
  • often go to the bathhouse, sauna or pool, as calories are burned there well, which promotes weight loss;
  • play sports, preferably with strength training;
  • Accelerating metabolism for weight loss is possible if you quit smoking and drink alcohol.

What slows down your metabolism

Eating or not eating certain foods can reduce your metabolic rate. To increase your metabolism for weight loss, you need to completely give up baked goods and sweets, which are high in fat and carbohydrates. In addition, the metabolism of complex sugars and lipids in the body is slowed down by lack of sleep, lack of calcium and vitamins B and D in the diet, and constant exhausting travel or flights.

Metabolism-boosting foods

Speeding up your metabolism for weight loss can be achieved by consuming the following foods to speed up your metabolism:

  • drinks based on cocoa beans - coffee, cocoa with skim milk;
  • hot spices or seasonings added to food promote weight loss;
  • all whole grain foods - oats, sprouted wheat, whole grain bread;
  • fermented milk or any products that contain a lot of Ca, since this element enhances metabolic processes, allowing you to achieve a lasting weight loss effect;
  • vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of plant fiber - cabbage, cucumbers, apples, all citrus fruits;
  • drinking green tea or pure boiled cold water will help burn fat.

Diet to speed up metabolism

Losing weight while accelerating metabolic processes can be achieved by following a certain diet. A diet to accelerate metabolism is, in essence, eating healthy foods high in vitamins, fiber and microelements, which affects appetite, reducing it. You need to eat little by little, literally one or two pieces, but often. Weight loss will be facilitated by alternating fasting and “load” days, when you can eat the high-calorie foods you like.

Drugs to speed up metabolism

Pharmacies and shops specializing in sports nutrition, offer many medications that increase your metabolic rate. Two groups of such funds are often found:

  • anabolics;
  • hormonal drugs.

Anabolic drugs to speed up metabolism are Anavar, Danabor and Oxandrolone. The main active substances in these drugs are male testosterone or amphetamine. They are taken by people who want to quickly increase muscle definition and achieve athletic success. However, you should not take these medications constantly, especially for women, because their hormonal levels can be catastrophically disrupted, digestion can worsen, and their appearance will acquire characteristic masculine features.

Hormonal agents that help speed up metabolism for weight loss are based on a high concentration of L-thyroxine secreted by the adrenal glands. Taking these biostimulants increases the rate of exchange of complex sugars and lipids in the body. However, after discontinuation of such medications, people tend to become obese and experience disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal and endocrine systems.

Vitamins for metabolism

Together with a properly organized diet, some vitamins will help you lose weight to speed up your metabolism. These are almost all B vitamins, since they speed up metabolic processes, and their lack in the body will lead not only to excess weight, but also to poor muscle tone, a constant feeling of fatigue, bad mood.

Herbs to improve metabolism and lose weight

Some recipes traditional medicine will help speed up the weight loss process. These include herbs that accelerate metabolism, infusions and teas based on them. You can purchase ready-made herbs, or prepare herbal decoctions at home that speed up metabolic metabolism. The recipe for one of them is as follows: you need to mix black currant fruits and dry oregano leaves, 1 tbsp each, and add 3 tbsp to them. blackberries and pour 200 g of water. Put the mixture on the fire and boil. Infuse the decoction for an hour and a half, take within one day.

Exercises to speed up your metabolism

Will help speed up the metabolic process, burn extra calories and lose weight physical exercise, the main thing is to do them regularly, and not from time to time, and be sure to use cardio loads along with strength training. Exercises of this kind will help build muscle tissue, which requires much more kilojoules to maintain than it does to provide energy to fatty tissue. If your health condition does not allow you to actively engage in sports, then you can get by with leisurely long walks in the park.

How to increase metabolism in a woman's body

There is no one magic remedy for speeding up metabolism and losing weight. To initiate and speed up the metabolism of complex sugars and lipids in the body, you need to adhere to comprehensive measures– eat right by eating food, rich in fiber, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, pay attention to sports. If a woman has set her goal to lose weight by increasing the rate of metabolism of complex sugars and lipids, then she needs to give up any alcohol, since the body perceives it as an additional source of calories.

Pouring cold water or a contrast shower will help establish metabolic metabolism in internal organs, promoting weight loss and burning lipids. A massage, especially after a sauna, when the whole body is relaxed, will benefit the body, toning, invigorating it, and helping to increase metabolism. Regular sex burns calories, helping you lose weight.

How to increase metabolism after 40 years

Menopause and menopause contribute to changes in hormonal levels, the metabolic process begins to slow down, and the woman suddenly realizes that previous weight loss measures do not affect the weight that is slowly gaining. How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight, how to behave in order to lose excess fat and get rid of extra pounds? Nutritionists recommend determining the required amount of energy consumption for your age, height and weight, and then, throughout the day, counting the calories in foods and checking whether their amount is optimal.

Video: how to speed up metabolism for weight loss

Russia's main experts in the field of nutrition tell you with authority and reasoning how to behave, how many times a day you can eat, what foods to include in your diet to restart and normalize metabolic processes for weight loss. This is especially true for people over 40 years of age, when metabolism slows down and excess fat begins to accumulate in problem areas.

What foods speed up metabolism?

Diet to speed up metabolism

How to boost your metabolism after 50

Speeding up your body's metabolism means becoming a few steps closer to a slim figure. In order for your metabolism to work for you, it is not necessary to resort to the services of nutritionists, trainers and newfangled clinics. At home you can achieve excellent results.

The secret of success is integrated approach. This includes proper nutrition and increased intake of certain foods, a combination of strength and cardio exercises, massage and other types of external influences on metabolism. If desired, a person can take special tablets or cocktails to speed up metabolism.

You'll have to give up junk food. The basis of nutrition should be healthy foods, especially those with the so-called “ negative calorie" These include all green vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, zucchini) and some fruits (apple, lemon, mango, strawberries, tangerines). Natural herbs and spices also help speed up the metabolism in the body.

To lose weight, you need to eat according to the following rules:

  • Drink 2 glasses immediately after waking up clean water in small sips. If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, add honey, lemon juice and ginger. These products help normalize metabolism, improve immunity and tone the body.
  • Breakfast is required. He gives required quantity energy for the whole day and does not allow evening “egg”. The ideal option for breakfast is porridge, vegetables, fruits. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals. Then liquid is allowed only after 1-2 hours. This will ensure easy digestion, prevent heaviness and bloating, and help normal metabolism. Drink cool water, as your body also uses calories to warm it.
  • Number of meals – 5-6. By eating often, but little, you do not overload the gastrointestinal tract and provide a feeling of fullness. After 2-3 hours, hunger is still not too strong, which prevents overeating. Even if you don’t want to eat, you still need to do it. The stomach will gradually decrease in size, and over time you will notice that you do not need more food, and your metabolism has accelerated significantly.
  • Cook by steaming or in the oven. It is ideal to eat foods raw, but in some cases this is not possible. Try to give them a short heat treatment. It is important that they retain their structure and crunch a little, this way the beneficial substances will remain.
  • Do not reduce the caloric content of the daily diet below the basic one, i.e., necessary to maintain natural metabolic processes in the body. If the body does not have enough energy, it goes into total saving mode and gives away what it has acquired very slowly. We advise you to calculate your daily caloric intake based on individual parameters and not deviate from this number.

This step will speed up your metabolism by 5-10%.

Superfood for fast metabolism

What foods have the ability to speed up metabolism?

We present the top ten that you should not forget about if you want to lose weight:

  1. Red pepper.
    The active substance capsaicin stimulates blood circulation, and at the same time metabolism. Within three hours after eating this hot vegetable, your metabolism will be 25% faster.
  2. Coffee.
    One cup of the aromatic drink is rich in 200 mg of caffeine. If you drink 3 cups of coffee during the day, you will speed up your metabolism by 5%. However, this is the maximum dose. To lose weight, drink coffee without sugar or cream.
  3. Green tea.
    The presence of caffeine and catechins makes the product one of the most effective for weight loss. Three cups of green tea, brewed a second time, will increase your metabolic rate by 4.8%. The drink also increases the mass of fat, which will be used as energy fuel.
  4. Protein products.
    The body spends much more effort digesting protein foods than simple carbohydrates and fats. American nutritionists claim that the process of protein breakdown almost doubles the body's energy consumption. According to Danish scientists, replacing carbohydrates with proteins by 20% on an ongoing basis increases the rate of calorie burning by 5%, and therefore metabolism.
  5. Carbohydrates + fiber.
    Whole grain products serve as saccharides, e.g. oatmeal and brown rice. Eat them with fiber-rich foods and you will maintain stable insulin levels for several hours. If this indicator is normal, the metabolic rate increases by 10% or more.
  6. Broccoli.
    This vegetable is rich in calcium, which helps reduce body weight. It also contains enough vitamins A and C, folic acid, fiber and powerful antioxidants. Include cabbage in your diet if you want to quickly lose weight and improve your metabolism.
  7. Spices.
    Cinnamon and garlic are famous folk remedies to speed up metabolism. Other hot spices - mustard seeds, black pepper, ginger - also give very good results. If you consume these spices every day, you can burn an additional 1000 kcal in 24 hours!
  8. Citruses.
    In this category, grapefruit should be highlighted - a favorite assistant for everyone who watches their figure. Do not deny yourself lemon and pamela. They contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which regulates insulin surges and metabolism.
  9. Leading products in calcium content.
    Sufficient amount of macronutrients, in in this case This is 1200-1300 mg/day, allows you to lose weight twice as fast. Cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, feta cheese and other dairy products must be present on the menu. But the most calcium is found in poppy seeds and Parmesan cheese.
  10. Apple cider vinegar.
    One tablespoon of this product, drunk before each meal, will help you lose weight and improve your metabolism. Dilute it with water if the taste is too unpleasant. Consume the mixture through a straw so as not to damage tooth enamel.

A little more about metabolism

These products will speed up your metabolism, but not to the limit. Besides them, you also need to eat something. We recommend including tuna, trout, mackerel and herring in your menu. Squid and shrimp diversify the diet. To ensure you get enough healthy lipids, eat any nuts, flaxseeds, and take fish oil capsules. Omega-3 acids regulate metabolism and help maintain youth.

Don't forget about liquid food - soups. Make vegetable and meat broths. The combination of solid and liquid foods has a beneficial effect on appetite and promotes fat burning and metabolism. Cream soup allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness for 2-3 hours. To lose weight, eat one bowl of soup every day.

Coconut milk supplies the body with special fats that are transformed differently than others. They immediately enter the liver and are converted into energy necessary for muscle tissue and internal organs.

Enrich your menu with legumes, which are a source of plant-based protein and fiber. A sufficient amount of B vitamins will help avoid stress, decreased muscle mass and deterioration nervous activity. As a result, your metabolism will become fast enough to burn fat without much effort.

Eat healthy foods in season, and you will not only speed up your metabolism, but also prevent a number of diseases.

Physical activity

Strength training

Every 10 years, metabolism slows down by 2-4% due to loss of muscle tissue. The latter is an active consumer of energy, even when a person is at rest. The conclusion suggests itself: to lose weight, you need to develop muscles.

Strength or aerobic training will help with this. The maximum duration of a lesson is 60 minutes. A muscle group or one muscle should be under load for 40-60 seconds.

Most effective exercises for metabolism are lunges, squats, push-ups and presses. If you have dumbbells, great! With them you can perform a whole training program that allows you to work almost every muscle. During exercise, you will burn relatively few calories. But within 12 hours after exercise, the metabolism remains quite fast, which implies the breakdown of fat mass and weight loss.

Metabolic training effectively speeds up metabolism. It starts with a light cardio workout at a moderate pace. Then you need to perform a cycle of functional exercises.

The ones we wrote about above are suitable. Spend 20 seconds on one task, and then rest for 10 seconds. Then do another exercise for 30 seconds, and rest again for 10 seconds. Be sure to alternate time intervals (20-30 seconds) so that the muscles do not get used to the load. This activity speeds up metabolism by 15-20%.

Aerobic exercise

Cardio exercise is also good for your metabolism. They saturate tissues with oxygen, with sufficient supply of which all metabolic processes occur faster. It is necessary to exercise for at least 30 minutes (if we are talking about a standard workout) with a heart rate of 60-80% of the maximum allowable. Heart rate is calculated as follows: 220 minus age.

Cyclic training for the whole body is considered the most effective for accelerating metabolism. The scheme is as follows: intense exercise(20-30 sec.) – pause (10 sec.).

And so several circles with different exercises. Typically the number of sessions does not exceed six. High-intensity interval training may last only 7-10 minutes, but after it, the metabolism is quite fast for 36 hours.

Here you need to combine strength and cardio exercises. Various jumps, swings, running in place, squats, jumping lunges and other similar exercises will provide you with a good metabolism. This workout is equivalent to 1-1.5 hours of running or cycling.

Drugs to speed up metabolism

If you think that proper nutrition and physical activity not enough, you can take special pills. Their active ingredients should be: caffeine, L-thyroxine, chromium supplements and others. These are synthetic drugs.

Among dietary supplements, LiDa tablets should be noted. They contain natural extracts of plant origin, in particular, the fruits of guarana, cola, garcinia, coleus, and poria coconut. The combined action of these and other excipients ensures rapid saturation and speeds up metabolism.

Turboslim Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine tablets ensure excellent functioning of enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, normalize blood sugar and generally improve the quality of metabolism.

Active supplements - stimulants, thermogenics, some hormones - also help to accelerate metabolism. But don’t prescribe them for yourself!

To achieve the best effect, following these tips will help:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day, but no more than 9. It is advisable to go to bed before 22.00 so that you can get complete sleep. It's also a good idea to take a 30-40 minute nap during the day.
  • Do self-massage or seek help from a professional. This procedure accelerates the blood and improves lymph flow. If you do a deep massage with gel, the skin's metabolism accelerates.
  • Go to the bathhouse at least once every few months. The steam warms up the entire body, opens the pores and helps remove dirt from the deep layers of the skin. After the bath you will feel light and cheerful, and your metabolism will speed up.
  • Take walks more often fresh air, carry out aroma oil therapy, do not give in to stress and take a contrast shower!

This complex should become a way of life. It will help speed up metabolism, form beautiful figure and keep it in this condition for many more years.

The digestive system should always operate uninterruptedly in order to prevent the appearance of gastrointestinal pathologies, clogging the body with toxins and gaining excess body weight. As soon as food begins to be poorly digested, the process of its processing slows down, the patient should, if possible, be examined by a doctor. Taking into account the factor that triggered the disorder, treatment will be prescribed, which includes drugs to speed up and improve metabolism.

Attention! Such tablets may refer to dietary supplements, anti-obesity medications, or enzyme preparations. The first two types not only improve the functions of the digestive tract, but also contribute to the process of weight loss. But it is advisable to take such drugs under the supervision of a doctor, since they often contain a diuretic or aggressive fat-breaking substance, which in large quantities can be harmful.

Such a violation can be recognized by a number of characteristic signs:

  • there is severe hair loss, skin problems and a deterioration in overall health, since the body cannot get enough vitamins from the food it eats;
  • due to metabolic disorders, disturbances in internal organs may appear, it is noted sharp rise body weight;
  • in addition, the patient complains of constant heaviness in the abdominal area; problems such as belching, increased gas production, and constipation may occur;
  • the skin color becomes unhealthy, closer to gray or pale, the color of the nail plate changes, and a coating on the tongue may appear;
  • many patients, despite the fact that food is digested very slowly, begin to eat much more, which further increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to weight gain;
  • in the evening and after eating, many complain of heartburn, which may be associated with rotting processes in the stomach.

Attention! A similar condition can also occur against the background of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, it is not enough to take only stimulant medications, since it is important to conduct a full examination and prescribe a combined treatment regimen.

Combined drugs for digestion and metabolism


A medication created to support the digestive system, remove toxins from the body and break down fat deposits. The active substance sibutramine increases metabolism several times and causes the gastrointestinal tract to digest food faster, but at the same time there is a partial loss of vitamins and minerals. Because of this, while using Meridia, you need to take additional vitamin complexes and be sure to monitor your diet. The dosage is selected taking into account the severity of the disorder and can be 10-15 mg of the active substance per day. Treatment always starts with minimum quantity tablets of 10 mg, after which a month later, if this dose is insufficient, an increase of 5 mg is made. The duration of therapy is strictly according to individual indications.


The medicine is a complex of herbs, which some experts classify as dietary supplements, but some consider such a composition to be a full-fledged medicine that can enhance digestion and accelerate metabolism. At the same time, Turboslim also has a strong laxative effect, which is characterized by an increasing nature. This means that due to the increasing frequency of stool every day, the patient may develop dysbiosis and colitis; without taking vitamins, signs of vitamin deficiency also appear. Treatment involves taking 2 tablets with breakfast or dinner, it all depends on what type of drug is chosen, it can be nightly or daytime. The recommended course of treatment is one month.


This drug is a hormonal drug and can only be used with great caution, having assessed all possible risks. Danabol really accelerates metabolism in just a few doses, improves digestion and promotes weight loss. But when women use it, they not only lose weight and improve their metabolism, they also significantly rearrange their hormonal system. This entails the acquisition masculine traits, including the appearance of hair male type, deepening of the voice and other unpleasant consequences. The medication is taken in individual doses based on weight. In this case, there is no exact course of administration, but the patient must understand that the withdrawal of Danabol leads to the development of withdrawal syndrome with excess weight gain.


These tablets can only be taken if the patient does not have problems in the form of any gastrointestinal pathologies. Xenical prevents fat from being processed, as it completely blocks the lipase enzyme, which is responsible for the absorption of fat cells. Take 1 tablet of the drug with each meal, if it contains foods containing lipids. If there are no fats in the composition, you do not need to take pills. On average, a patient drinks 2-4 Xenical tablets per day; taking more than five doses is prohibited. The duration of treatment is individual, usually 2-4 weeks of therapy are sufficient.


A very expensive drug that also suppresses the absorption of fats, removing them naturally along with feces. It is recommended to take Listata to improve digestion and metabolism only if the patient is obese or overweight. Ideally, you should eat a healthy diet while taking the pills. Listata should be taken 1 tablet three times a day, the duration of therapy is determined individually for each patient, it can last up to six months. When using this medication, uncontrolled bowel movements may occur due to large quantity fat in feces.


The medication not only increases the functioning of the digestive system several times, but also suppresses the hunger center and relieves the patient’s stress. It is recommended to take the drug only if there are real problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by severe weight gain and the inability to control your appetite. The recommended dose of the active substance is 10 mg. If within a month, taking into account the normal reaction to the medication, it was not possible to achieve the required result, the dose of the active substance can be increased to 15 mg. Treatment can be continued for one year.

Attention! The described medications are designed to accelerate metabolism and improve digestion in patients with increased body weight or obesity. Their uncontrolled use can cause the development of dangerous pathologies of internal organs and the central nervous system. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and childhood.

Biologically active supplements to improve metabolism and digestion

NameImageDoseCourse of treatmentPrice in Russia
1 tablet per day30 days400-1500 rubles
1-4 tablets per dose, depending on the severity of the problem30 days1000 thousand
2 tablets twice daily2-4 weeks1500 rubles
500 mg 3 times a dayIndividually100-500 rubles
2 tablets up to 3 times a day2-4 weeks300 rubles
1 tablet twice a day2-3 weeks300 rubles
1-2 capsules twice daily2-3 weeks400-800 rubles
2 tablets per day2-4 weeks200-1500 rubles
1 tablet morning and evening4 weeks2000 thousand

Attention! These drugs are considered relatively safe, but if doses are exceeded or there are contraindications, these tablets can also damage the liver and kidneys and affect the functioning of the central nervous system.

Enzyme preparations to improve digestion and metabolism


The strong point of this medicinal product is his ability to provide the necessary positive effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the pancreas, which increases the result of the treatment several times. Somilase quickly breaks down fats of any origin, preventing them from causing serious disorders in the digestive tract. All groups of patients can take Somilase, but provided there is no increased reaction to solizyme, which is the main active ingredient of the medication. Therapy involves taking 1-2 tablets of the medication no more than three times a day, this should be done after meals. Chewing tablets is strictly prohibited. The duration of treatment is according to individual indications.


Quickly and safely affects the digestive tract, improving its functioning and gradually accelerating metabolism. If there are problems in the form of chronic or acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, Festal can be taken for several years, which will not have a significant inhibitory effect. The drug contains active substances such as pancreatin, bovine bile powder and hemicellulose. Their combined effect improves and accelerates the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, but does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals, but only enhances their effect. Festal should be taken in a dose of 1-2 tablets up to three times a day. The duration of therapy is according to the personal instructions of the doctor, usually 5-30 days, taking into account the severity of the patient’s condition without chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.


It is one of the most powerful drugs for stimulating digestion and improving metabolism, while at the same time having a beneficial effect on the pancreas. Enzistal improves metabolic processes due to faster breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Under the influence of the drug, their maximum absorption is observed in the small intestine. Take Enzistal in a dosage of 1-2 tablets three times a day, it is recommended to swallow the drug immediately so as not to lose part of the active component.

Attention! These tablets are prescribed for digestive problems caused by gastrointestinal diseases. But they can also be used to stimulate the process of digestion in patients with overweight and obesity.

The consequences of taking pills to improve digestion and metabolism

The consequences of using tablets of this type depend on what type of medication the patient chooses. When using dietary supplements, there are rarely consequences more dangerous than an allergic reaction in the form of a rash or intestinal upset. But sometimes they can provoke diarrhea, vomiting and even anaphylactic shock if the composition turns out to be allergenic for a particular patient.

When using enzyme pharmaceutical tablets, truly dangerous consequences rarely appear, which are often associated with an incorrectly selected dose, increased sensitivity, or the patient’s self-therapy, when the compatibility of all medications is not taken into account. When taking enzymes, you may encounter problems such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, rash, and hives. Rarely, irritation of the oral mucosa occurs.

The most dangerous drugs are those that are combined and are designed to combat obesity or have a hormonal component. They can inhibit kidney and liver function and affect the functioning of the central nervous system. In severe cases, they caused not only the classic signs of indigestion, but also fecal and urinary incontinence, fat release from feces, loss of consciousness and severe exhaustion.

Hormonal medications quickly relieve digestive problems, but only until they are discontinued. As a result, the patient regains the lost kilograms and takes with him new ones. But most of all, the endocrine and reproductive systems are destroyed. This is why it is so important to follow the instructions when taking such tablets, which can only be used in strictly defined cases.

Attention! If you have real problems, taking this type of medication is not prohibited. But only a nutritionist should select pills, taking into account the obtained blood, urine, hormonal levels and the functioning of other systems.

If signs of insufficiently fast metabolism or a clear deterioration in digestion appear, you should also adjust your diet and identify the exact cause of the disorder. Without eliminating the underlying pathology and lacking healthy eating rules, taking any pills will only give a temporary effect. In the presence of obvious gastrointestinal pathologies, the use of stimulating enzymes can continue for several years. But throughout the entire treatment, it is important to monitor the condition of the digestive system and stop taking the pills at the first opportunity.

Video - How to improve digestion