What kind of business is in demand in Belarus? Expert: “We need to produce here and sell there.” Common mistakes of new entrepreneurs

“If only a businessman had a good grip, the business would go well” - you can often hear this, especially at training seminars for beginners who have just joined the business ranks or are about to open their own business from scratch. But just the same good business me and understands that agility is by no means enough for things to go uphill. Which are the most important steps for a novice entrepreneur, where to start - about this in our article.

We start with an idea

Oh yes. And here, most likely, you will have to choose between what you like and what is really profitable, and this does not always coincide. Start from how you would answer the question “why do I need this?” (for example, to achieve financial independence, simply because there is nothing to do, or maybe in order to try something new, etc.), and everything will immediately become easier.

Of course, it is best to choose a business for yourself. For example, if you are a good seamstress, then you can consider the option of your own atelier; if you are a housewife and at the same time an excellent cook, then you should think about your own cafe or something smaller, if your life and passion are computer games, then quite a business will have its own Internet club. There are many options, depending on what suits your needs.

Ideally, what you love to do in everyday life can be turned into profitable business. But don’t get carried away, don’t decide everything in a day or two. If you live, say, in Minsk, walk around the city, go shopping, look around, analyze. Ask yourself a question: what is missing in the capital that could be in demand?

If possible, visit the representatives local authorities, talk with officials or their associates. They know exactly which goods or services are in abundance in the city, and which are in short supply. True, it is also possible that they will directly tell you that your business is undesirable. For example, officials may have their own view on something or simply someone else should do the same thing as you want. So if you can test the waters, go ahead.

Start creating your own business by identifying the needs of society.

We formalize the idea into a business plan

Have you decided on an idea? Great! But this is not enough. Now you need to formalize it into a business plan: formulate goals, as well as describe the concept of achieving them. Calculate, as they say, down to the penny, how much money needs to be invested; describe how long it will take to recoup these costs, etc. A well-written business plan will make a good impression on you at the bank where you go (if you need it, of course) for money.

Puzzle over the name

There is no need to rush with the name of your future company; it is better to rack your brains once again to make it memorable. In addition, in order for the name to be approved by the Ministry of Justice, certain rules must be followed. Thus, spelling variations of names on foreign language, the name must be unique (i.e., one that has not yet been registered). By the way, you can check whether the name you came up with already exists without leaving home, here, in the database of the Unified State Register legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

It is important to remember that the name should be simple and harmonious (no words or roots in words with a negative meaning or negative connotation!).

Consult the experts

Before getting down to business, it would be a good idea to go to specialists - a tax office, a law firm, and others. necessary organizations. Each of the specialists, according to their type of activity, will tell you what certificates are needed to prepare all the documents, where to find the right person, what laws you need to study, and will also answer the question of what is better to open (individual entrepreneur, LLC, ODO, UE).

Get ready for more important information you'll have to fork out the cash.

Looking for money

If you have your own savings, which were precisely intended for some such risky business, you are free to act. However, if they are not there and the inheritance from your grandfather from Canada is not going to happen to you, you will have to ask for a loan from the bank, where the business plan you have drawn up will come in handy.

You must come to the bank, well, simply with an exorbitant gift of persuasion, so that the credit commission believes in you and your business, that it will definitely be profitable. But you should understand that the loan will have to be repaid, and with interest, which will fall on the cost of the product or service.

Of course, there is another option - borrow from friends. But the amount you will need is quite large, and not everyone has friends who will simply borrow a large amount without interest and any paperwork such as receipts, and in Belarus there is now a tax on debts. So think about it, in any case, it’s up to you to decide.

Registering a business

Not the most fun part of starting your own business. To fill out all the certificates, formalize everything necessary documents and submit them to the appropriate government executive body, it will take more than one month to produce stamps and certificates, open an account. Oh yes, and don’t forget that you will also have to pay a state fee to register a company. And if you have a few hundred dollars spare, then it is better to turn to professionals for help - this way you will save time and nerves.

The fewer companions the better

Depending on the form of business, the number of company founders may vary. But, as practice shows, when there are many of them, there is a high chance that they will quarrel, and this, in turn, will lead the company to a loss. In general, doing business with someone you need to trust with your money is very difficult - just keep this in mind, just in case. Or, as an option, take as your companion someone you trust as you trust yourself.


If the activity you are going to engage in is licensed, then you need to obtain a license. And the newly minted businessman himself needs to go through this process, without the involvement of other persons. Those. if you work in veterinary activities, you need to go to the Ministry agriculture and food, in the field of passenger transportation - the Ministry of Transport and Communications is waiting for you, etc.

Get ready for competition

Don’t believe those who say that there are no competitors on the most difficult path - clean water lies. Competitors were, are and will be everywhere. Moreover, healthy competition just has to be. Therefore, there can be no illusions here.

Invest gradually and evenly

The distribution of finances should always be clear: specifically calculate where and how much money is needed. But try not to invest the maximum, and especially at first, since you certainly don’t know exactly how much profit you will get from your next venture. Adhere to a uniform and gradual rhythm; the main thing for a new businessman is to achieve a stable profit.

This is how it turned out step by step instructions. So if you have firmly decided to open your own business in Belarus and you are not afraid of paperwork, taxes and high interest rates on loans, as well as enemy competitors on the way - patience and good luck!

Below you will find out what business is currently relevant in Belarus. Areas that bring good income.

First of all, you need to make the right choice when choosing an activity that will begin to enrich you.

First of all, we want to tell you about trading goods, products, etc. If you have decided to develop in the trading business, sell goods, then it is better to open your own store. in Belarus involves constant study of consumer demand and compilation of a list of the most popular products.

It is also necessary carefully study (analyze) all competitors, this is important!

After which, at first, you can rent a room on the territory of which the products will be sold. Buy the product, calculate the price at which you are going to sell it. For good sales, do not forget about advertising. Set aside a separate budget for this.

The most profitable stores:

  • Products;
  • Cloth;
  • Fish and meat shop;
  • Homemade food store (natural products);
  • Construction materials.

Construction business

With big investments

If your financial capabilities allow, then you can start building residential real estate. Today, thousands of families need comfortable and cozy housing. If you rent out your own apartment properties, you will have a source of passive income that can increase over time. This is the most profitable business in Belarus, but there are also large investments.

In order to intensify your activity in renting out living space, you don’t even need working staff. You can do everything yourself.

With minimal investment

Which do not allow you to purchase and then rent out a property, there is an alternative option that brings a solid profit.

You can organize your own business in the service sector and engage in repair and finishing works. To do your job better, it is best to “recruit” a friend or like-minded person to join you. He must have knowledge, skills in renovating apartments and a great desire to tirelessly earn a living. This is quite a profitable business that is worth starting in Belarus.

Small production

Here we are talking about the one that is needed local residents every day. This could be food, shoes, clothing, medicines, household chemicals and much more. The production of building materials is very profitable - bricks, expanded clay concrete blocks, wood concrete blocks, cinder blocks, etc. It is enough to buy a manual machine or semi-automatic machine, have a garage and you can start production.

Where to start your business

In any case, you have to register an individual entrepreneur and register with tax authority. To achieve success in this field, you will have to work out in detail a marketing and production plan (), which will help you not become bankrupt after a while.

How to look for business ideas in Belarus

If you are still thinking about how to open a business in Belarus, we recommend that you walk along the streets of your city, look around what shops and cafes there are, companies that provide services. Which companies are larger, which are smaller? Can you find a place in a city where they don’t exist and provide better services or sell better goods at a higher price? low prices. With due diligence, you will quickly find the answer to the question - what is a good business to open?

Finding it is not difficult. For example, you can find a suitable idea (niche) in the section of our website, which contains thousands of business ideas.

Many entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a business in Belarus wonder what the advantages are in doing business here compared to their neighbors in the European Union and Russia. Belarus is a relatively small country located almost in the center of Europe. The market capacity in Belarus is not as large as, for example, in Russia, but the country’s location in the Customs Union allows you to use the advantages of this association to promote goods and services to the markets of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. At the same time, the presence of colossal raw material capabilities among partners in the Customs Union, as well as the relative cheapness of labor, makes it possible to produce high-quality and inexpensive goods for EU countries.

Business ideas for small businesses in Belarus, as for any other country in the post-Soviet space, are in the areas of trade, services and production. Let's try, taking into account the characteristics of the country, to answer the question of which business is the most profitable in Belarus.


Trade can hardly be considered as an idea for small businesses in Belarus since minimal investment. This is due, first of all, to the need to have significant working capital for the purchase of goods. But an initial outlay of $5,000 to $10,000 is not excessive.

Despite constant development and the expansion of the supermarket chain, in Belarus there remains a fairly wide niche for small stores inside residential areas and in rural areas.

Of course, the problem of renting premises to open a store is quite acute in big cities. If the location of the “retail outlet” is poorly chosen, the rent can eat up all the potential profit. However, the country still experiences a shortage of specialized retail outlets selling exclusive goods. The proximity of the EU, with well-established connections with suppliers of goods from Europe, makes it possible to trade quite successfully expensive products"not for everybody"

What kind of business is profitable to do in Belarus?

Are there still any industries left in the national economy where you can actually do business, earn money and be confident in your prospects?

Promising industries outpace GDP

Investors, when identifying promising industries, look, among other things, at the degree of their dependence on fluctuations in economic activity in the country.

A cycle is fluctuations in GDP, crises, falls, or, conversely, a boom in activity, explains Roman Osipov, director of the investment company Uniter. - The most stable sectors of the economy are those least susceptible to fluctuations.

Experts from the Uniter company conducted a large-scale analysis of the development of approximately 300 sectors of the Belarusian economy, taking into account a whole range of factors. It turned out that there are also industries in the country that show growth precisely at a time when the overall decline is occurring. These industries include telecommunications, retail food, medical services, transportation by rail.

There are also industries that generally developed at a faster pace - potato growing, production of meat and meat products, dairy products, forestry and logging, production of games and toys, plastic products, and finished metal products. These are those industries whose growth rates significantly exceeded GDP growth.

How else can you assess the prospects of a particular industry?

The main principle is the level of penetration of the industry into the economy compared to developed countries, notes Roman Osipov. - For example, in insurance, the level of fees per capita in the Baltic countries and even more so in Western Europe several times higher than in Belarus. And any developing market will move towards this pattern, towards the level developed countries. And he will grow to it. It's a matter of time. This catch-up growth creates the most interesting preconditions for economic activity in certain areas.

The existence of existing conditions for the development of a business is also evidenced by the general consumer behavior of people. Thus, about seven years ago there were no hypermarkets in Belarus, although a completely different situation was observed in neighboring Ukraine. And those investors who began to develop this segment of modern trading formats won.

Expert: “We need to produce here and sell there”

Mikhail Borozdin, director of the investment and consulting company Mikhail Borozdin Agency, believes that almost anyone can become profitable and promising in Belarus private business, because its share compared to the state’s is too small and competition in general is not so high.

The main thing is to find your niche. In addition, according to the expert, it is desirable that the products be exported, since “the domestic market is deflating, and the solvency of the population is decreasing.”

It would be beneficial to work according to the principle: produced here, sold there,” said Mikhail Borozdin. - Produce or trade? Of course, if we talk about some more substantial business, then it is better to produce. But we need to produce something based on local raw materials. However, the cheapest resource in Belarus is labor.

Based on this, the expert considers it most profitable at the moment to organize “a small production that would use large number hired labor, preferably unskilled.” Workers can pick produce by hand for little money. This could be folk crafts, tailoring. Hand made valued abroad, and markets could be found there.

In addition, according to Mikhail Borozdin, export projects in the field of information technology. True, the risks are higher. This industry typically employs highly qualified and highly paid specialists. So there is a serious risk of attrition if the situation worsens.

Projects to provide services via the Internet are also attractive. online services or opening a design studio. Overhead costs are the same as in Belarus, and income can be obtained at a world level.

Theoretically, trading would be profitable, but in order to sell, you need to buy. There will not be a large margin, and the profit will not be so great, notes Mikhail Borozdin. - Yes, and competition in trade is always very high. So trading strategically will not be as effective. It's better to try

Find unique things that are unique to Belarus and in demand in other countries. There are brands such as Scotch whiskey, American hamburgers, Italian pizza. They are made all over the world, but it is generally accepted that Scotland, the USA and Italy make them better. It would be nice to find such products here too.

Another profitable niche is to produce goods and provide services that are popular in the West, but which there is simply no one to do in Belarus, the expert said.

Import substitution business will not last long

Chairman of the union of legal entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship” Viktor Margelov believes that small and medium-sized businesses will work almost entirely on the domestic market and will never achieve leading positions in exports. They don't have the right volumes.

You can, of course, try your hand at import substitution. Moreover, the real standard of living of the people has seriously decreased. According to Viktor Margelov, he fell by at least one and a half times. So people have less money to buy imported goods.

This situation really opens up certain opportunities for small businesses to produce goods similar to imported ones, but of lower quality,” the expert said. - Naturally, they will be cheaper. Labor and other costs are minimal. For example, women's panties cost 60 thousand rubles. Where do these prices come from? Any seamstress can register an individual business, buy a sewing machine and easily earn 2-4 million rubles a month. Such schemes are already in place.

However, according to the head of the business union, such import substitution may not last long. As soon as the level of income of the population rises, competitive goods from abroad will again be actively sold in the country, and this type of business will disappear.

By the way, Viktor Margelov considers the advantage of the low cost of hired labor to be controversial.

Theoretically, we have cheap labor. But where is she? I could say that it would be profitable to open a cafe, restaurant or store. But if those who would do this knew what a problem it would be for them to find sellers and cooks, they would never want to open them, he said.

The time for trading is over

The head of the Strategy analytical center, Leonid Zaiko, notes that last year’s currency crisis “cleared” the market for national business, and foreigners have nothing much to do here with their goods after devaluation.

According to the expert, now is a good moment for the development of national business. However, Belarus needs an active government policy to stimulate it. Leonid Zaiko believes, in particular, that it is necessary to give free land to everyone who wants it for the construction of enterprises.

The time for trading is over. We need to engage in production,” said the economist. - Enterprises that produce inexpensive products from national raw materials have a chance of success. We need to develop woodworking and the production of simple equipment. Sewing production is very promising. It is profitable to produce food; it is in high demand in Russia. And in Belarus retail networks Almost everything is imported - fruits, vegetables, potatoes, greens.

According to Leonid Zaiko, it is necessary to produce “at least just good shovels.” Anything that works for the domestic market is promising. Belarusian business does not need to produce complex goods.

Expert: “Monopolies will be able to survive in the Belarusian market”

Former Chairman of the Commission of the Supreme Council of the XIII convocation on economic policy and reforms Vasily Shlyndikov is more pessimistic than previous experts. In his opinion, real chance It is mainly monopolies that have to survive in the Belarusian market.

They are now being created in almost all areas,” he notes. - In my opinion, the most reliable and profitable now is wholesale medicines, construction (but not directly as a construction company, but as a developer). It is even more profitable to supply fruits, alcohol, and fish. However, monopolists rule everywhere in these markets, for the sake of which everyone was kicked out of there. In addition, monopolists, as a rule, learn about any innovations before anyone else and have time to prepare.

“If only a businessman had a good grip, the business would go well” - you can often hear this, especially at training seminars for beginners who have just joined the business ranks or are about to open their own business from scratch. But just like a good businessman, he understands that acumen is by no means enough for things to go uphill. What are the most important steps for a novice entrepreneur, where to start - this is discussed in our article.

We start with an idea

Oh yes. And here, most likely, you will have to choose between what you like and what is really profitable, and this does not always coincide. Start from how you would answer the question “why do I need this?” (for example, to achieve financial independence, simply because there is nothing to do, or maybe in order to try something new, etc.), and everything will immediately become easier.

Of course, it is best to choose a business for yourself. For example, if you are a good seamstress, then you can consider the option of your own atelier, if you are a housewife and at the same time an excellent cook, then you should think about your own cafe or something smaller, if your life and passion are computer games, then it would be quite a business your own internet club. There are many options, depending on what suits your needs.

Ideally, what you love to do in everyday life can be turned into a profitable business. But don’t get carried away, don’t decide everything in a day or two. If you live, say, in Minsk, walk around the city, go shopping, look around, analyze. Ask yourself a question: what is missing in the capital that could be in demand?

If possible, visit representatives of local authorities and talk with officials or their associates. They know exactly which goods or services are in abundance in the city, and which are in short supply. True, it is also possible that they will directly tell you that your business is undesirable. For example, officials may have their own view on something or simply someone else should do the same thing as you want. So if you can test the waters, go ahead.

Start creating your own business by identifying the needs of society.

We formalize the idea into a business plan

Have you decided on an idea? Great! But this is not enough. Now you need to formalize it into a business plan: formulate goals, as well as describe the concept of achieving them. Calculate, as they say, down to the penny, how much money needs to be invested; describe how long it will take to recoup these costs, etc. A well-written business plan will make a good impression on you at the bank where you go (if you need it, of course) for money.

Puzzle over the name

There is no need to rush with the name of your future company; it is better to rack your brains once again to make it memorable. In addition, in order for the name to be approved by the Ministry of Justice, certain rules must be followed. Thus, spellings of names in a foreign language are not accepted; the name must be unique (i.e., one that has not yet been registered). By the way, you can check whether the name you came up with already exists without leaving your home, here, in the database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.

It is important to remember that the name should be simple and harmonious (no words or roots in words with a negative meaning or negative connotation!).

Consult the experts

Before getting down to business, it would be a good idea to go to specialists - a tax office, a law firm and other necessary organizations. Each of the specialists, according to their type of activity, will tell you what certificates are needed to prepare all the documents, where to find the right person, what laws you need to study, and will also answer the question of what is better to open (individual entrepreneur, LLC, ALC, UP).

Be prepared to pay extra for more important information.

Looking for money

If you have your own savings, which were precisely intended for some such risky business, you are free to act. However, if they are not there and the inheritance from your grandfather from Canada is not going to happen to you, you will have to ask for a loan from the bank, where the business plan you have drawn up will come in handy.

You must come to the bank, well, simply with an exorbitant gift of persuasion, so that the credit commission believes in you and your business, that it will definitely be profitable. But you should understand that the loan will have to be repaid, and with interest, which will fall on the cost of the product or service.

Of course, there is another option - borrow from friends. But the amount you will need is quite large, and not everyone has friends who will simply borrow a large amount without interest or any paperwork such as receipts, and in Belarus there is now a tax on debts. So think about it, in any case, it’s up to you to decide.

Registering a business

Not the most fun part of starting your own business. It will take more than one month to fill out all the certificates, draw up all the necessary documents and submit them to the relevant state executive body, produce stamps and certificates, and open an account. Oh yes, and don’t forget that you will also have to pay a state fee to register a company. And if you have a few hundred dollars spare, then it is better to turn to professionals for help - this way you will save time and nerves.

The fewer companions the better

Depending on the form of business, the number of company founders may vary. But, as practice shows, when there are many of them, there is a high chance that they will quarrel, and this, in turn, will lead the company to a loss. In general, doing business with someone you need to trust with your money is very difficult - just keep this in mind, just in case. Or, as an option, take as your companion someone you trust as you trust yourself.


If the activity you are going to engage in is licensed, then you need to obtain a license. And the newly minted businessman himself needs to go through this process, without the involvement of other persons. Those. if you work in veterinary activities, you need to go to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; in the field of passenger transportation, the Ministry of Transport and Communications is waiting for you, etc.

Get ready for competition

Don’t believe anyone who says that there are no competitors on the most difficult path - that’s a complete lie. Competitors were, are and will be everywhere. Moreover, healthy competition simply must exist. Therefore, there can be no illusions here.

Invest gradually and evenly

The distribution of finances should always be clear: specifically calculate where and how much money is needed. But try not to invest the maximum, and especially at first, since you certainly don’t know exactly how much profit you will get from your next venture. Adhere to a uniform and gradual rhythm; the main thing for a new businessman is to achieve a stable profit.

Here's the step-by-step instructions. So if you have firmly decided to open your own business in Belarus and you are not afraid of paperwork, taxes and high interest rates on loans, as well as enemy competitors on the way - patience and good luck!