Umbrella as a gift. Tips from the project manager of the magazine "RIVIERA" Maya Borisova. Folk signs and superstitions. Why you can't do certain things

Signs about the umbrella came to us from the east. In China, the umbrella was invented a thousand years after the beginning of our era, it was used by aristocrats to prevent sunburn, because... tanning was characteristic only of commoners. An umbrella was an attribute of power. Observations by Easterners made it possible to collect many signs about the umbrella; it became a mystical object.

Europeans have been using an umbrella only since the 17th century; for them it is a household item for walking in the rain and the bright sun.

And yet, many signs and superstitions about the umbrella have accumulated among the inhabitants of Europe.

  1. Signs about an umbrella related to its color.
  2. Love and family happiness are attracted by a green umbrella. If a lonely woman walks in the rain with a green umbrella, then love will come into her life and she will definitely get married.
  3. A blue umbrella will protect its owner from catching a cold while walking in the rain. A blue umbrella has a beneficial effect on the immune system of its owner.
  4. Unbalanced, hot-tempered and impatient people are not recommended to carry a red umbrella, because... it can enhance the not very attractive character traits of its owner.
  5. The rainbow colors of the umbrella will attract positive energy into the life of its owner and improve the mood even in the most inclement weather.
  6. It is not recommended to carry an umbrella white, because it can attract a lot of gossip and rumors into the life of its owner.
  7. Umbrella orange color will make the owner irritable and painful. It is also capable of attracting thieves, evil, dangerous and unpleasant people into the life of its owner.
  8. Umbrellas black and dark blue flowers They don’t attract trouble, but they also don’t improve your mood in inclement weather.
  9. Other signs about the umbrella:
  10. In order to avoid financial problems, two people cannot walk under the same umbrella. Otherwise, the owner of the umbrella will begin to have unreasonable expenses and money leakage.
  11. If an umbrella breaks, then its owner will soon experience inevitable events that will disrupt all plans for the future.
  12. You should not pick up your umbrella yourself if you dropped it on the ground. Try to have a stranger pick up your umbrella from the ground. If an umbrella that has fallen to the ground is picked up by its owner, then a streak of bad luck will begin in his life, but this sign does not apply to a stranger.
  13. Finding an umbrella will bring troubles and illnesses into your life. If you find an umbrella, then take it to a crowded place and “lose” it there unnoticed. This will allow you to free yourself from the negative information of the found umbrella.
  14. You cannot place an umbrella on a sofa, chair or bed, otherwise you may lose the energy of money in your home.
  15. It is not recommended to open the umbrella completely in the house, otherwise you can anger the spirits of the house, and they will stop protecting you from misfortune. You should dry your umbrella in the house in a half-opened position.
  16. It is not recommended to give an umbrella for a birthday. Such a gift will attract the birthday person into his life for a year Bad mood and other attributes of “inclement weather.” If you are given an umbrella, then give the giver a coin to neutralize the unkind messages of such a gift.
  17. Signs about an umbrella in a dream.
  18. If in a dream you walked with an umbrella in the rain, then in reality you will have troubles.
  19. If in a dream you give your umbrella to someone, then in reality expect slander against you.
  20. If you took someone else’s umbrella in a dream, then quarrels and troubles await you.
  21. If in a dream you were hiding under a sun umbrella, then prosperity awaits you

The birthplace of the umbrella is China. Invented ten centuries BC, it came to Europe relatively recently - only in the 17th century. Unlike the East, where it was given a deep mystical meaning (where it was considered a symbol of power), Europeans perceived the umbrella as a simple household item. However, over time it mystical entity appeared in Europe: very quickly its use acquired a number of signs and legends.

Finding an umbrella is considered a bad omen. This seemingly useful find promises health problems. But if you come across an umbrella on your way, don’t pretend you didn’t notice it—it won’t help. Pick up the umbrella and leave it in another, preferably crowded place. Thanks to this simple ritual, you will remove negative energy finds.

You should not put an umbrella on the bed. According to legend, this blocks the influx money energy in the home.

Also, you can’t walk together under one umbrella.- this can hit the wallet of the umbrella owner.

Do not open an umbrella indoors, says a folk sign, otherwise you can bring trouble into the house. By folk beliefs, by opening an umbrella in the house, you can offend the household spirits that protect you from troubles, and then don’t expect anything good.

Don't give an umbrella as a birthday present- bad weather will reign in the life of the birthday boy all year.

If an umbrella was given to you, do not refuse it so as not to offend the donor (he probably did not do it out of malice!). Delicately get out of the situation by handing him a couple of coins in return.

If you dropped your umbrella on the ground, do not rush to pick it up - there is a belief that if the owner himself does this, his life will be unsettled. Look around: maybe someone else will pick up your umbrella - for strangers this is not at all dangerous.

Break the umbrella according to the signs, also an unfavorable sign. Folk wisdom says that your planned affairs may not go at all as you expected.

In addition, many weather signs and beliefs are associated with the umbrella.

Thus, it is believed that if open an umbrella on the street in sunny weather, then it might rain soon.

If you forgot your umbrella at home- It will rain, but if you took it with you in cloudy weather, it most likely will not rain.

It is also worth paying attention to the color of your umbrella.

Green umbrella attracts family happiness to a person, brings closer a meeting with love.

White umbrella may cause gossip and rumors behind your back.

Bright blue umbrella very favorable - it strengthens the immunity of its owner. Under such an umbrella there is much less chance of catching a cold in bad weather.

But to hide from the rain under orange umbrella not worth it. It is believed that it makes its owner nervous, painful and attracts dishonest, sometimes dangerous people to him.

Most Popular black and blue umbrellas In principle, they do not contain bad omens, but gloomy shades in bad weather are unlikely to add optimism and cheerfulness to you.

The most favorable for an umbrella is rainbow colors- such an umbrella will attract positive energy to you and will simply lift your spirits in inclement weather.

Umbrella as a gift - folk signs related to umbrella

An umbrella is an indispensable attribute of every person’s wardrobe, especially when it comes to the rainy season. That is why a good umbrella is a useful, necessary and memorable gift. Pay attention to the incredible number of them in various accessory stores. Here you can find any umbrella, both simple and designer handmade.

Such an item for protection from rain and sun was invented about 3000 years ago in China. It should be noted that in ancient times, in addition to its main functions, it also performed one more - it served as a symbol high position his master and pointed to his power!

In the Middle Ages in Europe, not a single man, regardless of weather conditions, used an umbrella, considering it an exclusively female accessory.

By now it is already quite difficult to determine when the umbrella acquired a negative magical meaning. However, many folk signs associated with it have survived to this day. According to the most famous superstition, you cannot give an umbrella as a gift. It is believed that this will bring bad weather and misfortune to the recipient's home. Should we trust such signs? Everyone has the right to treat them in their own way, however, if you are not sure, then you should not take risks.

What to do if you were given an umbrella? This situation can happen to anyone, but refusing a gift is not always possible. To avoid offending the person, give him a coin in return. Then you can use the donated umbrella without fear of adverse consequences.

There are many other signs according to which the umbrella is endowed with a certain magical power. For example, it is not recommended to open an umbrella indoors, as this will lead to trouble in the home and family.

What is it the reason for negative signs associated with such an elegant accessory as an umbrella? The thing is that in the old days, umbrellas had a very complex opening mechanism, which was quite dangerous, so accidents often occurred during their operation. Even children who were simply playing near an open umbrella could accidentally injure themselves.

Seeing an umbrella in a dream is an indicator of some events coming soon. Moreover, a sun umbrella has a favorable meaning, while a rain umbrella has a negative meaning.

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Why you can’t give umbrellas or a return to the Middle Ages.

An umbrella is an important accessory in the wardrobe modern man, it is especially relevant during the rainy season. It would seem that a good umbrella should be a useful holiday gift, but is it so?

The history of the umbrella

The umbrella was invented before our era in Egypt or China. It came to Europe only in the 17th century. At first, the “protective” device protected the skin from the sun’s rays, and only in 1750 they began to open the umbrella to hide under it from the rain.

In the East, umbrellas served as a symbol of power and indicated the position of their owner; only pharaohs and emperors had them. The Chinese considered the umbrella an attribute of happiness that protected them from illness and grief, but for some reason among the Europeans it acquired a rather negative meaning.

Beliefs about the umbrella

If an umbrella falls to the ground, do not pick it up in a hurry, because this is a sign of approaching troubles. Let someone else lift your umbrella; it is safe for strangers.

Interesting and interpretations of dreams:

  • to see an umbrella from the rain in a dream - to unfavorable events, and from the sun - a sign of positive changes;
  • an umbrella on the bed will stop the flow of money into the house;
  • opening an umbrella in the house means bringing grief to a loved one.

The most popular sign says that it is not recommended to give an umbrella for a birthday, because this promises the birthday person misfortune and continuous clouds for the whole year. If you still donate an umbrella, give the donor a few coins in return, as if to pay off negative consequences. Other people, on the contrary, believe that such a gift provides the recipient with additional protection from adversity.

The reason for the negative attitude towards the umbrella

The appearance of such negative signs came to us from antiquity. Previously, when using an umbrella, you could easily get hurt or even maimed due to the rather difficult opening mechanism.

Give umbrellas! Give for a birthday or any other occasion. But remember - by giving as a gift an item from the “unfavorable” list, but sincerely and with a pure heart, you will receive so much in return positive emotions that it is enough to “neutralize” any trouble. To believe signs or not is a personal matter for each person!

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SIGNS ABOUT THE UMBRELLA Finding an umbrella is considered a bad omen. If you see that someone has lost or forgotten an umbrella, do not rush to pick it up - along with the umbrella you can take away the problems and troubles of another person. You cannot open an umbrella indoors, otherwise you will invite disaster. It was believed that this could anger the sun god. The sign comes from a time when umbrellas were used exclusively as protection from the sun's rays. According to another belief, by opening an umbrella in the house, you can offend the household spirits that protect you from troubles, and then don’t expect anything good. History connects this with the cumbersome design features of the first folding umbrellas - it was unsafe to open them indoors, and a child could get hurt by them while playing. You cannot put an umbrella on the bed or on the floor - it is believed that this can deprive you of the flow of monetary energy. Dropping an umbrella is also considered bad luck. If you dropped your umbrella on the ground, don’t rush to pick it up. If the owner does this, he will soon be in trouble. Give someone around you the opportunity to raise the umbrella. If you still have to do it yourself, when you get home, be sure to look in the mirror. You can't give an umbrella for a birthday, says the sign. Such a gift portends clouds and adversity for the birthday boy throughout the year. If you really want to give such a gift, then imagine it as a deal and “sell” it for a symbolic price. It is undesirable for two people to walk under the same umbrella - this can lead to a decrease in income and harassment at work. What color of umbrella to choose Each zodiac sign has its own color. Thanks to the right combinations, even an ordinary umbrella can provide protection from negative energy, improve your well-being and improve your mood. For Aries, an umbrella in black, blue, pink or red is suitable. It may well become an everyday “shield”, as it neutralizes the bad energy that others may carry. Black and red are also suitable for Taurus, Capricorn and Leo. Such an umbrella will direct their thoughts in the right direction and prevent them from getting confused. The blue color will only irritate these signs. For Gemini and Pisces the best option the umbrella will be beige or Brown- he will give them peace of mind and confidence in the correctness of their decisions. However, Aries and Leo are not recommended to wear such an umbrella - on the contrary, it will make them feel uneasy. Green color is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. If Cancer, Virgo or Libra hide from the rain under such an umbrella, they will attract money and family happiness. For Aquarius, this is also a completely comfortable option - he will feel safe. In general, this color does not harm any of the zodiac signs. The stars advise Scorpio and Sagittarius to use a purple umbrella - it will moderate their temper, hot temper and impulsiveness, and improve their well-being. An orange umbrella is not recommended for anyone - it can make a person nervous and sick. And besides, attract bad acquaintances. Yellow- also “nervous”, it provokes a bad mood.