Headlines for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Open event for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Nizhny Novgorod Rural Library

May 24 Russia celebrates Day Slavic writing and culture. This is a holiday of enlightenment, native word, native book, native culture and literature. Throughout the week, events dedicated to this memorable date were held in the branch libraries of the Mineralovodsk Central Library.

22nd of May employees library branch No. 2 invited students of grade 3 “B” of MBOU Secondary School No. 6 to participate in an informational and educational hour "ABC! Do I know you!".
Library workers told the children about the holiday, its history and significance for the culture of Russia, about the development of Slavic writing from ancient times to the present day, and about major role enlighteners Cyril and Methodius in the creation of the Slavic alphabet.

May, 23rd readers library branch of the village Nagutskoye went to literary journey "Naughty letters". The children were invited on a journey through the Land of Words by the library brownie Styopka. During the journey, the children learned how and when people invented letters and the alphabet, how the Slavic alphabet appeared, and learned to read and write.
The children met the inhabitants of the country - mischievous letters, and with the help of Styopka overcame obstacles, performing various tasks. The winner of the last competition, who came up with the most words from the word GRAMMAR, received a prize.
At the end of the trip, all participants were given bookmarks with a recommended list of literature.

On the same day library branch of the village Levokumka an educational hour was held “And let our Slavic alphabet be famous”.
The presenter spoke about the history of the creation of Slavic writing. The children learned about what a book is and how it used to be designed. The children listened with interest to the story about how their peers studied before; learned how learning to read and write in the old days differed from learning in modern times.

May 24 V Library-branch No. 6 folklore gatherings took place “The deeds of Methodius and Cyril will live for centuries in the Slavs”. In a warm, friendly atmosphere, librarians told the children about the history of the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. During the event, young readers were shown cartoons: “How the first word was written”, “Write and read”. Over fragrant tea, the children learned how learning to read and write was different in ancient Rus' from modern and what the first books were like. At the end of the event, the “Games in Rus'” playground took place. Readers were introduced to such interesting games like: “They sat on the golden porch”, “Ring”, etc.

May 25, as part of the “Read – Country!” campaign, the Children’s Library invited its regular readers - students of grade 7 “G” of MBOU Secondary School No. 20 to visit an event dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, and All-Russian Day libraries.
On this day, a literary quest was prepared for the children "Secrets of Faded Lines". Two teams - “Calligraphers” and “First Printers” - deciphered Old Church Slavonic sayings and individual words; their meanings were found in Dahl's dictionaries; collected puzzles of Greek amphorae and the initial letter “A”; went through the Greek labyrinth; they encrypted names with Slavic runes.

On the same day, on library branch of the village Maryina Wells, as part of the series “Lace of Slavic Speech”, a literary and historical excursion was conducted “The alphabet has a Slavic soul”. The event began with a conversation about the history of the holiday, the emergence of the Slavic alphabet and the beginning of book printing in Rus'. Much attention was given to the compilers of the first alphabet - the brothers Cyril and Methodius, in whose memory the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was established. The children discovered a lot of new and unknown things: they learned about the origins of this holiday, learned to distinguish between the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet. Then the children took an excursion to the Maryinokolodtsevsky Church, where they became acquainted with the icons of Cyril and Methodius and liturgical books.

Krymkov Rural Library

On May 23, on the eve of the Day of Slavic Literature, an educational hour “The language of my ancestors should not fade away” was held in the Krymkovsky rural library for students in grades 3-5.

Librarian Boychuk Larisa Valentinovna told the children why this holiday is celebrated on the 24th May, about Slavic educators and creators of the Slavic alphabet Cyril and Methodius, thanks to whom Slavic peoples became literate, learned to read and write, the history of the appearance of the alphabet, the story was accompanied by an electronic presentation.

A book and illustrated exhibition “Az and Buki - the basis of science” was prepared for the event.

There were 11 people present.

Nizhny Novgorod Rural Library

On May 26, within the framework of the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture, an hour passed in the Nizhny Novgorod Rural Library interesting messages“From a clay tablet to a printed page” for readers in grades 1-4. Librarian Elena Vladimirovna Makarova spoke about how more than a thousand years ago, the enlighteners and preachers of Christianity, brothers Cyril and Methodius, brought the light of writing and knowledge to the land of the Slavs. Together with the children, we read aloud excerpts from Evgeniy Belousov’s book “How Cyril and Methodius wrote the alphabet.”

The exhibition “Keepers of the Russian Word” was organized for the event. There were 12 people present at the event.

Zavetleninskaya rural library

On May 24, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated in memory of the creation of the Slavic alphabet by the most educated people of their time, the brothers Cyril and Methodius. They firmly believed that they were working in the name of all Slavs, united by one thing that everyone understood literary language. And so it was. For their ascetic activity, the great brothers were canonized as saints. At the Zavet-Leninsky rural library for young readers, librarian Irina Viktorovna Kabril held an educational hour “Where the words came from.” The librarian told the children the history of the origin of the book and the Slavic alphabet. The children actively answered the librarian’s questions about culture, Russian writing, books, and the library. The event ended with the screening of an electronic presentation “The Creators of Slavic Writing - Cyril and Methodius.”

Lobanovskaya rural library

On May 24, 2016, the Lobanovskaya rural library hosted a quiz “Who knows Az and Buki, a book is in their hands.” Our quiz was dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Students from grades 6 to 8 took part in the quiz. The children were very happy to answer questions and share their knowledge on this topic.

For all readers the library was issued book exhibition entitled “Where did the Russian land come from?”

Librarian Halaberda E.A. shared with those present information about the history of Russia “About the past in the name of the future!” The children listened to the information provided to them with great interest and were very pleased with our event.

16 people took part in the quiz.

Mirnov Rural Library

On May 23, the Mirnovsky rural librarian Natalya Nikolaevna Kosenkova gave an hour of interesting messages “History of the Native Word” for students in grades 3-4, dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature. Natalya Nikolaevna spoke about the creators of the Slavic alphabet - Cyril and Methodius. The guys learned that the activities of Cyril and Methodius were beneficial and spread to all the southern Slavs, and moved through the students to Kievan Rus.

The students were given a tour of the book exhibition “First Teachers of Good, Teachers of the People’s Faith,” with which the children became acquainted and took books for home reading.

Novostepnovskaya rural library

May 24, 2016 in the Novostepnovskaya rural library by librarian G.V. Vysochina. a literary evening was held: “Slavic cultural heritage"with students in grades 7-8. A colorfully illustrated book shelf with thematic theme: “Glory to all, creators of our alphabet”

An exciting hour of interesting messages “Cyril and Methodius in Crimea” passed. Look into the past with a historical quiz. The students got acquainted with the stages of development of writing in Rus'.

Roshchinskaya rural library

On May 23, an event dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was held at the Roshchina Library. library lesson: “It all started with a tablet, a scroll, birch bark.” for readers in grades 6-7.

The head of the library, Shulga Irina Semenovna, told the children the history of Slavic writing (the Slavic alphabet, the Russian language and its changes over the centuries, how learning arose in Rus', who was at its origins); about the life and work of Saints Cyril and Methodius; about Slavic holidays, folk traditions, beliefs, folklore and the history of costume of the Slavic peoples.

A book exhibition was organized in the library: “AZ and BUKI - the basis of science.”

18 people attended the event

Svetlovsk Rural Library

On May 23, the Svetlovsk Library hosted an educational hour “First Teachers of Good, Teachers of the People’s Faith” dedicated to this date. The head of the library, Oksana Ivanovna Koshman, told the students about Saints Cyril and Methodius, why this holiday is celebrated on May 24, that every person studying the Russian language should know and keep in their memory the holy names of the first Slavic enlighteners. The story was accompanied by a demonstration of the film “The Creators of Slavic Writing - Cyril and Methodius.” A hymn was played dedicated to the enlighteners of the Slavs, written by Stoyan Mikhailovsky in Bulgaria, where the brothers are very loved and honored.

Then the guys made and guessed riddles and showed their knowledge of sayings and proverbs. Everyone could try their hand at writing words in Cyrillic or reading Old Church Slavonic letters. The children were also presented with a book exhibition - “The Thirtieth Kingdom - the State of Books” on the shelves of which everyone can find a book to their liking. There were 14 people present.

Saturday Rural Library

On the occasion of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, a loud reading was held in the Subbotnenskaya Library: “And the fairy tale has a Russian voice.” Students from grades 1-5 at the Maslovskaya school took part in it. Liza Samonyuk read the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin: “About the Fisherman and the Fish.” Tkach Kristina Russian folk tale: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, Dzhelilova Mavile “Geese and Swans”. There were 9 people present.

The road to writing was long and difficult. It all started, as some scientists think, with bears. It was a very long time ago. In those days, people lived in caves, since there were no houses yet. And some caves were inhabited by bears. One day, people pushed them out of a cave, looked around and saw some mysterious signs on the walls of their homes. These were scratches that the bears made when they sharpened their claws on the wall. People realized that they could scratch an image on a flat surface. This is how the road to writing arose.



Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bykovskaya basic" comprehensive school Yakovlevsky district, Belgorod region"

Scenario for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture:

“Only words are given life”


Teacher of Russian language

And literature

Vlasova G.M.

1 presenter: Guys! Today we celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, we remember Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet. In Russia, the holiday was revived in 1985 and is celebrated annually until May 24. In 1991, the holiday was given state status. Now it’s even strange to think that there was a time when people couldn’t read and write. All knowledge was transmitted orally.

2 presenter: But then writing appeared - a great invention of mankind. It allowed people to preserve knowledge that otherwise would certainly have been forgotten.

1 presenter: Guys, do you know how people conveyed various messages to each other when there were no letters?

(The guys answer.)

The road to writing was long and difficult. It all started, as some scientists think, with bears. It was a very long time ago. In those days, people lived in caves, since there were no houses yet. And some caves were inhabited by bears. One day, people pushed them out of a cave, looked around and saw some mysterious signs on the walls of their homes. These were scratches that the bears made when they sharpened their claws on the wall. People realized that they could scratch an image on a flat surface. This is how the road to writing arose. But the road turned out to be long. Listen to an excerpt from the poem American poet G. Longfellow “The Song of Hiawatha,” about the legendary Indian leader.

1st reader:

He took the paints out of the bag,

He took out all the colors

And on a smooth birch bark

He made a lot of secret signs;

They all portrayed

Our thoughts, our speeches.

The white circle was a sign of life,

The black circle was a sign of death;

Sky, stars, moon and sun,

Mountains, forests and mountain valleys,

And everything that inhabits

The earth together with man.

He drew for the Earth

Paint a straight line,

For heaven - an arc above her,

For sunrise - point on the left,

For sunset - the point on the right,

And for half a day - at the top.

All the space under the arc

White day meant

The stars in the center are the time of night,

And the wavy stripes -

Clouds, rain and bad weather.

2 presenter: Guys, what did Hiawatha invent? ( Letter.)

(The guys answer.)

What can you call such a letter? ( Picturesque)

(The guys answer.)

Many thousands of years ago, our ancestors began to decorate the walls of their homes with various designs. Thus, on stone caves one could see many images of birds, animals, people, and boats. Such writing was called pictography, or picture writing.

1 presenter: Guys, tell me, now, in modern life, are pictograms used anywhere, that is, a drawing-letter? (Yes, these include street signs, signs, signs, emblems of states, cities, etc.)

(The guys answer.)

Competition “Draw a proverb”

(Participants are given cards with proverbs. Participants need to illustrate the proverb, and the audience needs to guess it.)


Az, beeches and veds are afraid of bears.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

2 presenter: Later, picture writing was replaced by “sacred signs” - hieroglyphs, and when two thousand years ago the Phoenicians invented symbol letters only for consonants - cuneiform. Based on the Phoenician script, the first alphabet appeared in Greece, which gave rise to both Latin and Slavic writing.

Other writing methods are also known. For example, South American Indians used knotted writing - quipu. They attached thinner cords to a thick cord or stick. You could tell what we were talking about by the color of the cord. Yellow meant gold, white meant silver, red meant warriors. And the number of knots on the cord indicated the number of people or objects. And in North America Indians transmitted information using wampum. Shells were strung on cords different shapes, painted in various colors. Red meant war, black meant threat, white meant peace, happiness, prosperity.

1 presenter: In the third century BC, hieroglyphs appeared in the East. These are signs that stand for whole words. In China, there are approximately 50 thousand hieroglyphs, and they are written and read not from left to right, like ours, but from top to bottom.

2 presenter : Russian writing also has elements of hieroglyphic writing. For example, the signs “+”, “-”, “=”. The “+” sign can be read in different ways: as a plus, and as an addition, and as an addition; sign “-” - as a minus, subtract, subtract; the “=” sign is like an equals sign, equals, equals.

1 presenter: Now guys, guess the riddle:

Black, crooked, mute from birth.

They’re unlikely to—they’ll start talking right away. ( Letters.)

(The guys answer.)

Letters make up the alphabet. The Slavs did not yet know letters, but the Phoenicians are the people who inhabited the eastern coast in the first millennium BC Mediterranean Sea, already had its own alphabet consisting of 22 letters. It is interesting that only consonants were reflected in the letter, and the vowels were guessed according to their meaning.

2 presenter: What kind of writing did not exist in the world! But despite the fact that in different countries wrote in different ways, at all times and among all peoples the people who created writing were revered and respected. So we annually honor the memory of two enlighteners - the Thessaloniki brothers Cyril and Methodius, who were born at the beginning of the ninth century in Greece in the city of Thessaloniki. Hence they were called Thessalonica brothers. These were very educated and wise people.

1 presenter : The elder brother Methodius was appointed ruler of one of the regions in the Balkans, later he became a monk and entered a monastery. Kirill was the patriarch's librarian, then taught philosophy in Constantinople, for which he received the nickname Philosopher. His real name is Konstantin. And he took the name Cyril before his death when he was tonsured a monk.

2 presenter : In 863, both brothers were invited to the palace of the city of Constantinople, where the emperor instructed them to go to Moravia, modern territory of the Czech Republic, to preach sermons in the Slavic language in the country that had recently converted to Christianity. But the ancient Slavs did not have their own written language, which means they could not read. And the books known at that time were in Greek, which the Slavs did not understand. The brothers were given a difficult task. And so they decided first to compile the Slavic alphabet and translate books from Greek into Slavic.

1 presenter: Cyril and Methodius developed their own original writing for the Slavs. The first alphabet was called Glagolitic and consisted of 38 letters. How many letters in this alphabet were different from other alphabets!

2 presenter: The Solun brothers took some of the letters from the Greek alphabet, and some they invented themselves. They rewrote several biblical books for their people using the new alphabet. For this feat - the creation of Slavic writing - the brothers were canonized. The activities of Constantine and Methodius met with resistance from the German clergy, who opposed the Slavic letter.

1 presenter : Only three languages ​​in the world - Hebrew, Latin and Greek - were acceptable in those days. After the death of the Thessalonica brothers, their students continued their activities in disseminating Slavic writing. And later, in Bulgaria, students of the enlighteners invented the second and main Slavic alphabet. Do you know what it was called and why?(Cyrillic, after the name of one of the brothers.)

(The guys answer.)

2 presenter: In Cyrillic, the letters have a simpler and clearer form for us. It was the ‘bf alphabet’ that became the basis of the Russian “ABC”. Why did this textbook get this name?(By the names of the first letters - “az” and “buki”.)

(The guys answer.)

2nd reader:

In the old days, children studied -

They were taught by the church clerk.

They came at dawn

And the letters repeated like this:

A da B is like Az da Buki,

V – as Vedi, G – Verb.

And a teacher for science

On Saturdays I flogged them.

It was difficult to read and write

To our ancestors in the old days.

And the girls were supposed to

Don't learn anything.

Only boys were trained.

Deacon with a pointer in hand

I read books to them in a sing-song manner

In church language.

1 presenter: Time passed. People gradually simplified the Cyrillic alphabet and excluded some letters from it. This is how the modern alphabet appeared. How many letters does it have?

(The guys answer.)

2 presenter: Do you know what our ancestors wrote hieroglyphs on, drew pictures and wrote the first letters on?

(The guys answer.)

They wrote on cave walls, clay tablets, papyrus, animal skin, parchment, birch bark, palm leaves, fabrics, and metals. And in the second century AD, the Chinese invented something without which there would have been no printing - paper. And now we can’t stop admiring colorfully illustrated books.

1 presenter: Look how beautiful the pages of these books are! We are surprised and admired by the creations of man, but we should not forget the first teachers, because thanks to the works of these people, today you and I can read any book, write any text, and pass on information to future generations.

3rd reader:

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Only the word is given life:

From ancient darkness

At the world graveyard,

Only the Letters sound.

And we have no other property!

Know how to take care

At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,

Our priceless gift is speech.

2 presenter: I.A. In this poem, Bunin bequeathed to his descendants to take care of our Russian speech. And we also urge you, our young generation, to careful attitude, respect and understanding of Russian culture and our traditions.

4th reader:

Singing about Russia - why strive to go to church

Through forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...

To sing about Russia is to forget the melancholy,

What is love to love, what is it to be immortal!

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, dedicated to memory saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, which is celebrated in our country on May 24, 2020. Dedicated to it various events in educational institutions.

We offer one of the options for holding a school event dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

Scenario for celebrating the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture at school

The holiday will be opened by the presenters:

– Since ancient times and is still alive
Running word line...
Simple speech, but how much intelligence there is in it.
Words sound not for years, but for centuries.
On birch bark, on clay boards
We wrote down what was on our lips.
(E. Zavyalova)

– The emergence of writing dates back to ancient times. The birthplace of modern writing is considered Ancient Greece, where icons and letters were invented to represent sounds oral speech.

- One of greatest treasures cultures - the most ancient monuments of writing. (Slide show follows).

Then, at a school event for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, a story about Cyril and Methodius will be heard.

– Christian preachers from the city of Soluni (Thessaloniki), brothers Cyril and Methodius, developed an alphabet for writing texts in the Slavic language, using which they translated from Greek language Holy Scripture and several liturgical books.

– They remember Cyril and Methodius,
Glorious brothers equal to the apostles,
In Belarus, Macedonia,
In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
They praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.
All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,
What have been called Slavic since ancient times,
They glorify the feat of the first teachers,
Christian enlighteners.

Then the holiday in honor of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture will continue with a quiz:

  • What is your first writing material? (papyrus).
  • The name of an ancient form of book rolled into a tube and written on papyrus? (scroll).
  • Which tree bark was used in Rus' as a writing material? (birch bark - birch bark).
  • In which country was paper invented? (in Ancient China).

Then the presenters will invite the children to complete the proverbs:

  • What is written with a pen cannot be cut out... with an axe.
  • A book is not red in writing, but red... in its mind.
  • The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit... is sweet.
  • The book is small, but it gave me some intelligence.
  • Learning to read and write is always... useful.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

And the event dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture will conclude with the reading of poetry:

- Letter to letter - there will be a word,
Word by word - the speech is ready.
And melodious and harmonious,
It sounds like music.
So let us praise these letters!
Let them come to the children
And let him be famous
Our Slavic alphabet!